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Found by the Housekeeper self/m, ff/m (pt 5 added and updated)

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2023 3:24 am
by Kas
Getting into bondage situation
Struggling/ enjoying
Maid in the house
Discovered by maid
Wife gets home
Harnessed to hook on the wall

It appears to be a normal infant's crib; high sides with rails, mattress with a soft blanket, but the size was that of a twin size bed, and attached to each corner on the inside were leather cuffs, lines with soft fleece.

Upon closer inspection somebody peeking in the room would see a grown man cuffed to the corners, spread eagle and with just enough room for him to wiggle and be reassured of his helplessness. John was doing that just now as the monthly housekeeper watched on in shock and awe, with great surprise.

As she cautiously approached the bound man-baby she observed his attire. His hands and feet were both enclosed in what looked to be soft pink fleece mittens and booties. What she didn't know was that the mittens rendered his fingers useless due to their thickness. What appeared to be a large pacifier, and from his muffled cries, it appears to be being used as a gag, given the straps around his head holding it in place. His very thick diapers were clearly visible under his pink onesie.

John lay there helpless, struggling with his might to break free, or push out his gag, something to let the housekeeper know that she should help him free, and ask why she was here today instead of her scheduled day tomorrow. His face flushed with embarrassment and he had never felt more humiliated and like a helpless sub-baby. He put himself into this situation, and even texted his wife to let her know, as she was his release.

Hesitantly Nancy asked John “Mr. John, what happened?”. John lifted his chin, and mmmphed as much as he could to indicate he was gagged and could not speak. “Oh right, you have a pacifier in, let me help you with that” she responded with a giggle. She reached down with her gloved hand and unsnapped the pacifier from the front and removed its mass. With a look of surprise at the size of the pacifier she asked John “Who did this to you?” He let out a sigh and revealed that it was he who had done it to himself, “...but my wife will be home soon, so if you could just help me out of this…” He was silenced when his gag was reinserted and snapped back into place. Nancy then explained to John that it was not her place or job to get involved with his bondage, and as Mrs. Sarah would be home soon, she would deal with him. Nancy smirked as she said this, "and besides, this way I can get all my cleaning done without you in the way." She left the room and began her work, the sound of the shutting door reminding John how stuck he really was. As he struggled he really took in his predicament, and how despite the shame and humiliation, he kinda loved that he was found like this, helpless, as a baby, and that she LEFT HIM HERE. Part of him was screaming to get out, while part of him wanted it to last forever, and for him the rush of feeling that came with the feeling of having no power over his fate.

When Sarah saw the housekeeper's car outside it dawned on her that she forgot to remind John that Nancy was coming on a different day this week. She assumed John quickly figured it out when Nancy arrived, little did she know how true that was.

The garage door snapped John back out of his few minutes of subspace. However humiliated he was, at least Sarah would let him out and he could be free. The door creaked open and he looked over to see his wife and housekeeper giggling and grinning at his predicament. "Well well well" Sarah smirked maliciously, "you must have forgotten that Nancy was coming on a different day this week." Nancy dismissed herself to get back to her work. John watched his wife saunter over to him, a wickedly sadistic smile on her face. "You truly forgot didn't you?" Sarah questioned. John replied with a defeated nod. She leaned down by his face and whispered softly into his ear, "you fucking love this don't you? You adorable masochist." She then reached between his legs and grasped the front of his diaper, feeling his stiff member pressing up against the absorbent material. He wanted her to continue touching him, to let him go, to free him, to tease and torture him, all at once. "I know you all too well Johnny-baby, and I know part of you is loving the exposure, and that part does not want it to end.

John did want that, but the look on her face made him scared. He watched her walk over to the closet with toys and pull something out. Looking between the bars he could only make out what she held as she got closer. Sarah was holding a set of baby reins that were exactly his size, they looked to be a full torso harness style. "I have been waiting for the right moment to show you this little gift, and this is the perfect moment" she stayed. "Look me in the eyes John", her Domme voice ordered, "I am going to release your cuffs from the bed posts, but the mittens stay on." The look in her eyes and tone of her voice told him she meant business and that to disobey would mean bad things. "You will stand up and not move unless instructed" she ordered.

John, being a true submissive, dutifully complied, despite the fear and nervousness he felt coursing through his nerves. She had him step in the bottom, and pulled the wait straps snugly up to his diaper and around his waist. She then carefully pulled the straps over his shoulder, across his chest, and buckled everything both snug and comfortable. If John was not so nervous about the other person in the house, he would be ecstatic at this beautifully crafted new toy. Grabbing his wrist, she one-at-a-time buckled each wrist to the front side of his new baby reins, she also pulled straps over his wrists and upper arms, further pinning his arms to his body. He was not uncomfortable, and yet he had almost no wiggle room. He was helpless to get out of the mittens by himself, with the reins, he had not even a hope of getting free without help.

Sara then instructed him that they were going to clear the room so it could get cleaned. Sarah clipped a leash onto him and with a firm tug, led baby-Johnny from the room. They passed Nancy in the hall, and she commented that she loved the outfit and getup. Sarah apologized for her having to see John like this but Nancy cut her off "Mrs. Sarah, this is not a problem." She jokingly added with a laugh, "really it keeps him out of the way, he can be tied up every time." Sarah got a contemplative look on her face, "Do you really mean that? He would probably love it, look how red his face is, this kind of thing is what he secretly wants." Nancy indicated that it was not a problem for her and really made it kind of fun and interesting. Sarah turned them to John, "every day Nancy is set to come over and do her work, you are to be helplessly tied up. I will free you when I get home." Nancy agreed that it sounded good and like John's humiliating fate was decided.

Sarah led John into the kitchen and hooked his leash to a hook high on the wall while she prepared dinner. She offered for Nancy to stay, even teasing that she could feed the baby, but Nancy politely declined.

John thought about his new predicament, and began planning for more ways for him to be found bound. Despite his utter humiliation, embarrassment, and shame, John was loving every blushing second. He could have used his safe-word noise anytime and Sarah would have freed him, but why would he? This was the best day of his life.

Re: Found by the Housekeeper self/m, ff/m

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2023 3:59 am
by milagros317
Great story! I hope that you will write a sequel. :D

Re: Found by the Housekeeper self/m, ff/m

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 6:47 am
by jone123
fantastic! agree, I hope you will be writing a sequel of that haha

Re: Found by the Housekeeper self/m, ff/m

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2023 6:23 pm
by Tigon
Pt 2.

It had been just about a month since the incident where John was found tied up as a baby in the crib, by Nancy, the housekeeper. It rocked his world and opened up the idea of true helpless embarrassment, and he could not wait for more. Nancy, the housekeeper, should be coming this very week, and John was nervous. He and Sarah had not discussed him being tied up more when Nancy was coming, and while John loved/feared the idea of being bound again, exposed, he was nervous to bring it up. The night before, at dinner, Sarah took care of any confusion, she told John exactly how he was to tie himself this time, to get him out of the way for the housekeeper. She said he would have instructions laid out for him in the morning. She cuffed his wrist together per their usual routine, and shut off the lights. As John lay in bed, he wondered what curious or depraved setup she had in mind for him; and excited about the idea, he drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, John got up, and got dressed in the clothes Sarah had laid out. He got dressed, as requested, in a diaper, lacy socks, mary janes, lace elbow gloves, and bonnet, and a short, very frilly lolita-style dress. A panel gag was strapped over his mouth. Before any fun, he had to complete some work, luckily he was freelance, so working in his current getup was not a problem. After lunch he was ready to get bound up, before Nancy arrived.

He opened Sarah’s note and blushed at the idea she had down, but being a good boy, he got to work. A while back John had taken a flatbed cart, and added stocks to it, metal and secure. He positioned himself on the cart, and when he was locked in, he was kneeling on the cart. His ankles were strapped to corners, his wrists went into cuffs toward the front, and his neck was secured in a collar. He could move almost none, and was helpless as could be.
. As he began to struggle he knew without a doubt he was stuck. He tried to wiggle anything, but there was no give. This was an incredibly secure bondage, and so he began to settle into subspace. He sunk in deep with his slow breathing, exhaling longer than his inhale. In no time, he was in a deep meditative state, mindful of his situation and feeling incredible about it.

After about an hour, he heard a faint noise, that may have been a door opening. He was facing the door, so he got to enjoy the jovial look on Nancy’s face.
“Oh Mr. John, this is nice” she cooed, “I can move you wherever I need out of the way.”
For the moment, she pushed his bound form on the cart, into the walk-in closet, the door was shut and he was left in darkness. He could hear her walking around, vacuuming the office, and after a while he heard nothing.

Suddenly he felt the cart being pulled back out of the closet; he could not see Nancy, as she was behind, and he could not turn his head any. As he watched his house go by, helpless to do anything about well…anything, he wondered where she was taking him.
As if reading his mind Nany filled in “I need to mop the floors, while I could leave you in the old closet, I thought some fresh air might be nice.” She opened the back door, and pushed his cart out. He heard her shut the door behind him, and he was left in the shade of the deck, looking out at his yard.

As he glanced up, he could see his neighbor’s deck, praying nobody would go outside. While his neighbors were a nice older couple, he did not want them to see him like this. He struggled again, the fear of being seen, being stuck like this out in his car, it was more than he wanted to take, and it was exactly what he wanted. Right outside the fence, he heard some teens talking, it sounded like they were walking. Despite not making any noise, he went as still as he could, being as silent as possible.

After an unknown amount of time, he felt his diaper being pulled down. He was scared for a moment, wondering what Nancy was doing. He liked being tied and helpless, but his body was for his wife. Sarah’s voice brought him back to the real world, “I see you forgot to use the plug I told you to in the note.” John panicked, in his rush he thought back to the note, and recalled he probably rushed through it. “Well, you will have to be punished then won’t you”, she said as she wheeled him back in.

He was in the play room again, and Sarah was standing in front of him. He looked at her with pleading eyes, begging her to not do what he feared she would, but she knew him better. She stood there in front of him, wearing nothing but a leather harness around her waist. In the harness, she had a strap on waiting for him. She pulled a blindfold over his head, and he awaited his punishment.

Re: Found by the Housekeeper self/m, ff/m (pt 2 added)

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2023 9:15 pm
by Kas
Part 3

“So you are telling me he did this to himself?” Heather asked my wife. “Oh absolutely, he loves this sort of thing!” Sarah lovingly replied, “he wouldn’t admit it, but getting caught like this and humiliated really gets him excited.” Sarah patted my crotch with the last word, causing me to stiffen and give a small shudder. “May I?” Heather looked quizzically at my wife while her hand hovered over my crotch. Sarah nodded and Heather grasped, managing to perfectly grip me through the thick diaper. As she closed her grip she gave a firm squeeze which nearly brought me to the edge. My limbs went tingly and tense, my eyes started to roll up, and just as I gave a slow inhale as I was building to the edge, Heather let go. One more second longer and I would have climaxed, the tension and buildup was driving me crazy. I immediately started squirming and struggling, to reach myself and finish, to rub the diaper against anything, but I had tied myself too well, there was no way for me to do anything more than tease myself. My wife and her best friend both fell into a fit of laughter at my struggles and distress. Through the laughter and tears Heather manager to tell me “Oh you just fucking love this dont you?”. My face must have turned bright red with embarrassment, because they doubled over with laughter.
Once they calmed themselves enough to form words, Sarah went on to explain “John has this thing where he likes to sometimes feel completely helpless and bound up, it is like meditation to him.” “Oh, you mean like subspace?” Heather inquired? My wife looked at her questioning and Heather just mentioned she had played around some in college.
As they discussed my penchant for helplessness and humiliation, much to my shameful enjoyment, I was left continuing to struggle without any hope of escape. They both kept glancing and giving me smiles during the chat. Sarah went on to explain how the maid had caught me and so now I am tied up helpless every time the maid is here. I tried to make as much noise as I could through the gag, but it was all muffled and unintelligible. I pulled against the straps that held me in this pushchair, but I was an expert at making myself helpless. When I tied myself up for my wife, I thought of any scenario I could exploit, and then usually added more straps or locks to thwart any escape chances. Between the mittens, harness, assorted arm and leg straps, all of them snug, there was little I could do to gain any movement. Aside from the diaper, I was adorned with a pacifier gag (of course), a pastel purple romper, with lace trim, and matching booties and mittens. The mittens were of course padded so they make use of my fingers near impossible.
“I bet he did not read my note, that the housekeeper was coming tomorrow; also that you were coming today” my wife explained, accurately. “Oh, like the first time when the maid found him?” asked Heather. “Oh, you were listening well,” my wife giggled. “Of course,” replied Heather, “I am very fascinated by this, you will have to tell me more.” Heather was professionally a psychologist, so it was likely both a professional and personal curiosity. My wife looked at me and got the biggest grin, “well I have an idea. Since Johnny here would secretly love it, maybe we should push his bounds of humiliation.” My wife knew me very well, she had read some stories I have written, just like this. She knew what my limits were, and how far I wanted to push them deep down, she’s the best.
“The sun is starting to set, why not take a stroll with him, keeping him like this” suggested Heather. My wife reached down and checked all my straps, and she bent down and gently bit and kissed my neck. I was both terrified at the idea of them taking me out like this, and immediately submissive to my wife when she kisses me like that. Her affection can be like a switch for me, and I am hers.
They turned off the light to go get ready and told me to be a good baby. I again, helplessly gave all the struggle I could, but I only tired myself out, and made no progress. I tried to think of any way I could convince my wife, and gave a very compelling series of mmphs and grunts when she returned. She just giggled at me and unlocked the wheels. Heather held the door open as we ventured out the side door, my wife pushing her husband (helpless baby) in his stroller. Luckily in the time it took for them to get ready, the sun was below the horizon. It was however a warm summer night, and a great night to be outside. I could not see anybody outside, but it was hard to see through the tears in my eyes. They were tears of fear, of anxiety, of humiliation, and of pure excitement. I had hoped they would just go around the cul-de-sac, but we kept going. “Sarah, this is so incredible” Heather said, the excitement clear in her voice. “Oh John, how lucky for you that Heather is into this, and not scared away by your compulsions” my wife called to me, “but I also think it is a lot of fun, so I more than encourage it.” “ insist upon it?” Heather inquired. “Yeah…how did you…hey, no analyzing me” my wife chuckled, “but yes, very much so. When I want, John is my bitch, and my slave.” I tried to sink down into the chair, but that was impossible given my binds, and I so wished the two of them would not talk so loud.
The rest of the walk went about how I feared. We ran into a group of teenage girls who commented how cute I was, and Heather joked that maybe they could babysit, which brought lots of laughs all around. Our neighbors, an older couple, were outside and teased me plenty.
By the time we got back inside I was exhausted. They pushed me back into the play room. Leaned back the seat on the chair, and covering me up with a blanket, left me for a nap. By this time I had to pee bad, and through all my struggles, I could not communicate this to them. Once they left, I could not last longer and thankfully I had a diaper on. From all the excitement and terror I quickly fell asleep. Despite how embarrassing it was, it was something I HAD dreamed about a lot, and that rush left me with a happy feeling as I was dozing off.

Re: Found by the Housekeeper self/m, ff/m (pt 3 added)

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2023 11:34 pm
by milagros317
Fine continuation! I love how the two women made him into an object of public humiliation. :twisted:

Re: Found by the Housekeeper self/m, ff/m (pt 3 added)

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2023 1:34 pm
by Kas
Me too!

Re: Found by the Housekeeper self/m, ff/m (pt 3 added)

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2023 3:23 pm
by milagros317
Please write a part 4 where the teenage girls do come over to babysit him and totally humiliate him. :twisted:

Re: Found by the Housekeeper self/m, ff/m (pt 3 added)

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2023 4:24 am
by Kas
@Milagros317, not this time but maybe a different chapter ;)

Part 4:

In my tight hogtie, I lay there waiting for Nancy to come for our regular house cleaning. Between the gag and the leather hood, I could see nothing and hear very little. I could breathe ok through the air holes, but the gag rendered me speechless.
With time on my hands (I tied myself up early today), I started to reminisce about the first time my wife found about about my kinky proclivities, now that was scary.

Sarah and I had been dating about 3 months at that point, and things were starting to get serious. We had played with some fuzzy handcuffs, both of us taking turns. I definitely expressed my excitement by how turned on I got, but I was far too nervous to reveal that YES I loved being tied up, and that handcuffs were just the tip of my kinky iceberg.
I had been REALLY needing some kinky downtime, and as much as I fantasized about Sarah tying me up and keeping me helpless, anytime in the past I had admitted to even a few of my fantasies it did not go well. I had been treated like a freak and felt like I was ‘less than’ because I wanted…needed this kind of thing. I wanted to trust that Sarah would be fine, but the fear of rejection would always cause my to hold my tongue when the moment came.
Sarah and I were messaging back and forth one day, when I ventured to test the waters.

Me: So, I was thinking about those handcuffs some more, missing you <3
Sarah: Oh? What naughty thoughts were going through that head of yours?
Me: how I kinda enjoyed when you had me cuffed to the bed frame…
Sarah: Kinda? I have never felt you harder. It was HOT!!!
Me: It would be fun to do some more, or something like that?
Sarah: Hmm, that could be fun! I think you look very cute with them on.
Sarah: Maybe when I come over tonight you should be already handcuffed for me ;-)
Me: oh? Well yeah that could be fun!
Sarah: You better be good and helpless for me baby, I insist
Me: Yes ma’am
Sarah: ooh, this will be fun!!

I must have re-read the conversation a dozen times. Time could not pass any slower while I anxiously waited. Not only was I going to do bondage again my girlfriend (yay!), but she seemed keen on the idea to the point of instructing me(holy shit yay!).
I stood there naked, just dried off after a nice shower. I stood there staring at my bag of kinky toys, wanting to ues everything in there. But, I did not want to scare Sarah away, so handcuffs it would be…maybe 2 handcuffs, one for each wrist at the corners…and a ball gag, but that was it. I had about half an hour before she got there, so I got started. Like a pro at self bondage, I soon had myself cuffed to the bedposts, gagged, ankle, and a blindfold. The blindfold was a last minute addition. I did have a safety key on a ribbon attached to the posts the cuffs were around. Unable to see I had to rely only on sound, and soon enough I heard a car pull up, and shortly after I heard my front door open.
“John” she called out, “you better be tied up for me”.
Around my gag a smile was forming, it was unreal that this was happening.
“Oh my, you added extra handcuffs, and what is this? A gag” she said, “good, I do not want the neighbors to hear you when I let you cum”
Did she say ‘let you’, my mind was racing with the sudden rush of emotions.
“Johnny, did you leave this bag of toys out for me on purpose?” she asked, “well you are blushing, and I think you meant to hide this. That is very naughty.”
I heard rummaging and berated myself for not putting the bag of my deepest secrets away. I tried to think what all she would find, but the answer was everything. All of my cuffs, binding tools, rope, diapers, embarrassing clothes, etc; ALL of my kinks in perfect display for my girlfriend to get overwhelmed by. I just knew she was going to leave, so I wanted to try and stop her to explain, so I started trying to pull the ribbon for an escape key.
“Not so fast, I think I will be in charge of that” she said as she removed the key, she then did the same with the other.
A chill swept through my whole body when she did that, because I was truly helpless at the moment. I could move my legs, but may arms were spread out, and I was gagged. If she left now, I would be unable to get out. The idea of being trapped like this both terrified me and got me really excited.
“Mmmmhph” I mumurred.
“Oh, well look who woke up to say hello” she cooed at my privates.
I felt the cold sensation of lube drip down there, followed by a soft hand.
We had the most amazing sex I had ever had. She was screaming so loud in pleasure and I was losing my mind with ecstasy.
As I closed in on the edge I started to tremble. She removed my blindfold “I want to watch you finish”. My body could not handle any more, and as my muscles all tensed, and my eyes rolled back and I have never felt such a strong sensation, I was seeing stars, and my body was quivering, and she just kept going! I tried to twist and squirm, the sensation was too much, my mind and body could not handle it, but her thighs held me right in place as she came to a climax. Once she stopped I was able to catch my breath. I did not feel I could move a muscle, even if I wasn’t handcuffed to the bed, the after effects left me in a numb euphoria.
In the most non-chilant voice she uttered” I think I want to take a nice long soak in the tub, maybe have a glass of wine too!”
I looked at her pleading, I was spent, and a bath sounded wonderful.
“Oh, not for you. You are far too into this for me to let you out now” she reasoned, “you clearly love this, and what kind of girlfriend would I be if I let you out so soon?”
“Mmmph, mmhm” is all I could say in confusion, and maybe protest/maybe excitement.
“Oh my darling” she whispered as she kissed me gently around my face, “this is not punishment. You clearly do love this, this is a think you are really into isnt it?”
It was the tone, or maybe the way she looked at me, but I knew in that moment she was genuine, and I fell deeper and deeper in love with her. A tear of happines rolled down my cheek as I nodded in the afirmative.
She caught the tear with her finger, and kissed it gently, “there is no need to cry baby, I can see this matters to you, and I want you to feel safe in who you really are.” She was caressing my hair as we spoke, which is a thing that just relaxes me and feels so good. “I really do think this is hot, and lovely, and even adorable, I think you just appreciate this kind of thing more than me. That is fine. That is why I go relax in the tub, I am going to let you relax here. This is for your pleasure, nothing bad.”
She held up a thick diaper to me “yes?”
I was hers, she treated my kinks and weird fetish nature not like anything taboo, but just something special to me, that brings me happiness and relaxation. I nodded yes.
She used a wipe nearby to clean me up, and having me lift my legs, put a diaper on me with upmost care and gentleness.
“I am going to take off the gag for a moment, I want you to drink some water” she instructed, “but, there are only three words you are allowed to say.”
I stretched my jaw as she removed the ball, and sipped gently at the straw from the water bottle on my nightstand.
Once I had taken a few big gulps I told her the only words that could came to my mind “I love you”.
“Oh wow, I was thinking of ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ but this is so much more.” she said, giving me the sweetest and most heartfelt look. I must have given a look of fear, that I had said it too soon, because she was quick to reply “no, dont look worried, I was just caught off guard.”
She looked into my eyes with hearts in hers and said the three words back with genuine sincerity and affection,“I love you.”
She kissed me long and deep, nearly turning into a make out session before she put the gag back in, pulled the blindfold down, and applied a spreader bar to my legs, typing it off at the foot of the bed so I was gently stretched and held snug.
"We will have to get you a pacifier gag, that might be more comfortable for this kind of thing."

The sound of the bedroom door opening snapped me out of my nostalgic subspace. Nancy called out "ah good, you are out of the way. You must really love being tied up and helpless." She had no idea how the embarrassing helplessness was exactly what I wanted.

Re: Found by the Housekeeper self/m, ff/m (pt 4 added)

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2024 1:21 am
by Kas
Part 5

John was really starting to get used to Nancy seeing him bound and helpless. It had gotten to the point where at a restaurant his wife and he had seen Nancy in passing, and John felt guilt and shame for NOT being bound around her. Sarah definitely noticed his sudden quietness and teased him on his embarrassment. He liked the feeling, and loved that his wife knew him so well.
Sarah knew this next one needed to be different....maybe some way she could push the embarrassment she saw at the restaurant? She knew she needed to make sure he used a different gag, and really set the scene. As they left the restaurant, she made note of what he was wearing.
By the next housekeeping day John was eager the get bound and snug helpless, the way he wanted...needed to be at time. He slowly made his way though work, time dragging on until it was wrapped up and ready to be bound up.
His returned to the bedroom, finally able to open the bag with gear and instructions his wife had put with a timer lock.
He was dressed alright, but normally he had on slightly different clothes than a Game Grumps T-shirt and some jeans, also sneakers for shoes. He felt comfortable that is for sure, but normally he had more of a...not-vanilla theme.
He sat at the kitchen table as instructed, and took out his gear.
It seemed simple enough, almost boring, but he was not going to question her tie-up instructions. He locked and chained his feet to cross bar of the kitchen chair, with a few inches of chain. He could move s legs a little, but not quite reached the floor. His wrists chained to the chairs arms, easily ~4 inches of chain each. The gag he had applied was a rubber bit gag, which even really right did not do much to actually gag him, just give the effect, and make his speech messy. There was, to his surprise, no blindfold or any other bonds. That was it? Just some loose chains keeping him stuck to a chair and a barely effective gag. He wondered if there was something he had missed about it or if there was some trick to it all.
Nancy entered as per usual, curious herself as to how Mr. John would be, it was almost a fun game for her as well.
When Nancy entered the kitchen, and walked up to the table where he was loosely but effectively bound to a chair, John realized why he was bound as he was.
The feeling he had felt at the restaurant. Seeing Nancy in public, was exactly what he felt now. To him, not being securely helpless in from of her felt shameful and weird. He gave her a half-hearted, mostly audible hello. The joke then caught up with him he was sitting at a table, embarrassed about not being fully bound, and the clothes Sara had left for him were the exact ones he had on when they met in public. Sarah had recreated him embarrassment, leaving him secure enough to be stuck, and loose enough to not feel secure.
Nancy let out a little giggle as he began blushing. He gave a gentle wave, as much as the chain would allow. Nancy passed by, similar to how she didn't in the restaurant and got about her work as usual.
It was pretty frustrating for him to be so free, and so helpless. Somehow, being less tied up made him feel more vulnerable. By being so loose, and truly less felt so wrong. To his patheticness, he looked at his binds and tried to concoct some way to tie himself more, but he had enough slack to feel not secure, but not enough to reach anything. All he could do was wiggle some and reach in vain.
He heard, and saw Nancy do her work, completely ignoring him. This NEAR helplessness was torture for him.
By the time Sara returned home he was pretty annoyed. When she walked in he greeted her by pulling his chains to their extent and saying "pretty funny" around the gag. Sarah busy up laughing at her well thought out joke. She replied "I am glad you love it dear. You inspired it!" As she passed him by she gave his head a gentle pat, then continued on despite his jingling and barely-muffled response.
After who knows how long, and assorted sounds behind him, John saw his wife come around to the table and set a bowl in front of him.
When she removed his gag, it was with a warning that any words would lead to him being gagged again and tickled. She tucked a napkin in his shirt front and proceeded to messily feed him a burger and fries, with sips of a beer inbetween. It was not lost on him that this was the exact meal he had eaten at the restaurant that inspired this humiliation.
His wife was thorough, of that he knew for sure. He loved this about her; she knew how to embarrass more by being loosely tied in normal clothes, than tied up secure as a baby. He loved how strange and full of new experiences his life was.

Re: Found by the Housekeeper self/m, ff/m (pt 5 added and updated)

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2024 7:52 pm
by milagros317
Another fine chapter! This is a very interesting series. :D