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A carnival bondage adventure in rhymes (M/M)

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2024 4:03 pm
by robleligoteur
In a bar during the carnival so bright,
Cowboy Heinz met an Indian one night.
With feathers in his hair and war paint so dire,
Heinz invited him home, no thought of the fire.

Heinz wore a red shirt, money in his chest,
Cowboy boots, blue jeans, looking his best.
The revolver belt too, strapped around his waist,
But the Indian in costume had a plan to be faced.

A few beers later, the mood was high,
The Indian spoke, "Hey, Heinz, let's amplify.
Let's play a game from the Wild West lore,
A cowboy, my friend, should be tied up for more."

Heinz, in good spirits, agreed with glee,
Soon disarmed and trusting, as carefree as can be.
With ropes and knots, skillful and keen,
The Indian tied him to a chair, and Heinz found it serene.

But suddenly, a mocking laugh, the Indian was thrilled,
Heinz tightly bound, the plan fulfilled.
"The real fun starts now, it's time for your wealth,
Haha, I'm quite sure you imagined it differently yourself!"

Heinzen's shirt pockets were unbuttoned and searched,
The Indian found money and the credit card he'd researched.
"The PIN, my friend, reveal it without delay,
Do as I say, or your hide will be the price to pay."

Heinz, full of fear, disclosed his PIN,
The Indian laughed mockingly, thinking he'd win.
"Your neckerchief as a gag, just as I please,
Then I'll leave you here and take all your fees."

"But fear not, I'll return for more fun and more cash,
Still to be had from you, my bound cowboy stash.
To the ATM the Indian went, cash to retrieve,
And Heinz was left behind, in restraints, his fate to receive.

Minutes passed like an eternity's span,
And Heinz was tightly bound, his heart in a pan.
But suddenly the door, the Indian walked in,
A grin on his face, mocking and mean.

"You'll give me more, I swear to you,
Or this evening will get much darker, too."
Heinz, bound and silent, in deep agony,
The Indian played his game, and he had no key.

In Heinz's apartment now, in the deceptive glow,
The Indian made a video, his plan to sow.
In front of everyone, he'd reveal the cowboy's plight,
The bound Heinz, to be the fool this night.

"Good day, dear people, it's carnival time,
Heinz here is our star, see how he's sublime.
As a cowboy bound, he's enjoying this fun,
Look at him laugh, isn't this a crazy one?"

"Wait, pale face, I'll undo the gag for you,
And now tell everyone what's happening to you."
Heinz speaks, "It's all in good fun, folks, I'm here by will,
Disarmed and bound, after a few cans of thrill."

The Indian laughs, and the mad game continues,
With a plastic knife in hand, his constant venue.
Dancing around Heinz, wild and glad,
Threatening him with the knife, a bizarre scene so mad.

"Look, my friends, how he writhes and turns,
A bound cowboy, oh, so anxious and concerned.
Completely surrendered to the ropes that bind,
Quivering before my war cries, the fear in his mind.

Heinz, tightly bound, a victim of the ploy,
In the Indian's power, who didn't forget the joy.
The camera keeps rolling, the dance grows wilder,
An insane carnival prank, with grotesque pictures.

So beware, my friends, in this foolish night,
Sometimes, from fun, a bitter battle might ignite.
The Indian laughs, the video is complete,
And Heinz hopes for rescue from this terrifying feat.