Bonny & Clyde MF/M

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Bonny & Clyde MF/M

Post by dl68 »

Wimbledon (UK) - July

As I watched our next victim leave the tennis club I knew the route he would take home; in fact I knew everything about him.

His name was David Strong; he is 32 years old; lives alone; works at Standard Chartered Bank in the City and is comfortably well off financially. In fact he is an ideal victim and he will be our tenth.

Jackie was waiting in our van at the end of the path we knew he would take. It was a shortcut to the estate where he lived. At this time on a Sunday - it was coming up to 1pm - everywhere was deserted as we knew it would be.

I followed him, keeping him in sight as I waited for Jackie to confirm the path was clear at her end. We communicated via an encrypted app on our phones.

The route wasn’t covered by any CCTV cameras and I knew that only the one on the entrance to the club where he played tennis would have captured him leaving and I had avoided that one. The next camera was outside a school several hundred yards away and he wouldn’t pass it today.
Once I was sure I wasn’t going to be interrupted I pulled on latex gloves and withdrew a dart gun from my pocket. I increased my pace until I was only 10 metres or so behind him; he had earphones on so he didn’t hear me approaching.

He obviously felt the dart enter his neck because his hand came up to smack the insect he thought had just bitten him; but that was his last act as the fast acting drug did its work and he crumpled to the path.

He had dislodged the dart and it took me a few precious moments to find it and carefully put it in a plastic bottle before lifting his limp body up and supporting him with one arm under his shoulders so that it looked like I was helping a drunk to walk.

I dragged him down the path to the van and Jackie helped me push him into the back and close the door. Before driving off I opened the rucksack he had been carrying and removed his phone and took out both the battery and SIM card.

Jackie drove the van, careful to observe the speed limits, using a route which bypassed all the cameras we knew about. Since we knew there would be dashcams and bus cameras we couldn’t avoid the number plates were false and the van was stolen, and anyway it would be dumped later.

It took us 20 minutes to work our way around the back streets of London to an empty warehouse unit. Jackie parked inside and once the door was closed we carried David down the stairs to the basement storage area. Jackie then went off to dispose of the van. She would set fire to it on waste ground well away from the area and return via bus, tube and foot to make tracking her movements difficult.

David was still unconscious which made it easy for me to strip the tennis clothes from him and wash his entire body with a chemical to remove all traces of hair. I applied three layers of silver duct tape around his eyes to ensure he couldn’t see us, making sure to cut the end off with scissors and then I tied him to a bed with rope running over his naked torso. His limbs were then tied to the four corners and he lay on a thin mattress.

My final act, the one I enjoyed the most was to remove his ability to communicate. Every since I was young I had an erection whenever I watched a cowboy film where someone was gagged with a scarf or bandana and I gained my own sexual pleasure from treating our victims in the same way.

I packed David’s mouth with one of his sweaty socks and then after tying a knot in a twisted bandana I forced the knot into his mouth and tied the scarf tightly behind his head. I had another bandana which I folded into a strip and bound it over his mouth and to complete the gag I stuck a piece of duct tape over his skin to ensure the gag stayed in place no matter what he did.

As there was a sweaty sock left I placed that over his nose and used a turn of duct tape around his head to hold it in place. He would now breathe his sweaty odour which I thought was a nice touch.

David was now ours and the beauty was no-one would miss him until Monday when he didn’t show up for work.

I grabbed hold of his limp cock with my latex covered hand; it was an average size as were his testicles but that didn’t matter. He would regain consciousness in an hour or two and then the fun could begin.
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Nice first story!

Cannot wait for David to awaken and begin to struggle. :D
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Post by dl68 »

Streatham police station - July

Detective Chief Inspector Matt Jennings was 35 year old. The DCI was single and totally dedicated to his job. He has an “on off” relationship with a WPC in the traffic unit; but their shift hours make any serious commitment difficult.

He stood reviewing the incident board in Streatham police station. He and his team of 3 detectives and one civilian support lady had been assigned to investigate the kidnapping of several men and women over the last 6 months in the South London area.

Each had a similar M.O.; the victims were all loners, all able to pay for their own release and all held hostage for several days during which they were tortured in a variety of ways before being released after their own money had been withdrawn from cash machines across the Capital. The perpetrators were believed to be a man and woman; but they had no further details to go on.

No forensic evidence had been found and no CCTV images either. It seemed the pair knew the location of fixed cameras and so far had been lucky to avoid mobile ones. They also clearly well versed in current forensic practices, for which Matt cursed TV programmes.

Several burnt out vans had been found; each located only a few days after the kidnapping but as no DNA was found, the vehicles remained possible evidence at best.

Matt was frustrated by the lack of progress. He was sure that the pair must also be well versed in police techniques to have left no trace.

Interviews with the victims gave the team little evidence to form a pattern, other than each had been held in a place that seemed to be sound proofed as no extraneous noises were recalled by any of them. Each person was blindfolded with duct tape. Forensic analysis of the glue confirmed this; but couldn’t point to a specific make.

All reported the kidnappers spoke with electronically modified voices and each told a slightly different tale of their sexual torture during their incarceration. This suggested the pair were either trying different techniques or what they did depended on the victim.

The only hard facts the team had were those gathered when the victims were released. Each was found tied to a tree in one of the many local parks. They had been left there during the night and the chosen area was predictably not covered by CCTV.

After an exhaustive trawl of CCTV footage they had observed the same car parked near three of the sites around the time they assumed the victim had been dumped. Even with enhancement they only knew it was a silver saloon; possibly a BMW.

Each victim had paid between £2,000 and £4,000 for their release by giving their debit card PIN number. Several withdrawals were made at free cash machines in shops across London during the course of several days; chosen no doubt because they had no CCTV camera.

The press were having a field day with the “Bonnie and Clyde” kidnappers as they were dubbing them. The press reported the bondage positions the victims were left in; but so far they had not reported on what really happened whilst they were kidnapped. Matt had reinforced to his team the need to keep such details away from the press.

He was getting grief from his Chief Superintendent as to why he wasn’t closer to catching the pair. He had to admit he had little solid evidence; but he felt it was only a matter of time before they made a mistake.

After a long and not very productive day the team dispersed to regroup in the morning and start again.

Matt spent the evening at home alone as normal and went to bed early. He was woken at 6am by DC John Williams. ‘Boss’, John said when Matt picked up the phone, ‘we have another victim, this time on Tooting Common.’ ‘I’ll meet you there’, Matt said jumping out of bed.

He grabbed a coffee after parking by the gated entrance and then entered the park. He joined DC Williams and both pulled on the Crime Scene overalls before showing their IDs and ducking under the police tape.

The victim was still there and the police photographer was just finishing up taking photos of the crime scene. ‘More or less like the last one’, Matt said looking at the victim. ‘He was found by a dog walker, who is over there giving a statement, but it doesn’t look like he saw anyone and he says he didn’t touch the victim just called 999.’ Matt nodded and looked at the victim.

He could tell the victim was male and he was bound to the tree with several metres of silver duct tape. His entire head was covered and pulled back to the tree with more tape and it was obvious he was gagged beneath the tape.

Like previous victims he was clothed bizarrely; this time wearing a white crop top covered in purple sequins, a cheerleader’s skirt and white knee length boots. The boots were taped to the tree rather than touching the ground and the way it had been done had forced his thighs apart. The skirt was pulled up slightly revealing a vibrator tied to his erect cock with white string and another clearly embedded in his rectum and obviously nailed to the tree. Both were running as Matt could hear the hum of motors and there was a semen stain on the outfit the man was wearing.

Despite a desire to free him Matt knew that the man had to be left in place until the Scenes of Crime Officer agreed they had lifted all potential evidence from around the base of the tree. Only then was the duct tape carefully cut and as it was removed it was placed into evidence bags.

Finally, and not without causing some pain, the man was freed and they were able to ask his name. Although he found speaking difficult they learnt it was David Strong and he gave them some information before being taken to hospital for a check up.

It took several more hours before the SOCO declared he had gathered all possible evidence and the park was then reopened to the public.

DCI Matt Jennings went back to the incident room to review the new information. It would be a couple of days before David Strong would be able to talk according to the hospital. In the meantime the team went about gathering CCTV and conducting door to door interviews; but Matt doubted they would find anything.

A couple of days later he called in to the Forensic lab on his way to the incident room where David Strong was expected to arrive after lunch. Dr Jason Robbins was the chief Forensic scientist. He had worked on the evidence, such as it was, from each of the victims. He offered Matt tea as they sat down to discuss his findings.

‘We have been able to isolate multiple DNA profiles from the area around the tree but as it’s a public park it’s impossible to say whether one is our perpetrator,’ he said and Matt nodded knowing how difficult the task would be. ‘Of course if we had his or her DNA we can hopefully pin them to the crime scene’, Jason said with a smile.

‘I tested the duct tape but only found David’s DNA. As we have said before the perpetrator is clearly aware that fingerprints can be lifted from the tape. I was able to find traces of latex so he or she was wearing gloves. Not an easy task to apply duct tape wearing gloves so it looks likely he or she cut the end with scissors to remove any area they might have touched and analysis of the end shows it was indeed cut rather than torn.’

‘Touch DNA swabs of his body done at the hospital shows traces of the chemical used to remove his hair and a recent application of bleach; presumably to remove any traces of the perpetrators’ DNA just like we found on previous victims. We have been able to identify small blue fibres from the cloth used, but whilst I have sent them for further analysis I am not hopeful they will identify a specific make of cloth.’

Matt made a note in his pocket book and Jason continued; ‘I did find DNA from a dog; an Alsatian Bull Terrier cross and DNA which matched the sample from the member of the public who found David.’ ‘That’s interesting’, Matt said ‘because the statement given says he didn’t touch the victim.’

‘I have tested the clothes the victim was wearing and, once cross contamination samples from the scene and here in the lab have been removed, I only found David’s DNA and DNA that again matched the sample given by the person who found him.’

‘Damn it; yet again we have no forensic evidence’, Matt said and Jason nodded. ‘There are too many crime books now giving details of what forensics can do, which means the criminals know what we can test for. The likelihood though is they will make a mistake; we just have to keep looking. I’ll let you know if I find anything.’

Matt thanked him. He liked Jason; he was thorough in his work but even he couldn’t work miracles with no samples to work on. He checked the time and hurried back to Streatham police station.

David Strong had just arrived and DC Williams took him to an interview room and Matt joined them bringing three coffees with him. Matt thanked David for coming in and asked him to go through the events as he remembered them.

David said he would do his best, but talking was still difficult after being gagged for so long. He described how he had left the tennis club and as he walked down an alley he felt he had been stung by an insect. The next thing he knew was waking up and not being able to see or speak. He could sense he was naked and the place he was in was cold and very quiet.

He said a man’s voice told him he was being held until he paid a ransom and for that his debit card details were required. The man’s voice was electronically altered David said.

The man told him if he refused he would suffer terribly and may never be released alive. The sum asked for was £5,000 which the man seemed to know he could afford. David hesitated and Matt said ‘take your time,’

David said that to back up the man’s unemotional statement of intent his testicles were grabbed and squeezed in a vice like grip so hard he nearly passed out with the pain.

He was asked to nod his head if he was willing to give his PIN number and he agreed immediately. The gag was removed and he gave the man his PIN and he hoped that he would then be released, but the gag went back in his mouth and his nightmare really began; “just like the others” Matt thought.

Matt picked the phone up and ordered three more coffees; giving David a break. Once the drinks arrived David continued giving his story.

‘Obviously at no time could I see what the man and later the woman were doing which made the ordeal even more scary’, he said gulping down some coffee, ‘and most of the time I was gagged with something that tasted awful so I couldn’t plead for mercy; but I doubt they would have shown any.’

‘I know this is difficult, but it will help us if you could describe what they did whilst they held you’, Matt said.

David looked at the two detectives and said; ‘it’s very embarrassing. I have never been treated as they did. You understand I have had sex with several girl friends but nothing like this.’ He gulped and coloured red and Matt told him to take his time.

‘I can describe the pain they inflicted but not what specifically they did to inflict is as I was blindfolded’, he said and went on to tell them that he was repeated raped in his rectum and his penis was penetrated and his nipples pierced several times. Finally he admitted he had been made to ejaculate several times. At no time was he freed to go to the toilet he was made to use a adult diaper.

David’s recollections were consistent with the medical report Matt had received from the hospital.

When he was told they had collected the money and that he would be released David said he was injected with something and when he regained consciousness he was outdoors and he assumed he was in the park where he was found.

Matt thanked him and said they would be in touch if they needed anything else. He assured him the intimate details would remain confidential at this time but cautioned that should it come to court it would have to be part of the submission.
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

I really like this story! :)

Could Detective Chief Inspector Matt Jennings be the next victim??? :twisted: :o :twisted: :o
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Post by dl68 »

The next victim

Whilst DCI Matt Jennings was getting nowhere, I had found our next victim. I met up with Jackie and explained what we would do. She seemed surprised I wanted to take more of a risk than we had previously.

I said; ‘trust me the police are clueless and the high we will get from getting away with this one will be better than anything we have experienced so far. The new target is minted so we should easily get £10,000 from him.’

I read the stories in the press about our previous victims and the moniker they had given us. Each time I saw the headlines it annoyed me that as I was the brains behind the operation I wasn’t considered first in their naming convention but I guess they just come up with names that spark some reaction from the public.

Before we went ahead and kidnapped the next victim I had one other task to complete.

Matt got home late that night and as was his usual practice he poured himself a small whisky before eating the takeaway he had brought with him. He hadn’t realised how tired he was, so he quickly showered and went to bed, hoping that a good night’s sleep would help him crack the case.

It was just after midnight and Matt was sound asleep when there was a noise in his bathroom. A figure, dressed in a one piece black suit and wearing gloves and face mask climbed in and cautiously walked to the bedroom. The figure seemed to know the layout of Matt’s flat. Once the intruder was certain Matt was sound asleep he gently scraped a blade down Matt’s exposed right arm. The blade and the skin was stowed in a plastic bottle and the intruder quietly left leaving Matt to his slumber and walked into the lounge.

Several items were left concealed behind books on the bookshelf in the corner and finally the intruder replaced the whisky bottle with one brought for the purpose and left via the bathroom window.

When Matt woke he felt refreshed. He was a little puzzled about the patch of red skin on his arm but he rubbed some cream on it after showering and went to work.

Tooting - August

Justin Aimes was the son of Lord Aimes a prominent London banker. He lived alone in a plush Wimbledon apartment and whilst most of the time he spent socialising with his affluent friends and appearing in various socialite magazines, once a week he helped run a local Scout group as his way of giving something back to society.

I had watched him for some time until I was sure of his movements. I made sure that each time I watched I was wearing something different. As he left at the end of the evening I knew he would walk alone back to where he had parked his car. He never left it near the hall, presumably because he didn’t want people knowing he drove an expensive car.

As always he was listening to a download on his gold plated phone as he walked along and didn’t even look up as I brushed past him. He may have felt a brief stabbing sensation as the modified epi-pen penetrated his thigh but that was his last memory.

As we had done so many times Jackie and I took him to the disused warehouse and whilst she dealt with the stolen van I dealt with Justin.

I stripped him and washed him with the chemical to remove every last hair on his body. I looked down on his toned muscles and thought; “we are going to have some fun with you; and you will get to experience things the others didn’t”.

I fastened cuffs around his wrists and attached ropes to them and hauled his body off the floor into the air leaving his bare feet just on the hard concrete floor. I then oiled his entire body until it glistened in the dim light of the basement.

Unlike our other victims Justin wasn’t going to be blindfolded all the time, but he was going to be gagged and I did my usual excellent job using his sock to pack his mouth. I decided to start with a blindfold just to increase the tension; so I stuck a small piece of duct tape over his eyes. I could easily remove it later I thought.

I waited for Jackie to return and we both changed before walking down the steps and unlocking the door. We had chosen to wear long black raincoats which covered our bodies completely and concealed the fact that each of us wore platform boots to make us appear taller than we actually are.

The surgical masks we wore contained the electronic voice changer we had used before. We were going to allow this victim to see; but there was a limit to what clues we wanted to give away. This was to be the last use of this warehouse so that wouldn’t be a problem.

Justin was awake as I clicked on the light and he tried to call out; but as usual my gag was effective. I walked over and ripped the tape off his eyes and he looked around wildly before looking at his own body. I could tell he was confused.

I explained the requirement for £10,000 to ensure his release and asked for his PIN, but he shook his head. ‘Your choice Justin’, I said, ‘but trust me you will change your mind soon.’

I bent down and picked up the Scout necker he had been wearing and tied a knot in one end. I then began to whip his testicles, ignoring his twisting body as he tried to get out of the way and his muffled cries. ‘I might add this to your gag later’, I said when I finally discarded it.

Jackie always got a buzz from raping our victims with a strap-on dildo and she had decided to go to town with this victim. She lowered his hands and bent him over a stool and tied his ankles so that they were wide apart. ‘I can stop when you say you are ready to give us the number’, she said selecting a small rubber dildo to start.

He gasped and screwed his face up when she forced it into his rectum and then started pumping it in and out to loosen him up. When she stopped he probably thought that was it; but I knew she would change to a larger dildo after each pause and sure enough on the fifth increase I heard him try to say “all right” and I signalled her to stop for the time being. By now the dildo was huge.

I removed his gag and he spat out the four numbers. Jackie pushed the filthy dildo into his mouth ‘lick it clean’, she said and he closed his eyes and complied.

I pulled on the ropes to bring him back to standing and stood in front of him; ‘you better hope your bank allows us to withdraw the money’, I said; ‘but don’t think the money guarantees your immediate release.’

As he took in my words Jackie brought over a pair of steps. I passed her a bottle of water we had brought with us and she started to pour it into his mouth. He coughed the first mouthful out but in the end he just drank that bottle and three more until Jackie decided his stomach was full. Certainly I observed his once taut stomach was now quite well distended.

She walked back to a table and returned with a horse syringe full of yellow liquid which she fired deep into his abused rectum. I quickly taped a large disposable diaper around his waist before anything leaked out.

‘You are not going anywhere for some time Justin and we will have some fun with you until we have collected all the money we asked for’, I said pushing the wet sock back into his mouth. I then tied a knotted bandana through his lips to prevent the sock being forced out. I then picked up his discarded Scout necker and bound that over his mouth. I liked the look of the finished gag so much that I felt my cock hardening.

Jackie and I left him and returned to the room upstairs where enjoyed a warmed up pizza. Jackie then left to withdraw the first lot of cash from several machines the other side of London. It would take a few days to withdraw the full amount we had demanded.

Whilst she was away I had Justin to myself. I hadn’t told Jackie what I intended; but I knew I would get away with it even though there was a slight possibility of my DNA being found. That in itself increased the excitement I felt as I got changed. My cock was already erect as I went downstairs.
As soon as I opened the door I knew from the smell that he had voided both his bladder and bowels. When I turned the lights on I saw the white diaper was now tinged brown.

Justin was hanging limply from the ropes but he looked up when the lights went on and his eyes told me he was confused by what he saw. I had bought the clothes I was wearing online and had them delivered to a shop where I had rented a secure deposit box under a false name for cash.

What he saw was a Girl Guide; at least I was dressed in what looked like the official uniform; blue and red polo shirt, blue pleated dress, white socks and a blue and gold necker held around my neck with a leather woggle.

It had come from a shop that specialised in adult versions of uniforms. I had added a blond wig with straight hair that reached my shoulders. My face was still covered by the mask containing the voice synthesiser. The shoes I wore had platform lifts to increase my height.

I walked over and released the tabs on his filthy diaper and it fell to the floor. I cleaned his groin with wet wipes. I had brought several matching neckers and I fitted one around his neck with a leather woggle before unclipping his cuffed wrists from the ropes.

I knew he would be weak from having his arms above his head for so long, so it was easy to move him to the edge of the room where there was a wooden bench. He tried to make a break for freedom but I easily overpowered him and a fist to his stomach put a stop to any further ideas of escape.

What he didn’t know, and neither did Jackie, was that I had set up several cameras to record the room. After editing I intended to leave the victim with a record and I might decide to release some of it to the papers; I hadn’t decided on that yet.

Whilst he was fighting for breath I dressed him in a matching outfit and tied him across the bench on his back with his legs dangling over one end. I removed his gag, but his mouth was so dry he couldn’t speak.

‘Now then Justin I wonder how many times you have dreamed of having one of your Girl Guides in this position and at your mercy?’ I asked and what little I could see of his face went bright red. My words were more for the cameras; I would add his reply later from sampled audio.

I pulled his dress up revealing his thick erection; ‘I see you are enjoying this position’, but he shook his head and slightly incoherently pleaded to be left alone. I would edit that out.

My fist closed around his cock and I began to pump up and down; slowly at first and then with an increasing tempo until he cried out and sperm shot from his cock in a stream, landing on the blue skirt.

I wiped it up with another necker and cleaned his cock before cramming the filthy cloth into his mouth. I used the knotted green bandana to hold it in and then bound a blue and gold scarf over his mouth to match his uniform.

I slipped a condom onto my cock and without any lubrication I forced my way in to his arse until my balls hit his backside. I knew I could easily delay my climax, so I brutally raped him, driving my cock as far inside as I could with each stroke. Finally and inevitably I climaxed and when I withdrew I pulled the bulging condom from my cock.

I untied his gag and plucked out the filthy necker from his mouth and poured the contents of the condom on to it after drying my cock. It went back into his mouth and I retied the scarves over his mouth to ensure he couldn’t force it out.

Finally I pushed him to the floor, hogtied him with several pieces of rope and added a blindfold before retiring upstairs to do some video editing.
A few hours later Jackie returned with the first batch of money. She would repeat the journey, but using different shops, the following day by which time we would have all the money.

She was ready to go straight to work so after showing her the video I had made we returned to the basement. We each donned ski goggles with tinted lenses before she ripped the tape off his eyes and gazed into his eyes smiling as she saw his fear.

His scream was muted by his gag as she kicked him in his balls before untying him. She removed his gag and replaced it with a spider gag that had two rubber plates which sat behind his teeth. She operated the ratchet on the side which slowly forced his jaws open to a point where his jaw dislocated.

She ignored his pathetic noises as she stripped him and pulled out some clothes she had chosen for him to wear.

The white crop top had large false breasts sewn inside and the gingham skirt was only about 6” deep - almost a belt rather than a skirt. Jackie smiled as she buckled an enormous dildo around her waist. She poured lubricant on it and lifted him onto the table and tied him to it with rope.
Jackie loved using her collection of strap on dildos, the larger the better and she always used the largest no matter what!

When she tired of raping his arse I video’d her forcing the dirty phallus into his open mouth. His tongue was made to lick it clean.

I knew what she was going to want to do next; I helped her untie him, strip him and then retie him sitting on the chair. Normally what she was going to would be done with a local anaesthetic but Jackie wasn’t going to use any. Justin screamed in pain as she pieced first one nipple and then the other and fitted gold rings to each. She then pierced his foreskin and added two more rings before spraying each with a coagulant to stop the blood oozing out.

Before releasing him I had one final thing to do. After blindfolding him I collected a small bottle from my bag. Jackie looked on unsure what I was doing and I simply told her to hold Justin and bend him forward. Once his legs were apart I inserted a dildo and pretended to rape him once more. When I switched to a larger dildo I emptied the contents of the bottle onto the end of the plastic before pushing it fully into his rectum and rotating it.

We then wiped his body with a bleach solution to remove any of our DNA and dressed him in the Girl Guide uniform he had worn earlier. After cleaning out his mouth I filled it with one of the socks he had been wearing when we ‘lifted’ him. I then wrapped several layers of silver duct tape around his head, over his mouth and then over his eyes. More tape bound his wrists and elbows behind his back. I added six turns of tape around his body to ensure he couldn’t move his arms at all.

Jackie injected his cock with liquid Viagra and quickly stimulated him to an erection which the Viagra would eventually maintain. She connected his two nipple rings to the rings in his foreskin using gold chain secured by small padlocks making sure the chains were taut. She then bound a vibrator to his cock with more duct tape.

We made him sit on a chair whilst we prepared the entire area for burning. This was to be our last use of this location so we needed to remove any evidence. We had brought some petrol from several filling stations to avoid suspicion and we liberally soaked the area to ensure it would burn quickly and thoroughly.

It was dark as we guided him upstairs. I had explained my plan to Jackie and whilst she thought it was a risk she agreed it would be quite an adrenaline rush if we could carry it off. She worried however that suspicion would fall on me but I said I had that under control so she agreed to proceed.

We set the building alight and pushed Justin into the back of the car and drove 15 miles or so to the park we had selected. I stuck an SD card to his gag with tape and then we carried him to the park and taped his ankles together. After turning the vibrator on we left him lying on a bench having used more tape to hold him in place.

Someone would find him in the morning.
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Post by dl68 »

A “special” victim - August

It had been another frustrating day for DCI Matt Jennings as he headed home. The forensic tests on the latest victim hadn’t come through yet and they had no credible evidence to process. He was still thinking about the case when he left his house early in the morning for his usual jog around the park.

Taking DCI Jennings proved remarkable easy. I had expected a police officer to be more vigilant, but he seemed wrapped up in his own world as he jogged down the secluded path.

Once we had him secured in our new location I left Jackie to deal with him as I had an important meeting I didn’t want to be late for.

Chief Superintendent Mike Goss knocked on the door which said “Senior Forensic Scientist: Dr Jason Robbins”. ‘Morning Jason’, he said looking grim; ‘what couldn’t you discuss over the phone?’

Jason invited him to sit and, after offering him tea, he sat down behind his desk and picked up a file. ‘I was the duty Forensic Officer when I was called to Streatham police station recently to attend to a victim; Justin Aimes. Based on his statement I carried out DNA swabs both internally and externally and I took the clothes he was wearing for further analysis. I now have the results.’

Mike waited, knowing Jason didn’t like being interrupted, but wondering why he wasn’t sharing his findings with DCI Matt Jennings.

‘As you know we routinely screen all samples for contamination and in this case once lab technicians here had been screened out we were left with DNA of the victim and two other people. The evidence log indicates that no police officer came in contact with the victim other than the initial officer who attended the scene and his DNA is one of the two.’

Jason paused; ‘the DNA left matches a sample already on the database from DCI Matt Jennings. Normally as the Investigating Officer his DNA would be screened out as cross contamination however on this occasion there is no evidence indicating he has been in contact with the victim and yet his DNA is present.’

Chief Superintendent Goss realised the seriousness of the information Jason was presenting, but wanted to be sure where this was leading. Jason seemed to read his thoughts; ‘I found samples of DCI Jennings’ DNA deep inside Justin Aimes’ rectum. The sample was not from bodily fluids but was skin, indicating a high probability of penetration either with a finger or genitalia.’

Jason paused again, avoiding any speculation as to the reason; but Chief Superintendent Goss asked him anyway; ‘what in your opinion Dr Robbins’, he said formally ‘could account for the test result?’

‘Well; having ruled out cross contamination using agreed protocols, we are left with the probability, given the location, that the skin was shed whilst actual penetration happened. As you know there is a 1-in-a-billion chance that a random male in contact with the victim would have the same DNA profile as DCI Jennings.’

‘Thank you for that Doctor, I would be grateful if you would keep this quiet whilst I make some investigations.’ Doctor Robbins agreed and the Chief Superintendent left.

As I closed the door behind him I wondered how the police could be so gullible. I logged off my computer, locked the report away and set off to cross London using a roundabout route to avoid cameras to join Jackie.

Matt remembered jogging past the playground and down a path but that was his last memory until he woke and found himself in what looked like a basement. The single bulb hanging from the ceiling was on and he could see there were no windows and just one door.

He looked down and registered that he was tied to a chair that appeared to be bolted to the floor. The white rope was quite thick and proved impossible to break no matter how hard he tried.

He tried to call out but he was gagged with something that felt soft in his mouth and yet prevented any sound passing his lips, and he realised he wasn’t wearing his own clothes; instead when he looked down he saw he was dressed in something blue that left his legs bare.

At that moment the door opened and two people entered; each wearing a face mask and heavily tinted ski goggles. It was apparent to Matt that one was male and one female although both had matching long blond hair that looked suspiciously like a wig and they wore matching long black coats.

I waited until he finished looking at us before I spoke. The synthesiser ensured my voice and accent would be unrecognisable; ‘so DCI Jennings we realise you are no nearer to catching us so we decided to help your investigation by allowing you to see and experience what the victims experienced first hand.’

‘By the time you are released’, I continued; ‘I expect that routine forensic tests conducted on Justin Aimes will show that for the first time your team have DNA not just from the victim. That DNA will have been found lodged deep inside his rectum and it will be yours!’ As I expected Matt looked shocked at this revelation.

‘Of course we put it there, but you’ll find that hard to prove. You will have watched the video we left with Justin, and your team will have witnessed the rape of Justin but of course the video didn’t show by whom. I think you’ll agree that the only clue the video provided was that both Justin and his male rapist were dressed as Girl Guides for some bizarre reason. In fact the uniforms worn in the video were just like you are now wearing.’

I waited until the enormity of the situation hit him before continuing; ‘like the others you will pay for your release. Only in your case you will have some difficult questions to answer from your colleagues when we do release you. We have your Debit card so we just need your PIN. Nod your head when you are ready to provide it. You will be aware from the other victims that if you decline you will be tortured until you do; so I suggest you make it easy for yourself.’

Matt was still somewhat confused; perhaps the drug they had used was causing it, but his police training said it was best to co-operate. He nodded and the gag was removed. Once he had given the PIN the gag was pushed back into his mouth.

I smiled, although he couldn’t see it because of the mask and goggles; ‘that wasn’t hard was it? Now back to the clothes you are wearing. I will video you raping my colleague and that will be released to the police. Of course your face will be visible but hers won’t be. You can imagine how this will look alongside the other evidence the police will have accumulated by then!’

‘There’s no time like the present to get the shots in the can and I can then get on with some creative editing’, I said untying him from the chair. He was a big guy but not too strong it turned out; helped by the lingering effects of the drug of course. I helped him to stand and then tied his wrists behind his back and hobbled his ankles to make it hard for him to attempt a break for freedom.

I straightened his skirt and the scarf that was around his neck and he glared at me, but I knew he was really trying to see my eyes as I came close; but I knew that the heavily tinted goggles prevented him seeing any detail.

I picked up a vibrator and applied it to his cock and soon it was erect which allowed me to roll a condom onto it. I nodded to Jackie and she removed her coat revealing she was wearing a Cub Scout uniform. She walked over to the table and lay back on it and slid the shorts down her legs to reveal her naked groin before spreading her legs wide.

I blocked Matt’s view of her and removed her mask and gagged her symbolically with a troop scarf over her mouth. I then took her goggles off and blindfolded her with another scarf.

Satisfied that Matt couldn’t see anything to identify her I forced him forward until he was standing between her legs. I knew the cameras were already recording. I lifted his cock and inserted it into Jackie’s already moist vagina.

Matt was not going to rape her willingly of course, but the application of a table tennis bat on his arse coupled with Jackie’s strong internal muscles ensured that, like it or not, our DCI was going to ejaculate inside her and sure enough he did.

Once he withdrew I picked up a handheld camera; ‘just a few cut away shots DCI’, I said removing his gag. For effect I squeezed his balls and captured a lovely scream and then I gagged him again and this time blindfolded him as well.

That allowed Jackie to gather her things and leave to go and withdraw his cash, leaving DCI Matt Jennings in my capable hands. I removed the coat I was wearing, revealing a black latex all over body suit which had a “fat suit” hidden underneath to disguise my real body shape. As usual the black boots had platforms to increase my height.

I removed his blindfold drove my fist into his stomach. He fell to the floor retching into the gag which only got worse when my boot connect with his testicles. I bent down and applied my fists to his stomach until he was curled up in a defensive ball.

I grabbed his wrists and hauled him to his feet, we were both breathing hard but eventually I bent him over the table and tied his wrists to a bolt at one end and his ankles to the legs at the other. Now I had access to his rectum and his genitals which hung down against the edge of the table.

After I had taken a drink of water, it was hot in the suit, I said; ‘so DCI Jennings you now get to experience what your victims did in a way that any testimony they gave could never do. You’ll be able to write this one up in every gory detail’, I said enjoying the power of control over him.

I slipped on a latex glove, greased it and smiled as he shrieked when I rammed it into his arse. After loosening his sphincter muscles I soon had three fingers inside and I could really start to manipulate his prostate. When I had finished with him he would know all about what that gland did, or did not do, in the human body.

His prostate was on the large size and once I got a good grip on it I began massaging it. He had no idea what I was doing but he couldn’t do anything to stop me anyway.

After 10 minutes or so I looked between his feet and there was a puddle of semen which had dripped unnoticed from his cock. I untied his feet and after quite a bit of effort I managed to turned him over onto his back and retie his ankles to the table legs. I was sweating a bit by the time I had finished thanks to the suit.

I pulled his dress back to reveal his erect cock. It was a short one I thought and he clearly didn’t bother about his pubic hair which was bushy and quite long. We would deal with that later.

I didn’t have any trouble inserting a catheter, making sure it went in only just past his prostate. That meant that when I filled the balloon at the end with water to hold it in place the inflated balloon would enlarge the hole in his prostate through which his urethra passed; which of course was my intention. I was going to weaken his prostate control.

I filled his bladder as full as I could with cold water forced down the tube using a syringe before clamping the catheter closed. I slipped a prostate massager into his arse and once I was sure it was on the right spot I turned it one and stuck a piece of duct tape between his legs to hold it in place. I removed the blindfold and left him lying uncomfortably on the table whilst I went to do some video editing.

It took me a couple of hours until I was satisfied with the result and then I returned to see how DCI Jennings was bearing up. The Girl Guide uniform was soaked in sweat and his cock was rigid and his eyes stared at me with hatred, but I wasn’t bothered.

His scream as I ripped the catheter out without deflating the balloon was muted by his gag. He screamed even more when I forced a stainless steel sound down his urethra and used it and successively larger diameter ones to abuse his prostate even more. By the time I had finished I knew he would have difficulty controlling the flow of urine from his bladder for quite some time. As if to prove the point a stream of urine dribbled from his limp penis from his full bladder.

I left him tied uncomfortably on the table and went to see if Jackie had returned. She had and I asked what she wanted to do with our DCI and she explained she had picked up a few things on her travels.

We returned to the basement and DCI Jennings watched helplessly as she filled syringe with a colourless liquid and despite straining he couldn’t prevent her injecting it into his arm. A few minutes later he was unconscious.

We untied him, stripped him and I helped Jackie to remove every last hair on his body. We debated about removing all the hair on his head but decided not to, but we did make sure his genitals were completely nude.

She then used the hypodermic needle to make dozens of pinpicks in both his arms to make it look like he was a habitual drug user. To make absolutely certain that the Police would draw the right conclusions she tipped the needle in cocaine to ensure a residue was left in his skin.
The last syringe however contained a colourless liquid which she said was Ecstasy. I knew this would show up in the forensic tests later and of course would make controlling him easier over the next few hours.

Jackie prepared two more injections; the first that went into his cock was Viagra and the second was a muscle relaxant that went into the anal ring muscles. Jackie pushed his legs apart and forced several peeled bananas into his rectum.

The Viagra would take a little while to work and he would be awake before that so Jackie taped a disposable diaper around his waist and we hog-tied him and left him on the floor to come round.

When he did wake he struggled briefly against the ropes and then gave up. He saw us watching him; we were back to wearing our long coats. I could smell the contents of his filled diaper; ‘so DCI Jennings you act like a baby, soiling your diaper. It looks like you can no longer control yourself. Perhaps you like being treated as a baby?’ He blushed; but gagged as he was he couldn’t respond.

I bent down and released the tabs on his diaper and it revealed he had indeed soiled it both from his bladder and bowels. He could probably smell the banana but he couldn’t see it. I used wet wipes to clean his groin.

‘We’ll return to your baby desires later; but first that erection needs to be dealt with.’ It was easy to see from the glazed look in his eyes that the ecstasy was working and he gave us no trouble as we untied him and dressed him back in the damp Girl Guide uniform.

I had another sequence I wanted to add to the video to add further evidence when viewed by his colleagues. I removed his gag and applied red lipstick to his lips and then fitted the scout scarf around his neck tightening the woggle and arranging it properly. I finished his outfit with a long blond wig.

He was so compliant at the moment that even without his wrists tied he stood still. Jackie guided him over to the table on which she had nailed a plucked turkey. She guided his erect cock into the bird’s cavity whilst I videoed the scene.

She moved his arse back and forward causing his cock to be rubbed by the flesh of the dead bird until she detected he was about to cum. I moved round to capture the moment as she pulled him back and his cock spurted semen over the bird. The edited version would not show her assistance of course.

Jackie scrapped some semen into a small sterile pot - it would be useful later. Now however it was time to release DCI Jennings and in a manner that would give the police even more evidence against him. First we needed to prepare him, and to make it easy Jackie injected him again to put him out for a couple of hours.

That allowed us to strip him and then use a catheter to fill his bladder and a larger tube to fill his bowels before fitted a large white towelling diaper around his waist, pinning it in place with large coloured safety pins. A second much larger diaper went over that, again held in place by coloured safety pins. I left the blond wig in place and added a pink bonnet. The Scout scarf I fastened around his neck was one used to gag Justin so the DNA it contained would provide more compelling evidence against our Detective.

For a gag I had purchased an enormous latex dummy which was held in his mouth by pink ribbons tied very tightly behind his head. I pulled pink gloves and bootees onto his wrists and feet and secured them in place with pink ribbons. I pulled a pair of swimming goggles over his eyes; I had painted them black so that they acted as a blindfold.

Jackie sucked his nipples until they were erect and then she pierced each with a brass ring and hung a memory stick with the finished video on one of them. I could feel his cock was still erect due to the Viagra and with the help of a vibrator I was able to make him climax in the diaper despite being unconscious.

We then loaded him in the van we had stolen and drove to him back to his house. It was dark and the place was quiet. We carried him inside up to his bedroom where we used his Police handcuffs to fasten one wrist to the headboard and then tied his other wrist to a loop of rope bound around his stomach above the diaper. More rope tied his ankles to the foot of the bed and then Jackie and I left leaving the front door unlocked.

DCI Jennings regained consciousness and his first sense was he was that he couldn’t see and then that he couldn't move. He tried calling out but something in his mouth prevented him from uttering a sound.

As he tried to decide what to do his bladder signalled it needed relief and despite trying to hold on he felt warmth between his thighs and he couldn’t understand what had just happened. A little while later the warmth got worse and the rising smell told him he had defecated; again he didn’t know why he suddenly couldn’t control his bodily functions.

Chief Superintendent Goss had already decided in view of the "evidence" presented by Jason that he should pay a visit to DCI Jennings. He took DC Williams with him and when they found the front door open they both went inside calling out to alert Matt to their presence but there was no response.

When they found Matt in the bedroom they called for SOCO and once the initial evidence gathering was complete DCI Jennings was released and taken to hospital for a check up. They would interview him later, after he was given the all clear.

Chief Superintendent Goss reviewed the video on the memory stick and immediately search the flat. More similar videos were found behind a stack of books in Matt's lounge where they had been concealed with pornography and several “trophies” such as underwear which were bagged for forensics to check whether they matched previous victims as Mike Goss rather suspected they did.

Despite the fact that Matt appeared to be a "victim", the facts said otherwise and he was suspended pending a full investigation.
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