The Blundering Burglar F/F

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The Blundering Burglar F/F

Post by Gagfan »

Kylie was humming to herself as she walked up to the front door of her house. She reached into the pocket of the red down vest when was wearing to fish out her house keys. The beautiful brunette was ready to sit down in her comfy chair and relax having just come back from the gym. She didn’t think she was even going to bother changing out of the tight athletic pants and jacket she was wearing before settling in for the night.

The young woman managed to get her keys in the door and unlocked it, causing it to open with a loud squeak. Kylie had been meaning to oil the hinges of her door but just hadn’t gotten around to it. What the brunette did not realize is there was a burglar currently in her home, and her loud door had just alerted them to Kylie’s impending presence.

Oblivious to the danger, Kylie walked into her home. As she walked towards the living room the burglar crept up behind her. The burglar reached out with a leather gloved hand and tightly clamped it around Kylie’s mouth and used her other arm to wrap the young woman’s torso. Kylie immediately began to struggle, quickly causing her and her attacker to fall to the ground.

“Calm down! I’m just here to rob you not hurt you!”

A feminine voice hissed at Kylie who continued frantically struggling, although discovering that her attacker was female did put her at a bit of ease. At the very least fear of being raped greatly dropped. Still, she didn’t exactly want to have her stuff stolen.

“Will you just relax so I can tie you up and get on with this??? The longer you struggle the longer this is going to take! If you just simmer down, let me do this, I’ll be out of here in under an hour, I promise.”

Kylie’s struggles slowed a bit, the young woman had a deep bondage fetish and the idea of being trussed up by a burglar was almost too tempting to ignore. Plus she was exhausted already from her trip to the gym, she knew struggling was merely delaying the inevitable. Some small part of her knew she was just looking for excuses to be tied up, but she simply couldn’t help herself.

“Good girl.”

The burglar playfully roughed up Kylie’s dark hair. She then took a hold of the woman’s arms, much to Kylie’s disappointment the burglar pulled her arms in front of her. Even worse, the burglar began wrapping white rope around the woman’s wrists, and the disappointed brunette could immediately tell the wraps were unsatisfactorily loose. The robber grabbed a length of rope and began wrapping it around Kylie’s ankles, once again laughably loose.

“There, now you just sit there and be good and I’ll be out of your hair.”

Kylie sat looking at the ropes in disappointment. She had managed self bondage more satisfying than this embarrassing display the burglar had put on. Deciding that she was not willing to cooperate and lose her stuff for this unsatisfactory of a bondage experience, she immediately began squirming. The burglar was no sooner out of the room than Kylie had managed to wiggle out of her bindings.

“Actually, this may be a bit much to ask but can you just tell me where the good stuff is to speed this along?”

The masked burglar stood in the entryway of the living room, her piercing blue eyes open in shock upon seeing her captive already free and standing up.

“What are you, some kind of escape artist?”

Kylie couldn’t help herself and snorted derisively in response. The robber’s eyes narrowed and although it couldn’t be seen through the ski mask she was wearing she was blushing profusely.

“What are you snorting at??”

“I’m sorry, that was mean... but that was some really awful bondage I’m pretty sure getting out of it hardly qualifies someone as an escape artist. You aren’t going to last long as a burglar like that.”

The burglar was growing an even more brilliant shade of crimson under her mask. Suddenly Kylie got a great idea, one that might both get her some proper bondage and protect her stuff from robbery.

“I’ll tell you what, I’ll make a little deal with you if you want to take it. I can give you tips on how to properly tie someone up so they can’t escape and in exchange you don’t steal any of my stuff, deal?”

The female criminal raised a skeptical eyebrow as Kylie extended her hand out to shake in agreement.

“Why would you agree to teach me how to tie you up?”

Kylie thought fast to come up with an excuse that wouldn’t out her as a pervert.

“Well even if you aren’t very good at tying me, I’m pretty sure you can overpower me. So rather than us both having a very long night where most likely you eventually manage to steal my stuff, this saves time and protects my things.”

The argument seemingly convinced the burglar, who reached out her gloved hand and shook Kylie’s.

“Ok then sense, where do we begin?”

“Well if you want to truly be confident your robbery victim isn’t going to get loose, overkill is your friend, so you are going to probably want more than two ropes.”

“Well two is all I have!”

“That’s ok I have plenty of rope! I uhhhhh do a bit of rock climbing.”

Kylie lied, not wanting to admit to the burglar she in fact had a large supply of rope due to her insatiable lust for bondage.

“And duct tape is good too, I have a box of it in the garage. Uuurrrr was here when I moved in, I guess the prior resident worked construction or something.

The young woman once again lied as the duct tape was most certainly hers. She had bought a copious supply in hopes of at some point getting a bondage play partner to tie her up.

“And why should I believe this isn’t a trick to get me out of the room so that you can just run away or a trick to lure me into some sort of trap?”

Kylie dug into the pocket of her puffy vest and removed her keys, tossing them to the burglar.

“There are the keys to my car, now I can’t drive away and you have control over the most valuable thing I own other than this house. Plus I live in the middle of nowhere, so without the car I’m not going anywhere fast.”

The young woman’s house was just outside of town, in a forest off a sleepy rural road that rarely had traffic. It was certainly not a lie that she would not be getting anywhere fast without them. She dug her phone out of the other pocket of her vest and tossed it to the burglar as well.

“And no phone to call the police, I’m all yours.”

The burglar’s eyes narrowed as she still suspected a trap, but she was willing to take a risk and see how this played out. This was her first ever burglary and her victim was likely correct that her career would be quite short if she couldn’t restrain unexpected witnesses better.

“Ok so where is this stuff?”

“Tape is in a cardboard box on a metal shelf in the garage, rope is in a plastic bin in the bottom of my closet.”

The burglar left, leaving Kylie to nervously fidget with barely contained excitement. She knew doing this was ridiculous, but the burglar seemed harmless so this seemed like a classic win win to the young woman. A few minutes later the masked woman returned carrying two large boxes containing Kylie’s considerable bondage collection.

“Ok here is the stuff, but I don’t think I can carry this much stuff with me when I go to do robberies.”

Kyle was tempted to tell her she didn’t need to use all of it, but the demented young woman very much so wanted her to so she didn’t want to encourage the burglar to take it easy on her. Wracking her brain for a way around this, an idea sprung to mind.

“Well you could always take a few strands with you to capture the homeowner then keep a larger supply in your car. Tie them up a bit, get your full supply, then tie them up more.”

The burglar contemplated the idea and realized it was actually a fairly good one. She grabbed a strand of rope and held it in her hand.

“Ok so.... what do I do?”

The female criminal felt a bit like an idiot, but her ‘victim’ appeared to actually have pretty good ideas so she was willing to listen to her.

“Well as a first step you should always tie hands behind the back not in front, makes it harder to use the hands to pick at ropes and gags. If you want to really ensure a victim can’t pick at their ropes you can go really overkill and duct tape over their hands.”

The burglar set down the rope and removed a roll of duct tape from the box. The woman liked the idea of making sure a robbery victim had no chance to pick at their restraints. Kylie felt a shiver of excitement as the loud tearing of duct tape filled the room, and she quickly put her hands into fists. The robber began to wrap duct tape over her right hand, steadily encasing it in shiny silver tape until the entirety of it was covered by the sticky tape. Taking the idea of overkill to heart, the burglar buried her captive’s hand in multiple layers before repeating on the other hand.

“Ok I think your hands are beyond useless now. I suppose it's time to tie your wrists?”

“Uh yea definitely, you can go a lot tighter than you did before. Obviously you don’t want to go too tight and cut off circulation, but there is a big gap between that and as loose as you had it before.”

The burglar shrugged as she began wrapping the rope around Kylie’s wrists. The woman certainly took the advice to heart, making the lashings of rope far tighter than before. Kylie felt she could have probably gone a little tighter, but the improved restraints were definitely snug enough to not squirm out of this time.

“There, better?”

“Uh yea definitely, now wrists alone are good but like I said more is better. Adding more at the forearms and around the elbows will make it near impossible for even a true escape artist to wiggle out of.”

“Wouldn’t tying the elbows together be a bit painful?”

Kylie felt herself blushing slightly, the girl was a bit masochistic in addition to loving bondage, so she was counting on the elbow ties being painful, she quickly recovered though and justified the advice.

“Yea probably a little, especially if your captive isn’t particularly flexible. My job is to advise you in how to make sure your future victims can’t get loose though, not make them comfortable. Plus while uncomfortable it’s not going to actually harm them or anything.”

The burglar shrugged her shoulders again, remaining oblivious to her captive’s ulterior motives. She added fairly tight lashes of white rope at the forearms and above and below the elbows. A dull burning pain was shooting through Kylie’s arms and the perverted young woman was having to really focus on not showing how turned on and excited she was about her growing bondage.

“So I’d say you’ve done a good job on the arms. Adding some rope around the chest and stomach to pin the arms to the back will restrict movement even more. The less movement the captive has the less and less likely it is they can ever squirm loose.”

The burglar dutifully grabbed some more rope and began winding it above and below Kylie’s fairly large breasts. The woman was wrapping the rope tightly enough that it sank into Kylie’s puffy vest a fair bit. The captive girl could tell her ‘pupil’ was growing more confident in her binding work. After numerous passes around the breasts the robber began to wrap another length of rope around her victim’s stomach. By the time she finished Kylie was delighted to discover she could barely wiggle her arms anymore, her limbs were now fairly tightly pressed into her back.

Kylie really wanted a crotch rope so that she could take care of her growing arousal once the burglar left, but she couldn’t think of an excuse to ask for one without outing herself to her captor. For reasons she really couldn’t explain, she wanted her desires to remain secret. She knew it was silly, after all she was never going to see this woman again and the burglar was clearly not going to get in contact with anyone who knew Kylie, but she just couldn’t bring herself to tell the truth however.

The burglar for her part had guided Kylie onto the ground and grabbed more rope and began lashing it tightly around Kylie’s ankles, thoroughly tying them together. The masked woman soon added additional rope at the shins, above and below the knees, and at several places on Kylie’s athletic thighs.

“Ah not even waiting for guidance anymore huh?”

“Well I mean after your advice on the arms the legs are sort of obvious aren’t they?”

Kylie weakly squirmed, quickly discovering she was truly helpless and had very little chance of escaping. The burglar stood back and looked her over, looking fairly satisfied by her effort.

“I would say this is pretty secure wouldn’t you?”

“Oh yea definitely, I mean there are other things you could do to make a victim even more helpless but those aren’t really NEEDED.”

Kylie tried to sound extremely nonchalant, hoping the criminal’s curiosity might lead her to question what else could be done. The young woman was delighted to see the burglar’s eyebrow raise, her interest clearly piqued.

“Oh? Well let’s say I just have a real pain in the ass victim who I really want to secure. What else would I do to them?”

“Wrapping them up in something is always a possible final addition. You know, wrap them up in a blanket, sleeping bag, whatever. Of course you would want to gag anyone you are kidnapping, if they live in the middle of nowhere like me it doesn’t matter as much but if you are going to do robberies in neighborhoods the victim being quiet is important.”

The burglar put her hands on her hips and began tapping her fingers expectantly.

“Well go ahead and tell me how to gag a person properly, I’m guessing overkill is best again?”

“Ummm yes, first step is you want to stuff their mouth with something. Small enough it will fit in their mouth but large enough they aren’t going to choke on it. Socks, rags, sponges are all good options. Then you want to wrap something around their mouth like tape or something to keep it in. Thicker the better in terms of quieting them down.”

The burglar shook her head a few times and walked off for a moment without responding. Kylie was a little confused, did the burglar consider the job done and was leaving? Suddenly the burglar returned, without warning she rammed a wad of fabric into the brunette’s mouth. Kylie gave a weak cough as whatever it was was clearly not clean as a stale salty flavor hit her mouth.

“Used socks like you recommended, but I was too lazy to go looking for your clean ones so I just grabbed some from your hamper. I hope you don’t mind.”

Kylie gave a disgusted grunt, while a bit of a bondage pervert she had never really been a fan of dirty gags so sucking on her own heavily used socks that she had sweated in at the gym was not ideal. Kylie felt her cheeks were bulging out from the amount of socks her captor had utilized. The loud ripping of tape filled the room as the robber began pulling tape off the roll, once she had a few inches peeled free she smoothed it over Kylie’s cheek and began wrapping it around her head and over her dark hair. The young woman quickly began to develop a dull headache from how tightly the passes of tape were being applied.

“I figure much like the rope, tighter is better right? You really were a good teacher!”

Kylie gave a muffled whimper in reply, she was both impressed and a little concerned in how quickly the blundering burglar had become a competent kidnapper. Yet she had to admit, she was still deeply enjoying herself despite the dull headache and salty assault on her taste buds. The robber made numerous passes and Kylie assumed this meant the woman was done. The young woman was mortified when suddenly a heavily used sock was pressed against the front of her gag. Before she could even try to pull away from it her captor was wrapping more tape around her face.

“You did say the thicker the better, so I figure a couple layers of different things will help shut you up better.”

Kylie’s dark brown eyes rolled up in her head a little. The sole of the filthy sock was pressed right against her nose, ensuring that every breath was polluted by her own stale foot odor. She gave a few grunts of disapproval that grew more frantic when the burglar stopped wrapping tape only to grab a second sock. The woman tried to offer more resistance this time, but heavily bound as she was she had little leverage to stop her attacker.

“Ah thank you for the good practice of gagging an unwilling victim!”

The heavily gagged woman whimpered into the fat gag as the burglar began wrapping even more tape around her. The sole of the second sock pressed against the first sock, intensifying the already choking odor further. After more tight wraps of tape, the burglar stopped and pressed against the gag with her leather wrapped hands. Neither woman had bothered counting but Kylie’s face was now being crushed by nearly a hundred layers of the sticky tape.

“Now you mentioned wrapping you up, since you are such a captive test subject I hope you don’t mind if I go ahead and practice.”

The burglar teased her captive before walking off. Kylie groaned into her gag, feeling a bizarre mixture of regret and arousal at her current situation. The burglar was gone for several minutes before Kylie could hear the distinct swishing of nylon coming from the hallway. The masked woman soon returned carrying Kylie’s massive hot pink mummy style sleeping bag. The young woman used it for winter camping trips, she was already a little warm wearing her vest, the idea of being wrapped in her heavily insulated bag was overwhelming.

“Now you mentioned sacks and blankets as options, so figured I’d go ahead and practice with both. I hope you don’t mind?”

Kylie was a bit mortified when the burglar tossed her bag on the ground and unzipped it, revealing her king sized fleece weighted blanket. The robber began removing seemingly Kylie’s entire collection of belts from the bag as well, tossing them on the ground next to the massive sack. The woman grabbed her captive by the ankles and dragged her onto the unzipped sack. Kylie whimpered some unintelligible pleas, but was ignored as the bag began being zipped closed. While she loved the idea of being mummified, being double mummified just seemed like a bit too much.

“What’s that? Are you trying to remind me to make sure the belts are tight? Yes yes I know, tightness matters you’ve already told me!”

The burglar was clearly enjoying teasing her thoroughly silenced ‘teacher’. Kylie gave a groan of exasperation and rolled her eyes. Once the sack was fully zipped closed the masked woman began applying the assortment of belts around the bag. She wasn’t joking when she said she was going to make it tight, the belts sank deep into the hot pink nylon. Even with the puffy sack surrounding her Kylie felt as though the belts were squeezing her to an almost painful degree. Unfortunately she had a rather large assortment of belts, so her cocoon ended up being slathered in the tight bands of leather and fabric.

“I hope this meets your lofty standards!”

Kylie glared at her captor and gave a grunt.

“Oh you look displeased. Ok well don’t forget we are still doing the blanket, I’ll be sure to use plenty of tape on it.”

Kylie closed her eyes and gave several frustrated groans. The burglar began unfolding the large soft felt blanket, preparing it to encase its helpless owner. She dragged the puffy cocoon onto the blanket and promptly started wrapping her captive in it like an oversized burrito. Once Kylie was fully swaddled in the soft blanket, the masked woman began wrapping duct tape around the blanket, starting at the ankles and moving her way up. Beads of sweat were forming on Kylie’s forehead as the heat of her thick prison was rapidly becoming unbearable.

“You know, I’ve decided that I think I am going to go ahead and rob you anyways despite our little agreement.”

Kylie’s eyes went wide and she began more frantically screaming into her gag. She attempted to struggle but her bindings were simply too unforgiving for her squirming to accomplish anything other than make her even more uncomfortably warm. It did nothing to slow the burglar’s progress on wrapping her captive in duct tape, at this point the masked woman had made it about halfway up Kylie’s body.

“Don’t get me wrong! I really appreciate your great lesson on restraining a captive, but a girl’s gotta eat you know? And unfortunately bondage lessons just don’t pay the bills.”

Kylie groaned in frustration as quickly her ‘clever’ plan to get some bondage and avoid being robbed was backfiring spectacularly. While she had certainly gotten the bondage, it had quickly gone beyond even what her perverted mind wanted.

“Oh calm down, at least I’m not kidnapping you and selling you to some brothel or something like that right? A cute piece of ass like you would surely be worth something to the right buyer!”

The burglar gave Kylie a playful wink. The bound brunette for her part did find any amusement in the threat. She began frantically shaking her head no and blubbering into her gag. The burglar rolled her eyes as she finished wrapping duct tape around the girl’s shoulders. At last finished, she grabbed Kylie by the sides of the face and forced the girl to look into her blue eyes.

“Oh will you stop? I said I’m not going to do it, I’m a criminal not a monster. No, I am going to leave you here heavily bound but safe and if in a couple of days I don’t see any news stories on ‘local woman found helpless in her home’ I’ll call the police to save you!”

While relieved, Kylie gave a small whimper of fear at the idea of being trapped like this for days. She was undeniably aroused, but also unspeakably overwhelmed by her situation. She watched helplessly as the burglar stood up and walked towards the front door.

“You have been so helpful though, so let me give you a little parting gift.”

The burglar returned carrying one of Kylie’s tennis shoes, without warning the show’s opening was pressed over the girl’s nose. Kylie gave a disgusted scream into her gag as the masked woman began wrapping tape around the shoe, trapping the footwear against her face. The shoe was one of her gym shoes so the sweaty stench of countless workouts was polluting every breath the young woman took.

“I saw how excited you were about those socks so I figured I’d be nice and let you have a little bit more.”

Kylie gave some muffled protests that devolved into coughing fits as the odor burned her nostrils. The burglar finished wrapping tape around the brunette’s head and shoe, then grabbed the massive hood of the sleeping bag and pulled it over her head.

“Enjoy yourself in there, you deserve to savor the fruits of your excellent teaching!”

The burglar then pulled the drawstrings of the hood tight, completely encasing the young woman’s head in the mass of hot pink nylon. The hood left Kylie in darkness and relative silence, it being near impossible to hear anything but the rustling of nylon surrounding her. As she lay trapped in the boiling darkness she was regretting her decision immensely. However one small part of her was regretting one thing in particular: she should have asked for that crotch rope.

The End
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Kylie is getting off even without that crotch rope; she is just too aroused. She crossed the lines from rope bunny to rope sl-t to plain foolish :lol:
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Post by latin-self-bound »

I love your stories! I've read many stories in your blog, and the detail of the overwhelming bondage is awesome! I love how the victims in your stories always end up completely helpless.

I'd love to be in the place of Kylie, completely bound and gagged.
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Post by LunaDog »

A little different, but good fun to read. Thank you.
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Post by Gagfan »

AlexUSA3 wrote: 4 months ago Kylie is getting off even without that crotch rope; she is just too aroused. She crossed the lines from rope bunny to rope sl-t to plain foolish :lol:
Oh definitely, and as a spoiler alert, she learns absolutely nothing from her foolishness haha

latin-self-bound wrote: 4 months ago I love your stories! I've read many stories in your blog, and the detail of the overwhelming bondage is awesome! I love how the victims in your stories always end up completely helpless.

I'd love to be in the place of Kylie, completely bound and gagged.
Thank you for your support! Glad to hear you enjoy my stuff in general!

LunaDog wrote: 4 months ago A little different, but good fun to read. Thank you.
Thank you! Glad you found it fun to read despite being a little different!
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Post by RopeBunny »

A good story told well :D and a great angle, having to teach someone to tie you up makes for a fun read.

Good descriptions of both the ties and other details.

Loved it. Thank you.
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Post by SilverLinings »

Fun story, thank you for writing it!
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Post by Gagfan »

RopeBunny wrote: 3 months ago A good story told well :D and a great angle, having to teach someone to tie you up makes for a fun read.

Good descriptions of both the ties and other details.

Loved it. Thank you.
Thank you for the kind words! I do take pride on trying to be descriptive when it comes to the bondage so I glad that came through!

SilverLinings wrote: 3 months ago Fun story, thank you for writing it!
Thank you for the feedback!
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