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A Route Of Consequences M/F ?/F

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2022 2:09 pm
by Bigballgag1
It was a warm mid afternoon towards the end of summer. This was something Which added extra enthusiasm for Kate who was preparing herself to go for a jog. The 35 year old woman had log jet black hair and was of a slightly curvaceous build. She was not super fit but she was fit enough to entertain the prospect of a mid afternoon run.

She had changed into her freshly laundered outfit consisting of a burgundy vest top with black sports bra underneath. She also wore a pair of dark grey leggings and white trainers. Looking at herself in the mirror, she turned and lifted a heel before pulling her vest down slightly. Her naturally large breasts contained underneath.

Kate checked her phone one last time before locking it away out of sight. She was keen to reconnect with nature during her run and also did not want to be tracked sohe regularly went without it.

She completed a few final stretches before she locked up her house and left through the front door.

Kate happened to live in quite a rural area meaning it was quiet but also there were plenty of trails and paths not too far away which would soon have her in some beautiful scenery. Having moved to the area about a year ago she was still discovering new ones.

The house she was leaving behind was quite grand looking. It had 6 bedrooms and a large electric front gate which Kate opened and locked using the keypad on the wall.

Satisfied her house was secure she soon set off and headed for a wooded area. A small backpack was fastened behind her. She began at a reasonable pace and was generally having a good time. The birds were singing. A light breeze contributed to the sound of leaf filled branches fluttering.

Eventually Kate made her way off the road and into a wooded area. She followed the bark covered path right the way through until eventually she hit a clearing. She began to slow down and stopped when she spotted a man blocking her path.

He was wearing a black tracksuit with his hood up.

Kate removed her backpack and tossed it across the ground in his direction.

“Its all there as usual.” She retorted. The man proceeded to slowly pick up and inspect the bag. He then cleared some of the bark away with his foot and tipped the bag’s contents on the floor. A constant slurry of jewellery, watches filtered out and bounced on the floor.

“Impressive haul as always.” The man commented giving an impressed impression.

“I know where to look.” Kate shrugged. “So, are you just going to play dress up with your sparkly jewellery? Or can we move onto payment?” Kate snapped back, making clear this was a purely business transaction.

The man didn't respond straight away. However when he did, Kate was in for a surprise. He pulled a small handgun from behind him and pointed it at her in a flash.

“What are you doing?” Kate gasped, instinctively raising her hands. “We have a deal...we had a deal?”

“I’m renegotiating. Now get on your knees slowly. Keep those hands where i can see them. The gun is silenced should you wonder, nobody will hear it so for your sake i would shut up and do as i ask.” The man spoke coldly.

Begrudgingly Kate followed the instruction as she lowered herself gently onto the bark covered floor which was luckily dry.

The man walked behind her before pulling her wrists sharply together. She could soon feel a length of white rope being used to secure her wrists together.

“Ow. Look what do you want? You said you wanted to renegotiate? Come on, lets talk!” Kate pleaded. The second rope was now being cinched around her elbows.

“I have a new deal In mind for you.” The man smirked as he finished her elbows. He was being thorough with her and had clearly received some level of training. It wasn’t too much longer before a tight rope breast harness was fitted into place.

“New deal? What do you meaaaahghh mpppph!” Kate tried to query but was quickly silenced by a red ballgag being secured between her teeth.

“You robbed the wrong person this time. I received an offer i could not refuse to take you out of action. Nobody will be able to trace where you are going.” The man retorted as he lifted her roughly to her feet.

Kate’s eyes were wide and she was unsure just what sort of trouble she was in. “OWWWWPPPPPH” Kate yelped as a hard spank on her ass followed by the gun being pushed into her back indicated she was to start walking.

Re: A Route Of Consequences

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2022 3:11 pm
by Mr Underheel
Great start! I look forward to seeing where this goes.

Re: A Route Of Consequences

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2022 4:00 pm
by GreyLord
"Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?" Is Kate fixing to learn the answer to that question?

Re: A Route Of Consequences

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2022 1:09 am
by Bigballgag1
Mr Underheel wrote: 1 year ago Great start! I look forward to seeing where this goes.
Thank you! I plan to have the next part up as soon as i can :)
GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago "Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?" Is Kate fixing to learn the answer to that question?
Thank you, that is a good quote for what has happened so far. Indeed time will tell :)

Re: A Route Of Consequences

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2022 2:07 pm
by Caesar73
I like that scenario! Keep it coming!

Re: A Route Of Consequences

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2022 6:44 pm
by Bigballgag1
Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago I like that scenario! Keep it coming!
Thank you! Next part up soon hopefully :)

Re: A Route Of Consequences

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2022 9:13 pm
by Bigballgag1
Despite her captured state Kate couldn’t help but wonder what this was all about. She was aware of the phrase ‘there is no honour among thieves’ however she did not expect to be turned on this quickly. What puzzled her was from the last few times they had met there was no sign of betrayal. Something had to have happened she reasoned to herself but this offered little comfort.

The pair of them continued to walk through a part of the forest Kate was not familiar with. It was off the beaten path and the foliage was beginning to engulf what was in front of them. It wasn’t too much longer before she had lost all bearings which was a different level of helplessness on its own.

Another part of her was absolutely furious at the betrayal and her little attempt to fight back.

“Stop” the man instructed from behind. She obliged with little choice. It seemed pointless to run.

“Drop to your knees and look at the floor.” Was the next instruction. She struggled but completed the demand feeling the uncomfortable bark on the floor under her knees. As she tried to find comfort she was caught off guard.

A black bag was quickly lowered over her head and the string pulled secure around her neck. It was very effective as it blocked Kate’s view of her surroundings. The string was secure but not threatening her neck or breathing. There were a few breathing holes in the sack as well.

Kate’s heart began to race. Her other senses heightened. She soon heard her captor’s voice presumably on the phone to somebody.

“Yeah, I have her. She’s not going anywhere. So what did you want me to do with her? Really? What about my payment? Ok. Ok. Here look i will turn the camera on briefly. See. Ok. Bye.”

Kate’s profession had got her into a few difficult predicaments before but this seemed a step above. Whoever was calling the shots seemed to know what they were doing. What if she couldn’t free herself?

The outcome of the call soon became apparent when the man began to speak softly into her ear. “Good news. You are being collected and Iwill be paid double for subduing you so quick. Unfortunately for you that means a few adjustments will have to be made. You won’t like them.” He taunted.

“Mpppph” she yelped as his hand gave her ass a firm spank before she jolted in a different direction. The spank was just a distraction as something sharp entered her neck. It was fast in taking effect as she began to feel drowsy. It wasn’t too long before she felt herself slope forward into the darkness of her hood and fully at the mercy of her captor.


As Kate began to wake up she could immediately feel something was different. She was standing and yet drooping. Her position was not exactly comfortable and as she tried to adjust herself she quickly found she could not.

She was tied in a standing spread eagle position between two similarly sized trees. The ropes were secured tightly and professionally pulling each limb as far out as it could go without causing damage to her.

The cool gentle breeze that slid across her skin gave her two pieces of information. The most obvious was that she was still outside, presumably still in the woods. The other was slightly more alarming in that she appeared to be naked. The breeze was felt right across her body and suddenly made her feel very exposed.

Her jaw was stretched wide. Further investigation with her tongue determined it was likely a ball gag that was secured between her teeth. It seemed large in side and annoyingly effective at its jobs to muffle any sound she tried to make.

Then there was the other key piece of information. She could not see. A black silk blindfold had been lowered over her eyes.

She began to tug at her restraints trying to find a way out of her predicament...if there was one. However as she struggled another thought came to her that she had omitted. Was she alone? With the blindfold and the breeze it was difficult to tell whether somebody was lurking around or if she had been left alone. She was also not sure which option she would take more comfort in if she had a choice.

If she was alone then she was less likely to be tormented but more worried about would anybody find her out here.If she was not alone, who was watching her and what did they have planned for her?

Re: A Route Of Consequences M/F ?/F

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2022 3:23 pm
by GreyLord
Ah, I appears that our Kate has been up to a little evil herself. Slowly, it unfolds. Well done.

Re: A Route Of Consequences M/F ?/F

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2022 7:14 pm
by Mr Underheel
Great predicament! I have a vivid picture of her condition. Nice!

Re: A Route Of Consequences M/F ?/F

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2022 1:32 pm
by Bigballgag1
GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago Ah, I appears that our Kate has been up to a little evil herself. Slowly, it unfolds. Well done.
Thank you! I think as she is quickly learning, her time as a thief may have given her some unwanted attention :)
Mr Underheel wrote: 1 year ago Great predicament! I have a vivid picture of her condition. Nice!
Thank you! Glad you are enjoying it :)

Re: A Route Of Consequences M/F ?/F

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2022 3:39 pm
by Caesar73
Mr Underheel wrote: 1 year ago Great predicament! I have a vivid picture of her condition. Nice!
I couidn´t agree more!

Re: A Route Of Consequences M/F ?/F

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 1:10 am
by Bigballgag1
Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago
Mr Underheel wrote: 1 year ago Great predicament! I have a vivid picture of her condition. Nice!
I couidn´t agree more!
Thank you! :D

Re: A Route Of Consequences M/F ?/F

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 1:43 am
by Bigballgag1
In her blindfolded and exposed state every sound seemed to be amplified. Of course most of the sounds were caused by the occasional wildlife passing through. However it made Kate’s mind race with uncertainty. Losing track of time and unsure of the reason she had been secured like ths her mind began to play tricks on her. A snapping twig in the distance for example suddenly felt much closer than where it was.

She tugged at her ropes but was quickly learning they would not come undone without help. She tried to shout for help but all that came out was muffled sounds.

“You can reach for those knots all you want. They are not coming undone...” A voice sounded approximately 5 metres away. The voice was male and was a younger voice. Kate froze. Did she really hear that?

“You’ve gained yourself quite the reputation. I’ve been onto you for a while. I know all about you. You can't run from this one.” The voice spoke coldly. Kate stood quiet and listened.

“Bonditon House. 10 days ago. Now that was impressive...” Kate tried to recall as if she had a list of clients. Was there something special about that house? What did she do?

Details started to flood back to her. A decent haul. But there was some noises she couldn’t work out. Because of this she was not there long. Notable items were an old broach? A watch collection? Or was that a different house?

“Little did you know it was no accident you overheard about the poor security at the bar a few nights before. I even gave you a day when the occupants would not be there. Maybe it all sounded too good to be true?”

Kate was becoming increasingly alarmed. There was a catch to this, she could feel it.

“Well it was. You see it was all a convenient set up. Cameras around the house caught your every move. The fact you were cocky to think you did not need a mask as nobody would be home was a big mistake.” The man began to step closer exercising his power in this situation.

Kate froze. So she had fallen into a trap? This was bad news. She was wanted under different alias’s in a few other areas. If they ran her prints at the station she could be in very big trouble. Perhaps this was game over.

“So what now?” The man teased with her. “There are a few things i can do for you.” He reached up with his hand and grabbed hold of her chin.

“I could humiliate and degrade you out here, slowly wearing you down before pouring cream and chocolate sauce all over you to leave a nice mess for the cops to find.”

Kate shook her head frantically. This would be bad news. The humiliation would make it even worse and the slow wearing down, surely...maybe she could try and make a deal of some kind? There was clearly something he was after from her.

“No? Thought not. Option two. I can take you ack to your lovely house and tie you up very tightly. You can then watch as i call each of your contacts one by one and inform them how you have willingly given up their hideout locations and reported them to the cops before leaving you there to face the music when they eventually arrive?”

Kate again shook her head frantically. There were many people in her line of work she did not want to cross.

“Or the final option. You can come back with me? You will need to follow my every wish and demand. In return i can keep quiet for now on the evidence and you can get a chance to prove to me why I don’t need to do that?”

Kate froze once again. So this was what he wanted. To leverage this against her. Not much information was given about what he had planned for her. However compared with the other two options she had been given one option.

Kate nodded her head several times...