Shoelace Seducer (M/F)

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Shoelace Seducer (M/F)

Post by StringTheorist »

Shoelace Seducer

“All rise for the Judge” intoned the bailiff.

“The court is now in session. The first case is the Crown vs Samuel S., Statutory Rape.”

The Judge noted that the defendant sat alone at the Defendant’s Table, unless you counted security. “Mr. S. I understand that you are defending yourself. Do you wish to have a court appointed counsel made available?”

Sam rose to his feet, “No, Your Honour, I will defend myself.” Their eyes clicked.

“Very well. Mr. Prosecutor, you may proceed.”

The Prosecutor called on Sarah T, the alleged victim, who came forward into the witness box and was sworn in.

“Miss T., would you please look around the court and see if you can identify your assailant?”

Sarah looked at the table for the defence, made eye contact with the accused, who smiled at her over his Covid mask, and pointed him out. She grasped at the railing of the witness box and reached for her bottle of water to take a sip.

Members of the court took note of her reaction.

The prosecutor said, “I would like to remind this court that the Age limit for Statutory Rape in this state is 19, not lower as is the case in many other states.”

He turned to the witness, saying “Miss T., would you please recount what happened to you that day?”

Sarah nodded and started, “I was working my shift at the DQ. A lady and the defendant came up to the opening. The lady ordered a blizzard; the man a strawberry sundae, medium, no additions. I was entering the order into the register, asked if there was anything else, how the order was to be paid for as we don’t accept cash. The lady is the man’s daughter I learned later; he is a widower.

“Mr. S. replied ‘Credit card,’ and I picked up the reader, and looked directly into the man’s eyes. His face was covered by a white N-95 mask, but I saw his eyes smile at me.

“I let go of the card reader which bounced off the counter and onto the floor. I bent over to recover the device which was quite ruggedized and not damaged.

“At the moment my eyes connected to his eyes, I felt things happen in my body. My skin flushed in a pleasant way. A tingling pleasant sensation spread rapidly throughout my body, starting in my genital area. I felt moisture in my privates, and felt changes in my reproductive organs. Suddenly as the card reader was falling I climaxed. A few powerful waves spread throughout my body. My reaching down to recover the device allowed me to hide my orgasm. I muttered an apology to the man for being careless, and he brushed it off.

“I prepared the order, passed the order to them, passed them some serviettes and the register receipt.

“The server beside me had moved away to process her order so I could whisper to the man, ‘I get off at 8 pm. Would you meet me in the North parking lot, please?’

“He thought for a couple of seconds, then replied, ‘Yes I’ll come.’ He turned and walked away.

“I left the building about 8:05, and saw him standing beside a small car across the parking lot. I dared not look at him too closely, but asked, ‘Would it be safe for you to take me to your home?’ He replied ‘Yes’ and opened the door for me. I avoided looking directly into his eyes, and sat down and swung my knees into the car.

“‘Excuse me, the seat is too far forward’, he said, slowly kneeling down beside the car, and reached for the seat adjustment. I pushed back with my legs and made more room. He held onto the door and rose off his knees. As he passes my eye level our eyes connected, and I knew that this afternoon’s event was not a one-off. He walked around the car and got in, not noticing my body reaction.”

“’Where would you like to go,’ he asked me.

“’To your home’ I replied.

“Soon we were parked in his driveway, and he led me into his house. Inside I dropped my purse and coat on the hall floor, looked down, holding a silk scarf I had borrowed, and asked him to blindfold me.

“I could see that he was reticent, so I folded the scarf and put it over my eyes and told him. ‘You see, when I have eye contact with your eyes, I have a quick orgasm. You gave me one at the DQ window that caused me to drop the card reader. Then again when you stood up from adjusting the car seat for me. So I daren’t look you in the eyes until we’re ready. I want you to make love to me, tonight, now. You can do anything you want to me.’

“He replied, ‘That’s quite an invitation.’

“’That’s my body talking’

“’Aren’t you a little young?’ he asked.

“’Nineteen,’ I replied.

“’I’m four times your age.’ he said.

“’That doesn’t matter. It’s your eyes.’ I said.

“He replied, ‘My equipment doesn’t really work. I had radiation treatment for prostate cancer 2 decades ago. I get a little swelling but no full erection. Though occasionally I can get an orgasmic like sensation – a sequence of pulses, probably in time with my pulse.’

“He paused and then added, ‘But I would be fascinated if you would describe what you feel when you get aroused and climax. I never asked my wife, late wife.’

“’I don’t have much experience; I want to learn from you,’ I replied. ‘With you.’

“’Would you like to start with a shower together? That way if you change your mind, we haven’t gone very far; just seen each other in the bare buff.’

“’Well, I would prefer to be blindfolded so wouldn’t see you at all. But it’s a start.’

“He led me upstairs to a bedroom which had a single bed with a metal pipe headboard. He said, ‘This can be your room, and I won’t come in unless invited. The bathroom is across the hall and you can get ready. I’ll be along in a few minutes.’ He left and headed downstairs. I stripped, finding a bath towel in the bathroom, replaced my blindfold, and waited.

“He joined me, and helped me get into the tub, pulled the shower curtain behind us, and started the water. He washed me down and then I washed him, going by feel. He dried me off and led me to the door to the bedroom, and paused. ‘Aren’t you coming in?’ I asked.

“He replied, ‘When invited’, so I did. He helped me lie back on the bed.

“’I want you to stretch out your arms towards the headboard, and spread your legs long to the bottom corners. I’ll be back in a couple of minutes.

“He returned and spread some towels he had put in the drier to warm over my arms, legs and torso. Soooo nice.

“’Would it be ok to give you a bit of a skin lotion massage?’ he asked. I nodded and then asked him if he was going to fasten my limbs to the corners.

“’I’d like to,’ he replied.

“’With what?’ I asked.

“’Would you mind shoelaces?’


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Post by GreyLord »

Sam has a fantastic talent. I'm looking forward to learning the whole story.
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The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by StringTheorist »

“So I was stretched out on the bed with nice tension in my limbs; I could feel it in my genital area. With my wrists and ankles secured, I was not in control, nor expected to participate actively. I was delighted just to concentrate on the experience I was going to have. I did have a moment of apprehension as he began to tie my second wrist, as I sensed I would not be able to untie the knots when he finished. That was replaced by the realization he would be responsible for my pleasure. I had put my life, happiness, pleasure into his hands.

“I hoped the process would be long, drawn out, never-ending.

“Uncovering one limb at a time, he applied lotion and sensuously rubbed it in. After each extremity was done, he recovered the limb.

“That left my torso. The towel went, and a trail of lotion was applied over my chest, around my breasts, over my belly and ending up at the top of my .. um .. interesting areas.

“I forgot to say that when he tied the second of the shoelaces on my wrists, he carefully put an end into my fingers. ‘Pull this to release the knot at the headboard if you need to get loose.’ He had me try the release, then re-tied. I realized he was doing that for my safety, but I lost some of the complete captivity sensation I had had, and had wanted.

“By the time he was finished coating my skin I was writhing in ecstasy, aroused, stimulated.

“He asked me, ‘Would you like to have the blindfold removed, or shall I continue?’”

The Prosecutor interrupted, “We don’t really need all the detail. Did he have sex with you?”

“It’s my story to tell. I was not forced or coerced.

“Since the Prosecutor doesn’t seem interested, I will stop here. Let’s say there was carnal knowledge involved, which I enjoyed immensely, especially his tongue. But I would like to make a couple of statements.

“Sam drove me to my home just before midnight. My Dad was up, irate. He hadn’t bothered to look at the messages I had sent to his phone.

“He accused me of being with a boy.

“I told him an abbreviated version. He reminded me that I was 2 days short of my 19th birthday, and so what happened was Statutory Rape.

“’Cripes Dad, I’m almost 19.’ I had deliberately misled Sam. So Dad called the police and pressed charges. The lady officer knew what the law said but was street wise. Dad pressured her to lay charges.

“You might have noticed me when I identified Sam as the accused. I grabbed the moulding around this witness stand and took a sip of water. I wasn’t reviled at the sight of him; his eyes locked onto mine, and he did it to me again.” Sarah sat down.

The Prosecutor didn’t quite know what to say.

The Judge intervened, looking at the accused, asking “Mr. S, do you agree with what Ms. T has related?”

Samuel rose to his feet, “Yes, Your Honour, I agree with what Miss T. has related. She told me she was 19.”

The Judge looked at the Prosecutor, “Do you have any different evidence to introduce?”

A shake of his head; he hadn’t been comfortable with the charge in the first place.

“Then I decree the case dismissed; there are a lot of more pressing issues for this Court than two days.” The judge rose and began to turn, then she added “I would like to invite Mr. S into my chambers for a few minutes.”


Maybe MTC

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Post by StringTheorist »

Sarah spoke up in a loud voice, “Your Honour.”

The Judge turned back to look at Sarah, “Yes?”

“May I please join the two of you?”

The Judge nodded.

Upon entry to her chambers, the Judge pointed at two chairs for them to sit down and took her own chair behind her table.

Sarah remained standing. “My father promised to disinherit me if I didn’t support the charge.”


Sarah looked at Sam, but said to the Judge, “If I promise Sam to bring my shoelaces, and he agrees, will you please marry us?”



I originally wrote this story in 2022, before I found this TUG site. I set Sarah’s age at 18, and of course 2 days before her birthday would put me in violation of rule 6a on this site.

@GreyLord suggested I change numbers. It took me a while to realize that I could set the scenario in an arbitrary “state” where the age for Statutory Rape was 19 and avoid Rule 6a. Hence the Prosecutor’s opening statement.

I wrote this story after reading a soft cover book, Best Sex Stories of 2013 (or year in that area). One story was about Statutory Rape.

It seemed to me there was a discontinuity possible say if two teens had birthdays say 2 weeks apart, the male being the older. Some legislation would permit the teens to enjoy each other – kids will be kids – perhaps over several years. Then when the male turned 18, the enjoyment turned into Statutory Rape – until the female had her birthday two weeks later. Then they would be consenting adults.

So I wrote this story with the accused as an old man.

Originally it ended with the Judge’s invitation to Sam. I may have weakened the story with this "post script."

Thanks for reading. I have no idea how Sam came to have his power, that's what you can invent in fiction. So don't ask me, but if you have an answer, please post it for all to enjoy.

The Court scenario is one I have used a few times.


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Post by GreyLord »

You did great, @StringTheorist.
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An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by StringTheorist »

Thanks, @GreyLord . ST
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