The Cabin Challenge (M/M)

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The Cabin Challenge (M/M)

Post by Croup »

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Another old story by me that's heavily bondage themed. This one will go up in three parts. Inorog belongs to me, all other characters are my friend Lafontaine's (who commissions quite a few bondage pics himself over on his FurAffinity account: This story was originally a gift for him.
It wasn't a bounty that drew Inorog up to the old-fashioned log cabin nestled deep in the Canadian wilderness, but a challenge.

All week he'd been listening to two younger guys at a bar he frequented--a deer and a dragon by the name of JC and Shane, respectively--talk over craft beers about a trip they'd taken to a friend of theirs named Josef. Apparently they'd had the time of their lives and couldn't wait to go back. In fact, the two honestly wouldn't shut up about it. There were endless discussions of what gear they'd need to acquire, when to book their vacation time together, who to bring along with them... One night it became truly intolerable, as it felt like they'd been talking for hours.

"How about Rob? You think he'd be interested?" asked JC.

Shane considered, then shook his head. "Nah, I don't think he's got the right stuff."

"How about Tank...?"

"Heh! I dunno if he would, but I sure wouldn't mind seeing him, uh, taking part."

"How about Ben?"


"Okay. How about..."

Finally, Inorog got sick of the never-ending conversation. He slammed his big, calloused palms on the counter and turned to the two of them. "Enough already! If this Josef guy is so great, maybe I'll pay him a visit!"

The two guys glanced at each other. They were both good-looking, attractive jocks; the type you might find inhabiting any Cross-Fit gym. They broke into snickers.

"Uhhh, I don't think you know what you're saying, dude."

"Yeah... pretty sure you wouldn't really wanna do that."

At that, Inorog's nostrils flared. "Why not?" he demanded. "I've heard you two chattering about it all week. It's just some cabin out in the woods, isn't it?"

"Yeah, but..." the dragon hesitated, "The man who lives up there. He has a... way of treating guests."

The deer nodded. "A very... special way."

"Someone like you probably wouldn't be able to cut it."

That was enough to make Inorog see red. "And what is THAT supposed to mean!" he demanded, nostrils flaring.

The two scooted back, realizing belatedy that he'd had a lot to drink and that his temper was close to the breaking point. JC held up his hands disarmingly. "Uhh, nothing, mon ami! Just that it's, uh, a real challenge."

"I mean, we could," his dragon friend put in.

"...but you couldn't," they both finished lamely.

Inorog's brow furrowed. From what he'd overheard of their talk they'd mostly gone hunting and fishing on their trip. He assumed the cabin was just some sort of wilderness retreat run by a close friend of theirs. But, despite further questioning, they both refused to give any further details on why exactly he couldn't handle a similar excursion. They just insisted he couldn't. It made his drunken anger flare again. As if he were like them and couldn't survive out in the woods without constant social media updates. Finally, Inorog gave in to his temper and slammed his fists down on the table, surprising them both with the vehemence behind the blow. "THAT'S IT!" he roared, "You two are going to give me the address of this cabin right now. And I'll show you that I can do anything you two bucks can!"

"Er... anything?" one of the jocks squeaked.

He dipped low and growled in his face. "Anything."

And so, the Josef's Cabin Challenge was taken up.

* * * *

A few days later he arrived. Miles had been traveled and borders had been crossed.

The powerful unicorn stepped off his motorcycle, clad in riding leathers, and checked the place out. There were no house numbers visible, but he was fairly certain he had the right address. The location was so remote though that several miles towards the end had just been a gravel and dirt path twisting its way through the woods.

But here and now, with the motor turned off... all was quiet. There was only the rustle of trees all around, and the soft hum of crickets. It was approaching dusk. And, if he turned to look, there was a truly magnificent view of the sunset spilling over some mountains behind him. JC and Shane had been right. It truly was beautiful up there.

Inorog ignored all that and stomped up to the front door. He was about to give a booming knock to announce his arrival when he heard the sound. It was a distinctive crack he'd know anywhere. It was the sound of...

An axe.

It wasn't coming from inside the house, but behind it. Inorog paced around the property, heading to the backyard. When he arrived he was greeted by the sight of a large, powerful moose's back. The man was dressed in a pair of old, worn jeans, but was shirtless, and Inorog could see his powerful back muscles rippling as he slammed the axe down on another log to split it. Hardly a battle axe, but it got the job done. Inorog observed for a few moments, working his jaw, then cleared his throat to attract attention. The man turned, and Inorog could see he had a full beard, two mighty antlers, and a chest entirely covered in hair, currently matted down with sweat.

"Can I help you, mon ami?" he asked suspiciously, his voice deep and accented with a French lilt. "If you're looking for the way to Gaspé, the turn-off is half a mile back ."

Inwardly, Inorog bristled. "I'm not lost. I've come about... the challenge."

The moose blinked. "Challenge?"

"Yes. You're Josef, aren't you? JC and Shane told me about it. About the... Cabin Challenge."

Now he looked even more confused. "JC and Shane sent you?"

Inorog nodded, and took out of his jacket a plain envelope. "Here. They said they'd explain in this."

The moose took it curiously, opened the envelope and extracted the letter inside. He read it over with a furrowed brow. Inorog shifted his weight as he waited. The two jocks had volunteered to write him an introduction, but they hadn't let him read it before they'd sealed the envelope. He'd heard a lot of troubling chuckles come from their end of the table as they wrote it though. He hoped they hadn't pulled some sort of prank on him.

But Josef gave no indication what the letter's contents were. When he was done he simply folded the letter and slipped it into the back pocket of his jeans. He stood and surveyed the muscular unicorn, cocking his head to the side. "Huh," was all he said. Then he appeared to reach some sort of decision. "Well, you've come all this way. You may as well come inside."

He lead the way to the back door, throwing a flannel shirt over his shoulder as he went. Inorog followed behind the moose's flexing back, suddenly feeling oddly awkward about the whole thing. For the first time it occurred to him he didn't know exactly what the Cabin Challenge was--only that it took a lot of physical endurance and stamina to make it through. Well, he had both of those qualities in abundance, and he'd already given his oath that he'd complete whatever it was in order to show the two jocks up. But still, as he stepped inside the house, he couldn't help but feel a touch of strange apprehension tingle through his horn.

"Do you take coffee?" Josef asked as they emerged into a small kitchen.

"Sure. Black," he answered. The moose nodded, and began puttering about making the preparations. As he did so, he kept throwing sidelong glances at Inorog. It was as if he were continually taking his measure. In fact, there was something almost predatory about the appraising looks. Inorog was a bounty hunter; he paid his bills (well, most of his bills) by being able to assess men and take them down in an instant. But here and now, it felt like he was the one being sized up. It was enough to make his tail twitch. Finally, he snapped. "Look, if this is a bad time I can just..."

"No no, mon ami, it's not a bad time. That's actually one reason I live way out here... To ensure there's never a bad time for the kind of fun I like. But you see, the trick is finding out if it's the sort of fun you'd enjoy too," the moose answered.

Inorog raised one eyebrow. "What do you mean... fun?"

"Hmmm... let's get you your coffee first."

A few minutes later and he had a steaming mug in hand. The two wandered down a hallway, and went into what most houses would term a family room. All the furniture looked suitably rustic, matching the rest of the decor. Inorog wondered if Josef made it all himself. The moose had put his shirt back on by then, and he bent over to root around in a cardboard box under a chair. He straightened up holding a photo album. "So you're interested in the Cabin Challenge, eh? Did JC and Shane tell you what goes on here?"

"Hmph, to tell you the truth... no. But I know I can handle anything," Inorog told him, staunchly puffing his chest out.

"Hmm. Well, we'll see if you still think so after seeing this." He flipped through the album like he was hunting for a specific page, and Inorog could see most of the photos were dated, though he couldn't identify what any of them were from his angle. "The boys would be mortified if they knew I was showing this to you, but since it seems they set you up this way they can deal with it just this once. This is JC and Shane last time they were here, when they underwent the, er... 'Cabin Challenge' together."

Josef showed him a photograph, and coffee almost stained the pages as Inorog choked on his drink.

It was JC and Shane alright, but not as Inorog had ever seen them. The two jocks were completely naked, laying face up together on a mohagony table, their legs spread wide and bent at the knees. They were both wearing what looked like some manner of S&M bondage gear, leather straps criss-crossing their chests, with more around their thighs, biceps, and even around their necks as collars. But what was most shocking was that, connecting them was... a double-headed dildo plugged up both their asses, clearly getting them off by the expression of sheer exultation on their faces. Their dicks were both rock hard and leaking pre.

"This is... I...!" Inorog stammered in shock.

"It's very private in the Gaspésie woods. Lots of pleasure possible to be had for men of a certain... persuasion, when no one's around to judge." The bearded moose politely took the album back from him, snapped it shut, and laid it on a table. With a start, Inorog realized that the table he'd seen in the photo was the very same one the album now rested on. It really had happened right here.

There was a sudden uncomfortable tightness in his pants.

Josef stared at him, piercing him with his eyes. "So, mon ami. Still interested in taking my challenge?"
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Post by Croup »

It was a few moments later. Inorog had spent most of the intervening time spluttering.

"Y-you mean—the challenge is—"

"Heh, there is no real challenge, really. I think they were having a bit of fun with you. But we can make it one, if you like." Josef shrugged. "I've got some ideas, and I do enjoy pushing limits. But the truth is, I think either you misunderstood what you heard or those boys were being naughty and led you astray. Don't worry, they'll get a good spanking for that later."

The moose had said it casually, but that thought—of the two jocks slung over Josef's broad knee, his calloused palm smacking down on their firm, bare asses, the dragon and deer yelping in tandem and squirming, but still helplessly tied up and unable to go anywhere... Inorog was suddenly downright pitching a tent.

He coughed. "When you do... would they be wearing that... stuff?"

Josef looked at him in surprise. "The harnesses? Maybe." At that, he gave a slight smirk. "Why, do you like them?"

"Er... Well, that is..."

"Or maybe it's the spanking you'd enjoy? Do you like spanking?"

It was a direction Inorog hadn't planned the conversation to go in. But, just like that, Josef had switched the topic over to him, and he felt like he was under a hot light. Ordinarily he'd never discuss his kinks with a total stranger. The gruff unicorn was a closed man and a loner by nature. But in this case, in front of a powerful, masculine moose, in a home where such things apparently went on... he found himself blurting, "Maybe. I like... giving them." He flushed, thinking it sounded stupid.

"Really. Never receiving?"

At that the unicorn flushed even harder. "Wha—Of course not!!"

"Hmm, that's a shame. I bet you'd look great bucking and twisting over a lap, mon ami. Your white cheeks would color nicely. And, though you're bigger than my usuals, I do have a harness in your size."

"You'd—want me in one of those??!"

"Only if you want," Josef said calmly. "After all, you're here." He gestured around. "You came all this way. Just to take my challenge—without even knowing what it was. But, now that you do..." His voice trailed off, letting Inorog's imagination run wild. "The rest is really up to you."

"I..." Inorog stammered. He was confused, uncertain. Visions of himself and the lumberjack filled his mind. Shackles binding his strong muscles, and Josef holding the leash... He shook his head harshly. Yet despite dispelling the unwelcome thoughts, his boner remained stiffer than ever. He grit his teeth as he looked Josef full in the face. "I'm not some... bondage slave. And I'm not about to let myself get trussed up by some—leather daddy pervert, just because he's got a cabin in the middle of nowhere! So count me out!"

"Ah. C'est dommage, vraiment. But it was worth a try." Josef gave an unperturbed, though disappointed, shrug. "Sorry you came all this way for nothing then. But, I hope in the future you don't take the word of those two so literally. I think they were just having a bit of fun with you."

He stepped aside and gestured lightly towards the door. The bristling unicorn, however, didn't make a move to leave. He continued to stand stock-still in the middle of the room, clutching his coffee. He stared at the table.


"I gave my... oath... that I'd take the challenge. And that I'd perform even better than JC and Shane," he said, his voice low.

Josef shook his head. "I'm not going to hold you to something that—"

"I never break my word."

A light of understanding slowly reached Josef. It seemed that Inorog really did want to stay, and perhaps even give the harnesses a try. But he needed some excuse in order for his pride to allow him to submit. Josef had encountered that type before, usually from the most butch and 'alpha-male' of types. They had no experience in surrendering control, and so associated it only with weakness. But Josef had more experience than most in knowing that even the most dominant of men usually had a secret side to them that wanted someone else take the reins for a time. "Ah. Well, perhaps... I can challenge you after all," he said carefully.

"Maybe... but I'm still not going to let you tie me up! I'd never let anybody do that to me without a fight," Inorog said, clenching his fists.

The moose looked him up and down. Then his eyes again pierced Inorog's, seeming to stare right into his soul. "Is a fight what you want? To be forced into it?"

"Uh..." Inorog hesitated in answering, and Josef somehow sensed that was the wrong track—at least for today. He again looked the unicorn up and down. The man was powerfully built, his large frame packed with hardened muscle. And from the letter JC and Shane had written, Inorog knew how to use it too, working as a succesful bounty hunter. He probably regularly tied up men himself. He and Josef were roughly the same size. There was no guarantee either would win even if they did tussle. And, though he wouldn't mind wrestling with the hunk in any case, there was still the question of how to get the unicorn into ropes without stepping on his supposed autonomy.

He held up a finger. "How about this then. You want a challenge, I'll give you some challenges. We'll compete together over various things. And each time you lose, you'll give something up."

"What sort of 'things'?" Inorog asked suspiciously.

"Well to start with, things like your clothes." Josef grinned. "Then we'll move on to... your freedom."

"My freedom?!"

"Yes. Once your clothes are off I'll start putting the harnesses on. A strap here, a cuff there, a collar and leash. ...Each lost challenge will bring you one step closer to being mine, until you're completely bound and at my mercy."

The unicorn's nostrils flared. "As if that will ever happen!!" But by this point even Josef could see the thick bulge poking out of his jeans. Inorog took a steadying breath. "What would I get then, if I win?"

The moose folded his arms. "I don't know, you tell me."

Inorog only had to think about it for a moment. "The same thing. If I'm putting my freedom on the line, I want yours there too. And we'll see how you like being the one tied up."

At that Josef let out a broad smile and a deep booming laugh. "Really?" He gave a slow rub of his chin. "Mon, Dieu, it's been a while since I've been the one to submit... but very well, if that's what you want. Fair is fair."

"And whoever gets completely tied up first?"

"They're the winner's pet for the rest of the night."


The terms established, the two men sealed their agreement with a firm handshake. Both gave the other's hand a hard squeeze, testing their grip. In a way, the competition had already started.

The Cabin Challenge was on.
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