Breaking Best Friends [F/FM] [FINISHED!]

Stories that have little truth to them should go here.

Breaking Best Friends [F/FM] [FINISHED!]

Post by ZiptieFanatic »

[A story I started in response to a request by @abcdefsmith3 about a jilted best friend who takes her revenge on the boy who "wronged" her, and his girlfriend. A little heavy, but enjoy!]

[Edit: It was raised to me that I had gender-tagged this incorrectly. I thought that lowercase meant Sub and uppercase, Dom. I've fixed it now :) I'll also fix it in my other stories. Thanks!]

[PART 1]

Valerie was a nice girl; Ian's best friend. Popular, pretty, an athlete with great scores and a full scholarship for her sprinting times (not that she needed it, her family was well-off). A thespian by heart (if not by talent), she had a career in stage engineering set up with a major musical company for when she left college, a true-blue globetrotting job that would broaden her horizons and her prospects around the world. Yep; Valerie had it all. Almost. What she didn't have, was Ian himself. Beautiful, kind Ian, black hair and dazzling blue eyes, a wonderful guy who made her happy from a distance. His presence alone made her heart flutter like her chest was full of butterflies. But he wasn't hers. He belonged to Amy, his girlfriend. They had been seeing each other for 5 months now, and every time Valerie saw the two of them together it was like an icy-hot needle in her brain, like a splinter in her thoughts. She did not let her jealousy be known; she knew he would retreat if she became too possessive of her love. Her love.

That splinter became a log when, a week ago, Valerie was having coffee with Amy. Ian had suggested that they become friends, because he had a good feeling about Amy. Valerie obliged; she would, after all, do anything for him. Amy was, she supposed, pretty enough. A mane of bright red hair, a cutesy, round face and green eyes. Between the two of them they were the picture of Irish beauty, if you were into that sort of thing. Amy's pale hands gripped the cup of iced coffee, summer heat causing condensation on the side of the vessel.
She raised her head and locked eyes with Valerie. "I think I love him" she declared in a trembling, nervous voice. "I should probably tell him first, but I wanted to tell you because you two are so close. I want you to like me too... you're like a sister to him." A line of moisture condensed into a drop on Amy's hand, and traced a line down, and across her wrist.
...I love him...
...Like a sister...
...Tell him first...
The words almost seemed to pass by Valerie and land on the wall behind her. They swirled and suffused the air with their noxious presence. She looked again at the line across Amy's wrist, and an idea sprang full-formed into her head. If she couldn't have Ian, then she would make sure that they deserved each other.

Amy felt relieved when Valerie looked up, bright-eyed and for all the world, absolutely delighted with the news.
"Oh my god!!! Amy that's incredible news! I don't think a girl's loved him that way before... oh oh, I have an idea. You have to make a big gesture, he'd love that!!"
Valerie's enthusiasm was infectious, and Amy felt herself being swept up in Valerie's plans for a grand, romantic gesture. Val said she would set it all up, all Amy had to do was be at the theatre at midnight - that way, all of the other students will have gone home, and no one would interrupt them. Val had the key to the college black box theatre from her stage engineering job, so it was perfect. Amy felt the next day crawl by in anticipation. Ian had been with her all day as they shared classes, trying to extract what was going to happen at the stage that night. He was giddy, and while Amy wanted to say, she didn't know. He was due to arrive at 1am - Val said that so that Amy would have time to get ready, get dressed in something nice and, to quote Valerie, "get our masks done."

Amy stood outside the door to the stage and knocked. She dressed in clothes that Ian liked - her knee-length silk dress that she was wearing when they met at the spring formal. A deep, shimmering blue with an open back, she was admittedly a little chilly out there, but the nerves and warm loving feeling she was building up to kept the cold off. She was happy with how she looked, and love dhow the blue matched her hair
The door opened suddenly, making Amy jump. Valerie called from inside to come in, so Amy scurried in out of the chill. It was dark in the theatre, so Amy felt her way along with one hand on the wall before getting to what she thought was the stage. She took out her phone and turned on the flashlight, guiding herself into the centre of the space.
"Valerie? Val?" she called out. She started to shiver, a mix of fear and adrenaline. Something in the back of her mind was screaming at her to leave, but she pushed that down. Val worked in the theatre, so theatrics were literally part-and-parcel of it all. The flashlight caught something glittering in the gloom. She walked forward towards what looked almost like a mannequin, a humanoid shape standing eerily still. She reached out and touched it - it felt like rubber, smooth and slippery and shiny rubber. It took her a second to realise what it was; Latex, like the kind Amy had seen in the videos she often watched when feeling a little frustrated. Fascinated, she spread her fingers and rubbed the mannequin, feeling its strangely realistic breasts and waist through the rubber casing. So fascinated was she that she didn't immediately notice that the mannequin was soft. She frowned, a moment before looking up into Valerie's eyes, pinpricks of rage visible through a latex mask. Valerie's hand shot out, seizing Amy by the throat. Amy squealed and tried to take her crushing hand away from her neck, but Valerie was strong, and determined. With her other hand, Val slapped the poor girl, hard, across the face, stunning her just long enough for the choking to finish doing its job. Amy slumped, nearly fainting with the momentary loss of blood to her head. She felt Val grab a handful of hair and drag her away from her phone which had dropped in the confusion. Valerie took a roll of gaffer tape and began to wind it around Amy's hair like a hairband, keeping it out of the way. Amy struggled to speak, to say anything, but she was too weak still. Her hands were yanked behind her back and she heard a cruel clicking as industrial-grade zipties were pulled around her wrists, and then her elbows. Amy's shoulders burned with the stretching, and she yelped in pain; a yelp which earned her another slap. She fell to the floor gasping. Valerie's rubber hands started to explore Amy's body, touching her under her silky dress, caressing and pinching and slapping. What Amy thought was eeriest about the whole ordeal, even through the disgust and fear she felt, was that Valerie was doing all of this without making a single sound. No words, no grunts, nothing. Just heavy breathing through her nose, through the two air holes Amy had seen in her rubber mask.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Valerie pulling at Amy's underwear - panic flooded her mind and she began to kick and pull away from her kidnapper, her friend, pleading for Valerie to let her go. Her efforts were rewarded with a swift punch in the stomach and a knee pressing down onto her bound elbows, causing the tight plastic straps to dig further into her skin. Valerie retrieved her underwear, and her socks. She balled them up, and put them in front of Amy's mouth, pressing them into her lips. Amy refused, screwing up her face to stop the slightly smelly cloth to get past her teeth.
That's when Valerie made the first sound since beckoning her in. She leaned close to Amy's ear and whispered, absolutely tonelessly,
"Open your mouth, or I will make sure you never see Ian again."
Amy couldn't comprehend the threat. Either Valerie was threatening her, or Ian. Either way, she couldn't risk something happening. She shakily opened her mouth, and the cloth was bundled in, filling her cheeks and muffling her cries. And Amy had started crying by then, great tears rolling down her cheeks. She heard the rip of tape, and Valerie stooped, winding tape over and around her mouth and head, sealing her panties and socks in place. Amy tried to calm her breathing, she wasn't getting much air through the snot of her crying, so tried to be calm. She didn't react when Valerie ziptied her ankles and knees in a similar fashion to her arms. Amy resigned herself to her situation, and hoped and prayed Ian would be able to help her when he arrived. Valerie stooped in front of Amy, holding something Amy couldn't see properly in her hand.
"Ohhh" Val began, tauntingly. It was a shock to hear her say anything... "so you looove him, do you? No. I love him. You're just... in the way. For what it's worth, I'm sorry you had the misfortune of drawing his eye. You weren't to know he was taken, that he was basically cheating on me. No, no, no, no, no no, no no no, no worries. You'll be ok at the end of this. We all will, Ian too. You see, you're *my* grand gesture of love. Look at what I've done, what I've bought to satisfy him. I know what he's into - you think it's just tying up, maybe, if you even asked at all. But I know all the stuff he's into, all of the rough sex and shit I want to give him but he's too much of a pussy to take. He'll take it from you though. I know he will. You don't mind, right? After all... you love him."
Valerie lifted the thing into view; a latex mask, similar to the one Valerie herself was wearing, but with no eye holes and, it looked like smaller air holes.
"When he enters you... breathe slow, baby."
Amy's eyes widened with terror, and she tried to beg through the tape, but it availed her aught. The latex spread over her face, zipped at the back over her taped-up hair, and the dark her world had become slipped into pitch black, her only companions eight lengths of hard plastic, the sound of her own breathing, and the contented humming of Valerie, her boyfriend's best friend.

Her boyfriend, who was due to arrive in 45 minutes.

[PART 2]

Ian arrived, feeling like a giddy schoolboy. His mind burst with ideas for what Amy might have planned; big ideas like this weren't her normal wheelhouse so he didn't have any idea what she had in mind for what constituted Romance. He loved her though, and absolutely knew it. The theatre door was stuck open when he got there, with small candles lighting the way. He checked his watch: 00:58 - so he was a little early, nothing wrong with that! He was too excited by far, so he walked in. The small lights flickered daintily in his wake, and he approached the black box stage. It was silent except for his footsteps.
"Amy?!" he called out, "Are you there, baby? I'm here..."
A spotlight shone into his face, dazzling him. He reached up a hand to block it when the spotlight moved off, tracing a path from him, slowly making its way across the stage. He was excited now and more than a little aroused - whatever this was, it was big. The light traced a lazy path, before landing on a sight that was confusing, and scary.
The light shone down on a naked figure - no, Ian thought, Amy - sitting slumped in a chair. Her wrists and ankles were bound with extremely thick zipties, but what was scariest was the shiny rubber hood encasing his girlfriend's face. Seeming to be able to feel the heat of the spotlight on her, Amy squirmed in her bonds, whimpering pathetically through the rubber. Ian couldn't see her eyes, it seemed the hood was covering everything. He shouted her name and ran over, taking her in his arms. She slumped, and her breath seemed to come in ragged gasps. A wet sound accompanied every pained intake of breath - snot and tears had partially blocked the holes around her nose. Ian reached back behind her head to see if there was a zip or something to open and take off the torture device. His hand found metal, and a small lock. He stroked Amy's latex-coated head and felt her calm somewhat. He leaned down to whisper,
"Baby, listen; there's a lock on this hood. I'm going to try find something to open it and cut the zipties, ok? Can you wait here for me?"
She shook her head violently, which came as no surprise to Ian. He whispered apologies and put her back up on the chair. He wasn't to know at the time that Amy was trying to tell him to run. He stood to look for something, when a sharp pain exploded behind his knees. Something had hit him and drove him down. He gasped in pain, a moment before a pair of arms coated in the same rubber as his girlfriend wrapped around his neck. He tried to grab on, to pull off his attacker's iron grip on his throat, but it was no good - his hands slid off the slick, lubricated material, and before he knew what was happening, he had slumped to the floor, unconscious.

Valerie was admiring her handiwork, and finally taking something which she was owed, when Ian woke up. She was thankful for the drama society's recent production of the Easter story, as they had created an incredibly sturdy cross which Val used to strap Ian into an altogether uncomfortable state. She didn't nail him into place, of course. She bound his wrists with metal handcuffs, both circles of metal around each wrists; the chain was secured to the arms of the cross with ratchet straps, pulling incredibly painfully against her love's soft, beautiful skin. She had taken a length of rope and wrapping it around his neck, pulled up and tied off to the top of the cross, yanking Ian up onto his toes for fear of starting to choke. A classic dilemma. To finish, she had taken the cloth that was formerly part of his girlfriend's gag and shoved it into his own mouth, Securing it with a ziptie that cut painfully into the sides of Ian's mouth. She couldn't see it now, however, as Amy's hood was now Ian's hood, blocking his sight. As for what she was taking, well; she had wrapped copper wire around the base of Ian's cock and balls, tying it off and leading a long line from that to Amy's new toy - a shock collar. The poor girl looked the most scared that she had ever been - Valerie had cut her hair short to get the tape out after some manic pulling, and had cut some of the bindings off. Now Amy knelt, naked, her dress having been cut off her by Valerie ahead of trapping Ian. Her wrists were still painfully handcuffed by the plastic straps, though her gag was gone, its components used to now stifle Ian. Valerie had borrowed the shock collar from her particularly nasty dog, but the use would be the same - to tame a bitch and to teach her some manners.

Valerie looked at Amy, and winked, before going back down on Ian. She had wanted to use his cock for years. Since she knew what sex was she had wanted to learn its intimacy with Ian. Her sexual frustration at being denied that which was hers made her an exceptionally sadistic and experienced dominatrix; any black-haired, blue-eyed sub in the city was her target; anything and anyone she would use to fill the void. Now she had him as she wanted him; her submissive toy that she can finally use up and destroy in the sweetest, most painful way. Now, she thought, she would break them both. She took Ian's cock deep into her throat. He was waking up, and she heard and felt the slight thrumming vibrations as he moaned into Amy's panties. Knowing what Amy would start to do, Valerie held up the controller and pointed it at the girl. Sliding her lips down Ian's shaft towards the head, Valerie looked up and winked at Amy, keeping eye contact as she kissed and rolled her tongue around the head of Ian's cock, pointing the controller at her all the while. She kept pleasuring her devotion, her love, and Ian's breathing grew. However, after a moment he seemed to remember what was happening, and pulled at his metal handcuffs, and would have struggled more if not for the rope around his throat. Valerie continued unwavered, deepthroating Ian and making him shudder and kick weakly. He stiffened on his toes, and gasped deeply as he reached orgasm despite himself - cum shot out in thick ropes that Valerie allowed to coat her latex-covered face and head. She relished in the abuse she was committing on the boy she had loved for so long. Ian looked defeated, slumped as much as he could on the cross. Valerie reached up and removed the rubber hood, exposing him to the scene. He took a second to recognise the eyes of his best friend, and once he understood, it seemed like he understood everything. His eyes flicked between Valerie and the bound Amy behind her, still kneeling but now shaking with a mournful weeping. Valerie walked over; now in the light Ian could see this was the person who knocked him out too - she was wearing a total latex catsuit and hood, but seemed to also have a BDSM toolkit hanging from her waist. Zipties, a coil of rope, tape, and another pair of metal handcuffs. He took a moment to look at and test his bonds, but it was useless: the ratchet straps were steel-lined wit no give, and the handcuffs themselves were already at their limit, cutting lines into his arms that nearly looked bloodied by his struggling. Ian started to tear up, emotions overwhelming him.

Amy only noticed Valerie when she was right next to her. She had looked away at the moment of Ian's orgasm, and had started to cry again.
"Stop being a bitch, Amy." Valerie said with a sneering tone. "And stop snivelling. You're not going to die, nothing will happen to you. This is just... payment."
"Puh, puh, payment?? Yes, you whore." Valerie swooped and grabbed Amy's jaw, wrenching her head to look up at Ian. "You see him? I wanted him. For years. I was here first. Me! But no. No, you came along. Slut. Do you think he enjoyed it more than yours? Me, going down on him like that... that must have been painful, oh I bet it broke your little heart. I know you wish you were just in your room, and you were giving him that blowjob. Yeah? Well if you're that desperate..."
Valerie grabbed Amy's cheeks and pushed her mouth open. With her other hand, she gathered up the cum that still held on to her rubber hood, and stuffed it into Amy's mouth, shoving it forcefully into the back of her throat. Amy squirmed and gagged as Val's fingers invaded her mouth. Lastly, Valerie pointed Amy's face up at her own.
"Don't forget this too."
Holding her firmly in place, Valerie spat down Amy's throat before flinging her to the ground. Amy, in a moment she would reflect on often later, swallowed. She didn't know whether she had done it to avoid further punishment, or because she had momentarily broken down into being the submissive slut that Valerie seemed to paint her as. It would haunt her, yes, but Ian would spit on her too after that. In the moment however, she could only work her way back up onto her knees - the same red patches on her face, on her knees, around her wrists, and, in a way, over her bruising heart.

Valerie coughed; Amy and Ian looked at her, with a strange mixture of defiance and defeat. She held aloft the little remote.

"And now, the main event" she proudly proclaimed. "I bet you're wondering what this is for..."
Last edited by ZiptieFanatic 5 months ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Ak610 »

ZiptieFanatic wrote: 7 months ago [A story I started in response to a request by @abcdefsmith3 about a jilted best friend who takes her revenge on the boy who "wronged" her, and his girlfriend. A little heavy, but enjoy!]

[PART 1]

Valerie was a nice girl; Ian's best friend. Popular, pretty, an athlete with great scores and a full scholarship for her sprinting times (not that she needed it, her family was well-off). A thespian by heart (if not by talent), she had a career in stage engineering set up with a major musical company for when she left college, a true-blue globetrotting job that would broaden her horizons and her prospects around the world. Yep; Valerie had it all. Almost. What she didn't have, was Ian himself. Beautiful, kind Ian, black hair and dazzling blue eyes, a wonderful guy who made her happy from a distance. His presence alone made her heart flutter like her chest was full of butterflies. But he wasn't hers. He belonged to Amy, his girlfriend. They had been seeing each other for 5 months now, and every time Valerie saw the two of them together it was like an icy-hot needle in her brain, like a splinter in her thoughts. She did not let her jealousy be known; she knew he would retreat if she became too possessive of her love. Her love.

That splinter became a log when, a week ago, Valerie was having coffee with Amy. Ian had suggested that they become friends, because he had a good feeling about Amy. Valerie obliged; she would, after all, do anything for him. Amy was, she supposed, pretty enough. A mane of bright red hair, a cutesy, round face and green eyes. Between the two of them they were the picture of Irish beauty, if you were into that sort of thing. Amy's pale hands gripped the cup of iced coffee, summer heat causing condensation on the side of the vessel.
She raised her head and locked eyes with Valerie. "I think I love him" she declared in a trembling, nervous voice. "I should probably tell him first, but I wanted to tell you because you two are so close. I want you to like me too... you're like a sister to him." A line of moisture condensed into a drop on Amy's hand, and traced a line down, and across her wrist.
...I love him...
...Like a sister...
...Tell him first...
The words almost seemed to pass by Valerie and land on the wall behind her. They swirled and suffused the air with their noxious presence. She looked again at the line across Amy's wrist, and an idea sprang full-formed into her head. If she couldn't have Ian, then she would make sure that they deserved each other.

Amy felt relieved when Valerie looked up, bright-eyed and for all the world, absolutely delighted with the news.
"Oh my god!!! Amy that's incredible news! I don't think a girl's loved him that way before... oh oh, I have an idea. You have to make a big gesture, he'd love that!!"
Valerie's enthusiasm was infectious, and Amy felt herself being swept up in Valerie's plans for a grand, romantic gesture. Val said she would set it all up, all Amy had to do was be at the theatre at midnight - that way, all of the other students will have gone home, and no one would interrupt them. Val had the key to the college black box theatre from her stage engineering job, so it was perfect. Amy felt the next day crawl by in anticipation. Ian had been with her all day as they shared classes, trying to extract what was going to happen at the stage that night. He was giddy, and while Amy wanted to say, she didn't know. He was due to arrive at 1am - Val said that so that Amy would have time to get ready, get dressed in something nice and, to quote Valerie, "get our masks done."

Amy stood outside the door to the stage and knocked. She dressed in clothes that Ian liked - her knee-length silk dress that she was wearing when they met at the spring formal. A deep, shimmering blue with an open back, she was admittedly a little chilly out there, but the nerves and warm loving feeling she was building up to kept the cold off. She was happy with how she looked, and love dhow the blue matched her hair
The door opened suddenly, making Amy jump. Valerie called from inside to come in, so Amy scurried in out of the chill. It was dark in the theatre, so Amy felt her way along with one hand on the wall before getting to what she thought was the stage. She took out her phone and turned on the flashlight, guiding herself into the centre of the space.
"Valerie? Val?" she called out. She started to shiver, a mix of fear and adrenaline. Something in the back of her mind was screaming at her to leave, but she pushed that down. Val worked in the theatre, so theatrics were literally part-and-parcel of it all. The flashlight caught something glittering in the gloom. She walked forward towards what looked almost like a mannequin, a humanoid shape standing eerily still. She reached out and touched it - it felt like rubber, smooth and slippery and shiny rubber. It took her a second to realise what it was; Latex, like the kind Amy had seen in the videos she often watched when feeling a little frustrated. Fascinated, she spread her fingers and rubbed the mannequin, feeling its strangely realistic breasts and waist through the rubber casing. So fascinated was she that she didn't immediately notice that the mannequin was soft. She frowned, a moment before looking up into Valerie's eyes, pinpricks of rage visible through a latex mask. Valerie's hand shot out, seizing Amy by the throat. Amy squealed and tried to take her crushing hand away from her neck, but Valerie was strong, and determined. With her other hand, Val slapped the poor girl, hard, across the face, stunning her just long enough for the choking to finish doing its job. Amy slumped, nearly fainting with the momentary loss of blood to her head. She felt Val grab a handful of hair and drag her away from her phone which had dropped in the confusion. Valerie took a roll of gaffer tape and began to wind it around Amy's hair like a hairband, keeping it out of the way. Amy struggled to speak, to say anything, but she was too weak still. Her hands were yanked behind her back and she heard a cruel clicking as industrial-grade zipties were pulled around her wrists, and then her elbows. Amy's shoulders burned with the stretching, and she yelped in pain; a yelp which earned her another slap. She fell to the floor gasping. Valerie's rubber hands started to explore Amy's body, touching her under her silky dress, caressing and pinching and slapping. What Amy thought was eeriest about the whole ordeal, even through the disgust and fear she felt, was that Valerie was doing all of this without making a single sound. No words, no grunts, nothing. Just heavy breathing through her nose, through the two air holes Amy had seen in her rubber mask.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Valerie pulling at Amy's underwear - panic flooded her mind and she began to kick and pull away from her kidnapper, her friend, pleading for Valerie to let her go. Her efforts were rewarded with a swift punch in the stomach and a knee pressing down onto her bound elbows, causing the tight plastic straps to dig further into her skin. Valerie retrieved her underwear, and her socks. She balled them up, and put them in front of Amy's mouth, pressing them into her lips. Amy refused, screwing up her face to stop the slightly smelly cloth to get past her teeth.
That's when Valerie made the first sound since beckoning her in. She leaned close to Amy's ear and whispered, absolutely tonelessly,
"Open your mouth, or I will make sure you never see Ian again."
Amy couldn't comprehend the threat. Either Valerie was threatening her, or Ian. Either way, she couldn't risk something happening. She shakily opened her mouth, and the cloth was bundled in, filling her cheeks and muffling her cries. And Amy had started crying by then, great tears rolling down her cheeks. She heard the rip of tape, and Valerie stooped, winding tape over and around her mouth and head, sealing her panties and socks in place. Amy tried to calm her breathing, she wasn't getting much air through the snot of her crying, so tried to be calm. She didn't react when Valerie ziptied her ankles and knees in a similar fashion to her arms. Amy resigned herself to her situation, and hoped and prayed Ian would be able to help her when he arrived. Valerie stooped in front of Amy, holding something Amy couldn't see properly in her hand.
"Ohhh" Val began, tauntingly. It was a shock to hear her say anything... "so you looove him, do you? No. I love him. You're just... in the way. For what it's worth, I'm sorry you had the misfortune of drawing his eye. You weren't to know he was taken, that he was basically cheating on me. No, no, no, no, no no, no no no, no worries. You'll be ok at the end of this. We all will, Ian too. You see, you're *my* grand gesture of love. Look at what I've done, what I've bought to satisfy him. I know what he's into - you think it's just tying up, maybe, if you even asked at all. But I know all the stuff he's into, all of the rough sex and shit I want to give him but he's too much of a pussy to take. He'll take it from you though. I know he will. You don't mind, right? After all... you love him."
Valerie lifted the thing into view; a latex mask, similar to the one Valerie herself was wearing, but with no eye holes and, it looked like smaller air holes.
"When he enters you... breathe slow, baby."
Amy's eyes widened with terror, and she tried to beg through the tape, but it availed her aught. The latex spread over her face, zipped at the back over her taped-up hair, and the dark her world had become slipped into pitch black, her only companions eight lengths of hard plastic, the sound of her own breathing, and the contented humming of Valerie, her boyfriend's best friend.

Her boyfriend, who was due to arrive in 45 minutes.

[PART 2]

Ian arrived, feeling like a giddy schoolboy. His mind burst with ideas for what Amy might have planned; big ideas like this weren't her normal wheelhouse so he didn't have any idea what she had in mind for what constituted Romance. He loved her though, and absolutely knew it. The theatre door was stuck open when he got there, with small candles lighting the way. He checked his watch: 00:58 - so he was a little early, nothing wrong with that! He was too excited by far, so he walked in. The small lights flickered daintily in his wake, and he approached the black box stage. It was silent except for his footsteps.
"Amy?!" he called out, "Are you there, baby? I'm here..."
A spotlight shone into his face, dazzling him. He reached up a hand to block it when the spotlight moved off, tracing a path from him, slowly making its way across the stage. He was excited now and more than a little aroused - whatever this was, it was big. The light traced a lazy path, before landing on a sight that was confusing, and scary.
The light shone down on a naked figure - no, Ian thought, Amy - sitting slumped in a chair. Her wrists and ankles were bound with extremely thick zipties, but what was scariest was the shiny rubber hood encasing his girlfriend's face. Seeming to be able to feel the heat of the spotlight on her, Amy squirmed in her bonds, whimpering pathetically through the rubber. Ian couldn't see her eyes, it seemed the hood was covering everything. He shouted her name and ran over, taking her in his arms. She slumped, and her breath seemed to come in ragged gasps. A wet sound accompanied every pained intake of breath - snot and tears had partially blocked the holes around her nose. Ian reached back behind her head to see if there was a zip or something to open and take off the torture device. His hand found metal, and a small lock. He stroked Amy's latex-coated head and felt her calm somewhat. He leaned down to whisper,
"Baby, listen; there's a lock on this hood. I'm going to try find something to open it and cut the zipties, ok? Can you wait here for me?"
She shook her head violently, which came as no surprise to Ian. He whispered apologies and put her back up on the chair. He wasn't to know at the time that Amy was trying to tell him to run. He stood to look for something, when a sharp pain exploded behind his knees. Something had hit him and drove him down. He gasped in pain, a moment before a pair of arms coated in the same rubber as his girlfriend wrapped around his neck. He tried to grab on, to pull off his attacker's iron grip on his throat, but it was no good - his hands slid off the slick, lubricated material, and before he knew what was happening, he had slumped to the floor, unconscious.

Valerie was admiring her handiwork, and finally taking something which she was owed, when Ian woke up. She was thankful for the drama society's recent production of the Easter story, as they had created an incredibly sturdy cross which Val used to strap Ian into an altogether uncomfortable state. She didn't nail him into place, of course. She bound his wrists with metal handcuffs, both circles of metal around each wrists; the chain was secured to the arms of the cross with ratchet straps, pulling incredibly painfully against her love's soft, beautiful skin. She had taken a length of rope and wrapping it around his neck, pulled up and tied off to the top of the cross, yanking Ian up onto his toes for fear of starting to choke. A classic dilemma. To finish, she had taken the cloth that was formerly part of his girlfriend's gag and shoved it into his own mouth, Securing it with a ziptie that cut painfully into the sides of Ian's mouth. She couldn't see it now, however, as Amy's hood was now Ian's hood, blocking his sight. As for what she was taking, well; she had wrapped copper wire around the base of Ian's cock and balls, tying it off and leading a long line from that to Amy's new toy - a shock collar. The poor girl looked the most scared that she had ever been - Valerie had cut her hair short to get the tape out after some manic pulling, and had cut some of the bindings off. Now Amy knelt, naked, her dress having been cut off her by Valerie ahead of trapping Ian. Her wrists were still painfully handcuffed by the plastic straps, though her gag was gone, its components used to now stifle Ian. Valerie had borrowed the shock collar from her particularly nasty dog, but the use would be the same - to tame a bitch and to teach her some manners.

Valerie looked at Amy, and winked, before going back down on Ian. She had wanted to use his cock for years. Since she knew what sex was she had wanted to learn its intimacy with Ian. Her sexual frustration at being denied that which was hers made her an exceptionally sadistic and experienced dominatrix; any black-haired, blue-eyed sub in the city was her target; anything and anyone she would use to fill the void. Now she had him as she wanted him; her submissive toy that she can finally use up and destroy in the sweetest, most painful way. Now, she thought, she would break them both. She took Ian's cock deep into her throat. He was waking up, and she heard and felt the slight thrumming vibrations as he moaned into Amy's panties. Knowing what Amy would start to do, Valerie held up the controller and pointed it at the girl. Sliding her lips down Ian's shaft towards the head, Valerie looked up and winked at Amy, keeping eye contact as she kissed and rolled her tongue around the head of Ian's cock, pointing the controller at her all the while. She kept pleasuring her devotion, her love, and Ian's breathing grew. However, after a moment he seemed to remember what was happening, and pulled at his metal handcuffs, and would have struggled more if not for the rope around his throat. Valerie continued unwavered, deepthroating Ian and making him shudder and kick weakly. He stiffened on his toes, and gasped deeply as he reached orgasm despite himself - cum shot out in thick ropes that Valerie allowed to coat her latex-covered face and head. She relished in the abuse she was committing on the boy she had loved for so long. Ian looked defeated, slumped as much as he could on the cross. Valerie reached up and removed the rubber hood, exposing him to the scene. He took a second to recognise the eyes of his best friend, and once he understood, it seemed like he understood everything. His eyes flicked between Valerie and the bound Amy behind her, still kneeling but now shaking with a mournful weeping. Valerie walked over; now in the light Ian could see this was the person who knocked him out too - she was wearing a total latex catsuit and hood, but seemed to also have a BDSM toolkit hanging from her waist. Zipties, a coil of rope, tape, and another pair of metal handcuffs. He took a moment to look at and test his bonds, but it was useless: the ratchet straps were steel-lined wit no give, and the handcuffs themselves were already at their limit, cutting lines into his arms that nearly looked bloodied by his struggling. Ian started to tear up, emotions overwhelming him.

Amy only noticed Valerie when she was right next to her. She had looked away at the moment of Ian's orgasm, and had started to cry again.
"Stop being a bitch, Amy." Valerie said with a sneering tone. "And stop snivelling. You're not going to die, nothing will happen to you. This is just... payment."
"Puh, puh, payment?? Yes, you whore." Valerie swooped and grabbed Amy's jaw, wrenching her head to look up at Ian. "You see him? I wanted him. For years. I was here first. Me! But no. No, you came along. Slut. Do you think he enjoyed it more than yours? Me, going down on him like that... that must have been painful, oh I bet it broke your little heart. I know you wish you were just in your room, and you were giving him that blowjob. Yeah? Well if you're that desperate..."
Valerie grabbed Amy's cheeks and pushed her mouth open. With her other hand, she gathered up the cum that still held on to her rubber hood, and stuffed it into Amy's mouth, shoving it forcefully into the back of her throat. Amy squirmed and gagged as Val's fingers invaded her mouth. Lastly, Valerie pointed Amy's face up at her own.
"Don't forget this too."
Holding her firmly in place, Valerie spat down Amy's throat before flinging her to the ground. Amy, in a moment she would reflect on often later, swallowed. She didn't know whether she had done it to avoid further punishment, or because she had momentarily broken down into being the submissive slut that Valerie seemed to paint her as. It would haunt her, yes, but Ian would spit on her too after that. In the moment however, she could only work her way back up onto her knees - the same red patches on her face, on her knees, around her wrists, and, in a way, over her bruising heart.

Valerie coughed; Amy and Ian looked at her, with a strange mixture of defiance and defeat. She held aloft the little remote.

"And now, the main event" she proudly proclaimed. "I bet you're wondering what this is for..."
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Post by tiedinbluetights »

I love the description of the latex outfits. Looking forward to more of this story!

Post by ZiptieFanatic »

tiedinbluetights wrote: 7 months ago I love the description of the latex outfits. Looking forward to more of this story!
Thank you! I've always loved the look of latex. One of these days I'll get a chance to experience it for myself! <3

[PART 3]

Valerie held the remote up, black plastic shining in the gloom. A feeling passed through her body; causing Val to shudder, audibly moaning out and shaking. As Amy and Ian looked from their bondage, Valerie exulted in the moment of victory; running a hand across her head and down, she rubbed her latex-clad body, shifting and reshifting the reflections around herself. She loved this feeling, the victory and pain on her victims. She unzipped the pocket between her legs and slipped two fingers into herself. She threw her head back and gasped, falling to her own knees and drawing level with Amy, who was too scared to even blink. Valerie leaned close to Amy's face and with a swift movement, lolled out her tongue and licked Amy's cheek.

"Mmmh, a-ahh... I love that taste, Amy. I love it... nnngh..." Valerie had picked up speed and was furiously fingering herself; her latex catsuit was squeaking and snapping rhythmically. Her head snapped back and she closed her eyes, and Valerie yelled - it was a husky, primordial shout that racked her spine. She put the remote down between her knees and used her free hand to seize her own body; pulling and dragging at her nipples and wrapping around her own throat, choking herself in ecstasy. Her gasps then came in short, strangled staccato breaths.
"Nnnh, Amy...Ian...s-...scream for me" The two captives frowned and looked at each other, wondering what she meant. They received their answer when Valerie raised the remote once again and clicked a button.

Amy and Ian experienced this button click differently, but no less intensely than the other.

Amy screamed. Electricity surged through her neck through the hefty black box on the side of her collar. She cried, and screamed, tears streaming down her face as she begged for Valerie to stop. Instantly, she went from being on her knees to lying in a foetal position on the floor, struggling to release her wrists from the zipties that still held her bound. The pain was sharp and intense, and although the electricity was only coming in through her neck, she felt her shoulders and back tense up painfully.
Ian's pain was beyond words, beyond noise; ironic given he was the one wearing a gag. The shock from the collar had travelled along the copper wire binding his cock and balls to Amy - while Amy was writhing on the floor from the pain of the electricity, Ian's pain was almost felt in his soul. He had engaged in solo-CBT before, but that was nothing compared to the genuine feeling of grief that overcame him at the pain coursing through him. He slumped, trying to curl into a ball, and he yanked and pulled fruitlessly on the handcuffs to no avail. He only succeeded in pulling on the ropes around his throat, and so began to cut off his air supply.
Through it all, amidst a chorus of pained screams and pleas, Valerie brought herself to orgasm. She had discarded the remote; if Amy or Ian were in a position to they would have noticed that Valerie had taken out a sheet of rubber which she was using as a bag over her face, asphyxiating herself. The bag snapped out with her exhales, pulling in to a perfect likeness of Valerie's orgasmic expression. Her cries and moans mixed with their shouts. To any listener this was the soundtrack to the end of the world.

Amy and Ian's pain stopped - Valerie had whipped the rubber sheet from her face and turned the collar off with the remote. She was breathing heavily looking at the two of them. Despite herself, Val realised that she sort of liked Amy as well - she was a beautiful toy and made such wonderful noises. Her admiration for the bound, red-haired lump on the floor was short lived as a noise from behind drew her attention. Looking across at the man she loved, she realised he was about to choke to death.

Being as nice a girl as she was, she cut the rope around his neck. He didn't fall the whole way down to the floor, as he was caught by the restraints around his wrists. They were looking awful bloodied by now, Val noticed. She ran a thumb over the wound and admired the dull red shine against her black rubber glove. She put the thumb in her mouth and thoughtfully sucked it as she thought of what to do next.

Ian gasped as breath flooded his lungs. He looked to see how Amy was, pushing through the desperate pain in his cock and wrists. She was lying curled up on her side - at least, as much as she could curl up given her wrists were still bound by the plastic straps. She was deathly still, recuperating after the electric torture. He struggled to his feet to relieve the pressure on his wrists, but a blow to his stomach drove him back down. Val stood above him, almost magnanimous. The look in her eyes seemed kind and loving, and genuine, but it was the kindness of a predator eyeing up prey. Ian slouched. He didn't respond when the handcuffs clicked open and were unwound from the ratchet straps. Valerie loosened them, just a little, but repositioned the two sets of handcuffs to bind Ian's wrists behind him. Looser, yes, but not loose - they held just as firm as they did a moment prior. Valerie unwound the tape, making Ian wince as it pulled at his hair. After the last bit of tape pulled the most at the back of his head, he yelped a little.
"Oh, sorry."

Valerie couldn't help it. She did love him after all, and she was even starting to like Amy too. They were beautiful in their bondage, and maybe they were somewhat into it. Valerie knew Ian was, that was for certain, and she had her suppositions from Amy after hints dropped during movie nights and conversations; a heavy sigh when a heroine got gagged, for instance. She needed to be nicer to them, that's all, make them enjoy it.

"That was a lot, I know. Whoo, what a rush though, right?" The tired looks from her two unwilling submissives were answer enough. "Ok, that was more for me. Ames, you make great noises. You rally felt that, huh? I'm going to see what other noises you two make. But I can only pleasure one of you at a time so..... which is it? I'll let you two decide. That's why you don't have gags on at the moment. I want us to talk, to learn. So... who's first?"

[Who would you like to see get the 'nice' treatment from Valerie first? Let me know below!]
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Post by Ak610 »

ZiptieFanatic wrote: 7 months ago
tiedinbluetights wrote: 7 months ago I love the description of the latex outfits. Looking forward to more of this story!
Thank you! I've always loved the look of latex. One of these days I'll get a chance to experience it for myself! <3

[PART 3]

Valerie held the remote up, black plastic shining in the gloom. A feeling passed through her body; causing Val to shudder, audibly moaning out and shaking. As Amy and Ian looked from their bondage, Valerie exulted in the moment of victory; running a hand across her head and down, she rubbed her latex-clad body, shifting and reshifting the reflections around herself. She loved this feeling, the victory and pain on her victims. She unzipped the pocket between her legs and slipped two fingers into herself. She threw her head back and gasped, falling to her own knees and drawing level with Amy, who was too scared to even blink. Valerie leaned close to Amy's face and with a swift movement, lolled out her tongue and licked Amy's cheek.

"Mmmh, a-ahh... I love that taste, Amy. I love it... nnngh..." Valerie had picked up speed and was furiously fingering herself; her latex catsuit was squeaking and snapping rhythmically. Her head snapped back and she closed her eyes, and Valerie yelled - it was a husky, primordial shout that racked her spine. She put the remote down between her knees and used her free hand to seize her own body; pulling and dragging at her nipples and wrapping around her own throat, choking herself in ecstasy. Her gasps then came in short, strangled staccato breaths.
"Nnnh, Amy...Ian...s-...scream for me" The two captives frowned and looked at each other, wondering what she meant. They received their answer when Valerie raised the remote once again and clicked a button.

Amy and Ian experienced this button click differently, but no less intensely than the other.

Amy screamed. Electricity surged through her neck through the hefty black box on the side of her collar. She cried, and screamed, tears streaming down her face as she begged for Valerie to stop. Instantly, she went from being on her knees to lying in a foetal position on the floor, struggling to release her wrists from the zipties that still held her bound. The pain was sharp and intense, and although the electricity was only coming in through her neck, she felt her shoulders and back tense up painfully.
Ian's pain was beyond words, beyond noise; ironic given he was the one wearing a gag. The shock from the collar had travelled along the copper wire binding his cock and balls to Amy - while Amy was writhing on the floor from the pain of the electricity, Ian's pain was almost felt in his soul. He had engaged in solo-CBT before, but that was nothing compared to the genuine feeling of grief that overcame him at the pain coursing through him. He slumped, trying to curl into a ball, and he yanked and pulled fruitlessly on the handcuffs to no avail. He only succeeded in pulling on the ropes around his throat, and so began to cut off his air supply.
Through it all, amidst a chorus of pained screams and pleas, Valerie brought herself to orgasm. She had discarded the remote; if Amy or Ian were in a position to they would have noticed that Valerie had taken out a sheet of rubber which she was using as a bag over her face, asphyxiating herself. The bag snapped out with her exhales, pulling in to a perfect likeness of Valerie's orgasmic expression. Her cries and moans mixed with their shouts. To any listener this was the soundtrack to the end of the world.

Amy and Ian's pain stopped - Valerie had whipped the rubber sheet from her face and turned the collar off with the remote. She was breathing heavily looking at the two of them. Despite herself, Val realised that she sort of liked Amy as well - she was a beautiful toy and made such wonderful noises. Her admiration for the bound, red-haired lump on the floor was short lived as a noise from behind drew her attention. Looking across at the man she loved, she realised he was about to choke to death.

Being as nice a girl as she was, she cut the rope around his neck. He didn't fall the whole way down to the floor, as he was caught by the restraints around his wrists. They were looking awful bloodied by now, Val noticed. She ran a thumb over the wound and admired the dull red shine against her black rubber glove. She put the thumb in her mouth and thoughtfully sucked it as she thought of what to do next.

Ian gasped as breath flooded his lungs. He looked to see how Amy was, pushing through the desperate pain in his cock and wrists. She was lying curled up on her side - at least, as much as she could curl up given her wrists were still bound by the plastic straps. She was deathly still, recuperating after the electric torture. He struggled to his feet to relieve the pressure on his wrists, but a blow to his stomach drove him back down. Val stood above him, almost magnanimous. The look in her eyes seemed kind and loving, and genuine, but it was the kindness of a predator eyeing up prey. Ian slouched. He didn't respond when the handcuffs clicked open and were unwound from the ratchet straps. Valerie loosened them, just a little, but repositioned the two sets of handcuffs to bind Ian's wrists behind him. Looser, yes, but not loose - they held just as firm as they did a moment prior. Valerie unwound the tape, making Ian wince as it pulled at his hair. After the last bit of tape pulled the most at the back of his head, he yelped a little.
"Oh, sorry."

Valerie couldn't help it. She did love him after all, and she was even starting to like Amy too. They were beautiful in their bondage, and maybe they were somewhat into it. Valerie knew Ian was, that was for certain, and she had her suppositions from Amy after hints dropped during movie nights and conversations; a heavy sigh when a heroine got gagged, for instance. She needed to be nicer to them, that's all, make them enjoy it.

"That was a lot, I know. Whoo, what a rush though, right?" The tired looks from her two unwilling submissives were answer enough. "Ok, that was more for me. Ames, you make great noises. You rally felt that, huh? I'm going to see what other noises you two make. But I can only pleasure one of you at a time so..... which is it? I'll let you two decide. That's why you don't have gags on at the moment. I want us to talk, to learn. So... who's first?"

[Who would you like to see get the 'nice' treatment from Valerie first? Let me know below!]
Damn that was hot. Ian first please.
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Post by abcdefsmith3 »

This is such a great read!

Ian first! :twisted:
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Post by brickbrick »

Oh wow- it's intense but I love it!

Post by ZiptieFanatic »

abcdefsmith3 wrote: 7 months ago This is such a great read!

Ian first! :twisted:
Thank you, and Done; Ian first!! Sorry I've been a little on hiatus as I was doing some other things (holidays, catching up on my reading, and so on). Consider this a.... Dia del Rayes gift for tomorrow! I can only write this little bit today, but I'll pick it up on Monday :)

[Part 4.1]

Valerie thoughtfully sucked her teeth, still enjoying the lingering copper taste of Ian's blood. Her captives didn't seem enthused by the prospect of her further ministrations. She saw them look at each other, pain and tears in their eyes. Whatever love still held them together was starting to disgust her. It was perverted: against the order of things. Amy was the first to begin speaking but Ian cut her off.

"Me" he gasped. Ian shuffled a little closer to Valerie, sitting himself up, almost to attention and sitting back onto his ankles. He felt weak. Valerie thought he looked like the sweetest plum on the tree. Ian didn't want Valerie to hurt Amy any more, so offered himself first.

Valerie purred, "Good boy. First, choose - for your lovely Amy. A gag, or a blindfold?" He looked across to the girl, still only barely able to move after the electricity so thoroughly eviscerated her willpower. For her part, she motioned with her mouth, 'gag'. Ian didn't feel right, but sight would be more valuable if they got a chance to escape. He cursed himself for even trying to think strategically. There was no winning here; Valerie had them where she wanted them. Any choice was the wrong choice, and they all knew it. Ian mumbled his girlfriend's choice to their captor.

"Say it again, baby." Valerie stooped to her knees, laying her rubber-bound head into the crook of Ian's shoulder, ear close to his mouth. With a hand, she reached down and slowly began to stroke Ian's cock. Despite himself, it twitched and began to respond to her latex touch. "Tell me to gag your girlfriend, baby. Tell me..." she whispered, grabbing a little more firmly and starting to pump with enthusiasm. Nuzzling into his shoulder, "tell me," and nibbling on his collarbone, Ian started to whimper. He finally managed to get out a pathetic: "Please gag m-my Amy."

The specific phrase stopped Valerie completely in motion, but only for a second. "Of course, my beautiful," a gasp, "boy." She stood, drawing a thin line of precum from Ian's cock. She licked her fingers slowly, methodically. Ian could see her eyes run over his body and then, mid-suck, slide off him in a thoughtful beat. She reached into the bag and brought out a device. It looked strange, black rubber and metal ratchets. She strode over to Amy, who had finally made her way onto her knees.
"Open your mouth" Valerie commanded. Amy obeyed half-heartedly, only opening her mouth a little. It seemed to be enough; Valerie slid the machine between her teeth and with a movement Ian didn't see, activated it. Deft thumb movements caused the gag to open wider and wider, forcing Amy's jaw open, scraping against her teeth in a way that unnerved Amy's mind; the feeling of steel on enamel almost enough by itself to wind the gears in her head. After a moment, her head was back, mouth forced wide open by what Ian now understood to be a dental gag. It was tuned one notch too much, and was pulling at the sides of her mouth, threatening to cut or split. Thankfully it was not as painful as it could have been, and Valerie didn't want to push Amy too much, for now. It secured around the back of her head with a leather strap, though her incisors were doing a good enough job of keeping the gag in place.

"Now, come with me." Less a command and more context, as Valerie grabbed the duct tape loop keeping Amy's hair in place and used it like a lead to drag the girl over to Ian. It was the closest they'd been since the ordeal started, and they were both shocked by the difference proximity made to their understanding of each other's predicaments.

Amy looked at Ian. The handcuffs, straps, and ropes had left lesions on his wrists and neck, the former still oozing blood in a thin ring. His eyes had bags, and he had the sweat of effort and pain on his face. He was pale, and sick-looking.

Ian looked at Amy. Her neck was red, especially at the point of contact where the electricity went in. The wire hadn't helped with things either, adding their own abrasions. Her wrists had been rubbed red where the plastic strap of the ziptie had been digging into them. She hadn't stopped crying since this started, and the tears tracked salty streaks down her face. And now, the insult of the cruel metal gag in her mouth forced her jaw open in a grotesque mockery of laughter.

Valerie enjoyed the little moment they were sharing. "You want to help your boyfriend, don't you love?" she said condescendingly to Amy, who nodded. "Good. So do I. So you help me," she began, seizing the back of her hair tightly, "help him."
She plunged Amy's mouth down onto Ian's hardened cock, and thrilled at the almost stereotypical '-gluck, -gluck' sound that came from the bitch's throat as she dragged her head off, then back down onto his dick. Her mind drifted to what else could be done with her like this... she was so accommodating now, after all...


[4.2 on Monday!]
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Post by abcdefsmith3 »


Amazing! Thank you so much for picking this up again!

Can't wait to read what happens next! :D
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Post by LunaDog »

Em. I sure as hell wouldn't want to get on the 'wrong' side of Valerie!
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Post by harveygasson »

Wow this is an absolutely amazing story! Great work so far

Post by ZiptieFanatic »

LunaDog wrote: 5 months ago Em. I sure as hell wouldn't want to get on the 'wrong' side of Valerie!
Haha, I don't know if I agree... _she can fix me_

[Part 4.2]

Amy coughed and gagged, her dry throat invaded by her boyfriend's stiffened cock. She hadn't done this to him voluntarily yet... but had wanted to try. It felt wrong to have her choice taken away in this cruel way, by a girl that she thought was her friend. This whole time, had she been planning this? Had she hated her from the start? The violence she was showing them felt so personal and passionate that it had to come from somewhere deep. Condensed hatred, performed on the two of them. Amy could barely string a coherent thought together, but the feeling of betrayal and sadness formed a white-hot core of pain in her chest, an emotional pairing to the physical punishment that Valerie was inflicting upon her. A strange secondary feeling was one of a very vague, very difficult to understand thrill about all that was happening. At first she was scared: the rubber hood nearly suffocated her before Ian heroically came in, trying to get it off her. She shook her head when he tried to look for a key, something, anything to release her; she wanted him to run away from Valerie. When Valerie herself took the hood off, exposing her pleading eyes and ruined hair, she had tried to beg for their freedom. Valerie merely smiled through her inhuman mask and set about restraining Ian, using those harsh metal handcuffs and straps to lift his lifeless form into position. A small, dark, unwanted part of Amy looked at the precision and the strange tenderness Valerie showed in her torture of them, and felt weirdly elated. Now, her throat being violated by the cock she had wanted for so long, something in her bent.


Valerie was holding Amy's remaining taped-up hair, and was forcing her head down onto Ian. She felt strong; powerful even. The '-gluck' sound punctuating every thrust only made Valerie feel better, knowing how much Amy would be hating it as much as she saw the bliss come unbidden to Ian's face. He at least had the common sense to appear somewhat guilty, at least. She was on top of the world, until she pulled Amy's head off Ian's crotch, and she did two things Valerie was not expecting.
First, Amy moaned, a shuddering gasp that racked her body with shivers. Second, she lolled her tongue as far out as it could go, and then pulled against Valerie's grip... towards Ian. Valerie let go, allowing Amy to flop forward. She gathered her knees under her and began to pleasure Ian under her own steam. The choking, gagging sound was lessened, Amy now welcoming Ian's member instead of fighting Valerie to get away. Well, Valerie thought, if she wants it so badly.


Amy felt a new pressure on the back of her head. Hard leather from Valerie's boot pressed into the base of Amy's neck, forcing her down. Ian's cock pushed further, far into the back of her throat. Gagging and coughing was one thing, but now Amy couldn't breathe. She squirmed and writhed, desperate for Valerie's foot to somehow slide off. She tried pushing herself backwards, leveraging her knees underneath her for some strength. A moment arrived, Valerie's boot left her neck. Amy breathed in briefly before the slick rubber of Valerie's knee took its place, forcing her back down. She reached her hands towards Amy's ankles, dragging her one support away from her. Taking Amy's painfully-bound wrists in hand, Valerie stretched and pulled Amy's arms up behind her, making her shoulders painfully burn. It was too much; too painful, too overwhelming; the corners of her vision caught a tinge of black as unconsciousness threatened to swallow her. At the moment where the void beckoned, it all ended. Valerie yanked her by her wrists with all her strength, launching the poor girl off of her boyfriend and across the room. Ian had been shouting, it seems, because Valerie now stooped over the boy. Amy thought she was about to gag him, but Valerie had worse in mind. The latex sheet she had before was wrapped over his face, and Valerie secured it with one of the ratchet straps laying close by. Amy saw the latex balloon out before sucking hard back in; he wouldn't have much air in there. She tried to sit herself up, anything, to go help.


Ian's lungs burned after only a few seconds. The inside of the improvised bag tasted like Valerie, a mix of sweat and perfume. It was, he momentarily mused, good air to run out of. He began to panic, before he heard Valerie's voice close by, pressing against his cheek through the layers of rubber.
"Quiet boy... I'll take this off when I've taken what I want from you. Stay still."
Stay still? That was going to be impossible. She had flattened the sheet against him before strapping down his throat again; air would be a scarce commodity very quickly. He tried to steady his breathing and lie flat for her. She was still in control, so it helped him and Amy to play along, at least for now. His stillness was disturbed by a feeling between his legs. Warm breath, then warmth, wetness, and a swirling sensation that plucked every string of pleasure within him. Under the bag his eyes rolled back and his breathing immediately became heavier. He knew Valerie was down there, as she put it, taking what she wanted. His arms flexed and the handcuffs bit into his wrists again as he moved beneath her. Something in him bent; his hips moved, and whole Valerie fucked him with her mouth he fucked her in turn with what little energy remained. There, a moment, and he felt a release from deep inside his bones - an essence flowed out of him and into Valerie. Suddenly what was bent straightened back up, and he felt awful, guilt overpowering every synapse in his brain. That feeling flowed into every breath in, which is also when a part of him remembered that he was running out of air.


Amy had gotten to her knees, but lacked the strength to even shuffle forward. She could only watch while Valerie made Ian kick and buck, his hips moving in accordance with her touch. She understood, but it felt thin - Everything did.
Valerie left Ian after the moment he orgasmed, and Amy wanted to crawl over to take the latex off his head. The dull shine in the gloom rendered his beautiful features in half-light black and white, like an old movie. She would user her teeth to cut it off his face if she needed to. Valerie approached. Amy looked up, gag still forcing her mouth wide, drool and precum cascading down her chin to mingle on her chest. Her "friend" lifted her chin wordlessly, so Amy's mouth was pointing straight up. Valerie winked, and spat Ian's cum down into Amy's mouth, landing it in the back of her throat before swallowing the rest herself.
"There" she said, "That's what you were looking for, right?"
Amy had no choice but to let it slide down her throat, a force-feeding done so personally.
She crossed the room and whipped the rubber bag off of Ian's face. He gasped like a drowning man brought to shore. His eyes found Amy first, and tears began to well in his eyes. Amy mustered as much pity and understanding as she could in hers before simply shaking her head.
"I'm sorry" he seemed to say
"You don't have to be" she wanted to say.
"Well!" Valerie clapped, her rubber hands now wet. "Wasn't that fun? Ian had a great time, didn't you baby?" Ian didn't answer, so Valerie manually grabbed his hair and made him nod.
"Yes I did Mistress Valerie" she said in a mocking boy-voice. "It was great. Please let Amy have some fun too!
"-Oh well if you insist,"
"-I do, I do" she answered herself enthusiastically.
Valerie went to her bag. "I think you both have been very good for me," she thought aloud, "so you get some more comfortable toys. At least, Ian does."
She came back to Ian with leather restraints and a black ball gag.
"Then your girlfriend. Then we'll end the night on a high note for everyone, won't we?"
Valerie leaned in, a dangerous look in her eyes.
"Just. Behave."
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Post by abcdefsmith3 »


This may be the hottest chapter yet!

I can't wait to read how this concludes and find how Valerie makes Amy and Ian her ultimate submissive bitches! :twisted:

Post by ZiptieFanatic »

abcdefsmith3 wrote: 5 months ago @ZiptieFanatic

This may be the hottest chapter yet!

I can't wait to read how this concludes and find how Valerie makes Amy and Ian her ultimate submissive bitches! :twisted:
Just you wait! I don't even know if this will be the last story featuring these three.....

[PART 5]

Ian was secured; Valerie had brought him back to the wooden cross, lashing his arms behind his back, wrapped around the wooden trunk. For his comfort, she had replaced the crueller metal handcuffs with soft, high-quality leather restraints. His wrists settled somewhat comfortably together, a strong padlock between his hands at which he was currently fiddling with an unfortunate futility. He was not the lockpicking lawyer, not even a lockpicking legal aide - there was no getting it undone. His ankles were strapped together similarly, and were outstretched in front of him. It was the only thing that even resembled clothing on his body now. He was out of breath, which resolved into heavy breathing through his nose. His mouth was occupied by the silicone ball settled behind his teeth, tightly strapped into place by the strap at the back of his head. He was allowed the privilege of witnessing though, what Valerie was about to do to Amy.

Amy's throat was still dry, even after having been blessed by Valerie's spit and Ian's cum. Ropes of drool had begun to swing out of the edges of the gag. When Valerie crossed the room, Amy saw something different in her eyes, the cast of her brow. It wasn't that of a vengeful spectre, it was, in fact, almost caring. The dominatrix reached down to Amy's gag, but on the way, she did something strange - she tenderly brushed a shorn lock up and off Amy's face. Rubbered thumb and forefinger clasped the device forcing Amy's jaw open, and Amy's mouth stretched a little more, hurting her for a moment before the pressure relented. Her mouth snapped closed, a palpable relief surging through her body. She hadn't noticed how taxing keeping her mouth open for that long had been on her neck and shoulders. She slumped, a bit more relaxed. She cautiously looked up at Valerie, who had knelt down next to Amy. She had tucked her boots in under her bottom, taking a seating position like she were a proud mother looking at her kids open their presents on Christmas morning.
"Amy," she whispered, "I wasn't expecting this feeling."
Amy narrowed her eyes suspiciously, but there was, indeed, something else in her eyes. She ventured, "a... feeling?"

"Yes." Valerie had wanted to lie, to tell her that after all this she hated her, still hated how pretty she was, how nice she was, how she had stolen Ian away from her, but she couldn't. She reached back to the zip at the back of her own head, and carefully drew it upwards, taking the latex mask off.
"I'm sorry I hurt you so much. I was angry, furious actually, and something in me broke. I convinced myself that this was for all of our collective good. You would leave, Ian realised I could be all things to him..." a tear threatened to come to life upon her cheek. She took a staggered breath, forcing the knot of emotion back down into her stomach.
"But I was wrong. This" she gestured around her, lingering a moment on Ian's bound form, "was wrong of me. I admit to enjoying myself, but it burns like acid."
Valerie could tell Amy didn't believe her. But she was listening, one ear turned towards her in the universal gesture of, at least, hearing her out. however, then it was Amy's turn to surprise Valerie. She leaned up, forward, and within her limited range of movement, pressed their lips together.

Amy acted on instinct. Valerie seemed sorry, and if there was any lingering, genuine affection, Amy had to pounce on it. When their lips met, however, it felt like Newton's law applied. She had intended the kiss to be cruel, to be the hammer that would shatter diamond. Instead, when Valerie kissed back, fireworks exploded behind Amy's eyes. Their tongues crept out of their mouths furtively, rolling and dancing together, mingling the other's tastes together with that of the man who'd brought them together. Maybe it was wrong, an imported emotion grafted onto her psyche from the events of the night. Amy didn't feel worthy of such a complicated feeling; she was tired, dirty, slimy, her eyes were puffy and red from crying, and her wrists and shoulders screamed in agony from the hours being held together by the black plastic zipties. Despite this, when she and Valerie kissed, she felt beautiful. Valerie held her head and moved closer, tenderly running her rubber fingers through what was left of Amy's hair. With her other hand, she wiped her face and her chest, gathering the saliva on her gloved hand, before reaching down. Using her gag-extracted drool to ease herself in, Valerie inserted her middle and fourth fingers into Amy, tenderly touching her in a way Amy had honestly thought was beyond her. When their kiss parted even for a moment, Amy gasped as waves of relieving pressure coursed through her blood. Adrenaline slammed into her spine, and her Fight or Flight response had no answer to give. She shook in Valerie's grip until kissing was no longer possible. Amy's teeth chattered and she found it difficult to try sit still as Valerie brought her closer and closer to orgasm. Valerie leaned forward, close to Amy's ear.
"Thank you" she whispered, "for letting me do this." She punctuated this with a brief, personal, loving kiss on Amy's cheek.
Whatever it was about this touch, more personal even than Valerie's fingers, it sent Amy reeling. She threw her head back and moaned, husky and loud as an orgasm erupted from within her, tides and bedrock shifting in her spirit.
Amy collapsed forward, spent, into Valerie's shoulder. The rubber woman held her tenderly, stroking her hair, planting little kisses on the top of her head. After a moment, Valerie reached down and cut the ziptie restraining Amy's wrists with a small cutter from her belt. Amy, released, curled up in Valerie's embrace, rubbing her wrists and crying openly, heaving her shoulders with great sobs. Valerie cooed and hushed her softly, reaching a hand down to rub Amy's wrists, occasionally lifting them up to kiss them herself. They were raw, the ziptie having left ridged marks on the outside of Amy's wrists, and almost cutting into her skin at the edges of the unyielding plastic strap. They'll be difficult to hide for a while. But Valerie would help.

"I'm sorry" she whispered. "You didn't really deserve this. I'll be on campus, but I'll keep my distance. If you decide to turn me in, I'll understand. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." She kissed between apologies. Amy didn't reply, but reached her head back up to kiss Valerie deeply again. There were new feelings now between them. Complicated, strange feelings borne of terror and lingering affection for their friendship. Ian had slumped back, exhaustion having finally taken over. Valerie left Amy briefly to untie him, and bundle all of her equipment back into her gear bag. Amy watched Valerie go about tidying and cleaning. Barring their own bodies, the stage would be like they had never been there. Shining in rubber like a shooting star, Valerie stood. The dim light caught and held close to every part of her, the yin amidst her yang. She slung the bag over her shoulder, and stooped to kiss Amy one final time. She left oversized tracksuits for the pair of them, having cut and ruined their clothes before. As Amy sat, alone with her thoughts for the first time in hours, she tried to untangle the mess of emotions that cascaded through her mind.

Ian stirred. She kissed him awake, and held him tight, each other's blankets against the cold light of day.

Post by ZiptieFanatic »


It had been a week since Valerie had abducted and tortured Amy and Ian for their relationship together. The marks had almost faded, though Amy had found herself rubbing her wrists absentmindedly when her thoughts turned to that night. She had determined not to go to the police, though Ian held some reservations. His own love for Valerie as a childhood friend stayed his hand where his love for Amy did not. He was confused, and had been distant that first day after leaving the stage. They spent it in bed together. It was not relaxing. After some hours sleeping, Amy awoke to Ian sitting up, twirling a roll of brown packing tape between his fingers. She caught his eye, sat up, and crossed her wrists behind her back. Ian bound her, and then took the extra steps of gagging and blindfolding her. She thought he was done then, but he wrapped tape around her ankles, binding them to her thighs. She lay on her back that day, merely a toy for his pent-up frustrations. Once she thought he muttered Valerie's name but she couldn't be sure. When he cut her loose the sun had begun to set, and then it was his turn to be bound, be gagged, be blindfolded, and to maybe, just maybe, hear Amy whisper Valerie's name in her exaltations.

Valerie's actions had opened a floodgate of sexuality for the couple, but there was something missing. Until yesterday. Amy's phone buzzed with a message from Valerie who, true to her word, had kept her distance. They saw each other in classes, of course, but it was polite, cordial. They passed with nods at the most, and never a spoken word. Amy looked at the message. Again, no words, just one attachment. She had sent a video. Amy watched it with a sense of unease. Valerie had recorded the whole thing - she watched almost without blinking as the night repeated before and behind her eyes. Amy's initial abduction, her binding, gagging. She liked how her face looked coated in latex like that. She liked how Ian's slight frame looked strung up like that. And Valerie...
She put the phone down and stared into the middle distance, watching her breathing as she had done when she almost suffocated while wearing that latex, while Ian hung lifeless from the ropes and the straps. She tried to condemn or distance herself but she couldn't. Her heart wasn't in it. Ian sat down next to her now, holding her hand in his. He seemed nervous, and excited. They both did, waiting for their friend who was about to arrive.

Valerie sat down across from them. Amy smiled.

Centennial Club
Centennial Club
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Post by abcdefsmith3 »

Such a great read! I thoroughly enjoyed reading every chapter! Thank you so much!

Post by ZiptieFanatic »

abcdefsmith3 wrote: 5 months ago Such a great read! I thoroughly enjoyed reading every chapter! Thank you so much!
Thank you very much! I appreciate it :) Hope it was what you were looking for
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Post by abcdefsmith3 »


It certainly was!
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Post by harveygasson »

Ah what an amazing end! Not what I expected but loved it all the same. Do you think you'll revisit these characters?
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