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Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2019 4:51 am
by Deleted User 3263
by Dylan Tremont
(A role play by Dylan and Chase)

Chapter 1
“Young Detective of the Year”

I find the note folded on the breakfast table.


I hope you get to feeling better. Dad and I are spending the day in San Diego
before attending the ceremony tonight. If the caretaker of Castle Seaside sends
a message, tell him I’ll be in touch. Above all else, Joe, do not investigate this
new mystery on your own. It sounds dangerous. When I get back, I’ll see to it
myself, little brother.


I hate it when he calls me “little brother.”

I’m only younger by a year and a half. And for the record, I’m feeling fine. I only said I was under the weather because I didn’t want to go to Frank’s silly award ceremony.

I came with him and Dad all the way to California from our home in Bayport (Mom stayed behind to help Aunt Gertrude with canning season). But now, I can’t do it. I’d just be sitting in the banquet room red-faced, getting more jealous by the second as they call Frank onstage to accept the “Young Detective of the Year” award.

It should have been both of us on that stage, not Frank! He only got the award because he’s older than me. By a measly year and a half.

There is a ping on my phone with a message from a Mr. Dyson. He introduces himself as the caretaker of Castle Seaside. He thinks he’s called Frank’s phone instead.

His message ends with a plea: “Please, young Mr. Hardy, can you help solve this mystery?”

I take a few seconds to make my decision and message back to set a time and location to meet. I sign-off the message as Frank Hardy.

I grab a fast shower, towel off, and dash on jeans and a light plaid shirt. I grab my bag of supplies and, most importantly, the notes Frank left behind about Castle Seaside. I snatch up the keys to the rental car and hurry out to solve this mystery — on my own!

Chapter 2
“The Solitary Sleuth”

According to Frank’s notes, the castle is a reproduction of an old fort found in San Marino (a republic near Italy). This new castle has been erected on the shore of Victoria Beach on the same property that houses an old stone lighthouse and tower.

Castle Seaside is a foreboding structure replete with big halls, lofty turrets, even a dark dungeon situated somewhere in the hollows of the hillside. To create the structure, builders imported stones from another castle in Italy — and that, according to the Victoria Beach locals, is why the castle is haunted!

A haunted castle???

When I see that part in Frank’s notes, it makes the tiny hairs on my arms stand at attention. I read on.

For the past week or so, the normally quiet castle has seen a number of chilling disturbances. Strange noises have emanated from within the stone walls. According to some, screaming and moaning have been heard coming from the depths of the castle. What’s more, the spectral image of a tall, dark-hooded man has been seen walking the parapet of the castle’s highest peak. His appearances usually happen right around midnight!

The residents of Victoria Beach are convinced the stones used in the fortification’s construction came from a haunted castle in Italy, and that some evil has been brought across the ocean to take up residence in this new seaside structure.

I close the folder of notes.

A creepy lighthouse and castle — strange sounds — and a spectral ghost? What a mystery! I have to admit, I’m a little scared — but more than ready for a new adventure.

It takes an hour to travel up the coast, but I find the castle easily enough. I park off the elevated highway and walk down to the beach area via a set of stone steps.

The castle is an amazing recreation. Very detailed…and very spooky. I listen and can’t detect any strange sounds coming from within. The only thing I hear is the sound of lapping waves and seagulls nearby.

I notice a wide cave under the castle with ocean trailing beneath.

I am suddenly reminded of that time last summer when Taffy Marr’s goons kidnapped me and kept me tied and gagged in a similar cave for two days. Frank and our friends came to my rescue — and just in the nick of time — I barely survived the ordeal. But Taffy Marr was caught by the Bayport police, and he’s now safely in custody. His diamond smuggling ring was busted-up. So there’s nothing to fear from the smugglers any longer.

I hear splashing and look over to see a couple of dorsal fins breaching the water near the cave’s entrance.

“Sharks,” a gravelly voice says behind me.
I turn to see a tall, fair-haired man. He wears a long dark coat and a cap pulled down low to shade his eyes.
“There’s no swimming or surfing at Victoria Beach,” he goes on. “Too many sharks.”
“That’s probably a good rule,” I say.
“You’re trespassing,” he says abruptly. “This is private property.”
“I’m not trespassing. I’m meeting the caretaker here.
“That’s me. I’m Dyson. You must be Frank Hardy.”
“Actually, I’m his brother, Joe.”
“But my boss wanted the Young Detective of the Year on this case…”
My face flushes hot.
“I’m a detective, too,” I point out. “And besides, my brother’s not Detective of the Year. Not officially — not until the ceremony tonight.”

Mr. Dyson smiles and takes a long pause to consider.
“Sort of a solitary sleuth, are you?”
“I’ve read up on your case,” I reassure him, “and I’m ready to get to work.”

“All right, then,” he responds. “Boss won’t mind, long as it’s a Hardy. But we can’t go in the castle. We don’t have permission yet. The Boss wants you in the lighthouse. Strange things’ve been happening in there. A young boy like you should find it most intriguing.”

“The lighthouse, huh?” I say. “Okay, Mr. Dyson. Lead the way.”

Chapter 3
“The Old Lighthouse Tower”

The ancient stone lighthouse is built into the side of a cliff. The edifice is designed to look like a medieval tower, straight out of “Rapunzel.”

We climb up crumbling stone steps to the wooden door.

“She used to be a lighthouse,” Mr. Dyson says as he utilizes a large skeleton key to open the heavy door. “Kids kept breaking in to do their drugs, or to make out, or to take pot shots at the reflectors. Authorities ended up putting a signal beacon on top of a jetty half a mile up beach.”

He opens the door, and I step in with him.

It’s roomy inside with an elevated wooden floor and winding metal stairs leading to the top spire. Construction equipment is scattered about. A piece of scaffolding — what looks like one of the narrow steel laddered sides — leans against the round wall, attached on top by chains that rise to an electronic wench high above.

“We had a construction crew in here working to shore up the tower,” he explains of the tools and hanging scaffold piece. “Their tools started disappearing. They found them moved all over the place. It spooked them so much, they swore they’d never come back. Not even to collect their equipment. Can you imagine that? Men like that don't scare easy. Wanna know what I think? I think they saw something else in here. Maybe that hooded specter come to pay them a visit…”

“Mr. Dyson,” I interrupt. “Would you mind if I looked about on my own?”

He stops talking and appears wounded, gives me a surly nod and goes out the door, silently closing it behind him.

“Thank you, sir,” I call after, appreciatively. I didn't mean to hurt his feelings. But his constant chatter was distracting me. I need to concentrate.

I start to investigate…and speculate.
Of course, the workers might have been scared off…but why would a ghost move tools around? Can ghosts even do that?
More likely, someone was using the tools without their permission and not putting them back in the same place.
Maybe someone wanted to scare the workers out of the tower because they were in the way, somehow.
But in the way of what?

I decide to investigate up top.

As I take the circular stairs, I notice maritime maps taped to the rounded walls.
There are several stacked on top of each other.
I’ll have to give the, maps a closer look when I come back down.

Once at the top, I see the main advantage of the tower.

At its position at the edge of the promontory, a person on top of the tower has a clear view of the bay to the north or the approach to the castle to the south. It’s a perfect lookout spot!

I look about the room. There are crushed cigarette butts kicked to the sides of the wall…a pair of binoculars…and a place on the wall where dust has been disturbed. It’s the same size as — yes! — the maritime maps below. That’s the connection!

I circle down the tower and stop at the maps.
I remove the top layer on the stack and see another map beneath with fresh markings.
It appears to be a schedule of arrival times and departures.
This is definitely the map that was up top —stashed behind the other maps so no one would find it…
…no one except Joe Hardy, of course.
I quickly take a snapshot of the map with my phone.

Behind me, I hear the wooden door open and close.

“Mr. Dyson,” I say, tucking my phone into my pocket and looking closer at the markings on the map, “I think I know why the workers were scared away. And I don't think it has anything to do with some ghost — ”

Suddenly, a wooden board connects flat with the back of my neck. My knees buckle, and as I slump, I am caught under my armpits by a pair of powerful hands.

“That oughta knock you out for awhile,” a voice says. “Long enough for me to get you trussed up good and tight…”

My eyes flutter closed, and I go limp in my attacker’s arms.

Chapter 4

I slip in and out of consciousness, but I am aware of what’s being done to me:

I am dragged to the scaffolding ladder and my body leaned against it.
My ankles are lashed together with rope, cinched in the middle and tied off to a bottom rung.
My knees are joined, roped and cinched tight.
My hands are brought in front of me and bound together at the wrists.
Rope is laced across by chest and under/over each armpit, cuffing my shoulders to the nearest rung.
Another length of rope is then tied around my hands and pulled between my legs and roped tight to the ladder rung behind me. This draws my hands flat against my midsection.

As I stir awake, a cloth gag is pushed into my mouth and wrapped around my head, cleave gagging me tightly.

When the man steps back from securing the gag, I can see it is Dyson.

“It shoulda been your brother Frank tied to this ladder,” he says, “but like I said before, “Boss doesn’t mind — long as it’s a Hardy.”

I try to speak, but my words are garbled behind the cloth gag.

“Mpfffh ar pffew fdoingh fffis? Leppph mffph go!”

“I can tell you're trying to say something important. Let me help with that.”

He unfolds a long, thick, white cloth from his pocket and criss-crosses it around my mouth several times, flattening the cloth and muffling the sound from my lips, then tying the ends off to the rung behind my head. I'm now well-silenced, my head pulled back against a rung, lashing me even more securely to the ladder.

Dyson goes to the electrical controls for the wench and engages the motor.

The ladder to which I am bound begins to raise up straight. Then it slides to the center of the room. Then it lifts into the air.

I’m trembling with fear as I hover one foot…two feet…five feet off the ground!

Dyson stops the motor.

He walks around, appreciating my helpless state. During my collapse and relocation to the ladder, the last of the buttons on my shirt has come undone, and my bare chest is exposed. He runs a rough hand across my smooth chest. I try to recoil, but I can barely move.

“You Hardys won the gene pool lottery, that’s for sure,” he coos. “It’s a shame to waste such a fine-looking boy. But the boss has his orders.”

Dyson reaches down and undoes a latch on the wooden floor. He steps to the side and pulls an iron bar. The wooden floor beneath me falls open. I feel the cold clammy rush of ocean air rise up. The floor was really a set of doors and has now opened to a well that terminates into the sea water beneath the tower.

Suddenly, I hear the same splashing as earlier. Even though my head is tied back and my view is restricted, I know there are sharks in the water beneath me.

“So long, Joe Hardy, boy detective,” Dyson says as he reverses the wench motor, and the chain starts to lower me down. “This is one mystery you’re never going to solve.”

He laughs, turns to go, and closes the door behind him…as I squirm and mmmpfh behind my gag and slowly and steadily lower to the shark-infested waters below.

…to be continued…

What is the secret of the maps and markings?
Who is Mr. Dyson?
Who is the Boss, and why does he want the Hardys dead?
And most importantly…will Joe be fed to the sharks…
…or will he escape his bound and gagged peril???



Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2019 2:30 am
by Deleted User 3263
Chapters 5-8

by Dylan Tremont
(a role play by Dylan and Chase)

Chapter 5
“Mr. Dyson Again”

The scaffolding ladder continues to lower into the well.

I pull against the ropes holding me to the scaffolding and cry out in futility behind my thoroughly efficient double cloth gag.

The metal structure sways as it drops, rattling against the stone walls of the well. But the ladder keeps descending…as the splashing beneath me grows louder…and closer!
I can feel the spray of water reach my securely tied hands. It’s only a matter of seconds before my roped feet touch the water. Before the sharks have at me.

Way to go, Joe. Maybe this is why you're not “Young Detective of the Year” material.

A door opens in the lighthouse above me. There is a pause. The drone of the motor ceases, and the ladder swings in the silent air for a few seconds. Then the motor powers up, and its direction reverses. I am miraculously raised back up to the main room of the lighthouse.

A figure is busy behind me, guiding the ladder to the side once it clears the well opening. The doors are lifted up and bolted back in place. The figure, wearing a dark coat, moves in front of me, reaches, and unwraps the white cloth from around my head and pulls the cleave gag down to my neck.

He pushes his cap back, revealing his fair hair and weathered face.

It’s Mr. Dyson!

Only, it’s not…at least not the Mr. Dyson from earlier.

“Young man, how did you get in this state?” he asks with surprise, starting to untie me.

“What? Who - who are you?” I counter.

“The name’s Dyson. I look after these buildings on this part of the beach.”

“I’m Joe Hardy,” I say. “I answered your text message.”

He stops undoing the ropes. “I sent that to Frank Hardy. He’s the one my employer asked for help.”

I nod impatiently. “You get me instead. Would you mind untying me, please?”

The other Mr. Dyson undoes the ropes, and I step free from the scaffolding, rubbing my wrists to smooth out the ligature marks.

“There’s another guy out here — pretending to be you,” I tell him. “He brought me to this lighthouse. When my back was turned, he knocked me out, tied me to that ladder and tried to turn me into shark bait.”

Mr. Dyson frowns. “Not very neighborly of him.”

“Tell me about it.”

He coils the rope and sets it aside. He pauses for a moment and turns to me.

“There are mysterious goings on in Victoria Beach, young Mr. Hardy,” he finally says. “Do you think you can get to the bottom of what’s going on?”

Chapter 6
“The Boat”

It’s a beautiful stretch of beach. Only one other neighbor home up the way, otherwise the lighthouse and castle are the lone structures here. Together, they stand like something out of a fairy tale. A creepy fairy tale. The whole beach feels isolated, cut off from time and the outside world.

The other Mr. Dyson has gone to get the keys to the main house — the one that looks like an Italian castle. He’s promised to take me on a tour. He frowned at my insistence to investigate alone. “I’m afraid it’s not allowed,” he said and then left me waiting at a low dock at the water's edge.

Joe notices the freighter.jpg

The morning fog has dissipated, and the sun is heating up. I remove my shirt and hang it from one of the dock posts. I scan the horizon. A freighter is passing in the near distance, its markings almost clear enough to make out from where I stand on the beach. This must be a normal sailing route, I think to myself. You could keep close track of the comings and goings of all shipping vessels right from here.

I take out my phone and pull-up the picture of the map that was hanging in the lighthouse. I’ll have to take a closer look later at the markings on the map. And I'll need to get my phone charged soon. The battery is down by half. I shut it off and stow it away.

There’s a small boat lashed to the dock. I glance over and am reminded of the flooded cave entrance under the castle. It doesn’t take long to decide what to do next.

Climbing down a wooden ladder to the boat, I peel back the tarp cover. There are basic supplies in the hull, including an anchor, a flashlight, a petrol can and rope. (I’m beginning to sense a pattern.) I drop in, bunch up the tarp, unlash the cleat rope from the dock and start up the motor. The boat pulls forward smoothly, and I guide it toward the waiting mouth of the cave.

Chapter 7
“The Spy Hole”

Chugging closer to the cave entrance, I look up at the looming castle. In a high tower window, something glints from the sun and momentarily blinds me. And just like that, the image is gone as a rock roof extends above me and the boat enters the cave.

It’s a narrow path into the rocky opening. Fortunately, the sharks are playing elsewhere (still hoping for another bound morsel to drop from above?), so I have few distractions from carefully steering the boat between the stone sides of the entrance.

I pull back on the speed and drift forward toward a glimmering light ahead.

The tight rock tunnel opens into a large chamber, and I motor over to a dock where a similar sized boat is tethered. I pull alongside, kill the motor and tie-off. Before I step out of the boat, I think about my phone and decide to grab one of the flashlights I spotted earlier. I flick the button to be sure it has power and clip it to my belt loop.
I also tuck a coil of rope into my back pocket. You know. Just in case.

At the end of the dock, and under a small canopy of lights, is a medieval-looking door, appropriate for the basement entrance of a castle. I push against the door, but nothing moves. Then I notice the hanging chain to the side. I pull it, expecting the door to slide up or to the side…but nothing happens. Another pull. Another negative response.

the door.jpg

Suddenly, there is a squawking of voices from somewhere in the chamber. I step out from under the canopy and press myself against a rock wall in the shadows. Another burst of talking. It sounds like it’s being filtered through a speaker. It’s coming from the end of a dark walkway further south of the door.
I engage the flashlight and follow its beam to a fissure in the wall. Stone steps lead up. I slide between the crevice and climb.

At the top, I follow a narrow pathway to a carved-out room, big enough for two people. On the opposite wall, a hole looks out at the sea. I step to it and peer down, seeing the beachside dock, the lighthouse nearby, the ocean beyond. This must be a lookout post. A spy hole.

The voice sounds again, this time louder and right next to me. I look over to see an old style short wave radio atop a creaky wooden table. There is a walkie talkie next to it. And more of those same cigarette butts strewn about like they were in the lighthouse tower.

The radio bursts alive with broken sounds. I can make out a few words: “Tonight” and “shipment” and “intercept the boat” and “biggest score.” And then, chillingly: “Neutralize the Hardy Boy.”

The radio goes silent.

I dig through some papers on the table, but there are no additional clues here. Risking my phone battery, I take a few quick pictures of the radio, the walkie talkie, the spent cigarettes.

Then sounds come from outside. I look down from the spy hole to see Mr. Dyson standing at the dock, calling my name. He has my plaid shirt in his hand, and he’s looking about, baffled. He probably thinks I spontaneously combusted in the heat.

I wait until he leaves the dock, and then I use the flashlight to make my way back to the cave dock and my boat.

Chapter 8
“A Refreshing Drink”

I pull up to the beach and lash the boat to the dock.

When I climb the ladder, Mr. Dyson is nowhere to be seen. He must have gone back to the house. That’s where I’ll find him, then.

I go to grab my shirt from the post and see that he’s left a water bottle on top of it. The plastic bottle perspires, glistening cool and wet in the mid-day sun. A refreshing drink. That’s just what I need right now. I uncap the bottle and drink it empty.

“There you are!” Mr. Dyson says as he approaches. “I thought you’d escaped!” I give him a look. He smiles. “My tours are known to be a kind of torture. Sorry.”

I smile and nod.

“I’m glad you enjoyed the water,” he continues. “It gets quite warm out here on the beach. Mr. Hardy? Are you feeling all right?”

I glance over at him.

“You don’t look well, Joe. Your skin is clammy. And you seem unsteady on your feet.”

I begin to sway slightly. Swallow hard. Mr. Dyson’s eyebrows unknit.

“You probably drank too fast. Or… It’s the Rohypnol taking effect. A little sedation to make it easier to capture you.”

Ah, damn. It’s the evil Mr. Dyson!

I start to breathe quickly, fluttering my eyelids. I want to flee, but my feet are now lead. I try to run anyway. I totter and fall.

Dyson catches me and lays me down on my back on the sand. Everything is swirling around me. I close my eyes and try to center myself.

Joe knocked out.png

Dyson slips behind me, and he raises my torso to sit up. He brushes sand from my back and jerks my hands behind me and crosses them. Conveniently, there’s a coil of rope hanging out of my back pocket, so that’s what he uses to bind my wrists together. (You know. Just in case.)

He rolls me over and uses another length of rope to roughly tie my ankles together.

My eyes slide open just in time to see a heavy bag pulled over my head, cutting out the sun. It doesn’t take long for the heat to increase in the bag, making me even more lightheaded.

He hoists me on his shoulder and carries me down into the boat. I sit slumped on the front bench. I feel more rope slipping between my wrists and ankles as he secures me to the bench. All belted in for the trip. The motor starts, and the boat lurches forward.

“This is how they brought the prisoners into the fort at San Marino,” evil Mr. Dyson yells over the motor as the boat cuts through the water. “Bound and blind and afraid for their lives. You feel that way, Mr. Hardy? You’d be right to. God only knows what’s in store for you in that castle.”

The boat slows — going through the cave opening — and it’s only a matter of moments until we’re pulled alongside the dock. I am released from the boat and lifted on Dyson’s shoulder once again. He trudges toward the door.

The door! It’s locked! He’s going to pull the chain, and nothing! I smirk.

Then I hear the high-pitched chirp-chirp of a car door opener.
And the sound of the door grating open.
A car door opener?
Are you kidding me right now???

A cold breeze wafts out from the open door as Dyson pauses on the threshold.

“The boss suggested a change in the tour, Mr. Hardy. He thinks you should experience the dungeon first.” I swear I can hear him smile. “I couldn’t agree more!”

…to be continued…

Who was on the other side of the spy hole radio transmission?
What is “the shipment” planned for “tonight”?
What’s up with the two Mr. Dysons?
And what tortures awaits Joe in the depths of the castle dungeon???


Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2019 7:52 am
by TightropesEU
Very hot. Looking forward to see what happens to Joe next


Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2019 4:44 pm
by MaxRoper
Good to have you back, [mention]boygagged[/mention] . Joe may be a World Famous Boy Detective but sometimes he just isn't all that bright. Which is good because otherwise he wouldn't get himself captured and tied up so often.


Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 4:44 am
by Veracity
Loving this a lot!