Nadya ( / m, f/f, F/F, F/M)

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Nadya ( / m, f/f, F/F, F/M)

Post by StringTheorist »

“I think I’ve got it, Nadya. Look at this result.”

“Very good, Jenn. You did this tough question quite well, without my assistance. Congrats,” I said.

“Thanks. Would you like a cup of tea before we call it a night?”

“That would be very nice.”

“I’ll put the water on, then check on my son.”

“I can put the kettle on for you.”

“All right. But, the kettle burnt out last weekend and I haven’t found time to search the second hand stores. Use a pot on the stove.”

I made the tea and Jennifer set out two places at the table that served as her kitchen, study and sewing machine table. Treats for the tea were some Arrowroot cookies for her 2 year old. Hers was a basement apartment with a small bedroom for her son, a curtained off area for her double bed using a jack pole to support a wire holding the curtain, and the rest of the area being a small kitchen in one corner, a couple of chairs, a worn sofa. A small room held a shower and other necessities. Several cupboards held belongings of the owners, often absent on trips or south for the cold winter.

We were similar in many ways, good looking but not stunning, light brown hair fairly short, hazel eyes, 5 foot 7 or 8 inches. Nice but not pendulous breasts. Both were wearing light blouses and dark slacks, but not identical. Casual.

“You are such a good friend to help me with my studies. I’ll never be able to repay you.”

“Don’t think about it. I enjoy your company, helping. And I find Johnny fascinating.”

“I hope when I graduate – if – I’ll be able to find decent work.”

“Something will come around.”

Jennifer was an older student working hard to complete her long abandoned high school certificate. Older than me, but probably only 22, 23. It was hard for her to return to class, while carrying a foetus, striving to make ends meet. I knew what she did to earn a living. It didn’t bother me about her but I didn’t like the customers who used her services. Somehow I felt a need to support Jennifer in her attempts to climb out of the pit that had been her life. She liked and respected me, as I did her.

“I had an interesting “client” last Saturday. A boy, or young adult, near your age. His friends had bought my services for his 18th birthday. Poor boy. But he said something extremely nice to me.”


“I brought him here. Normally I don’t but it seemed right. He was so nervous, shy.” Jennifer took a sip of tea.

“He said, ‘I don’t know what to do. I don’t have a girl friend or know how to get one. I’m sorry. But I’d like to ensure that you enjoy yourself, that you are satisfied.’

“I’ve never had a client say that to me, to care for me.”

“What did you do?”

“I really shouldn’t be talking about someone – client – but it struck me so. So please don’t tell anyone about it. I won’t tell you his name or personal details. But it moved me so much I want to share it with you.”

“I won’t tell anyone,” I promised.

“I started asking about his aims and ambitions. He said he was a good student, but like me struggling with calculus. He wants to be an engineer or a scientist. But he is afraid about his maths. You should give him a hand – oops – that would mean I have to tell you who he is.

“Anyway, talking about the future seemed to settle him down. Then he asked if I could tell him how to get a girlfriend and how and when to become intimate.

“So I told him a few things. A woman wants to be respected, wants someone to be interested in her, to do things she likes with other people. To be liked. Someone to have fun with, to enjoy his company.

“I said you can’t order girlfriends like this from an on-line store, like Amazon.

“I told him to get involved in activities that involve other people – hiking, music, drama. Consider joining volunteer groups to help others, perhaps a singing group that goes around to Seniors’ Homes and serenades them. Help others.

“Along the way you will meet someone who will enjoy working or singing with you, and you will become interested in each other. Do things together. The relationship will blossom, emotional connection will be made. With love will come sex.

“’Love doesn’t follow sex’ I told him, ‘I know, from bitter experience.’”

I knew she had taken up with someone in a street gang who had dazzled her with his importance, manliness. Took her to bed. The gang leader wanted his piece of her – it was important to her boyfriend’s position in the gang, he had explained. Variously she was used, introduced to drugs, forced out of school. Then dropped.

“That was very nice of the boy,” I said to Jennifer.

“I asked him if he looked after his own needs. He looked a little embarrassed, so I apologized. But he said, ‘Yes. I like to tie myself up which gives me a nice big erection. Then I lie on it and squirm till I come. Sometimes a bit messy. My sexual stress need goes down, but don’t tell my mother. She would be aghast.’”

“May I ask what you did then?” said Nadya.

“I was still enthralled with his comment about me. So I told him we could start with a hug. A kiss. Then I invited him to undo the buttons of my blouse, and I reached for the buttons of his shirt.

“When we were naked on the bed, I told him that I would give him a bit of an anatomy lesson. I lay there with my legs so he could see everything, told him about vagina, labia, clitoris, sweet spot or G spot. I explained about female arousal and orgasms, sensuous spots of my body. Then I had him caress my skin, breasts, side of neck below my ears, - all of the places that arouse me. I let him feel my lower lips, reach inside, feel my clitoris and see how it responds as it is stimulated. In other words, some ways to please a woman. I wanted to handle his penis, but didn’t want to make him come prematurely. He had never imagined a woman’s orgasm, or the fact she can have multiple orgasms.

Eventually I had him crawl on top. I didn’t even have to pretend. But I had to teach him how to put on a condom properly.

“We stayed in bed for an hour and I got his penis erect again. He tried, we tried but he didn’t come again. He was so apologetic about failing to make me come a second time. I told him, ‘When you said you wanted to ensure I was satisfied, that made a perfect night for me.’ I hope he believed me.”

“Wow. Thanks for sharing. I’m a virgin in love and sex. So I don’t know what to expect.”

“Well, I’m a virgin in the love department.”

Then Jennifer added, “Do you know anything about knots?”

“Such as in?”

“Tying people up. I’m told there are a number of men who want to be tied up, and made to suffer before coming. Or to tie their partner up. Perhaps good money from older men.”

I paused, and Jennifer apologized. Then I said, “Yes, I know a little about knots. I was in Guides, and we had a little bit on knots. Not like Scouts, where there is much more emphasis on outdoors stuff. But - well, promise never to tell anyone what I am going to tell you. It is a bit of a long story.”

Jennifer promised.

“When I was about seven years old and my sister Karen was a year older, we started to play games. One game we had was she was a horse, and I a rider in a carriage she was pulling with a skipping rope around her waist. I don’t know over what period of time we played the game. One day we were waiting for the school bus in a small park a couple of blocks from home. There was some construction activity across the street from the park, and an older man observing the construction. My sister dropped the skipping rope around her waist. I said to her, ‘Bad horsey. No carrot treat for you tonight.’”

“Wow, some game.”

“Yes. In our play I was always the dominant, controlling one. She liked to be passive, directed. And I wanted to be in control.

“Well, this man heard my comment and as I looked around, I caught his eye. For a fraction of a second. Then he turned back to the construction.

“But I knew what he was thinking. He wanted to say, ‘Bad horsey needs to be tied up tonight.’ Then he said to himself, ‘That’s a bad thought. These are just children, vulnerable.’”

“How did you know his thoughts?”

“I don’t know. But I did.

“That night I told my sister Karen what the old man thought. Or I imagined he thought. She said, ‘Yes, I have been a bad horsey, and need to be prevented from escaping.’

“So I used the skipping rope to tie her hands in front of her. I wasn’t very good at knots and it worked loose during the night. But from then on, every few days, she would say she had been a bad horsey, and I would tie her up for the night. First with the skipping rope, then with rope we bought. We shared a room in those days. She really enjoyed being restrained, and I enjoyed securing her. We looked at comics, TV shows, movies for scenes of bondage. It was fantastic when we began to search the Internet. Lots of ideas.

“Our parents were busy with work, and were delighted that we were so close that we entertained each other. Little did they know. Karen was a year ahead of me, so I used to learn some of the things she was being taught, giving me a head start on each year.

“We did Brownies and Guides, some soccer, excursions with the school. Learned some things about knotting. Continued our horsey games.

“So yes, I know a little about bondage. Do you want to learn?”

Jennifer nodded, “If you please. There are some ropes in camping equipment of the owners.”

So we spent an hour exploring the ropes. I discussed some safety issues. We decided for her profession, tying a man spread-eagled on the bed was a good way to make him available for teasing, unable to escape. My sister liked it.

I had Jennifer stretched out on her bed, comfortable but not able to escape. I was just about to tie a rope from her knee to the side of the bed to open up her crotch some more, when the doorbell rang.

“Ignore it? It’s probably just a canvasser for the election.”

But the doorbell rang again. The lights were on, so Jenn suggested I answer it.

I put the hank of rope I had been holding into a pocket as I walked to the door. I looked out through the window pane to see a nicely dressed young man, clean shaven, recent neat haircut, standing a few feet back from the door, and carrying a box in his hands.. Not threatening. Then I recognized him as a student in another section of my year. Bright, usually nerdy looking and behaving. Quiet, reserved. He saw me at the window.

I set the chain on the door and opened it to speak to him.

“My name is Kevin and I’m looking for Jennifer; I have something for her. Oh, I think I recognize you from school. Do you live here as well?”

“I have been helping Jennifer with some mathematics; that’s why I am here.”

“May I see her please? I have something for her.”
“Jennifer is not available at this time. May I take it to give to her?”

“Well, I wanted to talk to her. I know she needs a new electric kettle and I bought her one.”

I quickly put 2 and 2 together; this was her client from Saturday. “That is very thoughtful and considerate of you. We had to boil water in a pot on the stove for tea earlier. I’m willing to take it and give it to her later.”

“I really wanted to talk to her, to apologize for something.”

“Oh? She’s not available right now.”

But Jennifer heard our dialog and called out, “Go ahead, let him in.”

So I released the chain, and he entered, carefully wiping his shoes on the small strip of carpet at the door. I took the box and placed it on the all-purpose table.

Jennifer called out, “Bring him to me.”

I said to him, “I’ll take you to see her, but I must tie your hands behind your back.”

His face reddened, “You know?”

“I put a couple of things together. Her kettle burnt out only last Saturday. Jennifer told me she had a client over who said something very nice to her. No names or other information. And I won’t tell anyone.”

“They say you are the smartest person in our year.”

“Well, I hear that you are up at the top as well.”

Again a reddening. “But I am struggling with calculus, which I need for Engineering at university. How are you doing with it?”

“Oh, it comes easy to me. That’s what I’m helping Jennifer with.”

“Perhaps you would be willing to give me a hand?”

“Yes, sometime later.”

“Well I want to see Jennifer,” Kevin said, and turned around, hands behind his back, though not before he reached into his pants pocket for a moment.

I secured his hands, then put the end of the rope in his fingers. “If you feel the need to release yourself, tug on this.”

I led him through the sheet that acted as a curtain and he stopped when he saw Jennifer stretched out on the bed. “Now I see why I had to be tied. Are you into games, or the same line of work?”

Jennifer replied, “No. I had a recent client who told me he likes to tie himself up. There is a certain amount of work in my field with older men who need some, say, extra stimulus. So I asked Nadya if she knew anything about knots. She wanted to know why. So she was showing me a few things. We decided a man might like to be like this so he has no control over what happens.”

She continued, “I’m really taken by what you just brought for me. Do you still want to talk to me?”

“I want to apologize. I feel badly about, well, having used you. It’s all wrong and I feel ashamed.”

“Apology accepted, though none required. You see, you said something that changed the whole encounter. You said, ‘I want it to be good for you’ meaning me. No one has ever considered my side before and I admire and respect you for having said that. That’s why I took so much effort with you, provided some idea of what a woman wants, what she needs, what her parts do. I enjoyed the evening I spent with you.”

“I took some of your advice. I’m going to go into a couple of after school activities in order to meet people, both men and women.”

“That’s wonderful. I never had advice, and look at the mess I got myself into. But I’ll work my way out. Thanks for the kettle, every bit helps. But I’ll manage on my own.”

There was a pause, so I interjected. “I was showing Jennifer what I thought she might try. But it’s useful to have a subject on which she could practice. Would you like to be a test subject?”

Kevin smiled in anticipation.

Soon he was spread-eagled on the bed, tied by Jennifer. She used the knot that I had shown her which secured an individual limb, but without constricting the limb too much. Kevin’s male reaction under his pants was evident.

“There, done,” exclaimed Jennifer.

Kevin looked at Nadya and asked, “Is this what you do?”

I replied, smiling at Kevin, “I’ve never tied a man up.”

“But you have tied women up?”

“Yes, Jennifer here, for the only time, just this evening.” The truth, nothing but the truth, but not the whole truth.

“You are attractive but don’t go out with any of the guys in the school. People wonder why.”

“Lots of the boys have asked me, such as to the Christmas Dance. But nobody has asked me in the right way.”

“Would you like to go to the Christmas Dance?”

“Of course.”

“Then may I offer to escort you to the dance?”

“I would like that very much.”

“It’s that easy?”

“You didn’t ask me to come with you to the dance, with the focus on yourself. You ascertained that I would like to go, then offered to make that happen. Focus on me, the lady.”

“I learned that from Jennifer.”

“She’s a good teacher.”

Jennifer interjected, “Would you like to have a pretty outfit for the dance? I’d be happy to make you a nice dress. I make all my own clothes.”

“I would appreciate a handmade dress of your making. That is very generous of you.”

Turning back to Kevin, “Now I have a question for you. Would you like to have me as a girlfriend?”

“Really? Of course.”

“You see, I asked you if you wanted something. Not would you be my boyfriend. But I would like you as a boyfriend.”

“Then as a girlfriend, would you be willing to help me with my calculus?”

“I would like to help you any way I can.”

Jennifer commented, “What should we do now? Perhaps Kevin wants to be released.”

“I was thinking of showing you a few more knots, such as by tying you to the pole holding up the curtain.”

Jennifer agreed, and Kevin watched in fascination as I securely bound Jennifer to the pole, leaving a short hank of rope she could pull to release herself if needed. Jennifer had her wrists tied behind the pole, ropes around her chest and the pole to accentuate her assets, ropes fastening her ankles and knees, and a rope around her waist, tied behind the pole with the ends run around her hips, down her groin, under her dark blue slacks, and tightly knotted behind the pole. Jenn smiled in contentment at her confinement.

“Now I think Kevin needs a blindfold.” I used one of Jennifer’s scarves from a box that served as a clothes drawer. I put my finger to my lips at Jennifer to be quiet. Then turning to Kevin, I asked, “Kevin, would you be interested to give me a little lesson in male anatomy? I am deficient in such matters.”

When he nodded, I undid Kevin’s pants, released one of his legs, pulled down his pants and underwear on the other leg, and reattached his leg outstretched. His erection arched over his belly.

“Kevin, would you tell me what you like touched?”

The tips of my fingers brushed over the places on his shaft, testicles, the skin between his balls and his rectum, and the glans. A few drops of fluid leaked out of the head. I undid his shirt buttons and circled his nipples. Kevin strained at the ropes as the sexual tension rose, unsated.

I had slowly removed my own clothing silently as I moved from one side of the bed to the other. Ultimately I unrolled a condom carefully over his throbbing shaft.

I got up on top of the bed. “Kevin, is it time to untie you and send you on home?”

“And the alternative?”

“We’ve got the emotional parts sort of looked after,” I said as I climbed over him and slowly descended on his shaft. “I’d like to give my virginity to you.”
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Post by GreyLord »

This is an intriguingly different kind of story, @StringTheorist. I found that I was led along in a most fascinating way. I hope that you will share more of your work with us. I wonder what it would be like with Nadya tied up.
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Post by StringTheorist »

Thanks, @GreyLord

I hadn't thought of a sequel with Nadya tied.But there are possibilities. Nice suggestion.

My stories tend to have a plot with TUG as a sideline. I like some plausible story line to add TUG to. Maybe that's why I don't have "standard" TUGs (if there is such a thing. TUG stories are all over the place.) Pleased to be different.

I'll think about Nayda in ropes.


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Post by dezz »

It's a lovely story. I liked it. Thanks
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Post by StringTheorist »

Thanks for the feedback, @dezz . I am glad you liked it.
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Post by StringTheorist »

Nadya’s Graduation Celebration Tie Up (FFF/MFF) ?

A sequel to Nadya, thanks to @GreyLord for the suggestion.

“… and above all, be safe,” said the chairwoman of the school board to the Graduates. Nine months would tell if her advice was heeded.

The high school graduates paraded out of the auditorium. Jennifer, Nadya, and Kevin met as arranged. None of their parents had come, Nayda’s sister was supposed to come but never appeared.

Jennifer was hosting their graduation celebration in her small basement apartment. Kevin drove, with Nadya beside him in his small Honda Fit with Jennifer in the back.

The three had worked hard together during the year, mostly leaning on Nadya’s tutorship. “I still can’t believe I got an A,” said Jennifer.

“You worked hard this year,” Nadya responded, not voicing how difficult it must have been for Jenn to study, support her child Johnny, now approaching 3, and earn a form of living.

“It’s been good for us, working together,” expressed the driver. “I’m so happy that you succeeded.”

“Me too.”

“Well you both did very well – Nadya, you were top student and valedictorian. And Kevin, you can be very proud standing third overall,” opined Jennifer.

Both blushed, but it had been hard work. They had all spent a lot of time at Jennifer’s place studying, Nadya mentoring the other two, all remaining chaste save for Jenn’s livelihood. When Jenn was out, the others looked after the small boy.

They arrived at the basement apartment, unloaded the car and headed to the kitchen area to prepare a celebratory dinner. Better than going out to a restaurant, which wouldn’t be in Jennifer’s budget.

“I’ve baked and decorated a cake,” declared Jenn.

Kevin’s contribution was a bottle of wine with glasses, and Nadya’s was to bring an extra chair. All had also brought food for a simple but nutritious meal.

They ate dinner; Johnny was put to bed, and the wine opened. “It’s been a long time since that first time we met together,” said Kevin. “Thanks to my kettle.”

Conversation drifted to the exams that they had just slogged through. “One of the calculus questions, the most challenging, was just about the same as one you posed to us,” commented Jenn.

“Well, I have something to admit. I found a practical use for some of the material we had been studying. I mentioned this to our teacher one day, who asked for details. So I made sure to work it into our sessions. Worked out.”

The others laughed. Nadya was known for her attempts to apply the tools they were being taught to real life – it was one of her secrets to being top student.

“Well, her instruction on rope work has helped me with some clients – older men who need special care. I’m paid more. That helps.”

“We haven’t done any of that stuff since I brought over the new kettle for Jenn.”

“Should we loosen up by tightening up? Nadya hasn’t been tied up yet,” proposed Kevin.

“Oh, I’m OK,” Nadya said, trying to deflect the conversation.

But the other 2 wouldn’t let the thought go.

Nayda suggested drawing straws to see who got tied up first; in the end they flipped coins. Odd person out was first to be bound.

“Any requests Kevin?”

“I remember Jenn bound to the pole, and would like to give that a try.” So he stripped and applied protection.

Jenn was eager to try her developing TUG skills for her clients, so took on the job of securing their male subject.

“Hand’s behind the pole,” instructed Jenifer. She wrapped a rope around his wrists in a figure 8 configuration, three times, then cinched the waist with two turns. She wound the ends of the rope around the pole and tied a surgeon’s knot, tucking the ends under the rope around the pole and cinching them, tugging tight. No way could he work his fingers to free himself. His member showed its approval of the treatment he was receiving.

Next Jennifer tore a strip of duct tape for his mouth. His eyes were covered by a folded scarf. She ran her fingernails up and down his chest a few times, playing with his nipples on the way. His organ really saluted.

Next Jennifer fastened his legs together, just above the knees, using a doubled rope. She placed some padding behind his knee joint before securing the rope to the pole, knot behind the pole. Ankles got a similar treatment.

After a bit more exploring his front and feeling his manhood up a little, she turned to binding his torso to the pole with ropes around his chest wound between his pecs to make his nipples jut out for attention by her tongue. She had put a pad between his body and the iron pole to make it less uncomfortable.

Lastly she tied the centre of a long rope around his waist and the pole, with a folded towel as padding for the normal curve of his spine. The ends of the rope were brought around the pole, over his hips, and down his groin on either side of his equipment, under his rear and fastened around the grey pole. Jennifer took the last of the rope over his bound wrists to ensure Kevin couldn’t pull his wrists up and down in an attempt to free himself.

Jennifer twiddled his brown nipples, ran her hands across his font, and gingerly touched his organ to keep it reminded. She would really like to rub his sheathed member over her “Lady Bits” but was afraid of setting him off. Maybe later.

Nadya had been watching with interest (and arousal) the binding of her boyfriend to the pole.

Jenn picked up a length of rope to approach Nadya. But the later shook her head and said, “We’ll toss for who is next.”

Jenn lost, and choose to be fastened to the chair Nadya had brought (as normal, but she took it home after every visit; Jenn’s apartment was very small.)

“Strip, then apply this tape and blindfold.” Soon Jennifer was naked, blindfolded and gagged.

Nadya reached for Jenn’s hands and brought them behind her back, crossing her wrists. Nayda wound a rope around the wrists, twice in a vertical direction, then she crossed the rope in an overhand knot, snugged it up, and wound it twice in a horizontal direction. Another twist of the ropes and she was able to cinch Jenn’s wrists snuggly. Nadya let the ends drop for the time being.

She brought over the wooden kitchen chair and helped Jenn sit on the pad she had provided.

Nadya tied the loose ends together behind the wrist closest to Jenn’s back, then brought the ends around her waist to the front where they were securely together. Not reachable by Jenn’s wrists but perhaps she would be flexible enough to get her mouth down to the knot. “Well I have a solution for that. But first,” she thought.

First was a gentle trailing of her finger tips over Jenn’s front. Tips, not nails like were used on Kevin. Nadya watched Jenn’s reaction by the swelling of the tips of her breasts. A caress below the ears.

Next Nadya tied Jenn’s ankles with a rope to the back legs of the chair from each limb, forcing apart Jenn’s upper legs, opening up her woman hood.

Slowly Nadya fastened additional ropes – one over Jenn’s hips to the side bars of the chair back; another over the upper legs to secure them down to the wooden chair.

Now it was time to bind Jenn’s torso to the back of the chair. First a rope wound around Jenn and the chair back, just under the firm breasts, around again over them. This rope was knotted behind the bars of the chair, brought up and over her shoulders, down and around the ropes above and below her breasts, and back over the shoulders and tied and the ropes circling her chest. For good measure, Nadya took the remaining ends down and around Jenn’s wrists making them more securely fastened, and incidentally lifting them a little to reduce the strain in Jenn’s shouders.

“Maybe I should have tied a crotch rope,” Nadya observed, but I’m not sure if it would be comfortable or in the way of a probing finger. She leaned over the chair and applied her finger to Jenn’s moist lips. A satisfied “Ahhh” came from the chair occupant. She turned to Kevin and re-aroused him to a high level of sexual tension.

Then Nadya went to the toilet, and turned to the outside door, letting a hooded figure in black. The bound pair thought they heard a noise, but weren’t in a position to tell.

Then there were sounds of a person stripping, a little click as a bra strap was undone. Sounds emanated from the area of the double bed as a body was stretched out, limbs pulled to the corners of the bed, and some apparent teasing of bare flesh. Breathing deepened but didn’t quite come to satisfaction.

“”When the blindfolds are removed, please keep your eyes closed,” Nadya instructed.

“You can look now.”

They observed a bound woman on the bed, spread eagled, face covered with a towel. There was another woman covered in black, standing near the double bed.

“I’d like you to meet my sister Karen.”

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Post by GreyLord »

It remains sexy and intriguing. Good work.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by StringTheorist »

Thank you, @GreyLord for your suggested followup. Which sister is in black?

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Post by GreyLord »

StringTheorist wrote: 8 months ago Thank you, @GreyLord for your suggested followup. Which sister is in black?

I must admit to confusion (perhaps my normal state.) I don't know if Karen is tied on the bed or if she is still covered in black and is standing by the bed. I expect you will let us know in your own good time.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by StringTheorist »

Nayda’s Goodbye Tye (FFM/FM)

Nadya was the last to arrive, though still 5 minutes ahead of time. She banged at the door as she had a lot of dinner fixings in her arms.

Jennifer, Kevin and Karen came to the door and relieved her of her load, hurriedly depositing it on the utility table. Nadya bent down and removed her outdoor shoes and put on her slippers. Nadya’s boyfriend Kevin was standing just in front of her and she opened her arms for a hug and a kiss. This was to be a last time together as she was heading off to a university to which she had a scholarship; likewise Kevin was going to another university a few days later.

Kevin wrapped his arms around her and gave her a kiss; Nadya returned the embrace.

Jennifer grabbed Nadya’s hands behind Kevin’s back and quickly tied them together with rope. Karen knelt and secured her ankles.

“You’re not going away without being tied up once,” Jennifer said, adding a cinch rope around Nadya’s wrists. Nadya’s sister added a clean sock secured with a strip of red duct tape. Nothing that Nadya couldn’t spit out if she needed to. Kevin ducked out of her embrace.

They shuffled her over to the bed area, and the women started to disrobe her, pulling her clothes down her arms and legs. Kevin got a glimpse of his nearly naked girlfriend with the usual expected reaction.

There was a pattern of white straps on the bed, plastic straps with a hole every 1/2 inch along each piece. One piece ran up and down the centre of the bed, secured at the top and bottom. Four pairs of cross straps were attached to the centre strap with fasteners like used in pop-riveters. Smooth so they wouldn’t irritate the skin of anyone they were securing. Nadya was placed on her back on the centre strap. The upper cross straps were brought across her body - under her armpits, under her breasts, at her waist and over her hips. Kevin pulled the straps tight then secured them with fasteners; he checked that the skin side of the fastener was smooth on Nadya’s pink skin. The lower cross straps were already fastened to the sides of the bed.

There were 2 other straps at the top which came over her shoulders and were fastened to the upper cross strap. There was another strap lying attachedl to the centre line strap; this one came up her opening and was fastened to the cross straps all the way up. No way for Nadya to wriggle free. A few snips with tin snips cut off ends of the straps and left a nicely secured package. The ropes were removed along with her clothes, revealing Nadya as a centrepiece. For indeed, Jennifer, Kevin and Karen were going use the mattress as a dining table. Kevin placed the snips conspicuously near his friend.

“Kevin, why don’t you keep Nayda company while we prepare the dinner?” and the two women left the bed area, pulling closed the makeshift curtains on their makeshift track. “Find out what are her erotic zones,” Jennifer suggested.

Dinner was a success, simple as it was. Kevin’s clothes were a little dis-shelved and the crotch strap had been cutaway. He took on the job of feeding his girlfriend.

Dessert was a strawberry soufflé served as dollops on the centrepiece’s various “lady bits”, spoons were not needed.

Jennifer and Karen closed the curtain on the lovers and started the cleanup marvelling that their plans had been a success. Kevin had been left on top of Nadya, secured tightly in place by a strap about both their waists.

Half way through the dishes there was a knock at the outside door, coupled with a loud “Hello, we’re home!”


Hurriedly Jennifer called out’ “Just a minute,” whispered to the bed to be quiet, took a scan around to spot anything, and went to the door.

Beverly was standing at the door, and made to come in, her husband Andrew following; Jennifer’s landlords.

“How are you? Johnny? How did you do at school?” she asked.

“Johnny is growing fast. I’m fine. And I got an A. Imagine, an A.” Jennifer had a big smile on her face.

“I won’t keep you and your guest. We have a lot to unload.” Beverly turned to go, and noticed something on the floor, bent down to pick it up, made some guesses. A length of rope intended for Nadya’s knees. She looked at Jennifer who was almost in shock, then turned to her husband, smiling, “You haven’t tied me up in decades. I have driven the last hundred miles in heavy traffic and am exhausted.

“Tie me up in the house. Bring stuff in from the car. Make me dinner. Then see what you can do for me.” She turned to go.

Jennifer said, “Would you really like to have a good tie up?”

And Karen said to Andrew, “Would you like a hand with the luggage?”

Jennifer added, “We have some food left over. Would you like us to bring you dinner?”
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Post by GreyLord »

Well told. You keep adding surprises. Very nice.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by StringTheorist »

You're welcome, @GreyLord. ST
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Post by charliesmith »

Amazing story! Will there be a continuation?
Please feel free to read and comment your thoughts.
My ongoing stories:

Roadtrip of Dreams (M/F) Chapter 14 Added.
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Post by StringTheorist »

Hi @charliesmith

I am glad you liked the Nadya story. I don't have a sequel in mind though I left a possible connection to the landlords.
I originally just had the first story, then @Greylord suggested there should be a sequel.

I have other stories to share but many don't have a high TUG content.

I see you enjoy the works of many TUGGERS and take the time to comment positively. I eventually found your Road Trip of Dreams which I have bookmarked after getting through 2 chapters.

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