Diary of a Bondage Stalker (M/M)

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Diary of a Bondage Stalker (M/M)

Post by DomTiesMen »

One of my first stories here on TUGs. Kind a little longer for a first one, but I hope you guys enjoy this

Summary: The story follows one of several entries of a diary of a Bondage Stalker that invades the room of his victims to tie them up and have some fun.

Tags: M/M, NSFW (+18), bondage, milking, home invasion, stalker, muscle, funny.

Diary of a Bondage Stalker

Entry Nº 024

Dear Diary... Oh, wait! This is too much girly, let me try again!

Hahaha, I believe this joke must be already really pissing you off after so many entries, even for you, my dear forgotten and senile Future Me! I mean, I hope you are NOT senile, but doesn’t hurt to remember you who I am and the purpose of this amazing and kinky diary I am making.

Anyway, the victim this time is… Hmmm… How I should call him? Jason? Yeah! He can be a “Jason”! I don’t wanna to expose his identity because I am a nice villain, right? Good, good! Anyway, I will call him Jason. He has 26 years old and works on a local supermarket. He is very tall, about 1.88 m and weight around 106 kg of pure muscles! Man, he was a dream!

I found him when I was making my usual shopping (the meat was in sale that day!) and I find him filling the shelves with products. I could notice his muscles over his supermarket uniform, his butt was also very nice and strong legs! He had his shirt unbuttoned around the neck, so I could notice a hint of hairy chest there and this drove me crazy! I decided that moment that him would be my next victim!

The first step was to get his name, thank God for the name tag that every employer had! I made a brief contact with him (asking where was the toilet paper) just for me to check his first name there. As soon as I got home, I put my abilities in use! I hacked the system of the local supermarket and filtered all the “Jasons” from there. After that, I just had to look the pictures one by one until I got the data of my future and handsome victim.

I had basic information like his age, where he lived and everything. That was just perfect. Then came the second step and I looked for his life and checked his Facebook, Instagram and Twitter page. He was a normal guy with a modest house and life. On his free time he liked to go surfing, go out on parties and spend time with his girlfriend! Using my hacking powers for good purposes, I did found some spicy pictures of him that just made me want to capture him more!

The next few days I studied his daily life and schedules, not that it made much of a difference. I did alternate between follow him on my free days or checking his life though my computer and his updates in social media. I could conclude that his house didn’t had any complicated secure system, so I could easily get into it. He lived alone, which was a huge help, just a couple of times during the week he brought his girlfriend to bang, but just that. He also didn’t get much visits because he also barely stays at home when his girlfriend isn’t around. He goes out of the house around 7am and comes back more or less at 8pm.

Ah, huge important detail: he works out every day (except the weekends) from 6pm to 7:30pm. That is how he get his muscles. I could get some videos of him working out infiltrating security cameras of the gym! Gonna put his videos on his respective file on the computer! I also made several close ups of him! Have fun, my dear reader!

Anyway, after studying his life for about… Yeah, two months and making the best plan to attack, I was finally ready to start my adventure! I was so excited! So, I got all my gear: my dear bondage bag filled with all materials I need, my set of full black clothes and my mask too with only two eyeholes. I guess I was ready.

When I got to his street at more or less 9pm and stationed the car on a secluded and dark place, a few meters of his house, I could see that he was already home. My calculations was going well so far. He had brought his girlfriend to his house about two days ago, so she will not be accompanying him for at least a couple more days. He also was not expecting visits and was alone at house. At this time he does play a little of video games and passes his time until he goes to the bed. I had to wait too, so I hide on my car and passed the time playing my mobile game (I finally got Lv. 28! Yeah!) and waited for the best moment.

And that was about two hours later when Jason finally went to sleep. I waited half an hour later to make sure the guy would be sleeping before I went into action. When the time passed, I left my car, got my bag and walked by the shadows, approaching his house. When I was inside of the property, I hid by the shrubs, put my mask on and started to work on the lock of the door.

Click! Voila!

Like I said, no secure system, no big dogs or exotic mortal pets, just him, the silent house… And me now! I went inside and silently closed the door: I was on the back side of it, at the kitchen. The layout is exactly as I could figure out for his pictures on social media. It was dark, so I had to use a small lantern to illuminate the patch. I got to the second floor and checked the corridor. There was no one here. Everything was going smoothly.

I didn’t had many clues of his bedroom, so I had to check door by door, but on my second try I could find it: his bedroom was wide with a huge double bed where the handsome hunk was sleeping. He always slept shirtless and wore a tight dark boxers (unless if his girlfriend was with him, so he would sleep completely naked hugging her). He was spread on the messy bed, one of the blankets covering his muscled and hairy legs. His massive and hairy pecs exposed, expanding and compressing as he breath so slowly, deep on his dreams. He had a shadow of beard around his jaw and his short hair was a mess! He was so sexy!

I opened my bag and pulled out a rag as well as a bottle of chloroform. I opened it and poured a little over the cloth. I took the excess of it and slowly approached my hunk. He was deep sleeping. When I approached, I covered his mouth and nose with the rag and pressed gently. I thought I could knock him out without him noticed, but soon after, he sleepily opened his eyes, it took a moment for him to realize what was happening, but finally he started to move. I quickly held him on a sleep hold, making sure the rag was still covering his face. He grunted and screamed, he tried to shake me off, but luckily the chloroform was already making effect when he started to move, so soon his movements got lazier and weaker until finally he was deep asleep again.

I kept the rag over his mouth and nose a few more seconds before I removed it. I checked his eyes with the lantern and then tried to move his body a little. Totally knocked out! Now I could start my work for real. I opened the bag again and removed several coils of rope and a roll of duct tape.

I started by rolling the hunk over the bed (man, he was heavy! On a good way!) and I took his hands and placed behind his back. I opened the first coil of hope, stretched it and started to wrap it around his wrists, making a very secure “X” around them and placing the knot on a part where he could not reach. I used more ropes to around his arms and tighter just a little before knot it out.

I turned him over again and with difficulty, I put him on a sitting position and I wrapped the rope around his torso, running it over his pecs and a little more under it, to make sure he was well tied. I made the knot behind his back and linked the spare of rope to his arms.

Before I could start to work on his legs, I thought it would be better for me to gag him. I checked his wardrobe and I took from there a pair of clean socks and returned to my sleeping hunk. I put the socks inside of his mouth and I used the duct tape to tear off about five wide strips of it and then I placed it over his lower face, covering his mouth. I took my time smoothing every strip over it (just an excuse for me to feel his strong jaw and beard under my gloves) until he was finally gagged.

While I was working on his legs, making sure to make an “8” cuff with the rope around his thighs, a little down his knees and finally his ankles, Jason started to recover his conscious. He started grunting, and then looking around, when he noticed me tying him up, even being a little weak, he started to struggle and grunt against his gag!

He tried to kick me, but I avoided it and I sat over his lap (man, he got angry with it) and held his legs down while I finished to tie up his big toes with a shoelace. As soon as I got out, he struggled like a madman. He seemed to be a little nervous, but he was a fighter! That’s why I loved the alpha males like him! Not scare or panicking, but just trying to fight!

As much as I could just stay there looking his hairy hunk body struggling to get free, I kept working. I removed my two cameras with the tripods and placed one at the side of the bed, facing his whole body and another in front, taking an angle from his feet to his face. Of course I pressed the record button. I guess Jason was getting nervous with the cameras, but I started to talk with him, explaining the same things I said to my previous victims: that I was not there to hurt him, that I would record him, but would not let anyone see it, that I was looking for him this whole time and all the things I should say. Even with my conversation, he seemed not to be caring about that at all and kept struggling.

The big boy was a little more agitated than I thought, so I thought I should start to give him “something to distract him”, so I went to the bag I took from there a magic wand, one of my favorite toys. I doubt that Jason knew what was that because he didn’t seem to recognize the device, so it was much more fun when I turned it on (filling the room with its buzzing!) and placed it over his bulge. He opened his eyes wide and looked down at his crotch, before looking at me with murderous eyes and struggled again. I pressed my free hand against his chest (his fluffy and nice, warm hairy chest) and pushed down to pine on the bed.

It didn’t take much for the big guy to get a very nice bulge, his hard cock now pressing against the fabric of his boxers. Of course, Jason was not happy with this, his face deep in shame, red as a tomato. I told him how much it was nice and how big he was before pinching his nipples - did I hear a moan? Better to explore it a little more! I pulled the waistband of his boxers and pushed the magic wand inside of it, making sure that it was resting comfortable over his cock, still vibrating while I got some small nipple clamps linked by a small chain and placed it on him, making him howl though his gag and struggle even more if that was possible.

Jason struggled for a while until he started running out of steam and had to rest for a while; in the middle of this, I explored his body, feeling his biceps, the mount of his pecs, his hairy chest, his broad shoulders, his muscled legs. Sometimes I pulled the chain linking his nipple clamps only to see him grunt and struggle a little more. I tickled his body at his sides, his belly button, his neck, his armpits and even his bulge over the boxers.

I talked to him all the time, telling how handsome he was, asking if he was sensible to the touch, I like to keep with my gagged victim; I just love his grunts and “mmmph” noises!

I simply could not resist anymore, I went to my bag, and I took from there a pair of scissors to cut the fabric. His eyes opened wide when I cut just the tip of the waistband of his boxers and used my own hands to rip of the fabric. Of course, he struggled fiercely and the material slipped from my hand, but as he did it, his cock also slipped from the destroyed boxers as well as the magic want, his cock was exposed, hard, and proud between his legs! This didn’t make him look happier though, once again he squirmed like a worm, but I held him down until he calmed down so I could remove the rest of what had been his underwear.

I explored my bag once again and took from there a dark elastic that was actually some kind of cock ring. Ignoring Jason’s protests, I slipped the cock ring around the base of his cock and balls, the material slid, holding tight. I don’t know if the big boy ever tried it, but it would prevent him from cumming from a while and also keep him hard for more time. Finally, I got a bottle of lube, popped it up and poured a generous amount over his cock. When the big boy noticed what I was doing, he shook his head and tried to struggle, but as soon as my hand circled his cock and started to work up and down, I heard his moans though the gag and his body shivering.

At first the big boy was resistant and tried to shake his cock off my hand by struggling, but as soon as the pleasure took over, he just stayed mostly still, panting over his gag, looking at me with defiant eyes like saying, “I not enjoying this and I fucking hate you”. Hmph! Alpha males are so cute, at first they are so against being bound and gagged, but as soon as you give them a little of pleasure they behave like plushy bears. And in fact he was being a good boy! He kept still as I kept jerking him off, his body even shivered and he moaned again when I placed the magic want to rest against his big balls, massaging them. My hand was over his chest in case he struggled again, rubbing it gently. Sometimes I pulled the chain and he responded only by moaning and puffing out his chest. I rewarded his good behavior by twisting my thumb over head of his cock and he moaned loudly while slamming his head against his pillow.

Jason was getting really close to orgasming, but I guess he figured out that something was wrong when he was close to the edge but could not reach it. The cock ring was preventing him from cumming. He tried to buck his hips, trying to fuck my hand, but I let his go of his cock and reminded him who was in charge (hint: not him!); if he wanted to cum, he had to stay still. He, of course, grunted and shook his head, but as soon as I kept stroking him, he went back to being well-behaved.

I kept him on the edge for sometime, enjoying a lot how his body reacted to my touches, his muscles tensing whatever he thought he would reach it, but then moaning in a mix of anger and frustration. After about twenty minutes playing like this, I removed the cock ring and start to jerk him off quickly. I noticed how his body grew tenser and tenser, shivering under my free hand rubbing his chest, he moaned over his gag, louder and louder, he closed his eyes and… He shot a massive load that flew in an arc on the air and splatted all over his chest and abs. I kept stroking him until he shot the last drop of his thick seed. God! He was a hot mess!

After his orgasm, I quickly put the cock ring around his cock again; this would prevent him to get flaccid for now. Jason just stayed there, breathing heavily, recovering from his climax. I used this time to take the magic wand from his balls (he shivered a little as I did this) and removed his nipple clamps, making him howl in pain.

I guess I got a nice footage from him, I thought would be better to stop for now. It was always a risk to stay too much time inside of someone house like this. Therefore, I took a bandana from my bag and approached him. Jason looked at me, still mad, his face blushing in red and covered in sweat; hehe, always defiant until the end, but this time he did not made much of a fuss when I put the bandana over his eyes and tied up behind his head, I guess he was still a little “limb” from the orgasm, so he was being a good boy. I also took cloth pins from my bag and put again on his nipples. It didn’t hurt as much as the nipple clamps, but was good anyway.

I took one of the cameras and I filmed the final result: Jason, the big and muscled handsome guy was there, bound, gagged and blindfolded, his nipples pinched by cloth pins, his cum splattered over his hairy chest and abs, his cock still hard resting against his abs. Strong legs bound together and even his big toes. Very hot scene.

Doing that, I quickly grabbed everything that was mine, including my camera, magic wand, nipple clamps, duct tape, and closed my bag. I looked around the room, I find a spare scissors there, and I placed it on Jason’s nightstand. I told that if he had problems to get himself free, there were scissors there, and that he could keep the ropes, bandanas and cock ring for himself. I wished him a farewell and finally leaved his bedroom. I guess he started to struggle as soon as I was there, but I was not sure.

I quickly returned to my car and left without being noticed. The plan was a success. When I got home, I watched the videos I made and was so satisfied with the result that I even had some fun on my own. Jason was simply too hot and that video would certainly go to my collection.

That was my victim this time! Another success for the Bondage Stalker!

Oh! But you wanna hear a great epilogue, my dear reader? Well, here we go whether you want it or not! A few weeks later, I got curious about how Jason was doing, so I once again I used my HACKING POWER SKILLS to hack his computer and other devices. He was handsome as always, and on that specific day, he had invited his girlfriend to go to his home again, I guess it was fun night, if you know what I mean! And when both of them entered his room embracing each other, kissing and already removing their clothes, I could hear Jason saying:

“Would you like to tie me up again?”.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

This was a terrific story from start to finish.

I knew the story would appeal to me from the tags but it went beyond my expectations: Guy with hairy pecs, sock + duct tape gag and hot underwear.

The narrator had an amazing sense of humor and was just so much fun with all his giddiness, HACKING SKILLS, and childish sadism. How he made "Jason" addicted to being tied up made me laugh out loud.

I'd love to see more entries from this series. Kudos.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

You can reach my list of written work here: https://www.tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38808#p38808
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Post by PrinceOfCanada »

Agreed, I loved every part of this as well. I loved the refreshingly carefree framing of it. The bondage and extending “fun” was just awesome!

I’d also LOVE to read more of these! :D
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Post by Volobond »

Absolutely wonderful. A tied up and gagged hunk, a great kidnapper, and awesome "handling" of said hunk by said kidnapper! I loved it, and I too would enjoy seeing more!

You can find my M/M stories here: https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38809#p38809
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Post by Trickster »

That was sensational.

I hope you'll share other diary entries!!!
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Post by DomTiesMen »

Thank you guys so much for the amazing comments I received with this my first official work here! Makes me really glad and honored that you guys enjoyed my tale so much!
DeeperThanRed wrote: 4 years ago This was a terrific story from start to finish.

I knew the story would appeal to me from the tags but it went beyond my expectations: Guy with hairy pecs, sock + duct tape gag and hot underwear.

The narrator had an amazing sense of humor and was just so much fun with all his giddiness, HACKING SKILLS, and childish sadism. How he made "Jason" addicted to being tied up made me laugh out loud.

I'd love to see more entries from this series. Kudos.
Hehe, I am glad the themes of this story was enough to entertain you, Mr. Deeper! Yes, manly and hairy guys are a huge thing for me! As well as boxers undewear!

I tried to make the narrator a little excentric and very smart to justify his acts, I ended liking the character a lot! Unfortunately, this story was suppose to be one stand alone story so I am afraid there will not be more entries, unless I have a very original and interresting idea to use, but for now, at the moment, it will be just this.

Thank you so much for your comment!
PrinceOfCanada wrote: 4 years ago Agreed, I loved every part of this as well. I loved the refreshingly carefree framing of it. The bondage and extending “fun” was just awesome!

I’d also LOVE to read more of these! :D
Thank you so much for your comment, Mr. Prince! Unfortunately, like I said, this probably will be just a stand alone story since the new entries would be must a repeat of the first one. But if I have a very original and interresting idea, I may revisit this character sometime!
Volobond wrote: 4 years ago Absolutely wonderful. A tied up and gagged hunk, a great kidnapper, and awesome "handling" of said hunk by said kidnapper! I loved it, and I too would enjoy seeing more!
Thank you so much for the comment, Mr. Volobond. I am glad that my first story here was interresting for you!
Trickster wrote: 4 years ago That was sensational.

I hope you'll share other diary entries!!!
Glad that you enjoyed the story, Mr. Trickster! Unfortunately, there will not be any new entries, unfortunately.
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Post by Trickster »

That's cool. I'll look forward to whatever else you post in the future! Thanks again for sharing this one.
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Post by cj2125 »

Hell yeah! Good job! I had a lot of fun reading the stalker's thoughts! I love how he handled his victim! It's always fun seeing a big strong guy getting dominated like that!
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Post by sharpliketoday »

Home invasion scenarios are definitely a favourite of mine. Excellent read, and a very hot story :)
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Post by Tsuhaya »

An incredible read, a perfect story. Unfortunately it is a single chapter, but I still hope to read more pages of this eccentric diary
Yes, it's me in the picture. What are you waiting for to tie me up and gag me?
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Post by DomTiesMen »

cj2125 wrote: 4 years ago Hell yeah! Good job! I had a lot of fun reading the stalker's thoughts! I love how he handled his victim! It's always fun seeing a big strong guy getting dominated like that!
Hehe, thank you so much, CJ! This means a lot to me such amazing writer like you enjoyed my story! Specially because your stories and writing style really inspired to me!
sharpliketoday wrote: 4 years ago Home invasion scenarios are definitely a favourite of mine. Excellent read, and a very hot story :)
Indeed home invasion scenarios are classic and very fun to write/read! This scenario opens possibility of all types of situations! Glad that you enjoyed the story!
Tsuhaya wrote: 4 years ago An incredible read, a perfect story. Unfortunately it is a single chapter, but I still hope to read more pages of this eccentric diary
I am so glad that you enjoyed the story! Unfortunately it's a single story, but maybe someday I will revisit the this eccentric character again on a new stand alone tale!
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Post by Johnbound »

Awesome...... story.... want to read more.... Ufffff I'm enjoying from start to end... Good job..
I want to read more more

Post by Gagman »

This was awesome! Kinda jealous of Jason in this if Im being honest! Id love to see more of these characters. 😍
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