The Never-Ending Foot Slave (M/M) - FINAL CHAPTER! (November 5th)

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The Never-Ending Foot Slave (M/M) - FINAL CHAPTER! (November 5th)

Post by Footsub123 »

(Note: This is a story I wrote based on an idea from @Sockgaggedman , he wanted a story which was about his personal fantasy involving the characters from the Bound & Gagged, and the Easy Prey Universe. It’s not entirely realistic, and doesn’t feature Steven or Jeremy, so don’t consider it canon. Both @Sockgaggedman , and Sir @bondagefreak are happy with me to publish it here, so I hope you all like it 😊)

(I wanted to attempt a different structure, and write in a second person perspective, since it feels more personal.)

Part 1:

Feeling bored, Nick and Zack pondered what to do, and decided they wanted a personal slave, someone they could taunt and torture. After trolling the streets day and night, they set their sights on someone: You!

They watched you endlessly, engaging in stakeouts for hours on end. In this time, they never changed their socks and shoes. The smell in their van was ripe, and the humidity of the raunchy sweat could be felt from outside. The two men were oblivious, they ceased to exist except for their fixation on their incoming slave. Their car trailed after you like a hunter, and you were none the wiser. They slid through concrete mazes, watching your every move, gathering information, and devilishly plotting your smelly demise.

Today was the day. They tooled up with tons of rope, rolls and rolls of duct tape, gaffer tape, electrical tape, and scotch tape, they brought collars and leads, and chains.

Back in the van, they followed you. Their foot odour has transformed the van into the inside of Nick’s construction boot, and the smell clung to every inch of it. They caught up to you and chatted with you for a bit, earning your trust. When you weren’t looking, they struck!

Zack grabbed hold of your arms, twisting them behind your back, and cupped your mouth before you had time to scream. His palms were thick and meaty, and enveloped your lower face. You could hardly breathe. As you mumbled pitifully in your gag, Nick got the stuff ready. He lifted your legs up, and began to encircle them with the tape. Pallet wrapping you. They mummified you in tape before roping your body up. To ensure your complete silence, Nick peeled off his boot, and the smell made you want to run, but Zack held you still. You had no choice but to smell it. They both laughed at your predicament. The smell was putrid. His black Nike socks stunk of a malt vinegar solution that was mixed with curdled cheese, and seasoned with pickled eggs. It wrinkled your nose, and burned your lungs. You coughed into your hand gag, that was so thick, it forced you to swallow the taste again. You could taste the ripe odour, and they held it so close to your face, that when they moved it back, toe jam had stuck to your nose, giving them the impression that you looked like you were dipped in ink.

(Nick's socks)

Zack yanked your Jaw open, and you were sure your cheeks would rip if he pulled any tighter. Nick forced the putrid sock in your gob, and before you could spit it out, another one was pushed in. The dried bits of sweat scratched on the roof of your mouth, tickling your tongue with the vibration sensation of the tingling taste that sent you into a permanent gagging retch. They tasted as if they were rolled over salt, dipped into melted cheese that had rotted in the sun for too long, and was drowned in a vat of boiling malt vinegar. The taste was so strong and acidic that it fried away your taste buds, and snapshotted a memory of this taste onto your tongue forever, so that this will be the last thing you ever taste, and no amount of mouth wash, toothpaste, water, and whatever it may be, will get rid of this rancid vinegary, cheesy taste. You will eventually call this pungent flavour home.

After plugging your mouth, they cover your entire face in duct tape, scotch tape, electrical, and gaffer tape. You can’t make a mumble, or move your head at all now even. They chuck you in the back of truck and drive off to your new life.

(Zack taping your big mouth up)

In the back of the van, Zack plays with his new toy as Nick speeds away. He holds your nose on and off for a bit, making your breathing frantic. Eventually, he puts his gym trainer over your nose. He leaves it there for 5 minutes. 5 minutes of personal hell for you. He takes it off and you get a brief reprieve. You try and look for fresh air, but the only air in this van is tainted with their vinegary foot sweat. Zack looks at your nose, it’s scarlet and inflamed from the fury of being forced to smell this effigy of hell contained inside this large shoe. You caught a glimpse of the insole. It was battered and ratty. It used to be blue but now has gone green, and the edges were browning and crumbling. You coughed at the sight.
The vehicle kept on speeding, but it slowed down when the lights of a cop car shone through the tinted windows of the van.

To keep you extra quiet, even though with this gag, you couldn’t even hear yourself breathe, Nick snuck in the back, and clamped his meaty hand over your tape muzzle to keep you silent. Zack, the charmer of the two, snuck into the driver’s seat, and shut the curtain that kept you and Nick invisible.

Zack awaited the cop’s arrival, and there he was. It was Officer Bob, with his friends Mitch and Frank on either side.

(You tied in the van)

Part 2:

Bob approached the window, with Mitch and Frank flanking from either side. Bob’s charmed smile radiated through the car window, and beckoned for Zack to roll it down. He did, and the two conversed for a few minutes, explaining the pleasantries and such. Eventually, Bob wanted to see the license and registration. Zack awkwardly looked around, knowing that it was Nick’s stuff in the glove compartment. Bob looked at his nervous fidgeting and his stalling. Asked to exit the vehicle, Zack did so and tried to figure out the best way to manoeuvre their way out of the situation.
Mitch and Frank stood either side of him, making sure that he couldn’t get away. Their smiles could cut steel, and they sliced right into Zack’s quaking nerves that he tried to shield. Bob could feel the strong smell emanating from the vehicle. In fact, they all could, and their noses shrivelled back into their faces for the smell was horrific. It was like the inside of a decrepit cheese factory. Frank coughed a little on the smell, and Bob started to breathe through his mouth as he entered the interior.

Bob excavated the vehicle, and started to hear your muffled pleas, and the sound of ruckus emerging from behind the velvet curtain. Bob got his gun to the ready, and drew back the curtain to reveal Nick planked on top of you, his hand over your gagged face, both of you tumbling over each other as you try and get away. Bob told you both to freeze, and you were glad of your incoming rescue. Nick’s face dropped, and he slowly slid off you, arms touching the sky. He ordered Nick to walk towards him slowly and exit the vehicle. You rolled on the floor, trying not to be ignored by these hulking goliaths. All that got you was Bob ordering you to be quiet, and you defiantly mumbled into your obnoxiously sized gag.

Zack was hyperventilating from fear, and tried to not show it. But he couldn’t stop the cascade of perspiration dripping from his forehead and pooling by his shoes. Mitch and Bob held him in place, a hand clamping on each shoulder, their feet behind his. If he tried to move, he’d head straight to slip and fall school.

Nick left the shaking vehicle, as you tumbled inside like an angry dishwasher. When he thought the coast was clear, he tried to book for an exit, hurtling down the road. He made it close to the end, and thought he got away, but Bob shot his taser at him, sending him crashing to the floor. The thud of his large body hitting concrete was so loud, even you could hear the sonic impact from inside the sweltering shoe you was imprisoned in.
Bob and Frank went to go bring Nick back to face justice, and Mitch kept tight hold of Zack. They were immediately put under arrest by Bob. However, Bob has just clocked off for the day, so they decide to hold them at his, and turn them in the next day. Upon hearing this, they both start to freak out, but they’re both kept still by their captors.

Bob puts the handcuffs on them both, but they’re both still capable of making an escape. They need to be fully secured. He grabs the bag of supplies from inside the cheesy car, and Frank and him restrain the two of them.

Bob takes care of Nick, Frank deals with Zack. They rope up their protesting bodies with thick twine, and put electrical tape over their hands, rendering them useless. To shut them up, they take some leftover socks from inside the bag. They fucking reek. They’re Zack's and smell like they were marinated overnight in a slimy vinegary sludge. Neither of them want to accept their gags, so Frank yanks on their jaws while Bob feeds them this pungent gift.

(Zack's smelly socks)

After filling up their mouths, they mummify their heads in scotch tape before stuffing them in the back of their police van. Placed upside down, both of them choke on each other’s smelly feet since Frank took off their shoes to make an escape even harder. Their frantic breathing were tainted by this foul vinegary odour that scorched their lungs.

(Zack and Nick's heads mummified by tape as they choke on Zack's smelly socks)

Mitch climbed inside the vehicle to comfort you, but you knew something was up because he didn’t remove your bonds, and his eyes were hungry, feasting on your bound and gagged form, struggling in this disgusting smelling car.

Bob and Frank drive off in the cop car getting ready to make Nick and Zack’s life hell for the next 24 hours before they are sent to jail and charged.

Part 3:

Mitch climbed into the driving seat, and that’s when you knew that you wasn’t going to be going home tonight. He drove back to his house, and laid you down on their coffee table. He called his boys down for a family meeting, and introduced you to them as their new slave. They told you their names as if they were oblivious to the fact that they had kidnapped you and turned you into a slave. You traded two masters for three masters, and when Mitch kicked off his shoes, and his son Andrew plonked his meaty socked soles by your face, you knew these weren’t any better than the last two.

(Andrew's socks)

There you was, bound on their coffee table, hooked to each leg, and gagged still with Nick’s socks. You moaned into your gag, but all it got you this time was Andrew’s rancid, vinegary socks that used to be white but were now bronze with grime and sweat, onto your muzzled mouth. The smell was horrific. You’d think these were the stinkiest socks in the world, but they weren’t. You knew for a fact that it was Mitch’s socks, for they were on the other side of the sofa to you, but smelled like they were jammed into your nose, and used as your inhaler. Ethan was there too, but he stayed out of it, just calmly revelling in this scene from the other side of the room. Mitch’s socks made his nose curl too, but he had the benefit of being able to breathe through his mouth. Unfortunately, you wasn’t awarded that privilege. From what you could gather from the corner of your watering eyes, you could see that his socks were thick wool socks, grey but starting to brown. The smell was like Andrew’s but 100x stronger, packing a heavier punch, and you could feel your face turning green after accidentally breathing too hard. The smell made you dizzy, and you passed out for a while.
You woke not long after to the sound of slurred shouting as a tipsy Mitch began to tie up an unruly Ethan. He must’ve said something off colour to him. Ethan put up a good fight, but it wasn’t long before he was bound in a similar position to you. Your bonds were connected, so every time one of you struggled, it began to choke the other. It forced him to calm down. I think Ethan might have said something about his foul foot odour, for Mitch ended up stuffing both of those pungent socks into his mouth, before wrapping revolution after revolution of electrical tape around his mouth. He couldn’t even mumble, and he disappeared under the tape.

(Mitch's socks)

It wasn’t long before Andrew made a dreaded decision. He commented on the ripe foot stink too and ended up in the same position as you and Ethan. Running out of gagging material, he removed your gag, and shoved your former captors’ socks into Andrew’s mouth. Imagine how humiliating that must be, to be gagged with the smelly socks of criminals you don’t even know. Mitch thought we were all secure, but forgot to realize, that by ungagging you to gag him, that you wasn’t gagged anymore. To shut you up as you began to beg for help, he jammed his foot into your mouth as deep as it could go. The taste was overwhelming, like his foot was rolled in salt, and dipped in vinegar. You gagged and drooled, he relaxed and pressed his other foot right under your nose, his wet toe jam sliding around your nostrils. To him, this was the life. To you, Ethan, and Andrew this was hell on earth.

Mitch called up Bob to look at the sight he created. He was having the time of his life. Bob was there in a hurry, leaving his captives with Frank for the night.

Bob marvelled at the sight of you all squirming under the stinky feet that pervaded the living room. The whole room stunk like the inside of a gym locker room. You then caught sight of the hungry look that enveloped Bob the way it did Mitch.

(You on Mitch's coffee table all bound and gagged, his feet in your face)

Part 4:

In a few seconds, Mitch was wrestled to the floor, hogtied, and temporally gagged with a coaster shoved in his mouth, as the three of you watched, mumbling nervously into your gags. Except Ethan that is, he couldn’t move his jaw at all after what Mitch did to him. You, on the other hand, was free to run your mouth. But upon seeing Mitch get his just desserts, you remained silent. Instead, you opted to spitting out the remnants of Mitch’s foot cheese that stuck to your mouth like a very thick glue.

Bob hunted for a suitable gag for Mitch. Eventually, he found Mitch’s old jockstrap stinking up a laundry hamper. The musk that radiated off it was lethal, and Bob shoved it into this large, protesting mouth, crotch end first. Mitch was sucking on his cock sweat, and will be doing so for a long time. The taste of his salty balls were pressed on his tastebuds, and bits of his wiry pubes got caught into his teeth.

To make sure he couldn’t spit it out, Bob tied two of Andrew’s socks together. The socks came straight off his foot, and were dripping in sweat. They were so sweaty that when Bob wrung them out, they made a puddle directly onto Mitch’s muffled face. He coughed and squirmed as he bathed in his son’s vinegary smelling foot sweat. Bob tied this makeshift gag over his mouth, pushing the jockstrap in further.

To add even more insult to injury, Bob hurried off into the kitchen, and got some extra strength gorilla tape, and began swallowing his face with it. You counted 30 rounds before Bob stopped. If Bob wasn’t one of the most well renowned cops in the county, Mitch would’ve complained. But since he was, no one would believe him, so he had to keep his mouth shut. With this mammoth of a gag, that wouldn’t be hard.

With all 3 of Mitch’s family thoroughly tied up and gagged, Bob stored them in a closet where they wouldn’t be found. It was the closet where they kept their laundry, and the smell was infamous. No-one would be going near that if they could help it. The smell was like the inner sanctum of a vinegar making factory that also homed a pickled onion industrial workshop.

All of them were bound head to foot. Poor Ethan, he was in the middle. He was bound lying straight ahead in a 90 degrees direction. Andrew was bound to the right of him, his feet cupped over Ethan’s nose, sending the strong smell directly down into his lungs. Mitch was to his left, and the smell was enough to make Ethan almost pass out, his feet were pushing Andrew’s further onto his face, making Ethan unable to move his head. The weight of both of these goliath feet, were crushing his face.

To shield them from view, Bob draped the smelly contents of the laundry hamper directly over their faces, blindfolding them. Andrew had it the worse, 5 of Mitch’s cheese and vinegar infested socks, oozing musk, landed onto his face. Rumour has it, that Andrew spent his time in captivity constantly coughing from the smell of those socks concentrated on his face. Bob also covered them in blankets, and the heat was immense. To keep from falling into a state of unconscious, they all had to breathe deeply without stopping. You know what that means, they spent their 20+ hours in captivity huffing their pungent odours.

(Some of the putrid laundry items that the poor family will be forced to endure)

If only they washed their gear more often. I guess you reap what you sow.

Bob then grabbed you, took off his boots that were old and battered. His golden toe black socks were peeled off his foot, they were so sweaty, that the sweat acted as glue. You take it back, Mitch’s socks aren’t the worst, Bob’s are. Bob crumpled up both of his socks that stunk like a rancid combination of all different industrial grade vinegars, with the added smell of limburger cheese that was boiled with pickled eggs, and marinated in an onion sauce. He stuffed them both in your pleading mouth before grabbing this muzzle gag that he used on his misbehaving son Shane, and buckled it over your mouth, and tightening it as tight as it can go.

He carried you over his shoulder, and hid you in the back of his police car that still stunk of Nick and Zack’s putrid soles. You spent 3 hours in that car before you both arrived back to his place, where he took you to his room, and put you in a collar and leashed it to the foot of his bed.

(You all muzzled up at the foot of Bob's bed)

You couldn’t move an inch, and your neck was burning from being unable to move. He climbed into the bed, and you could smell his feet. He was so tall, that his feet came off the edge of his bed, right atop your gagged face. The smell was intense, and his feet were so sweaty, that they just kept sliding over and around your face. The smell caught to the leather muzzle, so even when he left the room, his foot odour still clung to your nostrils.
You saw him in the door way, grabbing his monster cock through his boxers. You could see an imprint of it sticking out through the cloth. It was massive. He tugged on it. You saw his cheesy grin. You gulped, which only made the gag taste worse as his socks danced on your tongue.


(Bob's smelly soles draped over your nose)

He rushed over to you, unbuckled the muzzle really fast, and ripped out the socks. You knew what he was going to do next, and You braced for impact...


@bondagefreak @Sockgaggedman @squirrel @socjuc @OrdinaryWorld @Stormee (I tagged guys that I think will like this story)
Last edited by Footsub123 7 months ago, edited 15 times in total.
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Post by Sockgaggedman »

Wonderful tale! @Footsub123 is really on here making dreams come true. I have little words to praise him except a sincere: thank you for bringing my scenario to life with his excellent writing.
You know it's a Sockgaggedman scenario when it's dirty socks galore!
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Post by squirrel »

This story nearly knocked my out... Kidnapped by two hunks, then being held by cops.... I can't imagine any better way to spend the time! Plus the socks' description was really fantastic! Great story 8-)

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Post by bondagefreak »

Well, that's quite the action-packed blitzkrieg you have here, @Footsub123!
Smelly shoes, sockgags, jockstrap gags, Nick, Zack, Mitch, Bob, Andrew? Sheesh!

While this could've also worked nicely as a multi-chaptered tale, it was fun being able to read the entire story in one go. This was non-stop action from start to finish. Just when I thought I knew what was going to happen, you switched it up. And then you switched it up again and again. The king of switcheroos you are! Never in a million years did I think our two crooks in chapter one would be arrested. And then reading about Mitch's demise was also surprising.

While this was very clearly written for your fellow subs, I was very entertained by your writing. Stories narrated in the second person are exceedingly rare here, so good on you for exploring that niche. I think it suits the theme quite nicely.

Props for being able to write like this. I sometimes wish I was able to write closer to this style - fast-paced, high-intensity - but my attempts at doing so have all failed and I always end up reverting back to my natural style.

I'm going to tag a few members who I think might enjoy this.
I look forward to more written works from you, boi!

@OrdinaryWorld @Msueta@2 @GoBucks @Socksbound @socjuc @The slave @Lovethemsocks @sock slave boy @Stormee @noarmgr

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Post by Stormee »

Quite a wild ride that was. Getting kidnapped by Nick and Zack, rescued by Bob and Mitch. But Mitch takes you home, Ethan and Andrew get the treatment of you before Bob "arrests" Mitch and takes you away... quite the wild ride that was. Nice work, @Footsub123
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Post by sock slave boy »


God in heaven, what is this sick story, it just lacks the appropriate himage for well illustrated and it's perfect, between us I can be jealous of our character, even if I find it more interesting to be at the captive foot of Shawn, but the personae used are excellent, I give it a 20/20.
very good work I can't wait to see a sequel :mrgreen:
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Post by Red86 »

Holly shit, this was an action packed story!

Nick and Zach on the prowl looking for a foot slave. The kidnapping. Nick and Zach end up being arrested but not taken directly to jail. The rescue is short lived and you end up at Mitch's. Mitch ends up tying up both Ethan and Andrew, then Mitch ends up tied up to and you end up at Bob's. That was quite the adventure.

Personally for me, it's really heavy on the foot/sock smells, which for the most part, doesn't interest me, so technically this story wasn't for me. But aside from that, this story was well written and had enough additional entertainment to allow me to read the whole thing! Add in the fact I am familiar with these characters and the fast peace, never knowing which way to look, I can't say I'm disappointed by reading this. Props to you!!
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Post by Footsub123 »

@bondagefreak @Stormee @sock slave boy @Red86 Thank you all so much for your kind comments, I loved writing this, and I might add a few more chapters eventually focusing on Nick and Zack's time in captivity with Frank, Bob, and some other characters that @bondagefreak has expertly written.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Excellent news, buddy-boi.
I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

A whirlwind adventure full of twists and turns.

I think there might be a reason that cheese and vinegar has not become a successful crisp flavour!
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

All my M/M stories can be found HERE.
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Post by Footsub123 »

@Pup Wingletang if it did become a successful crisp flavour, then I presume only foot fetishists would buy it haha They could market it with Nick and Andrew's face on the packet lmao
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Post by Footsub123 »

Tied_Skinny_Boy wrote: 9 months ago Love how this makes the reader feel like they’re being captured here!
Thanks, that was the vibe I was aiming for. I just added some illustrations, hope it adds to that feeling. The next few chapters will be coming up shortly. I'm glad you enjoyed it :)
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Post by Footsub123 »

HAPPY BIRTHDAY @Sockgaggedman!
Chapter 5:

While you were being carted off as a slave, Nick and Zack turned and struggled in the boot of Bob’s police car, claustrophobically indented onto each other. They were closer now than they had ever been before. They couldn’t see, speak, or move. The tape over their face was constricting on them and they felt like they were seconds away from suffocation. Obviously Bob and Frank took enough care to make sure they wouldn’t have two bodies on their hands, but to the two struggling convicts in the back, there was no consideration at all. They hated their predicament, the socks in their mouth expanded and bulged over their tongues rendering speech impossible. Its grubby cloth tasted disgusting and vile. Nick could be heard mouthing off incessantly inside his gag because it was that foul. His muffled pleas were so loud that even Bob and Frank could hear them from in the front seat. He could hear the two authority figures shouting at them to button it or else they’ll get Frank’s socks wedged inside their too. They both gulped down in fear, and pitifully retched on the pungent taste. Zack socks were extremely cheesy. They tasted like they were marinated in blue cheese and left to smoulder and mature like cheddar underneath the boiling hot sun. They even had a cheesy complexion. What was once white was now bronzed and yellowed, golden with black circles of smelly grime that dotted around the heel and toe areas. Poor Nick had his tongue scraping against the jagged edge of bits of Zack’s toe jam and sock lint. His tongue wasn’t the only thing bruised and sore, his ego was too. Almost destroyed. These two men had planned this for ages. They were cold and they were calculated, they knew what they wanted, and they strived for it. They were going to get themselves a slave. A slave they could mould like clay, a slave they could train, torment, and torture. A slave that was theirs, and theirs alone.

Not all good things come to plan. Now it was these two who were the slaves. They were experiencing all the things they wanted to inflict on you. Now for all they know, you are home safe, away from their long reaching grip, and cruel dominant hands. They wanted to punish you, but now it was them that were getting punished. To add insult to injury, once this day of hell is over, they were going to be booked, charged, convicted, and jailed. Who knew what horrors awaited them down at the local prison?

The two men wanted out of this car right away. Both began struggling even more. Nick especially. He wouldn’t stay still, and since his mobility was limited, his feet ended up astride over Zack’s face. It wasn’t long before Zack could feel his face morphing into a green expression of revulsion. Nick’s soles were orange with the hue of sweat which made the balls of black lint stand out as they crawled from the cracks in between his toes like harbingers of stench. Zack began to cough and gag as Nick unwittingly began to massage and move his smelly feet all over Zack’s muzzled up face. The smell of malt vinegar that lathered his feet was enough to make anyone feel ill, but because of the closed off environment, it was concentrated and evaporated to fill up the whole boot. It was seconds before the smell wafted up to greet Nick like an old friend. Nick knew his feet stunk, he knew they reeked, but usually he didn’t care. He loved to torment people with them, in dares, in moments of hazing, but now he knew the pain he inflicted on everyone else.

(Nick's smelly vinegary feet that are burning Zack's nose. If only he wasn't gagged ;))

The smell of rancid feet made the two captives turn feral in their need for escape. They both made as much noise as possible, which wasn’t much, and they began to rock around in the back of the car, rocking from side to side. They needed this car to stop right now, they needed to get out. They tried to claw at the sides for an opening but the tape over their hands made this impossible. They were entirely at the mercy of their stern captors.
The car finally stopped, and the two boys thought they were in the clear. Maybe they were too much trouble than what’s worth they thought, and now they’d be released with a slap on the wrist. How ignorant must these two be?

Suddenly light invaded the car boot, and the two men could feel the crisp fresh air comfort them. They were itching with excitement, and could feel that reprieve from this hell was only mere moments away.

They were wrong.

They were greeted with a brutal slap on the face from Frank, and ordered out from the boot. They were lifted one by one out of the car. Because their bonds were so strict, they could hardly walk. Both guys had a man on either side of them to help them march. Neither could see where they were going, but they could feel stones cut and graze their tender bare souls.

Once they were marched inside, they were dropped onto the cold wooden floor like a sack of potatoes, and left to stew in their paranoid fears.
A few minutes later, they were secured onto a chair that pressed at their sides and was extremely uncomfortable. The tape was ripped from their eyes in one fell swoop that took one of Zack’s eyebrows with it, and his self-esteem too. The tape was took off their hands too, and was taped onto the arms of the chair instead.

The chairs were tied together so if one struggled, the other would too, and if one’s chair fell over, so would the other. This trick to enforce co-operation worked as no one wanted a cracked skull. Rope was also tied around each of their necks, connected in the middle, and fed through a loop, before connecting to the bottom of the chairs. This forced their head down, and after it while it began to send burning scores of sensation up their spine. They couldn’t move it all. Frank and Bob exuded pure efficiency.

(Nick and Zack's predicament)

They sat in front of them and explained how it was going to go: They will be here till the next morning, where they will then be taken to the police station to be booked and charged with kidnapping. Whilst at Frank’s house, they will not cause any trouble as they can always make their predicament worse. After this mini speech, Bob looked at them square in the faced and asked if they had any questions?

Bob looked at them for a further 10 seconds awaiting a reply before he burst into laughter. This was so funny to him. Nick and Zack mumbled furiously into their gags, before Bob carefully asked them to shush with the wag of his finger, a sly grin plastered onto his face.

For the next 5 hours, Bob and Frank began to game. Their feet were radiating stink from every direction. Nick and Zack were in hell, and it couldn’t get any worse. The smell of Bob's black socks were potent and vinegary, and it even burnt Frank's nostrils. Bob's smelly boots were on the floor by Nick and it made his nose curl and wrinkle in agony.


(Bob's boots and smelly socks)

The two men eventually ordered food, laughing as Frank asked Nick if he wanted anything? They ordered themselves some Chinese food, and when it came, they ordered them to be quiet as they opened the door…or else.

With the food all plated up, Frank got his chopsticks to the ready, and Bob went to go get a knife and fork since he never learnt how to use them. It made him really self-conscious, but his expert charisma helped him brush it off in social situations.

Upon walking back to the seating area with his knife and fork, the door chimed again. It made Bob slightly jump as loud noises reminded him of his time in Iraq. He accidentally dropped his knife on the floor. He rushed to the door to see what it was, and failed to notice what he dropped.
Not losing any time, Nick grabbed the knife with his foot, and slid it to himself, planking his foot atop it to hide it. He could feel a slight scratch as he did it but didn’t think anything of it. It must have been from the stones outside.

At the door, Bob looked and saw the delivery man waiting for him in a rushed state. He had forgotten the customary chopsticks…and his tip. Bob nonchalantly grabbed the green chopsticks, and gave the man his tip. A small tip of 5 dollars. He slammed the door, and made his way back to the sofa.

Talking with Frank, he realized he had neglected to grab a knife from the kitchen, he’s always casually forgetting things. It must just come with age he thought. Before he could go back to get it, Frank pressured him to give the chopsticks a go. Not wanting to look like an idiot, or a pussy, he tried the chopsticks, and failed miserably. He kept dropping his rice. He wanted to go back and get a knife to go with his fork, or a spoon at least for the rice. Frank persuaded him to keep trying. Eventually Bob got the hang of it. As they were doing this, Nick and Zack looked eagerly at each other, waiting for the time to strike.

A few more hours later, Bob got the call from Mitch talking about his three new foot slaves. He had to see this! He told Frank to keep an eye on the prisoners till he got back, and raced for the door, grabbing his things, and driving off.

As Frank waved him off at the door, he came back inside the house, and noticed a few spots of crimson of the floor.
He looked and followed the trail of blood to its root: Nick.

To avoid infection, he got some medical aids, and got close to his foot. Breathing through his mouth to avoid the burning odour, he looked up and realized that the bonds had been cut. His eyes widened.

In less than 3 seconds, Nick sprung from the chair, and tackled Frank to the floor. The bloody knife inches away from his throat. Nick made muffled demands, but Frank could tell he wanted him to untie Zack.

Frank anxiously did as he was told, and released Zack.

Zack got out of his chair, ripped the tape off his mouth, spat out the socks, and smiled at Frank.

They sat Frank down into the chair, and began to rope him up. Nick pressed the knife by his throat, and asked him one question: Where is their slave?
He feebly answered, and Zack rewarded him with a smile, before dangling those dreaded socks in front of his face.

Zack grinned, Nick pushed the knife as deep as it could go without cutting him. Zack calmly asked him to open wide…

Hope you all like it :)

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Post by Sockgaggedman »

Thanks for the birthday wish, @Footsub123!

Great new chapter. Knowing your writing, I just know there are still a lot of switcheroos coming 8-)
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Post by Footsub123 »

Sockgaggedman wrote: 9 months ago Thanks for the birthday wish, @Footsub123!

Great new chapter. Knowing your writing, I just know there are still a lot of switcheroos coming 8-)
Haha just you wait and see!

Chapter 6 will be around the corner in a few days :)
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Post by Guardianbound »

Nick and Zack bound and gagged!? Sign me up. Love all the photos you've used to enhance your story and appreciate all the characters you've pulled together from various different series.
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Post by Red86 »

I just have that sneaky suspicion that Nick and Zach aren't outta the woods yet!
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Post by bondagefreak »

Yes! So glad to see Nick and Zack get the upper hand on Frank.
Bob is going to be in for quite the surprise when he makes it back home later!

Very exciting stuff @Footsub123
Super glad you're continuing this. So many crazy twists and turns!

Just a small question. At the end of this latest chapter, Zack is holding socks and asking Frank to open up.
Whose socks are those? Nick's sock - the ones he had in his mouth?

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Post by Pup Wingletang »

Your writing is once again very evocative I'm just not sure I want to be around when some of the things you evoke actually turn up!

Very much enjoyed the idea of Nick and Zack contorted into the boot of a car and trapped with their own stench.

Let the chaos continue!
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

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Post by Footsub123 »

bondagefreak wrote: 9 months ago Yes! So glad to see Nick and Zack get the upper hand on Frank.
Bob is going to be in for quite the surprise when he makes it back home later!

Very exciting stuff @Footsub123
Super glad you're continuing this. So many crazy twists and turns!

Just a small question. At the end of this latest chapter, Zack is holding socks and asking Frank to open up.
Whose socks are those? Nick's sock - the ones he had in his mouth?
Thanks a lot! I'm glad you like it. Chapter 6 coming soon!

Zack is holding the socks he got gagged with. Nick's socks ended up the readers mouth (you since the story is 2nd person, sorry bondagefreak you finally got all trussed up and gagged lol ;))

Zack and Nick both got gagged with Zack's socks. Then their heads were mummified in scotch tape before being placed upside down - shoes took off them so they had each other's smelly feet in their face.

Here's the passage: "Frank deals with Zack. They rope up their protesting bodies with thick twine, and put electrical tape over their hands, rendering them useless. To shut them up, they take some leftover socks from inside the bag. They fucking reek. They’re Zack's and smell like they were marinated overnight in a slimy vinegary sludge. Neither of them want to accept their gags, so Frank yanks on their jaws while Bob feeds them this pungent gift."
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Post by Footsub123 »

Pup Wingletang wrote: 9 months ago Your writing is once again very evocative I'm just not sure I want to be around when some of the things you evoke actually turn up!

Very much enjoyed the idea of Nick and Zack contorted into the boot of a car and trapped with their own stench.

Let the chaos continue!
@Pup Wingletang Thanks for that. Haha I think I agree with you on that front, but my dark fantasies would love to experience it at least once haha.

I'm glad you liked it. That part in the car park was probably one of, if not my favourite things to write of this story so far. It was so hot!

Chapter 6 is coming soon by the way, probably on Friday or Saturday.
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Post by Footsub123 »

Red86 wrote: 9 months ago I just have that sneaky suspicion that Nick and Zach aren't outta the woods yet!
@Red86 Really? do tell ;)
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Post by Footsub123 »

Guardianbound wrote: 9 months ago Nick and Zack bound and gagged!? Sign me up. Love all the photos you've used to enhance your story and appreciate all the characters you've pulled together from various different series.
@Guardianbound I know right! Finally made the two big doms of the story submissive for once. Hopefully Shawn too at some point lol

Thanks for your kind words. I loved looking for these amazing photos. Tumblr and Twitter was amazing! Especially @Sockgaggedman and @bondagefreak 's pages.

Btw, Chapter 6 will be out later this week :)
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Post by Footsub123 »

Here's a new chapter. This re-introduces characters from @Socksbound 's story 'Jack's Changing Friendship' go and read it. It's amazing!

Chapter 6:

Zack and Nick’s crusade to find you was inching nearer towards an end. They were closer than ever. They were on their way to Mitch’s house. They forced a confession out of Frank’s mouth before stuffing Zack’s socks in there. You could smell the foul wads from underneath the tape. Imagine the hell that Frank was going through. They figured out that Mitch’s house would be home to both him and Bob, and maybe other people there too. They needed reinforcements. They knew exactly who to call.

Zack and Nick escaped the house, they found their shoes and put them on, a smell of stinky feet wafted around in their wake. They stole Frank’s jeep and raced towards their buddies, leaving Frank to muffle around in isolated despair.

They droved around, looking for them, and eventually found them at a local football field. Across the crisp air, and evergreen grass, two men stood out from the crowd of sweaty football players. These guys were Liam and Mitch.

Liam, the bulkier of the bunch, was belting his foot into the ball, hurtling it through the sky and torpedoing it past the goal posts. It let out a sonic crash into the white metal that dazed everyone’s ears. He was a behemoth. He had a large torso, large legs, and a large face. He was excess incarnate. His hair was dripping in sweat, the usual chestnut colour was jet black, and his face dripped sweat like a window in a thunderstorm. He wore tautened azure shorts that highlighted everything in brilliant detail, and carved out the definition of man for everyone to see. Like his shorts, he sported knee length blue socks that displayed his chiselled carves. His shoes were brand new, on the outside. However, if you caught one whiff of them, you’d think the opposite. If you were there to see him now, you’d melt into a stream of frenzied emotions.

After scoring the goal, he circled the field, arms in the air, a winner’s lap of glory. He commanded this floor with extreme aggression and dominance, and he made sure to everyone he saw, that he was a winner.


In comparison to this, the other guy Mitch sat on a local bench. He had a face of re-assurance. He looked down at his socks and smiled. They were his lucky socks. Every time Liam scored one of his goals with great prowess, Mitch always wore his lucky socks. So far Liam has won 23 days in a row. These socks were beat and battered, but he kept wearing them. They had holes in the toe ends, and once they were black, now they sweated silver. The shine on those socks were enough to blind their opponents. These socks were truly perfect….aside from the smell. These socks were foul, even Nick found them hellish to be nearby. I guess that’s the price of success.

Mitch was tall and slender, an athlete’s body. Liam had the body of a Greek god compared to Mitch. Liam’s godly stature obviously provided him with force and speed, but Mitch had the agility, the stamina. Mitch could play for 3 hours straight, keeping a consistent rhythm. On the other hand, Liam could only play for half that time, ebbing and flowing. Mitch was Australian, and had an accent to die for. He also had dark brown hair, and was generally clean shaven. He was married to modesty and lived by his means. He was the Ying to Liam’s Yang. Liam and Mitch are close friends, but everyone suspects they’re more than that. Obviously, no one would like to say anything, but the way they interact with one another suggests otherwise. Liam treats Mitch with more respect than anyone else he knows, and can always rely on Mitch. The two of them are inseparable. Each time they walk alongside each other, their elbows touch and cross each other as if they were holding hands.


After the game ended with Liam’s colossal victory, the two ‘friends’ walked elbow to elbow together up the path, ignoring the world on either side of them. At the end of the path, they welcomed Nick and Zack.

They relayed the issue to them, carefully choosing their words to avoid the mention of personal slavery and kidnapping. Liam would’ve loved that. Mitch wouldn’t, and they needed both of them on their side. Instead, they just mentioned that you stole from them, and that they needed to teach you a lesson. That worked for the guys. Liam loved to punish, regardless of the situation, and Mitch had a passion for justice, no matter the cost.
The two men kept a slight distance from Liam and Mitch as their body odour from playing these past hours was quite strong. It was rancid to say the least. Their noses twitched from the sharp smell.

They darted into the jeep, and off they went. They did a quick stop off for supplies – ropes, tape, shackles, some fluffy handcuffs from a sex shop. (That elicited some keen reactions when they sent Mitch and Liam in to fetch it…) They followed the directions Frank gave them before his mouth was cruelly silenced, and eventually they made it to Mitch’s humble abode.

They walked up the path, their minds filled with ideas on what to do about you. Zack, Nick, and Liam all scurried to the backdoor. They sent Mitch to the front door; his clean cut countenance would be enough to put Mitch and Bob at ease. Mitch dung the bell, and waited. He waited, and waited, and waited some more. No answer.

Eventually, he pushed on the door. It opened. What must have happened? The silence was strange. He entered the premises. He looked around the dark rooms. There were signs of trouble – the messed up coffee table, the disarray of the room. Worst of all was the smell. A Smell of foul foot odour lingered in the room, and was soaked up by the furniture. It made Mitch’s nose curl. He walked into the kitchen, and gingerly opened the door for the other group of guys to enter. All the while he did this, his mind burned with fear. What if Mitch and Bob stumbled upon him? The thought made him shudder. He was put at ease when the other guys came in. Strength in numbers…right?

Liam put the bag of tools on the desk and the four guys searched the house together. Bit by bit. Zack and Nick went in one group, Liam, and Mitch in the other.

Zack and Nick’s search was plagued with rogue fantasies of finding you, and punishing you. Mitch and Liam started to converse casually. They were bickering like an old married couple as they hunted you down. Mitch wanted Chinese food. Liam wanted Indian. Back and forth. Back and forth. They compromised on Italian. Mitch was good for calming Liam down. Liam is quite the hot head; he rages over nothing. Mitch knew that a happy Liam is a happy life.

Finally, the two ‘close friends’ came across some muffled screams of fear from inside a closet. This intrigued Mitch and excited Liam. They opened the door cautiously, and saw the triad of men on the floor, bound and cruelly gagged. The smell from inside the room was putrid. It was warm and humid, and utterly toxic. Liam coughed. Mitch wanted to free them. You wasn’t there, so why shouldn’t he release these prisoners. Liam discouraged him, and shouted for the other two guys.

Zack and Nick hurried to them, marvelling at the sight of the dad, and his two sons succumbing to the same fate that they went through hours earlier.

The four guys propped them up onto the sofa, only removing the bonds that would make sitting on the sofa hard. They were still gagged, and for the moment, were forced to mpghhh in response to their questions. One for yes, two for no. For more complex questions, the gag will be removed, any conversation outside of what they want to know, will lead to them being gagged again, and the two young sons being punished in response.
Zack asked The father what happened, but he was reluctant to say, for the shame of it all. His gag was removed, but he couldn’t reply. He didn’t want to.

In response to this, Nick placed Ethan and Andrew on the floor, and gestured to the two football lovers. Liam was giggling with a sadistic excitement. Andrew and Ethan were terrified. What will happen to them?

Ethan tried to mumble but Liam slapped him in the face. Nick told him to sit on his face, and not to remove his ass till their father tells them what they want to know. Ethan’s eyes widened with horror, and disgust. Before he could process it, Liam had his head on the floor, and straddled his chest. He placed his meaty short, covered buttocks all over his face, and Ethan’s face was swallowed whole by his ass cheeks. The smell of sweat from his compression shorts and his crack was foul. It was musky, it was pungent. It was Liam. Liam was practically getting off from his enjoyment of this. Ethan made stifled screams, but his father still wouldn’t budge. Ethan could feel the material slowly getting wetter as Liam got more and more enjoyment out of it. The smell was strong, and poor Ethan was being waterboarded right now. He couldn’t cope. Mitch still wouldn’t budge.
Nick gestured again.

(Liam's compression shorts and meaty ass, his package too ;))

This time it was Andrew’s turn, and Mitch got a chance to unleash his darker side. Andrew was tackled to the floor, and held still by Zack. He looked at him with devilish smile. Mitch began to unlace his battered sports trainers. They were crumpling, and you could see the toe ends of his socks sticking out through the fabric. It smelled strong already, but the true stink was about to be unleashed. Once the shoes were fully taken off, the smell exploded into the room, and all of the guys recoiled. These silver socks were the smelliest socks on the planet as far as these guys were concerned. They stunk of ultra strong malt vinegar, and pickled eggs brined in it for days on end. It was sour and bitter, and truly offensive. Liam breathed the stench in with pride as he looked at Mitch with admiration. Poor Andrew was in hell. His face was green, and began to stink of his vinegary foot odour. Even after Mitch’s socks were removed off his face, he could still smell it for days after.

(Mitch's putrid socks)

Mitch began to rub and massage his feet all over Andrew’s gagged face. Andrew tried to resist and struggle but Zack held his grip tighter. Morality has truly left the station. Andrew couldn’t take it and began to hold his breath. He knew it wouldn’t last, but he made it 3 minutes before letting his nostrils get flooded with this hellish odour. It ripped apart his sinuses and scorched his lungs. He was stuck in a perpetual gagging motion. Mitch loved it. He took off his socks, and rubbed the insides all over Andrew’s face, letting it seep inside his nose, stinging the shit out of them.
Afterwards, he danced his feet all over Andrew’s face, pressing his nose inside the toe cracks, letting the toe jam be vacuum sniffed up his nostrils, forcing him to become accustomed to the harsh smell of vinegar. His toe jam was black, and wet, and super smelly. There was an abundance of it, and it even blocked up one of his nasal passages. Mitch rubbed his callouses all over his nose too, scratching it. Mitch’s foot sweat was the worst in existence.

(Mitch's smelly feet, poor Andrew)

This was enough to make Andrew’s father squeal. He told Mitch to remove his foot and he’ll tell them anything they want to know. This made Nick respond that the foot will only come off once everything has been said, and they like his replies. Nick nodded to Mitch, and both feet were covering Andrew’s face. Liam and Mitch giggled. Andrew screamed, well he tried to. The gag was very effective. Mitch trapped Andrew’s nose under both of his big toes, and kept it there till Nick was satisfied. The concentration of foot stink left Andrew coughing and gagging. Every few seconds he’d moan in agony from the smell. Only when Andrew’s dad told them everything, and was gagged again, did Mitch’s feet leave Andrew’s face.

As the gang of men got ready to leave, the three victims struggled, traumatised by the horrors of the day. Liam gave Ethan’s face one last facesit, and they left.

(The cruel bondage the 3 guys are forced to endure once they've finished with them)

To make sure they won’t die, Mitch made sure to call the police in the morning, that’ll be enough time for them to learn their lesson.
Now it’s time to meet Bob again, and to come face to face with the slave that almost got away. Almost. Your time is nearly up.

(Note: Since there was two Mitch’s in this chapter, once Mitch arrives into the story with his two sons, he is therefore referred to as the dad/father etc to make it less confusing. After he is introduced again, every mention of Mitch is referring to the football player.)

Hope you all liked it!
Chapter 7 coming soon!

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Post by Msueta@2 »

@Footsub123 Another great chapter . Also the pictures are amazing also .
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