When the cat's away (MM/M)

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When the cat's away (MM/M)

Post by EzraMarubayashi »

Pegasus Express Deliveries is a great place to work. The pay is good, the workmates are fun, and your bosses aren’t a pain in the ass. Yet, it’s a regular work and you must follow the rules. That’s what makes special those rare occasions when we are left unsupervised and the cameras go off (shit happens, don’t blame us).

The sorry bunch I have the pleasure to work with have been like a family to me for about a year, now. We have Milton, the prankster of the group; maybe not the most creative guy, but he certainly makes your day memorable, whether you’re the victim or a mere witness. There’s also “Jennifer” or “Jen” (not his real name, he’s actually Roger or something, but Milton says that he’s a big pussy, hence the nickname); a large, sturdy guy with a heart of gold. Papa Jones is the oldest one in the pack; a divorced guy in his early thirties, in charge of driving the van. And finally, Diego. He swam across the Caribbean and landed in our front door. Ok, maybe not, but with that body of his, he certainly could have.

Papa Jones and I left early to make the first and usually more urgent deliveries, leaving a merry group of assholes behind to get things ready for our next round. When we came back, we heard Diego yelling.

-Let me out, you sons of b&t$#es! -Milton and Jen had the Latin hunk on the stripping machine. His ankles, knees, and wrists were already bound and they were now strapping his arms to his torso.- Help me, Rick!

-What’s going on? -I asked. Having Diego all trussed up and helpless had been a fantasy of mine and I was really jealous of the other guys.

-He told us that we could strap him. -answered Milton.

-Only the hands! -shouted Diego back. His wrists were bound in front of him, but with his upper arms already restrained and in the process of having a second strap around his lower arms, there was no way he could get out on his own.

-Sorry, boy. You should have known better than to let these clowns tie you up. -Papa Jones retorted. Even though he wasn’t in any way our superior, we kind of respected him. -C’mon guys, help us load everything into the van.

-I wish I could, man. -Diego said with a snicker. He was laying on the machine, half-struggling.

-Don’t worry, buddy. You take five. -As Milton passed next to Diego, he slapped his ass. We all followed his example until the Latin hunk collapsed on the floor.

I deliberatively held our departure back as much as I could and walked in slow motion whenever I passed next to the squirming beefcake. His bulging muscles were fighting the straps and he was starting to sweat, yet there was a pearly smile on his face. I enjoyed the scene as much as I could, but we had to go back to work. That was one of the few days when I hated having to work on the field.

We came back after a couple of hours. I was sure that Diego had been set free by then, so I wasn’t prepared to see him hogtied on top of a table. He was wearing a grey tank top that framed his perfect muscles as he tried in vain to escape.

-Why do you still have him tied up? -asked Papa Joe

-We started to release him from the stripes, but he began to throw punches. We considered that he needed to calm down. -said Milton.

-I swear I’ll kick your asses as soon as you let me out!

-You see? It’s for his own good.

-I didn’t think he was angry ‘bout the prank

-Jen might have been giving him wet willies and purple nipples. You know the guy.

-And why’s he not wearing his shirt?

-We thought he would be more comfortable like that -by “we”, Milton usually meant “I”.

-OK, we have no time to waste. We have to load the van again.

“Damned!” I thought. This was even better than last time. The muscled man had been put in a slightly uncomfortable arch due to his hands touching his heels. This time it was a rope that constrained his toned body. I moved over to his table, pretending to need somewhere to write.

-C’mon man, let me out! -he looked so cute with his pleading eyes and his shy smile. It was almost impossible to say no to him.

-I don’t know. I don’t want you to beat the shit out of Milton, even though he totally deserves it.

He hung his head down in defeat. I took a moment for a selfie next to the captive, which made him react.

-Don’t do that!

-See? You need to calm down. -I reached out for his underarms and tickled him briefly. The shadow of a smile crossed his face and I knew he was trying to hide his ticklishness, so I decided to go slowly at first, before going full throttle. I had him laughing like a child before he knew.

-Oh, is little Diego ticklish? -asked Milton watching the scene as he helped to load the last package.

-Look what you’ve done- said the gasping hunk.

-Ugh, you’re sweaty. -I cleaned my fingers in his top.

-Well, no one forced you to dig your fingers in my pits.

-Time to go, Rick! -said Papa Joe.

I could hear a distant “nooo!” as the boys approached a defenseless Diego with spidering fingers. I hated having to leave, but at least I had had my fun.

It was time for lunch when we returned, and we use to eat together, so they were waiting for us.

-Where’s Diego? -I asked casually as we entered the dining area.

They didn’t have to answer. I almost dropped my damn food when I saw that gorgeous guy in his underwear, spread-eagled on the table. We took our regular places around the table and mine happened to be in front of Diego’s hard pecs and left bound arm. He smelled like deodorant mixed with fresh sweat, my favorite smell.

-I think you guys are taking this too far -commented Papa Joe as he seated to the table, finding a place for his food around Diego’s right leg. However, he started eating like nothing happened.

-You can’t keep me like this forever.

-Sure we can. We just have to gag you real tight and cover you with a blanket. Mr. Jones is blind as a bat and he wouldn’t notice. Besides, you’re single and all your family is out of the country. It’s the perfect crime. -said Milton, cheerfully.

-You mother f#*%er! -Diego started struggling, threatening our sacred meals, so we all jumped on him to make him stay still.

-Rick, go get the tape! -said Milton.

-No, no gags! I’ll behave. -Diego calmed down and we all continued eating. I was a little disappointed, to be honest. All he needed now was a good gag.

-How comes he’s wearing less and less?

-These f@ggots are planning to rape me -Diego chuckled.

-You wish -Milton retorted-. We thought he should be fresher, that’s all.

-Can you at least give me something to eat?

-Here, I’ll feed you -since I was the closest one to his head, I thought it was my duty to do so. I was alternating my food with his biting of his sandwich and an occasional armpit tickle or pit hair pulling.

-You have a thing for underarms, don’t you? -said Diego with a grin.

-Kind of

-At least it’s better than Milton’s thing for toes -at that moment, the class prankster sucked Diego’s, making him jump and burst in laughter.

-Yeah, we discovered his most ticklish spots.

It almost took a handful of horses to drag me back to the van. Every minute seemed to me like an hour. It was our last round and I was eager to come back as soon as we left.

-Since this is our last one and the bosses are out, maybe we should go get some beers. What you say? -asked Papa Joe, with a snicker that made perfectly clear that he knew I wanted nothing more than to return and see If there was any left of Diego’s kidnapping to enjoy. He took my silence for an answer and he actually stepped on the gas on our way back. That’s the kind of thing that makes us love the guy.

I practically jumped out of the van, just to meet a troubled Milton.

-What’s wrong?

-Diego escaped and now he’s probably calling the police.


-Nah, I’m kidding -said Milton-. Come and see.

Diego was now tied to a pillar, with his arms pulled back around it and he was almost completely wrapped up in plastic. Through the many layers, you could guess his naked forms underneath. He was sporting a resigned smile.

-He needed a bathroom break and when we generously granted it, his majesty here decided he wanted to take a full shower.

-I had been sweating like a pig because of your stupid bondage!

-Well, it’s almost time to leave, anyway -I was so jealous that they could see him nude-. Hey, we should take a picture of this.

Diego wasn’t happy, but he trusted the plastic to cover his manhood. Imagine his reaction when I took a knife and started unwrapping him. Fortunately, he was well tied up with rope.

When he started yelling, I took a roll of tape. I had wanted to see him gagged for a long time and this was my chance. The first pics took only his face sideways, but soon enough he faced upfront and smiled; or so I think, the tape didn’t allow much, you see? He knows he’s got nothing to be ashamed of, anyway. Hell, he could walk in the buff down the streets and I don’t think anyone would complain or call the cops.

All good things come to an end and we had to let him go. Later, I caught up with him in the parking lot and asked him if he was mad at us, me, for not helping him. He said he was cool with it. It was a prank, after all.

-Have you seen Milton? We take the subway together.

-Oh, I’m giving him a ride, just to show him there’s no hard feelings. -just then, a muffled sound and a bump came from the trunk of Diego’s car.

-What was that?

-What? -his pearly smile was broad and wicked.

When I said goodbye to him, I came back for a quick leak before hitting the road. In the changing room, next to the toilets, were Milton’s clothes, scattered all over the place.

-You selfish b@st@rd -I texted Diego.

-I’ll post pictures in the group.

Well, that was the next best thing.
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Post by MaxRoper »

A good tale, well told. Sounds like a fun place to work.
Thanks for posting!
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Post by Canuck100 »

I agree, well done!
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Post by Volobond »

Very well done! Love the different stages of his bondage!

You can find my M/M stories here: https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38809#p38809
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Post by cj2125 »

Good job! Love how things escalated with each stage! Now I want to know what Diego is planning on doing with Milton!
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Post by Mummyboi »

Very good... I think it would be great if Rick is Diego’s next revenge.. the tickle and such you could have a multipart masterpiece
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Post by NeedControl »

Dreaming of being Diego 🤤🤤🤤
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