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An Abuse of Position - Part 1 (M/F)

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 11:52 am
by Barden Fayle
Hi All,
This is my first story posted here, but i have written several in the past. I hope everyone enjoys it.

Max’s job as computer security manager at a small software firm was usually run-of-the-mill stuff. Make sure no malware or viruses get on to the system, keep the hackers out and make sure the system stays up and running so the developers can do their jobs.
Today though, something happened that had never happened before in his two years in the role. When reviewing yesterday’s web logs, he found a red-flagged keyword that someone had accessed or typed in. Someone had looked up porn-related material and the word “bondage” had been flagged. The company was small and despite the staff being about 70% male, no porn material had ever been accessed before because it was strictly off-limits by company policy.
Max thought it had to a mistake and the word had come up in a news article, but when he checked the site that had been accessed he realised someone had accessed a bondage forum and looked at several pages that had stories about men tying up women and abducting them for sex.
He checked the usernames list to see which bloke was about to lose his job but hesitated when he saw who it was. It was one of the women. He recognised her picture as he had been at the same table with her at the Christmas dinner a few months ago and thought she was a very pleasant, friendly woman.
Her name was Kirsty and she had joined the company only last September. She was thirty-two according to her staff record with shoulder length brown hair and a lovely figure and deep blue eyes. He thought she had a lovely personality, but despite the fact they had talked very easily together at the dinner, he had not asked her out. He had not wanted to have a Christmas party fuck in the toilets that might spoil the friendliness of their working relationship and besides, he knew nothing about her home life, boyfriends, husband or even her sexual preferences which, judging by the material she was reading, was definitely hetero.
He knew his job and sent her a message on their internal messaging system and asked her to come to his office, knowing she was about to lose her position with the company.
When she arrived, she politely knocked on his open door and came in. Her smile was infectious, but it only saddened him all the more as he asked her to sit down.
“What’s up?” she asked without losing a trace of her smile; she was completely oblivious as to why she was there.
He did not want to keep her wondering, so he came straight to the point.
“Yesterday, you accessed the web and, unfortunately, some of the sites you accessed are forbidden on the works system.”
Kirsty looked puzzled. “I’m not sure what you mean. I only remember looking at the news and weather on the system.”
“Would it help if I were to tell you that the main word that was flagged was ‘bondage’?” he said staying quite calm, but curious about her reaction so far.
“But that was on my…”. Now her eyes widened with a combination of surprise and alarm as she realised what she had done.
“… on your phone,” He completed for her. “which was still connected to the company Wi-Fi.”
Tears welled up in the corners of her eyes as the enormity of her error sunk in. She had been caught by the silliest of mistakes. Her phone automatically connects to the company wi-fi when she arrives with a login and password, and she had forgot to turn it off before accessing her favourite site. She knew what was coming and completely broke down in floods of tears.
Max really felt sorry for her and pushed a box of tissues across the table. It was a genuine mistake, but the company rules were strict.
“I’m screwed, aren’t I?” she said between sobs as she tried to stem the tears.
“Only if you want to be.” He said calmly, but quietly. It certainly got her attention.
“The stories you were looking at; I would never have seen you as someone who likes that sort of thing. Is it just something you accidentally came across and were curious, or is that what you like?”
Kirsty didn’t know what to say. She was still in shock and was waiting to be thrown out of the building. She did not understand why he was now grilling her of the content of her monumental fuck-up.
“Please answer the question, and please, answer it honestly.” He told her. “Your job depends on it.”
Kirsty was even more confused. There were two answers; it was an honest mistake, or she loves bondage. He could fire her for either. If she said it was a mistake, he might fire her for not leaving the site straight away. If she said she loved bondage and fantasised over the stories she read, he might fire her anyway for being a weird, kinky, bondage obsessed slut.
“I like it” she said eventually. “Now it has cost me my job for just being so monumentally fucking stupid.”
Max looked at the poor girl with sympathy. She was upset, angry with herself and embarrassed about what she had been caught doing.
“Thank you for being honest with me, Kirsty.” He said with his first smile during this awful process. “If you had said it was a mistake and you accidentally accessed the site, I would have known you were lying because a) you looked at more than one story and b) you need to be logged in to read those stories.”
“True. I suppose it’s obvious to someone like you that a login would be required to access bondage material.”
“Yes” he said as his smile grew. “And the fact that I am also a member of that particular site.”
Now Kirsty was wide-eyed once more. “You….”
He nodded and looked at her with a smile as her mouth dropped open and the sudden desire came over him to push his cock into it. He moved the thought aside, for now at least.
“Now we have a dilemma.” He said as he leaned back in his chair. “You lose your job which I would be upset about, or I take a chance to save you and risk losing mine.”
“I don’t understand” she said looking confused. “why would you lose your job?”
“By wiping the logs.”
Kirsty started to realise he was trying to protect her, but she was also concerned about the cost to him, though she realised what he might want in return.
He saw the conflict on her face and explained.
“When you sat next to me at the Christmas dinner, I enjoyed your company a lot. I would have asked you out, but I didn’t know what your home situation was; if you have a boyfriend or husband, or girlfriend for that matter. I also didn’t ask you out then because I didn’t want it to sound like a Christmas party chat-up with the new girl.
“Now I find we also have a something very much in common, albeit a bit kinky. I don’t want you to lose your job, so I could wipe the logs.
“No one ever looks back at the logs unless something comes up with an employee, such as your access today, that causes someone to look back at previous logs to see if it is the first time it has happened. My risk is that if I wipe the logs or edit them to show something more innocent, then that may get noticed; then I have some explaining to do.”
Kirsty was now very confused. A few minutes ago, she was going to be fired. Now he was offering her a lifeline, but at a personal cost to himself. She just could not think straight. She had also liked him at the dinner and found him to be a really nice bloke, but now her career was in his hands.
“Okay” he said, “from the stories you were reading, can I surmise that you like being submissive to a man?”
She nodded.
“Do you have a partner of any form at the moment?”
“No. He couldn’t move down here when I took this job, so we separated. We weren’t getting along that well, so we would have split before long anyway.”
“Did he tie you up?” Max asked.
“I never told him about it. I wasn’t sure I trusted him enough not to tell all his mates what I liked when he’d had a few drinks.”
“Have you ever been tied up before?”
“Yes, but only a few times” she replied. “It was a several years ago with a different boyfriend. He introduced me to bondage, and I enjoyed it very much, but his job took him to Australia.”
“And would you like being tied up by me?” he asked carefully.
“I have no choice if I want to keep my job” said Kirsty with a dejected tone. “You’re holding all the cards here. If I refuse, you don’t clear the logs and I lose my job.”
“That’s not quite what I meant” Max replied. “I would like to tie you up, but only if you want it. I would like us to be friends with some bondage thrown in as well. I am not married and have no girlfriend, so there are no complications on my side either.
“As for the logs…” he continued as he turned to the computer and tapped on the keyboard. “They are gone and cannot be recovered. Now I have no hold on you. You’re not going to lose your job and are free to walk out of this office and we will never talk about any of this again, though I hope we can remain friends.
“Now I can ask again, with nothing hanging over you. I would like me to tie you up. Whatever way you like it. There can be sex involved or not; your decision entirely. On those terms alone, would you like to be tied up by me?”
For the first time since he had broken the news to her that she had been caught out, a smile touched her lips. Max was pleased to see it. He had hated seeing her so upset.
“Can I be really honest?” she said, and he nodded. “I fantasised about being tied up by you during and after the Christmas dinner.”
Now Max was surprised. “I had had the same thoughts about you at the dinner table.” He confessed. “But with neither of us knowing the other’s thoughts or desires… nothing happened.
“Now I suggest you go home for the rest of the day. If you go back into the office, everyone will know you have been crying and assume I’m to blame for it. I am basically in charge today as the boss is on holiday, so I’ll tell them you came to me because you weren’t feeling well. Go out the back door, away from everyone. Is there anything on your desk you need?”
“No. I have my phone and purse, so don’t need anything else, thanks.”
“Are you free this weekend?” he asked, now desperate to have her as soon as possible.
“From the time I leave here tomorrow to the time I come in again on Monday, I’m all yours and I am seriously looking forward to being tied up again.”
Max grinned. “Great! Then why don’t we have dinner after work and head to my place after that?”
“I’m already looking forward to it…” she said, looking much happier now. “…to all of it.”
Max wrote down his personal email address and phone number and gave the piece of paper to Kirsty.
“Mail me your preferences when you get home; what you like, don’t like and what is definitely out of bounds. I want the weekend to be everything you like and nothing you don’t.”
“The whole weekend?” she replied with raised eyebrows and a smile.
“With some breaks of course, but I expect I can keep you tied up and entertained for quite some time.
“By the way, what’s your login ID to the site? I want to see which stories you have liked or commented on, so I can use that as the starting point of what you like?”
“Kgirl87” she told him as she left the office with the same lovely smile she had walked in with.
After the door closed behind her, Max returned to his seat. The meeting had not really gone as he had expected and now, he was the one who was at risk. He knew he could say it was an error, an accidental deletion, but he wasn’t sure if that would save him.
But for now, all he could think about was tomorrow night and having Kirsty all tied up.
A few hours later, an email arrived in his private account from Kirsty. As he opened it on his phone (that was not on the company Wi-Fi), he feared she might have changed her mind, but that thought soon fell by the wayside as he read it.

I am not sure what I can do to thank you for saving me from my own stupidity but giving myself to you freely and willingly to do whatever you want to me, seems like a good starting point.
Once you have me tied up any way you want, you can have me, body and soul, for your own pleasure. Just make sure I get some pleasure in the process.
You can have my mouth, my pussy and if you want my ass, even though I have never done that before. Tie me up with anything and anywhere you like. You can spank me, whip me or cane me for my stupidity, or just because you want to.
You can keep me gagged, blindfolded or hooded for as long as you want, dress me up any way you want or keep me naked if you so desire.
If you see the stories I have liked on the forum, you will know a lot more about me. If you see a story that you take a liking to then feel free to act it out without telling me what is coming. I prefer not to know what you are going to do in advance.
If all goes well this weekend, I hope it will lead to more fun in the future.
PS. Please make sure you enjoy yourself and I insist you punish me hard at least once.

Max had a very engorged cock as he read the email over and over again. He was surprised how far she wanted to go for a first time with him and he suspected that those few times with her former boyfriend must have been very intense.
When he went home that evening, hardly any work had been done. He ordered a pizza delivery and settled down on the sofa with his laptop to see what she fantasised about and enjoyed.

The next day, being Friday, seemed to drag on and on. It was freezing outside, so Max had worn his big black parka into work. He was in the kitchen area when Kirsty arrived, and he saw her walk in wearing a long red hooded puffy down parka that extended down just below her knees. It was a good fit on her and Max like the way it she looked in it. Beneath the coat, she wore jeans and a light pink cardigan over a white t-shirt.
She came into the kitchen while he was still there and gave him a broad smile.
“Good morning, Sir” she said with a cheeky grin. Fortunately, there was only a few people in the office today being Friday and no one else in the kitchen.
“Take care, Kirsty” he said quietly. “If you tease me too much, I may not be able to wait until later. I got your message and have worked out some things to do that you might like. The pub is booked for 7pm and it’s only a ten-minute walk from where I live, so I thought we would drop the car at my house and walk to the pub and back if it’s still dry. You looked like you would be plenty warm enough in that big puffy coat you were wearing when you arrived… Is that okay?”
At that moment one of the men walked into the kitchen and probably heard the question at the end, but Kirsty handled it perfectly.
“That’s fine” she said, “I know it’s an important deal, so I’ll have everything ready for you by the end of the day.”
“Thanks Kirsty” he said after her as she left the kitchen and headed back to her desk before turning to the intruder and engaging in small talk until he could safely return to his office without it looking odd to someone who didn’t know what the previous conversation had been about.
Her excuses in the kitchen came in handy later, when a couple of the other girls were going out for a drink and asked Kirsty if she wanted to join them. She of course declined on the grounds of having to get the job done that Max had asked of her and also that her stomach was still a bit off after yesterday, so she was going to have an early night. She giggled to herself a little after they left, knowing that she probably was going to have an early night, but they didn’t know whose bed it was going to be in, or the fact that she would most likely be tied to it.

Eventually, the time came to leave and so she went to Max’s office to tell him that the fictitious work was done and to get a lift as she had purposely left her own car at home. As they were the last to leave, Max locked up and escorted Kirsty to his car and they set off to his house.
The drive took about thirty minutes and they eventually arrived at a remote detached house at the top of a lane on the edge of a village. It was quite a large house, and it looked fairly old in the dark, but she couldn’t really see much. Max parked the car on the driveway and, arm-in-arm, headed down the road to the pub like a married couple.
Inside the pub, it was really warm and friendly. A large log fire burnt in the fireplace and the hosts welcomed them and showed them to their table. It was still early, so there was hardly anyone around and their meal was ordered and served without too much of a wait.
The food was excellent and despite the knowledge of what was coming next, they managed to keep the conversation clean and talked about each other’s family life, growing up and general topics of conversation that belied what was really going through their minds.
After the meal was done and the wine bottle drained, Max went and paid the bill and then held up Kirsty’s coat for her to put on.
“Just drape it over your shoulders for now”, he told her quietly. “I will help you do it up properly once we’re outside.”
Kirsty did as she was instructed and kept her arms at her side as Max rested the coat on her shoulders and clipped the top popper closed so she was wearing it like a cape.
As they got outside the door in the cold, Max turned to her.
“I think the fun should start now” he told her. “Keep your arms by your side.” He bent down to the bottom of the coat and clipped the two halves of the zip together and pulled it up all the way to the neck, leaving her arms inside.
Kirsty was now trapped. She could run, but not very fast without the use of her arms, and the icy conditions would make it very dangerous.
“Now just one finishing touch” he said as he pulled a ball gag out of his pocket.
Kirsty’s eye widened and looked around, but there was no-one about so, unable to stop him if decided to force it in, she opened her mouth and he pushed it into place, buckling it behind her head. Then he pulled her big hood up and pulled the wind baffles together, completely hiding the gag and pulled the drawstrings in, so she just had enough space to see through.
“Now if we tuck your sleeves into your pockets, anyone we pass will just see a girl huddled into her thick puffy coat trying to keep warm.
“So, if you’re ready, let’s head on home so the real fun can begin. I have had a massive hard-on all day and I want to relieve it inside you, but not until I have had some fun.”
They passed an old man and a young couple on the way back to the house. Everyone said hello or good evening as they passed. Max returned each greeting, but Kirsty could only nod; her cheeks, blushed with embarrassment at her situation in public bondage, only hidden by the hood of her coat which also hid the gag.
Max walked calmly beside her as the other villagers passed, holding her around the waist to guide her and to prevent her from falling if she should trip. She looked perfectly normal to anyone walking past. No one could tell that her arms were not in the sleeves of her coat because they were so puffy that she looked totally normal.
As they turned into the lane that led up to Max’s house, he did something that Kirsty had definitely not expected. He instructed her to stop and turn around to face back the way they had come. Kirsty was curious but did as she had been ordered. When he then ordered her to turn back the right way again, she did so without question. What she had not realised was that Max was holding the sleeves of her coat, so she turned but it didn’t, and she ended up facing the inside of her hood.
Now she was blind as well as gagged.
“Don’t worry” he told her. “My house is the only one up here, so no one will see your predicament except me, and I will enjoy it.”
Kirsty had no choice but to trust him. She could not see or speak, and her arms were trapped inside the coat, leaving no way to pull the hood off of her face. She remembered that wearing a back-to-front puffy coat was in one of the stories she had read, and he had obviously found it. She now wondered if it had been a good idea to wear her thickest, puffiest coat this morning, but she had to admit to herself, she was getting turned on by her situation.
She felt Max put his arm around her waist once more and guided her forward. She started taking very small steps, but he soon encouraged her to take larger steps with a slap on her well-padded behind.
Time seemed to pass quite slowly for Kirsty. Walking forward, unable to see, speak or even control her own balance with her arms was quite unnerving, but with Max’s arm around her, they eventually reached what she assumed was the house when he told her to manage a step-up. This she managed and felt the warmth of the room as he closed the door behind her.
She could hear Max moving about, presumably taking his thick parka off, but he left her completely unattended standing in what she presumed was the hallway still gagged and in her back-to-front coat for some time and she grew nervous about what he was doing. Was he taking off more than just his coat? Was he preparing some form of bondage for her?
“Remove your jeans” came a voice so suddenly right next to her ear that, in her nervous state she jumped. Max had to grab her to keep her from falling over.
Once she regained her balance, he let go of her and she did her best to obey his order within the restrictions of her coat. Undoing the belt buckle was particularly difficult, but Kirsty eventually managed it and she pushed the jeans down as far she could. She felt his arm go around her once more as a balance as he asked her to lift her left leg. As she did so he pulled her slip-on shoe away and pulled the jeans off and repeated the process with the right leg.
“Drop your panties” came the next command.
At least that was easier than the jeans but, in letting them drop to the floor, she suddenly felt very vulnerable. She was still trapped inside her coat, hooded and gagged, but despite being it being covered by the knee-length coat her sex was exposed for him to take whenever he wished. That feeling of vulnerability had the unfortunate consequence of making her very wet between the legs.
Suddenly the coat tightened about her chest as a wide strap was wrapped about her. Another followed around her waist, binding her arms to her sides.
Her neck was next as a collar was fitted and tightened sufficiently for her to feel it through the coat, but not enough to cut off any air supply.
A pull on the collar made her step forward, pulled along like a dog on a leash. That was how she felt, as she was now no more than his sexual plaything.
She moved forward until her waist touched an obstacle, but the leash kept pulling. She could do nothing but bend and soon realised he was bending her over a table. The leash stopped pulling her, but Kirsty found that she could not straighten up and realised that Max had tied it off to something keeping her bent.
He gently kicked her legs apart and she felt tape being wrapped around her ankles securing them to the table legs, leaving her spread and sexually exposed to him, albeit still covered by her coat.
Another strap pulled her down to the table, but she soon realised this one went around the table as well and pinned her down, completely unable to move as she felt him pulling the coat up to expose her ass and crotch.
Max admired his prize for some time and took some pictures with his camera. What Kirsty did not know yet was that were also several video cameras positioned around the room recording all that was going on. This was what he had been doing when he had left her unattended in the hall; switching on the cameras and making sure everything was ready for what was to follow.
He was still wearing his thick parka with the hood up, so no one who might see the film later would have any clue who the two stars in the film were. He was not intending to release it on to the internet or anything, but he would give Kirsty her copy at the end of the weekend and if it should leak out, no one would be able to tell who was involved.
“Now I seem to remember you saying that you thought you needed to be punished hard at least once for your stupidity” he told her. “Well, let’s get started, shall we.”
The sudden impact of a flogger on her rear made Kirsty squeal into her gag and would have jumped had she been able to move. A second third and fourth swish followed in quick succession and soon she lost count.
Something much larger followed and caused even more pain. After a few had landed on her ass she realised it was a paddle of some form and it really hurt. Tears welled up in her eyes and dripped on to the nylon lining of the hood.
“Do you think you have been punished enough?” came a voice near her head when the paddling ceased.
Kirsty thought she must be insane when she found herself shaking her head.
“You think you need a more severe punishment?”
Kirsty nodded as the tears formed once more and her pussy got wetter.
“Then I think we need to give you something to help with the pain.” He told her and she felt a dildo being pushed up inside her and a clit stimulator moving into position as he taped a rampant rabbit to her thigh and switched it on a low speed.
The sensual feelings were building inside her and she desperately wanted to orgasm, but the device was just a little too low to bring her off, causing her to moan into her gag, followed by a muffled scream as a riding crop slashed across her already tender rear.
Again and again, the crop landed on her ass until she was sobbing, but the vibrator was slowly increasing its power and stimulating her innermost desire to be severely punished as she orgasmed, but just before he was about to come, the vibrator stopped, along with the punishment.
Once more she was asked if she thought she had been punished enough, and once more she shook her head.
“Do you want to come whilst you are being punished?” he asked her. He had seen this tendency in the stories she had commented on.
Kirsty nodded, though she was still crying.
“As you wish” was all he said as the vibrator went to full power and the caning started.
Eleven strikes of the cane landed across her ass and upper thighs before she came. Max gave her one more to make it a round dozen before switching off and removing the vibrator.
Kirsty’s head fell against the table, exhausted from the screaming, the crying and the orgasm that was still churning through her body, but relaxation only lasted a few seconds as she felt herself being violently penetrated by Max’s cock which he rammed in all the way without any time to let her stretch to accommodate him.
“Now you have had your pleasure I am going to have mine, the way I like it.” She heard him as she felt the pressure as he leaned over her and the hood covering her face suddenly went tight as he pulled on the drawstrings and tied them off, so the thick down hood sealed her off from the fresh air outside.
Now the fucking began in earnest; slowly at first as she fought against her bonds and the lack of air in the hood, but as she panicked more, so the rhythm of his movement increased. He slapped the sides of her butt cheeks as he pummelled her pussy and as she really started struggling, he hammered his cock into her harder and harder until he came and kept pounding her hole until he felt fully sated.
He pulled out of his victim and went around the other side of the table as his semen ran down her leg and undid the strings on the hood and let it fall free so she could breathe once more and also see. He removed the gag and presented his cock in front of her face.
“This is your messy juice all over me” he told her, “so clean it up or the gag goes back in.”
Kirsty’s mouth was already strained from being gagged for so long, so she opened her mouth and accepted the insertion of his cock. She began licking it clean and was forced to continue until he was satisfied that she had done a good job and pulled out.
He immediately put the hood back over her face again, but not tight, so she could not see the array of cameras and proceeded to release her from the table.
Once she was free, he helped her up, still hooded, and guided he out of the room back into the hall where he finally removed her coat.
“Now you have a free choice” He said. “You can relax with me unrestrained for a while or go to bed if you are tired.”
“I am tired, Sir, but may I stay up with you for a while?”
“Of course, but let’s get that t-shirt and cardigan off you; they’re soaked in sweat.”
He helped her out of the last of her clothes and gave her a soft, hooded, furry bathrobe to wrap around herself as she went to the toilet to freshen up, have a pee and wipe away all the spilt juices from her legs, pussy and mouth.
When she returned, he had finally taken off his parka and was wearing a similar robe to her with nothing underneath. He gave her a glass of wine and guided her gently into the sitting room. He sat on the sofa at one end as she sprawled out over its length, on her side with her head resting on his lap, being careful that she did not sit on her incredibly sore rear.
“Lay on your front” he said gently, “and I’ll massage some cream into your rear; it must be a little bit sore.”
“A little bit?” she laughed as she turned. “It hurts like hell and I probably won’t be able to sit on it for a week!”
“Well, this cream will take the worst of the sting out of it.”
He pulled up her gown and started to very gently apply the cream to her bum and upper thighs. Kirsty soon realised that the cream was working its magic and relieving the sting, but she was becoming more and more relaxed by the massaging effect of his hands on her rear, which was also turning her on once more. Turning her head on his lap, she noticed that her soft, pleasurable mewing was having an effect on Max too, so without even thinking about it or using her hands she nuzzled his gown open and started licking his cock head once more, softly and gently.
Her ministrations soon had him standing tall once more, but she kept her sucking motion soft and slow, more for pleasuring than making him come.
Max was really enjoying himself so far and it was still only Friday evening with two whole days left. He had already worked out the basic plan for the weekend, but he was still intending to play it by ear and add in anything he felt would make the rest of the weekend even better than today.
“Time for bed I think”, he said eventually.
She let his cock go and sat up gently, realising that the worst of the pain had gone even though her bottom was still sensitive.
“You have a choice” he said. “You can sleep with me totally unfettered if you wish, or you can be bound if you wish.”
“I am your slave this weekend.” Kirsty replied. “You must keep me bound all night otherwise I will not have earned what you have done for me.”
“Fair enough. Up the stairs then to my bedroom, which is the first door on the left. There is an en-suite shower in there for you to freshen up for the night while I get everything ready.”
Kirsty stood and left the room without a word, heading up the stairs in nothing but her robe. Max followed her a few minutes later once he heard the shower running.
Kirsty revelled in the shower, the hot water cascading down and foaming bubbles felt wonderful after a whole evening of bondage and the severe beating she received. She had to admit that she had got more than she had bargained for when she had written her email, but she had told him to beat her really hard, and he had not held back. She had not been caned before, but she thought she had borne it really well, but wondered what else he had planned for her. Would it be more of the same, maybe even harder, or much more varied?
After drying herself off with really soft, fluffy towels, she opened the door and saw Max standing by the bed and behind him, lying open on the nearest side of the super king-sized bed was a huge thick sleeping bag, purple in colour and at least as thick as she was before she even got in it. It was by far the biggest bag she had ever seen, and underneath were a number of wide straps.
“You wanted bondage, so you’re going to spend the night in this bag… for your own protection of course, so I cannot ravage you all night.”
“I am going to cook in that bag” she said with a grin, that he knew meant she was up for it.
“Well, it’s either that or tied to a post stark naked in the garden shed, so make up your mind.”
“I think I’ll take the bag, Sir.”
“I thought you would, but that doesn’t mean I won’t put you in the shed another night.”
As Kirsty climbed into the bag, he silently highlighted the internal arm sleeves. Realising that there was to be no escape, she inserted her arms, trapping them at her sides as Max slowly zipped up the bag all the way to the top and adjusted the drawstrings around the neck baffle and the opening, so that could not move nor see; the only gap being sufficient for her to breathe through.
Next came the straps and she counted eight being tightened around her body, at the ankles, above and below the knees, thighs, waist, above and below her breasts and her neck.
Once she was totally bound and confined in the bag, he stripped off his robe and straddled her chest facing her, which was an effort because of the thickness of the bag and its prisoner.
“Now, before you settle in for the night, you got me all worked up again downstairs on the sofa so I am going to have to dump another load in you, but being as your pussy is now unavailable, your mouth will have to do.”
Kirsty had no choice but to open her mouth and accept the insertion of his shaft.
“This was in one of the stories you read wasn’t it? Being bound in a sleeping bag and forced to suck cock.”
She remembered the story and nodded as best as she could with a mouth full of cock.
“Do you remember what your comment was?”
The noise she made resembled “Uh-uh” which sounded in the negative.
“It was something like, ‘Oh my! I really want to be in her place and forced to perform.’ Do you remember it now?”
A more positive sound escaped her lips, still wrapped around his cock.
“Well, I remember it too” he said as his climax approached its crescendo. “I remember it because...” His climax burst into her mouth... “I wrote the story!”
He was sure that her oral action froze for just a second at his revelation, but the flow of spunk into her mouth forced her to swallow before she choked on it and the sucking action resumed immediately after.
Kirsty got back into the rhythm of sucking as, despite having come, he had not pulled out. She knew he expected her to clean him off now so began sucking and rolling her tongue over his head.
What have I let myself in for? She thought still reeling from the news. I knew he was a member of the site, but it never crossed my mind that I might have liked his stories.
A few minutes later he pulled his cock out of her mouth and cinched in the hood drawstrings a little more.
“Goodnight” was all he said as he climbed off of her and settled down on his side of the bed to sleep.
Kirsty was far from sleep at this point. Her mind was reeling, trying to think of all the other stories she had liked. she expected that the back-to-front coat scenario from earlier in the evening was also one of his. She knew there were more she had ‘liked’ that involved puffy coats and sleeping bags, but she could not think of any of them, but suspected that she now knew the author intimately.
At least now I know his particular kink she thought as she imagined what the next two days might bring and by the time she slipped into unconsciousness, she was quite wet between the legs.

End of part 1

Re: An Abuse of Position - Part 1 (M/F)

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 4:15 pm
by Trickster
THAT was absolutely fabulous!!!

Re: An Abuse of Position - Part 1 (M/F)

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2020 8:46 am
by Barden Fayle
Trickster wrote: 4 years ago THAT was absolutely fabulous!!!
Thanks, Trickster. Really pleased you liked it. Day 2 is already in production. I'll post as soon as it is ready.

Re: An Abuse of Position - Part 1 (M/F)

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2020 5:14 am
by puffalover
WOW!! What an amazing start to this story! Super hot and very well written! Can’t believe I haven’t seen this til now.

As you can tell I’m a huge fan of puffy coats and sleeping bag bondage in a M/F setting, so this type of story is right up my alley.

Can’t wait to read part 2.

Re: An Abuse of Position - Part 1 (M/F)

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2020 7:49 am
by Barden Fayle
Hi PuffaLover
Thanks for the great feedback. Second part is in production and will post as soon as it is ready.

Re: An Abuse of Position - Part 1 (M/F)

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2020 5:17 am
by puffalover
Barden Fayle wrote: 4 years ago Hi PuffaLover
Thanks for the great feedback. Second part is in production and will post as soon as it is ready.
Good to hear. Really looking forward to the next part of this great story my friend!

Re: An Abuse of Position - Part 1 (M/F)

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2021 3:02 am
by Ropeddope
Amazing story! I wish there were more down stories like this on here