The Massage Parlor (FF/F) Re-posted

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Deleted User 4844

The Massage Parlor (FF/F) Re-posted

Post by Deleted User 4844 »

Hello everyone, Ashley here with the continuation of my first story. I loved everyone's support and encouragement, so I just want to give a big thank you to everyone. I do apologize for going dark, and leaving this story hanging. I do plan on finishing this and writing more stories.
I am re-posting this as a new topic, due to me deleting my old account, I no longer control that forum page. If the moderators for the website wish to delete my old forum topic of the same name, please do so. I apologize for having two separate topics with the same content.

This story is a work of pure fiction, all places and events are imagined by the Author, some characters are inspired by real people.
I hope you enjoy it!

Part 1

I pulled my car into the parking lot of the local massage parlor, which recently came under new management. It was remodeled to look more updated and flashier, even had a new name, Mistress Maria's Massage. Not the name I would have used. It was part of a strip mall next to the local food market, with a few other smaller stores. I grabbed my purse and walked inside the store. Works of art lined the wall and on the front desk laid out was a promotion for the first massage half off to celebrate their reopening, which is why I was here.

"Hello" a cheerful woman greeted me. She was tall, with blonde hair, blue eyes in a slim figure, she had to be early 20's, sporting a black strapless blouse, and khaki shorts, with a brown leather belt around her waist, she was gorgeous. The woman spoke up again, "My name is Heather, Is this your first time here?" She asked, her smile was mesmerizing. "Um...y-yes, I was passing by and saw your promotion, I'm afraid I don't have an appointment".

"That's ok, I think Mistress has an opening right now", Heather calmly flipped through her book in front of her, I could see chicken scratches of what I had to guess were names and dates, how on earth she could read that writing was beyond me. "Just sign in and I’ll go get Mistress Maria", she motioned for me to sit in a chair nearby and walked into a back room. She was definitely an odd girl, why did she keep calling this woman Mistress?

I sat down on the comfy chair in the waiting room looking around at the pictures of woman and men, all laying on tables, with female masseuses rubbing their backs or shoulders.
These got me excited, I really needed this, I've been studying very hard lately for college classes, I needed a break.

Just then two women came out from the back room, one was Heather, and the other was an older woman, also tall, brunette hair, brown eyes, had to be late 30's, wearing a purple flower shirt, tight white pants, and a golden thin chain around her neck. She was also stunning. She greeted me with a big smile as well, "Hello, my name is Maria, I'm the masseuse here, and you are? “Ashley!" I responded shaking her hand, she had a firm grip. "Ashley, very nice, please follow me into the backroom, we just have another paper for you to sign and we'll be all ready." Heather handed me a clip board, at the top, in bold, stated "Waver". I looked at them both, "why is there a waver?" Maria responded first, "oh it’s just the chemicals we use, there is always the potential they can cause an allergic reaction, we use all-natural materials for scents, but there's always a risk, you understand right?" I look down at the page, from top to bottom, front to back, the page is covered in legal talk, and refusing liability, feeling lazy, I sign my name at the bottom and hand it back over to Heather. She takes it with a smile as we enter a dimly lit room, in the center is the message table, surrounded by that in the corner is a small waterfall, a table holding a radio playing soft music, so many different sized candles, the only light in the room, and a small bench off to the side. "Here we are." Maria said, "now strip down to your underwear, you can take off your bra, and place your clothes on that bench there, me and Heather will leave to give you some privacy, once your undressed, lay face down on the table, we'll be back soon." Both smiling, they left the room and closed the door behind them. I wasted no time changing, I pulled off my pink top, next I unbuttoned my jean skirt, and wiggled my way out. Underneath were a black set with white polka dots all over the set. I unsnapped the bra and threw it onto the bench, climbed up onto the table that had a white towel laid down for me, and a hole to bury my face into. The soothing music, combined with the waterfall nearby, I could easily fall asleep, instead I thought about how cute the receptionist heather looked.

(Outside the massage room)

"Is everything ready to go?" Maria asked her young subordinate, "Yes mistress, the towels have been laced with the special scent just as you asked, she should be feeling the effects very soon, and all the equipment is set up in the chest". Maria looked deeper into Heather's eyes, wondering if the girl had gotten everything right this time. "Very well, make sure to lock the doors, turn the lights off and meet me in the room." Heather glee with excitement asked, "Mistress does this mean I get to play with her too?" Maria nodded, "yes but only if you follow my orders, only touch her when I say too, were here to make her feel better, not to rape her, are you sure you can control yourself?" Heather again replied excitedly, "yes ill behave." Maria nodded approvingly and both women entered the room.
Last edited by Deleted User 4844 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
Deleted User 4844

Post by Deleted User 4844 »

Part 2

I am so relaxed, that I'm starting to get drowsy. I yawn again, that's the second time since I first came in here. I look around, besides everything I already noticed, there is a small wooden chest in the deepest part of the corner, looks old, I wonder what's inside.

I suddenly jump up as the door opens, showing the two women in the doorway my perky breasts. "Oh my gosh!" I shout as I quickly lay back down covering myself. My face is probably red as a cherry, I feel so embarrassed! "Were sorry, we should have knocked first" Maria apologized, "but honestly dear you are a very beautiful girl, you have nothing to be embarrassed about." I looked up at her from the table, "thank you, it's ok, come on in, I'm fine". They both seemed very nice, and I think Heather is around my age. Maria spoke up, "now dear I want you to relax and enjoy yourself, Heather is my receptionist, but she's also my assistant, she helps me with preparations, and I am training her on becoming her own masseuse.

Maria grabbed a towel from off the bench and placed it just below my head, "here use that as a pillow, much comfier". It was comfy, and had a wonderful scent I couldn't place, but it was relaxing. I saw heather walk around to the other side, both girls dipped their hands in what was a small plated crock pot sitting on the table with the towels, when they pulled their hands out, they looked to be covered in jelly. "My own special recipe, this lotion is designed to sooth your muscles, while also warming the body on contact, after this session you'll be floating on a cloud". Maria made first contact rubbing the top of my back, near the shoulders. She began with sweeping motions, back and forth, slowly working one side, from north to south she moved. Once that side was done, she did the other, moving with a perfect rhythm, her hands almost dancing on smooth skin. This felt amazing, I could feel my back loosening, so much tension all the suddenly released. Then it got better, I assumed Heather, worked on my legs. She started at the top, near the bottom of my butt, and worked her way down to the ankles. She had great training; she performed the same fluid movements as the older woman. "This feels so good!" I said closing my eyes. Next on their list was my shoulder blades, Maria began with soft squeezing motions, using both hands, she shifted them back and forth gently.
I could feel a warm breath on the back of my neck, I feel if I already wasn't in such a state of bliss, this would be alarming, but instead I took it as normal as anything else, "Relax dear, and surrender your body to our hands Stress is like climbing a mountain, we all want that goal of reaching the top, of pure relaxation, of pure bliss, but too often one makes the excuses of not even trying to get there, they are too busy, they need to work, and so on. Now some people do try to make the climb, they want to be relaxed but they also fear being called lazy, un motivated to do anything, so they stay where they are, only partially relaxed, only partially up the mountain, and to them, they may think that is enough, until one day the mountain crumbles and they fall, returning all their stress. The body can only take so much, the mind can only take so much. I want you and so many others to trust me to get you up to the top, of pure...relaxation!"

I can't do it, my eyes slowly dim, I can't stay awake, my eyes slowly fade into darkn....

Suddenly my eyes shoot open as I feel something squeezing my ass, I quickly look behind me to see Heather with both hands groping my buttocks! "What are you doing, stop!"

Heather stares at me and Maria, her mouth dangling open, Maria glares harshly at Heather, the room is silent, even the soft music is removed from existence.

"Shit! Go for broke!" Maria in a swift motion grabs the towel I had my head on and shoves it over my mouth and nose. My eyes widen, my arms and feet swing into the air, all 4 miss their targets, instead I feel my breath knocked out of me as the young girl jumps partially on the table, her body pinning me to the table.

I scream out in a muffled tone! Shaking my head from side to side, but I couldn't break free, quickly this time darkness fell upon me, forcing me into the unknown future.

------------------------ ------------------------ ------------------------

Soft words enter my mind as I am returned to the living world "Are you sure?"...."That was stupid of you"........"I'm sorry Mistress, I..." "Shhh, I Think she's waking up."

Dim lights entered the slits of my eyes, slowly my eyes became more focused, the outline of the room became clearer. My eyes shift from side to side, art designs of landscapes and country sides framed the walls..., looking upward I could see a blank wall, plastered in a solid white canvas...The ceiling! I was staring upward at the ceiling! My head rang and throbbed, like someone had sandwiched my head between to two Brass Cymbals. "Good evening" a seductive voice spoke, two shadows standing before me took on memorable shapes of Maria and Heather. They were different though, Maria now had on a black leather corset, black leather knee high boots, with high heels, a black silk choker around her slim neck, two black satin full length gloves covering her arms, and a pair of small, thinned strapped panties, that had to be a form of silk from the look of it. Heather partially mirrored her superior modeling a red leather corset, red knee high leather boots, but hardly any heels on them, a red collar instead of a choker that sported a small silver ring on the front, no gloves, and too was wearing a pair of red silk thinned lined panties, however her hair was in a ponytail. Both women had a shade of deep red lipstick over their lips. As I've said before, both woman were beautiful, but now crank that dial up to 11!!

I take a big gulp of air, I realize I am laying down on the same message table as before, but I have been turned over from my stomach, and my wrists have been raised above my head. I can't move my arms, they've been raised above my head, and locked into place on the table by leather straps. I can't move my feet either, they must be locked in as well. Both girls smile devilishly at me, "looks like our subject is awake, we can now get started, I hope you had a nice nap Ashley, because you won't be sleeping tonight". I look between the two of them, my eyes can't decide which is less intimidating, "Wait! What the hell are you doing, let me go, I don't know what you think you’re doing but I didn't sign up for this!" My voice is in a panic as I struggle to get my thoughts out. "Oh, but you did dearie, all of this is written into the waiver you signed, we only want you to reach the final stage of pure relaxation, to the heightened state of Nirvana. But I from experience know one cannot achieve such a feat from physical massage alone, your mind and soul must also accept this stage". I immediately snap back as I lung forward, but I'm yanked back by the straps, "How the hell do you expect me to be relaxed when I've been kidnapped by two psychopaths and tied nearly naked to this table!" Maria walks forward and places her glove hand on my cheek, "my dear we don't expect you to relax yet, to get around this anger and frustration, we can force you to achieve such a feat through...other means. Tell me do you know when the human body surrenders the closest to the final stage of relaxation, to its most clear state? Well of course you don't!" It was then I felt her hand go inside the front end of my panties, her fingers pressing up against the two folds of my vaginal area. Maria moved her head, her lips closer to my ear, and in a whisper, told me her secret, "we reach this state after experiencing the wonderful sexual reaction of an orgasm, and what's even better, our bodies muscles loosen after each one, our mind exiles all the existing worries and fears we store from daily life, our soul attaches itself to these emotions, craving more of this attention, pushing all the bad memories out, loosening the body until finally,

Everyone here knows you need this, including yourself, no matter how much you may deny it, that final orgasm, one I have named the Peak Orgasm, the human body deflates into a jelly like form, where our muscles go numb, and we are nothing but leaves in the wind.

My eyes are widen again as I scream out, "NooMMMPHH! My lips are forced open to a hard ball shoved into my mouth, Maria taking the two leather straps behind my head, I continue to scream as loud and furiously as I can, but nothing escapes, but muffled sound!
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Post by TTRising »

So glad to see a continuation of this, really enjoying it! Hope you continue the story :D
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Post by Xtc »

Original removed as suggested.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Trickster »

I'm glad you're back. I loved this the first time and still do. I hope you will continue it soon. :)
Deleted User 4844

Post by Deleted User 4844 »

Thanks guys, I'm writing it right now, and I am very turned on from might need to post what I have and take a break. No i'll post more when I have a good amount of content to read. I don't know how long I want to make this story yet, I promise it will be completed soon. I now have a real computer I can type on instead of using my phone.

Thanks guys, love you all! :)
Deleted User 4844

Post by Deleted User 4844 »

I panic, and look all around the room, my eyes fall on my wrist bonds and I pull and twist them, trying to break free of the leather straps. “No this can’t be happening!” I shout in my head. “I don’t want this; I just wanted my back and legs rubbed!” My cries echo my thoughts, but right now they escape as gargled, muffled speech. Maria pays no attention to me as I struggle, instead she walks over to the wooden chest and pulls it out from under the table where it was sitting. The smaller girl stares at me with a smile on her face, her body glowing from the spotlight lamp on the table off to the side. She looks at me longingly, like I am a toy she desperately wants to play with. I see her hands clenching, her tongue wiping at her red lips, any second, I expected her to start drooling.

Maria walked back over, with a long white plastic rod in one hand, and a few smaller items of black, leather material in the other. Maria spoke up first, while handing the smaller items to Heather “Now, we are going to start, we understand this is a very scary situation, but we only want the best for you, our intentions are pure, but sometimes to help others achieve what they really want, you have to….well tie them down to a table.” This made Heather giggle, but I groan and yell into the big ball in my mouth, I feel drool start to roll down my right cheek as my head furiously shakes from side to side, my strong white teeth bite down onto the hard plastic of the gag. It doesn’t phase heather as she takes a black leather mask, and places it over my eyes, wrapping the thin strap around my head, plunging me into a black void of darkness.

All I can do is hear them talk, whispering to themselves, none of it is anything I can understand. My sense of hearing is heightened. The soft music on the radio, I can hear flutes and violins play, soothing the air, the splashes of the waterfall off to the side makes me feel like I am right by a big river or stream, about to go for a much needed swim in cool water. I hate to say but this is starting to make me feel better…. "Wait! Snap out of it! I’ve been kidnapped and tied up in my underwear, who knows what these two crazy ladies are about to do to you, so try to escape you idiot!” My inner voice was a little mean today, but it was right, I can’t let this get to me.

It is then that they make their first contact with my almost naked body. Five sharp points touch down onto my leg, near my knee, and slowly gliding upward, towards my thighs in a slow motion. My body reacts, making my body shiver and shake. I make the assumption it’s their nails, but they don’t stop, it continues to move up further, until reaching it’s true destination…my crotch….this drives me wild as my body lunges forward, half in a tickling sensation making me giggle, and the other in a sensation of pleasure. Five more sharp nails press into the other leg, and in a mirrored motion, glide down both sides of my legs towards my knees again, making me giggle in a muffled, pathetic moan of muffled laughter. This is repeated twice, and they occasionally stop and tickle a random area, making me struggle. Someone is having their fun.

What feels like forever after being tortured by tickling, my body calms down and my breathing through my nose lightens, the nails have stopped tickling, but five remain on my body, now at the border of my panty trim outline. It waits, still at the border, I don’t want them to touch me down there, but this waiting is driving me crazy too. The worst part about this is, while I’m doing all the moaning, no one has said a word. Then, after giving them a frustrating curse, two fingers enter and press into my pussy, with no teasing, they begin to work the motions of entering and exiting slowly, repeated after every few inches. I suddenly hear a buzzing noise. I can feel it, somehow without seeing it, it’s just inches from my crotch. The hairs on my body stand up, goosebumps appear all over, I know it, I’m more aroused and frustrated than I have been all night so far. My chest rises and falls in large heaves of breath. I can feel…something warm pressing against my cheek, something wet, but inviting…. my neck and then down my naked upper body. One of them is kissing me. “Oh my god! I hope it’s Heather!... No…Fuck!” I feel something, possibly a hand takes a firm hold on my left breast, all while still feeling the fingers penetrating my very wet pussy. MMMMPPPHH!!!

The kisses continue on my neckline, the fingers penetrate, the straps hold me down while I pull harder and harder to break free… "Do I want to break free, do I want to escape, truth is I was loving this, but maybe not in a way I wanted.” I close my eyes, and stop struggling, stop moaning…"I can’t…I must…. escape…No…. I need…” my thoughts are jumbled and change sporadically. First, I want to escape this nightmare, next I just want to give in and accept it. Am I crazy, what would other young girls do in this situation?

My thoughts are interrupted as I feel a jolt of vibrations shoot through my body…. A vibrator has been pressed to my already wet pussy! My lips wrap tight around the ball gag as I let out a very muffled, Oh my god! Words of speech enter my ears, they sound so close, yet they sound like an echo ringing throughout the void I have been placed into. “Just let go Ashley, let go and give yourself to our touch. Let me take over and get rid of all the bad things, all the stress in your life. Give in to the vibrator, give in to my fingers inside your pussy, pushing you closer to orgasm. Give in to Heather’s sweet kisses on your body, give in to all of this and more, we want to help, we want you to want us!”

My eyes were rolling, all of this felt so good, I wanted to give in with every passing second. The combination of all of this was driving me wild, I wanted to touch myself, wanted to touch them, wanted to give in…wanted to CUM! More and more this all drove me wild. Every minute, the fingers went faster with their motions, the vibrator had been turned up to its next setting sending higher, more powerful vibrations into me. Heather’s kisses turned into her tongue licking my skin, licking my neck, licking…. oh my god, licking my very hard nipples! "Yes…Yes please continue!"

Heather’s POV

When I saw her come into the Massage Parlor, I was star struck at how beautiful she was. Her slender body, her wavy blonde hair, her tight outfit that showed off the perfect tanned tone skin. She was the most perfect girl, at least in looks I had ever seen. Mistress Maria had worked on a lot of Women before, in wide variety of them. Some were skinny, some were larger, older and younger, beautiful and…well let’s just say not on my radar, but this girl stood a mile above all the rest. I was very eager to get started with her, but I knew I needed to be patient… Mistress would be furious at me if I did anything without her consent.
As I looked at this new girl, moaning and struggling in her bondage, being penetrated by Mistresses’ fingers, I started to remember how all of this started and how I met Mistress, and became her…well let’s just say assistant for now. I was fresh out of high school and was ready to go to college. I wanted to be a physical therapist, I wanted to help people feel better in stressful, and painful situations. I was accepted to a university that had a great program for this dream of mine…just one problem, money! My parents were loving, but very strict and told me if I ever wanted something, I would have to work for it. They told me if I paid off my first half of schooling, they would pay the rest. Well immediately I took to the internet to find work, what skill sets did I have? Well…not much. I was a fast typist, and I already knew some techniques for loosening stiff muscle joints, but not many. Not two skills that pop out to looking employers. I turned in over a hundred applications it seemed like, but very few went past the initial interview, if I was seen at all. Then one spring day, I was very stressed from the process and just needed to relax. So, I decided to go to my local message parlor. That’s when I met her.

She was beautiful and wasted no time in introducing me to the world of bondage massage therapy. In fact, I was in the very same position as this girl, except I fully accepted it. No guy, nor girl had made me feel like Mistress made me feel. I had never orgasmed so fast before. She knew my body, maybe better than I did. She knew where to touch, where to kiss, where to press her devices for their full affect. She knew things about the human body I never knew were possible. She was the most interesting woman I had ever met. Everything she says to this girl today, were words spoken to me, and they were all true. If only this girl knew that, if only she knew what I know now, she wouldn’t be fighting this, she would be embracing it. I wish I could tell her, but Mistress gave me strict orders once never to do or say anything without her permission. I had already broken that order once today, later I would be punished severely. I am excited for it; she has made me hers.

My inner thoughts were broken when Mistress spoke to me, “I want you to kiss and lick her upper body while I work on her pussy, understand, you may do anything you like except remove her ball gag or blindfold.” My mouth creased in a wide smile, I excitedly thanked my Mistress, it was second nature to me now with every command she gave me. I walk over our captive, who is writhing around in her restraints, a plant a big kiss on her cheek, then another, another, working my way down her soft skin. This gets a rise out of her, but that doesn’t stop me. I press my lips to her neck, pecking soft but sensual kisses along her bare skin, sometimes leaving a little red lipstick. This makes me giggle and I can’t help but stare in aww at her perfectly round boobs, that stick up on her chest, like two soft pillows I want to shove my face into. I’ll get there though. Mistress has taught me not to rush what we do, this pleasure is for them, not us.

Every few minutes I get up and look at her body, almost naked except for her polka dot panties, they look very sexy on her, and I must imagine by now they are very wet. Her nipples are pink, and erect as they stand as two tall towers. I turn to see Mistress catching me admiring her, and nods in an angry gesture to get back to work. “Ashley’s pleasure, not mine!” I remind myself quietly.

As with any foreplay, you must keep your partner interested and wanting more, so you need to keep changing things up to keep them hot. Kissing her all over was fun, but now I needed to switch things up. I went back up to cheek, I kissed it softly, down pecking until I got to her neck. My tongue escaped my mouth and slithered along her skin, up her neck to below her ear. I took her full earlobe into my mouth, nibbling on it and letting go in a soft, but very sensual technique. This made my captive go mad as her body shook again, protests and moans of pleasure was all she could do. It was always music to me. I loved hearing a girl moan, whether that be for pleasure or frustration. My tongue explored more, until finally it got to one of my favorite spots. My tongue slithering like a cobra, hunting its prey, it found the hard nipples it was searching for and glazed saliva all over them. By now I had become so horny, so wet in my small silk panties, I wanted to pleasure myself, be pleasured be either woman in the room, or both, I didn’t care, but it wasn’t my place to ask. This was forbidden by Mistress Maria, only she could allow me pleasure, I was just her servant, to help her assist these women. Occasionally she would allow me pleasure, but it came at a cost, but that’s a story for another time.

(Please let me know if I am taking too long on the descriptions, or it feels a little slow and needs to move along. This is still part of part 2. Again I hope you guys are enjoying this, I am having a blast writing it. As soon as I am done with this story, I want to write a side story of Heather's origins that was teased so far. Let me know what you think.)
Last edited by Deleted User 4844 5 years ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Trickster »

I think your writing is fantastic and so is your pacing of the story. The descriptions are wonderful and add a lot of sexiness to Ashley's tale. The POV switch was a nice touch too. I loved the gag most of all.
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Post by tickletied84 »

Hi Ashley, that's a fantastic continuation. You're building up the situation at a good pace - am glad that you're not rushing to the climax of the story. Will be great to hear about Heather's story too when you've time to devote to it.
Agree that the POV switch gives a different and intriguing insight - and love that the captors are wearing corsets :D
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Post by gaggednbarefoot »

[mention]Ashley[/mention] truly fantastic story.
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Post by brashieel »

I liked the changing points of view. Great story!
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