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Captor’s New Sidekick (m/m)

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2023 8:49 am
by jase1010
The instant message I got from Rory was manic delight.


I clicked the link. And that was the beginning of the kinkiest, hottest, life-affirming, terrifying, silliest and all-around amazing adventure of my life and the lives of several others.

Do you like bondage but cringe at contorted bodies in restraints, leather, metal, and pain?

Do you like creative humiliation but wince at tears of pain and terror?

Do you like the camaraderie that comes from guys in distress playing love bondage games?

Join The Brotherhood.

Rush Week begins.

Accompanying a location, time, and place (no fee?), there was an awesome drawing of two dudes bareass and hogtied with several other guys standing above them, high fiving and cheering. The hapless nudes were securely tied with soft white rope. Jay noticed a huge difference from the bondage material he normally saw online. The normal uneasy-making art would have featured the two men tied up in stringent and painful positions with every orifice exposed for raping and pained tears flowing, while evil-eyed leather daddies snapped on fisting gloves and raised canes to raise welts. The unusual thing was that the two bare-bummed captives bore expressions (well, their eyes did - their mouths appeared to be stuffed with socks or underwear and taped over with clear strapping tape) of "aw, man, again?" "how did we end up like this?" "this sucks, this is so humiliating!" And the guys who had captured and bound them...they all looked kindly. And they were in costumes! One just looked like a frat dude, one was in a skintight spandex bodysuit with BOSS written across the chest, one was dressed as CAPTOR (the city's superhero and protector) with the traditional cape and tights, one guy was in a Robin Hood get-up (more tights), another burly guy just had a thong on, and another dude was dressed as a drill seargeant.

They looked like they were having the time of their lives. Jay noted the The Brotherhood's symbol (a happy face gagged) crudely drawn on the bound guys' bumcheeks. How humiliating! How funny!

It was everything Jay and his buddies across the country but connected by the Internet had ever hoped. A bondage group with a focus on creativity, wacky humiliation, and camaraderie between dudes. Love bondage and guys and dudes in distress play. FOR A WHOLE WEK. And it was in Jay and Rory's city!


Rory had instant-messaged again. Jay reluctantly tore his attention away from that amazing drawing.

"We goin'?"

Jay took very little time in msging back.

"Hell yeah!"

Re: Captor’s New Sidekick (m/m)

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2023 8:51 am
by jase1010
Rory shouldered his duffel as we exited our car. We were both almost shivering with excitement. This is was going to be a helluva week if that invite was any indicator.

Cherryfetch Manor was situated on many acres of beautiful woodland. It was a landmark in our city, Tyeville's version of Versailles. The owner was the mysterious millionaire Max Mercant. Once a year he threw a charity ball that fully supported the city's orphanage, but that was the only time anyone ever saw him. His family had established their hometown of Tyeville way back in the 1800s. The Mercant name was synonymous with power, wealth, and philanthropy. I couldn't believe I was going to be spending....a kinky bondage week there? Weird. We had all signed non-disclosure agreements, and were under the threat of legal action if we dared breathe a word of any of this to anyone. Was Max Mercant a big player in the kink game? We were about to find out.

Walking slowly up the whitestone driveway, the massive oak doors opened to us and a genteel older gentleman in a tuxedo greeted us.

"Hello sirs, I'm Wintergreen. I'm the butler and head of household and games here at Cherryfetch Manor. Welcome to the Brotherhood!"

Rory and I looked at each other. Had he said "games?" Interesting.

"Hi, I'm Jay. Nice to meet you."

"Rory here! You're the first butler I've ever met." Rory was always the blunt one. Filled with enthusiasm, and not always tactful. Which is why I loved "punishing" him whenever I could by tying and gagging him and making him feel ridiculous as possible. One of my most popular pics on my kink profile was Rory stuffed in a skintight laundry bag of our dirty socks and underwear with just his head sticking out. A sock stuffed in his mouth and tied off with another knotted athletic sock bulged his furious cheeks. And he was wearing one of my jockstraps as a hat. The expression in his eyes ("I'm going to kill you when I get out of this!") spoke volumes. I got a lot of Likes for it.

Wintergreen smiled politely, and beckoned us inside. In the foyer was an interesting site. A round oak table was the centerpiece of the large open area with a massive staircase leading to the other levels behind. Passages and hallways led off in other directions. Whereas most mansions would have a giant vase full of flowers on that table, this one had....a man? Sure there were flowers. A very colorful bouquet in fact. Sticking out of his butt! The poor guy was on his hands and knees, his colorful rump facing us. Rory and I circled the table in wonder. He was in what looked like a full body spandex/latex combination suit which hugged and firmed his body in delightful ways It was a shiny black. A latex bowtie in white completed the outfit. Several lengths of black ribbon blindfolded him, and there was a shiny black ball gag stuffed and secured in his mouth. Sweat beads dripped from the top of his blond crewcut. His hands were firmly bound with white rope in front of him, and his arms and thighs were secured and tied together to keep him a compact package on his elbows and knees. His ankles were roped together, and we noted the suit was fullbody, so his feet were part of the suit. But the most amazing part was the amount of flowers sticking out of his bum! A pretty arrangement secured in a plastic tube of water and firmly stuffed in his butt. Despite being blindfolded, the poor dude sensed he had company and groaned into his fat ballgag. In that groan, Rory and I could sense fatigue, helplessness and total humiliation.

"This way, sirs." Wintergreen directed, taking no notice of the helpless and humiliated human vase decorating the foyer.

As we followed him down a long hallway with a burnished wooden floor, I had to ask.

"Uh, so what was...?"

Rory, ever the interrupting cow, interrupted.

"What's with the tied up dude in the spandex with the posies crammed in his ass?"

Wintergreen chuckled as we slowly walked past bookcases full of classic volumes, and warmly lit display cases showing off priceless collectibles. Our little group neared another set of oaken double doors at the end of this impressive hall.

"That, sirs, is one of our houseboys. You will notice a full staff of them. They cook, clean, act as security, and attend to all of the needs of our guests. We recruit them from the finer universities in the area as a form of "work-study" if you wil. They serve here for a year, living together and learning how to be upright young men. That was Patrick. He made the mistake of forgetting to refresh the flower arrangement in the foyer prior to the arrival of our guests today. You will find that disciplinary action and teaching moments here at Cherryfetch Manor can be rather....creative."

"Was the spandex bodysuit part of his punishment?" I asked.

"No, sir, that is the normal uniform for houseboys here at Cherryfetch. We appreciate the male form, and use it to keep the houseboys feeling somewhat vulnerable. Much of their time here is spent as objects to be admired."

Rory, slender but with a pronounced bubble butt, blushed.

"Man, I could never wear something like that! My bum would be bouncing! And the feet! It would be like being in footie pajamas or pantyhose!"

If either of us had been paying attention, we would have noticed a slightly sinister smirk on Wintergreen's face. Little did we know.

We reached the double doors, and Wintergreen opened them for us. A group of men awaited us. This was the rest of The Brotherhood.

Re: Captor’s New Sidekick (m/m)

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2023 8:52 am
by jase1010
There were two others in the room. One medium height with ginger hair and a pleasant face full of freckles. He had sort of an "aw shucks" way about him. The other was, to put it simply, drop dead gorgeous. Spiky black hair and muscular in a tight t-shirt and jeans.

"Only four of us? Not really much of a brotherhood..." I noted. Drop Dead (government name Silas) smirked at that.
"Oh, well we're not..." Aw Shucks (government name Cory) began until Wintergreen deftly interrupted him by noting the entrance of a sexy wrestler build houseboy clad in the same spandex bodysuit with white latex bowtie as the unfortunate human vase in the foyer.

"Gentlemen, may I offer you some refreshment?"

Spandex houseboy, looking slightly ill at ease due to the clingy encasing spandex riding up his bubble butt, was bearing a tray of beers. We all grabbed one and drank deep. I noted with amusement that Spandex Houseboy (who we would come to know as "Cheeks") wasn't able to free him big round bum from the wedgie due to having hold the tray. He was even shimmying a little hoping he could wiggle the fabric out of his crack. To no avail, and you could read it on his handsome face. I didn't feel too bad for him. It could be a lot worse. He could have a flower arrangement stuffed in his butt like his buddy out front.

Wintergreen let us sample our beers and make a little small talk. I found out that ginger-haired Cory had just moved to the city to take a new job. Silas revealed very little about himself. He actually tended to deflect any questions about himself by asking questions in return. Questions I asked, because Rory was too busy staring at him and drooling.

Suddenly Wintergreen spoke.

"I'd like to thank all of you for attending the first meeting of the Brotherhood. You probably have a plethora of questions. Why is the first weekend being held at Max Mercant's mansion? Does he also have your various proclivities? How are the houseboys involved?"

"Sure do." Silas said, eyeing Cheeks (who we later found out was straight) hungrily.

"First, you will all be required to sign this confidentiality agreement. It merely states that you will reveal nothing of what you see, hear or participate in to anyone not involved. Or you will face legal action. Not too difficult a request. Please be aware, however, if you are to violate the contract that Mr. Mercant has LEGIONS of lawyers. The top legal minds in the country. You will end up as broken men."

There wasn't anything sinister about Wintergreen's delivery as he passed out clipboards to each of us with the documents and pens attached. That's what made it scary. From what I'd read, Max Mercant's influence spread far and wide. Despite being a philanthropist, Mercant wasn't someone to fuck with.

I looked around. Rory happily signed. He couldn't wait to get to the kink. Cory looked hesitant and then went ahead. My eyes met Silas'. It was like he was challenging me. I signed slowly not looking down. He did the same. Oh, I was gonna tie his ass up. And do other things to it!

"Very good!" Wintergreen exclaimed, and collected the contracts. He piled them on Cheeks' now empty tray, turned him around by his spandexed shoulders, and gave him a firm smack on his tighted bumcheeks. Cheeks was obviously called that due to his muscular bottom possessing a nice layer of baby fat which gave his cheeks a sexy bounce. "

Oof!" he exclaimed as Wintergreen's spank propelled him out of the library. It was so sexy how much of a plaything these houseboys obviously were. As his shiny buns wriggled and flexed, I felt myself stiffening and shifted my stance so no one would notice.

"Now that our legal formalities are taken care of, here's what you need to know. The Brotherhood is a group that has been started by Maximillian Mercant for the benefit of the erotically-minded, kinky male. Brotherhood weekends will comprise erotic games, male bonding, kinky competitions, and the like. There are rules."

Wintergreen smiled a little as he walked over to a wardrobe in the corner of the elegant library. He opened the doors wide and stepped back. We all began laughing at what stumbled out.

It was a man. He might not have felt like one at that moment though. Blonde, ruddy-faced, with a goatee. He was a stocky sort and had been stuffed in what looked like a white spandex bodysuit from neck to toes. A white ballgag corked his mouth. White cloth had been torn from what looked like a sheet and firmly tied around his eyes, blindfolding him. At first I wondered why he seemed to be embracing himself. And then I think we all realized he couldn't stop. The upper part of his bodysuit was a spandexy straight jacket! He was stuck! As he stumbled out of the wardrobe armless, he wiggled too and fro, mmpphing into the gag as he blindly stumbled into a wall and then a side table. He squealed into his gag in frustration and humiliation as we all giggled at his plight. Fuck, it was funny. And sexy.

The spandex straightjacket part of the bodysuit narrowed into a spandex pouch which encased the dork's package and then led into a thong cord that went between his legs and cleaved his bouncing buns. It was obviously driving him crazy. Later on Tim (that was his name) told us that the pouch vibrated as did the cord thonging his firm cheeks.

The most unusual thing, however, was the design on the white bodysuit. A closer look revealed that it was writing! In fact, Tim's bondage bodysuit was covered with the rules we were to learn to belong to the Brotherhood! After much molesting of Tim, spanking him, tweaking his nipples, making sure his gag was firm, groping his junk and goosing his bum, we were all able to read the rules and commit them to memory. Thanks to Tim, the humiliated human dry erase board.

1. Safewords are imperative.
2. No one shall be made to do anything they don't want.
3. The level of pain shall not go above a red bottom unless agreed to by all parties involved.
4. What happens in Mercant Manor stays in Mercant Manor.
5. Cleanliness in both person and environment.
6. All members must hold a modicum of respect for Mercant Manor employees.
7. Kindness shall prevail.
8. Humor shall abound.
9. An open mind is absolutely necessary.
10. Brotherhood above all.

We were all silent, watching Tim keep trying to get out of his straightjacket to no avail, and pondered the rules. I noted that he had earplugs in as well.

"Uh, so what did Whiteboard here do?"

Everyone laughed and looked toward Wintergreen for the answer.

"Timothy here signed his contract and then he and his compatriot immediately broke rule #6. Breaking the rules will always result in a penalty. I and Mr. Mercant determine what said penalty will be."

He reached over and patted Tim on the head, who mmppphed in response and twisted his burly bod fruitlessly.

"Timothy and friend thought it would be funny to rearrange the flower display in the foyer without permission. They were to experience the same punishment but I felt that this would be an amusing way to present out code to you."

He reached over and deftly removed Tim's earplugs. Unbuckling the ballgag strap, he removed it from Tim's mouth. It came out with a wet pop.

"Oh man, this sucks. Dude, please. My balls are being vibed. Let me out, please?"
"Isn't that right, Master Timothy? You and Master Andrew thought it would be funny to play interior decorator with one of our houseboys?"

Tim moaned.

"Yeah, dude I am so sorry. Please, i gotta jerk off. This is too much. The spandex and the being stuck in this suit. Cmon! Please?"

Ignoring him, Rory turned to Wintergreen.

"There's another one?" he asked delightedly.

"Oh yes, Master Rory. Right out in the foyer as a matter of fact. We felt that the punishment should fit the crime."

Wintergreen motioned our group to follow him out of the library and back towards the foyer.

Re: Captor’s New Sidekick (m/m)

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2023 8:53 am
by jase1010
"The Brotherhood" so far consisted of myself, my best pal Rory, the bashful and sweet Cory, the mysterious and competitive Silas, and the hapless Tim. Tim, of course, had been left to his own devices, straightjacketed and stumbling, stuck in a humiliating, stretchy self-hug, gagged, blindfolded, and deafened, back in the study. Wintergreen briskly led the way to back to the foyer where we were to meet the sixth and final member of our little cadre. It was exciting because we would get another look at the human vase we had passed on the way in.

Alas, the human vase had either been liberated of his humiliating punishment, or his floral arrangement ass had been moved to some other part of the house. An actual floral arrangement had replaced him on the big round table in the center of the foyer. There was someone entirely new to greet us. His name was Matt, and he was a big hunk of guy. You could tell he was a big hunk of guy due to the fact that he all he was wearing was a skimpy black g-string, costume tuxedo cuffs on his wrists, fishnet thigh-high stockings with garters holding them up, and shiny black high heels. His blushing face really set the rest of it off.

“Well, hello, Matthew. How have you been finding your tutelage under our housekeeping staff to be adequate,” Wintergreen inquired to our chuckles and smirks.

“Y-yes, Mr. Wintergreen, sir. It’s been an…uh…education,” he shifted uneasily on his unfamiliar footwear.

Matt was holding a tray bearing six tiny keys, each strung onto slim but stout cord. He directed Matt to pass them out. As Matt brought his tray, around we noticed two things about the back of him. One, his g-string featured a big white bunny tail right over his buttcrack. And two, the maids hadn’t taken Wintergreen’s directive to show Matt the ropes lightly. His big round bubble butt bore the pinkish signs of a thorough spanking. We later learned (some of us more directly than others) that the maids and kitchen staff here at Cherryfetch Manor knew their way around a wooden spoon.

“Looks like someone was a naughty girl,” Silas snarked, and gently patted Matt on his left buttcheek.

Matt groaned, and shifted his cheeks to relieve the sting. It was rather funny to see our hunky bunny boy try to walk in this heels without dropping his tray. Oh wait, did I mention he was wearing bunny ears, too? We would later find out that Matt was a former Marine who owned a self-defense studio in town. And despite being a secret kinkster, nothing in the realm of ooo rah had prepped him for any of this.

We had each been able to take the next month off from our respective professional engagements to embark on our kinky new adventure.

When all the keys were passed out, Wintergreen pocketed the remaining two (they would later go to Tim and Matt post-punishment) and informed us as to what they were.

“Gentlemen, these are your keys to Cherryfetch Manor. After thorough background checks and observation, Mr. Mercant and myself have found you to be perfect candidates for our new Brotherhood. Wear these close to your heart, not only to allow you access to the manor and all it contains, but as a symbol of your commitment and loyalty,” he said solemnly.

Then he smiled.

“And tonight - the games begin. It will be a restless evening for some of you, as tonight is the Indoor Hunt. Your objective? To steal into the other member’s rooms in the middle of the night and firmly bind and gag them so they are helpless until they are discovered tomorrow morning. Here are the rules. You must overpower your prey without harming him in any way. And you are only allowed to use the materials to be found in your quarters. We want to see what you can do without the customary rope, tape or handcuffs. Stealth, strength, and creativity are this contest’s watchwords. You will all be staying on the third floor which is vast, with your rooms situated fairly far apart. You all will be provided with a floor plan, as well as a “stealth suit” to aid in your hunt.”

“What does the winner get?” Silas asked. Was he still challenging me with his eyes? I was already envisioning him in a very strict hogtie.

“The winner receives freedom. The game doesn’t end until there is only one man standing unbound. You will be all be recorded with our night vision security cameras to insure that every man plays by the rules. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to free Timothy from his “ruleboard” and see to some other things. Bunny boy Barbra here will show you to your rooms,” he said indicating Matt with a casual gesture.

And he was gone back to the study to let that big lug Tim out of his humiliating spandex straightjacket suit.

“Uh, will you follow me to the main elevator?” Matt said ruefully, as he and his glowing red bottom (lovingly set off by his fishnet stocking tops and bunny tail) led us towards the lift. Despite not knowing each other, we were beginning to bond by razzing Matt about his current situation and boasting about being the winner of tonight’s bondage contest.

“You boys are in a world o’ trouble. I was All-Collegiate Wrestling. I’m gonna tie you ladies in knots,” Cory proclaimed, seemingly getting over his shyness.

“Dude, I was a Marine. You don’t think I know everything about capture and evade?” “Barba” snorted, his ego causing him to temporarily forget about his current costuming.

Silas and I stood at the back of the old-fashioned lift (there was a big lever, and a grate closed before the doors did). A very nude and entirely beefy Tim called for us to wait up. He had his hands over his junk, and was blushing from head to toe. It was a sexy sight to see his big muscular thighs flex as he almost daintily stepped into the elevator.

“Did you get out on your own?” Rory asked curiously.

“No, Wintergreen finally let me out. And before you ask, it sucked. I am going to pound off so bad when I get to my room. That suit had me hard as a rock and I couldn’t do a damn thing about it!. Remind me to never mess with the “floral arrangements” ever again in this joint,” he said to our laughing and catcalls.

As the others chided Matt and Tim, Silas and I sized each other up in the back of the lift. I was the one to break the silence first.

“You been checking me out, Silas?”

He kept his cool, not looking at me as he spoke, more concerned with checking out Tim’s beefy, bare buns. It was a nice view, the front of that elevator. Tim’s bare ass side-by-side with Matt’s firm, rosy, and spanked buttcheeks.

“I guess. I’ve been thinking of how I’m going to tie you up tonight.”

“Like hell.”

“Oh, trust me, Goldenboy. Your ass is getting wrapped up tonight. And if you start acknowledging me with the proper respect now, I might not stuff your butt in addition.”

Normally, I would have reacted to him threatening to stuff my ass (with what, I wondered?). But I was much more concerned with what he called me. “Goldenboy.”

Did he know? And if so, how?

Re: Captor’s New Sidekick (m/m)

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2023 8:55 am
by jase1010
This chapter was co-authored by Croup.
"Goldenboy" was my online handle. It was also the name of Captor's sidekick who helped him protect the city, and also just happened to get into bondage predicaments frequently at the hands of various villains and need to get his cute bubble butt rescued. For real, he was sort of a magnet for kinky bondage humiliations. You can imagine the costumes at Halloween. Needless to say, Goldenboy was pretty popular in our circles. I'd taken the name as an homage to him, but how did Silas know that?

However he knew, he wasn't telling me. He just pressed his lips together and looked sexy and mysterious the rest of the elevator ride up. Asshole.

After taking a few minutes to get changed, we all hung out in one of the sitting rooms for a while after that checking each other out. You could tell we were all eager to start hunting each other down and stuffing each other's faces with gags, but we had to "play nice" until that night. Rory looked especially cute playing the part of the distressed damsel to all the big strong guys, saying he hoped no one would take advantage of him too much once he was bound. The others all just grinned at that, but I knew Rory was winding them up. He may have preference for subbing, but he was still a bondage switch who'd happily tie any of them down in a heartbeat. Meanwhile, Matt and Cory struck up a rivalry similar to mine and Silas's. That's where I found out Matt's background as a former marine who ran a self-defense studio in town. Big wrestler Cory seemed to gravitate towards him as a natural opponent, and the two of them self-consciously flexed and posed for each other as they talked. It would've been cute if it wasn't also hot as hell. I kept thinking how Matt had filled out his bunny girl costume with those big sexy cheeks of his.

Eventually Wintergreen wandered back up. He carried a dark bundle of clothing in his hands. He cleared his throat to get all of our attention.

"Gentlemen, I've been asked to show you the stealth suits you'll be wearing tonight, as well as explain a few of their hidden features. Do I have a volunteer to try one on?"

We looked around at each other, wondering who'd jump first. Eventually Tim stood up.

"You've already all seen me bareass. Besides, I always have a hell of a time finding clothes that fit over this big ass of mine," he admitted ruefully. I noticed the other guys with bubble butts—that is, most of us—nodding along to that. It was kinda odd that our defining feature as a group seemed to be a big bouncy bubble butt. Not that I was complaining.

Tim stripped, only blushing a little about having to present his body to us again (Is there anything sexier than a smoking hot guy blushing in embarrassment over being made vulnerable?) Then he slipped the stealth suit on. You could hear the group's collective boners suddenly straining through our pants. Have you ever worn something that made you appear even more naked than if you just took all your clothes off? That was Tim right now. The "stealth suit" was made out of some sheer fabric that contoured to every inch of his muscular body. It was almost like it was vacuum-sealed on. Nipples, bulge, the hefty roundness of each butt cheek, all were clearly outlined in what was basically a nylon bodystocking. You only rarely saw dudes in get-ups like that. Tim's face reddened more wearing the suit than he had before, as if realizing how ridiculous he looked. But soon we didn't see that because there was also a full face mask that stretched over his head. While the mask did make his face a little smooshy like an old-school bank robber wearing pantyhose over his head, it also completed the uniform. It made him look like a living shadow.

"How does it feel, Master Theodore? Comfortable?" Wintergreen asked.

"Uhhh, I guess so," he muttered as he shifted from nylon-encased foot to nylon-encased foot, obviously feeling very self-conscious. Big tough dudes aren't used to wearing what was basically a suit made out of pantyhose.

"Good. Would you be so good as to turn around and show your best feature to the group?"

Tim rolled his eyes, but slowly turned so we could all see his butt. As he finished his turn, his big cheeks wobbled from side to side in their kinky imprisonment. Damn. I'd gotten a good look at them before in the elevator, but here they looked even more amazing. I wanted to jump Tim here and now, and by the way Silas was staring intently I knew he felt the same way.

I saw something curious on Tim's ass though. On the right cheek was what looked like a small, round plastic button, the same color as the stealth suit but slightly raised. Wintergreen nodded as we all noticed the same thing.

"Built into the seat of each stealth suit is a button just like this one," he explained. "When pressed, it releases a safe and temporary paralytic agent into the subject, enough to render them helpless for several minutes."

"What?" I said. "What happened to wrestling each other down?"

"Oh you'll still have to do that in order to press this button—or find some other way of doing it that the subject won't see coming. This is strictly to prevent injury tonight from you boys roughhousing, as well as keep too many of Mr. Mercant's valuable antiques from being smashed."

"So basically we just gotta give each other a... slap on the ass? We HAVE to spank each other?" Rory asked, grinning like the cat that ate the canary.

Wintergreen nodded. "It only works once for each suit though, so you'll need to make the most of that time. If they're not rendered helpless in the time before the paralyzing agent wears off, they just may turn the tables on you." He gave a mild chuckle. "Now, who would like to test the button on Tim's suit here to make sure it works?"

"Huh?" said Tim. "Hey, I didn't—"

We all rose as one. Poor Tim tried to back away, but we had him surrounded before he could get anywhere. Then it became a game of literal grab-ass, with him whirling to try and keep his big butt out of our hands. God, it was so hot! Before it went on too long Cory landed a good hard spank on him. Instantly Tim groaned, then slowly sank to the floor. Wintergreen, showing a surprising amount of agility for an older man, quickly kicked an ottoman directly in front of Tim. He ended up falling on his chest over it, that beefy ass of his still raised up—like I said, goddamn hot.

"Wintergreen, you're slick. You knew he'd end up ass up like, you old perv," Cory laughed.

Tim couldn't move a inch. He was completely frozen, but still awake. The only thing he could move was his eyeballs, which registered embarrassment, frustration, annoyance, and maybe even a little bit of fear over what we might do to him.

Wintergreen chuckled as we all high-fived each other, then went about removing Tim's suit from him to prepare it again for that night. It was pretty sexy watching him peel the nylon down off his big bare buns. Admittedly, he left the nylon under his cakes for a couple of seconds so his ass looked even more served up. Obviously, everyone involved in this little venture was a butt man, from Wintergreen to Rory, and I was assuming even the mysterious Max Mercant.

And that's how Wintergreen left him to our tender mercies—laying bare-ass naked over that ottoman, surrounded by all his new buddies who all had massive humiliation kinks. We took turns tea-bagging him, whacking him on the ass, teasing his pucker with our fingers (he actually tried to groan through his paralyzed lips when he felt his big cheeks being spread - it sounded like an angry "UUUUUUNNNNHHHHH"), and tickling his balls until the paralytic agent finally wore off and he got up with a curse, chasing the rest of us. We all snickered and ran back to our rooms to prepare for that night. This was going to be fun.

I may be a bubble-butted himbo, but I'm smarter than I look. I actually have a chemistry degree. I'm a brainy himbo with a big butt. A look under the bathroom sink revealed a slew of common chemicals that could be mixed in various fun and creative ways. I had a couple hours to kill, so I cobbled together a batch of what I like to call 'Chloroform Lite'. A few deep breaths is enough to knock most guys out, but without the killer headache and other nasty side-effects from the real thing. I bottled it and prepared a few wash-cloths to easily be pressed against mouths and noses.

While I was at it, I changed into my 'uniform' for the night. It looked so small as I held it in my hands. Like it was made for a kid! Despite being very stretchy, seemingly magic fabric, it was still difficult squeezing it over my fat ass. But damn, once I had it on, looking at myself in the mirror was enough to get even my mouth watering. It was like a second skin, and clearly showed each and every luscious curve of my ass. A little bit of material wedged between my cheeks, really defining both of my big globes. It was like wearing a big encasing embrace that moved with me. I was half-tempted to give *myself* a spanking in that thing.

I thought about how the others were sure to look just as good. For an instant I thought of Silas and that clingy suit stretched over his no-doubt delectable rear end, encasing it and molding it. He hadn't been exposed yet like the 'Beefcake Trio' as I'd taken to calling them (them being Tim, Cory, and Matt) but I had no doubt he had a firm, tight, round ass that'd look perfect upturned over my lap. I couldn't wait to get my hands on it.

My cock twitched a little bit over my musings, but I ignored it. No time for that now.

I waited around until the buzzer on my watch pinged the time. Midnight. The hunt was on.

* * * * *

I crept from my room, mentally bringing to mind the map I'd been given. Our rooms really were all spaced far apart, so it'd take some time to get to all my targets. I knew I wanted Silas most of all though, so I started heading in his room's direction. Along the way, I marvelled at how well my suit blended into the shadows, as well as muffled the sound of my nylon-swathed footsteps. These things were the real deal, despite how vaguely humiliating it felt to wear them and know every inch of me was on display and vulnerable.

The shadowy stealth suits worked so well in fact, that I almost missed seeing the bubble butt sticking out into the hall.

I froze inches from it, my heart beating in my chest, before relaxing. I recognized that bubble butt. It was my ol' buddy Rory. It looked like he was peeking around the corner in front of me, his ass wiggling in my direction, like in an old school slapstick comedy. Too tempting a target. I grinned as I crept up silently behind him, then swiftly covered his mouth with my hand and pressed his body back against mine.


"Shhhhh," I cooed. "It's just me."


"Yep. Now you've got two choices." As I whispered, I reached down and fondled his ass. He moaned a bit into my hand. Rory's rear was definitely his sweet spot.

"I could slap this delectable bottom of yours, then tie you up here and now..." I gave his rump a slight squeeze, enough for him to know I meant business. "Or I can recruit you to be my little toadie for the night. You help me take down the others, then we wrestle for the top spot. What do you say?"

He groaned a bit at the options. He knew I weighed more than him. A mutual friend had bought us assless singlets once to mess around in, and he'd lost nearly every wrestling match against me. He'd found himself humiliated with his face stuffed in my big bare butt several times that day as a penalty for losing. Still, it was clearly better than being the first to be eliminated. Slowly, he gave a hesitant nod against my hand. I let him go.

"Good boy," I softly teased.

"Oh, shut up," he said crossly. He knew he was MY sidekick for life. "I think I hear someone further down the hall. It's why I stopped."

"Ah. Shall we perform Maneuver Z?"

He looked at me like I'd grown two heads so I explained what to do in hand gestures, then he understood.

The newcomer turned out to be Tim, looking entirely hot in his stretchy stealth suit, but then we'd already known that. He looked like either a beefy superhero or a REALLY kinky cat burglar. He blinked in confusion as Rory ran from around the corner in a panic.

"Help!" Rory cried out to him. "Jay is after me! And he's an expert at hog-ties!"

"Huh? Oh, sure." Tim seemed to fall right into the 'heroic protector' role. "Get behind me. I'll handle him."

Smirking, I stepped from around the corner. "Will you?" I asked. "Because it seems like you've already fallen into my trap."

Tim guffawed. "What're you talkin' about? It's two against one now. And I aim to win this little contest—" His mouth suddenly fell open in a startled yelp. Rory had just casually smacked him hard right on his well-rounded left butt cheek. WHAP. He fell to his knees as the paralyzing agent took effect. Again!

After that, we just had to find something to tie him up with. We both grinned as our eyes caught the long rug running down the length of the hall. This was just like one of those old cartoons. We rolled him along the rug, wrapping him good and snug. His nyloned feet stuck out the bottom looking very comical, and you could just see the top of his smooth black head sticking out the top. We heard some muffled curses inside the confines of the rug, but nothing understandable. We stood him up and leaned him against a corner and left him like that, wiggling helplessly. There was no way he was getting out without one of us unrolling him. He was absolutely stuck and very humiliated.

"One down," I said. This was fun.

* * * * *

Silas's room was at the far end of the mansion. We crept there without encountering anybody else. On opening the door I peeked inside but saw nothing out of the ordinary. It was likely he was out doing some hunting of his own.

Still, it couldn't hurt to check the place out. It occurred to me I could even lay a trap for him and nab him when he got back.

As we looked the room over though, we heard a faint sound coming from the bedroom. We peeked inside, and to my astonishment saw a human-shaped impression under the bed sheets, moving slightly. Silas hadn't left at all! In fact, it looked like he was fast asleep. Had he taken a nap before the hunt began and missed his alarm? Either way, I couldn't believe my luck. I also couldn't waste the opportunity.

Signalling Rory to hang back, I silently crept up on the bed while preparing a dose of chloroform. I ran through scenarios in my head. First I'd jump on the bed and straddle him, then I'd throw his blankets off and knock him out. After that, I'd tear his sheets into strips and use them to tie him up. I grinned, imagining his embarrassment at being caught in his own bed and having the linens used against him. He wouldn't underestimate me again.

As soon as I jumped onto the bed though, I knew something was wrong. The form under me wasn't the firm, muscular figure of a man. It felt soft and doughy. I threw the blankets off, only to see a group of carefully arranged pillows. A battery-operated Hitachi wand lay nestled in the pillow, set on low and obviously responsible for the slight movement. It was a trap!


I turned my head just in time to see Rory go "OW!" and then crumple to the ground. Silas was behind him, wringing out his palm. Then he winked at me and pressed a button on a remote he held. Instantly the bed I was on sank and contorted all around me. I only realized it was a fold-out when the mattress bent in twain and completely trapped me inside it. I spluttered and cursed, but there was too much pressure around me. I wasn't getting out on my own. It was SO humiliating.

"Oh, shit," I said.

"Oh shit is right," he agreed.

The other problem besides my bed bondage? That Hitachi wand ended up pressed right to my big nyloned bulge. There was more than twitching going on down there with that thing on. It was set to low, which was both a blessing and a curse. There was no way I was going to reach fruition, but I'd also be driven crazy from the endless edging. And I couldn't free my arms to move it. It was torture!

The first thing Silas did was tie Rory up tight. The curtains provided ample material to do that. He tore them into strips and combined them with the velvet pull-cords to make some very strong binding material. As the paralytic agent wore off, Rory found himself snugly hogtied. Silas completed Rory's defeat by stuffing the contents of an entire box of tissues that had been on the nightstand in his yappy mouth. There was so much Kleenex stuffed in there that his cheeks bulged. He was totally gagged. I would have laughed at his humiliating predicament if mine didn't end up being even worse.

Silas finally yanked me out of the bed-trap he'd caught me in. By then I was so exhausted from fighting the mattress and bucking my hips against the wand that I could barely even struggle anymore. He slung me over his knee. I groaned and prepared myself for the paralytic agent from the butt-slap to render me helpless.

But he didn't do that. Rather, Silas laughed and pulled the seat of my stealth stocking down—exposing my bare ass! "Oh, I'm going to spank you, but not to paralyze you. Just because you deserve one," he told me. I then had to suffer the indignity of his palm ricocheting off my humiliated bubble-butt again and again, all as I yelped and squirmed over his lap. Rory was fully back to his senses by then, and I could tell from his wide eyes over his tissue-stuffed mouth that he was enjoying watching me get a comeuppance, even if he'd been caught too. I bucked and squirmed and yowled. I learned that night that Silas's palms had a tough, brick-like texture to them, and was easily capable of getting a grown man to scream bloody mercy—the grown man in this case being me. His hand made my cheeks jiggle like jello.

After that he tied me up in gauze bandages he found in his bathroom, making sure to tightly wrap everything *except* my bright red ass. He also stuffed extra bandages in my mouth and wrapped more bandage around my face so I couldn't spit them out. It was so humiliating having just my head and my ass visible. What a jerk. He then wrapped my head, leaving just my nose free so I could breathe, and my eyes so he could see my embarrassed expression. Then he dumped me to wiggle helplessly on the floor.

"Hmm, I really should make this a matching set," he mused aloud.

"MMMOOMMPPHH?" Rory and I grunted into our gags.

Silas was a lot stronger than my big-cheeked sidekick. He untied Rory from his curtain bondage, literally held him down with one hand, and then somehow wrapped him up in bandages just like me. And like me he pantsed him of his bodystocking so his butt was bared, and wrapped AROUND it so it was visible. Just like me, he then totally wrapped him with just his nose and eyes visible. He'd made us into kinky, helpless mummy twins!

He dumped Rory on the floor right beside me. We were basically two snug parcels he could do whatever he wanted with. I made eye-contact with Rory, who'd been tied just as securely as I'd been. We felt like a pair of embarrassed earthworms as we squirmed and wiggled.

"Well well well. I'd say it's a surprise you two are my first victims, but in all honesty I predicted you'd show here. I was actually starting to wonder what was taking you so long. So long, Goldenboy. I'll come back to play with you once I've gathered up the rest of the dumbasses."

He left then, and we moaned beneath our gags. Fuck! Silas had completely played me!

Re: Captor’s New Sidekick (m/m)

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2023 11:00 am
by John
I feel like a good ol'spanking is in store for Rory.

Re: Captor’s New Sidekick (m/m)

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2023 6:40 am
by jase1010
He does have the bodystocking-ed bubble butt for it. 😈

Re: Captor’s New Sidekick (m/m)

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 5:07 am
by noescape
A very hot story. Can't wait for Silas to capture and punish the "rest of the dumbasses" :twisted:

Re: Captor’s New Sidekick (m/m)

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2023 9:42 am
by jase1010
Just curious - favorite part?

Re: Captor’s New Sidekick (m/m)

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2023 9:21 pm
by noescape
jase1010 wrote: 11 months ago Just curious - favorite part?
Jay underestimating his rival Silas, even though it was clear Silas had done his research on Goldenboy.

Silas taking down two at the same time.

Silas not using of the paralytic agent on Jay, so he could fully feel the spanking.

Re: Captor’s New Sidekick (m/m)

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2023 3:26 am
by jase1010
I love it!