Bound Down Daniel (M/M) *Part 3 added

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Bound Down
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Bound Down Daniel (M/M) *Part 3 added

Post by Bound Down »

Hey everyone. I was a member of the old site (about an entire forever ago and with a different username), and have still followed off and on. I thought I might start contributing again, so let me know what you all think.

Also for the story, sorry there's a lot of lead up and no bondage in the first section, but have no fear because i'm already working on the second part.

Today was the day, Daniel would finally go into the weight room today. Daniel was a college student at a state university, and the last few months he had been trying to lead a healthier life. He had always been tall and as such looked skinnier than most, at least with a shirt on. To some extra pounds off Daniel had started jogging around campus and going to the gym to use their cardio machines: rower, treadmill, elliptical. However, every time he tried to go into the weight room, all of the muscular guys always intimidated him and he didn’t want to look like an idiot in front of them. Any time he had tried to go, he always found himself turning around shortly after walking in, today was different though, today Daniel had looked up all sorts of exercises at home and promised himself he wouldn’t leave without getting through them.

The workout started well enough, using the dumbbells to start. Nobody really looked at Daniel or gave him much thought, which helped calm his nerves quite a lot. His mistake started when he got to the bench press. Looking around at the other benches, he realized almost everyone else had a spot, but he knew he couldn’t bench that much and didn’t want to ask someone over to watch him bench so little. He ended up just starting extra small and benching alone.

After the first set, Daniel realized he could bench much more than what he put on and added some weight. The set started fine but as he got towards the end the bar was getting harder to lift, which he disregarded as progress. However, on the final push up, Daniel realized he couldn’t lift the bar from his chest. He had used all his energy up. The bar didn’t have enough weight to crush his chest, but it definitely wasn’t going anywhere without help.

Daniel was mortified. The last thing he wanted was to call out to one of the muscular hot jocks for help. That might actually kill him. Daniel waited for a minute to see if he could lift the bar after some rest, but that again was a failed attempt. He realized he could easily pull on one side and push on the other to get one of the bar’s ends to rest on the floor and get up that way, but he also didn’t want to cause a scene. After another long pause of praying no one had notice, Daniel saw Eli looking over him, “Need a spot?”

Daniel’s face blushed with embarrassment; Eli was a crush of his. The professors had assigned them to be partners last semesters for one of their classes. Daniel had always admired Eli’s looks from afar, whether it was his lean yet extremely well-toned body (or at least of what he could see of it through his street clothes), his deep blue eyes, or his short brown hair, framing his face just right, all of it was something to be impressed by. When they were partners Daniel had even started to admire, Eli’s intelligence, calm laid back personality, and sense of humor. While they still had two classes together this semester, Daniel didn’t have very many opportunities to talk to Eli since they would both sit with their own friend groups. The last thing he wanted to do was to admit he was dumb enough to bench more than he could lift without a spot to his crush, but he didn’t really see another option at this point. Daniel tried to brush it off as casual as possible, “Yeah that’d be great.”

Eli grabbed onto the bar and helped lift it back into its resting position. Smiling he asked, “Do you have any more sets that you’d like a spot for, or was that the last one.”

Daniel, not wanting Eli to see him fail again, lied, “That was actually my last set.” He wouldn’t mind breaking his promise to himself to finish the routine he’d planned if it meant saving face with Eli.

“Sounds good man. I’m done and heading out for the day, but I could use a gym buddy if you would like to lift together tomorrow?”

Daniel could feel his face go red. was this brilliant, funny jock, with all his jock friends really asking to work out with him? Stuttering just slightly, but way more than he wanted to, Daniel answered, “Yeah! That’d be great. When do you want to?”

A casual smile passed through Eli’s face as Daniel had answered. “Great. I normally like going right after my last class, but I’ll text you later tonight to work out the details. See you tomorrow.”

Daniel was relieved this encounter was ending. While he loved spending time with Eli working on the project, he was not prepared for today, especially looking like a fool like he was earlier. Daniel responded with a wave, “Sounds good. See you tomorrow,” and watched as Eli waved in return, and walked away.

Sure enough later that night, Daniel received a text checking if a given time would work for meeting at the gym. He responded that it would, and said he was looking forward to tomorrow. Then came another text from Eli. It was a picture of a smoothie in a blender with the caption, “Make sure to eat well tonight, you’ve got a hard day ahead of you tomorrow.” Trying to be funny, Daniel sent a picture of his bedroom’s floor, which had scattered papers and random items scattered across it, and texted “I’ll worry about getting dinner once my room doesn’t look like it’s been put through a blender.” Eli responded, “Haha sounds good. See ya tomorrow.”

Later that night, while he was cleaning he felt his heart beating twice its normal rate when he saw his cup muzzle lying on the floor. It is basically an athletic cup with straps so that it can be attached to the face. Daniel thought it was hot to be forced to smell sweaty, smelly athletic gear and had used it when he tied himself earlier that morning. He quickly pulled out his phone and checked the picture he had sent to Eli. In the top right of the picture lay the cup muzzle. Daniel prayed that Eli hadn’t noticed. Maybe he just thought it was a cup with a belt lying under it. The picture wasn’t that high quality anyways.

Either way there wasn’t much he could do about it at this point. Daniel tried to brush it off and forget about it, get some homework done, and go to sleep.
Last edited by Bound Down 6 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Promising start! I like the style and tone of the first part of your story. Looking forward to the next one.
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Post by Xtc »

Welcome aboard once more. Heads up for the name-change typo in paragraph three.
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Post by Shadesflirty »

Nice start mate. Much potential :)
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Post by Deleted User 300 »

Oooh... I am excited... Sounds like a great start
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Post by Bound Down »

Hey thanks for all the feedback. I hope you all like part 2. It is kind of lengthy because it took me longer to get to the bondage than I thought it would, and I definitely wanted to at least get there before I posted round 2. But here it is.

Part 2

Daniel could hardly focus in any of his classes today. All he wanted was to get through the last one so he could go straight to the gym and spend time with Eli. Daniel actually had one of his classes with Eli who walked by him and commented, “Looks like someone is ready to hit the gym.”

It was true. Daniel had dressed in his gym clothes, a blue t-shirt and grey basketball shorts, all day for classes, a step down from his usual khaki shorts and Henley or another non-t-shirt top. Daniel thought he could save some time in changing since he was headed straight to the gym after his last class. He responded with a smile, “Yeah, I figured I would just walk home after the gym and change into other clothes for the bars tonight.” It was Friday after all and the bar scene was strong on campus.

Daniel was a bit surprised by Eli’s response, “What? No, you’re coming to my place after the gym. I’ll show you what to eat after a workout and make you a smoothie.”

Daniel couldn’t remember agreeing to plans to go to Eli’s apartment after the gym, but he was honestly turned on by Eli taking charge, so he agreed, “Sounds good, as long as you’re okay with me still being in sweaty gym clothes at your place.”

“Yeah that’s fine don’t worry about it. I’m going to go take my seat. See you in a couple hours.” As Eli turned away, Daniel realized he still had a stupidly large smile and hoped that Eli didn’t think that was weird.

When he got to the gym, Daniel actually ended up having to wait on Eli to change. He decided he would start just bringing a spare change of clothes. Once Eli came out of the locker room, Daniel had to make a conscious effort not to stare. Eli was wearing a dark grey compression shirt that greatly complimented his body and black basketball shorts. Daniel could easily make how Eli’s defined pecs from under his shirt and possibly even a little of what may be a six pack. God, he knew Eli was hot, but not a model. Why was he spending time with me and not one of his jock friends? Daniel brushed the thought aside as they walked to the weight room.

Eli grabbed two five pound dumbbells and said, “We’re going to start with showing you the technique for some of my arm workouts, and teaching you how to spot so you’re ready for arm day, but most of the workout is actually going to be abs today.”

“Sounds good,” replied Daniel, following his crush’s lead. The arms tutorial went on fairly uneventfully. Eli was a patient instructor when Daniel didn’t follow something, but Daniel also caught on pretty fast. It was once they got to abs that Daniel felt wrecked. To his pride, he was able to stay up with Eli for most of the exercises, but by the end using his abs for literally anything seemed like a monumental challenge. After the last round of exercises, Daniel was lying on his back. Instead of just sitting up like a normal person might, he brought one of his knees to his chest and used his leg to pull him up. Needless to say, he was tired.

Eli, already standing, commented as he wiped some sweat from his forehead, “Wow, that was a good workout. I feel wiped.”

Daniel, his face red and his shirt soaked with sweat, responded in between gasps, “Yeah. . . that was great. . . I’m dead.”

Eli laughed, “I bet you are. I wasn’t expecting you to keep up on everything so well. That’s why I had the exercises today timed instead of a set number. That way you could go a little easier if you needed, but looks like you didn’t.” Eli gave Daniel a friendly pat on the back, after which Daniel tried not to blush.

“Oh thanks.” Daniel didn’t know whether to feel proud or dumb. Either way he followed along with the stretches Eli led him through. It turned out he was a fair amount more flexible than Eli, who was still remarkably flexible for someone as toned as him. Eventually they finished stretching, and they made their way to Eli’s apartment talking about everything from homework, professors, clubs, family and more.

When they finally got to Eli’s, they went straight to the kitchen. Eli talked about what to eat to recharge after a workout and what’s good to eat beforehand. He started throwing things in the blend. Daniel noted that there were a lot more vegetable than he expected from what he thought of for a smoothie. After rambling about nutrition and handing Daniel a vegetable puree, Eli asked, “So are you just starting to work out? I haven’t really seen you at the gym before?”

After taking a sip from his not so sweet drink, Daniel responded, “Um no. I have been jogging a little outside to lose some weight, but this I’m just starting with weights.” Daniel felt awkward hearing his own voice. Did he always stutter this much?

“Do you have any before/after pics?” asked Eli

“What do you mean?”

“You know. Pics of yourself before you started working out, so you can compare to yourself in the mirror. I take pics every couple months to watch my progress. Obviously, there’s the scale and measuring tape too, but this is another fun way as well.”

“Oh. . . No. I didn’t take any pictures before I started running. That’s a good idea though.”

Eli pulled out his phone, “Let’s take some now. You can have some pics from before you started lifting. Strip to your underwear and let’s see what you got.”

Daniel didn’t really want to strip to his shirt let alone his shorts in front of this Adonis. He didn’t want his new friend judging what fat there was left, or maybe he would think he was too skinny and not able to be a good lifting partner. He couldn’t really think of any good why out, and all that came to mind was, “Uh why my shorts?”

“So we can see your thighs too, duh. We don’t skip leg day,” answered part sarcastically, part whimsically.

Wanting to object further, but thinking of nothing Daniel responded, “Sounds good” and stripped as nonchalantly as possible. Underneath his shorts he was wearing grey compression shorts, with the same cup for his cup muzzle. He had hoped he could get it sweaty from the workout. Now that he was so exposed, and with it fairly distinguishable, Daniel was questioning that decision.

Looking through the camera on his phone, Eli asked, “Is that a cup?”

“Um yeah,” replied Daniel, not able to think of a reason he would wear one to lift weights. It’s not like he was likely to drop a dumbbell on his balls.

Without questioning his reasons, to Daniel’s great relief, Eli asked, “Can you take it out? It makes you look like you have a bulge.”

“Yeah sure,” replied Daniel, hoping Eli wouldn’t notice the hard on that was growing in his tight compression shorts with the cup gone. Daniel took out the cup and set it on the pile of clothes next to him. After which Eli made no remarks on his remaining bulge, instead he took several pictures from different angles and had Daniel strike different poses to show off his (future) muscles better.

Once they wrapped up with their photoshoot, and before Daniel even reached for his clothes, Eli asked, “Hey could you do me a favor before I forget?”

“Yeah, sure. What is it?”

“My friend’s birthday is coming up, and we both suck at wrapping gifts, so we made a tradition where we blindfold each other and then just give them the gift. I got him this glow in the dark thing, and I was worried he might be able to tell what it is through the blindfold since it glows and everything. Would you mind if I blindfolded you, and you told me if you could tell what I hold in front of you?”

“Yeah. No problem!” answered Daniel, excited to be blindfolded by Eli even if it was only a short moment and completely innocent.

“Awesome! Thanks man. You’re the best,” said as he was taking off his shirt, rolling it up, and approaching Daniel to tie it over his eyes. Daniel was actually disappointed that the first time he got to see Eli shirtless was cut so short, but he still got to see his very well-defined pecs and abs. “Can you see anything?”

“Nope. Everything is black.”

“Great! Stay right there. I’ll be right back.” Eli left his living room for a few moments. Daniel suddenly felt an arm wrapping around his stomach and pinning both arms to his side, and then another one pressing something over his mouth and nose. The item had a familiar stink to it. Daniel tried to struggle, but the person holding him was definitively stronger than he was. Then he heard Eli’s voice in his ear, “What are the buttons on this cup for?”

Daniel knew they were for snapping the straps on but didn’t want to admit that. Instead he lied through what he assumed was his cup, “I don’t know it came that way. Get off me!” Daniel tried to pull away, although with less effort knowing it was Eli, either way his arms weren’t budging. Eli pulled the cup away from Daniel’s nose and mouth and then Daniel heard it clattering on the ground a few feet away. Next he felt Eli pinching his nipple, hard.

“Don’t lie. You’ll regret it.” Eli’s voice remained calmed but also authoritative and domineering. Daniel hadn’t noticed it before but now he realized Eli always was on the assertive side. Maybe that was part of why he was attracted to him. Eli release stopped pinching his nipple and started massaging it, “Besides, you might enjoy what happens if you answer correctly. Now tell the truth, Are you gay?”

That question was easy enough. He was out to pretty much all his friends and family. “Yes.”

“Good. You’re off to a great start. Are you attracted to me?”

Daniel wanted to lie, or at least thin the truth, but felt like his bulging member would give him away even if he did, “. . . Yes”

“What are the buttons on your cup for?”

After a long pause, Daniel replied, “For attaching straps that can secure it to your face.”

“Are you into bondage.”

“Yes.” No way around that one after admitting what the cup was for.

“Last one. Be sure to answer this one truthfully.” Eli gave Daniel’s nipple a warning tug as he asked, “Do you want me to tie you up?” For a second, Daniel heard the slightest wavering in Eli’s authoritative and commanding voice.

After the longest pause yet, Daniel finally responded, “Yes.” Without another word from Eli, Daniel felt his friend tackling him to the ground and onto his stomach. Daniel didn’t know if he should struggle or just go with it and submit to his captor. In the end, Daniel decided to submit. This was a dream come true and he wanted to see where it went. Rope was being wrapped around his wrists and pulled comfortably tied, feeling snug and unyielding. Next Eli turned his attention on Daniel’s ankles and wrapped rope that must have come from somewhere in the apartment around them. Lastly Daniel felt Eli pull his ankles up and tied his still socked feet to his hands in a highly restrictive, but still very comfortable hog-tie. After Daniel noticed this, he realized Eli must have more experience with this than he had thought.

Testing out his restraints, Daniel felt his member grow and started grinding it into the floor. He suddenly felt Eli grabbing him by the shoulders and pulling him onto his knees. “Nice try, but your body belongs to me now boi, and I’ll decide when to apply pleasure or . . .” Suddenly Daniel felt his nipple being pinched again.

“Oumphh,” Daniel tried to complain as he felt a slightly damp, definitely sweaty sock shoved into his mouth. It tasted so salty and bad, but in such a wonderful way.

“That’s for trying to service yourself without permission. Keep that sock in your mouth or else.”

Was that supposed to be a punishment? Daniel wondered what Eli would think if he realized how kinky he really was. He wanted more and at this rate he was likely to get it. He felt Eli removing the blindfold and saw his hot shirtless friend with a wide mischievous grin across his face.
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Post by RopedBud »

Omg I need to see where this goes next! Definitely worth the wait!
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Post by Deleted User 153 »

promising start, will definitely keep an eye on this one...
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Post by squirrel »

Wow, this is brilliant! Definitely Daniel will get what he wants, and Eli seems like the perfect guy to provide that :)

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Post by Tsuhaya »

An incredible start, please we need more
Yes, it's me in the picture. What are you waiting for to tie me up and gag me?
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Post by Bound Down »

Hey everyone. Thanks for all the feedback. It's been really encouraging. I hope you all like the next part just as much.

With his smirk still on his face, Eli pat Daniel on the cheek and asked, “So bud, on a scale of 1-10, how ticklish are you.” Daniel didn’t know how to respond his Eli’s sock still in his mouth. He knew that he was definitely closer to ten and had a feeling Eli was about to find that out as well.

He tried to say, “Eight,” through his gag, but what came out was much closer to “umph.”

“I thought I would give you a chance to tell me but seeing as you can’t or won’t. I guess I’m just going to have to find out on my own,” said Eli, as he ruffled Daniel’s hair and walked behind him. He felt Eli pull off both of his black ankle socks and drop them with the rest of his clothes. Then came the inevitable. A quick succession of light strokes causing Daniel to jolt up and start involuntarily laughing through the sock.

Daniel started shaking and pulling at his bonds to the full extent possible. There was definitely no escaping them without help. With all the shaking and jolting in attempts to escape the tickling, Daniel ended up falling to his left, landing on his side. The tickling stopped for a moment, but resumed shortly after, causing Daniel to continue flailing to the full extent of his bonds.

As the tickling continued, Daniel lost track of time, not knowing whether it had been three minutes or five or 10. His stomach muscles were actually growing tired of all the laughing after such a hard core workout just a few hours earlier. At some point he had rolled onto his stomach to avoid the tickling if even for a moment, which he did, but right after Eli positioned himself in order to be able grab and to stop Daniel from rolling anymore.

Despite the flailing, tired muscles, and falling, which hadn’t really hurt more than a moment, Daniel was in heaven, getting tickled by his crush. He would have asked for it weeks ago if he’d known it was an option. Being at the mercy of someone so attractive and so much stronger than him was such a rush. At this realization, Daniel started growing hard again. He was so easily turned on spending any time with Eli, but with the bondage and tickling it brought him to a whole new level of arousal. He started grinding the floor in conjunction with his spasms.

Eli must have taken a while to realize what Daniel was doing because Daniel had a few moments of good grinding against the floor. Maybe Eli, just didn’t care. However, after a few moments of stimulation, the tickling stopped, and Daniel felt himself being lifted back onto his shins. Eli in a laughing, half mocking voice commented, “You are one horny boi aren’t you? What am I going to do with you? First you pleasure yourself without permission, an innocent enough mistake. Now you directly disobey my orders. Something’s got to be done about your . . . urges.”

Daniel’s face started to red as he realized that he hadn’t been left more than five minutes lying down either time before he started trying to pleasure himself. This was his first (and potentially only) time being tied up by this stud. How weird does Eli think he is trying to grind on his floor twice within a half hour.

“Don’t worry. Your time will come, and I’ll help you control yourself in the meantime. Trust me, if you are lucky enough to earn pleasure from me, it will be much better than anything you can do on the floor.” Eli patted Daniel’s cheek, providing some reassurance and lessening Daniel’s embarrassment. Then Eli walked to the refrigerator, opened the freezer door and pulled out the ice tray. When he got back to Daniel, he sat down in front of his kneeling captive, set the ice tray down, and pulled out his phone.

Daniel’s heart rushed being in such close proximity to Eli shirtless. He wondered if at any point of him being tied up today or even down the line of them working out together, his butterflies for his crush would diminish to the point he could speak like a normal human. It’s a wonder Eli wanted to spend any time with him at all.

“Let’s play a game to see how well you can control yourself. You have one minute to get rid of your boner. After that, every 30 seconds I drop a new ice cube down your underwear until you’re flaccid. Do you understand?” Daniel was honestly fairly hot from the tickling and didn’t think the ice would be so bad. He nodded his head and made an affirmative grunt. Eli hit the button on the stopwatch on his phone and set it down so the screen was clearly visible to both of them. “Go.”

Daniel only mildly motivated to win the game, concentrated on his penis trying to will it to go down. Before he realized a minute had passed and his method had not helped at all. It may have even made him more aroused. Eli true to his word dropped in an ice cube down the front of his underwear. The cold was a lot worse than what Daniel had expected. Especially when the ice cube found its resting place under his balls. Unfortunately, the ice did little to dull his erection, and he may have even grown harder. Damn! Does this thing on have an on and a more on switch?

Another 30 seconds had passed and another ice was dropped down his compression shorts. Daniel refocused. He tried to concentrate on anything other than his erection, thinking of plain boring things like oat meal. As he was concentrating his eyes and head turned to the right, picking a random spot on the wall to focus on. This lasted for a moment before he felt Eli firmly grab his chin and pull it until their eyes locked, “Keep your eyes on me.” Daniel moaned in frustration through his gag but kept his eyes on 90% of the reasons he was still erect. Eli gave a knowing smirk, less innocent than his mischievous grin. He really was in full control right now, playing with Daniel like a puppet.

A few more ice cubes were added and Daniel started getting soft. That’s when Eli started playing dirty. He reached out and started massaging Daniel’s exposed nipples, periodically giving them a nice pinch. In response Daniel’s semi flaccid hard on grew back to full length just in time for another ice cube to be added. “I’ve read online of some guys being able to bring themselves to climax just by stimulating their nipples. I’m not sure if I believe it, but I’m definitely give it a shot at some point, but right now we need to focus on finishing this game. I’m not sure what we’ll do if I run out of ice before you finally get yourself under control.” At the moment they were about half way through the tray.

Daniel moaned as Eli continued to massage and play with his nipples. He wasn’t sure which he wanted more, focusing on his nipples and the pleasure of feeling Eli’s hands caress him or focusing on “winning” their game so no more ice would be dropped down his underwear. It was getting pretty cold down there, and the exhilaration of being at his friend’s mercy was leaving way for a more uncomfortable chill. At least in terms of the ice, every other aspect of being controlled by Eli was every bit as hot and fresh as when they started. Daniel ended up deciding to try to win the game and started squeezing his fingers, clenching his fists, flexing his toes, and anything else he could think of that might give him a more neutral, less erotic feeling to focus on.

To his relief, he starting shrinking again back down to semi flaccid. Eli noticed this too and apparently decided to change tactics. He stopped playing with Daniel’s nipples and instead reached out and grabbed his balls, fondling them through his underwear. Daniel gave up any attempt of focusing his thoughts elsewhere, wanting nothing more than for this sensation to continue. Moaning into his gag, he gave into his friend’s will, staring into his controlling smirk through it all. This went on for a few more minutes, until the last ice cube was finally dropped into his compression shorts. At this point ice was pressed firmly around his balls and still hard member.

Laughing again in his half mocking, half sarcastic way, Eli commented, “I was hoping the ice might have helped you control yourself, but it seems like I’m out of ice and your desires are just as out of control as when we started.” Eli stood up, picking up his phone and ice tray. He walked over to the sink and filled the ice tray, putting it back in the freezer. Eli looked back at Daniel as he closed the door, “For later, in case you need motivation or help controlling yourself.”

Eli walked back over to Daniel who was at this point starting to grimace from the ice. Eli ruffled Daniel’s hair, “Don’t worry bud. Everyone has trouble with self-control sometimes. Even though yours is lacking right now, I have an idea on how we can compensate.” Eli grabbed Daniel from under his armpits and pulled him up until only his feet were on the floor as he half-carried half-dragged him into his bedroom. He set him down just inside the doorway and pulled the comforter from his bed laying it down on the floor in front of Daniel. Next Eli lifted Daniel once more, this time setting him down on top of the middle of the comforter.

Eli grabbed some rope from one of his dresser drawers and returned to Daniel with a wide smile again. He knelt down in front of Daniel holding his gaze as he began tying the rope around Daniel’s chest and shoulders. Once he cinched the last knot behind the back of Daniel’s neck, Eli pulled the remaining rope up to a hook in the ceiling directly above him. Eli pulled the rope taut until Daniel’s shoulders couldn’t be raised any higher without lifting him off the ground or releasing the hogtie. Daniel felt stretched, but the ropes evenly applied the pressure and weren’t pinching anywhere.

Eli squat down in front of Daniel and admired his work, “Here’s a new game. Since you want to get off so bad, you have five minutes to get yourself off, and in that time, I won’t do anything to stop you.” Raising his right hand, he said, “Scout’s promise. Here I’ll even help get you started.” Eli grabbed Daniel’s shaft which had settled down quite a bit from the ice still pressed firmly to his privates, he gave it a few good tugs until it was full and throbbing again, then stepped back and smiled.

Daniel immediately tried to lean forward and fall onto his stomach but found the rope at his shoulders prevented him from leaning forward. He looked at Eli and moaned through the gag that he still had very obediently kept in his mouth the whole time. He tried to twist his bound hands in front of his body but couldn’t reach his throbbing member. Daniel felt desperate, being left right on the edge by Eli. He scanned the room for anything that could help. The closest thing to grind against was Eli’s bed, but as he tried to shuffle over to it, he found the ropes at his shoulders once again preventing movement. Daniel tried a couple more times to throw himself forward, before finally giving up and lowering his head in defeat.

“See. I told you I could help control those urges. I’ve got to go. I told a few of my friends that I would be their DD tonight.” Eli must have noticed Daniel’s worried look, “Don’t worry, I’m just going to drop them off at the bars and then I’ll come back for more fun.” Eli ruffled Daniel’s hair again and gave one last smile on his way out, this one slightly more innocent than mischievous.
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Post by harveygasson »

Only just came across this story but it's really good! I hope you decide to carry it on in the future
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Post by NeedControl »

Another really good one! What will mischievous Eli do next?? Please do tell!! 😛
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