Luscious Lisa in Leather ( F/M )

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Luscious Lisa in Leather ( F/M )

Post by LunaDog »


It could, and should, have been the perfect job for me. I’d graduated from university with a first-class honour’s degree, and had started my first ‘real’ job, in a major financial institution. The work was demanding, that was true, but I fully possessed the required attributes to meet those challenges. Enjoying doing so, to be honest. And I hadn’t been there long before I’d earned quite a reputation for competence and general intelligence. So, why was I SO unhappy?

One reason, the ONLY one actually. Miss Lisa BLOODY Davidson! My immediate superior, my ‘line-manager.’ Now in pure ‘work’ terms Lisa wasn’t a problem, she wasn’t a bully, she respected my efforts and my undoubted ability, revelling in the ‘reflected’ glory that she no doubt received as a result of my achievements. And she was VERY supportive, when it came to purely work-related matters. No, it was nothing directly to do with either her or my own employment duties where my issues with her lay.

Lisa had turned thirty-two when I started working directly under her, with myself roughly ten years younger than that, as I was approaching my twenty second birth anniversary. Not that she considered that fact a problem at all, you see I hadn’t been working within the company very long at all, before she identified me as purely ‘food’ to feed her MASSIVE ‘sexual appetite!’

Which well and truly set off an intense ‘Head verses Heart’ or to be more accurate, ‘Head verses COCK,’ battle within my own body. Because, and please be in NO doubt here, Lisa Davidson was TOTALLY gorgeous and UTTERLY sexy! About five foot nine inches tall, slim with the classic ‘hourglass’ figure, topped by a flawless face featuring piecing bright blue eyes, that sat underneath flowing golden hair, Lisa KNEW she possessed sex appeal in spades, a fact my cock absolutely recognised.

As did my brain of course, but THAT organ also identified the complete selfishness and ‘sense of entitlement’ within her too. Because Lisa was most definitely of the opinion, especially when it came to sex, that ‘what Lisa WANTS, Lisa GETS!’ And with her stunning looks, THAT was precisely what happened for her most of the time.

Now, this might surprise you to learn, but that this was a fight where the brain triumphed. Of course, I well and truly fancied Lisa, I mean if I do cut myself my blood IS bright red after all. But said brain asked itself just what was it that Lisa wanted, was she REALLY concerned about MY interests in life? Would she be willing to sit for hours at Silverstone on the British Moto Grand Prix weekend, possibly in the pouring rain, for example? No, I didn’t think so.

No, my brain concluded that, as far as Lisa was concerned, I’d just be another ‘notch’ on her bedpost. Oh, and whilst we’re on the subject of THOSE, I’d heard whispers that she rather enjoyed tying the four limbs of her sexual conquests to them! Sure, I’m talking about pure speculative ‘rumours’ here, but I had NO real interest in finding out whether they were, in fact, true at all. Just in case they ACTUALLY were. Because I AM NOT the sex slave of ANY female, being subjected to FEMDOM is most definitely NOT on MY agenda in life!

Therefore, in my case it was ‘maybe Lisa WANTS me BUT Lisa DOES NOT get me!’ Which didn’t go down at all well, as I’m sure you can ALL imagine. She responded by doubling up her efforts, almost as if attempting to ‘grind down’ my resistance to her advances. And she did so extremely subtly, there was NEVER any evidence of them, or witnesses around, when she made her moves. Touching and ‘feeling’ me on MANY occasions.

And how she dressed herself appeared to be VERY much a part of her strategy in her aims. Because it was almost as if she’d been given a FULL and comprehensive guide just what to wear if she wished to ‘turn me on’ as it were, yes, it was almost as if I had chosen her wardrobe. Or, certainly in the case of certain items she adorned herself in, it might just have been a guess on her part, and not necessarily a ‘lucky’ one, for I was just a typical ‘male.’ For example, EVERY day at work her legs were covered in VERY sheer nylon. And before any of you ask the very fair and reasonable question, was that in the form of tights instead of ‘suspended’ stockings, well believe me, I’d been ‘treated’ to many an ‘accidental’ glimpse of her ‘underskirt’ to KNOW her hosiery was MOST definitely in the form of the latter of those two options! And, very occasional said glimpses, fully engineered by Lisa herself of course, allowed me to ascertain that her panties were both EXTREMELY skimpy and manufactured from satin. As were the blouses she dressed herself in most days. A material I LOVED the feel of! Just as I say, precisely what most red-blooded males would have wished for.

But whilst it was most definitely the case that her underwear DID appeal and GREATLY, ‘turn me on,’ it was her ‘top’ apparel that nearly tipped me ‘over the edge’ as it were. Being a ‘biker,’ I’d recently bought myself a beautiful Italian ‘sports bike,’ an M.V. Agusta 675 F3, whose ‘beauty’ seriously rivalled Lisa’s own, therefore I was fully used to wearing leather, I had a full ‘racing suit,’ colour matched to the bike itself, to wear when I rode it. And this is where Lisa almost had a ‘sense’ of my desires and taste in clothing.

For EVERY day at work, she wore a stylish leather suit, complete with a short skirt that only just concealed the fact that the nylon upon her legs was NOT in the form of tights. With a lovely jacket which very much complemented the skirt. And gentle colour differences indicated that she possessed at least three of these lovely suits.

As I implied earlier, if there was nobody else in our immediate vicinity, no potential witnesses to any possible ‘sexual harassment’ claim, Lisa wasted NO opportunity that presented itself to rub her leather clad body against mine, producing just the effect she wished for, of course. And, not often admittedly, if she was feeling particularly bold, one of her hands would ‘confirm’ that desired reaction within myself, by grabbing hold of my ‘nether region!’ To be utterly delighted by the almost inevitable ‘boner’ that she found was present there!

This had almost become a ‘battle of wits’ between the gorgeous Lisa and myself, one that would come down to just which one of us ‘blinked first.’ Would it be HER that made a mistake first, one that would enable me to demand that she called off her attempts, her clear desire to make me her ‘sex slave?’ Or would I be the one who committed some sort of ‘error’ that would result in myself ending up as her, as I had NO whatsoever doubt was her desire, carnal captive?

I suppose it was almost inevitable that it was I who, as I put it, ‘blinked first.’ I’d made the classic, placing the ‘decimal point’ ONE digit out, error, an easy mistake to make one also very simple to correct. And, yes, I fully accept it was MY fault entirely, I should have been more careful, and should, DEFINITELY, have double checked it, BEFORE, I submitted my report through to the predatory Lisa.

And, of course, she picked it up. Which in many ways WAS a blessing, for it was totally within her power to edit it, correcting my mistake in such a way that NOBODY else would be aware at all, and then ‘pass it upwards’ as it were. And, of course, she had FULL intentions of doing just that, provided naturally, I was prepared to give her just what she wanted. My cock!

Almost as soon as I answered her summons and reported to her office right at the end of the day, one Monday afternoon, I KNEW that I was in trouble. Her face was bright and cheerful, an almost predatory smile formed upon it. And her joyful tone of speech immediately betrayed the fact that she’d, finally, got hold of the ‘ammunition’ that she required to TOTALLY satisfy her carnal lusts towards me. “Well then Darling,” that being the normal term how she ALWAYS addressed me when we were alone, “it appears that you’ve been a little careless.” She passed a copy of my report over to me, and I immediately saw just where I’d gone wrong.

“I’m sorry Lisa. Yes, I can see just what I’ve done, but surely it could be easily corrected.”
“Of course, I could do that, and believe me THAT is just what I’d like to do. However, I could instead ‘flag’ this report up as an attempt at embezzlement. I’m sure you know just where I’m heading with this?
“Yes Lisa.” All I could think of to say to her, as my heart almost missed a beat in total fear.
Her eyes widened in PURE lust. “But I have no wish for that at all. You’d lose your job, and well, what then? How would you pay the mortgage on that house you’ve just purchased, or the repayments for that lovely motorbike you ride? Like I say I’ve NO desires for this, I enjoy working with you for one thing, and I’d miss you. Therefore, my wish is to give you a chance to amend this report, and correct your mistake, BEFORE it’s passed upstairs. I’m sure THAT is exactly how you’d like me to play this, isn’t it?”
“Thank you, Lisa. Yes, I would prefer you to take that option.”
“I thought so, and obviously I’ll be happy to.” Now it was time for her to make her play. “But, if I’m quite prepared to do something for you Darling, surely, it’s only appropriate that you do me a service in return? That’s only fair, isn’t it?”
“Yes Lisa,” I sighed. Pre-emitting her, “I’ll go to bed with you.”

The predatory smile was back with a vengeance. “How perceptive of you Darling, yes that’s EXACTLY the answer I’m looking for, and you’ve even spared me the bother of needing to ask the question. So, having got THAT out of the way, shall we attend to the details of just HOW you’re going to give me just what I want from you?”
“I assume that you’ll require me to come around to your home Lisa?”
“That would be the easy way, yes. But, as you’re made me wait for SO long, I thought I’d add some ‘spice’ to the event. Make it a bit more of an ‘adventure.’ As I guessed that you would be smart here, and agree to let me shag you, notice just how I put that, I’ve already made some arrangements. I’ve booked a hotel room for the two of us, on Friday night at ‘The Excelsior’ in Helmsford. At over fifty miles away, we should be able to avoid bumping into anybody we know, especially any of our colleagues from here. It’s also close to the railway station, so I want you to travel there by train, as will I, no vehicles to place on the hotel registration.”
She paused. “With me so far, Darling?”
“Yes Lisa. I can do that.”
“Em, wrong answer! I need to hear, ‘yes Lisa, I WILL do that,’ not just I CAN. Don’t I” As her eyes bored right into my own.
“Yes Lisa, I WILL do that.”

The smile returned. “Good, I KNEW you’d be sensible. Now then, I myself will arrive early, about six o’clock.” Incidentally the company closed at lunchtime on Fridays. “You’re probably not aware of this, but also very close to our location of ‘joy’ is the public library, which stays open late on Friday evenings. You will arrive there at about seven, I’ve checked the rail timetable, there’s a train that arrives at six forty-five, BE ON IT! That’s where you’ll meet me, I’ll be ‘researching’ something in the ‘reference section.’ I’ll have ‘checked in’ already at the hotel, so you’ll be given the room key. Go to the room number two, one, four, like I say it’s already booked; where I’ll require you to make some ‘preparations,’ so you’ll be ready for me to arrive thirty minutes later.”

I nodded my assent to all of this, naturally curious to learn just these ‘preparations’ that she’d mentioned entailed, but I determined NOT to provide her with the satisfaction of being asked. The frown I received in return did rather imply that I had scored a little ‘victory’ and annoyed her somewhat. As did the change of tone in her voice, which became a little ‘harder,’ when she continued to outline her ‘schedule’ for me.

“Right, as I’ve paid for the hotel room, and it wasn’t cheap, you will pay for some items yourself, that we’ll need to REALLY enjoy the night!” Again, Lisa’s eyes bored into mine, as she slid a notepad and pen across her desk in my direction. “Make a note of just what I require you to purchase. You WILL do so tonight, you’ll buy EVERYTHING I’m going to list in a minute, and you’d better pay out for ‘premium’ delivery, as you need to ensure that EVERY item arrives BEFORE Friday. Even if, and you probably will need to do this, you have to purchase my required items from more than one website. Have you a printer at home?”
“Yes, I do have one Lisa.”
“Good. For tomorrow morning, before eight o’clock, you will report HERE, and pass over a copy of the receipt, or receipts, proving that you HAVE purchased EVERYTHING I’m about to stipulate. And I’m sure that I don’t NOT need to point out to you, JUST what I’ll be doing IF you fail to?”
“No Lisa. I completely understand.”
“Good. Pen ready then Darling, this is what I require to make it a ‘night to remember’ for us!”

Now Lisa had been VERY smart here, IF, and it was extremely unlikely admittedly, there was some sort of legal ‘hearing’ over this in the future, THIS possible piece of ‘evidence’ would come from MY hand. Meaning that Lisa could deny any knowledge of it, she could claim it was simply a list from my own ‘perverted’ mind.

“Number one Darling, a blindfold. One that doesn’t allow ANY light in whatsoever, I want you completely in the dark, when I wish for it and fit this item over your eyes. Two, nipple clamps, I just LOVE using those upon my male slaves.” There, she’d said it, confirming my REAL fears. “Three, a couple of VERY sexy suspender belts, to go with number four, several sets of VERY sheer nylon stockings. Always useful to have a few spares of those.” I looked at her with a slight puzzled expression, surely, she’d enough stocking and suspender sets of her own already, but then it occurred to me that these were NOT for HER to wear.

When it dawned on me that it would be ME who would be clad in these, as the puzzlement disappeared to be replaced by resignation on my face, Lisa confirmed it. “I see that the ‘penny has dropped’ Darling. Why should it only be us females who get to delight in the delicious feel of sheer nylon on our legs? Believe me, I’ve NEVER been to bed with a man, who DOESN’T enjoy it when I rub my legs against his, when I’m wearing stockings myself. So, make sure you order the size to fit YOUR legs!”

Lisa continued her ‘list,’ smiling again. “Number five, a lovely set of black satin bedsheets, complete with pillowcases. It’s a good hotel, it bloody well SHOULD be with how much they charge, but they don’t extend to covering their beds in those. Talking of satin, number six, get some skimpy female panties for yourself in that material, you’ll probably not need those THIS time, but as all good boy scouts say, ‘be prepared,’ don’t they?” And my heart sunk again, as I took in the significance of those words, ‘THIS time.’ Oh my God!

“Number seven Darling, a good riding crop.” GULP! “And finally, number eight, four sets of leather cuffs, again NO cheap rubbish, I suggest you obtain comfortable ones, after all YOU will be the one wearing them. So, make sure at least two of them fit your ankles.”

Lisa waited until I’d written all of her ‘requests’ down, then, smiling at me, she spoke again. “I’ve used this hotel before Darling, and I KNOW the bed in ‘our’ room has bedposts that the leather cuffs WILL nicely fit, so that’s why I specifically asked for it. Now, those ‘preparations’ that I referred to? When you arrive, you will strip the bed of its normal covering, instead you’ll cover it in black satin. Including just one of the pillows, no, although we’ll probably only use the one, cover a second one too, just in case. Then fit a set of those gorgeous leather cuffs around all four of the bedposts, leaving the other cuff of each set open, ready for me to use to SECURE your wrists and ankles within, when I arrive and choose to. You will also fit small padlocks to fasten the buckles SHUT in position on the bedpost cuffs, and open, ready for me to use when, again, I, and ONLY I, choose to on the other four. Don’t worry, I have a whole host of these that I’ll bring along with me, handing them over to you when we meet in the library.” I shuddered as Lisa outlined these plans, my fate appearing to be completely sealed!

“Then, leaving all of the other items on the bed, you will use the toilet, shower, and clean your teeth. And now, place your legs in some delicious, as you WILL discover, nylon stockings, using a suspender belt to hold them up. DO NOT FIT ANY other item of clothing at all. In fact, bring a bag with you, you’ll need one anyway for the items you will purchase tonight, that can be padlocked shut, into which you will place ALL of your clothing including your shoes. Lock it shut, and NO, I will NOT be handing over the key to my padlocks when I hand them over to you! Finally, sit yourself down on the bed, to await my arrival. Got all that, Darling?”
“Yes Lisa.” Said in a tone of REAL resignation.
“Good. Well then, you’d better clear off home. You’ve some ‘retail therapy’ to perform, haven’t you? Remember receipts on this desk tomorrow morning. Or you’d better start looking for another job. And a good lawyer too, you just might be facing a charge of embezzlement. I take it, I’ve made my point?”
“Yes Lisa. I’ll do EXACTLY what you demand from me!”

“Demand Darling? I fully intend for you to enjoy yourself with me.” Somehow, I doubted that! “Correct me IF I’m wrong but you almost seem reluctant to spend the night with me, eh? Let me give you a small taster of what pleasure I shall reward you with.” Lisa arose from her chair, came around her desk took my head in her hands, and planted her lips upon mine. WOW!

This wasn’t just a kiss, no, she clearly displayed a level of passion and sexual energy that demonstrated beyond ANY doubt that her skill level when it came to the ‘pleasures of the flesh,’ certainly MATCHED, if not EXCEEDED her stunning good looks. Maybe, just maybe, I WOULD enjoy being shagged by her! It WAS going to happen anyway, whether I wanted it to or not, so why not at least TRY to enjoy the ‘sexperience?’

Off home I went, fixing up something to eat, then immediately ‘fired’ up my computer to do my required ‘shopping.’ Finding out that Lisa had been utterly correct in speculating that I needed to visit more than one site in order ALL of her required items. Making sure, that just as she had stipulated, the items I purchased WERE very high in quality. Of course, high quality generally means high prices, and by the time I’d finished, obtaining EVERY item that Lisa had demanded, and including the price for ‘next day delivery,’ from ALL of the websites I’d needed to use, the bill had come to several hundred pounds! Almost totally wiping out the sum of money I’d saved for my plans to attend next year’s Italian Moto Grand Prix at Mugello!

God, I’d dreamed of attending THAT event for YEARS, during all of that time at university when it was financially impossible of course. And now this selfish ‘bitch’ was robbing me of the chance, when I HAD believed that I finally could go! “Damn you Lisa Davidson, DAMN YOU TO HELL!” I screamed out, my frustration showing itself! I even contemplated whether I wouldn’t have been better off going to jail after all, NO, not just for embezzlement, but for BLOODY MURDER! And no, Ladies and Gentlemen, NO prize is available for guessing just WHO the victim would be, btw!
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Post by LunaDog »

Having printed off the receipt from every website I’d purchased products from before I left home, I stormed into Lisa’s office roughly ten minutes before work started at eight o’clock. She was already there, sitting in her chair, giving me her normal, predatory smile. “Have you got something for me there, Darling?”

“Yes Lisa.” Leaving my answer there, unable to trust myself to NOT lose my temper with her, as I was still coming to terms with NOT being able to attend that Grand Prix at Mugello next year. “Here.” I almost thrust the receipts at her.

“Sit down a moment, while I just check these!” I did so. And her face brightened, as she checked through the pile of receipt’s she’d been given, however begrudgingly. “Well Darling, it appears that you listened to me, and listened WELL! I’m EXTREMELY impressed, you certainly didn’t hold back or attempt to fob me off with any cheap rubbish, did you? And EVERYTHING I asked for is here. With me sitting there, listening to ALL this, seething with barely controlled anger.

“So, you’re satisfied then?” Asked VERY coldly.
“Yes, I AM. You may go, and now continue with your work.” Sensing my foul mood, guessing correctly, that the source of my anger was generated by the sum of money that her ‘requests’ had cost me. “And no, I will NOT be forwarding on your report as it stands now. You’ve obeyed me, so I won’t have you punished. Well not yet, if you give me ANY cause to believe that you WON’T be in Helmsford come early Friday evening, then I WILL! I take it that we have an understanding, Darling?”
“Yes Lisa. We do.” Said through VERY clenched teeth.

She actually kept out of my way, as much as our respective work duties allowed anyway, for the rest of that week. After all, Lisa was in that lovely position where she was getting just what SHE wanted, remember ‘what Lisa WANTS, Lisa GETS!’ Yeah, doesn’t she bloody well JUST?

When I returned home on Wednesday afternoon, everything I’d ordered had arrived, please bear in mind, as I’d placed the order so late in the day on Monday, it hadn’t been processed until the Tuesday, and thankfully it was ALL there, with nothing damaged in any way. About forty-eight hours to go then!

They passed through far too quickly for my liking, isn’t strange how slowly, by contrast, time crawls along when some event you WANT to occur is approaching? Soon it was ‘clocking off’ time on Friday, one o’clock in the afternoon. Home I went, to prepare myself for facing my forthcoming ‘ordeal.’ Cleaning the house, on-line shopping for next week’s food etc. But making sure I was ready to reach the railway station in time. I DARE NOT miss that train!

In fact, just as a precaution, I was there for the one BEFORE that service, I mean it could have been delayed, or God forbid, even cancelled! Meaning I reached the library about thirty minutes before Lisa had ordered, however she WAS there. With that predatory smile upon her face.
“You’re early Darling, not a problem though, far from it in fact, just means that I can get my hands on you earlier than I thought! And I see that you’ve bought a nice suitcase with you, with I take it ALL of our ‘goodies’ within?” Handing me a bag, full of little padlocks.
“Yes Lisa, it’s ALL in there.”
“Good. I KNEW that I could trust you, Darling. Here’s the room key, remember room number two, one, four. Off you go then, and I’ll see you in about half an hour’s time.” Lifting her skirt a little, so I could see the small key to her padlocks tucked into the top of a stocking.

I quickly reached the hotel, as Lisa had correctly informed me it was close, and took the lift to the second floor of rooms, in fact the third floor overall, the ground one just featuring the reception area, restaurant and other ‘functioning’ rooms. And, just is so common in hotels these days, that first digit of the full room number, simply signified the floor number where said room was located. I soon found the room Lisa had booked, noticing that it was quite close to said lift, not that I paid any attention to that fact at this stage, although it would come to be significant later, as I was to find out!

I entered the room, deciding to immediately perform my required tasks, not wanting to find myself in Lisa’s ‘bad book’s’ before the action had even started! Within five minutes, I’d stripped the bed and those suggested two pillows, now covering them in delicious black satin. Yes, I HAD to admit to myself, for ALL her faults, Lisa Davidson certainly possesses STYLE!

I made my next task one of fitting the leather cuffs around the bedposts. Making sure that I placed the two sets with slightly larger cuffs upon the LOWER bedframe, ready for my ankles. As Lisa had ordered, I padlocked the shut buckles, thereby SEALING them in that shut condition. Also placing a small padlock, open on the open buckles of the second of the leather cuff, at the other end of the short chain. Then I emptied my suitcase, placing all of the items from it on the bed, as Lisa had instructed. I stripped myself naked, putting my clothes and shoes into my now empty case, although I didn’t lock that just yet.

Now I proceeded to the small bathroom, carrying out Lisa’s three orders for that room there. Before returning to the bed, where I slipped one of the suspender belts around my waist. Being VERY careful, including putting my hands into cotton gloves, I put my legs into a pair of the nylon stockings. I still had some time to spare, so was REALLY careful not to ‘ladder’ them, taking my time. And, I succeeded, fitting them WITHOUT any damage. And by God, Lisa HAD been correct, the feel of sheer nylon against the skin of my legs felt utterly DIVINE!

Now as I was confident, I’d completed the ‘assignments’ from Lisa, I ‘zipped up’ my case, padlocking the two zip fasteners together, meaning neither could now move. All of this done, I now sat on the bed, to await the arrival of my ‘Mistress.’

Who didn’t keep me waiting too long, it was less than five minutes before a gentle knock on the door signified her arrival, I opened the door and my gorgeous leather, nylon and satin clad Mistress walked through. Proceeding straight to the bed, she admired the ‘collection’ of goodies lying on its satin surface, picked up the crop, spinning around as she uttered, “well then. Time to a take a PROPER look at my new acquisition!”

The smile on her face rather suggested a degree of satisfaction, I WAS a good-looking lad in those days, as she approached me, gently stroking my TOTALLY erect cock, which WAS quite a bit longer and fuller than that of the ‘average male,’ with the crop once she’d come close enough. “Well then Darling, it does appear as if at least one part of your body IS pleased to see me. Aren’t you?” Bending her head down as if she was talking directly to my stiff organ. Which she gently ‘tapped.’ She stepped back and adopted a ‘pose position.’ Smiling, she continued. “Doesn’t the rest of you fancy me then, Darling? I mean, aren’t I simply gorgeous? Surely you can’t RESIST your ‘luscious Lisa?’ Especially when she’s NOT just that, but your ‘LUSCIOUS LISA IN LEATHER’ now!”

“Yes Lisa, you ARE gorgeous. And UTTERLY sexy, there’s NO question of that! And yes, the beautiful leather clothing you’re currently wearing DOES make you, LUSCIOUS! As, HE,” looking down at my large, ‘standing to FULL attention,’ cock, “has made perfectly clear!”

“Well, if you HAVE made me wait for this, you’re here now Darling. And THAT is what counts. And here’s some BAD news, I’m afraid that this lovely leather has to now come off. Fantastic it may well be, but I can’t shag you whilst wearing it now, can I?” Lisa now unbuckled the skirt, and wriggled her way out of it, in a manner that ANY professional stripper would have been FULLY proud! And once it had dropped to be lying at her feet, she lifted one of those out of it, using her other foot to deftly flick it aside.

Next came off the jacket, which Lisa threw in the same direction that its leather ‘companion’ had travelled. Leaving her in just the blouse and lingerie. Again, she made a real ‘show’ of undoing the buttons of her blue satin blouse, revealing the fact that HER stockings weren’t suspended by a simple belt, as ‘mine’ were, but that her torso was covered in THE most stunningly beautiful black satin basque, that I’d EVER seen! Just like her leather clothing, the blouse was removed and cast aside. “Nearly there Darling, just my panties to go, but not just yet. Stand still Darling and put your arms behind you. It’s time for descent into MY captivity!”

I obeyed, and Lisa swiftly removed a silk bondage tie from within HER travel bag, quickly moving behind me. Within seconds my arms were bound together, and I now dis-covered that Lisa was a woman who KNEW her knots, and they would NOT become free again until she chose it. Lisa moved to my front, and she commenced the ‘action’ by initiating a long, and TOTALLY passionate kiss, one I did, at one point, begin to wonder if it would ever end! Once she’d finished, she stood right by the edge of the bed, throwing one of its pillows, not one of the satin covered ones incidentally, on the floor right in front of her.

“Kneel down on this Darling, you’ve work to do. My panties need to come off, and it’s a job that YOU are going to do. WITH YOUR TEETH!” I did notice though, that Lisa had made the task a little easier, by feeding HER suspenders UNDERNEATH said panties. Cheers Lisa.

But if my captor had made my task a little easier in ONE manner, she made things a bit trickier in a different way. Because I’d have to take her panties down, unsighted. Oh yes, on went the blindfold, and yes, I HAD obeyed Lisa’s instruction a buy a ‘proper’ one, that allowed NO light whatsoever to penetrate.

Blimey, it would have difficult enough to ‘locate’ Lisa’s panties with my sight available to me, but without it? Somehow, I did manage it, gently pulling them down their owner’s legs. All the way down to her feet. Where I stopped, as Lisa gently invited me to. “That’ll do Darling, I’ll finish this off.” Yet another item of Lisa’s clothing found itself ‘flicked’ away, unseen by the blindfolded myself, of course. However, Lisa now retrieved one of her previous ‘cast offs,’ her jacket. She had a rather kinky idea in mind for it.

Sitting herself back down on the bed just where she’d beforehand, just in front of me, still kneeling down. Lisa opened her legs wide, as she removed my blindfold. “Now then Darling, as you CAN now see my pussy is now exposed. Ready and waiting for the attentions of your tongue! Time to get this ‘show on the road.’ When you’re ready Darling!”

I set to my ‘task,’ deciding that even if I had NO choice in the matter, I’d try my VERY best to do the best I could, after all, Lisa was truly gorgeous. As I ‘made a start’ things went VERY dark all of a sudden. Lisa had placed her jacket over my head, somehow managing to feed one of her padlocks through the little holes of the zip fastenings at the end of the sleeves. Yes Lisa, VERY kinky. As for my ‘efforts’ well they were beginning to bear fruit, the gentle ‘moans’ being emitted by my captor, increasing in both volume AND frequency!

Suddenly her body appeared to ‘freeze’ and a piecing scream of PURE ecstasy filled the room, as Lisa’s sexual juices almost poured over my face. Tasty slightly salty if I’m being honest, but NOT unpleasant! Once she calmed down, she lifted her jacket over the pair of us, helping me onto my feet, wiping my face clean. Then suddenly her ’phone ‘pinged,’ she’d just received a text message. Leaving me still bound, she looked at that, and texted a reply to it. Only then did she untie me.

“Well Darling, that was superb! But it has left me rather thirsty. By the stairs outside, there’s a drink vending machine. Be a real sweetie, and fetch me a bottle of water, still. Not keen on sparkling to be honest.”
“Sure Lisa. You’d better give me the key to your padlocks then. I’ll need some of my clothes.”
“What for Darling? Why don’t you simply go as you are now?”
“YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS, LISA! You want me to go outside like this?”
“Yes, I DO! Remember just WHO is in charge here! And it’s NOT you!” She opened the door, gesturing with her arm that I should go. “Off you go, sooner you do that, the quicker you’ll get back, Darling. MOVE!”

Lisa HAD informed me that she still hadn’t edited my incorrect report, so what choice did I have? I basically sprinted to the vending machine, inserted the correct sum of coins, which my tormentor HAD so kindly provided, grabbed the bottle, and turned to return to the relative ‘safety’ of the room. Just as the ‘ping’ occurred from the door to the lift! Somebody was going to be emerging from it!

And just as those doors opened, so Lisa firmly shut the door to ‘our’ room! Before I reached it despite the speed at which I’d run in order to get there in time! As I started to pound upon it, I heard the ‘click’ of a camera ’phone operating.

“My, YOU’RE a sight for sore eyes, Sweetheart!” I turned to see that my new ‘companion’ was another sexy woman, just like Lisa had been adorned in leather, with sheer nylon covering her legs. “Hold still now, Sweetheart, my last shot didn’t capture your MAGNIFICENT penis!” Another ‘click,’ as she took another snap, this one fully incorporating my cock.

“Well Sweetheart, are you here for just the one night?” I nodded my affirmative answer. “Good, because I AM here tomorrow as well. Once your ‘companion’ for tonight has finished with you, and ‘checks out,’ you WILL report yourself to MY room! Number two, two eight, just around the corner there! Or I just might to show THIS little ‘snap’ to the hotel management, with a view to getting you charged by the Police for, I believe it’s called ‘indecent exposure!’ I take it that we have an understanding, Sweetheart?” I’d heard that expression before, I mused.
“Yes Ma’am. Room number two, two, eight. I’ll be THERE!”
“Good. Looking forward to it! And I’ll bid you ‘goodnight!’ I’m just hoping that ‘SHE’ in there doesn’t take TOO much out of you tonight, and leaves something left for me to work with!” With that she departed from me. And finally, Lisa opened the door.
“INSIDE!” She ordered. “What the hell was THAT all about?”
“You damn well tell ME, Lisa! After all it’s ENTIRELY your fault! Were you REALLY that thirsty? And, even if so, couldn’t you have gone yourself? Or allowed me to put some clothes on? Because, for whatever reason you had for your ‘prank’ I’ve got to ‘service’ another bloody woman tomorrow! Proud of yourself?”
“No, I’m not, yes, I accept that I’ve rather ‘dropped you in it.’ Sorry about that. And you’d better do as she says, after all THIS room is booked in MY name! However, what SHE wants is for another day. Tonight, YOU ARE MINE! ON THE BED! NOW!”

I obeyed, as Lisa had correctly commented, I was still firmly in HER hands and power. She started with my left wrist, quickly ‘wrapping’ it with the leather of the cuff there, buckling it shut, and using the padlock to ensure it would REMAIN that way. Moving around the bed, stopping at each corner, resulting in my left ankle, then my right, and finally my right wrist, becoming ‘imprisoned’ to the bed, in the same inescapable and secure manner. This was IT, I now belonged to the bed, and therefore also to my gorgeous captor. I WAS NOW COMPLETELY, UTTERLY AND TOTALLY HERS!

A fact that meant I’d fully performed my side of the bargain that Lisa and I had agreed to between us. Something, to her credit that she accepted. Out of her bag came a laptop computer, and there and then, Lisa edited the relevant file, my report, correcting my mistake. Holding the computer in position so I could see the ‘result’ of her labours, knowing that she too, had done just what we’d agreed to, she now sent the file ‘upstairs.’ Again, allowing me, to see that she’d done precisely what she’d promised me that she would. To be honest, with me lying there, completely in captivity to Lisa’s sexual desires, I permitted myself the luxury of a deep sigh of pure and utter relief!

“Yes Darling, I think that you both need and deserve that. But as for me, well I haven’t really started on you yet. Brace yourself Darling, it might be a little painful for you when I fit these!” She stood there, and then I remembered nipple clamps being on her list, Lisa holding them right in my line of sight. And she wasn’t wrong, it was indeed painful, but strangely arousing too, as Lisa placed them on my breast nipples, and gave a little ‘tug’ to the chain that linked them.

Lisa retrieved her ’phone. “Smile for the camera Darling!” She took several snaps, some general including the entire bed with my spread-eagled body imprisoned on it, some far more ‘close up’ as it were. “Now Darling, you see editing and then sending your report has left me with somewhat of a problem. My ‘hold’ on you has gone. Meaning that unless I take some more precautions you could free yourself from my grip. And THAT, will NEVER do, I’m not after a pure ‘one night stand’ here, I WANT you as my total and utter SEX SLAVE forever. I want you at my complete ‘beck and call,’ I want you available and ready for me, whenever I fancy having my pussy ‘serviced.’ To dress you, confine you and above all SHAG you just how and when I WANT YOU!”

And then another idea occurred to her, as she put her ’phone down. “Where’s yours?” She fumbled her way through my jacket, not leather by the way, pockets and found what she was looking for, my own Smartphone. “Pass number please, Darling.”

I contemplated not telling her, but there were risks with that planned refusal, I mean here I was absolutely and inescapably held in HER hands and power. Unable to escape her, meaning she could do ANYTHING she wished to, with myself helpless to prevent her in ANY way. However, that fact alone wasn’t the MAIN reason I complied. No, and I wouldn’t have believed it myself before that evening either, I realised that I WAS starting to ‘fall’ for Lisa’s charms, I was beginning to find myself enticed by being under her spell, and here’s the daft one, I now WANTED to be HERS! My COCK had finally triumphed in that battle with my HEAD!

So, I told her. “Four six, nine nine, two zero.” ( The ‘racing numbers’ of three of my favourite Moto GP stars, Valentino Rossi, Jorge Lorenzo and Fabio Quartararo, although the first two have since retired. ) Lisa typed in this combination, and her face brightened as the ’phone lit up in reply. Possibly she may have believed that I’d lied to her. As if, Lisa?

Lisa then repeated her ‘photo session’ on MY ’phone, before plugging it in to her laptop, and transferring ALL of my e-mail contacts to her device. Meaning she could, at ANY time wish to send her ‘holiday snaps’ of me, dressed in stockings, nipple clamps fitted, chained to this bed to any of my contacts, or ALL if she chose to, whenever she wanted to. Her ‘hold’ over me was restored, although as I just said, it possibly wasn’t so necessary now.

“Right, that’s all out of the way, time to get down to the MAIN reason that we’re here in the first place, Darling.” And at last Lisa climbed onto my bound body. As her lips found mine, commencing a kiss FULL of passion and intensity, so Lisa guided her, soaking wet, pussy over and onto my rampant cock. PURE HEAVEN!

That belief I’d had that she was highly skilled regarding the ‘pleasures of the flesh,’ proved, if anything, to be somewhat underestimated. After all, I wasn’t sexually inexperienced in ANY way, I’d certainly ‘shagged’ my way through those years at university, and with some girls that had been extremely skilled themselves and had given me some great memories. But none of these, NONE, had come anywhere NEAR to the level of excitement that Lisa was providing here and now. Is if to provide some real justification to my ‘recent’ discovery that I had found that I DID enjoy being subjected to ‘FEMDOM’ after all, Lisa was taking me to excitement levels that I’d truly believed weren’t even possible, let alone tasted before!

Make no mistake, the first orgasm that she took me to, obtaining that delicious state for herself at virtually the same time, was the GREATEST that I’d EVER enjoyed in my ENTIRE life, and as I said, there HAD been some fantastic ones beforehand! Yes, Lisa REALLY was THAT good! Why the hell had I resisted her for SO long, if I’d known then, what I’d just learned NOW, then I’d have caved in to her very first advance to me. Or, as that thought occurred to me, whilst I was coming down from my most exhilarating sexual climax EVER, maybe I had been right all along to have made her wait for it! Because I KNEW being in total bondage to the luscious Lisa was THE major reason as to why this had been SO bloody fantastic! And, if I had given her what she wanted without a fight, would she have subjected me to being chained to the bed? Unlikely, I guess.

“Well Darling, THAT was worth waiting for, wasn’t it? And YOU seemed to enjoy it as much, if not more, than I did. But, as I’m sure you want now, I’m far from finished with you yet! But I believe that you shouldn’t have the pleasure of seeing your Mistress next time.”

Lisa went to grab the blindfold, when a wry smile crossed her lips, as a new, VERY kinky, idea entered her head. She retrieved the item that her new ‘kink’ required the use of and then asked, “lift your head up a little please, Darling!” And once I obeyed, she slipped her leather skirt over it!

There was still a slight ‘whiff’ of her arousal present within the skirt, becoming slightly stronger as Lisa used a bondage tie to ‘shut’ the top of her skirt, closing off any light coming from that direction, and giving me the REAL sensation of feeling ‘imprisoned’ and captured! And VERY aroused myself, was this girl a sexual ‘genius’ or what?

As soon as my cock had ‘recharged,’ Lisa wasted NO time in resuming the action, and once again she took me, and also herself which her screams of ecstasy FULLY indicated, to PURE heaven! However, once she’d done so brilliantly, the leather skirt was removed. Possibly for the best, it was getting VERY hot inside with breathing becoming slightly difficult. But THAT wasn’t the only reason why Lisa removed it, no, we’re talking about a girl here, who LOVES to ‘snog’ whilst she shags! And is so BLOODY good at that. Not that I’d be able to see her during the next shag, for now the blindfold found itself being placed over my eyes!

For well over two hours, Lisa kept me chained to that bed, blindfolded and subjected to the immense power of her rampant sexuality! Without any SHADOW of doubt THE most exciting, exhilarating and simply pleasurable period of my entire life. But even somebody as fantastic as her only possesses a finite level of stamina, and she’d reached her limit. So reluctantly, completely spent, she was forced to bring the session to an end. And although she now released my wrists and ankles from the bedposts, she grabbed the bondage tie to firmly secured my wrists together behind my back. Having both of us visited the bathroom, with me needing her assistance there, when we returned to the bed, but to sleep now. But not until she’d tied another, long, length of ‘tie’ to my ‘bond,’ securing the other end of this to where one of her front suspenders ‘joined’ the basque. Being somewhat ‘loose,’ and allowing movement by either of us, without impeding the other, this was basically symbolic, to ‘tell’ me that I still belonged to, her, and with us not needing to ‘check out’ until midday on the ’morrow, that she hadn’t finished with me yet. Remember, although I’d been released from them, the leather cuff sets were STILL fitted to the bedposts!
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Post by LunaDog »

For as you can ALL imagine, when the sun was showing itself through the bedroom curtains, when Lisa and I awoke, after another visit to the bathroom, Lisa soon fastened those cuffs around my four limbs again, putting me firmly back into her hands and power again. But, unlike when she’d done so yesterday, THIS time I WANTED to be there.

And Lisa didn’t dis-appoint, a good night’s sleep HAD given her back her strength and stamina. As I found out, much to my utter delight, the standard of the sex she subjected me to right back to the HIGHEST level possible. One particular ‘shag’ that resulted in a FANTASTIC climax caused me to scream, “LISA! LISA! LISA! OH GOD, LLIIISSSSAAAAAAA!” To think that up until about twelve hours ago, being in bed with her was the very LAST thing I’d wanted! Well, I knew differently now!

Although after only about an hour she stopped and released me. For another type of hunger was now gnawing its way inside both of our bodies. We wanted and needed some food! So, Lisa as well as untying me from the bed, also undid the little padlock that held my suitcase shut. “Time for breakfast Darling, and THIS time when you leave the room, you’d better have some clothes on!” KNOWING when we return here, IF she WANTED me chained to the bed again, I would NOT resist her!

I’m not sure that I’ve EVER enjoyed a full English breakfast before that day, as my heart was almost now singing with the prospect of more sex with Lisa. And not just her, as we were leaving, my ‘mystery’ woman from the encounter outside the hotel bedroom, passed us in the ‘other direction. Winking at me, which Lisa also noticed. “Is that her?”

“Yes, Lisa. I have to ‘service’ her when we’ve finished. Which IS a shame, because I’d much rather come back to your very own house and spend this time with you instead.
“Ah, how sweet. But much as I TOO would love that, you’d better do as she says. We don’t want her to cause us ANY trouble.” And I sensed, correctly as it would turn out, that there was far more to this ‘other woman’ than Lisa was letting on, far more in fact!

However, when Lisa and I DID return to the room, and the bed, I was NOT attached to it, with the leather cuffs. In fact, the sex that now happened took a completely different form to the kind that her occurred in this room before.

For no, Lisa and I now ‘made love’ instead of shagging. This sex was gentle, loving and romantic, as opposed to raw and passionate. Because I now WANTED to be with Lisa, I was hopelessly falling in love with her! And looking into her eyes, I had this real feeling that this ‘love’ wasn’t travelling on a ‘one way street!’

So, much so, that I REALLY didn’t want to go to this other woman’s room at all. But there was a pleasant surprise waiting for me when I DID go and report there. For when I’d entered after she’d opened the door, my first thought was just how much she looked like my Lisa. And when she opened her mouth to speak to me for the first time since the day before, it wasn’t any sort of command that came forth but instead a gentle question, asked in friendly and soft manner. “You’re in love with Lisa now, aren’t you?”
“Yes. Do you know her, then?”
“You could say that. Normally, with any of her ‘conquests,’ we ‘share’ them, because, as you MUST have suspected, THAT meeting with me was NO ‘accident.’ Lisa and I had connived it. I mean just WHY did she become SO thirsty at THAT precise moment? Because I’d just messaged her to inform her that I’d arrived. So, the ‘plan’ WAS, now that she’s given you a damn good shagging it would be my turn. But I guess that won’t be happening now. Because I rather get the impression that she’s also falling in love with you. As you clearly are with her!”

I looked closely at her again. “You like so much like Lisa you know. Hang on, you’re not..”
She interrupted me. “Yes Sweetheart,” pausing to give me a quick ‘peck on the cheek.’


Lisa’s sister, whose name incidentally is Hanna, then offered, “let’s check out of here, Sweetheart, fetch Lisa before she boards her train, and then I’ll take the pair of you back to my place. So, you can continue to shag each other to your heart’s content, although I warn you now, it’ll be done MY way and to MY tune! After all Lisa promised you to ME, and I’ll just have to capture HER as well, and have MY fun in watching the pair of you perform for MY entertainment! Up for it?”

“Fair enough, Hanna. We’d better go and get her then!”

By the time we’d gathered all of Hanna’s and my gear together, and left the hotel room, me putting all of it into Hanna’s car while she officially ‘checked out,’ Lisa has already entered the station, thankfully her train was late. I, who also had a valid ticket of course, ran onto the platform and straight up to her. “Lisa, Darling, don’t get on the train when it finally arrives! Come with Hanna and I, we’re going back to her place in her car!”
“But you are supposed to be with her now, that was what she and I agreed.”
“Yes I know, however she’s clocked our love for each other and doesn’t want to spoil it. She’s offered to take us both to her home and let us carry on together. Although, I think I should warn you my love, I believe she has plans for the pair of us, I don’t anticipate either of us being shown ANY mercy by her, she says her ‘payment’ from yourself and I will take the form of us ‘entertaining her’ by shagging each other purely to HER tune!”
“Oh, I DON’T doubt that Darling, not for one minute. Well then, we’d better not keep our Mistress waiting, had we?” Arm in arm, Lisa and I left the station to proceed to Hanna’s car, and the fate that she planned for us.

Hanna made her intentions crystal clear from the outset, as soon as Lisa and I had slid into the backseat of her car, she leaned over her sister, grabbed our two adjacent arms and quickly snapped a pair of solid steel handcuffs around both of our wrists, binding us firmly to each other, and to her plans for us. “Might as well start just how I mean to go on, you two have got a VERY long and even harder day ahead of you, utterly helpless in MY hands!”

It took over an hour to reach Hanna’s home, when we did, she used the remote control to open her garage door, after which she drove inside, parked up and shut the door again. “Now we are ALONE, out of sight of the world. With the two of you completely MINE! OUT!”

We obeyed with some difficulty; we were chained together. But we managed it. “Right then,” our captor remarked, “might as well get rid of your clothing right here and now. Stand still, and don’t move!” With that, Hanna pulled down Lisa’s leather skirt, and having removed her shoes, relieved her body of said skirt, followed quickly by her satin panties. Now she turned her attentions to me, taking off my shoes and socks, noticing that my legs were still within nylon. “Oh, Sweetheart, I see that you WERE ready for me! Just like my sister, I can’t see any reason to remove THOSE!” With that my trousers, and female panties came down and off.

Hanna produced another set of cuffs and swiftly locked our ankles together. “Now then you two, this is the tricky part, well for me anyway. I’m going to have to remove your wrist cuffs. You’re not going to try anything, are you?”
“No Mistress.” Lisa answered, as I nodded my head in agreement.

Hanna removed the handcuffs around our wrists. “Stand still!” Then she removed our top clothing, until ALL I wore was that suspender belt and nylon stockings, whilst Lisa’s legs were still also nylon covered, but with her stockings held up by that delicious basque still.

“Em, you both look utterly divine, just ready for sex! Just as well, as THAT is precisely what you’re heading towards!” She stood behind her sister. “Hands behind back!” Lisa obeyed, only to find her wrists chained together. Hanna now removed the ankle cuffs and turned to me. “Hands in front of your body! NOW!” I obeyed, to also have my wrists ‘linked’ to one another.

“Good, now stand behind your girlfriend!” I complied, and with a small padlock Hanna fastened the chain between Lisa’s cuffs and mine together. “I believe that you know the way to my bedroom Lisa. If you would care to lead the way….”

God, it wasn’t easy to climb the stairs of Hanna’s home linked to Lisa as I was, but somehow, we did manage it. And she guided us to Hanna’s bedroom, and her large bed. Hanna caught up, carrying my large bag. “Am I to understand, that inside of this case are some lovely satin bedsheets? Be a REAL shame to waste them if so!” Hanna opened the case, removed said sheets, and soon her bed was adorned with them. “Um, that’s better!”
She smiled at us, a REALLY dirty and predatory smile. “Now then, which one of you shall be on top of the other, eh? Tell me Lisa, I guess that you had your ‘Gentlemen’ chained to that hotel bed, and you were on top of him?”
“Yes, Hanna, it was that way around.”
“Thought so. Shall we try this time with you on the bed, and your chap on top?” Turning to me. “What do you think, Sweetheart?”
“To be honest with you Hanna, as long as I’m with Lisa, I don’t care how! But it would be nice to try something different.”
“Good God Sis, you REALLY have got your hooks into him, haven’t you? No problem though, anyway, I’d better get you both onto, and attached to this bed then. When I expect to see some REAL ACTION!”

Now Hanna went to her chest of drawers, opened one and withdrew four single leather cuffs. Swiftly she moved around her bed, fastening one of these to each of the solid and secure bedposts. Now she reached into my bag again, and this time her hands emerged with the four ‘sets’ of leather cuffs that Lisa had used on me. “Now, just how am I going to use these?”

Hanna undid the padlock holding Lisa and I together, ordered her sister to turn around so she now faced me. With the two larger cuff sets, Hanna then locked my left ankle to Lisa’s right, and vice-versa. “Right, that’s you chained together, so I can relax a bit.” She now released us from both from our respective wrist bonds, only to employ the remaining leather cuff sets to chain Lisa’s left wrist to my right, again repeating the act with our other arms. All eight of the buckles of these cuff sets AND the four of the single cuffs mounted to the bedposts, became inescapably shut with small padlocks, Hanna clearly as keen on using them as her sister!

“Good Lord, don’t you both just look a REAL sight? Hang on, we need to ‘capture’ this moment!” She grabbed her ’phone, taking a couple of snaps. “Ready?”
“Can we please get on with it, Hanna?” Lisa asked. “My pussy is itching for cock!”
“I set the rules here, Lisa! Your pussy will just have to wait until I SAY SO! Is that clear?”
“Yes Mistress.” Two voices rung out in almost perfect harmony!

“ON THE BED! NOW!” With Lisa and I chained to each other as we were, that wasn’t an easy command to follow, in fact Hanna had to help us to quite a large extent. However, we achieved her desired result, with my body on top of Lisa’s this time. Hanna now moved to the corner of her bed that was closest to my left arm and Lisa’s right.

With a short length of chain in her hands, together with two more small padlocks, it wasn’t long at all before she used those locks to fasten the chain between Lisa’s and my wrists to the ‘D’ ring of that leather cuff around her bedpost. Although, clearly not in any final form, Lisa and I now belonged to Hanna’s bed, and to her desires for us.

Hanna moved around the three other corners of her furniture, repeating the above procedure in each case, completing the capture of our legs to their respective bedposts, before finalising our descent into her complete captivity by securing our second arms to it. Now, WE WERE TOTALLY, UTTERLY AND COMPLETELY HERS!

Our lips met, and we tried between us to guide my cock into Lisa’s pussy but were stopped by a loud command. “Not so fast!” In fact, Hanna grabbed a pair of ‘tie at the sides’ panties, and with some difficulty, admittedly, managed to put them onto her sister, to prevent us commencing any shagging until she allowed it.
“Now you listen to me! Both of you are MINE, you’re here to entertain and excite me, although if you enjoy yourselves while doing that, I’ve NO problem there. But I haven’t quite finished with my ‘preparations’ for the pair of you just yet! After all, I need to ensure that THESE,” she held up the nipple clamps that Lisa had placed upon me beforehand, “get to be used. Don’t worry though, I’ve another pair myself, so neither of you misses out!”

Hanna quickly fitted ‘my’ clamps to my own nipples, her own to Lisa’s; then making our ‘bondage’ to each other even more complete, by padlocking the chain linking mine to the similar one linking Lisa’s clamps. Meaning that we couldn’t now ‘pull’ our bodies apart without some degree of pain!

“Look into each other’s eyes, while you still CAN!” We obeyed, but just as Hanna had indicated, soon she’d placed a blindfold onto our respective heads, although for now she didn’t cover our eyes. “You may not shag yet, but you may snog!” As you can all imagine, Lisa and I needed NO second invitation. As our lips ‘attacked’ each other’s with REAL gusto, so our eyes now became covered, rendering both Lisa and I into a state of complete darkness.

Not that such a ‘disability’ reduced our lust for one another at all, in fact, just as all three of us wanted, it actually increased the sense of anticipation and excitement flowing throughout both Lisa’s and my bodies! However, what being blinded DID do, was prevent us from realising that Hanna had now set up a video camera on a tripod stand, capturing in ‘motion’ film the bed, as the captive Lisa and I frantically snogged whilst inescapably chained to it, the lust between the pair of us ramping up immeasurably.

Especially when Hanna reached in-between our midriffs, undid the ties of those panties around Lisa’s ‘region’ and pulled them aside. Meaning that, AT LAST, my TOTALLY stiff and erect cock entered Lisa’s soaking wet pussy. PURE HEAVEN!

Because this was actually the first time that I’d been on top of Lisa, and the first time our ‘shag’ would take the form of myself pumping her, as opposed to me being ‘ridden’ by my lady. Somehow, and no to this day I don’t know from where I found the patience, I started slowly, very gradually increasing the ‘pace’ of my ‘assault!’ But even so, eventually we arrived at the point where I was shagging the lovely Lisa at ‘full throttle.’

And it wasn’t long before my ‘efforts’ began to ‘bear fruit.’ I felt the pressure within my balls building up, the tension increasing to almost bursting point, before they released said ‘load,’ through my cock and with an intensity I’d rarely experienced before, into the waiting pussy of the sexy woman beneath me. Who was possibly too busy coping with her own climax to probably really notice, her body had frozen as ecstasy fully claimed it, her screams of pleasure dominating my own cries of joy and filling the room with their high level of volume and pitch!

As Lisa and I were calming down, Hanna examined her ‘movie’ of our ‘activities’ and satisfied with just what she saw, decided to move the camera, so that our next shag, oh yes, Hanna had NO intention of releasing us at all, would be from a different angle. She mounted the camera on the top rail of the lower bedframe, zooming it in so this time the ‘action’ captured would be a REAL close up of my cock and Lisa’s pussy!

Roughly half an hour later, with a MASSIVE smile on her face, Hanna was again viewing just what her camera had recorded. Because Lisa and I had NOT dis-appointed her at all. We’d shagged each other frantically in a manner that was simply RAW, and now Hanna was viewing my TOTALLY erect cock pummelling Lisa’s soaking wet pussy for ALL it was worth!

For the third time that Hanna ordered us to shag again, her camera now centred on our heads and in particular Lisa’s and my lips, fully capturing the intense ‘snogging’ that we ‘inflicted’ upon each other during that third, completely successful and fulfilling shag. And for our fourth, Hanna widened the zoom of the lens again, catching the whole bed and scene once more, but from the other side of the bed from the very first time.

Finally, after that fourth shag, Hanna showed some mercy, beginning to sense that both Lisa and I were possibly beginning to flag and run out of steam a little. To be honest she’d got that one correct, exhaustion was starting to enter into the equation, so having put the camera away, she removed our blindfolds, allowing Lisa and I to see each other again. “I believe that you’ve both had enough for now.” With that Hanna released all of the bonds that held us both to her bed, and also three out of the four that held our bodies together, as well as that padlock linking the chains of our respective nipple clamp sets. But not the fourth, meaning that Lisa and I were still held together, obviously what Hanna was allowing us was a temporary respite, and was NOT the finish of her plans for us.

Still chained together then, Hanna guided us downstairs into her living room, ‘inviting’ us to sit down on her sofa, in front of her large television. As I’m sure you can ALL work out, this was the moment when Lisa and I discovered her ‘movie making.’ Hanna placed the ‘chip’ from her video camera into some sort of ‘box’ and soon we were all watching the ‘action’ from earlier on. And to be perfectly honest, thoroughly enjoying it!

Once we’d recovered somewhat, Lisa and I found ourselves completely ‘fastened’ to Hanna’s bed once more, with Lisa on top of me this time. Again, Hanna put us through the ringer again, with several more shags between us being recorded for posterity. Then when she was finally satisfied, we were released completely from the bed and each other. Utterly shattered, Lisa and I, having now been ‘wined and dined’ by our host, slept together in Hanna’s spare room, where NO sexual action occurred that night. Yes, we were THAT spent!

After some gentle ‘making love’ between us in the morning, having breakfasted, Hanna ran the pair of us to Lisa’s home, which was actually the first time I’d been there. And another ‘first’ occurred that day, the first time I found myself tied to Lisa’s own bed. The first of many, I can assure that fully! But she didn’t keep me there for long, we were still shattered by what Hanna had subjected us to, no this bondage sex was basically symbolic, Lisa letting me know just what my future entailed, now I was her fully WILLING sex slave! Because yes by now, my body, my mind and especially my COCK now were the FULL property of my Lucious Lisa in Leather! I was now HERS!
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Post by LunaDog »

It’s nine months later, Friday 31st of May 2024, the first day of the 2024 Italian Moto Grand Prix meeting. And I’m sitting on a seat of the ‘Ducati Grandstand’ located at the Correntalo corner. It’s not where I’ll be sitting on Sunday, Raceday itself, but I’m taking advantage of the fact that all Grandstands are open to all on THIS practice day. Because it’s a GREAT spot for photography, and my camera is ready, in five minutes time the meeting will officially open with the first practice session for the Moto 3 bikes. Come Sunday itself, my seat is in the stand at the Materassi corner, a better viewing point, but not so good for taking ‘snaps.’ But today the bikes will just be going ‘round and round,’ it’s practice, so NO real action.

For Lisa and I REALLY did fall in love that weekend, just as her sister had clocked. And when she found out that her demands for those ‘sex toys’ had robbed me of my plans to be here, at Mugello as I AM, she stepped in! And paid for my race ticket, flights, hire car and hotel, herself. Mind you, she’d received a damn good bonus at work, much of which was because of MY achievements! So, in a way I HAD still paid, for at least some, of this.

Lisa completely gave up her ‘flirting and promiscuous’ ways, once our relationship had started, and it was clear that it was REAL, and NOT just a ‘flash in the pan!’ And she offered, genuinely I’m CERTAIN of that, to delete ALL those compromising ‘snaps’ of me chained to that hotel bed, she had NO need for them now. But I rather liked them so persuaded her to keep them, although she HAS removed ANY link to ‘post’ them on-line. Not to mention, of course, Hanna’s ‘movies’ of us shagging frantically whilst we were her prisoners. You know, sometimes if we’re NOT in the ‘mood’ we replay those, and, believe me, it isn’t long afterwards that we’re in bed together!

She ONLY has eyes for me now, as I do only for HER. But, unless it’s VERY busy or demanding at work, she still turns up in one of her beautiful leather suits. So, that when we go home together, I live with her now, renting my house out, she KNOWS I’ll be sexual excited and dying to rush to the bedroom with her! Just occasionally but NOT very often, I end up NOT either chained or tied to the bed, by the way! Oh yes, Ladies and Gentlemen, she’s still, VERY much, my ‘luscious Lisa in leather!’ And with this year being a ‘leap’ year, as is the tradition on the 29th of February, Lisa asked me to marry her, and make her my lovely wife. Of course, I said ‘YES!’

Oh, and Lisa has a different leather suit to wear now, as well as her normal ones. Although THIS one is made with protection rather than style in mind as its primary function, naturally she still looks gorgeous within it! It’s a classic black ‘biker’ two-piece leather outfit. Because, with the payments to purchase the M.V. Agusta 675 F3 paid off, that being a purely solo machine, I’ve bought another bike. A more touring natured steed, one with a proper twin seat, meaning that when I ride THIS bike I’m not alone, now my lovely Lisa sits directly behind me. Although, normally when we’re getting ready, the sight of her body in that delicious leather tells my cock that it’s NOT the bike I want to ride! But, immediately upon return to home after EVERY ride on that bike, it’s not long at all before we’re back in bed, with me normally ‘confined’ to it!

But hang on, there are bikes out on the track now! So, just for these next three days, I might actually be able to concentrate on something else OTHER than being SHAGGED utterly senseless by my,

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