Another Boring Saturday at the Farm Shop ( F/M )

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Another Boring Saturday at the Farm Shop ( F/M )

Post by LunaDog »

And so, @tiedinbluetights , @Tie_me_up91 , Ladies and Gentlemen is the first part of the 'spin-off' from my 'Sherelle' story, featuring the couple who see Sherelle's captive chained to Ginny's Jeep. Hope you all enjoy!


It was true, now with both of us rapidly approaching fifty years upon this planet, Jonathan and I HAD drifted into the usual long time married ‘rut.’ Everything had settled into a state of purely being ‘normal’ and staid, our ‘love-life’ as it was, had become, well to be totally honest, stale. We’d been married for over twenty years, the kids had become legal adults by now, indeed our son Mikey had left the family ‘nest’ and formed a home of his own. And, although our daughter Brittany still lived with us, she’d gone on a three-week trip to the States, to stay with my parents as Jon and I woke up on that Saturday morning. Which as we did so, we assumed would be like any other first weekend day, a trip to the local farm shop, to buy some, good quality it has to be said, home grown produce for the Sunday roast, and then another boring afternoon, half sleeping and half watching some ‘tack’ on the T.V.

It hadn’t always been like this. We’d met in our very early ‘twenties,’ when my ‘Pop,’ Eddie, had been serving in the United States Air Force, and was based in England for a while. I’d met Jon down, what you English call the ‘pub’ one Friday night, and it all went from there. Rather quickly if I remember correctly. And, in those days, I was quite a ‘looker’ believe me, as was my Jonathan. We hit it off straight away, it certainly wasn’t long before we ‘hit the sack,’ and in some style. Jon certainly knew what he was about in bed, oh yes, I’ve plenty of VERY fond memories of those early days. One thing I certainly DO remember clearly from that time was how to turn Jon on, he most definitely could NOT resist me if I had placed my legs into a set of sheer nylons, together with a lacy and sexy garter belt, items known as stockings and suspenders to you Brits of course!

Within two years of meeting each other we married, with me staying in England when my parents returned to America, after my father’s ‘tour of duty’ here came to an end. Believe me Jon’s family and good set of friends made me most welcome here, really helping to prevent ‘homesickness’ overtaking me, and greatly assisting me to settle into the role of an English ‘housewife.’ Jon had a good job, earning decent money, so we were able to buy a home of our own, just as well when first Mikey and then Brittany appeared on the scene.

Naturally said ‘appearance’ did dampen our sex life somewhat, limiting the opportunities to indulge in rampant sexual activities for one thing, although the love between us never died. I still loved Jon with all my heart, as he did me; and it NEVER even occurred to me to betray my wonderful man, for some other male cock. But as I said earlier, we’d somehow got stuck in a ‘rut.’ What we needed was a ‘spark,’ something to fully ignite our passions for one another, passions that WERE still there but somehow had become rather dormant. Just like a volcano that hadn’t erupted for quite some time, I guess.

When we both awoke on THAT Saturday morning, neither of us had any idea whatsoever, that THIS would be the day where said ‘spark’ was going to occur. As usual, having been to the bathroom I went to the kitchen to prepare Jon’s weekly ‘treat,’ which I believe is known as a Full English Breakfast. I mean, just how unhealthy is all that fried food? But I did allow him to enjoy it, which he did with relish, ONCE a week. Every other day he ate healthily, some good muesli or cereal, but as I say I allowed him one ‘full fat’ breakfast a week. So, into the pan went some bacon, a sausage or two, mushrooms, baked beans and fresh tomatoes, to be followed later by a couple of fried eggs. With some toast, I drew the line at fried bread. No, naturally I didn’t eat such a source of pure fat and starch myself, a girl, especially one now within ‘middle age,’ has to look after her figure, you know!

While he ate the product of my hard work, together with a mug of tea, yes I had coffee, and a glass of fresh orange juice, Jon watched a preview of this weeks scheduled ‘football’ matches, known to me as ‘soccer,’ of course. I mean, just what idiot named Jon’s favourite game, where the players mostly use their feet to control the ball, instead of running with it in their hands, ‘FOOTball?’ Although, with the U.S. Ladies being SO successful at it, winning several ‘World Cups,’ I AM beginning to see the appeal! Breakfast and ‘soccer’ preview over, it was time to get washed and dressed, ready for our normal Saturday morning journey to the farm shop. Yes, as we did almost EVERY Saturday morning, yes, yes, I know, routine, routine, routine! But little did either of us know it at that moment, THIS morning was going to turn out to be VERY different from normal!

There was absolutely NO indication of this when we pulled up and parked. Emerging from the car, we entered the shop itself to make select our purchases, fresh meat and vegetables, yes the produce sold here is of excellent quality, that’s why we come here so often. Having paid for our goods, we received our first inkling that this would not be any ordinary day, as two stunningly sexy ladies, appearing to be around forty and both clad in VERY stylish leather suits featuring a short skirt, entered the building just as we were about to leave.

“Are you sure he’ll be alright, Ginny?” One of them asked, taking NO notice of Jon and I.
“Of course he will, Sherelle! He’s LOVING it, what a truly fantastic idea of yours!” Came the forthcoming reply from her companion. They headed into the café part of the complex.

It was when we were walking back to our car that we became aware of a commotion, with most of the people present woman, who were clearly excited about something. As we both continued towards our own vehicle, suddenly the cause of all of this ‘merriment,’ such as stares, ‘girlie’ giggles and other signs of sheer astonishment became crystal clear, and certainly took me completely by surprise!

A little bit in front of our car was an open top ‘Jeep’ type motor, with the top down. Nothing surprising about that, I’m sure you can all agree, it was Summer after all, and the sun was shining brightly. However, the main ‘roll bar,’ just behind the rear seats featured a rather, unusual and, how shall we put it, ‘interesting’ accessory!

In a spread-eagled manner, leather cuffs, which each featured a ‘D’ ring, around both of his wrists and ankles, padlocked to metal ‘loops’ welded to said bar; was a young man who appeared to be in his early twenties. He also had a leather collar around his neck, and a small length of chain was also padlocked to another ‘D’ ring at the front of said collar, to another ‘ring’ mounted in the centre of the roll bar frame. However, as if that wasn’t unusual enough, he was VERY scantily clad, not far from being totally naked in fact.

All he was adorned in was a garter belt, holding up some VERY sheer nylons, and a pair of female satin panties, that really did struggle to contain his, quite impressive if I’m being honest, boner. I’m not completely certain, but I’m sure another pair of panties had been shoved into his month, something was inside there that’s for sure, and whatever it was had been tied to be held inside with a silk bondage tie.

Obviously, this Jeep belonged to one of those two leather clad beauties, as clearly did the young ‘gentleman.’ Judging by their conversation, my guess would have been that he was the ‘property’ of the lady called Sherelle, but I had no REAL evidence to substantiate that deduction! It simply seemed that way, maybe it was just simple female intuition.

However, a fact that WAS evident without ANY doubt whatsoever was that this young man within his present situation, had completely grabbed Jon’s FULL attention! And suddenly it hit me, perhaps right here and now was that missing ‘spark’ needed to ‘relight’ our sexual relationship, maybe it was time for ‘Mount Vesuvius’ to ‘erupt’ again?

“Well then Honey, as he seems to turn you on SO much, let’s go home NOW! Because then I’m going to PUT you into some of MY nylons, TIE you to OUR bed and subject you to MY desires for the rest of the day!”
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Post by tiedinbluetights »

An excellent start to the spin-off! Thanks @LunaDog !
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Post by LunaDog »

tiedinbluetights wrote: 6 months ago An excellent start to the spin-off! Thanks @LunaDog !
Let's see just how they re-act to this, unexpected, spark, shall we?

Two things happened after my little ‘speech’ here. Firstly, the young man bound to the Jeep, smiled and winked at us. I’m sure if he hadn’t been gagged, he’d have probably ‘wished us luck,’ as the English generally do in this sort of situation.

The second was just what I was looking and hoping for, although, so mesmerised was my husband it did seem to occur as a somewhat ‘delayed reaction.’ Jon’s face broke into a massive smile, “yeah Cin,” he nearly always called me by the short form of my name, Cindy, “let’s do EXACTLY that!” Seems I’d hit the ‘jackpot!’

Like a pair of young children on a Christmas morning, we literally ran to our own car, bundled our ‘shopping’ into the trunk, and jumped into the front two seats, Jon taking the driver’s one. And set off home, yes didn’t we just?

“Goddamn it Honey, back off, or the only bed you’ll end up in will be a hospital one!” As he rushed through those country ‘lanes,’ most definitely NOT the sort of road designed with high speed in mind, I felt I was being driven by a member of either the Unser or the Andretti family towards the Indianapolis Motor Speedway in order for them to take part in the ‘Five Hundred!’ Having nearly ‘lost it’ and crashed on one particular corner, thank goodness Jon slowed down.

“Sorry Cindy, you’re right, in order for you to do what you’ve promised you’re going to do to me, we’ve got to GET home first!” The rest of the journey continued at a far more sedate pace, and thankfully we DID reach home safely. With the blood pumping around our veins at a VERY high velocity though, we were like teenagers again!

We rushed into the kitchen to put away our foodstuffs, especially those that needed to be refrigerated, and then I grabbed my husband’s head, my lips found his and ‘attacked’ them in a manner that hadn’t occurred for possibly several years! When we finally allowed our mouths to part, I looked him straight in his eyes.

“Honey, go to the bathroom, take a shower, use the toilet to relieve your body as much as you can, because once I tie you to the bed you will NOT be leaving it for quite some time! Having done all of that, come back NAKED to our bedroom, where the garter belt, nylons and bondage ties WILL be waiting, I promise. I’ll get myself ready myself in the en-suite.”

He nodded and obeyed instantly, sure excitement had FULL hold of him, but he most certainly IS an intelligent man, and he knew my words spoke pure sense. Off I went to our room, and just as I told him, I toileted and showered in the small, attached bathroom there, before opening my lingerie drawer, yes, we’d got THAT stale it HAD been a while, taking great delight in selecting the required items from within.

I pulled out my largest and most ‘elastic’ garter belt, unlike a lot of men Jon did look after his body and HAD kept ‘middle-aged spread’ down to a large degree, but even so he was slightly larger than me. OK, so that’s HIM sorted out, what about me, I mean I wasn’t about to have him in nylons and not myself now, was I? But did I want to just settle for a simple belt, or how about a satin basque? It had been a while, far too long in fact, and I did have a delicious one. I decided to let him choose, after all, part of my game was that whilst I’d place him in my lingerie, I’d expect him to dress me up!

Shortly afterwards a gentle knock on the bedroom door signified that Jon had finished in the bathroom, so I cried out, “come in Honey.” Which he did, clocking the nylons and belts on the bed. “Now then, before I place you into the nylons that I promised you, I need to be put into some myself, and it’s YOUR job to do so! But shall I wear a simple garter belt like you’ll be, or would you like me in that basque over there?”

He looked at it with pure lust in his eyes. “Cin, Darling, yes I’d like to see you in THAT, it’s UTTERLY delicious!” Picking it up and feeling the fine satin material it was made of. He bought it over to me, “can you give me some advice as to how to best fit this without damaging it though?”

Fair enough, I thought. Between us I soon had it fitted to my waiting body, and I’d forgotten just how swell it felt to wear it. I sat on our large bed, thinking to myself, ‘we really must get some satin sheets for this,’ as Jon covered one and then the other of my feet in sheer nylon. As I stood up, he knelt before me gradually moving the nylons up my waiting legs. But he was REALLY in the mood now, as he did so, his tongue flicked out, playing with my pussy, and occasionally toying with my ‘clit.’ However, he was careful NOT to go TOO far, and soon, I was still trying to work out either to my relief or my annoyance, he moved the nylons fully up, connecting their tops to the suspenders of the garter belt. Job done! Again, I’d forgotten just how luscious it felt for my legs to be coated in sheer nylon, God-damn it, we REALLY had let things slide! And yes, I’ll completely admit, I’m just as guilty as Jon for that state of affairs.

With my nylons now fitted I took a quick glance of myself in the mirror, VERY much liking just what I saw, nice to know I’ve still ‘got it!’ But now it was time for me to honor my promise to my betrothed, I’d given my word to put him into nylons, something I KNEW he’d always WANTED, time to deliver. But I wasn’t going to make it easy for him!

“Come and stand in front of this mirror, Honey!” He obeyed, and it was a tall mirror, so he could see his full body. But not just yet, because I now placed myself between it and him. “Hands, please Honey!” For I’d decided that instead of tying his arms to the outer bedposts of the metal lattice bed frame, in the normal way, I was going to tie his arms in front of him, then pull them over his head, tying them, still bound together to the top rail of said frame. He’d therefore be in an inverted ‘Y’ shape, but just as securely held as if he’d been tied ‘conventionally.’ And anyway, hadn’t I promised to keep him ‘confined to bed’ all day? At some stage, if I, AND ONLY I, so chose, I could always untie his arms, and then re-fasten them to the bed as per the usual method after all, could I not?

So, before I even touched any nylon item of apparel, I instead fetched a long, silk dressing gown belt. Before long, his wrists were securely, AND I DO MEAN SECURELY, tied together in a bond that he would NEVER be able to escape from unaided. Time to fit those nylons!

Before them, the garter belt would need to surround his mid-riff first. “Sit on the bed please.” He obeyed, and I soon had the belt over his two legs. Then I covered his feet in sheer nylon.
“Stand up again, Honey!” Once Jon was back on his feet, I could now slide the garter belt into its correct position, around his waist. “Does that feel good, Honey?”
“Yes Cin, it does, but please fit the stockings! They’ll feel EVEN better.”

Now then, remember when he’d fitted MY nylons how he’d teased me? What, you think there’d be NO payback for that? Oh, how little you know me! Jon had licked my pussy as he slid my nylons up my legs, so I licked his balls as his moved up his legs. Note how I didn’t actually touch his cock with my tongue, just limiting myself to teasing his balls. You see, I didn’t want him to cum just yet, I wanted him secured to our bed before I’d allow him THAT pleasure. But I DID want to stoke him up! Well, I can ASSURE you that my efforts in that regard were extremely successful, be in NO doubt there! Eventually the nylons moved far enough so that I could connect them to the garter belt. Just like me, Jon was now ‘dressed for sex!’

“ON THE BED! NOW!” Could he have obeyed any faster, well possibly because his arms were still bound together which didn’t help him, I guess. But never mind, he was soon lying centrally on it. I spread his legs out, but not fully, I mean we are both a bit older now, and there IS a limit as to how far I can stretch my own ‘pins’ out in comfort. But the lower bedframe has vertical slats ALL across its length, and using some pantyhose, I soon had both of his ankles tied to some of those, the ones a couple of slats from the outer end.

I now moved to be standing by the upper bedframe, leaning across it towards my husband’s body. “Raise your arms please, Honey.” Once he’d done so, I grabbed his bound arms, pulled them over his head, until they were right by the top rail of the frame. Using the remaining tie there, a fair length, it wasn’t long before his bound wrists were tied, again TOTALLY securely and in an UTTERLY inescapable manner, to said rail, also tying this around one of those vertical stays to prevent any ‘side to side’ movement. There, that was it, he now completely belonged to our bed, he could now hardly move let alone escape. Meaning that as well as belonging to the bed, he now also BELONGED TO ME!

I responded to this delicious scenario by climbing onto the bed myself, in-between his nylon covered and bound legs, and cupped his balls in my hands. “Who owns these now, Honey?”
“You do, Cindy! THEY ARE YOURS!”
“Aren’t they just. But, remember one thing Honey, it’s MISTRESS CINDY NOW!”
“Yes, Mistress Cindy!” Possibly responding to the, not so gentle, squeeze I’d subjected his balls to. “I am YOURS now!”
“Aren’t you just, Honey, aren’t you just?”

I leaned forwards until my lips met his and we kicked this sex session off with a damn good snog. During which I noticed him closing his eyes, and it was then that I realised it might be a good idea to blindfold him, I’d got a lovely black, silk scarf that I believed would make a good substitute for not actually owning a proper one. Something we’d need to purchase now.

However, for our first ‘shag’ Jon WOULD be able to see, by now I was far too ‘stoked’ up to be able to pause in order to fetch said scarf. NO, I wanted his rampant cock in my, soaking wet pussy NOW! I arched my body and achieved that ambition RIGHT NOW! Utterly delicious, God how we’d missed THIS?

Somehow, I managed to control myself enough to begin slowly, to allow the excitement to build, but I soon accelerated the proceedings. And before long I was riding Jon as fast as was physically possible. We were fast approaching THAT utterly delicious point!

Which I managed to achieve for both of us virtually simultaneously, my own climax hitting me fractions of seconds before Jon’s did. And yes, it had been a LONG time since either of us had been firmly gripped by ecstasy as we were now, and once I’d calmed down enough to think about ANYTHING other than sheer sexual pleasure, I inwardly thanked this ‘Sherelle’ and her young ‘Gentleman’ SO much!

And once I’d REALLY calmed down it was time to fetch my black silk scarf. “Kiss goodbye to your power of sight Honey, for the rest of your time in MY hands you will NOT be able to see your Mistress Cindy.” I soon had the scarf wrapped around his head, and after tying it in position there, being careful to tie the knot on the side of Jon’s head so he wasn’t lying on it, I made sure that his eyes were fully covered. “Enjoying the view, Honey?”
“What view, Cin? Sorry, Mistress Cindy. I can’t see ANYTHING!”
“Just as I WANT it, Honey! Now I can do anything I want to you, with you having to guess just where I am, and what I’m going to do to you!”

Jon’s cock was still limp at this stage, so I used the time before it took ‘shape’ again to mercilessly tease him. Rubbing my hands all over his bound body, in a totally random manner, so he had NO idea where I’d strike next. Talking of the word ‘strike’ I hit him a few times, nothing hard or serious at all of course, this was the man I loved, but it kept him guessing. I also tickled his nylon coated feet.

Much as I enjoyed all of this, finally my husband’s ‘tool’ eventually resumed the condition I wanted it to be in and we set off on ‘round two.’ With the same delightful result. I put him through the same routine once more, our third in total, before I stopped. Twenty years ago, I’d have kept going for longer, but even though I now intended to untie and release him, I hadn’t finished just yet. We needed a break sure, but as I did untie him, I assured him that he’d be re-tied back to it later on. But some time had passed, and it was time to feed the other sort of ‘hunger.’ We needed to eat!

Jon grabbed his dressing gown, but I wasn’t having that! “Oh no Honey, we’re staying JUST as we are now, it’s not cold so there’s no need to put any clothes on.”
He smiled and hung it back up. “In THAT case, I hope nobody comes to our door then. Or,” laughing now, “maybe, on reflection, I hope they DO!”

We eat some lunch, nothing too much, we were possibly TOO excited to want to eat a large meal. Sitting at the dining table, the pair of us just nylon clad and holding hands, gazing into each other’s eyes with a mixture of real love and pure lust; it was crystal clear that as far as the ‘pleasures of the flesh’ were concerned we had, very much, been reborn again. After a while, and a couple of toilet breaks, I announced loudly, “BACK TO BED WITH YOU!”

Obedience was INSTANT, and this time I did tie Jon in the conventional purely spread-eagled form, his arms spread out and his wrists very securely tied to the outer bedposts. Followed swiftly by his legs, again not completely stretched, but don’t worry, they were HELD. I wondered for a little while whether to allow him to retain his power of sight, but I the end I decided against it, and back on went the blindfold scarf. He was MINE again!

I kept him there for some time, shagging him as raggedly as I could again and again and again! Until, after a couple of hours my strength, and his for that matter, began to fail, I was spent, and it was time to stop. But WHAT a few hours that had been! Again, I thanked this mysterious ‘Sherelle’ from the bottom of my heart or should that be pussy! It was also fully abundant from the look in my husband’s eyes, when I removed the scarf that he’d enjoyed it just as much.

Having been gifted this opportunity to very much revive our, what had been flagging, ‘love-life’ Jon and I didn’t allow things to drift again. I’m not saying I tie him up ALL of the time, sometimes I become HIS prisoner, and very occasionally no ties are involved at all, but we’ve learnt to ‘lust’ each other as well as just love again.

And here, Ladies and Gentlemen, is precisely where i intended to stop this tale, it was supposed to be a 'short' tale after all. But i decided to carry on, bringing back certain people into the story. Here is a 'taster' of the continuation, the very first part of that. I'm sure that you can ALL guess just who became married here?

Then, roughly a year later, again in the middle of summer, the pair of us were walking, hand in hand, right by the large church in town one Saturday morning. The bells were peeling, we could see photography occurring but at a distance that we couldn’t ascertain any details of just who was involved, and several cars, with white ribbons were standing by. A lucky couple had just become ‘man and wife,’ they had just been married.
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Post by LunaDog »

Then, roughly a year later, again in the middle of summer, the pair of us were walking, hand in hand, right by the large church in town one Saturday morning. The bells were peeling, we could see photography occurring but at a distance that we couldn’t ascertain any details of just who was involved, and several cars, with white ribbons were standing by. A lucky couple had just become ‘man and wife,’ they had just been married. As we neared the gate, hanging back to allow the ‘wedding party’ through, I looked into the blushing bride’s eyes, and realised I recognised them, even though I’d only had a very short glimpse of them before. And the groom’s, who Jon and I had seen far more of. It was, of course, Sherelle and her young man. She looked utterly divine, wearing an utterly stunning white Wedding Gown, that fitted her wonderful figure beautifully, and he looked SO hansom in a full “Morning Suit.”

It was him who recognised us. “Good Lord! Aren’t you the couple from the farm shop?”
“Yes,” I answered, “I want to thank you two from the bottom of my heart for what you inspired us to that day. Oh, and MANY congratulations on your wedding. You both look SO happy, and right for each other!” And they DID, even if it was absolutely obvious that she was much older than him. Behind the ‘happy couple’ stood two more women, one I thought, correctly, being Sherelle’s companion from that day last year, was her name Ginny I tried to recall? And I guessed that the other must have been the bride’s daughter, because she looked just like a younger version of the lady in white herself, being utterly gorgeous, therefore.

The groom turned to his, now wife. “Sherelle, Darling, this is the couple who saw me chained to Ginny’s Jeep at the farm shop. And judging by the manner of how content they look,” he now addressed us, “you must have done exactly what you said you would?”

Sherelle now spoke to us. “Would you like to join us at the reception, we’ve had some people unable to attend so we have a few spare places? You’ll be VERY welcome, and I’m glad we gave you both a ‘spark’ on that day!”

Jon and I looked at each other. “We’d be delighted,” he answered. Turning to the groom, “and yes, Cindy did put me into her nylon stockings, tie me to our bed and had her wicked way with me! We haven’t looked back since.” I noticed that Sherelle’s daughter REALLY clocked all of this! Sherelle now informed us just as to where the ‘Wedding Party’ were heading, a large, well known, local hotel; and as they all bundled into the waiting cars, Jon and I went to fetch ours. We would meet them all again there.

Having had to walk a bit to reach our own car before we could set off to where the reception, was being held, thankfully Jon knew just how to get there, meant that we arrived after everybody else, but it mattered not, as Sherelle and her now husband met us at the door to the ‘Wedding Room’ and invited us in. When nobody else was watching she asked me herself. “You said that you tied your chap to the bed that day, since then have you reversed positions as it were?” I replied in the affirmative. “But have you ever been tied together and to the bed?”

No, we hadn’t, I answered finding myself REALLY turned on by the idea. “Well in THAT case,” Sherelle continued, “don’t you or your husband eat or drink TOO much. You see that’s what’s going to happen in the Bridal Suite tonight to my husband and I, with Ginny and my daughter, Kelly, being our ‘attendants,’ but you two have caught Kelly’s eye, and she’s asked if we need her tonight after all? She’s more than willing to tie the pair of you up, if you want her to. Just keep it to yourselves for now though.”

I took her hand. “Thank your daughter for us will you, yes, we’d LOVE that! Don’t worry I know how to be discreet; I won’t tell anybody.” Including Jon, I thought, it’ll be a nice little surprise for him!

The food and drink were absolutely excellent, but mindful of what Sherelle had just offered us, I abstained from indulging too much in this delicious fare, as did Jon, him believing that he needed to drive home afterwards helping to stop him drinking much alcohol. And after the meal came all of the normal ’speeches’ and formalities, which also allowed much of what HAD been consumed pass through our bodies.

Just as I came out of the Ladies, there was Kelly waiting for me, with a small package in her hands. “Cindy, I understand from Mum that the two of you have accepted my offer to become your Mistress for this night?”
“Yes Kelly, although Jon doesn’t know that yet! And thank you, I’ve always fancied that.”
She winked at me. “In that case, once you’ve noticed that the Bride and Groom have left the reception and retired to the Bridal Suite, wait for another twenty minutes or so, and then go to this room.” She handed me a room key; I clocked the number. “Wait for me there, because I’ll be helping Ginny to secure Mum and, guess he’s ‘Dad’ now, to the bed, after which Ginny can deal with them on her own. And, believe me, she’ll REALLY put them through it, she won’t need me for that, so I can make the two of you shag harder than you’ve EVER done before!” I believed her and she KNEW that she’d turned me on! She handed me the package. “Be dressed in the contents of this, and NOTHING else when I arrive to put the pair of you into MY bondage!” Having guessed where my accent heralded from, she smiled. “We call them stockings and suspenders, but I believe you Americans, refer to them as garter belts and nylons! Am I right?” I winked back at her; I REALLY liked this young lady!

Kelly then told me the story of how her Mum and ‘Stepdad’ had started their relationship. How she’d been friends with him for several years having been at the same school. She then told me of the night when she’d drunk herself into oblivion, after her then boyfriend had cruelly dumped her in public, and her, now ‘Dad,’ had safely taken her home. There to be seduced by Sherelle, who chained him to her bed and took both his sexual ‘cherry’ and his heart for herself. But now she was over the dis-appointment of her mother claiming what she had finally realised she’d wanted for herself, Kelly explained just how delighted she was to see her Mum SO happy and content. And settled with such a decent man, who could not only cope with Sherelle’s kinky desires, but FULLY thrived on being subjected to them! “After all, if the age difference doesn’t concern THEM, why should it anybody else?” Then she left me.

I returned to Jon, just as the ‘dancing’ commenced, as usual at weddings Sherelle and her husband taking ‘Centre Stage’ first of course. And they looked like they could move as well on said floor as they clearly were able to in bed! After a while, both of them together with Ginny and Kelly, the latter winking at us, departed; heading for the Bridal Suite, and for the newly betrothed couple to now begin their married life by being inescapably bound to the bed and each other! Under the FULL command of the UTTERLY kinky Ginny!

Once there, Ginny and Kelly set to their ‘task’ with relish! The newly-weds were ordered to undress each other down to their ‘virginal’ white lingerie, a basque and stockings in Sherelle’s case, and yes, the groom had been wearing stockings and a suspender belt under his suit! And then they were fastened to the, white satin covered, bed and each other with Sherelle on the bed itself and her spouse on top of her, white leather cuffs, chains and padlocks being utilised to achieve all of this, until their respective ‘freedom’ had completely dis-appeared! With white blindfolds totally removing their power of sight. Naturally this had ALL been performed in a VERY teasing, kinky and sensually manner, taking nearly thirty minutes in all. Before Ginny, having told Kelly that she now had EVERYTHING under control, and that Sherelle’s daughter could now attend to her OWN awaiting slaves, issued a command to her captives.


Guess just how long it took the bound couple to comply with this ‘order?’

Meanwhile as directed by Kelly, roughly twenty minutes later, I took Jon’s hand. “Time for us to ‘retire’ Honey.” Holding out the room key, “we’ve kindly been given the use of a room. Where I’ve a little surprise in store for you!” The look of puzzlement of his face was an absolute joy, but he followed me most willingly. He must have sensed that I had something in mind. We reached the room we’d been ‘assigned’ and entered.

“Honey,” pointing out the large bed, “have you ever fancied being tied to a bed and me at the same time? An idea that REALLY turns ME on, by the way.”
“Just where are you going with this Cin? Because YES, I do, but how are we going to do that?”
“Of course, we’ll need some help. And today we HAVE some! Sherelle’s daughter, Kelly, has offered to do just that, and I’ve accepted. But she did state that we needed to be ‘ready’ for her, she’ll be here soon.” I emptied the ‘package’ on the bed, two garter belts and sets of nylons. “She wants us in THESE, so we’d better comply!”

We did, and just in time, for no sooner had we found ourselves clad in just the, black in our case we hadn’t just got married, lingerie, then a gentle knock on the bedroom door announced the arrival of our ‘Mistress of Ceremonies!’ We let her in, and she smiled, a VERY dirty smile we noticed. “I see that the pair of you are ready just as I commanded! Good. For you see, for the next couple of hours at least, YOU BELONG TO ME! Is that understood?”

Jon and I looked at each other. “Yes, Mistress Kelly!” Our voices rang out in almost perfect harmony. “Completely understood Mistress,” I added, for good effect.

Now, Obviously, with OUR bondage to Kelly not having been planned or prepared for, there were NO leather cuff sets available for her to bind us to her desires. However, with many of the male guests knowing just how kinky Sherelle, Kelly and Ginny are, a good few had ‘offered’ their ties for the occasion.

“YOU!” Kelly ordered me, “ON THE BED! NOW!” I obeyed and our potential captor turned her attentions to my husband. “TIE HER TO THE BED! NOW!” Jon obeyed, moving the four corners, using four of the ‘supplied’ male ties to fasten my body inescapably to the ‘furniture.’

That was me dealt with then, so naturally Kelly turned upon Jon. “ON TOP OF YOUR WIFE!” He complied, and now Kelly grabbed two more ties to firmly secure our ankles together, Jon’s legs inside of mine. Soon our wrists were also bound to each other, but Kelly wasn’t satisfied with that. She ordered us to grab our partners respective hands, interlacing our fingers. Kelly now used her last two remining ties to bind said hands, meaning that we REALLY were ‘fastened’ to the other and the bed. For as long as Kelly wished us to be, of course.

Having used two scarves to blindfold both Jon and I, again she’d had no chance to prepare and use proper blindfolds, she gave us permission to begin. Which we were NOT going to refuse!

So, Jon and I set about each other with the degree of rigour that it was utterly clear, our captor Kelly demanded. It wasn’t long before this energy began to produce the desired effect, I could feel Jon rapidly approaching release, but I beat him to it, if only by fractions of a second. We both cried out as pure ecstasy claimed us both, and when we’d calmed down a little the sound of our cries became replaced by Kelly clapping her hands together. “Very good, my willing sex slaves, THAT was quite a show you provided, believe me. Not that I’m at all satisfied yet, of course.” As if we expected anything different from her naturally.

Kelly is NO fool, and she perfectly understood that it would take far longer for a male who was nearly fifty years old, to ‘re-charge’ then one of her own age. However, eventually Jon became ‘hard’ again, and so she ordered us to recommence the action. As if we needed to be told!

This time, as Jon’s cock entered my pussy and the shagging commenced, Kelly decided to join in the fun a little, tickling my husband’s balls with one of her hands, as the other played with the ERECT nipples of my tits, as she laid herself down alongside us on the bed. And make NO mistake, she KNEW what she was doing! It just added to the excitement levels, yet again, with Kelly’s assistance this time, we bought each other to a thundersome climax once more! God, this girl was something else!

Not that Kelly was in the mood for mercy yet! Oh no, she kept Jon and I tied to that bed for over two hours, and several shags. But then even she realised that we were now completely spent, and at last she untied us from, both the bed and each other. But, although absolutely shattered, we had MASSIVE smiles on our faces, and we both cuddled and thanked her. Then Kelly left, leaving Jon and I to collapse upon the bed again, falling into a deep state of sleep immediately.

A few weeks later Jonathan received, well, a rather excited ’phone call from our son Mikey. He’d started up with a new girlfriend, could he bring her over to our place on Saturday evening, to introduce her? Well of course, my husband replied, but being the typical male, he forgot to ask what the young lady’s name was!

I decided to pull out ‘all of the stops’ for Mikey’s new ‘love,’ I’d cook a special meal, the wine would flow and the pair of them could sleep in his old bedroom, it had a double bed, to stop any concerns about drinking and driving. It was all ready and prepared when the time came, Mikey like his father it has to be said is VERY punctual, Mikey stepped in, and as he started, “mom, dad, this is,” into the room stepped a familiar figure!

“Hello Kelly.” I cut across my son. “You are VERY welcome here; you’re looking absolutely stunning as normal. Come in and give me a BIG hug!” Kelly did so as Mikey stood there open mouthed. Finally, he was able to utter, “you guys know each other?”

“Oh yes,” Jon answered, “when you’ve given Cindy her hug, perhaps you’d like to come over here and give me one too, Kelly. As Cin says, you are VERY welcome. Son, you’ve made a great choice here.”

Having dealt with the, slightly unnecessary now, introductions we sat down at the table, well the men did as I headed into the kitchen to be joined there by my son’s new girlfriend. She hugged me again, before commenting “I’m absolutely delighted to see you again, Cindy, and even more pleased to see that you’re Mikey’s mum. Just wait until my mum hears that we could be related, she’ll be chuffed to bits!”
“How is Sherelle?” I asked.
“Still shagging her husband to within an inch of his life! Not that he’s complaining of course!”
“Look Kelly, Jon and I were going to invite Mikey and yourself to stay over in his old room, even if you hadn’t been you, if you know what I mean. I’m sure I can find some old nylons if you want to tie Mikey to the bed. I assume that you’ve already exposed him to that delight?”
“OH YES! I can assure you of that. And he LOVES it!”
“I don’t doubt it. Bit of a case of ‘like father like son,’ or in your case, ‘like mother like daughter.’ Oh, Kelly, it IS great to see you again!”
“You too Cindy. So, tell me, what have you and Jon been up to today?”
“To be honest Kelly it’s just been,” smiling at her,

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Post by tiedinbluetights »

Very interesting how both stories 'tie' together! Thanks for sharing!
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Post by LunaDog »

tiedinbluetights wrote: 6 months ago Very interesting how both stories 'tie' together! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you my friend! Although i just HAD to link my stories together. They ARE my creations after all!
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