Satisfying the Urge, Parts 1 & 2 (m/m)

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Satisfying the Urge, Parts 1 & 2 (m/m)

Post by GMen »

After a bunch of stories featuring our very own [mention]fratboydanny[/mention] and a few other characters, I decided to change it up a bit, specifically Danny's role for captive to captor. While it could have been easy to just have him on the role and capture his two friends, Todd and Josh, I thought it'd be fun to model a new character off another board member who could definitely relate to Danny (i.e. a fellow sock aficionado.) So, with his permission, I introduce a new character based off our good friend [mention]mpphsox[/mention] who has graciously shared with us many photos of his various exploits over the years. But it seems this time he teased our friend Danny too much and Danny takes drastic measures in order to satisfy his urge. And thus I present Satisfying the Urge:

Danny was in trouble; he was dealing with the two worst emotions a man could endure: depression and desperation. It had been more than six months since he had been tied up, the result of meticulous planning by Todd and Josh to fulfill Danny’s dream of being captured in a classic Robin costume. In the intervening months however, Danny was pulled in different directions. His colleague was out on maternity leave and he was left having to lead the marathon review sessions after school for the students about to take their advanced placement exams. With his afternoons all but occupied, there were precious few, if any, opportunities to find himself in any sort of peril. Then, he was shocked to learn of Josh’s impending departure to a nearby school district that while close in proximity would make it harder still to find a mutually agreed upon time to play with some ropes.

At first, Danny attempted to settle his desperation by pulling up the various photos that had been taken over his few sessions with Josh and Todd, hoping the images would conjure up enough solid memories that he could relive those experiences through his imagination. It worked for a few days but then it became stale and he was left yearning for any sort of discussion that revolved around socks and bondage. With nowhere else to turn, Danny fired up his laptop and logged in to tugstories. It had been awhile since he last visited; after all, no sense in chatting about something that he was getting plenty of real time experience with. For hours, he sorted through the dozens of stories that had been posted in his absence, but before long, they too had become stale. Then came the videos, the same ones he had seen before but whose links had only been recently posted for the new members to see. He sighed deeply before clicking the photos section. The first few posts he clicked produced an array of photographs he had seen years before. Another sigh. He was just about to click out of the site when a posting towards the bottom caught his eye. The title was forthcoming enough - “Me tied & gagged (m)” - and resembled almost all of the other titles on the subforum. But it was less the title and more the author’s username - mpphsox - that caught Danny’s attention.

Clicking it, he was immediately taken by what he saw. The first posting featured a young man - at most in his late twenties, Danny deduced - clad in what appeared to be a navy blue UnderArmor shirt, Polo Ralph Lauren boxer briefs in a lighter shade of navy blue, with what appeared to be a shirt serving as a blindfold, tied on a bed with his hands behind his back and his ankles tied; most importantly, the young man wasn’t wearing shoes and had a pair of white crew socks on. Right below the initial photograph was another, this time from the vantage point of the young man laying on his stomach, with a clear view of his socked soles and wrists tied behind his back. Another photo still showed one of his feet bare now, with the missing sock secured with rope in the victim’s mouth.

Danny continued to scroll. Photo after photo showed this young man in a variety of different positions but always either in socks or barefoot and never wearing shoes of any kind. With each photo that popped up on his screen, Danny’s grin grew wider and he kept scrunching his own toes in his white Adidas socks. By the time he finished going through the entire thread, there must have been more than a dozen photos, much to Danny’s delight as he clicked the back icon to start from the beginning. He could tell just by the username that this was someone he had to get to know and hopefully meet. He contemplated what to say, almost to the point of agony, before opening the private message window and typing something direct and to-the-point: “Very nice pics! Thanks for sharing them. I especially like pics 1, 2, and the last one. Really nice bound socked feet!”

He wasn’t sure if this fellow sock aficionado was still even logging into the forum; the thread and begun months before and there was no sign of his regular presence. He returned to the photo forum and scrolled through the three pages of photos again. The more he viewed the images, the more his attitude changed. Up till then, anytime he saw a compelling image, he immediately placed himself in the position of the person who was tied up. Now, as he clicked each picture individually and he focused his eyes intently on the person’s socked feet, the more he was imagining himself as the one who was responsible for putting this person in that position. The notion of being the captor had crossed Danny’s mind from time to time, but now he seemed to be getting a rush out of it. He paused, and stared away from his laptop screen and into space as his imagination took hold. As his various fantasies raged in his mind, he didn’t take immediate notice of the alert in the top-right of the screen alerting him to the arrival of a new private message. It took him a few moments before he saw the bolded “1” next to “Private Messages” and opened his inbox. It was a reply from mpphsox.

”Thanks for the compliments. I see by your previous postings you like socks, too. I’ve got more on my Instagram. Take a look!”

Danny clicked through to the link. He was floored. More than 200 photos of the guy in socks…all kinds of socks: ankle socks, crew socks, OTC socks; all in various patterns, from striped to dual tone and in all sorts of colors, too. And then there were the video clips! Progression clips of him in shoes, teasing the viewer before pulling the shoes off and then the next clip pulling the socks off, inhaling deeply while wiggling his bare toes. Danny could do without the last clips in each of the series, but at that moment, he felt more connected with this member than he ever had with Todd or Josh. He was dealing with sensory overload from the hundreds of photos he scrolled through and quickly reopened the private message:

”I have just one word: WOW!!!!! If only we were closer, we could have a lot of fun together!”

He anxiously awaited a reply, clicking the refresh button every ten seconds or so. Finally after a couple of minutes passed, the alert reappeared. Danny immediately clicked into his inbox.

”I know, right??? Glad you enjoyed the pics and thanks for your kind words. Care to continue the convo in the chatroom?”

Danny was initially disappointed at the instant dismissal of the notion they could play together but almost immediately thereafter he started developing some sinister plans. After all, both Todd and Josh had discovered his secret and tracked him down. Todd went so far as to disguise himself as a delivery guy to gain entry into Danny’s apartment when it was taking Danny too long to update one of his stories on the forum; Josh overpowered him a year ago in the school parking lot and fulfilled Danny’s fantasy of being captured in a classic white van. Maybe Danny could be the devious one this time.

He responded that he’d love to continue to chat and the two young men found themselves in the tugstories chat discussing mostly their mutual love for socks and bondage. Danny was tactical with his questioning, not being too invasive but asking on occasional question or two that could reveal another piece to the puzzle he was attempting to solve. Thankfully, as a teacher, Danny had learned to master the art of patience and figured it might take a number of conversations before he could ascertain the likelihood of fulfilling this fantasy.

And for some time, he was correct. One conversation led into another which led to another over the course of a few weeks. Occasionally Danny would bring up the notion of meeting, however always under the guise of a joke as to not come off as demanding or worse, creepy. But also within those conversations, Danny had picked up a number of intimate details. Danny learned his friend’s first name was Matt, and that on Thursdays, he spent his evening at the local pool hall with some friends. It wasn’t until Matt slipped up by revealing the name of the relatively small town he was from that Danny thought he had enough to go off on.

Summer vacation commenced only a few weeks later and at the first opportunity, Danny was packing his overnight bag and heading to the airport. Matt’s social media had indicated he had most of the supplies Danny would need - rope, bandannas, socks, tape - Matt had it all in abundant supply. Danny was relieved; the presence of those supplies in his carry-on baggage would have most assuredly roused the suspicions of the TSA agents. He arrived in the late afternoon on Thursday and made his way towards the aforementioned pool hall, the only one in the small town just outside the city Danny arrived in. It was still early yet, so he popped into the pub adjacent to the hall and took the high top table in the window which allowed him the perfect view of people going in and out.

As he sipped on his beer, he knew this entire thing was a gamble, and a dangerous one at that. He hadn’t a clue as to how many people Danny came here was with, if he arrived by foot or by car, if he was arriving together or solo, but desperation had driven him here. Well that and the images that flooded through Danny’s head of Matt’s various exploits. He rarely experienced what it was like as the captor and the more he thought about it, the more it was consuming him. Eventually, he lost track of time. He had been nursing each of the three beers he ordered as night fell and late afternoon turned into evening. So far, however, he hadn’t seen his mark enter but rather mostly older middle-aged guys. Could it be that Matt made up a few causal lies? Danny thought to himself. He quickly dismissed such notions and paid his tab in order to investigate.

When he entered, he was taken aback by how, well, clean the establishment was. Danny had figured it was your stereotypical billiard hall, with a cigarette smoke that wafted between the pool tables and the overhead lights, but there was none of that. Moreover, the place was bigger than it appeared on the outside, mainly because it stretched back awhile. He planned on taking a lap around the place and if Matt was a no-show, he had enough time to head back to the airport for the last flight of the night back home. Danny’s job was made infinitely easier by the brightness of the place. The only real issue that remained was that Danny didn’t know exactly what Matt looked like. He had seen hundreds of photos, but Matt was always very discreet: if he wasn’t blindfolded and gagged, he was at least wearing a baseball cap that covered the majority of his face. The only thing Danny had to go off of regarding his facial features was his mouth; in particular, his very sly, Cheshire cat-like grin he sported every time he had tied someone else up. The place wasn’t very full, only a few tables were in use at the time, and as Danny perused around the joint, he spotted a young man bending across the table to take his shot. Adorned on the top of the person’s head was a Duke baseball cap. Danny casually eyed him, taking out his phone and bringing up on the screen one of the many photos he had seen of Matt. Duke baseball cap, navy blue t-shirt, jeans, and white sneakers: it was him alright.

Jackpot! Danny said to himself as he walked down past his target and took a seat at the bar along the back the pool hall. He ordered himself a beer and took the plastic see-through cup with him as he got up and walked to the pool table in question. Matt took a few shots, occasionally looking at the unknown stranger hovering over the table.

“You want to play winner?” he asked Danny.

“Oh, nah, I’m just here for the cheap beer. You’re too good for me anyway, thanks though,” Danny said in the most innocuous way possible.

It didn’t Matt long before he had sunk all the striped balls and with an easy setup shot to sink the 8-ball, his buddy went to the bar to get some change for the next round. With Matt intently focused on making the final shot, Danny leaned over the table and nonchalantly sprinkled something in Matt’s own beer cup. It wasn’t anything too strong. Danny knew if he gave Matt anything that rendered him unconscious, it’d be way too suspect, plus he had his friend there so it wouldn’t have worked anyway. He simply provided Matt with something that accelerated the effects of alcohol on his system; he’d feel like he’d had ten beers instead of three and simply stagger on out of there as any normal drunkard would.

Danny settled in as he observed Matt and his friend play another round, intently keeping tabs of Matt’s consumption of his beverage. Thankfully his friend had a decent run sinking his balls that Matt drank most of it within a short period of time, thereby allowing a larger dose of the drug to work its magic and increase its potency. By the end of the round, it was clear that Matt was feeling it. Danny noted the slight slurring of his words to his friend and flushed look on his face. Danny quickly settled his tab and, noticing he door to the rear parking lot, deduced that was how Matt entered without Danny noticing earlier. Once outside, he waited alongside the dumpster but he didn’t have to wait for long. He heard the door swing open and Matt walked out. There was a bit of a stagger, but not as bad as Danny thought there would be, but thankfully there didn’t appear to be anyone following him out.

“Hey there, buddy, your friend’s going to drive you home, I hope,” Danny said as he came up from behind Matt.

“Ohhhh no…He’zzzz stayinnnnnggg here for a bit more,” Matt said, slurring his esses and ens.

“Well then maybe I should call you cab or Uber, cause you don’t look too good.”

Matt swiped his arm at the air. “Nah, I’m goooood.”

By now, Danny had caught up to Matt and was now walking alongside him.

“Nah, man, I’m serious. I’d hate to have kidnap you but I will if you leave me no choice.”

With that last sentence, Matt grinned and laughed lightly. “Ha! That’s funny…becausssse I like beinnnnng kidnnnnnapped.”

It was too dark to notice Danny’s mouth bend into the widest grin he’d ever have. “You do? Well then…” Danny reached into his pocket, produced his trusty folded white cloth and quickly smothered Matt’s face with it. Matt felt too tipsy to put up much of a struggle, his arms not even trying to pull the cloth off his face. All he could do is produce a few low-toned grunts before his legs gave out. Danny quickly used his free arm to keep Matt erect while his other hand kept the cloth over his face for a few additional moments. Looking behind him, he saw the coast was clear; no one had seen anything. He reached into Matt’s pocket and pulled out his car keys and wallet. Pressing the unlock button, the lights of a Chevy Cruz a few cars down lit up and he dragged Matt’s limp body to the backdoor. Leaning his victim up against the car for a moment, Danny opened the door and gently guided Matt to the backseat. The entire process had taken just a minute but Danny was already incredibly turned on by the turn of events. He flipped through the wallet, obtained Matt’s address from his driver’s license and walked around to the driver’s side door. Seconds later, the car pulled out and they were on their way.

The town was relatively small and Danny pulled up the location in question in less than five minutes. It was a modest house on a quiet tree-lined street. Thankfully there was no sign of life around the neighborhood. He got out and walked to the front door, ringing the doorbell in the event Matt had any roommates. If he did, and they were present, he’d simply say that he met Matt at the pool hall and Matt had too much to drink so he was bringing him home safe. It was a pretty solid backstory but when no one answered, Matt used the keys to open the front door. He looked around briefly and without any indication of anyone else being home, and no indication that there would be anyone expected home, he made his way back to the car. His eyes and head darted back and forth a few times before he was sure the coast was clear and opened the back door. He pulled Matt out by his arms before hoisting him up on his legs but wrapping his arm around Matt’s midsection. Danny bent down, draped Matt’s body over his shoulder before bringing him up the stairs and through the front door.

He immediately headed upstairs and searched each of the rooms. One was a den, the other was a tidy bedroom, most likely a guest room, and the last one was messy enough that Danny figured it had to be Matt’s bedroom. As Danny slowly lowered Matt onto his bed, a sense of euphoria of his accomplishment came over him. He quickly pulled Matt’s white sneakers off his feet in rapid succession, revealing white Nike OTC socks. This was it. This was the moment he had been craving for so long. He could instantly that Matt had been wearing these socks all day, the white soles having grayed by now and the damp sweat spots that covered the bottom of his toes. He pulled the two legs together, knelt down and inhaled deeper than he had ever inhaled before; he had even uttered an audible “Ohhhh” in doing so.

He inhaled again. And again, burying his face into Matt’s size 12 soles. He knew he could indulge in such conveniences, as the chloroform would keep his victim out for at least another 25 minutes, if not longer due to the possible lingering effects of the drug he consumed earlier. But after nearly exploding from the third indulgence, he knew he had to pace himself; it was going to be a long night, after all.

He started looking around Matt’s bedroom for his bondage-related supplies. He knew he had them; he had sent Danny some pictures of his box that was filled with everything a captor could ask for. Opening the closet, Danny found the cardboard box complete with nylon rope of various lengths and a few bandannas.
Intent on using the photos he had seen of Matt as a guide, he first went back to his unconscious friend and unbuckled and unbuttoned his jeans, pulling them off, revealing blue Ralph Lauren boxer briefs. After all, he wanted Matt to be somewhat comfortable. Danny started wrapping the rope around Matt’s ankles, and then his knees, thighs, and finally the wrists, consulting the photographs constantly to ensure the rope was not only aesthetically pleasing, but actually kept him secure. This would mark Danny’s first time tying a hogtie and if there was any doubt, he unraveled the rope and tried again. The final product was good - not great - but he yanked the various knots and while there was some slack, none of the knots were going to be untied anytime soon. The piece d’resistance, of course, was the gag. Danny rifled through the hamper that was standing in the corner before settling on a pair of gray socks with red, white, and blue stripes at the calf. He gave them a quick sniff. They were used, sure, but not over the top. He shoved them in Danny’s mouth and tied some rope around his mouth to keep them secured, as he had seen in many of Matt’s photographs. As a final touch, he wrapped one of Matt’s t-shirts around his eyes, serving as makeshift blindfold.

The entire tying process was much longer than Danny had expected; it was a good thing he completed it when he did, as he started hearing moans coming from Matt’s muffled mouth only minutes after Danny finished with the blindfold. First came the audible moans, then slowly, as he retrieved muscle movement, did the struggling start to commence. For the time being, Danny remained silent, unsure of how to introduce himself given that he had just kidnapped someone. The more Matt moaned and struggled though, the more Danny sensed he was enjoying it. After sharing hundreds of photos of himself tied up in similar situations, that shouldn’t have surprised anyone!

Matt rolled side to side in the hogtie before settling down on his side. Danny saw as he tried in vain to wiggle his fingers to find the knots that was wrapped around his ankles, hoping to release it and thus get out of the hogtie position. Finally he knew he had to say something. Leaning over his captive and running his hand up Matt’s chest, Danny whispered, “Not bad for my first kidnapping, is it?” Matt couldn’t see Danny’s mischievous grin but the hushed tones sent tingles up his spine. Matt had no idea where he was, hell, he couldn’t even remember anything that happened. He remembered playing some pool, feeling a bit tipsy and that was it; he attributed the headache he was experiencing to the booze.

He continued to struggle, although not in a raging pace, he just simply tossed side to side, grunting and “mmpph”ing every so often. Maybe one of his friends stopped by and decided to have some fun when he surely must have passed out from drinking too much. But then he felt his captor start rubbing his feet. Matt loved everything involving feet and socks. Incorporate bondage and he’s on Cloud 9, but hardly anyone he knew in person knew of both kinks; most only knew of bondage. Whoever this was must have done their homework. Now Matt was intrigued, although a bit frightened as well. How far was this going to go?

“My, my, my, you look gorgeous in socks,” Danny said as he continued to rub Matt’s socks. “And you’ve got just the right proportion of dirty and cleanliness.” Once again, he knelt down and inhaled before shoving Matt’s left socked foot in his mouth. He sucked on the toes for a solid minute, taking in the whole host of smells and tastes. Matt’s own excitement started to build, especially as his captor moved from one foot to the other to give it similar treatment. In that moment, he stopped struggling and instead played into the situation, wiggling his socked toes while they were immersed in his assailant’s mouth.

“Ugh, why can’t any of my friends let me do this to them when they’re awake,” Danny bemoaned as he moved from foot to foot. “I can only do this when they’re asleep…or knocked out.”

Matt let out a louder moan in agreement, hoping the sign of solidarity would lead to the identity of the mystery guest. But Danny remained in his own world for the time being, closing his eyes sometimes as his tongue muscles started to tense up from all the licking and sucking. He released Matt’s legs and took a pause. “Absolutely amazing,” he said, lightly smacking Matt’s rear. “Don’t worry. We’ve only gotten started.”

Matt let out a soft “mppph.”
Last edited by GMen 5 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Damn, another chloroform KO tale!
Well I know someone who'll be happy (*ahem [mention]mikeybound[/mention]) ;)

[mention]GMen[/mention] as usual per your standard, this was exceptionally well told and elaborated.
Very much enjoyed reading about this meetup between our friends [mention]fratboydanny[/mention] and [mention]mpphsox[/mention]. Would love to kidnap both of them and gag them with each others worn socks, but that's a discussion for another time.

As far the story goes, it was a lot of fun. And I have to admit, the gag bit really turned me on.
I was hoping you'd include that ;)
Danny must've been over the clouds.

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Post by mpphsox »

I love it!! Absolutely flattered to be the one kidnapped in this great story. Can only imagine the torture I’ll have to endure :o
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Post by fratboydanny »

Well, [mention]GMen[/mention], you have written another terrific story. and, I insist that a second chapter, at least, be written. kind of fun to see danny in the role of captor and having the captives socks all to himself without anyone being able to stop him. I am happy too that [mention]mpphsox[/mention] has been a willing participant in this story. It is good to have a fellow socks and bondage lover a part of the act.

And, as for [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] and his comment about kidnapping both [mention]mpphsox[/mention] and me, well, I am game. Bring on the chloroform!
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Post by GMen »

Oh fine, here's a second chapter I put together. After all, you have to give the public what they want.

It appeals to [mention]fratboydanny[/mention] and [mention]mikeybound[/mention], as well as [mention]mpphsox[/mention].

Matt felt hungover again.

From the looks of it, it was morning now; the rays of sunshine peeking in through the blinds in the bedroom. The rays were intensely bright, prompting Matt to squint and let it a moan. Looking down in hopes of avoiding direct contact with the light, he saw he was now tied to his desk chair. For a moment, he wondered why he was in that predicament but soon enough, the blurred memories came into focus.

He remembered the last time he woke, some time the previous evening, tied, gagged, and blindfolded. He wasn’t sure who had kidnapped him, but he knew whomever it was must’ve known all of his kinks. He had been placed in a tight hogtie, just as he preferred, and then his captor ravished his socked feet for a considerable duration of time. Time had, in fact, passed Matt by without him realizing just how long he had been tied. By the end of it, all he knew was that he was sweating profusely from the tickling and his socks were incredibly damp, moistened by his captor’s saliva.

When it ended, he was released from the hogtie but the ankle and wrist bonds remained. Thankfully, the knots had been frayed from all the struggling during the tickle assault and they were only kept tight from the hogtie. With the connection no longer there, it only took a few minutes for Matt to untie himself. During the process, he heard the footsteps of his captor get farther away, go down the staircase, and out of the front door. Pulling off his blindfold, there was no telling evidence of who it could have been.

Matt looked at his phone. It was shortly after 1 a.m. He didn’t know it, but he regained consciousness shortly at 10 p.m. It had been 3 hours of torture, delightful torture in fact. He just wished he knew who to thank!

He went into the bathroom and took a warm shower to compose himself. In his mind he went rapidly back and forth between the bliss he experienced and the unanswered questions he had. The questions would be answered, of course, he just didn’t know it yet. What transpired next went by in a blur. He walked into his room, saw a blur of white followed by a sweet aroma and then darkness.

Now he was certain who was responsible for this. He had been too inebriated before to even realize he had been chloroformed on his way out of the pool hall but the new attack eliminated all but one possible culprit. Now without a blindfold, or even a gag at this point, his initial moans had prompted the mystery guest to appear in the doorframe. Looking over at him, still squinting his left eye from the sunlight, he noticed a young man leaning up against the frame.

“In what bizarre, backward universe would you ever think you look like Zac Efron?” Matt asked sarcastically. “Whomever told you that is one hell of a good liar.”

“Hey! Plenty of people have said that over the years. And do you really think you’re in any position to be sassy right now?”

Matt had regained enough strength to start tugging at his bonds but they were tight. Really tight. He jerked his wrists, that were crossed behind his back, but he could feel they had been tied with plenty of rope. Additional rope went around his chest and arms, pinning them tightly to the back of the chair. Rope was similar wrapped around his thighs, just above his knees, and then down around his ankles. He was at least in comfortable clothing again: a blue tank top with red edges and white patterned boxer shorts complete with white Nike ankle socks.

“I have to admit,” Matt said as he tested his bonds, “I didn’t think you had that stalker quality about you. Except I’m a bit disappointed. No net?”

Danny grinned. “Couldn’t get it through carry-on. Hell, I had to bring only a small batch of the chloroform to evade the limit on liquids. You’re welcome.”

“Yea, yea, thanks for that. If you had just told me who you were, I would’ve volunteered for this!”

“I know, but where’s the fun in that?”

Matt thought for a moment before actually realizing that there was plenty of truth in that statement.

“So what’s your plan for me? Keep me hostage for days and days? People will start looking for me, you know.”

Danny entered the room fully and look at the bed which was arranged with a number of bandannas he had found and numerous pairs of socks.

“Oh, I don’t know, I didn’t think that far ahead. I think for now, I’ll pick out a handy blindfold for you, then a good gag. You’ll struggle of course because, well, you love to, and we’ll get you all nice and sweaty. Particularly your socks. And then I get to have some fun again. I mean you should know by our conversations, I’m out of my comfort zone here. I’m always the one tied and gagged, tortured at the sight of my captors’ socks and eventually awarded by inhaling that heavenly scent.”

“Speaking of…why can’t I see your socks then?” Matt asked, motioning towards Danny’s Sperrys.

“Oh forgive me, where are my manners?” Danny pulled off each of his shoes, revealing a pair of royal blue OTC socks. Matt instantly recognized them…they were his!

“Oh that’s lovely…it wasn’t enough for you to kidnap me, now you’re taking my socks?”

“Technically I didn’t kidnap you. After all, you’re still in your house, aren’t you? Let’s call it ‘being held against your will.’ And be honest, the sight of your socks on someone else turns ya on. I know it’d turn me on.”

“Just uttering the word ‘gag’ turns you on.” At that comment, Danny had to nod. “But, yea, I could see being into that. They are great socks, aren’t they?”

Danny nodded again before picking out a pair of long white socks with a navy blue and red stripe at the top. Walking over to his captive, he shoved one in Matt’s mouth before tying the other one over his mouth.

“The best of both worlds. A sock gag secured with another sock. And the best part is…they match!”

Danny proceeded to Matt’s dresser and pulled out a dark t-shirt. Wrapping it around itself, he approached again, tying it over Matt’s eyes.


Matt grunted approvingly and then played the part of captive. For nearly twenty minutes, Danny sat on the end of the mattress looking pleasingly as Matt struggled. At moments, it was more robust, so much so that Danny actually feared he was getting closer to freedom, but an occasional audit of the knots showed their integrity had not been breeched. When enough time had elapsed, estimated at when the first beads of sweat started running down Matt’s cheek, Danny rolled Matt over closer to the end of the bed. Danny sat on the mattress and grabbed Matt’s bound ankles, resting them on this lap. By now, Matt’s struggling ceased; the only movements coming from him were his playful wiggling of his sock-clad toes.

“You’re such a tease,” Danny said as he lightly slapped the feet in front of him.

Soon, they were eye level and Danny repeated his procedure from the night before. He opened his mouth wide, jamming Matt’s right foot in as far as it could go. Danny’s tongue muscles were still a little sore from their unusual workout only a few hours before, but that didn’t stop him from indulging and, more importantly, taking his time doing so. Soon, Danny was making more muffled grunts than Matt was.

The more this went on - Danny switched feet after ten or so minutes - the more Danny started understanding the appeal of being the captor, of being the one in control. There was no doubt that he still preferred to be the captive, that was just his human nature, it was how he was wired. But he couldn’t deny the benefits of switching roles every now and again, and especially with someone who appreciated socks. Josh had appeared to tolerate Danny’s sock fetish but the tolerance never escalated into a fetish. And although Josh had said he had a slight foot fetish, it did not translate to male feet. Then, of course, there was Todd, who never had socks on when he was either captor or captive. Grr…that annoyed Danny to this very day, even as he slobbered all over a perfectly arched size 12 foot in a sock. He shook his head to regain focus at the task at hand. It was clear he was enjoying himself, and by the look of Matt’s boxer shorts, he was too.

For months, Matt had teased his devout followers with hundreds of photos or videos of his feet either in socks, shoes, or just bare. With each post came a flurry of messages of adoration and now a fan had taken it to the next level. While most would have an alarm go off in their head that this was trouble, Matt, and others like him, think differently. They find it adventurous and exhilarating. There really was no escape. As much as he tried wiggling about, he was coming up empty. It made struggling all the funner; if Danny was a terrible tier, Matt would’ve escaped instantly. He liked being immobile and he loved the sock worship.

After Danny pulled the entire foot out of his mouth - quite literally - he was selective with the use of his tongue, licking the soles and individual toes as best he could. The process was arduous, as Danny was a perfectionist. Eventually Matt wore himself out struggling and conceding it was useless, just sat back in the chair and enjoyed what was happening. Time passed - nearly an hour - before Danny put Matt’s drenched socked feet down on the ground and let out a sigh.

“Whew. Was it fun for you too? I thought so,” he said as Matt nodded. “I should package you up and bring you home with me,” he continued with a chuckle.

Matt gave a hearty “mmmppph!” which couldn’t be deduced as either affirmation or not. His socks were damp with saliva, just as the sock that was in his mouth was as well.

Danny pulled the one sock down around his neck and pulled the other one out to let Matt speak.

“Why’d ya stop? No more saliva?”

“Heh, sucking on socks for awhile does leave you parched.”

Matt wiggled his toes again. “How about taking my socks off and giving my bare soles a tongue bath next?”

“Sorry mate, only socks for me.”

Matt frowned, as Danny untied the blindfold.

“Yea, ‘fraid I never did develop an outright foot fetish. Apologies. But in socks, yours are fantastic if I do say so myself.”

“Well thanks, I guess. I mean all I need to do is put on socks and that’s it. Much harder keeping the bare foot people happy with their appearance. Anyone can look good in socks. Just look at you in my socks.”

“Oh well thanks for the compliment,” Danny said, pointing his toes and revealing the long blue soles of his feet. “They are very nice.”

“How about you let me out of here and we can see what they look like on you in a hogtie?”

“You’d like that wouldn’t you? Heck, I would probably even love it, but this trip is strictly my baptism as a captor. My return flight leaves in the afternoon.”

Matt frowned again. Not wanting to disappoint him, Danny pulled his phone out.

“I know I never shared any photos with you of me, but now that you know what I look like, might as well as see some photos from my own exploits,” he said as he started swiping his screen. He turned the phone to Matt and scrolled through a wide variety of photos that either Josh or Todd had taken during their previous escapades. There was Danny dressed as Robin tied in a spread-eagle. There was Danny tied in a net while, Matt deduced, he was nude. And there was Danny hogtied alongside Josh. Matt nodded approvingly at each photo. Danny continued swiping until he got to the picture of Todd that had been taken by Danny’s cousin to lure him and Josh to Todd’s apartment.

“Whoa, who is that?” Matt inquired. “Enlarge that please.”

Danny zoomed in on Todd’s face which was partially covered by his baseball cap, his mouth cleave gagged.

“That’s Todd. We did a lot of tie up games when we were younger and I kinda roped in to some games later on, pun intended.”

“Now move the photo up.”

Danny realized what he was looking for and repositioned the photo to show Todd’s bare feet in his trusty flip flops. Matt couldn’t figure out how they looked really up close due to the graininess of the zoomed in photograph, but he wouldn’t mind finding out for himself.

“Untie me. It looks like we’re both going to be on that flight this afternoon.”
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Centennial Club
Centennial Club
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Post by fratboydanny »

Sorry for my delayed response to this new chapter [mention]GMen[/mention] !

This was excellent. It was a bit annoying at how you played up Todd at danny’s expense, but I suppose you can do whatever you want as author.

This was a fun read and I look forward to more of your writing, especially if it involves socks and bondage.
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