Shawn Mendes: Hostage experience M/M

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Shawn Mendes: Hostage experience M/M

Post by WyattW5 »

this was a story request by Mr.Trident173 I hope he and everyone enjoys it. pardon any spelling grammar or punctuation issues in the story.


Sitting down in a café Shawn Mendes dressed in a tight sports coat t-shirt and tight fitting jeans sits sipping his coffee waiting with a bag of extra clothes. Anticipating when his online penpal to arrive. Going by the picture on his profile he was tall auburn hair with olive green eyes about thirty years of age. He was deep in thought when such a man approaches

“excuse me?” A calm voice alarms Shawn from his delirium.

“are you SPR Mendes?”

He asks just above a whisper Mendes nods anxiously standing up his words beginning to stutter and shake the gentlemen smiles

“I am Curtis from Knot this time”

the two shook hands and Curtis sat down he had short reddish hair and calm olive eyes. The two commenced discussion of the plan, Shawn had made arrangements he would be undisturbed all Friday. Leaving him and Curtis to get whatever needed done and out of the way. From what the plan was Friday was going to be one busy day.

The two walk from the café into the park where a cab was meeting them. Shawn got into the cab first before Curtis jumped in after telling the cab driver where to go Shawn was escorted from the bustling city life to a large apartment complex out of the towns hustle and bustle.

Entering Shawn turns to Curtis uncertainty in his expression

“do we have to be careful of neighbours?”

“Maybe we have a few nosey neighbours around here, come on”

taking the elevator Curtis lead Shawn into his apartment room number three. Shawn looks to Curtis who takes his coat off before taking Shawn’s off being a courteous host. Shawn smiles only saying

“let’s get to the ropes” Curtis grins asking if he was comfortable in his clothing Shawn sat down on a kitchen chair while Curtis snuck into the next room. Returning with a duffle bag Shawn looks anxiously

“how are we gonna start” Smiling Curtis takes Shawn’s wrists behind his back and commences to tie his hands. Wrapping the rope around vigorously Curtis looks to Shawn

“how does that feel?” Shrugging Shawn made comment how he just his wrists tied doesn’t make him feel helpless. Curtis winked and said

“Well I gotta lot of work to do” Shawn’s eyes grew wide. Before long Curtis had tied Shawn’s ankles knees and even his chest Shawn groaned

“wow this is uhm very tight” Curtis smiles

“I try, now to keep your speculative comments to yourself” Shawns eyes widened as Curtis shoved a blue beanbag into Shawn’s lips tying a green bandana between his teeth holding the stuffing in Curtis continued with another blue bandana tied over his chin below his nose. Looking up to Curtis as he grabbed one last scarf a longer wool scarf. Finishing with an OTN gag Shawn mumbled into it a few times muffling nothing of interest to Curtis as he smiles turning around grabbing Shawns phone from his coat snapping a few pictures Shawn shrugged it off Curtis and him had discussed does and donts during the session.

“Don’t need you singing there is nothing holding me back you’ll rise the neighbours”
laughing at the humour through the gag Shawn began to test his wrist and his ankle bonds Curtis approaches

“wait there is one last thing you wanted added to this”

“Mhmph huph pham phu uhmph phum mhiph”

connecting a rope from ankle to wrist Shawn was now hogtied on the floor of Curtis apartment appreciating he had taken the time to clean the carpet Shawn looks up to Curtis who walks away

“alright, I’ll leave you to struggle a bit ohpf I have a two o’clock if you’ll excuse me I’m late”

Shawn eyes grew enormous as Curtis rushes from the room taking his coat Shawn began to struggle screaming into the gag calling out for Curtis. No avail Shawn began to think about the neighbours maybe he could get lucky and startle one into phoning the police. Embarrassment struck his mind but he had to free himself. Fighting vigorously over the floor stamping his feet forcing himself to jump over the floor did little more then just thump loudly calling out as loud as possible he screamed until he felt the wadding fall to the back of his throat forcing himself to cough. Shaking and fighting the gag furiously Shawn had no inclination as to what happened when his head struck a wall. Falling to the floor Shawn began to daze his eyes rolling over. All he could think about before passing out how did I get myself into this.

Shawn had a long standing interest in tie ups. Ever since Aladdin he blamed. With the live action one coming out soon he often thought would they pay homage to the ambush scene. He had discreetly bought supplies to tie himself up but nothing that was tight. So he went on Craigslist and other website’s looking for someone to talk and maybe get to know them enough to arrange a meeting. Curtis was a well recommended servicemen in this area. They talked online for hours Curtis probed Shawn for his interests ideas he fantasised and notions he despised. And eventually arranged a meeting.

(Time Passes)

Shawn rises from his sleep his right eye wanting to remained closed he looks around to find an empty room looking like a basement. Looking down he could see he had been changed into a pair of pyjama pants. Looking up his shoulders began to tense as he examines to find them bound by leather cuffs connected to chains that were connected to chain linked pullies that went overhead too high for Shawn to see without cranking his neck. Fighting both sides he looks down before the sound of boots stomping forward

“Well if it isn’t Shawn Mendes, don’t you just look so cute strung up like a hunted stag” Shawn looks up to the balaclava covered figure

“Curtis what the hel” before he could finish a little wad of cloth was shoved in his mouth

“you slept most of the day, so Curtis had leave go to work he left me his partner to handle you don’t you worry you will be handled as gently as you deserve”

Shawn began to grumble and fight before the figure pulled a large panelled object from his pocket sticking a leather tag out pushing it through the wad stuffing keeping Shawn’s mouth muffled before he connected the straps around the back of Shawn’s brown hair. Cursing and growling into the gag Shawn began to pull on the chain until he realised it was more then just his hands that pulled back. A device around his waist and between his leg grew tighter

“I call it a chain jock pull the chains on your arms down the chains on your groin go up”

Shawn looks down on the device a lock had been placed to ensure it stayed connected. Shawn whined through the gag before the man sat down

“you have one small advantage your feet are unchained if you are athletic at all,you can leviate the pressure from your arms and shoulders. Go ahead I will enjoy the show”

testing his left arm pulling down one side of the chain began to rise, pulling the other side the other side began to move. Causing some disturbing motivations below his belt. Groaning in annoyance Shawn tried again. The attempted caught a half inch of height and a massive increase of pressure applied to his member. Unable to take the pressure for long he released and slid down to his knees grumbling his captor began to chuckle amused with the sight

“tell you what, you get up to say a foot above the ground, I will give you enough freedom you can use the bathroom under your own power and I won’t have to resort to letting you wet yourself” Shawns eyes grew wide, panic set in at the prospect of this stranger seeing his natural form wetting himself. Shawn began to fight struggling using every once of energy to pull the chains tightening around his manhood. Warmth began to engulf him, he could feel his cheeks redden his breath grow heavier and stopping a moment to collect himself he went right back at struggling getting a toe up he began to nudge it forward before it felt as though the jewels were being crushed. Returning the foot down his captor shrugged

“close, but your wearing yourself out, take a moment to think” Shawn takes his advice thinking to himself before a light of an idea caught his mind. From every hollywood film when a hero was chained up they would wrap around their wrists. Wondering if this was a source of their power Shawn began to twist his wrist around the chain winding it around the wrists numerous times before. He realised he had applied so much tension he was now three feet off the ground and the chain now had an ironclad hold on. A scream went into the gag his captor took note unlocking a lever. The tension in the chain was unleashed as Shawn tumbled to the cement floor.

Too weary to move Shawn watched as his covered captor unlocked all the padlocks save the two leather cuffs connected by a two foot long chain looking up to his captor

“you have ten minutes try something cute your next position will make that feel like a merry go round”

Resigned to his fate Shawn went into the bathroom doing his business taking strange note how his manhood seemed to be enjoying the constant restraint.
When he emerges from the bathroom his captor has a tv tray of food ready. Sitting down Shawn waited for his captor to remove the gag

“what is your plan with me, ransom or something” the Captor grabbed a length of his hair

“eat your food or you go without” Shawn did not feel inclined to comply turning to his captor

“take this chain off then you can try talking to me” his Captor nods

“alright that is how you want to play it” placing a hard object around Shawns neck. Connecting it the Captor began to drag Shawn backwards making him gag and gargle before connecting the chain to a eyeloop in the wall Shawn began to fight
“go ahead yell scream boy, no one is here to hear ye” Shawn called out as loud as he could coming out little more then a gargle. His captive looks to Shawn
“I will leave you there till morning so you can think about your predicament, but first” taking the panel gag his captor rebuckled it around Shawns head.

Leaving the room with a crash of the door Shawn watched his captor leave Shawn tried to work on his gag, but the buckle had been locked in with a padlock. Trying for the collar he felt the same fate pulling and tugging against both muffled curses came below his gag before he felt the unbearable. Grumble of his stomach looking up to the plate of food his stomach churned wishing to devour the meatloaf that lay harmlessly next to a batch of potatoes and vegetables. It all looked delicious but his harness refused him access pushing and pushing through the bonds he still came a total of ten feet shy. Falling down Shawn began to feel only pity and shame for it had been his own pride to drag him to this dark part. If only he had listened to his captor he may have had a full plate of food and maybe some evening entertainment. And now he would have to live with an ache in his body, a growl in his stomach and yearning in his hormones.


Waking up with a splash of water all over Shawn looks up to see his captor still covered in his mask

“are you ready to be civil and eat your dinner?” Shawn nods gently his captor nods unleashing the chain from his front and unleashing the gag not making a sound Shawn eyed the cold tray of food hungrily.

“alright hands behind your back” doing as instructed the Captor chained his hands behind his back taking the tray of food his captor set it down in front of him

“because you had to sleep like a dog you will eat like one” Shawn nods

“yessir” bending down he began to chew the cold food it despite being cold it was alright. When Shawn finished he looks to his captive

“good boy, now for your next position come on”

moaning slightly Shawn was dragged to a new area let to stand by his own power

“ your hands are free to undress yourself I give you fifteen minutes to have a reasonable shower by fifteen minutes I turn water off and you return to however I want to leave you”

Shawn looks down as his captor leaves removing his pyjama pants and his skivvies the water turned on and Shawn did his best to apply the hot water all over his body. The water turned off quickly and Shawn was handed a towel

“wrap it around your waist tie it tight” Shawns Captor spoke with an angry voice Shawn looks down and obeys ties it on as tight as he could make it. Looking to his captor Shawn was lead to another room where the man places a leather sleep mask over his eyes. Buckling together behind his head. Looking around mindlessly in the dark Shawn wondered what was going to happen next. A command came from behind

“open your mouth and show your teeth” unsure about the request Shawn did as instructed before a solid tubular object was inserted into his mouth between his teeth

“this is called a bit gag, an idea used from horses” Shawn groans biting and chewing the object a bit to get a fixture for what it is

“yours has a pair of lead shanks but I will only be using one unless you struggle too much understand”

Shawn nods and his captor lead him away. Hesitant to step Shawn found no choice but to follow where his captor lead him. Through a door way his captor stopped grabbing Shawn by the shoulders forcing him to sight he would learn it was a very uncomfortable stool taking one side of the lead shank tying it to a loop below the seat, taking the other lead and doing the sam on the other side. Shawn feels the gag on his mouth begin to twist uncomfortably. Before his captor took his wrists behind his back tying them together before taking the loose ends and tie them around the loops keeping him securely tied down to the chair.

“Now that you are securely down to the chair, your not going anywhere, well I’ve been up for almost a day just keeping my eyes on you I am going for a little nap”

Shawn called out into his gag pleading for his captor to stop. No avail came of it a simple silence overturned the world. Looking around it was useless the blindfold was secured tight testing his wrist they were secured easily. Moving his head and shoulders made the bit twist and churn the corners of his mouth grunting his captor had left him only his feet free moving them around he could stand smiling he began to slide off the chair but it wasn’t until now Shawn Mendes looks down on his groin to see he was actually getting aroused by this bondage. He remembered he wanted to try it just to see what would happen. But now with his will power stripped his limbs strung up and his voice taken away Shawn actually felt aroused.

Wanting to test his bonds he began to move and fidget the more he did the harder he felt the towel raise up a little. Using his foot to test a decent place to stand he put on foot down then the other foot beginning to put some weight on the bottoms of his feet it was suddenly he felt the stool topple over pulling on the lead shank and the rope dragging him down like a weight it was no time at all before he slammed into the floor. His head hit a hard surface feeling himself doze out he looks to the door the sound of it opening as his his captor running over with a worried spring in his step. His captor made words with his lips but Shawn did not hear them. He passed out again.


Waking Shawn found himself in a bright white room with padded walls a single slot of light across from him. Laying on the floor he began to stand using his hand arms to brace himself he fall back on his stomach. Trying to pull his arms free he realised they were both crossed in front of his chest looking down on them in horror he realised he was in a straight jacket. The strap going between his legs tugged his groin as he tried to raise his arms getting to his knees pressing his face against a wall he stood up

“what the hell is going on”

Shouting through the door received nothing until a speaker system started up “good Morning Mr. Mendes, I hope you slept well, I realised you cannot be trusted to be left tied up somewhere and test your bonds”

Shawn looks up to the small crack of light from across the room expecting his kidnapper was on the other side.

“let me go you bastard, there are people waiting for me, I have friends waiting for my reply, if you don’t let me go there is going to be”

A loud ear piercing noise echoed through the tiny room nearly deafening Shawn before he collapses to the floor before his kidnapper continues

“don’t you worry about your associates they know you are fine Curtis told them you were on a sorta spa retreat before I ditched him” Shawn’s eyes grew wide

“Curtis what did you do to Curtis” his kidnapper gave a slight chuckle

“Curtis is left hogtied like how he left you, figured a taste of his own medicine wouldn’t hurt him” shouting curses Shawn got only silence calling out to the kidnapper calling him every name in the book and creating new ones as he went. A half hour past and he could no longer speak his mouth felt dry and desolate. Struggling to speak he calls out

“wat...her” he struggles more trying to call out
“wat..her ple hease” he begs falling on the floor the door opens to see his captor now wearing a bandana over his nose

“if I give you water you have to accept whatever gag I give you, there will be no compromise”

Shawn nods looking down before his captor pulls a water bottle out and the panel gag in hand unscrewing the cap helping Shawn drink it. Before he lowered the bottle

“open up big guy”

Opening his mouth to accept the panel gag. Looking to his captor who simply winked turning around closing the door Shawn grumbled in the gag shuffling himself around. The padded cell he closes his eyes feeling his excitement grow once again. It was almost annoying, he should be trying to escape but he couldn’t help but feel a revelry for them. Waving his arms flailing his legs and shaking his shoulders bashing them against the wall did nothing save dig below the jackets fabric into the skin. shaking and shivering Shawn got himself comfortable to spend an eternity locked in this padded room.


The door to the padded room opens and the Captor returns taking the gag off Shawn looks uncertainly as the man quickly but coursely removes the straight jacket

“sip this” allowing him a drink of water Shawn held the bottle with both hands as his Captor allowed Shawn to lean on his body.

“What is happening” Shawn asks just below a whisper

“Time is up”

Throwing the hood over Shawn's head the Captor gently pushes him through two sets of doors down a hall and up two flights of stairs before depositing Shawn's behind on a bed. Removing the cloth hood and removing his bandana Curtis looks to Shawn

“well did you have fun” Shawn shook his head breathlessly

“I was scared shitless at first but after a while I got” Curtis pressed a hand to the mans lips

“did you have fun?”

Taking the hint Shawn had to think for a moment he had spent a great deal of time tied up, helpless as he wanted he did go through all the positions he thought of trying picking ones he liked and the future hard line no's. He looks up to Curtis

“yes, I enjoyed it” Curtis nods

“so I can count on another meeting?” Shawn smiles

“yep, reminds me I need to give you an extra two hundred for services rendered” the two men chuckle and that was Shawn Mendes first time going to Knot this time.

Story idea by Mr.Trident173 this was a little out of my element but I hope you all like it.
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Post by Mrtrident178 »

You did an amazing job! I loved it! Thank you so much!!!!
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Post by CowboyStud »

Can you continue?
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