Dreams Can Come True (MM/M) (F/MM)

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Dreams Can Come True (MM/M) (F/MM)

Post by BandG »

This a respost from a story I wrote on the old TUG website that still exists!:

I was 18 at the time this episode occurred. My name's Jack, I'm about 5 foot 7 with shortish dark hair, medium weight, hazel eyes. I've always been in to bondage but had never told anyone about my little kink.

One night I was round at a mates house along with 2 other mates, all males. The person who's house we were at was called Benji, he was the same height as me with similar hair but with a bit of stubble. He was wearing jeans, white socks and a long sleeved grey top. Another mate, Antony was a bit taller than us, he wore glasses, had spiky dark hair and was wearing jeans, white socks and an Ed Hardy short sleeved top. The other guy was called Doug, he was a bit smaller than me, a bit chubbier too and wore a Ralph Lauren top with jeans and you guessed it..white socks. I was wearing a grey "mr lazy" short sleeved top which I liked to practice self bondage in at home for some reason, I just always felt vulnerable in it, perhaps because it was a tad short on me and my belly was exposed sometimes if I was in a hogtied position. I had Jeans on too but dark black socks.

We were in Benji's bedroom, him and Doug were playing a football game on the Playstation whilst I sat on the bed watching and Antony sat on a chair alongside the bed. It was a slightly messy room, on the sofa against the wall were a heap of Benji's clothes, I assumed dirt ones as they were sprawled out over the couch. I couldn't help noticing a few dirty sports socks and this turned me on, I felt a tingling go through me and tried to stop an erection from happening by shifting my position.

We had been playing on the games console for a while now and everyone was starting to get bored. I needed the toilet so left the room.

"What should we do now?" Asked Benji, now flicking through channels on the tv, he stopped at a soap.

"I don't know, I'm so bored, we've got to do something." Replied Antony.

The boys were all glancing at the television, there was no sound but they could see a man tied to a chair and tape gagged.

"Soaps are so stupid. As if that guy couldn't escape, those ropes aren't even tying his hands properly!" Said Benji.

"I know, we could do a better job tying someone up then that!" laughed Antony.

The three boys glanced at each other.

"Well...I've got some old rope lying about from when my dad used to go fishing..it's in one of those draws actually" Benji pointed to his table then walked over pulling all the draws open, "ahh, here they are!" He pulled out lengths of white thin rope. "There's loads here."

"So who are you going to tie up? Not any of us?!" Said Doug

"Well not any of us. Where would be the fun in that, we wouldn't be unsuspecting. Jack on the other hand..."

All of them laughed. They quickly devised a plan get him roped up efficiently before he came back from the toilet.

I washed my hands and came back into the room, the atmosphere was a little weird, as if they had been talking about me, but I decided to ignore it. I sat back on the bed watching the TV as well, the scene changed from two women talking to a guy tied to the chair and I immediately felt an erection emerging again.

“What else is on?” I asked, desperately wanting the channel to be changed

“NOW!” Shouted Benji and before I could react Antony had pounced on me holding his hand over my mouth and lying on top of me so I was on my stomach, “mphhhwwt!” I tried to shout. “Hold still Jack” Said Benji as he pulled my arms together behind my back. I couldn’t believe it, I was actually being tied up, my whole body tingled, I now had a large hard on. I pretended to struggle but really I was in heaven. I could feel the rope being applied to my wrists, looping around them several times and felt them being pulled tightly together then knotted. I wriggled them testing how sincere the bondage was and to my secret delight I couldn’t do anything about it. It was very tight. It was Benji who was doing the tying whilst Antony still held his palm over my mouth. This was extremely arousing, I had only ever gagged myself before, often with tape or a sock tied into my mouth as a cleave gag but I always felt somewhat disheartened that I could quite easily work it out of my mouth if I wanted to. This was different, I was completely in the control of someone else and it felt great.

I could feel Benji testing my wrist bondage now, and he was evidently satisfied as he picked up more rope and began to loop it around my elbows tying them tightly together. Antony now took his hand away from my mouth and I pretended to be angry, “what the fuck are you doing? Let me go now.” Not said with any real conviction.

“We’ll let you go when we see fit” Said Doug who was sitting in front of me on the bed and playfully slapped my cheek. Antony began rummaging through Benj’s draws.

“What you doing Ant?” Benji asked.

“Just looking for something to keep him quiet.”

“I’ve got some Duct tape in the second draw down and erm..hand me one of those socks” He was pointing towards the dirty sports socks I had been aroused by earlier. I was really hard now and excited, I played the damsel card and pretended to be oblivious to their plans.

“What are you going to do with that?” I asked, looking at Antony picking it up and then walking over to the bed sitting by me.

“You’ll find out in a minute.” He smirked.

Benji then picked me up so that I was sitting with my back to him and began looping rope all over my Torso and back behind it, pinning my Arms to my back. I looked down at my ropes and was extremely turned on, they looked great, nice and tight. I pretended to struggle again, trying to wriggle my wrists. I could feel the final knots being tied behind me now and Benji clapped his hands together.

“That’s his body done, now for his legs. But lets quieten him down first, Ant will you do the honours?” He smirked.

This was it, I was about to be gagged and I couldn’t wait.

Antony began rolling the sock up into a ball whilst Benji grabbed the white duct tape and began unravelling it. The sound of that alone made me gulp, my mouth was dry, and my cock was throbbing.

“Ok Jacky, open up.” Antony held the sock just under my nostrils and I smelt the strong smell of sweat and fabric, I closed my mouth and eyes and tried to turn my head away, but Antony pinched my nostrils and I had to take a deep breath, at which point he stuffed the sock deep into my mouth between my teeth, it tasted awful but I was loving it. Before I could even think about spitting it out Benji was wrapping the Duct tape around my lips and head, it got stickier and stickier until he was satisfied I was inaudible and ripped the last piece off securing it at the back of my beck. “mpppppppph” I began to struggle again for effect.

“Does that taste nice?” Doug asked laughing. I looked at him with wide eyes and then Benji began tying my legs up and then ankles in loops then a neat knot, he was quite an expert at this I thought!

When he was done he crawled behind me and pushed me again onto my belly. He then picked up the remaining rope and looped it through my ankle bondage, tying it then pulling my legs forward to my wrists, looping it through my wrist bondage and back to the ankles in a hogtie. It was tight, uncomfortable but I was enjoying every second. I was breathing hard through my nostrils now because the sock in my mouth made it impossible to breathe through that.

I was now hogtied and gagged on Benji’s bed with my three mates standing watching me with wide grins on their faces. Antony lent in close to my face and clasped a hand under my chin, “are you enjoying this Jack. I think he is you know guys.” I moaned and tried to struggle.

Suddenly we all heard the sound of a car outside and Benji looked out his window. “Oh my god, it’s Jess!” Jess was his 21 year old sister who we all melted in front of because she was incredibly sexy. She had long dark hair, dark eyes, red full lips, great tits and an incredible figure, she always smelt great as well. I desperately didn’t want her to see me tied up like this!

“mpppppppppppppppppppphhhhhhhhhhhnnnunttitpphhhh!” I squirmed, I meant to say “untie me quick!” but it came out in a muffle.

“I think we need to hide him quick!” Said Benji, and before I knew it all three of them had picked me up and carried me to the closet, opening it and placing me in there then shutting the door. I couldn’t believe it! I was hogtied in the closet, this was some sort of dream but my heart was beating at the same time. I could hear the boys rushing to pretend they were just playing on the games console again and could hear footsteps coming up the stairs. To my horror the door opened and I heard the voice of Jess.

“Alright guys? It’s dead quiet in here, you all look proper suspicious!”

“What?” laughed Benji, “we’re just concentrating on the game.”

“Oh right then…well I’m going to take a shower” With that, she walked back out and I breathed a sigh of relief through my nostrils.

“Fucking hell that was close!” I heard Antony say. “Let’s leave him in there until she goes to bed or something, we can’t take the chance, what would she think?”

When I heard this I began muffling into the tape, I didn’t want to be left in there for hours, it was cramped and dark.

Benji rushed over to the closet and opened the door slightly, “Jack be quiet mate, you don’t want Jess seeing you all tied up like this do you?” I nodded at him and rolled my eyes. He then shut the door.

Around half an hour later Benji received a call and said he had to go out for a bit, the other two said they’d go with him.

“But what about Jack, we can’t just leave him in there can we?” Asked Doug.

“We’ll have to, it will take ages to untie him, I haven’t got any scissors and those knots are pretty tight. What if Jess was to walk in. She’ll be in bed by the time we get back then we can untie him.” Said Benji and the boys agreed.

I began to struggle and moan again so they opened the door, “look you heard what I said, just try to stay quiet, go to sleep or something, we wont be long.”

He shut the door and I heard them laughing quietly then the door shutting, they had left the closet door open slightly and I could see a bit of the room. After 10 minutes amazingly Jess walked in, just wearing a towel. I couldn’t believe it! She looked incredible, she sat down on by the computer and started clicking away. Her eyes were intent on the screen, she was completely unaware that one of her brother’s mates was helplessly tied up and gagged in the closet just inches away from where she was sitting. Her hair was wet from the shower and I could see her slim dark legs peeking out from under the towel. I couldn’t take it, my cock was aching now and I couldn’t even move in this compact space. I suddenly became aware of the reality, the ropes were digging into me and breathing was very difficult. I didn’t dare to squirm as I didn’t want Jess to realise I was in the room. However part of me wanted her to find me like this, I could imagine her shocked gorgeous face, her lips wide in astonishment, her sexy way of talking and the warm, sensual smell of her as she leaned in to untie my ropes. But surely this could only remain a fantasy.
Then it happened.

To my horror, my phone began to vibrate in my pocket and then the ringtone. I couldn’t believe it, I had forgotten all about the phone. It was in the pocket of me jeans and there was no way I could get my hand to my pocket. All I could do was stay still but it was hopeless. Jess looked around the room, straining her ears to see where the noise was coming from. She then got up off the seat, holding her towel in place with one hand and moved over to my direction. My heart was in my mouth.

She opened the door and gasped in astonishment. “Oh My god! Jack?! What the hell is going on?!” She looked angry that I had been here all along and bemused as well as slightly embarrassed. All I could so was look at her eyes and mumble into my gag. I could feel myself blushing and felt very hot. She lent in close and grabbed my body, tugging me out of the closet. I was now on the floor and she could see how tightly I was tied.

“Did Benji do this to you?” I nodded in humiliation.

She put a hand on my tape to see if she could take it off but she saw how tightly wrapped it was around my head.

“This looks like it’s going to take ages to get off.” She was crouching by me now, I could smell a fruity smell and it was driving me wild. “How about instead, we have a little fun hey.” She smirked teasingly, patted me on the head and ran a finger down my body.

Part 2:

So I had been squirming on the floor for several minutes now. Jess had said she would be back soon and with a mischevious smirk had walked out the room. I didn't know what she meant by "fun" and part of me really wanted to find out. Soon enough Jess came back in, she had put some black panties on and a black bra now but nothing else and she was quite a sight, her hair was still slightly wet and I noticed now she had painted her finger nails black. She was carrying something but what was it? it looked like a black piece of cloth and some scissors. She crouched down next to my face again and I could smell that fruity smell, she was stairing into my eyes.

"Right, i'm going to cut your ropes free but I'm going to leave your wrists tied behind you ok? Just nod 'cause I'm not removing that gag just yet, you look kind of good with that in." She smiled and I nodded helplessly. I was slightly horny because I was being dominated by this gorgeous girl but I also wanted my gag to be removed, my mouth ached now and the sock had soaked up my saliva.

I felt her move around me and suddenly a great relief as my legs seperated from my wrists and my back stopped aching. I could now stretch and it felt a lot more comfortable. I then felt another snip and my elbows were released from their tight ropes. Then my legs and feet. Only my wrists were still tied.

Suddenly I felt a weight on my back. It was Jess, she had climbed on top of me and was placing something over my eyes, tying it at the back of my head so I was blindfolded. She then lent next to my ear and whispered softly into it "Ok now I'm going to stand you up and guide you up some stairs and into my room, do you understand babe?"

"yephhh" I mumbled. I felt her grabbing my waist and hoisting me up on my feet. I could walk perfectly and she remained holding on to the back of my top whilst pushing me slightly forward.

"OK, watch your step, one more, another one. There. Now I'm going to guide you onto my bed." She pushed me forward then with one big push I was on my stomach again on the bed. I shifted over onto my back but this seemed to annoy Jess as she grabbed me and shifted me back over onto my stomach and sitting back on top of me.

"Stay on your belly, I'm in control remember?" She said rather sternly. "Now let's get these jeans off, they must be uncomfortable with the hard on you've had." I felt her unzipping my jeans and then slowly pulling them off. My cock was rock hard by now and to my humiliation Jess unbuttoned my light blue boxer shorts and so that my cock was peeking out like a tower.

"Charming." I heard her say and I mumbled what was perhaps an apology!

She then took both my socks off so I was barefoot. "I think I'll leave your top on, wouldn't want you to catch a chill." She said teasingly. She then grabbed my left leg and placed something over my footy and at my ankle tightened what felt like a strap, I then felt my leg being pulled tightly to one side of the bed. She then did the same with my other leg. Then she cut free my wrist bondage but strapped each wrist to sides of the top of the bed so I was tied spread eagled.

"There we go, that's more comfortble isn't it?"

"mphyyuympph" I struggled a bit but this was a dream come true, tied spread eagled on my mate's sexy sister's bed, blindfolded, gagged and completely vulnerable.

"Is that gag creating discomfort for you babe?" I could feel her breath on me now, she must have been leaning over me. "Hold still." I felt her hands steadying my head whilst she snipped the tape off with the scissors. She began unrolling it from my head and it hurt a little. She then pulled the sock out of my mouth. "ewww, is this one of Benji's dirty sports socks? And you've had it in your gob for how long? It's soaking wet!"

I went red and said "What are you going to do with me?" But Jess put a finger to my lips.

"Just relax and enjoy the ride." I then felt the bed shake as she got off it and could hear her rummaging through draws. I was taking advantage of being able to breathe through my mouth again when I felt her presence back on the bed.

"I know you've been gagged for a while but this should be more comfortable so don't worry." I had no idea what she was talking about but she instructed me to open my mouth and I felt a rubber ball being placed between my teeth and strapped behind my head. More comfortable?! That was certainly debateable.

"There. That's a lot better isn't it? See Benji doesn't know that he's not the only one in this family who has a talent for tying. You're not the first boy that's come under my control."

"mpppph" the ball filled my mouth and I could feel myself dribbling.

"Don't make a mess of my bed!" Jess said in a jokey manner. Then she did something that drove me wild. She leant in close to my face kissing my nose and running her lips down my cheek and then stroking my cock. I shuffled on the bed trying to control it but I desperately wanted to burst.

"Don't think I'm going to give you a happy ending just yet. I've got lots of stuff lined up for you." I felt her get off the bed again but then suddenly we both heard the door opening from downstairs and the voices of Antony, Benji and Doug. My heart was beating fast again.

Jess got back on the bed and put her lips to my ear, "I wont tell if you don't tell." She said in a soft teasing way. My whole body melted.

To be continued....
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Part 3

by SteveLuis » Thu Jan 07, 2010 12:10 pm

So now I was tied on the bed with my wrists pulled up in the air to a hook on the ceiling. My knees were bent behind me and tied and I had Panties taped in my mouth with white duct tape. I had been captive in Jess's room for around 5 hours and Benji didn't have a clue I was still in the house.

When the boys had come in Jess had gone down to them and explained how she had found me bound in the closet, released me and driven me home. She told me this story and then switched my phone off before my eyes.

"Wouldn't want anyone to hear this go off now would we?" She threw it onto a chair in the corner of her room and proceded to tie me in this current position. I was still wearing my top and boxers.

Jess came into the room and kneeled on the bed before me, softly stroking my chin with her hand. "You like this don't you?" She smirked.

"ymphh" I muttered helplessly, stairing into her dark eyes.

"I find it kind of exciting how Benji doesn't have a clue you're up here, imagine his face if he saw you like this on his big sister's bed." She now looked mischevious.

"BENJ?!" she shouted to my horror. My heart raced.

"mphhhhhhnoompp" I began struggling vigorously, looking at Jess with wide eyes in horror.

She put a finger to her lips.

"YEAH!?" came the reply from downstairs.


I was motionless, I looked up at my wrists above my head, tied with white rope in loops then a long pice of white roped tied through the hook hoisting them up. There was no way I could free myself.

I heard Benji coming up the stairs but Jess quickly wrapped a towel round her body and opened the door only slightly.

"Don't come in I'm not decent." She was speaking to him from inside.

"Ok, what do you want?" Benji asked. I made no noise.

"I just wanted to ask you why you tied your mate up like that?"

"Erm...I dunno, we were bored I suppose."

"Oh. So you're not into that stuff then?"

"What? What stuff?"

"Bondage, tying, ropes, gags?"

"It's fun I suppose, I enjoyed tying Jack up but I don't do it regularly or anything."

"Right. Got it."

"Why are you so bothered?" Benji asked

"Oh i'm not, it just came as a surprise to find your mate all tied like that with a sock in his mouth. Where did you learn to hogtie like that?"


"Yeah, that's the position Jack was in, his wrists were tied to his ankles behind him, that's called a hogtie."

"Is it? Why?"

"It's like..have you ever seen on tv on cartoons where a pig gets roasted on a barbeque and its tied like Jack was to a long bit of metal with an apple in its mouth?"

"ohh yeah, I get it, I just tied him like that, it felt logical and was impossible to escape."

"Do you think you'd be able to judge which positions are impossible to escape from then?"

"erm...probably yeah."

"Well...What do you think about this position?"

She opened the door fully and beckoned Benji in. He saw me immediately and his eyes were wide in surprise and shock.

"mphhhhhh" I mumbled, embarassed.

"I think you two know each other right?" Jess smirked, then locked the door, looking at Benji mischeviously, She had her back to me with her hands behind it, only I could see the coils of rope she had in her hands.


Whoah..What are you doing Jess?!" Jess was blocking the door now and was grinning from ear to ear. She showed Benji the rope in her hands and I saw him gulp.

"You're not tying me up like that as well!" He said pointing in my direction.

"Oh no...not like that, but you were right about me tying you up...unless of course you want me to tell Mum about the ciggy's I also found in your room the other day."

"You wouldn't!"

"Try me." She moved towards him and grabbed his arms forcing them behind him as he struggled.

"Benji, hold still or I'm going to make it tight." She said sternly. She could certainly be strict when she wanted to.

I looked on from my helpless position as she looped rope around his wrists tying them behind him before tying his elbows as well.

"Right get on the bed, behind Jack and lie on your stomach." She beckoned him forward with her hands and he obliged, looking rather worried. He looked at me with embarassment before climbing onto the bed and lying down behind where I was hoisted to the ceiling.

Jess followed him and I could see she had lots more rope as well as the rest of the white duct tape she had used to gag me. I couldn't see what was happening behind me but I could hear a lot of groaning and complaining that his ropes were too tight.

"Just for your benefit Jack I'll give you a running commentary on what I'm doing as I know you two love your little tie up games."

I muffled something into my gag to try and tell her otherwise but nothing was audible past the panties.

"Ok, so I've tied him into a hogtie just like you were. And now...I'm going to silence him, just like you are."

"No Jess, honestly I don't..mphhhh!"

"As you can probably gather I've just stuffed something deep into my little brother's gob...and I'm sure you'll be pleased to know it's one of your socks Jack. Ironic hey?"

"mppppppphhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I heard Benji struggling and closed my eyes in sympathy, I had had those socks on for two days without wash, and after being gagged with his sports sock I knew how it felt..mind you at least that was clean.

"And now I'm wrapping this sticky tape all round his mouth...over and over and over...just to make sure that sock's not getting out, coz we wouldn't want that now would we?"

I could hear Benji moaning and laughing uncontrollably into his gag so I assumed Jess was giving him the tickling treatment.

Jess got off the bed and walked over to the front of it where I was positioned, gazing into my eyes. "Have you had enough yet?" She asked softly

I didn't know the answer to this, I was painfully aroused but my wrists felt limp and the ropes were beginning to hurt as my arms ached.

"ymphh" I decided.

"Oh you have? Well I could let you go I suppose. Or I could go online and make use of my webcam. I'm sure all my girlfriends would love to catch a peak of my little bundles of fun." She patted me on the cheek, her hands felt cold but I could once again smell a sweet perfume scent.

I thought of her friends, well the one's I had seen her with. They were all just as stunning as her, Jemma the blonde with the big tits and perfect teeth. Becca the brunette cheerleader and Amy the air stewardess with chestnut hair - I had only seen her once at a fancy dress party where she wore her stewardess uniform and a mini skirt with high heel boots. I couldn't let them see me like this as well as Jess, it was all to embarrasing.

"nomphhh phwesee"

She put her ear close to my gag to mock pretend she couldn't understand. "What was that Jack? I can't quite make out what you're saying."

"nomppph!" I tried to shout

"Still can't hear you babe, looks like I'll have to get the webcam on then after all." She winked at me and went to switch her laptop on.

I heard Benji struggling behind me and I looked up again at my tied wrists. I was going nowhere.

To be continued...
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I looked on helplessly as Jess signed into a computer chat. Was she really going to do this? humiliating me in front of herself and Benji was one thing but to let all her mates see me like this was too much!

"Phwesse lemegoophnoww" I muffled

Jess turned around on her chair and looked at me. "Hmmm, I guess you have been tied up for a long time now. I know, how about I just take your gag out for a little while? How does that sound?"

I nodded my head vigorously. A chance to breathe properly and relieve the aching pain of my jaw was not one to turn down.

Jess walked over to me and with one of her finger nails managed to loosen the tape on my mouth, it felt as though it was a part of my skin it had been on so long. She began to rip it off quickly and I winced in pain. She released the panties from my mouth with a quick scoop and I saw how shrunk and damp they had become. Looking at them with a wrinkled nose, she threw them into her bin. "Don't think I can wear those anymore" She said smiling and stood just looking at me, contemplating what to do next.

"Jess..please can you let me go now? Look I'll just admit it...I kinda liked being tied up by Benji and them, and then by you but now I know there's a limit to my interests, I just feel like I want to go now."

"Hmmm that's an honest plead don't you think Benj? Now we know he's a bondage lover that just loves to be tied up and gagged" She put her palm over my mouth and squeezed hard to simulate this and the sweet soapy smell aroused me immensely. "Time to let your mate go you think Huh?"

I heard mumbling from behind me.

"Oh that's right you can't talk right now. I forgot, what am I like, always forgetting things!"

I heard a lot of struggling and muffled noise from behind me and gathered Jess was tickling her brother again. "You're a lot better like this you know Benj? I may do this to you every time I find something I can blackmail you with!" She laughed and walked over to me looking at my wrists stretched in the air still.

"Ok, I've got an idea. I'm going to untie you now but I want you to still do exactly what I tell you understand?"

"Erm..Yeah." I gulped.

She stood on the bed and with a pair of scissors snipped my ropes free, my arms were now tied in front of me and I sighed with relief of the aleviating of pain in my elbows and arms. I placed my arms forward so Jess could snip my wrists free and I sighed again.

"That feels better" I said smiling.

"Yeah well don't get too comfy, hands behind your back please darling."

Jess was holding a pair of pink handcuffs.

"No, please, do I have to?"

"Well no you don't have to but then I don't have to show anyone the pictures I snapped of you tied from bedpost to bedpost on my bed with a boner the size of the eiffel tower but I probably should hey?" She looked at me with a satisfied smirk as I rolled my eyes and put my wrists behind me. She swiftly moved behind my back and I felt the coldness of the cuffs as my wrists were tightened behind me.

I turned to look at Benji, he had been hogtied tightly with white rope, there was no way he was escaping. Jess had been less kind to him and had rolled duct tape all around his head. He looked at me in frustration and his eyes pleaded for me to do something but I was powerless now. I was at the mercy of an impossibly gorgeous girl who had full control over me.

"Oy pay attention." I heard and turned around to see Jess holding some black fabric, she tied it over my eyes to blindfold me. "Right were going to go on a little trip now. I've ditched the webcam idea. Why watch something on your computer when you can have the live show?" I could tell by her tone of voice she was extremely happy with herself. "We're going to Jemma's house where the girls and I are going to have you all to ourselves."

"What?! but you said I could go now!"

"I never said that sweetheart, I said I'd untie you, I didn't say I was finished with you...Oh and open up"


I felt a cloth being tied in my mouth to cleave gag me.

"That should keep you quiet for the journey. Say goodbye to Benji."

"mpppphhhh!" is all I could muster.

"See you later Benj, I should be back in a few hours but if not I'm sure mum will untie you when she gets home from work. Much love"

I heard him groaning and struggling on the bed before I was being ushered out the room and down the stairs. I was pushed forward and I felt the cold air. I realised I was now outside.

"Right I'm going to have to help you in here so just come here" I heard a car boot open and Jess started to lift my leg up. "Climb in, you're going in the boot and be quick about it before anyone sees."

With this in mind I did as I was told. It was a struggle but I think I was sitting in the boot now and Jess confirmed this by pushing me flat down on my back. I heard the sound of tape being unravelled and then Jess's hands grab my legs as she began to duct tape my feet and legs together.

"That ought to keep you still. See you son." I heard the car boot shut and everything went dark.

I was now a kidnapped hostage victim.

To be continued (next part is final part)....
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Post by BandG »

Final part:

I had been in the trunk for about 15 minutes now, I didn't bother struggling, the handcuffs weren't coming off and I didn't have room to try and break the tape binding my legs together. The gag was comfier than I had been used to under Jess's control so far but was tight enough to be effective. I remained quiet except for whenever the car went over a bump and I muffled and chewed my gag.

Everything was pitch black on the count of my blindfold And all I could do was try to think of what was in store for me. It had been a crazy day and I couldn't believe what had happened. I had never been tied up before in my life but I had been so helplessly tied firstly by my friends and then by this stunning girl, it was a dream come true. I could hear music playing from the radio, Jess was clearly enjoying this and not worrying at all about a hostage victim bound and gagged in her trunk!

Eventually the car came to a halt and the engine was switched off. I heard the car door open and slam as Jess got out then things ot a bit brighter as I heard the boot door open.

"Shhh, very quietly and quickly I want to get you inside ok?"

I nodded "yhmpph"

I felt her lift me up into a sitting position and cut my legs free.

"Now get out and let me guide you to the doorway".

I nodded again. I could smell the fresh air and could hear cars speeding away from a distance. The ground was very cold as I was still barefoot.

Jess ushered me forward until she said "stop" I heard her ring the bell. DING DONG.

This was the moment her friends would see me like this and the urge came to run away and escape but how would I explain the cuffs and the gag to onlookers? I stayed put.

I heard the door open.

"Oh my god!" It was the sound of Jemma, the blonde haired, big breasted beauty followed by irresistable giggles. "I see you've brought the entertainment hey Jess?!" and she put her fingers on the fabric tied between my teeth. "Nice gag. Well what are you waiting for, come on in."

I felt Jess pushing me in and the door closed. I was ushered forward some more and then I heard a few more voices high in pitch in surprise and excitement.

"What have we got here!? A little damsel!" Said someone, Another friend of Jess's at any rate.

"Jess told us all about your little kinky fettish Jack, have you been enjoying yourself being her slave?" Laughter erupted around the room.

"ymphhh" I blushed.

"Well take his blindfold off now, we want him to see his captors don't we!?" Said Jemma.

Someone stood behind me and untied my blindfold, it took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust and then I saw standing stairing at me Jemma who was dressed in a plain white shirt with a blue tie and a short school skirt with black high heel boots. She had her blonde hair tied back into a pony tail and was sucking a lollipop.

On the couch was Becca, she had on her cheerleading outfit, an orange skirt, a tight white see through top with an orange logo and long white socks that were tucked inside a pair of white sneakers. Her hair was long, dark and smooth and she was grinning at me with her perfect white teeth.

Sitting ont he other side of the room was Amy, she was wearing her stewardess uniform, all white with a blue neck scalf and was wearing black smart shoes. Her hair was also tied back. She was looking at me with a smouldering, mischevious sexual look as if she had very naughty plans for me.

I gulped as it dawned on me how helpless I was at the mercy of these 4 girls. I suddenly felt very embarassed that I was just in my boxer shorts, a top and was barefoot still.

"Take a seat" Jemma smiled, geturing towards the couch next to Becca.

I hesitantly sat down next to her, my hands still cuffed behind me, Gag still in my mouth. I could smell her fragrence as She turned to look at me, studying my gag and my handcuffs.

"Where did you get those cuffs from Jess?" She asked, looking at Jess who had taken a seat oppisite us.

"Just a gift from someone." She grinned.

"By someone do you mean that jerk you were seeing a few months ago?" Becca asked

"Yes, well after I left him 'hanging' all night he didn't want to see the sight of them again so I kept them." They both laughed.

If it was as if I wasn't there. It was surreal, I was handcuffed and gagged in a room full of people having idle chit chat.

"So what have we got in store for your brother's mate then? He would look great hogtied I reckon." Asked Amy as she walked over to me and placed a hand on my arm, studying me.

"Take it from someone who knows, he does look great hogtied!" Jess said

"Should have known Jess, you're a master when it comes to hogtying a helpless guy." Jemma said as she poured herself a glass of lemonade.

"That may be true, but it wasn't me who did it to the poor guy, it was Benji!" Jess laughed

"Benji's into bondage as well!? What do they put in the water in your house?" Becca asked laughing

"Well not quite, he claims he's not but he seemed to enjoy tying Jack up here, but then again he didn't enjoy it as much when I got through with him!" Jess said somewhat triumphantly.

"You have him the tight Jessica treatment then did you love?" Asked Amy who had sat herself down on the arm of the couch Jess was sitting on.

"I certainly did, in fact he's on my bed right now in a tight situation, I told him mum would untie him when she gets home! Little brat deserves it anyway, he's always trying to be the man, I put him in his place." Jess grinned.

"Ha ha! Jess you're terribly naughty you know? But that's ok 'Cause we're all a little naughty ourselves aren't we girls?" Jemma said looking around for universal agreement.

Becca leaned over to me and unhooked my gag so it hung loosely around my neck

"Talk, it's your chance to change our minds about tying you up, if you can give us reason not to we'll let you go."

"Erm..I've been tied up for ages already, don't I deserve to be free now?"

Becca grinned and inspected my handcuffed wrists. "Oof, they do look tight babe, but then you like it nice and tight don't you?"


"Yes you do, I can see it in your eyes, you're loving this."

"I'm not, please let me go"

"If you're not enjoying it then why have you got a massive boner?" She glanced down at my hard on and then back into my eyes searching for an answer.

"I..I don't, I.." I had gone red and didn't know what to say.

"Girls, I'm not buying it, I think we need to give him a bondage lesson he'll never forget." Becca stood up and went over to the wardrobe in the corner of the room. Out of one of the draws she pulled out a large amount of red rope, gags, fabric amongst other things.

All of the girls stood up and kneeled down inspecting the equippment and deciding what to use.

"Girls please, don't do this to me, I wont tell anyone if you let me go home now"

Jemma glanced at me and smiled but the rest didn't seem to pay any notice.

After a few minutes the girls came and sat by me holding various pieces of rope. Jemma was sitting by me and put a key in my handcuffs unlocking them and then tossing them in the corner of the room.

"Let's get you roped up properly" She said and grabbed my wrists firmly as Jess sat on the other side of me making sure I sat still while Jemma got to work tying my wrists behind me. It felt a lot tigther than it had been when Benji had tied me. This was the work of someone who had done this many times before. I felt more and more rope being applied to my wrists and lopping them tighter and tighter. The same was done to my elbows. The other two girls were mere spectators, enjoying the show.

I groaned occasionally at the tightness and this delighted the girls.

"Aww too tight for you hun? you haven't seen anything yet!" Said Becca who was more sinister then I thought! She grabbed my legs and began tying my knees and ankles with think red rope. I looked at how the rope was being tied and it was impressive, it was like the stuff I had seen online, these girls knew how to tie someone up!

Jemma had begun looping rope around my torso and behind my back pinning my elbows to my back tightly. When the girls were satisfied I was tied tight enough (I couldn't even feel my wrists or ankles) Jemma pushed me onto my stomach where I was helplessly immobile. I couldn't move even if I wanted to, I felt like a wounded animal.

"Now to put the finishing touches on him" Said Amy as she chewed gum that brought a strong minty scent to the room.

She picked up a long piece of rope and looped it through my ankle bindings and over to my wrist bindings, tying them together and bringing my legs forward so my wrists were inches away from my ankles in a tight and strict hogtie.

"aghh" I grimmaced in pain.

"Looks like he's having a ball." Becca said as she clasped a hand under my chin and lifted my face up to hers grinning widely. Her breasts exposed by the tightness of her top drove me wild and I tried to shift on the couch as my swollen cock was in an uncofortable position.

Becca let go and stood next to Amy who was had finished tying me up and was looking triumphantly at her fine work. "Just one thing missing girls." Becca said, "Amy can I borrow your Neck scalf please".

Amy grinned with glee as she realised why Becca had asked her to do this. She unhooked the thin fabric scalf and handed it to Becca. She walked over to the kitchen area and shortly came back holding a small red apple.

"I just thought it would match his ropes." She said as she gave a playful tug on the ropes wrapped around my upper body. "Open up Jack" She instructed.

"No, you're not going to gag me with that are you!?"

"Right on the money darling" She held the apple to my nose and I smelt the freshness of the fruit. I had no choice but to obey and I opened my mouth wide as she shoved the apple in my mouth and between my teeth before putting the neck scalf tightly over my mouth and tying it firmly at the back of my neck.

"gumphhhh" It was the most painful gag I'd had so far and I tasted the sweetness of the apple as it soaked up all my saliva.

"Never seen you gag a guy with an apple before Becca, feeling inventive?" Asked Jess who clearly loved the idea

Yeah, well you've got to be diverse with bondage haven't you? Anyway, hogtied with an apple in his mouth, isn't that cliche?"

All the girls burst into laughter as I tried to work the apple between my teeth so it was in a more comfortable position but the tightness of the scalf prevented any movement and I could smell the perfume that had been rubbed off onto it from Amy's neck.

I tried to struggle against my ropes and rubbed the gag on the couch but neither were any use, if I wanted strict bondage, I had got it.

Jess sat next to me now and started to tickle the soles of my feet. "ahhhahahgmpphnppppghmphh!

"Just as ticklish as my bro" She said in delight.

Becca wanted a piece of the action and began to tickle my chin softly whilst Jemma got to work tickling my belly that was exposed.

"hahahahahahagmphgmgmgmahahahfmphh! " I was tossing around vigorously on the couch, or trying to. The ropes held me very still and I had tears streaming down my face as I was helpless to prevent this tickle torture.

The girls ceased the tickling and Amy came in through the kitchen with whipped cream and chocolate sauce.

"Fancy some dessert girls?" She said grinning. She had unbuttoned her uniform and her firm breasts were in view.

She kneeled down beside me and with a pair of scissors snipped away at my top until it was able to rip off leaving me half naked and cold against the leather couch.

To my utter surprise she then turned me onto my back and began massaging my whole body with chocolate sauce. It was a wierd sensation, it felt cold and sticky but I was somehow aroused by it as the sweet scent filled my nostrils. "mphhhhggghmp" I moaned and rolled my eyes as I felt near ready to cum.

Becca unbuttoned my boxer shorts and picking up the whipped cream began to spray it onto my penis before licking it gently off. I was in heaven now and moaned in delight into my gag.

Jess could see how much I was enjoying this and climbing on top of me sprayed whipped cream onto my nose before licking it off and. I could smell the cream and the lingering saliva of my friend's sexy sister. "Wanmppmeofff!" I screamed now into my gag

"What did he say?" asked Jemma who was videoing this on her phone!!!!

"I think he wants to be 'finished off'" Becca said and to my amazement she did just this, she grabbed my erect penis and massaged it up and down vigorously until I exploded. "mhphhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I sighed and relaxed, it was an amazing moment.

The girls now stood up and began tidying away the equippment as they left me to relax on the couch, a sticky mess in more ways than one but I didn't care, nothing would top this moment.

"Let's clean him up" Jemma said and the girls wiped me clean with wet towels and soap before untying me and letting me shower.

When I came down Jemma lent me one of her brother's shirts to wear home.

"I hoped you enjoyed that babe" She said

"Yes I did, it was amazing!" I smiled

The 4 girls glanced at each other and smiled

"Don't think it's going to be a regular occurance!" Said Becca and my heart sank but I was grateful for the experience they had shown me.

Jess drove me home and made me promise not to tell Benji what had happened. I felt eternally in debt to her and obliged.

I never did tell Benji what happened exactly and claimed Jess had driven me home and let me go after I had left their house.

Every time I went to Benji's house from that point on Jess and I would act as if nothing had happened but when our eyes met the secret hidden deep within our glances and a hidden smirk came across our faces.

As for Benji and his family, there was always more than a bit of tension whenever they would see scenes of bondage on the tv screen together.
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]BandG[/mention] I'm not much into F/M scenarios, but this was really well done. I especially enjoyed the M/M centric first part, with the tying up, the sockgag, the teasing and the stashing.

Considering how young were when you wrote this, this is superb work.
I realise that you probably won't wanna do this, but if you were to repost the first portion as a standalone M/M story, you'd probably get a lot of comments on it. Awesome stuff, man!
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Post by harveygasson »

Really great story
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Post by Scottstud94 »

Yes I loved this one. Great story!
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Post by jone123 »

This great story, I always loved reading it

Thank you for reposting
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Post by AznSwimmer »

Really liked this story from start to finish. I think I recognize your previous screen name from the old website and really enjoyed those stories you wrote back then too!
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