The TickleFoot! Torment (F/M)

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The TickleFoot! Torment (F/M)

Post by tiedinbluetights »

The TickleFoot! Torment (F/M)

I couldn't believe the article I was reading in the June 2022 edition of some popular scientific monthly. It went on to quote the researchers and developers of a prototype tickling device to say
"[p]sychology research has shown that tickling and laughter can significantly relieve stress. Although several tickling artifacts have been suggested in prior work, limited knowledge is available if those artifacts could evoke laughter. In this project, we aim to fill this gap by designing and developing a novel foot-tickling mechanism that can evoke laughter."

Surely this must be a joke I thought to myself. After showing the article to my wife, we both went on the web to check out the references. A group by the name of Augmented Human Labs seemed to be behind the few articles that did pop up. The group's affiliation with the mentioned university seemed genuine enough, and the original research article was archived by a reputable site.

"Surely this has to be an elaborate April Fools' joke," I remember commenting to my wife.

"I'm not so sure," she responded. "Those YouTube videos, and articles ... hmm?" she had mused.

"Hmm what?"

"Oh nothing sweetie, just thinking to myself, pity it isn't mass produced yet. I know how much you just love it to be tickled when I tie you up. If only we could buy one ...."


That conversation was over a year ago, and had nearly completely slipped out of memory, until my recent birthday. We had finished breakfast, still in our pyjamas on a weekend, and I had just read the birthday card my wife had written me, full of innuendo about the tie-ups and torments she would subject me to as part of my birthday 'gift'. She was holding a gift wrapped box, the size of an ordinary shoe box, which she eagerly pressed into my hands after I put down the card. "Open it!" she said, anticipation making her emerald eyes shine bright.

I eagerly unwrap the box, which is indeed a shoe box, black ballet flats for street wear, in my size, 44 wide! (Women's 13 D in the US.) I already had a pair of black leather ballet slippers like the ones male dancers wear, but no flats that I could wear outdoors, not that I crossdressed publicly, even though my wife and I have had plenty of crossdressing fun in the privacy of our home. Finding those flats in my size must have been a feat in of itself, but as I opened the box to take out the flats to try them on, my eyes widened with surprise and the even greater feat.

Each shoe had a specialized sole, with multiple little brushes mounted on small disks recessed within slightly larger cavities, and a black box ankle strap with some wiring encased in black leather running from box to half-inch heel. I thought this must be it! That article we read a year ago, that group must have finally commercialized their product! It wasn't an elaborate April Fools' after all.

"Here, let me help you try them on!" my wife said excitedly.

I slipped my naked feed out of my comfy home slippers and into to shoes my wife got me. She proceeded to buckle the ankle strap with black box into place on each foot, causing each black box to rest on the outside of each ankle. I then hear a small click, followed quickly by an other. Looking down at my feet I see on each a small brass padlock, locking the buckles just above my ankles into place.

"What do you think?" she asks as she stands back up to face me, with a coy smile on her face.

"Wow, this is fantastic, and for real! I didn't realize they started mass producing and selling them already! Thank you so much!"

"Well, actually, they haven't," responded my sweet Lucille. "I managed over the past year, based on the few articles and publicly available videos, to make a working model myself during my spare time at the lab, just for you sweetie! It wasn't easy finding the right size women's ballet flats for your feet and then modifying those flats. I hope they fit well!"

I tried wiggling my toes and see if I could free my feet from the flats. In my bare feet, the fit felt a bit tight, and with the toe part of the shoes being deep enough, offering no toe cleavage, I was happily unable to free myself from the shoes. "It's a bit tight as a fit, but not too tight," I responded.

"Well then, maybe later when I tie you up, you could wear some mild compression tights. That should make the fit better, and as bonus make your soles even more ticklish for these shoes!" exclaimed Lucille.

As we both sat back down at the kitchen table I asked, "how do they work?" I couldn't see any wired remote attached to the black boxes and the black boxes themselves didn't appear to have any buttons.

Lucille fetched her smartphone and started tapping away. "I designed my own app to control the ticklers within the shoes. It's all through Bluetooth, and the ticklers our powered by batteries within the boxes that are both rechargeable and replaceable." I was admiring the shoes on my feet as she says all this and notice a little green LED light up on each black box. "There, the shoes are now 'on' and paired to my phone! I can tickle your soles however and whenever I wish, so long as you're in range." My wife winks at me and with a coy smile teasingly hovers a finger over the screen of her phone without touching.

"Hmm, which program shall I choose, ... " her finger moves a bit, pauses, then moves to a different area, pauses, moves again, pauses, and so on for a couple of minutes before I interrupt.

"Just how many programs have you implemented?" I asked, taking a final sip of cold coffee.

"Oh, just a handful, but I can also manually control each tickler. See?" She turns the screen so I can see the display. I see a detailed picture of two feet side by side, with 6 red dots strategically located at the most ticklish spots for each foot. I go to grab the phone to take a closer look.

"Oh no you don't! Only I get to control those shoes; you just wear them!" Lucille responded with glee. "Now, please be a sweetie and clear the table and then wash the dishes by hand while I decide."

Obediently, I cleared the table and filled up the sink to wash our morning dishes. As I go to grab the sponge to start washing the dishes, I suppress a sudden giggle as the balls and soles of both my feet start to be tickled. I go to turn away from the sink to look at my lovely wife, but before I can she sternly commands, "don't turn around! Lose your pyjama top and focus on doing the dishes without breaking any.

I obey and removed my top, tossing it to the ground behind me. I carefully start cleaning the dishes with a soaped up sponge as I try not to lose control while the ticking intensifies and becomes more random. I try lifting one foot up, but that only intensifies the tickles in that lifted foot. However, I notice that the foot that remained on the ground felt the tickles diminish in intensity. I quickly drop my lifted foot back to the ground and try to press the tickled parts further into the floor, but all I manage is a slight transfer of weight back and forth between the shoes.

I let out another chuckle as I try to focus on not accidentally breaking any dishes as the soapy water makes them very slippery.

"Quiet!" my wife commands.

So not only did I have to endure the tickles, swaying from foot to foot, but I had to hold back my chuckles and giggles as well.

As I continued to wash and then rinse the dishes, Lucille started moaning softly and sweetly. I was so tempted to turn around, but she had commanded me otherwise. I heard her breath quicken and moans intensify, as I finally finished the last dish, still swaying from foot to foot. I dried off my hands and was almost immediately after spun around by my wife who had quickly run up to me. She pressed herself against me as I went to pull down her pyjama pants.

"Not yet! Dry hump only!" she commands as she jumps up into my arms. I grab hold of her as she wraps her arms around my shoulders and legs around my waist. "Carry me to our room!"

Carefully, as my feet were still being relentlessly tickled by the shoes, I carried my sweet dominant wife to our room and laid her down on our bed. Her beautiful smile and shining emerald eyes were inviting me to position myself above her, supporting myself with my arms and legs as if I was going to do push-ups, but with the intent of grinding our groins, as she loved me to do when I was on top. Lucille gently wrapped her soft pyjama clad legs around my legs, forcing me down on her, we dry humped away until we both were about to climax.

"Oh Sebastian KISS ME!"

Still supported by my straining arms, I lowered myself closer and we kissed each other deeply and passionately as we both climaxed, nearly taking my breath away. Exhausted, I allowed myself to slump down on my back by my lovely wife's side, whose face was glowing with a beaming smile. Only then had I noticed that the tickling had stopped, not sure of exactly when the shoes turned off their ticklers.

"You were amazing my love!" Lucille whispered to me.

"You're beautiful my sweet love," I replied.

"I should have you do house chores in those shoes from now on, you have such a lovely sway!"


"Yeah, but for the rest of your birthday, I have other sweeter plans for us."

"Oh, and what might those be."

"I know you're more ticklish in tights! I want to tie you down to the bed, and tickle you senseless! And I can't have you giggling aloud so I'll gag you with my juice soaked panties!"

And so, after a quick trip to the bathroom, my wife Lucille had me strapped down to our bed. She had unlocked the shoes briefly so I could slip on my mild compression opaque black stay-up stockings, leaving my crotch exposed. She also had me put on a tight spandex t-shirt that accentuated my v-shaped upper body. I was stacked out on the bed, legs tied together, tickler shoes locked onto my feet, and gagged with her still warm and wet panties, several layers of duct tap around my head holding them in place.

Lucille, naked, had laid herself atop of me, coy smile on her face, staring intently into my eyes, supporting herself with one arm off to my right side, the other arm holding her phone and tapping away with one thumb. "You do know my hands will now be free to tickle your underarms while your toes and soles are tickled by the shoes, sweetie. I wonder how long you can last before you climax inside me?"

With a soft kiss on my tap sealed lips, her thumb finally pressed down onto her phone's screen ...



I hope you enjoyed. This very short story was inspired by an article I did indeed read last year about a product dubbed 'TickeFoot' by the actual group mentioned above. To this day, still uncertain whether it was an elaborate April Fool's or for real, but alas said device is still not available for mass market as far as I can tell. Perhaps one day.