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Party Games and Other Things (M+/M+)

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2018 2:05 am
by fruityguy
Hey! So I posted this under Mario Party Punishment on the old site, and then remembered that this place existed, so here it is again!

Aiden- 5'11, 18, lightly tanned skin, track athlete/wrestler. Usually the instigator of ideas.
Bryan- 5'10, 18, eggshell white skin, swimmer/basketball player. The mom friend, much to his chagrin.
Casper- 5'8, 19, natural light brown skin, gymnast/parkourer/soccer player. Either really shy or outspoken. Probably the smart one.
Darius-6'0, 18, brown skin, basketball player/band and choir member. Sometimes joins Casper on his parkour trips. Acts really flirty with Aiden.

Part 1- Pregame and Turn 1

Aiden was setting up the living room for the game night sleepover while his best friend was trying to force his own mother out the door hurriedly without raising any alarms.
“Make sure the pizza won't burn- “. Bryan’s father was leaning out of the window trying to get his wife to hurry up.
“We checked Mom, the pizza is fine.” He was waving now, and she took a step towards the car before turning around.
“Oh, and Bryan, make sure your homework is done.” The horn was being honked at her now. She was starting to look a bit frazzled.
“We completed it two hours earlier at 5”. It looked like Bryan's father was giving up, his upper body moving into the seat.
“Do you have our phone numbers?” The horn was now being held down as the car started to roll down the driveway.
“I’ve had it on my phone for at least a year now.” The car was almost fully in the street, the driver mumbling about missing a flight.
“Ok Bryan, tell Aiden I said bye, and when the other boys get here, lock the door, be safe, love you.” She ran to the car that her husband was starting to drive down the street. She just barely made it before the car made it around the corner of the property.

Bryan kept on looking until he could not see the car, counted to ten, and then shut the door and ran to the phone on the couch and texting his friends that his parents were going to be long gone by the time they got here. Aiden walked in, done popping the popcorn, and parked himself on the couch. Turning to the black-haired male, the two quickly went over the event that the four friends had set up earlier in the week, making sure the pregame meal would be ready and the snacks would be easily accessible during the game tonight.
The doorbell rang and when the blond-haired Aiden opened up the door, Casper and Darius were standing there with two duffel bags each, all of them nearly bursting at the seams. Smiling, the three went in, the pizza was taken out of the oven, and over the pepperoni, the four friends dug in before the main event started.

“Alright,” Darius said, placing his empty paper plate in the trash, “do you guys have your things?” After receiving a bunch of nods, the four went to the living room and started to get changed into their clothes for the game.
As all four stripped down to their underwear, Aiden tossed out an idea.
“So, we have four cock rings, want to raise the stakes?” he coyly asked.
Casper, not one to back down on any challenge, immediately noticed the four rings on the center table and took one, turning away before lowering his briefs to put them on. Darius and Bryan followed suit, not wanting to be one-upped, and Aiden took the last one.

A bit later, Casper plopped down on the couch, already changed into his “game suit”: an orange full body spandex suit, with a pair of black shorts, socks, and a baseball cap to make the game easier for its players. Casually checking out his friends, he was reminded of past memories: the four of them meeting in Boy Scouts, their first sleepover, their first TUG sleepover in which he ended up in a very tight hogtie, and their three and a half years of high school in which he and Aiden came out as gay, and Bryan and Darius came out as bi.
“Hey.” Darius waved his hand in front of the Latino’s face. Looking up, he couldn’t help but notice the red suit and blue accessories he was wearing contrasted his dark skin really well. Blushing, he turned away and turned on the game system, switching to the game and messing with the setting in order to get it ready.
Darius switched his attention to messing with Aiden as he finished dressing in his all-black ensemble, lightly tapping his stomach and running his hands down the side of his suit, the two of them grinning at each other before Bryan looked over and groaned at the two’s flirty antics while pulling up the red shorts that matched his green suit.
“Ok everyone,” he called out, “put out the clothes that we’ll put on later.”
To say that the friends followed the directions to bring a wide selection of clothes was an understatement as a small pile of different types of male clothing was tossed into a far corner of the room, rivaling the amount of toys the four had with them tonight.
Each player took their respective controllers, chose their character, and the game was on.
Aiden paused before taking his turn, “What were the rules anyway?”
“10 turns. Every minigame,” Bryan started, “ the winner will put on a piece of clothing, second place will do nothing, third place loses an item of clothing, and fourth place loses an item of clothing, pulls a punishment from the bowl-” he nodded to be big red plastic bowl full of paper slips before continuing,” and their next die roll in the game is how many turns that punishment lasts. If it’s a team game, each member of the winning team wins an item of clothing , the losing team loses one takes their punishments. If it’s a duel, the winner picks an item of clothing to take from the loser and puts it on. That item can’t be the base suit or underwear.”
“Any rules with the stars?”
“Win a star, you pick someone to take off their clothes and you gain one, lose a star you take off clothing.” Casper stated, having come up with this part of the rules.

Aiden, satisfied with the answer, took his turn and when everyone was finished, the first minigame began.
“Hey, it’s a team minigame.” Darius said, “Looks like Aiden and I are going to kick ass.”
The instruction screen for the game came up and Casper started laughing while the blood drained from Darius’ face because this was the driving game, the one he was absolutely the worst at.
“About to kick ass?” Brian smirked. “As long as we don’t become as wrecked as your car, I think we’ll be fine.”
And that was the case, as Bryan and Casper slaughtered their competition. In a victorious yell, the two launched themselves at the pile, took a shirt, and slipped it on before turning to see that Aiden had taken his visor off, and Darius took his beanie and slung it in the corner.
“The bowl! Aiden, you first.” Casper was absolutely giddy, watching in glee as the wrestler plucked a slip form the top of the bowl and opened it before reading, “Your thighs must be tied to your legs. Ok then, who wants to do it?”
Bryan volunteered and pulled some rope out of the pile before going to work, basically stringing up Aiden in a half hogtie style rig. It took Aiden some time and effort, but he managed to get to his knees and was able to continue playing.
While Aiden was getting trussed up, Damian had pulled his punishment, which was confusing to him.
“Put your ring up a level, this stays throughout the entire game, and you must put this paper back in the bowl.” He looked around the room to see if anyone else understood the message.
“The cock rings are also vibrators,” Aiden mentioned,”the remote is over here, just point it at your junk and click the up button.”
After Darius was done, the vibrator barely moving, although Aiden said after the third or fourth speed it would really start up, the game continued.

I hoped you guys liked this part! I do need help coming up with punishments, so feel free to weigh in. could also use some critique, so if you want to leave a comment, please do!

Re: Party Games and Other Things (M+/M+)

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 9:29 am
by Shadesflirty
Yay! I loved this story and am so happy to have found the first part again after having many thoughts 8-) about it recently, and forgetting where I’d first seen it.

Love the playfulness of it, the clothes, and the bondage (obviously!)

Please keep posting more, I could keep reading these guys’ adventures for a very long time.

Re: Party Games and Other Things (M+/M+)

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 9:17 pm
by szlm1515
Awesome idea Dude😏🤔😋😏😍