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Spider v. Spider [M/M] (Across the Spider-Verse)

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2023 9:38 pm
by Opal
This was originally one of my Patreon exclusives! I'm posting it here since the window has elapsed! Enjoy! (You can also read this on AO3 with the proper formatting here: (and my Twitter is here, for posterity:

“Fan out.” Miguel growled through his fangs, sweeping his arms at the various spider-people that had congregated in front of him.

“Find the anomaly, and contain him .” He narrowed his eyes at the air, as if he could see Miles already. “Forcefully if you must. Start from universe 1-A and move your way down. Comb every single reality if you have to.”

There was a pause; none of the spider-people moved, as if worried that Miguel would strike them if they dared to.

“Go!” He barked, triggering a mass scattering that strongly resembled, aptly enough, a mass of startled spiders fleeing to the four corners of the multiverse.

Then, he turned to face the door to MVOP; Multiverse Operations. He punched in his passcode, and pushed the heavy, reinforced steel door open. From within this secluded office, he could remotely track and search for Miles from the dozens of computer screens that were fine-tuned to different realities. All he had to do was wait for one of the other spider-people to get a lock on him, and he was as good as caught. He closed the door behind him, ready to begin his investigation.


However, there was a more pressing matter at hand. Peter B. Parker was cocooned in silk, dangling from the ceiling, surrounded by various monitors. Miguel looked his captive up and down. Peter was wrapped, bound and gagged within an inch of his life. Completely cocooned in strong, unbreakable silk, white as bone and shimmering like moonlight in the occluded space of the office. Neon lights danced on the surface of the slowly swinging mass, perfectly shaped and molded around Peter’s form. From the transverse strap of web that crossed over the bridge of his nose, all the way down to the very tip of the very end of his toes, Miguel’s eyes surveyed all of it. Nothing except the top half of his head was free; his body was contained and sealed tight inside the sticky, smothering silk. That included, of course, his runaway mouth.

And those eyes. Oh, those angry, furious, beautiful, chocolate-brown eyes. The way his brow furrowed over them, showing just how mad he was at being wrapped and gagged like this. Miguel knew that, in ordinary circumstances, Peter would be giving him both barrels. Shouting, yelling, flinging every expletive he could possibly think of at the taller man. But, the webbing over his mouth prevented that. His lips sealed together, outline clearly visible behind the silk, pursed together against their will. Instead, his jaw worked, trying to pry his lips apart, trying to say anything he could to his captor. An insult, an explanation, a plea.

“Mmggl!” He managed after a brief struggle with the gag. “Lmmd mmeh aumm mmv mmhs!”

Miguel shook his head sadly, although his knowing smirk belied just how much he was enjoying this situation. To have the handsome, dashing, capricious Peter B. Parker all to himself… well, it was an opportunity he just couldn’t pass up.

“I should’ve known you were aiding the anomaly.” Miguel hissed, raising a clawed hand and giving Peter’s hanging cocoon a light, but forceful, flick on the shoulder.

His captive spun rapidly, far too fast to be comfortable, but Miguel did not halt the rotations.

Instead, he watched as Peter’s eyes grew more and more hazy with each revolution, his own eyes following with predatory intent. Then, faster than a blink, his hand shot and halted Peter, sending his vestibular nerve into pirouettes and plies, eyes rolling around as the room continued spinning.

“Mrmmg…” He moaned through the web, head lolling to the sides.

“Don’t like that, do you?” Miguel asked rhetorically. “Why don’t you break out, then? Put your spider-strength to good use?”

Weakly, as if accepting the challenge, Peter’s arms pulled at his sides, elbows flaring out, creating sounds of creaking as web fell under tension. However, despite his best effort, his appendages snapped back, just as tight as before.

The web held strong.

“Oh, that’s right .” Miguel leaned forward, placing a claw gently on Peter’s cheek. “My web is stronger than you. Looks like this is your last stop.”

Peter’s eyes locked on to Miguel as he slowly recovered from his dizziness, anger refilling them as he renewed his attempts to speak through the airtight web sealing his lips.

“Mmmrph, ymm mthefmmkr…”

“I should be courteous.” Miguel murmured, reaching up with the same index claw that was stroking Peter’s check and deftly slicing the gag down the middle, freeing Peter’s lips.

An audible burst of air exploded from Peter’s mouth; the pressure of the web was intense. Any air he was trying to use to force the gag off of his lips was expelled in an instant from the sudden release of sealing force.

“You… bastard…” He gasped. “You can’t hurt Miles-”

“I don’t want to hurt him.” Miguel interrupted, clearly not as intent on being courteous as he had initially said. “But I will if it means maintaining the multiverse.”

He bared his fangs, pale yellow venom dripping from his canines.

At this, Peter balked and shrunk back; he remembered how those fangs had placed him in this cocoon in the first place. Miguel had ambushed him, right after he had sent Miles on his multiversal escape, and sank those fangs right into his neck. The paralytic liquid was terrifying; his body had gone limp in an instant. He was sure Miguel could control the dosage, which meant he could easily bite him again and deliver a lethal amount if he wanted to finish the job.

There were millions of spider-people, all throughout the multiverse. Who would go looking for one that went missing? Especially when Miguel himself would work to hush everything up. And besides, Miguel was more than content to keep the handsome (if a bit haggard) Peter all to himself.

“I see you remember my poison.” Miguel noted contentedly. “Wouldn’t want to get bit again, would we?”

There was a weighted pause between the two, a veritable stare-down. Peter’s eyes tried to force their way past Miguel’s intense, thousand-yard stare, but he felt his helplessness crush down on him, just like the web cocooning him.

“Fine.” He relented, sagging sadly in his prison. “What do you want?”

“Tell me where he went.” Miguel replied simply. “And I’ll make sure nothing bad happens to him.” He jutted a claw out at his prisoner. “Or you.”

Peter’s only reply was a guffaw, loud and involuntary, shaking his cocoon and making it bounce along the string that held it to the ceiling rafters.

“Are you serious, dude?” He demanded, still laughing uproariously. “There’s millions of places he could’ve gone! That’s the whole point!” He shook his head at the ridiculousness of the request.

“I couldn’t tell you even if I knew. He’s probably halfway to a new reality by now. You’ll never catch him!”

His laughter petered out, paroxysms of humor laying in stark contrast to his dire situation. In fact, his mirth completely died when he saw the look on Miguel’s face.

That was the look of a predator that had just been denied the kill. The face of someone who had been pushed to the absolute limit and was about to do something drastic. His expression was anger and fury, twisted and placed behind a mask of patience and serenity. But his eyes gave it all away; burning indignation telling an entire story of what he wanted to do to Peter.

It made Peter’s blood run cold.

“W-wait, Miguel.” He stammered. “I-I, you know- we can work this out-”

The taller man lifted a clawed hand, rolling his wrist so that his fingers danced in the air, myriad gossamer strings of webbing falling and coalescing more and more with each repeated movement. From a faint cobweb, to a gossamer sheet, to a small orb, then a larger ball, and so on. He continued adding to the silken sphere as he addressed his captive.

“You know what I’m sick of?” He purred, as calm as the night sky.

“...the declining housing market?”

“You.” He spat. “I’m sick of you, Peter. And do you know what happens to people I get sick of? I make them disappear.”

The sphere was about the size of a baseball now, but he kept adding mass, making Peter wonder exactly what he was about to do.

“Miguel, don’t do anything you might regret-”

“Miles is a threat to our entire code. Our entire meaning.” Miguel continued. “You encouraged this aberrant behavior.”

He stopped moving his wrist, looking at the enormous, grapefruit sized ball of web, severing the strings it was dangling from and deftly catching it in his hand.

“I’m going to put you away, Peter B. Parker. You’re going to be my personal project.” He smiled, a thanatosian smile that only served to unnerve Peter even more.

“Until Miles is found, you’re my prisoner. And, like you said…” He shrugged, casting a glance at his captive.

“There is a strong possibility that he will never be located.”

Peter’s eyes widened at Miguel’s words, the finality of it all at last crashing down on him.

“Wait, Miguel, I- MRMPH!”

With a cobra-like strike, Miguel crammed the ball of web into Peter’s mouth, ignoring his attempts to force it back out, disregarding his strangled attempts at speech.


“This will shut you up for good.” Miguel continued, feeding the entire pliable ball into Peter’s mouth, the cocooned man’s eyes wide and watery from the sudden escalation.

The ball expanded as it filled his mouth, pressing against his soft palate, his cheeks, his throat, filling and occupying every space it possibly good. Whereas before, he could at least make some kind of syllibance through the web, now there was no possibility of speech. His teeth were glued in place, locked within the concrete-like webbing that was very quickly setting, becoming less soft by the second.

“Mmmg, mmm!” He tried to plead, desperation rising in his throat, making his not-voice crack as Miguel finished stuffing the web inside his mouth.

“Mmmm, mmm-”

Miguel was already sealing it inside, reapplying a fresh layer of airtight silk over his lips, leaving a stark O-shaped outline that belied the stuffing that was now occupying his captive’s mouth.

“There.” Miguel said, brushing his hands off. “Much better.”

Peter shook his head violently, true fear gripping his shoulders as he tried to wrench his arms free of his cocoon, so that he could reach up to his mouth and remove the suffocating, silencing mass. But his arms did not break the webbing; they never would.

“Mmrm, mmmm! MMMMM!”

The last utterance was a scream, a feral, scared, desperate cry for help, for mercy, for anything.

But Miguel ignored it, crouching down and using his index claw to slice a slit in Peter’s cocoon, right over his groin.

“You think I’m going to stop there?” He asked, the gagged, frightened, barely audible pleas coming from Peter making sweet music that only he could hear. “No, no, no. I’m going to enjoy every last bit of this.”

Peter’s cock emerged, flaccid and pale, but Miguel made quick work of it. He bent forward, lapping gingerly at it until Peter couldn’t help but get erect. Slowly, but surely, he stood at attention.

“I know you hate this.” Miguel chuckled. “That’s what makes it a punishment.”

Peter did hate this. He was wrapped, gagged, and at this man’s mercy. He had never felt helplessness like this before; his cock was sending unwilling feelings of pleasure to his brain. He didn’t want this; he wanted to be out! Yet, all he could think of was the feeling of Miguel’s tongue against his cock, gently licking and sucking, pulling and tugging, the warmth of his mouth making him pulse with ecstasy.

Peter tried to tell Miguel to stop, tried to call for help, but the ball of web sealed inside his mouth reduced his screams to soft, inaudible whimpers.

“Mmmm! Mmmmmmm!!”

“No one can hear you.” Miguel confirmed Peter’s fears, his tongue snaking over his shaft. “Besides, they wouldn’t help you even if they could.”

Tears welled up at the corners of Peter’s eyes, He was stuck. Wrapped. Gagged. Captive. Just as he was starting to get some semblance of calm, a sharp pain came from his cock; quick and burning, subsiding just as fast as it came out.


He looked down in shock; Miguel had just bit his cock.

“A microdose.” Miguel smiled, retreating from Peter’s cock, standing up to tower over his captive. “Something to keep you entertained.”

At first, Peter had no idea what he meant, and then he felt it; the burning. The tingling, electric sensation that began to assault his cock. He flailed, screamed, and thrashed, kicking at the air, squirming like a fish on a hook.

Miguel punctuated the ordeal with a quick flourish of his wrist, securing Peter’s cock in a ring that encircled his base and testicles tightly.

“No.” He said simply, the meaning clearer than glass. No orgasm. No relief. No respite.

“MMRMG! MMMS!” Peter screamed once more, tears now fully leaking down his cheeks, making the web damp and dark.

“You’re here until I decide otherwise.” Miguel growled. “And that won’t be for a long, long time.”

One final flick of the wrist, and a band of webbing slapped itself over Peter’s eyes.

“Get comfortable, Peter. I’m going to hunt down your little friend.” He said, before exiting the same way he came in, leaving his cocooned captive to suffer in enforced silence and solitude.