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Playing cowboys and outlaws in the wood FM/FM

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2023 6:45 pm
by robleligoteur
Me, Rob, my friend Rita and Bonnie and Henry, two friends of us, had rented a cottage in the woods to play cowboys and outlaws. We had some fun some time ago after a carnival party, when Bonnie and Henry got tied up and gagged by Rita and me in their cute cowgirl and cowboy outfit. We had a lot of fun and now we had a whole weekend to play Cowboys and Rustlers. Bonnie and Henry were the wealthy ranchers having sold their cattle and having a good amount of cash in the chest pockests of their cowboy blouses and Rita an I were the rustlers lurking around to rob them. Her starts my story:

As the sun set over the wooded expanse, I found myself dressed for our Old West game, ready to play the role of a crafty rustler. My outfit exuded a rugged charm, designed to blend into the wild terrain as we sought to capture Bonnie and you, the wussy ranchers. I wore a worn-in, brown leather vest over a tattered white shirt, its sleeves rolled up to my elbows. My jeans were well-worn, faded from countless imaginary battles in the dusty wilderness. Completing the ensemble were my trusty brown leather boots and a black cowboy hat that shadowed my face, adding an air of mystery to my appearance.
Beside me, Rita, my rustler partner in crime, looked equally the part. She wore a form-fitting, dark brown leather jacket that accentuated her figure, giving her an alluring yet dangerous allure. Her pants were black, blending seamlessly with her boots, and she had a red bandanna tied loosely around her neck, the only splash of color in her otherwise dark attire. Rita's keen eyes were framed by a black cowboy hat, completing her rugged look.
With our disguises in place, we set off into the woods, determined to capture the two wussy ranchers, Bonnie and you. The game was simple: sneak up on our prey, have them at gunpoint, retrieve the money from their chest pockets, and tie them up. The cover of darkness was our ally as we navigated the rugged terrain, each rustling leaf and distant hoot of an owl adding to the suspense.
It didn't take long for us to spot a flicker of movement in the dense woods. Bonnie and you, dressed in your distinctive outfits, seemed to practically glow in the moonlight. We stalked you from the shadows, moving silently, our toy guns held at the ready.

The night had fallen, casting eerie shadows across the campfire where Henry and Bonnie sat, sipping their coffee. As they chatted about their successful cattle deal, I couldn't help but overhear their conversation from the darkness. Their voices carried through the woods, reaching my ears as I, Rob, prepared to make my move.
Henry's voice trembled slightly as he spoke, "You know, that deal we made selling our cattle was a good one, Bonnie. We're set for a while with that money."
Bonnie, ever the optimist, laughed gently. "Henry, you've always been a bit too fearful. It's probably just rumors and folks telling tall tales about those rustlers, Rob and Rita. We'll be just fine."
Their laughter faded into the night, and I seized the opportunity to approach. With my toy gun drawn, I emerged from the shadows, my heart pounding with adrenaline. I pointed the plastic weapon at them, the chill of the night air sending shivers down my spine.
"Hands up, you two!" I growled, my voice low and menacing.
Startled, Henry and Bonnie nearly spilled their coffee as they raised their hands in surrender. Henry stammered, fear evident in his voice, "Whoa, whoa, easy there! We don't want any trouble. Please, don't shoot!"
Bonnie added, her voice trembling, "Yeah, we're just ranchers minding our own business. We don't mean any harm."
I couldn't help but smirk at their predicament. "Well, well, what do we have here? A couple of wussy ranchers who thought they could outwit us rustlers. You're much too easy to overpower."
Henry and Bonnie exchanged nervous glances, realizing that they were now at my mercy. The campfire that had once provided warmth and comfort now seemed like a distant memory, replaced by the stark reality of being captured by a ruthless rustler named Rob.

With Henry and Bonnie at my mercy, I kept my toy gun trained on them as I ordered Rita, my rustler partner, to frisk them and retrieve the money from their chest pockets. The moonlight filtered through the trees, casting an eerie glow on the scene.

Rita, her nerves clearly showing, stepped forward, her own toy gun at the ready. She approached Henry first, her trembling hand reaching out to search him. Henry, dressed in his red shirt with chest pockets, looked more vulnerable than ever. His short-sleeved shirt left his arms exposed, and the blue bandanna around his neck added a touch of color to the otherwise earth-toned ensemble. His blue denim jeans and brown boots completed the rancher look.

Rita's voice quivered as she addressed them, "Y-you two, just stay still. We don't want any trouble here."
She began to pat down Henry's shirt, her hands moving gently but firmly over his chest pockets. She retrieved the play money we had placed there earlier, and as she did, she couldn't help but notice how genuinely frightened he appeared.
Turning her attention to Bonnie, Rita approached the pink-bloused rancher with her beige leather vest and skirt. Bonnie's outfit seemed out of place in the wilderness, but it didn't deter Rita from her task. Bonnie's pink blouse contrasted sharply with the natural colors of the woods, and the beige leather vest added a touch of Wild West authenticity. Her beige skirt and boots were practical but stood out in the dim light. Rita couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for her.
Rita's voice remained shaky as she addressed Bonnie, "Don't make any sudden moves. We don't want anyone getting hurt."
With a delicate touch, Rita patted down Bonnie's vest and retrieved the play money from her chest pocket.
Throughout the ordeal, both Henry and Bonnie trembled with fear, their vulnerability palpable as they were frisked and relieved of their illusory wealth. Rita and I had successfully played our parts as ruthless rustlers in this Old West game, leaving the wussy ranchers at our mercy.

As Henry and Bonnie raised their hands even higher, their eyes wide with fear, they pleaded for mercy, their voices trembling with desperation. "Please, don't shoot us in cold blood," Henry implored, his voice cracking.
Bonnie echoed his plea, tears glistening in her eyes. "We didn't mean any harm. Please, take our money and just let us go!"
I couldn't resist taunting them further, reveling in our roles as ruthless rustlers. "Well, well, aren't you two the wussiest ranchers I've ever seen! Begging for mercy like scared little rabbits."
I turned to Rita, who had fetched a coil of rope for the next step of our game. She approached Henry and Bonnie, her toy gun still at the ready but her hesitation evident in her eyes.
"Rita, tie them up," I ordered, my tone dripping with mock authority.
Rita nodded, her hands shaking as she began to bind the wussy ranchers. She started with Henry, the man in the red shirt and blue bandanna. Gently, she guided his hands behind his back and began to secure them with the rope. She tied his wrists securely, ensuring he wouldn't be able to escape.
As Rita moved on to Bonnie, her trembling hands worked diligently. Bonnie's pink blouse and beige leather vest contrasted with the roughness of the rope now binding her. Rita expertly bound Bonnie's wrists together, making sure the knots were tight but not uncomfortable.
With the wussy ranchers securely tied, their vulnerability was even more pronounced in their outfits. Henry's short-sleeved red shirt and blue denim jeans seemed ill-suited for their predicament, while Bonnie's colorful attire clashed with the ropes that now held her captive. They were at the complete mercy of Rita and me, the ruthless rustlers, fully immersed in our Old West adventure, and there was no escape in sight for our wussy captives.
As Henry and Bonnie remained bound, we decided to further secure them for our Old West game. We made them sit back to back near the campfire, their vulnerability growing with each additional coil of rope that bound them.

I directed Rita to continue the binding process, and she expertly wound coils of rope around their chests and bellies, cinching them together tightly. The ropes crossed over their upper arms, rendering them effectively immobilized in their seated position.
Their ankles were not spared either. Rita knelt down and secured their ankles with more rope, making sure they couldn't attempt to escape or kick their way out of their predicament.
With the wussy ranchers now bound and helpless, I couldn't resist a mocking comment. "Well, well, it seems you two came well-prepared for this game. You've already brought your own gags." I grinned, referring to the bandannas they had been wearing.
Rita picked up their bandannas, one from Henry's neck and the other from Bonnie's, and expertly used them to gag the helpless ranchers. The vibrant red bandanna that had been a part of Henry's outfit now served as his makeshift gag, while Bonnie's pink bandanna silenced her protests. Their eyes widened with fear behind the fabric as they were rendered speechless, completely at the mercy of the ruthless rustlers.

With Henry and Bonnie securely bound and gagged, we proceeded to count the illusory cash money we had "robbed" from them. I took out the play money from Henry's chest pocket and displayed it in front of them, making a show of counting it.
"Let's see here," I began, pretending to tally up the cash with exaggerated enthusiasm. "One... two... three... Oh my, we've struck it rich tonight!"
Henry and Bonnie's eyes darted anxiously between the mock fortune and our triumphant expressions. They were unable to protest or do anything about their predicament, which only added to their frustration.
Rita couldn't resist joining in on the taunting. "You know, you two make for the wealthiest wussy ranchers I've ever had the pleasure of robbing. It's almost too easy."
We continued to revel in our roles as ruthless rustlers, fully immersed in our Old West adventure. The wussy ranchers were now not only bound and gagged but also forced to watch as we flaunted their illusory riches before them, adding insult to injury in our playful but intense game.

As Henry and Bonnie remained bound, gagged, and helplessly watching us, Rita and I couldn't resist adding some more taunting remarks to intensify their predicament.
Rita chuckled softly, "You know, I heard you two were the talk of the town, the richest ranchers in the county. But now look at you, all tied up and penniless."
I grinned, adding, "Guess that fancy attire of yours didn't help much in the end. You wussy ranchers are just no match for the likes of us."
We continued to bask in the role-playing adventure, savoring every moment of our playful taunts as the bound and gagged ranchers remained at our mercy, unable to do anything but endure our good-natured teasing.
As we continued to taunt the helpless rancher couple, Henry and Bonnie, we couldn't resist hinting at their possible fate within the context of our Old West game:
Rita leaned in, her voice low and menacing. "You know, in these parts, rustlers don't take kindly to nosy ranchers. There might be a jailbreak in your future, or maybe you'll find yourselves stranded in the desert with no water. Who knows what might happen?"
I chuckled, adding, "But don't worry, it's all in good fun, isn't it? We're just playing a game, after all. Although you might want to think twice before you cross paths with the likes of us again."
We wanted to keep the atmosphere light and playful, but our words served as a reminder to Henry and Bonnie that they were at the mercy of the ruthless rustlers, and their fate in our fictional Old West adventure was entirely in our hands.

With our Old West game winding down, Rita and I decided to playfully part ways, leaving Henry and Bonnie tied up and gagged behind us. As we prepared to make our exit, I couldn't resist a final taunting remark.
"We're off, wussy ranchers," I declared with a grin. "We'll see if you have the courage to chase after us and get back your 'hard-earned' money. It'll be quite the adventure for you, I'm sure!"
With that, Rita and I made our exit, leaving Henry and Bonnie bound and gagged by the campfire, their fate uncertain in the midst of the wilderness. The lines between our playful game and reality remained blurred, and it was up to them to summon the courage to free themselves and perhaps embark on their own Wild West pursuit to reclaim their "stolen" riches.

Rita and I watched from a distance as Henry and Bonnie struggled desperately in their tight bondage, their outfits now a stark contrast to the rugged wilderness around them. The moonlight cast eerie shadows on their bound forms as they wriggled and squirmed, their moans and muffled protests barely audible through the bandannas gagging them.
Henry, in his red shirt and blue bandanna, tried to inch closer to Bonnie, perhaps hoping that their combined efforts would yield some escape. Bonnie, dressed in her pink blouse and beige leather vest, appeared equally determined but equally trapped in her bound state. Their futile struggles only added to the dramatic tension of our Old West game.
After a while, Rita and I exchanged knowing glances and decided it was time to end the game for the day. We approached the captive couple, toy guns holstered at our sides, and began to untie them.
As their bonds were loosened and the gags removed, Henry and Bonnie let out relieved sighs. Bonnie smiled and looked at us with a mixture of amusement and excitement. "That was quite the adventure," she admitted.
Henry nodded in agreement, rubbing his wrists where the ropes had left faint impressions. "You know, I think we're ready for our chance at revenge tomorrow."
Rita and I chuckled at their determination. "Oh, you'll have your chance," I said with a grin. "Tomorrow, you'll have toy guns of your own, and you can search for us in the woods. But I have to warn you, capturing us won't be easy."
Bonnie and Henry exchanged a glance, clearly up for the challenge. I couldn't help but add one last taunting remark, "Who knows, you might end up in tight bondage once again."
With that, we all shared a laugh, having thoroughly enjoyed our adventurous day in the fictional Old West. The lines between captors and captives had blurred, and we looked forward to another day of thrilling escapades in the wild frontier.