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The Lady Next Door (M/F, M/M)

Posted: Tue May 26, 2020 10:27 am
by Gagman
This is my first story, so if anyone has any feedback or criticism, please let me know. Enjoy!

My name is Alex. Im a 28 year old security guard at a medical lab. Im a little stocky, but tall and pretty muscular with shaggy brown hair. I came home from a long night shift at work. I was exhausted and passed out on my couch. I was pretty sweaty and smelled pretty bad. But I could'nt help it, I was tired.

I woke up in the afternoon to the sound of splashing outside. I hoist myself up, and walk out to my back porch to investigate the noise. I am very pleased at what I see. My next door neighbor, Gale, is climbing out of her pool. She is beautiful. Though she is a bit older than me (around 50), I was very attracted to her. She had long blonde hair, big blue eyes, and a fantastic body. She is wearing a black bikini, and looks amazing. She spots me looking at her, and waves, smiling.

"Hi Alex! How are you?" she asks, drying off with a towel.

"Good morning Gale. A little early for swimming isnt it?"

"Early? Its 3 in the afternoon," she said, walking over to the fence between our yards, and wrapping her towel around her body.

"3? Really? I must have passed right out after work."

She leaned forward.

"You didnt shower after work, did you?" she asked.

"No, why?"

"Because you stink!"

"Hey! Its not that bad."

"Yes it is, Stinky Boy," she said teasingly.

"Shut up," I replied, smiling.

"Stinky Boy, Stinky Boy, Stinky B-MMPH!"

I put my hand over her mouth.

"You have a big mouth, you know that?"

"Mm-hmm," she mumbled nodding, staring up at me. I think shes smiling. I feel myself getting hard. I let go of her mouth.

"Ew! Even your hand smells!" she says playfully.

"You want it again?"

"Maybe later. I actually have an appointment to get ready for. Talk to you later?" she asks.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah I'll be here," I answer, caught a little of guard.

"Ill see you then," she says, winking at me. She turns and walks back to her house. I start to go inside.

"Hey Alex!"

I turn around.

"Im just kidding! I like how you smell! Very manly!" she calls, before stepping inside. I just watch in amazement. Is she into me? Awesome!

I watch as she removes her towel as she enters her house. Oh, that perfect body! I stare at her ass as she walks down her hallway. She turns to go upstairs. Suddenly, a gloved hand clamps over her mouth, and pulls her out of view! I hear a faint, distant "mmph!", then silence.

Did I just see that? I stand dumbfounded for a moment, just staring at the open door. I finally snap out of it. Gale is in trouble! I jump off my porch, and run across my yard. I jump the fence, run around the pool, and get to her back door. I peek inside, and listen.


I look around the yard. There is a small shovel in the garden under the window. Its the best weapon available, so I grab it, and step inside. I walk slowly down the hall, peeking in each room as I go. I hear nothing. Finally, I get to the last room. I Look inside.


There is the beautiful Gale. She is sitting in a black leather office chair, still in her black bikini. Her arms are taped to the chair arms. Her beautiful legs are taped together at her ankles, knees, and thighs. More tape is wrapped to the chair back, above and below her fantastic breasts. And a long strip of tape is stuck over her mouth, gagging her.


"Ill get you out of here!"

"Mm-mmm!" she mumbles, shaking her head.

"What is it?" I ask.


"Dont move, boy!" a voice says.

I turn. A very muscular man stands there, holding a pistol. He's very handsome and tan. And with the craziest look in his eyes.

"Is this who you've been cheating with Gale?!" he asks.

"Mmm!" she moans, shaking her head.

"I saw you with him out there. If you havent screwed him yet, you were going to. Not if I have anything to say about it. YOU. ARE. MINE!!!" he screams.

Gale starts to cry softly.

"Move it, Smelly Boy!" he says, poking me with the gun. I start to leave the room. I glance at Gale, trying to look reassuring. She stares back fearfully, moaning into her gag. We exit the room and go down the hall, stopping at a door at the end.

"Open it!" the man shouts.

I do, and reveal a staircase, going down. The basement. We descend the stairs. There are many boxes, old antiques, and a large dusty trunk.

"Open the trunk, and empty it out," he orders.

I open the lid. There are a bunch of old blankets folded up inside. I lift them out, and stack them on the floor. I stand up and look at the man.

"Now strip," he says.

"What? Is that necessary? What do you want?" I ask.

"Yes its necessary! If you want to keep your brains in your head! And I want Gale! We met online, and went on a date. I never heard from her again. I knew something happened. So I tracked her down, and I find you! I saw you looking at her. Shes mine!"

"You're crazy!" I reply.

"You wanted to have some fun in Gale's house, right? Im gonna help you out. Now strip!" he orders.

I hesitantly remove my shirt and pants, leaving only my boxers and socks.

"Everything!" he commands.

I glare at him a moment, then comply, removing my socks, and briefs. I stand straight, totally naked. He smiles and pulls out a pair of handcuffs, tossing them to me.

"Lay facedown on the ground, and cuff yourself behind your back," he orders.

I do as he says, and cuff my wrists. I look up at him. He sets a bag down on the ground. I didnt even see him holding it. He opens it and pulls out a large roll of duct tape. He pulls a strip from the roll, and begins to tape my ankles tightly. He wraps the tape around my shins, knees, and thighs, turning my legs into a silver cocoon. He rolls me over on my back and sits me up. My hands are uncuffed, only to be crossed and taped together across my chest. My arms are taped to my body tightly, leaving me immoblie.

My captor suddenly scoops me up in his arms. Man, he's strong! He sets me down in the open trunk.

"Dont worry, I have a surprise for you, boy!" he says. "I bet you thought you were gonna get in Gale's pants, huh? That body. Her perfect ass, her tits. You saw her in that bikini."

I couldnt help but get semi hard imagining her bikini-clad body.

"Mmm. You like that huh? Well I think you'll like this then," he says.

He pulls out a pair of panties, black silk.

"I got these out of her hamper. They smell great, but I bet they taste even better. Open up," he says.

"You sick fu-mmph!" I start to say, before he stuffs the panties in my mouth. He was right, I could taste her.

"Now shut you mouth tightly," he commanded.

Glaring, I closed my lips. He pulled another strip of tape from the roll, and pressed it over my lips, taping my mouth shut. But he didnt stop there. He wrapped the roll around the back of my head and back over my mouth, smoothing the tape as he went. He wrapped my mouth ten times before stopping. I was totally gagged. He inspected my bonds and gag, then, satisfied, he laid me down in the trunk. I looked up helplessly.

"There we go. Tell me, how do those panties taste?" he asked, smirking.

My mind drifted back to my mouth stuffing. Gale's panties. Again I tasted her, and again, I started to get an unwilling erection. My captor noticed and smiled menacingly.

"That good huh? I bet. You look a bit excited, huh?" he asked before placing a gloved hand on my erection.

"MMPH!" I yell in shock, attempting to sit up. He clamped his other hand over my gagged mouth, and forcing me back down in the trunk.

"Dont be like that. You love it. It feels good doesnt it?" he asked, before starting to stroke me slowly.

"Mmm!" I moan into my stifiling gag and handgag. It does feel good. It shouldnt, but it does. Im so confused! I hate this man, but how hes controlling me feels good. At the same time, Im worried about Gale. But thinking of her in her skimpy bikini, and tasting her on my gag turns me on even more. Im gonna explode!

"You do like it. Well too bad!" he says.

He tops stroking me and lets go of my cock, just as Im about to blow.


"You like being dominated, you little bitch? I knew it. See, this is why you could never satisfy a woman like Gale. She needs a man like me!" he sneers. "In fact, I was planning on taking Gale home, and consumating our relationship. But playing with you has got me all fired up! And, not that you would know, but her bed looks very cozy. I think I'll have some fun with her now!"

"MMMPPHH!!!" I scream into my gag, glaring up at him.

I try to get out of the trunk, but he pushes me back down, and, laughing, he closes the trunk and locks it.

"MMM-MMM-MMPH!" I scream, struggling in the trunk.

I have to save Gale! I squirm around and shake from side to side. The trunk starts to tilt slightly. I shake harder and harder until finally the trunk tips over on its side. The lock is jarred from the impact. I slam into the lid with my knees until it finally breaks. I roll out of my makeshift coffin.

Now to get my bindings off. I manage to wiggle my bound wrists from under the tape pinning them to my chest. I then thrust my wrists towards my torso, hard, and snap the tape binding them. It hurts real bad. The pain continues as I quickly rip off the tape wrapping my torso and legs. But I ignore the pain. Gale needs me. After several minutes, I remove the tape gagging me and spit out Gale's panties. I pull on my boxers and sprint upstairs.

I run to the room where Gale was bound and gagged on the chair, but its empty. Thats when I hear a faint muffled moan from upstairs. I hurtle towards the sound, coming to a closed door. I throw it open.



Gale is tied spreadeagle on the bed, still wearing her bikini. Her hands and feet are bound to the corner posts of the bed. A wide strip of duct tape is over her mouth, which appears to be stuffed. She looks terrified. I hear running water from a door in the room. It must be a bathroom.

"Ill be out in a minute babe!"

Gale moans into her gag, petrified. I look around the room. The gun is sitting on the nightstand, and the bag of tape is sitting on the floor. I grab the gun, and hide beside the door. He comes out of the bathroom wearing only a pair of speedo underwear.

"Ok babe," he says, stripping off his underwear. "Are you ready to play?"

"I am."


He turns, and I punch him right in the face, hard. He spins on the spot, and drops out cold. I grab the bag of tape and get to work. I bind his wrists and ankles. Then I begin to wrap his whole body in tape. Roll after roll, I quickly mummify him. He starts to come to.

"Uh...wha-what? You! You little bit-MMPH!"

I stuff his own speedo in his mouth, and use a whole roll of tape to gag him. I wrap his mouth twenty times, and cover his whole head, except his eyes and nose. I drag him into Gale's closet, shut off the light, and lock the door.


"Gale." I jump on the bed, and gently peel the tape from her mouth. She spits out a balled up handkerchief.

"Oh Alex!"

I quickly unbind her hands and feet, and pull her into my arms. She cries softly.

"Its ok. Im here," I say.

"You saved me. You kicked his ass!" Gale says.

"That bastard had it coming," I say, still angry.

"What did he do to you when he took you away?" Gale asks.

"Its a long story. I'll tell you later. Lets just say I was detained," I say.

"But how did you escape?"

"I had to. He was gonna hurt you," I answer.

"You escaped for me?" she asked.

I looked into her beautiful blue eyes.

"Hell yeah."

She smiled, then leaned forward and kissed me long and passionately. It was better than I dreamed. I smiled back at her.

"Lets call the cops on the asshole," I say.


I come home after another hard day of work.

"Im home!" I call.


Gale! I run into the living room. Laying on the couch is Gale. She is once again in her black bikini. Her hands and feet are bound with duct tape. There is a wide piece of tape over her mouth. Not again! I run to her.

"Sweetie!" I say.

I lean down and peel the tape from her mouth.

"Are you ok?" I ask anxiously.

"Im fine. I wanted to surprise you," she says flirtatiously.

"You did?"

"Yeah! I was gonna ask you to do this a month ago, until all hell broke loose," she answers.

"You mean you like this stuff?" I ask.

"Yeah is that weird? I only do it with somebody I trust. And if you dont want to the mmph!"

I put my hand over her mouth.

"I love it. And I love you," I say.

I lean down and kiss her.

"First let me get a quick shower. I stink," I say.

Gale sniffs.

"Mmm, I like the way you smell, Stinky Man!" she says, teasingly.

"Dont start that," I warn.

"Stinky Man, Stinky Man, Stinky MMPH!"

I put the tape back over Gale's mouth.

"You do have a big mouth, sweetie."

"Mmph!" she grunts.

"Lets go upstairs," I say.

I scoop Gale up in my arms, kissed her taped mouth, and carry her up to the bedroom.


Note: This is what I imagine Gale and the captor to look like. Tried to put this at the beginning of the story after I wrote it, but was unable to.