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Bondage Bimbo Boys in the Hotel of Humiliation (MMM/MM)

Posted: Sun May 14, 2023 12:53 pm
by jase1010
This all started, Jase thought grumpily to himself as the stretchy yet unyielding nylon smooshed his nose and made him look like a kinky bank-robbing piggy, because millennial Benny had to open his big mouth about the room not being ready.

Since their ordeal at the hands of the Bondage Burglar (don’t worry, dear reader, your favorite kinky writer will eventually revisit that tawdry, titillating tale but you can still enjoy the first two parts), Benny and Jase’s kinky desires had increased a 1000-fold. So, when work and travel schedules intersected again, they found themselves making plans to meet and enjoy a weekend of kinkery at a hotel in a major city. It was very exciting - plenty of scenarios were planned, chock full of bondage and stretchy nylon encasement and humiliation.

The plan WAS to spend the weekend at the hotel, sharing the roles of dom and sub, trading off as to who was the humiliator and humiliatee. Little did they know they were BOTH about to become hapless hosed harlequins at the mercy of the hotels’ irritated and kink-creative staff.

They met in the lobby of the hotel, embracing, Jase squeezed the young Benny’s big bubble buns through his shorts (Young Benny had a “dumpy” as the kids say nowadays) and they caught up as they approached the front desk. Their adventure with the Bondage Burglar had cemented their kinky friendship and both of them were absurdly grateful that someone who shared their quite specific kinks existed in the world.

They sealed their fates when the front desk clerk informed them that their rooms weren’t ready yet.

Benny worked as a buyer for a major lingerie retailer. Jase worked for a tape and textile manufacturer. Both of their suitcases were chock full of stretchy encasing materials and embarrassing lingerie and enough binding materials to truss up an entire college football team (if only). They wanted to get to it.

“Oh, come on, I booked this room months ago. We really can’t check-in? I’m er, very tired,” Benny whined, his baby face all boyish good looks, and his alabaster, smooth musculature resplendent in a snug t-shirt and equally snug khaki shorts with a silver chain decorating his neck. Gosh, he’s pretty, Jase sighed to himself.

Jase was a middle-aged regular dude with some chub, not much to look at but his overactive kinky imagination sealed the deal for Benny. They had been each other’s kinky best buds online for years and getting the chance to meet and play again made them both very very happy.

“It’s ok, Ben, we can go get a drink in the bar while we wait.”

“I know, it’s just - I mean, you know when you pay for something you…”

We’ll leave Benny to his semi-whining as your narrator points out that, not only was the front desk clerk Rick tired of irritating privileged people complaining about minuscule obstructions in their fairly cushy lives, but his two brothers, the porters Ralph and Ron, were overhearing this exchange, too. The three Roberts brothers were about to give their notices so they could start the Roberts Boys brewery. And every night this year, they had had a beer and bitched about the uptight assholes who stayed at the hotel. They’d even pledged to do something about them before their last day.

As Benny whined, the Roberts boys exchanged glances. Today was the day. Evil laughter.

Benny and Jase left their luggage at the front desk and went for that drink. Ralph and Ron quickly went through their bags.

Ralph held up several pairs of purple hosiery to his bro.

“Dude, what the fuck…”

Ron looked over, eyes widened, but then he shrugged and kept going through the bag in front of him.

“I don’t know, dude, maybe they’re cross-dressers. More importantly…”

Ron held up a handful of rope and several rolls of tape. He barked laughter.

“What the hell are these two into?” he asked, laughing.

Ralph glowered, and then his mouth twisted into a cruel smirk as he pawed through all of the nylon goodness in Benny’s overnight bag. Tights, pantyhose, socks, bandanas - it was a very interesting packing job.

“Dude, I have SUCH a good idea of what to do with these two dorks,” he said.

Our two bondage bimbo boy butt buffoons had gotten connecting rooms and kept the inside door open so it was one big room. They had both had long flights so after they were allowed to check in (“About time,” Benny had sniffed haughtily, which he would regret after the fact) they decided to shower. Mistake #1.

As they showered, the Roberts boys snuck into their conjoined room and quickly loaded every scrap of clothing they could find into a trash bag. They completely emptied both dressers of Benny and Jase’s clothing. Not a sock was left behind.

In fact, when Benny and Jase got out of the shower, all they found was a single washcloth left on their sinks for drying purposes.

“What the-” Jase gasped.
“Hey!” Benny yelled out loud.

The two of them stumbled into the big shared room, drying their bouncy bodies with wash cloths and wide-eyed when they noticed their bureaus had been ransacked, as had their closets.

“Our clothes are gone!” Benny exclaimed.

“So are our coats…and our shoes…and oh my god,” Jase breathed, starting to panic.

They noticed, horrified, that the bedding and curtains were missing, too.

As he dried off his porky posterior (the “B” in Benny absolutely stood for “bouncy bubble butt”) with the flimsy washcloth, Benny began stamping his feet in protest.

“We’ve been robbed! They took our clothes! What are we going to do?!? These..squares can barely cover anything. We’re…we’re SO NUDE!”

Jase gulped. Benny was right. He and his kinky companion had been left high and dry, bare-assed and bereft of any clothing. As of now, they were prisoners in their hotel suites.

“What about the uh, stuff you brought for us to wear for when we play?”


Jase wasn’t that upset about that. Between being forced to wear a nylon bodystocking and being stuck nude, he would much rather people see his pecker than realize he was a kinkster of gigantic proportions.

“Ok, let’s call the front desk, report the robbery, and I guess ask for some temporary clothing?” Jase decided.

Rick at the front desk had seemed so accommodating on the phone. What they didn’t know was that he kept having to cover the receiver with his hand to keep from laughing as his two bros chortled in the background. It was showtime.


A knock at the door. Benny and Jase had been sitting around bare-ass, waiting for something to cover up with.

Benny stood behind the door and slowly opened it.

“Uh, hi did you bring us something to wear?”

Rick strode in, followed closely by Ralph and Ron, who bore the luggage containing Benny and Jase’s kinky contents.

“You found our luggage!” Benny exclaimed joyously.

Rick slammed the door behind them.

Rick and Ralph stood behind him, big muscular guys, arms folded. Grinning.

“We sure did,” Rick agreed. He was grinning, too.

Hands over their naked junk, Benny and Jase locked eyes.

Oh oh, both of them though.


“Oh come on, please no, you can’t do this to us!”

The bondage bimbo boys stood dead center in the middle of the room. The Roberts boys' revenge had been swift and decisive. Using the materials they found in Benny and Jase’s luggage, the Roberts had turned them into bodacious bondage bimbos, practically gift-wrapped for maximum humiliation.

First, they had bound their hands and ankles with tights they’d found in Benny’s bag. Then they had made each man hop into the center of a soft bowl of nylon on the floor. Once they were positioned, a Roberts boy had pulled up on the purple nylon, encasing each of our hapless heroes in one leg of purple tights, trapping his entire body in a purple-hosed cocoon. And these cocoons were SNUG. Every body part was outlined, especially Benny and Jase’s bubble butts and cute little bulges. Being stuffed nude into a pantyhose cocoon leaves very little to the imagination.

And the Roberts boys didn't stop there. They then used the floppy toes at the top of their hose cocoons to KNOT the men into their nylon bags. The floppy knot would flip and flop at every move of their hosed heads as if emphasizing their total helplessness.

“What are you doing to us?” Jase demanded, his voice a little nasal seeing as his face was smooshed by his new confining nylon hood.

“You won't get away with this!” Benny whined, very aware of how big his ass felt in his new nylon encasement.

Ralph smacked Benny’s blueberry buns to shut him up while Rick addressed them calmly.

“You two knobheads were rude at the front desk. We’re sick of that shit. You wanted this room so bad? Now you can stay here. Going with our new sustainability policy, the maid only cleans the room every two days. Let’s see - it’s Friday night now. She’ll come back on Monday morning. HAHAHAHHAHAH!”

Through their hose prisons, Benny and Jase’s eyes widened as they wiggled their big bodies in their stretchy nylon bondage.

“We’ll scream!” Benny threatened.

Oh, he’s SUCH a bimbo, Jase thought, trying to get used to the nylon rubbing on his cock. He knew EXACTLY what would happen now.

And he was right. The Roberts boys untied their knots on top, pulled their cocoons down low enough to free their heads, and set about gagging them.

“DOH!” Benny yelled as he was reduced to a mmoommpphing bondage bimbo as an entire pair of tights was stuffed in his mouth.

“I’m not with hi-MMPPHH!” Jase tried to protest as his own mouth was turned to a washing machine for nylon underthings.

Cheeks like chipmunks, the Roberts boys returned each foolish fop’s head into his bondage cocoon.

“MMOOMMPPHH!! Benny mmph-ed in protest, a language he knew VERY well by this point in his kinky existence.

“Mmmmmoommpphhh?” Jase groaned and whimpered into his gag. Why was everyone so mean to them? They were like a magnet for kinky humiliation.

To make matters worse, the Roberts boys, fiendishly resourceful as well as kinky creative, produced torn strips of sheeting to create big puffy over-the-mouth gags to diaper Benny and Jase’s lower face halves with. They were muffled now to the max. No talking from them.

“Time for a little field trip!” Rick announced in a sing-song camp counselor voice.

Using their big broad hands as paddles, the Roberts boys SPANKED the wiggling, squirming, purple silhouettes that had previously been two grown-ass men known as Benny and Jase into the hallway outside their room! The two sissy bondage boys squealed and squawked into their face diapers as they were forced to hop into the hallway! Both of them were blushing so hard at this humiliation that it felt like BOTH sets of their cheeks were bright red. Well, the Roberts boys spanking them helped.

Once they were outside, Ralph and Ron forcibly BENT them each over, so their nylon-encased asses, fairly prominent considering how orbicular Benny and Jase’s bum-bums were, pointed skyward.

Suddenly, both of our hapless hampered butt boys felt something gently placed into their hosed, nyloned buttcracks.

As somehow, due to how clingy and tights and stretchy their bright, Grimace-purple hose bondage cocoons were, what was placed in their bumcracks was almost SUCKED in, the hose causing their buttcheeks to GRIP onto their new cargo.

Which were the keycards to their rooms.

“See, we’re not all bad. If you can somehow get to your fat asses, you can get the keys to your room and be able to duck and cover. HAHAHHAHA,” Rick laughed fiendishly.

Benny and Jase groaned in their gags. Their hands were tightly tied behind their backs, stuck in their tight bodybags. And the nylon was squeezing their cheeks so badly, those cards were vacuum sealed in their big boy asses. There was no way unless someone else plucked them from their helpless asses. This was fiendish torture.

Ralph and Ron honked Benny and Jase’s asses, noses, and tweaked their nyloned bulges, and strode off down the hall, giggling like schoolboys.


Translation: You can’t just leave us here like this! Benny, in gag talk, a language he knew very well.


Translation: This is embarrassing! Jase, in gag talk, ever a master of the obvious.

As Rick took in the delicious site of two upright squirming purple nylon bondage bundles in front of him, Benny and Jase bumped together as they strived to stay upright. Falling in a slapstick heap would be an even further blow to their waning dignity.

“Sorry, boys. You shouldn’t have been such dickheads downstairs. The funny part is, we all gave our notices today. So it’s not like we’re gonna lose our jobs for doing this to you. Plus this is so humiliating I’m assuming you aren’t going to go to the cops.”

Benny and Jase, flustered, looked wide-eyed at each other through their nylon hoods, mouths stuffed, over the mouth gags so big that they looked like cartoons. They literally did look like purple silhouettes. With big fat asses wiggling in their tights encasement.

Rick left them like that, striding off down the hall.

“Hey, those locks are magnetic, and you don’t even have to put your cards in the slots. All you gotta do is get them within a couple of inches of the locks. Good luck!” he called over his shoulder and then guffawed loudly.

Cut to Benny and Jase, nyloned losers trapped in bodyhose, side by side, bent over in front of their hotel room doors, desperately wiggling their hose-encased asses at the hotel room’s doorknob. No one has ever looked more ridiculous.

“Mmoommmpphh!’ they gag-talked in frustration and humiliation as their big tighten butts bumped with their efforts.

Nothing happened. This was gonna be a long night, Jase thought, as the two of them gave up and began a humiliating hopping to the elevators to look for help somewhere, anywhere.

Re: Bondage Bimbo Boys in the Hotel of Humiliation (MMM/MM)

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2023 9:59 am
by John
Awesome little story and great scenario. I'm even a little jealous of these two. 😅