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The Adventures of Tommy TUGs Parts 1 - 4 of 4 (M/M)

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 2:15 pm
by Jason Toddman
My thanks to xtc for pointing out some typos I missed that I have now corrected.

Tommy Tug’s Long Day

You accidentally discover that your friend new Martin is into TUGs one day when you take a quick walk into the woods near your house for a quick self-tie to a tree at a familiar spot after a difficult day of college classes. He was already there, tying himself up to the same tree you had already selected – unaware of your approach until it was too late for him to get away and avoid awkward explanations. You show your understanding by tying him more securely to the tree than he had planned on, and leaving him tied up until he agreed that playing TUGs with you would be lots more fun than doing them all by himself.

And it didn’t hurt that Martin is your age (19), well built, and really hot!

For a few weeks you two take turns tying each other up either at your house when no one else is at home or out in the woods. Martin lives nearby but didn’t want to take you there because his older brother Derek was almost always home, and playing TUGs while HE was around might not be a good idea. You took his word for it and didn’t argue.

About the only real fly in the ointment was that you’d like to play certain torture games with Martin, and he adamantly refused to do so – either giving or receiving. You could of course have done this on your own to him anyway whenever you had him tied up, but feared that the first time would be the last time as well. Reluctant to spoil a good thing, you have gone without playing the kind of torture games with Martin that you really crave playing.

Then, earlier today, Martin called you on the phone and asked you to come straight over. “I have a real surprise waiting for you,” he told you. “I think it’s time we played those games you keep talking about!”

You did not wait to hear more!!!

You go to his house as fast as you can (you knew where he lived even though you never visited him here before) and ring his doorbell.

Martin opens the door, wearing only a set of bright pink Speedos. When you step inside, he gives you another set of pink Speedos and tells you that you can do whatever you wish to do to him for the entire day if you will put those on. You do not relish the idea of wearing pink Speedos at first, but after all only Martin (who is wearing an identical set) will see you and there may never be another chance to fulfill all those fantasies of what you would do with Martin if ever given the chance. So without a thought you go into the bathroom to change out of your clothes and into the pink Speedos. Then you hurry out, ready and eager to place Martin completely at your mercy!

To your surprise it was not just your friend Martin who awaits you when you step out of the bathroom: with him an older, even more rugged boy (well, younger man really) with a shaven head and tattoos all over his arms. He is also wearing only a set of Speedos; only his are black with a skull and crossbones motif on them! The Speedos poorly conceal the raging hard-on he has at the first sight of you in yours.

Before you can react, both Martin and the other boy (who must be 21 or 22) grab you, wrestle you down to the floor, and place cuffs on your hands and feet. You struggle, but it is to no avail. You start to yell, and are soon thoroughly and quickly tape-gagged. You would perhaps be a match for Martin in a fair fight one-on-one, but taken by surprise like this and with the second, larger boy along too, you have no hope at all of prevailing. You continue struggling anyway as they carry you into a nearby bedroom and drop you (not too gently) on the bed.

You continue to struggle as Martin and the other boy sit on top of you and proceed to tie you securely with rolls of duct tape. Within minutes, your lower legs and your arms and shoulders are cocooned with duct tape. Your tape gag is replaced with a ball gag after another pointless effort to resist. For good measure, your feet are secured to the bedpost with the leg cuffs. You are now secure, silent, and helpless.

“I told you I had a surprise for you,” Martin says to you as he sits on your chest and smiles down at you. “We ARE going to play those torture games just as I promised, of course… but not with each other as you figured.

“By the way, this is Derek, my older brother,” Martin continues as the older boy gathers up a bunch of rope. “Turns out he’s into TUGs too, and he’s going to play with the both of us.”

“Let’s get you comfy, kid,” Derek says to you. “Then I’ll do the same for Martin.”

You are blindfolded, and ear plugs are taped onto your ears so that you cannot hear a thing. And then a vibrator is attached to you and turned on, keeping you too occupied for a while to wonder what is going to happen to you next.

The vibrator dominates all of your sensations for a long while, and you are close to ‘cumming’ when it is abruptly turned off. A moment later the blindfold is taken from your eyes so that you can see. Martin is now lying on the bed right beside you, taped and gagged in a fashion identical to your own.

“Martin wanted you to join us in our TUGs,” Derek tells you as he straddles your chest again and removes your ear plugs. “And as our guests, we’ve agreed that I’m going to give you my undivided attention all day while he lays there and watches. Maybe later I’ll let him join in and help me play with you. But for now kid, you all mine!”

Derek proceeds to tickle your ribs, causing you to want to laugh hysterically! You try to avoid his tickling fingers, but you are trapped beneath his muscular body as he holds you down and explores his ticklish spots with his fingers. Martin lies besides you and watches silently; an amused gleam in his eyes.

You have a long day ahead of you.

After a few more minutes of merciless tickling in areas you never knew before were ticklish. Derek relents for a minute and gets off of you – but only to put the blindfold back upon you. Then the earplugs go back on as well, leaving you blind, deaf, and unable to tell where your captor is or what he is doing.

After a moment he tickles you some more, and now it is worse than before because you cannot see what he is doing or where (or even when) he will tickle you next. Derek is no longer sitting on you so you do not even know where he is. He does not tickle you constantly like before, nor does he use his fingers. Instead it feels like he is brushing you with a large, very soft feather! He strokes one part of you with it; then there is a long, suspenseful pause; and then another brush in a completely different and unexpected place. The bottoms of your helpless feet seem to be the most frequent targets now, but they are far from being the only ones. The tickling is the only sensation you can feel now, which greatly magnifies their effect upon you.

You cannot tell long this goes on… but it feels like forever.

Finally there is a long pause when nothing at all seems to happen. Abruptly you feel a weight on your belly as your captor straddles you there once again, and a moment later your blindfold is gently moved up off your eyes so that so can see a little. What you see is Derek as he grasps your nipples and begins to twist and squeeze them. You gasp in pain through your gag as he twists harder and harder. Then, when you think you can take no more of this, he stops – only to take an alligator clip in each hand and place them on your nipples! Pain shoots through your nipples as you see Derek laugh, clap you on the chest between your nipples a couple of times, and then replace your blindfold.

You writhe and thrash in a futile effort to get those horrible clips off of your nipples, but it is to no avail. You feel some motion on the bed beside you, and assume that Derek is now turning his attention to tormenting Martin for a while. However, the pressure and pain in your nipples soon become your entire world, and you are incapable of feeling or caring about anything else in the whole world except for the pressure on your nipples - and for a different pressure that also comes to your attention somewhat lower down!

Those Speedos, reasonably comfortable before, are getting rather too right now!!!

You see nothing. You hear nothing. You feel nothing but your nipples and your groin.

Time seems to stand still!!! And then…

The clips are abruptly removed from your nipples, which at first seems to only increase the agony rather than alleviate it. Then you feel a weight atop your belly again as you are straddled; and soft hands gently massage your nipples and tenderly take the pain away.
You are surprised, as Derek didn’t strike you as being the gentle type. But when the blindfold is lifted off your eyes again a moment later you see it is not Derek at all but Martin who is straddling you and massaging the pain away. He is untied, and Derek is nowhere in sight.

Martin finishes his massage and removes the earplugs. “You must be thirsty by now. Do you want a drink of water?” he asks you gently.

You nod eagerly; your mouth feels like cotton!

Martin gets off of you and walks out of the room, leaving you tied up all alone for a few moments. You test your bonds to see if there is any slack at all – any hope of freeing yourself before Martin returns. There is none, and you give up even before Martin returns with a glass of ice-cold water on the rocks, sets it down on a nightstand beside the bed, and removes the gag so you may drink. He holds your head up gently with one hand while holding the glass of liquid refreshment to your lips with the other, and you drink greedily until only a few ice cubes remain.

Then before you can think to ask Martin for anything (to be untied or something else) he quickly places the gag securely back on you.

Then, with a mischievous smile, he takes the ice left in the glass and dumps down the front insides of your Speedos – eliciting a loud *MMPH!* of pure outrage!

“Don’t be mad,” says Martin as he now lies on top of you and holds you in his arms. “I’ll warm you up! And Derek will make sure I keep you warm!”

As if on cue, Derek enters the room with several more rolls of duct-tape in his hands. He proceeds to wrap Martin in duct-tape right whereyour friend is: still lying on top of your chest to chest – and groin to groin. Once Martin’s upper body is secured reasonably well for the moment (but his legs are still free), Derek cuts off the tape that connects you to the bed and frees you from the now superfluous leg cuffs. With some cooperation from the still loosely-tied Martin, Derek manages to stand you both up facing together and then wraps the both of you securely together with several rolls of duct tape. When he finishes, only your heads and the areas covered by (and immediately adjacent to) your Speedos are left uncovered.

That is when the Speedos are pulled down and the vibrators are put into place! They are set on an automatic timer to start up at a time unknown to you. Once these are secured into place, you and Martin are roughly laid back down on the bed side by side and you are secured to it again by the leg cuffs. You are blindfolded and ear-plugged once again, and Derek leaves the two of you alone. As far as you know, he does not even stay in the same room with you two, but you cannot tell for sure. However, he does not touch you and you cannot hear or see or smell anything to indicate he is still nearby.

Martin grabs all of your attention. Whereas you are gagged, he is not. “I’ve wanted to do this for a long time,” he whispers to you quietly. And then he begins to kiss your face, all around your ball gag. You squirm and mumble into your gag, but nothing you do causes him the least hesitation. And from kissing, he goes to licking your face like a puppy!

Suddenly your vibrator turns on – and so do you!!!

You writhe and thrash around – and so does Martin. But his writhing and thrashing is more rhythmic in nature; steadily and purposefully the bulge behind his Speedos rubs hard up against the growing bulge within your own, and your attempts to elude this only cause you to imitate his rhythm and supplement it. Rather than avoiding his thrusts, you find yourself hitting against them as hard as you can… your body’s senses spurred on by the relentless, merciless insistence of that unceasing vibrator!!!

The pressure mounts… and the pleasure mounts…

You are confused. You think for a moment that you need to GO. Then you wonder if you are about to CUM.

You don’t know if you’re CUMMING or GOING!!!

And then… AND THEN…

You hold out as long as you can, but Martin’s continuing thrusts make this increasingly difficult. Finally his own weapon fires and covers the insides of his Speedos with spunk. The moment you feel that against your own Speedos, you lose the battle and explode in your own turn… making yourself feel far funkier still.

Martin sighs and tightens his hold upon you as he lays his head down upon you as much as his own bonds allow him to. He rubs his cheeks against yours in evident contentment, and despite yourself you feel a growing sense of contentment of your own.

You and Martin lay together like this for another hour or so when Derek returns, Laughs at what he sees, and proceed to cut you and Martin loose from your duct-tape imprisonment. Martin is completely freed, but the handcuffs and leg cuffs are left on you as Derek and Martin together take you out of the room and into a bathroom nearby.

“I’m going to get the dirty Speedos off you and let you shower, okay?” says Martin. “Do you promise not to kick me or anything?”

Still being gagged, you silently nod your agreement; you want to get those funky Speedos off and get that shower too much to put up futile resistance now!

Martin removes your leg cuffs and then pulls down your Speedos. You kick them off as Martin turns on the shower. You turn your back toward Martin expecting him to remove your handcuffs. Instead he merely grasps you by the arms, steps into the shower himself, and pulls you in after him. You are then bathed and your hair shampooed by Martin as if you were a pet dog. You do not resist; you find yourself enjoying it – as Martin can see for himself when he washes your own spunk off of you! He washes you leisurely and as gently as a mother washing an infant. You are almost sorry when he finishes and pulls you out of the shower again.

Martin gores to a dresser and pulls out another set of pink Speedos (dashing any thought – hope or fear – that you are about to be set free), and helps you get into them. Once they are around your middle, Martin places the leg cuffs back on you. You do not resist; Derek may be around, and perhaps you would resist even if he were not and you somehow knew this to be the case.

But Derek is around, he comes out of another room as Martin leads you out of the bathroom, and together they escort you to the living room. You are made to sit on the couch, where Derek takes a pair of handcuffs, claps one end around the middle of the set locked around your wrists, pulls your wrists down to the front of your feet, and locks the other end to the leg cuffs. You are doubled over into a frontal hogtie as you are roughly yanked off the couch and kneel in front of the couch, facing toward it.

Martin is then handcuffed with his hands behind him, leg-cuffed, and then, after he lies down on the couch, secured in a hog-tie with another set of cuffs. Then Derek casually sits on Martin’s belly, places his bare feet on your back where you kneel like you were a footstool, turns on the TV with a remote, and watches a football game. He is just in time to catch the game when it starts, and he watches the game all the way to its end without once giving you or Martin a break. Fortunately for your knees, the floor is covered with very thick shag carpeting.

At the end of the game, Derek gets up, releases your hogtie, un-cuffs one wrists, places your wrists behind you, re-cuffs you, and restores your hogtie so that it is identical with Martin’s. Martin is then lifted off the couch and made to kneel behind you, facing the other way and back to back with you. Another set of handcuffs secures the pair of you together.

Derek steps out and leaves you two alone for a while. He soon returns with a plate filled with small bite-sized Pizza bits. He holds one up close to Martin. “I beg you to feed me, master,” says Martin. Derek obliges by popping a pizza bit into the boy’s mouth. Martin chews this morsel, swallows, and repeats his request word for word. Derek gives him another morsel.

Then Derek sets the plate down on a nightstand, walks up to you, and removes your gag.

Then he takes the plate, picks up a pizza bit, holds it out to you, and looks at you in expectation.

You swore at him? Oooooooooooo…

“Oh, so you want to be a tough guy, do you?” asks Derek with a grim smile, seeming to be more amused than upset by your act of rebellion. “I guess this will be fun than I was planning on. Martin said you’d go along and asked me to take it easy on you. But I guess if you want to talk dirty we’ll have to clean up your act.”

Derek steps out of the room for a moment and then returns with a ball gag in his hand.

You see that the ball is an unusual blue-green color, but think nothing of this until Derek is stuffing it into your mouth. Then you realize to your horror that the gag is not made of the usual materials at all – it is made of SOAP!!!

You thrash around and try to get the soapy ball gag out of your mouth, but it is too late! Derek is already strapping it in! Then, while you mumph frantically to beg for the gag to be removed, Derek releases Martin from his own bonds and bids him to come with him. You are left alone in the living room for a few minutes, and then your captor (or captors if your count Martin) return with a six foot long metal pole. To your horror, the pole is threaded between you and your bonds where you are still hog-tied, and lifted up – and you are lifted right up along with it by your bound wrists and ankles!

You are carried out to the backyard, which is surrounded by a fence and tall trees and is completely out of sight of any houses that may be nearby in this rural neighborhood. You are carried out to a hot tub, which you see is filled with hot water that has apparently just had a mixture of bubble bath added to it! There is also a metal stand on either side of the hot tub with a divider on the top of each; aligned to face each other. And as you are carried toward the tub, it is obvious what these stands are for. They are the supports for the metal rod you are tied to; to leave you dangling over the hot tub like a roast on a spit!

Martin and Derek haul you over the hot tub and place your pole within the stands, leaving you dangling half submerged in the hot, bubbling water. The water is high enough so that you have to lift your head up to keep your face out of the water. It is not difficult… as long as you have the strength to keep your head up!

But then Derek and Martin climb in to the hot tub with you and begin to tickle you mercilessly. The result of trying to laugh with a gag made of soap in your mouth makes you drool – and the more you drool the worse your mouth commences to taste!

Within a half hour you are wishing you had just begged for the treat!

Then Derek and Martin do something with the stands that hold up your pole, and you belatedly realize that the stands have several notches – like the stand that hold up the hurdle of a pole vault – and your pole is NOT being held on the lowest one. If Derek and Martin place you on a lower one…

They do, and now it takes all the effort you can muster to keep your head above water!

And they tickle you some more!!!

You are forced to writhe and thrash so much that you duck your own head in the hot bubbling water in the process. You feel like you are going to drown if this keeps up!

Derek grabs you by the chin to hold your head up above the water for a moment.

“Are you ready for training now?” he asks you not unkindly. “Or do you prefer to have some more punishment first? I warn you that if you choose more punishment, it is going to hurt – a LOT!”

You decide you’ve had enough punishment (at least for now) and nod your agreement. You’d agree to do anything right now just to get that nasty soap ball gag out of your mouth; it is slowly dissolving and leaving an indescribably nasty taste in your mouth!

Martin and Derek walk you back to the house, where mercifully Martin offers to remove the soap ball gag and let you wash your mouth out on the condition that you promise not to attempt to call out.

You agree at once, desperate to get rid of that soapy taste! Martin removes the ball gag (the ball is noticeably smaller and smoother now) and gives you a glass of water to rinse your mouth and spit out the soapy water. Once the soap is washed out, you are allowed to drink another glassful before you are aged again (this time with a normal ball gag – which feels heavenly after that last nasty experience).

For the next few hours you trained in obedience just as a dog would be. You are led out into the yard and walked around on a leash, and taught to heel, stay, sit, roll over, play dead, and finally - still hobbled and handcuffed but without leash or ball-gag – to fetch; the same way a dog would; with your mouth! Only after you do all this are you offered the chance to beg again. This time, you beg quite well and willingly; you are famished!!!
“It’s getting late,” Martin tells you. “Do you want to go home now and visit some more later, or would you like to spend the night?”

You decide to spend the night with Martin.

Martin holds a cell phone to your ear and mouth so that you may call anyone who needs to know that you’ll be out tonight, without ever releasing you from your bonds.

Once that is set, Derek and Martin place a shower cap on you to completely cover your hair and then wrap you from head to toe in duct tape (the shower cap protecting your hair from this), leaving only your nose and the soles of your feet exposed to the air. Martin and Derek then carry you back outside to the hot tub to give you a thrilling new experience. The bubble-bath solution has been washed out and replaced by clean water that is just above body temperature.

For a moment you are actually afraid they are going to drown you - by accident, at least. But they know what they are doing. There is a leather harness built into the side of the hot tub which – when you are strapped into it – keeps your nostrils above water but keeps the rest of you loosely floating. Once they have placed a blindfold on you as well, you realize the special thing they have done for you. Floating in body-warm water, the experience of sensory deprivation is greatly heightened because now you feel nothing either; no texture of whatever surface you would normally lie on, no hot or cold, no pressure of your body weight on even a soft surface… you feel nothing at all!!!

For a long time you wonder if Derek and Martin have stayed with you. Then a gentle touch of a finger on the tip of your nose thrills you almost as much as if it were the tip of some other part of you that had been touched. It is a gentle touch that does nothing at all to hinder your breathing – except that it excites you so much your breath becomes almost asthmatic anyway. A competing sensation catches your attention too as your – other part – suddenly swells and strains within its confines, but is unable to find any release. The pressure within your duct-tape covered Speedos mounts, but there is nothing you can do. Other than your breathing and your heartbeat, you cannot move at all – not even to turn your head!

Time passes and there is no further touch, and you think you have been left alone. But then comes another brief, gentle touch on the soles of your feet with a tip of a finger, and again it is like being jolted by a surge of electricity! And again a period of recovery during which nothing happens, allowing your swelling to subside – slowly.

This goes on for what seems like forever. Then, there is no sensation at all for the longest time, and you fall asleep.

After a long dreamless sleep where you feel like you are floating in the depths of space for an eternity, you are jolted awake by the gentle caress of fingers on the soles of your feet. But this is no mere touch this time.

It is a tickle, and over the next few moments it becomes steadier and more relentless.
Oh My God! You think to yourself. The sensation literally jolts you like a surge of electricity through your body! You cannot stand it. You struggle to get free, to scream, to move away from those delightful but tormenting fingers but it is no avail. They will not stop tickling you!!!

Long before the time they do stop, you need to change clothes again for the exact same reason as you did before!

Finally, the tickling stops, and soon you find yourself being lifted out of the hot tub and carried away again – still blindfolded, ear-plugged, and gagged. Eventually you feel yourself set gently down on a bed, where your earplugs and blindfold are removed.

“Good morning,” Martin says top you happily as he climbs onto your chest still wearing only a set of pink Speedos. “Have a good sleep?”

“Yes,” you reply, “though your wake-up call made me spunk myself.”

“Really?” replies Martin, not acting at all contrite. “That’s a shame. Want to get even?”
So saying, he pulls off his Speedos and offers you a piece of him.

Whether or not you accept, Martin then serves you breakfast in bed - still bound precisely as you are. He straddles your chest and feeds you by hand in a leisurely manner. Only then do he and Derek remove the duct tape that imprisons your body and allow you to shower – with your hands and feet still cuffed and with Martin assisting you as before.

“Derek and I are going camping today and staying out overnight,” Martin tells you as you shower. “We’re bringing over a couple of friends of mine. They would love to meet you and show you a good time. Want to come with us?”

“Sure!” you tell him.

“Great!” replies Martin as he helps you put on a fresh set of pink Speedos, re-cuffs your hands and feet, and escorts you back to the bedroom. “We’ll be leaving in a couple of hours. Why don’t you relax in the meantime?”

Then he hogties you, gags you, sticks you inside the closet, blindfolds and earplugs you, and locks you in.

You rest as comfortably as you can; you can hardly wait to meet Martin’s friends.

To Be Continued

Re: The Adventures of Tommy TUGs part 1 of 4 (M/M) typos corrected

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 9:38 pm
by blackbound

Re: The Adventures of Tommy TUGs part 1 of 4 (M/M) typos corrected

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 9:51 pm
by Xtc
Thanks for taking the pm in the spirit in which it was intended.
It would have been a shame to have the piece less good than it should have been.

Re: The Adventures of Tommy TUGs part 1 of 4 (M/M) typos corrected

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 9:55 pm
by Jason Toddman
Xtc wrote: 4 years ago Thanks for taking the pm in the spirit in which it was intended.
It would have been a shame to have the piece less good than it should have been.
Of course. Imo constructive criticism like yours always makes a story better. I want typos in my stories less than anyone.
Two truisms of writers:
1. A writer is generally their own harshest critic. :ugeek:
2. A writer is always their own world's worst proof-reader. :oops:

Re: The Adventures of Tommy TUGs part 1 of 4 (M/M) typos corrected

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 10:41 pm
by Xtc
I only wish number 1 was always true!
I most certainly agree with number 2.

Re: The Adventures of Tommy TUGs part 1 of 4 (M/M) typos corrected

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 11:15 pm
by Jason Toddman
Xtc wrote: 4 years ago I only wish number 1 was always true!
It almost always is... with good writers.

Re: The Adventures of Tommy TUGs part 1 of 4 (M/M) typos corrected

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 12:01 am
by MaxRoper
This is great! A fun time had by all. The present tense style isn't used much. I like it.

Looking forward to the rest.

Re: The Adventures of Tommy TUGs part 1 of 4 (M/M) typos corrected

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 1:33 pm
by Jason Toddman
MaxRoper wrote: 4 years ago This is great! A fun time had by all. The present tense style isn't used much. I like it.

Looking forward to the rest.
I didn't think to mention this in the earlier post, but this story was written because of a roleplay between me a member of the previous site named, of course, TommyTugs. I would write a scenario and give him some options to choose (not easy when someone is roleplaying being tied up! :P ), and this is also why the story is written in present tense. I figured it would also help readers imagine these things happening to them, in the same way I wrote a whole batch of heroic-fantasy roleplaying novels back in the 1990s. So, I;ve had a little practice. :D

You manage to fall asleep again despite your restful night’s sleep, as the sensation of sensory deprivation even while lying in Martin’s closet is soothing and relaxing.

You awaken to feel the touch of Martin’s hands as he releases you from your hog-tie; then removes your blindfold and earplugs so you can hear and see him squatting down beside you – still wearing only his Speedos. He does not remove your gag though, as verbal responses are apparently unnecessary.

“Derek has brought my other friends,” Martin tells you as he helps you stand up. “They’re all waiting in the van. Let’s go.”

You are still cuffed and hobbled as Martin locks your arm in his and escorts you through the kitchen to the entrance to their private garage. The garage door is closed, and inside you see a large van with translucent windows. The garage doors are closed and the van’s motors are off. The rear doors are closed, and Derek remains in the driver’s seat as Martin leads you to the back of the van and opens the door.

The van is unfurnished except for a bare metal bench on each side and a padded, more comfortable looking bench at the far end. You see four boys your age sitting inside the van; two on your left and two others on your right. All three are wearing only Speedos – each a different color from your own or Martin’s. All four are also shackled by their feet to a metal railing that runs along the floor and the walls of the van behind them, and their wrists handcuffed and suspended over their heads by a second set of cuffs to another metal railing suspended from the ceiling. Both railings run along the interior in large U-shapes and look very sturdy. All three boys are gagged, blindfolded, ear-plugged, and apparently completely oblivious to your presence.

“Let me introduce you, since they can’t introduce themselves,” says Martin with a gentle laugh. The boy to your nearer left is 'Alex'; a white boy about 5’ 8” with fairly short, black, spikey hair and a muscular and tanned physique; he is wearing yellow Speedos. The boy on your further left is 'Ryan', also white but a lot smaller (around 5’ 4”) and not as tanned or as muscular as Alex; his Speedos are green. To your right is ‘Tom’, an Asian boy about 5’ 11” with a trim, slender but very pleasing swimmer’s build and long black hair; his Speedos are blue. And to your further right is John, a black boy about 6’ 3” and with as pleasing a swimmer’s build as Tom; his Speedos are purple.

You have met Ryan and Alex before and are surprised to see them here; you have never met Tom or John until now.

Martin helps you into the van (you have to sit down on the bed and lift your feet in with aid because your hobbles prevent you from stepping up high enough) and seats you between Alex and Ryan. He then un-cuffs your right wrists, pulls your hands around in front, re-cuffs your wrist, pulls your wrists up close to the bar above your head, and locks your cuffs in place with a second set dangling from the bar – just as the other boys are secured. Then Martin kneels in front of you to secure your ankles in a similar manner.

Once this is done, Martin closes the rear van door, walks over the far end again, and bangs on the wall. “We’re ready to go,” he calls to Derek.

As you hear the motor start up (and, distantly, the sound of automatic garage doors opening), Martin walks back to you and replaces your blindfold. Instead of mere earplugs, he tapes microphones connected to a small I-Pod onto your ears. You do not hear music but a low, steady, hissing static. This white noise is far more effective at drowning out outside sounds than mere earplugs could, and soon the only sensations you feel are your bonds and the slight motion of the van as it sets out for its destination.

You spend an unknown time in virtual Limbo as you await the end of your journey.

Eventually you feel a difference in the motion of the van you are in, and realize that it has stopped. You wonder what will happen next.

Abruptly you feel hands detach your handcuffs and leg-cuffs from their restraints, but they are still left on you. In fact, as you let your cuffed wrists fall to your lap you feel a new set of restraints connect your handcuffs and leg-cuffs in front of you by a short length of chain. Another chain is wrapped around your waist and your handcuffs secured to them; preventing you from moving your wrists more than an inch away from your front.

Another set of hands on your shoulders compel you to stand up, and you feel a collar and leash being placed around your neck. A gentle tug on the leash urges you to walk slowly along to the back of the van. This worries you, because you are still blindfolded and ear-plugged, and have no idea where you are or where you going. All you can do is trust whoever is guiding you not to let you fall or be hurt in any way.

You reach the point where you are sure the van door must be, and discover that a metal ramp with a reasonably gentle slope has been placed there. You feel yourself being led along down the ramp and onto a flat, grass covered area beyond. You walk slowly and carefully, and whoever is leading you along is apparently patient and does not urge you along faster than you dare go while blind and deaf.

You do not walk very far when you are abruptly stopped, and two sets of hands (on your shoulders and waist) urge you to turn around and then to slowly back up. You back into what feels like a smooth metal post about the thickness of your leg and at least as high as your head (because the back of your head gently hits it). The hands on your shoulders make you stay in place while you feel a tugging at the chains around your waist. They are loosened momentarily, and your hands uncuffed, placed behind your back, and cuffed once again around the pole. The chains around your waist are also fastened around the pole. Your leg cuffs are momentarily unfastened and then refastened so that your ankles are also secured to the pole. Then you feel yet more chains around your knees, elbows, and neck further securing you in place.

You now cannot move, see, or hear.

You can feel though. Shortly after you are fastened to the pole, you feel many sets of hands begin to rub along your skin almost everywhere from your head to your toes – even along the part of you that your Speedos still cover. There must be at least a dozen pairs of hands caressing your body at any one time for the next hour or two. It feels good, but it is maddening because you do not know where you ate nor do you know who is touching you in these ways. Some touches tickle, some caress; some are rather less than gentle, but all arouse you. And the touches to your Speedo-covered areas increase in frequency and duration until you feel almost ready to burst.

Suddenly a set of hands pull down your Speedos and you feel a mouth gently enclose what was hidden down there. You do not have any idea who it is (or even what gender that person is), but they are obviously after something, and are very insistent on finding it. And before long they get it too!

You feel a towel cleaning you off, and for a short time afterward you feel nothing at all. Then, gradually, you feel hands upon your helpless and naked body once again. They gradually but steadily increase in number, and the same things happen to you all over again. Each time a hungry mouth finds its milk and the hands withdraw for a time, and then return after another period of Limbo.

You lose track of your number of orgasms after five.

Afterward, you feel something else placed against you rather than a mouth; it feels like the opening of as plastic bottle. A gentle hand pulls away the speaker in your ear, you hear Martin’s voice say “Pee!” and the speaker is replaced. You obey Martin’s command willingly, and feel a sensation as pleasurable as an orgasm as you relieve yourself.

At some unknown point later, you feel yourself being released from the pole, walked slowly a short distance, stopped, turned around, and made to slowly back up again. This time you feel a hard object against the back of your knees, and you find yourself compelled to first sit upon and then lie down upon what feels like a wooden bench. You are soon tied in a lying down position on top of the bench.

You feel the now familiar sensation of someone sitting down on your chest. Then, to your surprise, your blindfold is removed. Your eyes need no time to adjust to the glare because there is none; it is now night time and the only light comes from the moon and a few distant lanterns. You look around, and see the same four boys you saw in the van tied to benches as well; two on either side of you. You see other people walking around; all males between the ages of 18 and 25, as far as you can tell – all wearing Speedos.

You look up, to see that it is Martin who is sitting on your chest. He holds a plate with a sandwich and some chips in one hand; and a glass containing fruit punch in the other. He removes your gag and hand-feeds you; and you eat and drink greedily. You have no time to talk before he finishes, re-gags you, and replaces your blindfold; he never removed your earphones anyway so you could not have heard anything he said over the static hiss anyway. As soon as your blindfold is secured, your feel Martin’s body weight vanish; perhaps he has gone on to feed one of the others.

After another period of sensory deprivation, your feel another person sit on your chest; followed by another on your belly and two more on your legs. Each one feels like a person similar to Martin in size and build. Your gag is removed but not your blindfold. You feel a hand on the back of your head left your head up gently and another hand gently urging your mouth to open. You do not resist but open your mouth, knowing ahead of time what is going to be put in there.

You suck on your warm pacifier and soon receive milk.

The first pacifier is immediately replaced by another, and you feed on more milk.

You lose track of your feedings after about a dozen or so. Some pacifiers are larger (and hairier) than others, but all eventually yield plenty of milk.

Eventually, you cease to feel the weight of other bodies atop your own and you are allowed to fall into a deep, peaceful sleep for the rest of the night still tied securely to the wooden bench.

You awaken to the sensation of someone sitting atop you again. A moment later your blindfold is removed – slowly and carefully enough to give your eyes time to adjust to the light. As you look around you notice that two of the benches beside you are now vacant – their occupants are now seated on the occupants of the other two benches and waking them up as Martin is with you. Martin removes your headphones and radio (the battery is dead by now and the comforting hiss is gone anyway) and your gag, and offers you breakfast, which you accept eagerly.

Martin hurries off and brings back a plate with pancakes in maple syrup, sausages, eggs, and a glass of orange juice. He feeds you carefully so that none of the mess gets on you.

“Any chance for a wash?” you ask. “I feel a little grubby!”

“Want to go for a swim in the lake?” Martin asks. He points to your right. You are not at all far from a beautiful lake shore. There are many teenagers there clad in Speedos. The scene looks very inviting.

“Okay,” you reply.

“Swell,” replies Martin. “I’ll take you out there right after breakfast.”

Martin finishes feeding you and then frees you from the bench. However, your wrists are still handcuffed behind you and your feet still hobbled as you stand up. Martin places a lead on the collar you still wear and gently pulls you into a walk toward the lake.

“Wait a minute!” you protest. “I can’t go swimming like this!”

“Sure you can,” replies Martin. “We’ll help you. Trust us”

You suddenly notice that Alex and Ryan are walking along right beside you, only – like Martin – their arms and legs are completely free. The other two boys you saw are still tied securely to their benches, where a group of younger boys now begin laughingly to sit on them. You now decide you prefer to trust Martin and the other two rather than go back to your bench and possibly be at the mercy of younger boys for any length of time!

The three boys lead you to the water’s edge. Martin continues walking into the water and pulls on your leash. At the same time Alex and Ryan stand beside you, one on each side, grip you by your bound arms, and walk forward with into after Martin. “Trust us,” Ryan says to you with a deep but gentle voice. “We won’t let anything bad happen to you. At least unless it’s the FUN kind of bad!”

You believe them, and offer no resistance as the three of you wade out in to the water after Martin. Sure enough, they manage to keep your head safely above water while they swim into deeper water with you. Martin stays close by in case his help is needed by anyone, but the other two boys have you safely under control as they swim with you.

After a half hour, you find yourself taken to the underside of a small boat dock.

“Do you still trust us?” asks Martin.

“Yes,” you reply without a shred of voice in your voice.

You are taken to the top of the dock. Martin gets a snorkel. Its tube rise six feet over your head. It is fitted onto you, the mouth tube securely in place, and then the whole thing is duct-taped onto you. A skin-diver’s mask is then fitted onto your face; it is opaque and you cannot see out of it. Your head is covered with heavy padding that blocks off all sound. Then diver’s weights are attached to your feet. A long thick rope is then tied around your waist. You are taken to the edge of the dock, where the water is over ten feet deep.

Then you are gently pushed from behind and fall into the water; where you sink like a stone to the bottom! But the top of the snorkel is above water, and you can still breathe easily – though it takes a while for your breathing to settle down from the sudden shock of what has just happened to you.

Then you realize that this is just like the hot tub… only now you are floating free (more or less, with the weights keeping you anchored to the bottom you can still float upward and around for a foot or two) in fresh lake water. You are now far more isolated and deprived of the use of your senses than ever. You are entirely underwater.

You feel free!

You lose track of time while floating in your underwater prison. Perhaps you even sleep during part of it; you cannot tell.

Suddenly you feel a pair of hands begin to softly caress your chest, and another pair on your legs. Then fingers begin to tickle you, and you begin to squirm and thrash about but of course you cannot move well enough to avoid the tickling fingers. Then, after only a minute, the fingers stop and you are left in peace again.

A few moments later the fingers are back; this time there must be at least five different people tickling you in at least as many ticklish areas. You writhe and thrash like one demented, but it is no use. Luckily for you that neither your thrashings nor your hysterical laughter disrupts your air flow in any way; the snorkel tip stays well above the water level and your air piece stays firmly taped to your mouth. If fact, you realize only now that something is preventing you from turning your head downward – and therefore turning your snorkel top into the water and letting the water in. Until this moment, you had not realized how carefully your captors set this trap up to keep you imprisoned but perfectly safe!

The fingers tickle for a moment, cease for another moment (apparently while their owners go up for air), and then resume tickling again for another moment. At first they all tickle together, but eventually they become more random as different tormentors come up and down at different times at different intervals. Soon there is no relief from the relentless tickle torture of at least one set of fingers!

But eventually it all comes to an end. You feel a hand of hands at your ankles, but rather than a tickle they remove the weights that keep you down below the surface of the lake. A moment later you feel a tug along the almost forgotten rope looped around your waist and under your arms, and you feel yourself begin to rise. A set of arms grabs each of yours and propel you upward faster. Within seconds your head pops to the surface; although under the circumstances this makes no difference to you at the moment – you are still essentially forced to breathe through the snorkel. But the rope around you pulls you clear of the water and into the air, where at least two more arms of arms pull you safely onto the (to you) unseen dock again.

The snorkel, mask, and head towel are removed from you. You can now see Martin, Ryan, and Alex standing all around you. You look down into the water you were pulled out of, to see Tom, John, and Derek swimming lazily and contentedly around the boat dock. You look into the sky and see that it is late afternoon. You must have been floating in sensory deprivation heaven for at least six hours!!!

“Having fun?” Martin asks you cheerfully as he offers you a snack and something to drink.

“That was a blast!” you tell him. “I’d like to do that all night.”

“Well, that wouldn’t be quite safe,” Martin tells you with a smile. “It’d be hard to keep an eye on you in the dark and make sure you weren’t in trouble like we’ve been doing all this time. But we have a different set-up back at camp that I think you’ll enjoy tonight.”

A leash is placed on you and - still hobbled and cuffed – you are led back to camp on foot like a pet dog. You are even allowed a rest break in the woods to relieve yourself in the same way a dog does – using leaves to clean yourself if need be.

When you are taken back to the camp, you see a large, luxurious RV trailer set up beside the van that brought you here. But this is not what grabs your immediate attention. Instead, you see what looks like a trampoline in the shape of the largest spider web in the world spread out horizontally on an octagonal frame about eight feet in diameter and standing almost four feet off the ground. The strands are about two inches in thickness and no more than several inches apart – forming a deceptively comfortable and secure place on which to lie.

Your cuffs and hobbles are removed, and you are bid to climb onto the trampoline via a small ladder set on one side for the purpose, crawl out to the center of the shaky structure, and lie on your back with your arms and legs spread as wide apart as you can.

You comply at once, while Martin, Ryan, Alex, and Derek crawl underneath the trampoline web with rolls of duct tape in their hands. From beneath the web, the four of them tie your limbs (from wrists to shoulders and from ankle to hips) onto the strands of the web. Then your torso is likewise secured to the web. Then a hood (with one hole only for your nose and mouth; blinding you) is placed on your head. Your mouth is packed with a pair of socks and then gagged with tape, and the tape is wound around the back of your head and the web strands on which it lies – rendering your head immobile.

Then, when you are completely ensnared, you feel the web begin to tilt. You feel the blood rush to your feet as the web and its frame are slowly tilted to the vertical – and then on over halfway back to the horizontal again before it stops. The web is now inclined 45 degrees from the horizontal, with you dangling helplessly beneath it like a fly caught in a real spider’s web.

You now find that this arrangement leaves you within easy reach of the tickling fingers of your captors – and anyone else who happens to pass by. And you are tickled relentlessly for hours.

At one point your hood and gag are removed so allow you to have a drink. You notice at this time that Tom and John are tied to the wooden benches again, with several younger boys (average age about 16 or 17) sitting on top of each and merrily tormenting them. Meanwhile, Alex and Ryan have been tied to the posts again, where several other boys your own age or older are stroking and fondling them the same way you were when tied to them before. Then your gag and hood are replaced, and your own tickle torture continues well into the night.

Finally, the fingers leave you to rest quietly. The hood is lifted briefly by unseen hands, which place a set of speakers and a radio playing restful white noise static into your ears before replacing the hood. An unseen hand gently caresses your face through its hood, and then you feel nothing at all once again.

You soon fall asleep while tied to the giant web – dangling helplessly but happily the entire night as you are held securely but oh-so-comfortably within your bonds…

An unknown amount of time later you feel another set of hands at your waist.

Then you feel your Speedos gently being pulled down and Waking One-eyed Willy poking its head out to see who woke it up… only to get engulfed by someone’s mouth.

Someone tongue-wrestles Willy into submission and gets some morning milk for a reward.

The hood blindfolding you is removed, and of course it is Martin who you see in front of you when your eyes adjust to the growing light of early morning.

“Had a good sleep?” Martin asks you with a cheerful smile.

You nod your head for an answer; you are still gagged.

“Want to get up and walk around, or do you want to just hang around some more?” asks Martin.

You manage to signal to Martin that you’d be more than happy to stretch your legs.

Martin manages to cut the tape off of you without damaging the web fabric or nicking you, and you are free of restraints for the first time in days.

You remain at camp with Martin for another few days, but most of your waking time is now spent free as Tom, John, Alex, Ryan, and Martin all take their turns spending a day or more being kept tied up and subjected to long periods of sensory deprivation. You even get to tie up and play with Martin in most of the same ways as he has played with you, and your ‘ties’ of friendship grow even stronger during this time. You watch over Martin as he spends several hours submerged underneath the lake or hanging from the web to ensure his continued safety as he has done for you. You are not bored though; the other boys you came to the camp with keep you company and the five of you play various interesting games together to spend the time.

Finally the time comes for all six of you to return home, with Derek driving the van. You help Martin secure the other four boys as they were before for the trip home for one last sensory deprivation experience. But instead of securing you as well, Martin asks you to do it to him instead and play with him any way you wish to on the ride home. And so you handcuff Martin, secure his wrists to the ceiling rail, secure his feet, and place the blinders and earplugs on him before Derek begins the homeward drive.

You manage to make the homeward trip a very interesting one for Martin - and for the other four boys as well.

Once you’ve arrived at your destination and everyone climbs out of the van, Martin asks if you would like to spend another week at the camp with him later in the summer. You look forward to it.

And you and Martin visit each other very frequently after this, and the days and nights are always interesting.

THE END (until the sequel aka Parts 3 and 4)

Re: The Adventures of Tommy TUGs Parts 1 and 2 of 4 (M/M)

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 11:20 am
by Jason Toddman
I had hoped for a little more feedback by now. oh well, i'll push on regardless.



Summer vacation is about to come to an end. You are looking forward to one last happy weekend spent at your friend Martin’s house, having some speedo bondage fun with your hot-looking best friend before school begins and adds its toll to your stress levels. But the best laid plans of mice and men often go astray, and your weekend comes out differently than you had anticipated - as eventually does the entire school year that follows.

You know that something is wrong the moment you come to Martin’s front door early Friday morning, and hear and loud argument coming from inside the house. You can clearly hear Martin yelling in frustration and rage, and wonder if he is having a fight with his older brother. This possibility is as disturbing as it is unusual, for Martin is devoted to his strong-willed brother and is usually very submissive toward him. But then you realize that the second voice you hear is not Martin’s brother Derek at all, but the voice of another boy unfamiliar to you.

As you ponder whether to ring the doorbell or simply walk away and try again later, the front door abruptly swings open and a boy younger and shorter than you comes storming out. He is about 5’ 6” and fairly muscular, with his hair dyed purple and arranged in a punk style. He was a nose piercing and wears ear-rings. He would be quite cute were it not for his (to you at least) repulsive hair style and his angry demeanor. The boy pauses at the doorway; turns back to shout “Get yourself loose! I’m off!” in a distinctive British accent, and storms off, slamming the door shut behind him and locking it. You are well off to one side of the front door and partially concealed by bushes, so this unfamiliar boy never notices you at all as he walks rapidly down the street in a huff; muttering angrily to himself. You cannot make out a word of what he says however.

Concerned for Martin’s well-being, especially in light of the boy’s parting words, you go to the door while fishing around in your pocket for your copy of the house-key Martin once gave you. Your friend had given this to you so that you could someday surprise him with a nocturnal visit and tie him up in his sleep as a preliminary to a pleasant night’s torture session and sleepover. You have already done this four times since, but it looks like this time you will need the key to rescue Martin from a situation rather than place him in one of your own making.

You unlock the front door and call out to Martin. A barely-audible muffled call from the kitchen is the only sound you hear, but it is enough. You hurry to the kitchen, already knowing what you are going to see. Sure enough, Martin is securely tied hand and foot (and in many places in between) to a sturdy kitchen chair, and gagged as well. His feet are entirely off the floor and his ankles crossed and tied together to a cross support between the chair chairs, so that any attempt to struggle will simply cause him to teeter painfully over onto his side. His mouth bulges like that of a frog – indicating that it is now tightly packed with something that is effectively silencing him. He is blindfolded as well, so has only your voice to assure him that it is you who have arrived to find him.

You rush to Martin’s side and remove his gag, whereupon he spits out not one but two nasty-looking socks and coughs out his thanks as you remove his blindfold as well. “How did you get into this fix?” you ask Martin, making no move to untie him and seriously contemplating leaving him tied for now. “Who was that kid? You’re not starting to see other friends than *me*, are you?” You are feeling distinctly jealous at this point.

“He’s no friend of mine,” replies Martin in sheer outrage as his voice takes on a British accent of his own; you’ve noticed long since that he always sounds British himself on the rare occasions when he’s angry. “He’s my ruddy cousin, the snot! Come on, man, untie me will you? Please? I already feel my arms going numb!”

You take pity on your friend and begin to untie him – a rather lengthy process because he was tied very well, with lots of knots and lots of rope – as Martin explains. “He’s my cousin Nigel, from Britain. He’s here on a foreign-exchange student program, and since we’re related he was sent here to live with me and Derek. But right from the start, he’s been the Houseguest from Hell. Never satisfied with the cooking! Always complaining about something! He’s only been here three days and already I want to murder him in his bed and damn the consequences!”

“Why doesn’t Derek help keep him in line?” you ask Martin. “I can’t imagine him putting up with any nonsense from him or anyone.”

“Derek’s not here,” replied Martin morosely. “He’s gone off to join the Army. He left just the day before I found out about Nigel coming, and I had no chance to warn my aunt and uncle in Britain that Derek wasn’t around to help take care of us before arrangements were already made and Nigel was on his way. Derek left me money for expenses of course and he’s going to send me more when he can, but he and I didn’t know he was going to have to support two of us. Naturally my aunt and uncle gave Nigel loads of cash to help pay his way, but the selfish git has been keeping it all for himself!”

You feel sorry for Martin; he certainly doesn’t deserve all this. But you also feel sorry for yourself; with this British cousin in the house, your frequent sleepovers with Martin have become seriously jeopardized. The privacy at your own house is close to non-existent; making having Martin come visit you impractical. Unless something can be done about Nigel, our fun times with Martin may be coming to an end.

You get Martin completely free of his restraints, and then – taking advantage of Nigel’s absence – the two of you head to Martin’s bedroom for a little rest and relaxation. You strip down to your pink speedos and Martin strips down to his blue ones, and start to get the rope so that Martin can tie you as usual. But Martin stops you; saying to your utter disappointment that he doesn’t feel good about tying you up when Nigel could barge in on you both at any moment. You reluctantly agree, and try to make the best of a bad situation.

Your disappointment is almost forgotten when you and Martin are in each other’s arms, hugging and kissing and… doing other things. You had almost forgotten that having your hands free while being around Martin can have special rewards of its own, and now you remember that undergoing sensory overstimulation can be almost as much fun as sensory deprivation. You even almost forget all about Nigel…

…until the memory comes intruding brutally into your notice when you and Martin are momentarily blinded by the flash of a digital camera over by the window. You look up, to see Nigel standing outside the window (the disadvantage of having a room on the first floor!) grinning evilly and with a digital camera in his hands. Even as you look up, he takes another compromising picture of you and Martin together.

This is the last straw! To everyone’s surprise (not least of all your own), you bellow in rage, arise from the bed in a fluid moment, cross the space between bed and window in a single bound, and spring at the surprised Nigel with a tigerish leap. You hurl yourself cleanly right through the open window and knock Nigel over into his back before he can even blink. The camera flies right out of his hands as the startled 15-year-old tries to fend you off, but you are taller and heavier than he is, and your rage gives you strength besides. You manage to pin him down on the grassy lawn outside your window.

“Get offa me, you pouf!” Nigel yells as he struggles beneath you to get free but fails miserably. “Cor! You’re almost naked, you damned pervert! Get off, or I’ll tell my mum than Martin’s a pouf too!”

Nigel starts yelling bloody murder when you continue to straddle his belly and pin him down on the grass, but Martin’s house is fairly isolated and no one can see or hear either of you. Fortunately Martin’s window faces the back yard, and the view from all sides is blocked by many tall trees.

“What are we going to do?” a worried Martin asks you as he stands at the window.

“Grab some rope and help me tie him up!” you reply simply. “Your cousin came over here to learn. So now we’re going to teach him a lesson ourselves!”


Martin ducks back inside his room for a moment, but when he re-appears and emerges through the window (one leg at a time and straddling his way out rather than leaping through it as you had); he isn’t carrying rope but several huge rolls of fresh duct tape. “Rope is too cumbersome to lug out there,” he explains to you simply as he kneels down beside you and starts off by stuffing a sock inside Nigel’s mouth and then taping it shut.

This is fine by you; as long as Nigel is secured and can be kept under control, you do not care how he is restrained for now. However, you feel duct tape is probably inadequate if Nigel has to be kept under wraps for any significant period of time. It takes time to apply enough to keep an actively resisting person restrained, it is messy to remove, can only be used once, and isn’t very versatile. You prefer chains and cuffs, which are more secure and can be applied very quickly. But for overall long term situations, you feel that nothing beats the combined security and versatility of a coil of rope! Rope gives a tie-up a personal touch that no other form of restraint can match! For now though, duct tape will certainly suffice!

You and Martin roll Nigel over onto his stomach and continue to hold his wrists as Martin proceeds to tap them together behind his back. Then you hold Nigel in a bear-hug and lift him up to a sitting position – sitting in his lap and pinning his flailing legs down with your own in the process – as Martin carefully wraps more tape around Nigel to cocoon his upper body and trap his arms to his sides. This is slow going at first, as you have to hug Nigel tightly to keep him from getting free, and this makes it difficult for Martin to wrap up Nigel without wrapping you as well. As more tape is wound around him however, this gets easier. You do not have to hold onto Nigel so tightly (which might be much to his relief were he not being mummified in tape) as Martin gets more tape around him, and he is able to wrap up his annoying cousin progressively faster as you continue to sit on Nigel’s legs to hold then down.

Once Nigel’s arms are secure, you are able to help Martin even more by beginning to tape Nigel’s legs together; starting at the ankles and working your way up. First you forcibly remove Nigel’s shoes and socks and fling them off to one side. The British boy is wearing shorts, which makes taping up his legs faster and easier. By the time you and Martin finish, you have each used up an entire roll of duct tape and Nigel is wrapped from head to toe in the stuff. Only his flaring nose, angry eyes, spikey hair, and the soles of his feet are still exposed to view… and the last are now exposed to a round of tickling by the both of you for a good ten minutes – much to Nigel’s apparent dismay judging by his futile thrashing about within his binds.

When you finish, you and Martin are both seated knees up and facing sideways upon the recumbent (and thoroughly enraged) Nigel – you upon his chest and Martin on his belly – loudly discussing what the two of you should do with his British cousin.

“How’d did get you all tied up in the first place anyway?” you ask Martin. “You’re bigger than he is!”

“I… I asked him to,” replies Martin with a sigh and a blush of embarrassment covering his face. “I wanted to see how he’d react to tie-up games. But I made the mistake of asking me to let me tie *him* up before he’d released me, and he… well, he didn’t take to the idea very well. Perhaps you saw that.”

“Yep!” you assure Martin while a smile. “Well, I imagine he likes it even less now.”

Nigel mmphs angrily and begins to thrash about. Just to infuriate him further while letting him realize how helpless he is, you swivel your body to face him, kneel down, brace his upturned face with your thighs, and squeeze his face tightly between them. This brings the reaction you expected from him, which makes you laugh. Then you start flicking his nose as hard as you can with your forefingers, causing his eyes to almost light up with great but impotent fury. Then his eyes widen even further and take on a look of ear, which puzzles you until you see where his eyes are looking. Your speedos are now bulging greatly, and having *that* looming just a few inches from his face must be causing Nigel to desperately wish that he was elsewhere.

Just to provoke him further, you move further up until the front of your speedos are almost brushing Nigel’s face. The British boy closes his eyes tightly in response. You extend your forefinger and gently tap on Nigel’s nose with it. Undoubtedly thinking something else is touching him there, Nigel shudders but is helpless to react otherwise.

“You say he’s been a bad houseguest,” you tell Martin as you continue to tease Nigel by touching his nose every so often. “Maybe it’s time we housetrain him like the impudent young pup he is.”

“Uhhh… I don’t know,’ replies Martin hesitantly, but not *too* hesitantly you notice. “It would be fun to play games with him for a while, but when we let him go again there’d be hell to pay!”

“Who says we let him go?” you tell Martin. “We’ll just keep him under wraps until we’ve trained him to behave himself.”

“That’d take weeks, if not months!” replies Martin with a laugh. “And school starts this week… which reminds me that I have to get him registered Monday and…”

“He’s not registered?” you ask with a broad grin. “So no one even knows he’s here but us? Sweet! That means we can keep him here all we want for a little home schooling on the side while we properly house train.”

Martin seems to be warming up to the idea now. “Gee, do you think we could? Derek was the real bondage and discipline expert in the family, not me.”

“I’m sure we’ll manage,” you tell Martin as you resume flicking Nigel’s nose and squeezing his face between your bare thighs. The fact that you are doing this wearing only speedos undoubtedly contributes to the look of horror in his eyes; you’d think he was being burned at the stake. “It’ll be fun learning as we go along! And from what you’ve told me, we’ve got a whole year to teach your young cousin some manners before anyone misses him!”

You and Martin both laugh at this, while Nigel stares at you with wide, fear-filled eyes.


Nigel tries to struggle as you continue to kneel on his chest and flick his face. Between being thoroughly wrapped in tape and being trapped beneath the body weight of two larger, older boys, his efforts are completely futile.

“Don’t like where I’m sitting?” you ask Nigel with deceptive gentleness.

Nigel shakes his head in angry negation; mumphing as loudly as possible (which isn’t very loud at all) for emphasis.

“Want me to sit somewhere else?” you ask him in a still mild voice.

Nigel nods his head curtly.

You get up straight on your knees, turn your body around, place yourself backward just a bit, make sure of your landing spot, and slowly descend – toward Nigel’s face!

Nigel’s thrashings and mumphs are more frantic than ever now. You hover just an inch above his face for a few seconds, then relent and rise up again to look back at him. “Aw! What’s the matter? Did little Nigel change his mind?” you ask him sweetly.

Nigel nods so vigorously you decide his head will need more taping up later.

“Want me to sit on your chest instead after all?”

Nigel continues nodding; His eyes virtually pleading for mercy.

So you resume your former position and go back to flicking his nose so hard that tears start to form in Nigel’s eyes. “Doesn’t be such a baby, Nigel!” you tell him.

Martin makes a funny grunting sound, and you turn back to look at him where he still sits on Nigel’s belly. The look on his face vaguely reminds you of the look the Grinch wore on his face in that cartoon when Boris Karloff describes him having a ‘wonderful, awful idea’. “I need to get a few things in town,” Martin tells you as he gets up and runs into the house to get his clothes. He emerges with his clothes and runs to his car. “I’ll be back in 30 or 40 minutes. Keep him under wraps and entertained until then!”

The next 45 minutes seem to go by quite quickly for you, whereas for Nigel they are probably the longest 45 minutes of his life so far. Martin returns carrying some stuff in bags, takes them into the house, and then asks you to help him carry Nigel inside as well. The two of you lug Nigel into the kitchen and lay him on a large towel Martin has spread onto the floor. Then, while you sit in Nigel’s lap and keep his head propped up of the floor, Martin takes an electronic razor and some scissors and shaves his cousin bald.

You and Martin feel that this makes Nigel look much better, but the recipient of your ‘barbaric’ intentions does not seem to agree.

“Right, now for the next step,” announces Martin as he digs into the bag and pulls out an adult-sized diaper. “Since he acts like a baby, he’s going to look like one.”

You laugh at this. It also occurs to you that putting a diaper on him will allow for much longer tie-ups without any need for cleaning up a mess. This apparently occurs to Nigel as well, but he seems a lot less pleased about this idea than you are.

You hold Nigel down while Martin takes a kitchen knife and cuts away the duct tape that covers Nigel’s waist. He then saws away at Nigel’s shorts until they are off of him and replaces them with the diaper ‘for incontinent adults’. After that, the two of you take a bed-sheet and roll the helpless Nigel into it – leaving only his head clear. The bed-sheet is followed by another roll of duct-tape being wrapped all around Nigel. Then he is tightly wrapped inside a blanket (still leaving his head clear), and this is tied on with yet another roll of duct tape. Nigel is now totally incapable of even a feeble struggle beneath all this.

Martin then produces an adult-sized baby bonnet he acquired (God knows where) and fits it upon his thoroughly mortified cousin. At this point, the two of you decide to remove his gag so that he can vent his futile outrage for as long as he wants while you both laugh at him.

“Goo goo!” you say teasingly to Nigel, straddling his chest again and burbling his lips as if he were a real baby. You have to yank your finger away quickly when he tries to bite it.

“Baby needs a pacifier,” says Martin, and produces one out of the bag. Naturally, Nigel refuses to let you put it into his mouth. “It’s that or this ball gag!” Martin threatens him, producing the gag in question. Nigel decides on the pacifier.

Martin then produces a digital camera and takes pictures of Nigel in his baby blanket.

Martin then gets a baby bottle, warms up some milk on the stove, pours in into the bottle, puts on the nipple stop, and hands it to you. Still straddling Nigel’s chest in your speedos, you try to compel him to take the bottle and drink from it while Martin takes more pictures. Nigel again shows his stubborn streak and refuses.

“Okay, let’s turn him over,” Martin tells you. The two of you turn Martin’s cousin over on his belly, whereupon Martin produces a baseball bat.

“Isn’t that a bit much dude?” you ask Martin with some concern.

“With all that layering on him he won’t feel anything less,” Martin assures you. “Don’t worry; I’m only swatting his behind just hard enough to spank him.” Martin begins swinging the bat; not with all his strength but certainly hard enough to let Nigel know he is being spanked! He begins to wail like a real baby and pleads for mercy, but Martin relents only when Nigel promises to drink the milk and do whatever else the two of you demand of him.

And Nigel drinks every drop while Martin documents the whole feeding on his digital camera.

“Aw, you’re such a cute baby,” you tell Nigel as you pinch his cheek, but there is nothing cute or baby-like in his verbal response to your endearment. So he gets the ball gag placed on him after all, and gets many additional hard nose flicks in the bargain.

The coup de grace for the day comes at naptime. You and Martin carry Nigel to his guest bedroom. Martin reluctantly decided that getting a crib large enough to fit Nigel would have been a bit too much effort, but he figures that a hammock is a reasonable substitute. Derek had already had one, with attachments already set up on the wall in the guestroom, to use for some sensory deprivation fun. The two of you set the hammock up and fit Nigel into it – rocking him gently and singing Rock a Bye Baby to him. Judging by his reaction, he seems neither sleepy nor appreciative of your singing abilities.

Then you blindfold Nigel and duct tape a set of microphones to his ears. The CD player is loaded with a CD of lullabies put on continuous play, and Nigel is left alone to enjoy his music in peace… for several hours… while you and Martin adjourn to his room. The two of you resume enjoying some recreation time together and have a nice, long nap of your own afterwards.


You and Martin leave Nigel trapped inside his tight duct-tape and blanket bondage for two whole days, giving him no relief in all that time but making him use his diaper. You give him water to drink of course (and more milk in a baby bottle as well), and feed him by hand rather than free him enough to let him feed himself. Otherwise you keep him thoroughly gagged and quiet and leave him to his sensory deprivation (changing the lullabies for Gospel music); ignoring his muffled whines and pleas for mercy. You do not torture him directly but simply let him get bored to tears while you and Martin enjoy your own Tugs, watch TV, and relax in Martin’s hot tub.

After two days though, the ripe smell coming from Nigel is starting to get to you both. In addition, you feel a better arrangement is going to be needed so that Nigel will not be *too* uncomfortable nor in an unsafe situation while you and Martin attend school – and Nigel stays home. Finally, the mute appeal in those puppy-dog eyes framed in the duct tape gives you a wicked idea of what form that long term arrangement should take.

You and Martin spend most of Sunday morning setting things up for Nigel’s long term imprisonment; fortunately, most of the materials you need are already at hand thanks to the bondage games Derek and Martin have played with you and with each other.

You and Martin cut Nigel free of his duct tape prison and toss his now extremely nasty diaper and the sheet he was wrapped inside of in the trash. Martin forces a set of yellow speedos onto Nigel’s otherwise nude form while you secure Nigel with handcuffs and hobbles before he recovers enough to even think of trying to escape. The two of you together lift him, carry him into the bathroom, set him down into the previously-filled bathtub, and bathe him like a pet dog. Without that nasty spikey haircut you removed from him, Nigel actually looks like a decent human being for the first time since you met him… so much so that you almost consider relenting on your torment of him.

The stream of vituperation that spews from his mouth as you and Martin bathe him squelches any budding thoughts of showing Nigel any mercy though; especially as he calls you both every vile name he can think of. It gets so bad that you secure the ball gag back on him extra tightly; eliciting a moan from him as you viciously pull on the cinching strap and padlock it securely. Then you and Martin scrub Martin extra thoroughly (and far harder than strictly necessary to get him cleaned up) until he is squeaky clean (and also squeaking in dismay when you clean what is under his speedos).

While the tub is draining, you place a dog collar and a chain leash upon Nigel while Martin towels him dry. Once he finishes, he places a second lead around Nigel’s bound wrists (they are cuffed in front of him). Then you both compel Nigel to come outside into the back yard to show him what you two have been working on all morning.

In a portion of the backyard, invisible from anywhere else due to the trees, bushes, and surrounding high fence, is an extra-large doghouse. It is six feet long, three feet wide, and about four feet high. It is long enough for the shorter Nigel to stretch out in but not high enough to stand erect. It has a typical doghouse-shaped opening large enough for Nigel to easily crawl in or out through. Unlike a regular doghouse though, the opening also has a swinging iron-barred door that can be padlocked. You demonstrate this by compelling Nigel to crawl inside the doghouse and then locking him inside it. The two of you then go inside the house for a while to leave Nigel alone with his thoughts while you watch TV and have a nice lunch.

It is a hot day, and that doghouse is quite hot and stuffy. So Nigel is understandably glad to see you as you both crouch outside his doghouse door to check up on him. He whines like a little dog to be let out, causing you both to smile and laugh at him. Despite this, he continues to whine and to plead with his eyes.

“Like your new home?” Martin asks Nigel. “I hope so, because this is where you’re going to be living from now on, day and night! Unless…”

Martin lets that ‘unless’ hang in the air for a while.

Nigel whines questioningly.

“If you want to be allowed back inside the house and be treated better, you’ll have to agree to be house-broken,” Martin tells Nigel.

Nigel just stares at you both with wide, questioning eyes.

“In other words,” Martin continues patiently, “for the time being, you are going be our slave-in-training. You will do whatever we say whenever we say and speak only when spoken too and respectfully at all times. We will obey our every command no matter how degrading it seems to you without question. If you behave we will treat you like a human being; we’ll let you sleep in your own bed (under restraint of course) and eat at the table and watch TV with us and so on. We may even let you attend school with us when we can trust you to be free for extended periods out of our sight. If you give us any trouble though, you’ll be treated like a misbehaving dog that piddled the floor. Is this clear?”

Nigel whines even more pathetically than before, but to your surprise he is not quite as dumb or as stubborn as you expected. You figured he’d need time to think it over, but he nods his head almost immediately (if also reluctantly).

“All right, let’s see how cooperative you are,” you say to Nigel after exchanging looks with Martin and nodding silent agreement to each other. You kneel down and unlock the padlock to the doghouse door, swing it open, and gesture to Nigel to crawl out. As he does so, you grasp the leash to his neck collar while Martin grasps the one still locked around his handcuffed wrists.

“Okay, first let’s see how you respond to a few simple commands!” you tell Nigel. “First of all, SIT!”

Nigel hesitates only for a moment, and then crouches with all his weight on his legs.

“Umm, okay,” you reply with a laugh. “But I didn’t mean like a dog. I mean actually sit down like you normally would on the grass. We have to do something first and you may as well be comfortable while we’re at it.”

Nigel seats himself on the grass but gives you a worried look.

“Don’t worry, you won’t mind this,” you tell him as open a bag you brought with you and take out a pair of knee pads. “You’re going to be on your knees a lot, but we’re not entirely hard-hearted so want to give you some protection first.”

You and Martin strap the knee-pads on Nigel, as he is unable to do this himself while his hands remain cuffed. You then remove Nigel’s gag, sternly warning him first to speak only on command and not otherwise if he wants it *kept* off! Nigel nods his agreement, which is of course only sensible of him under the circumstances.

“Okay, Fido! Down on all fours!” you tell Nigel, who promptly complies without a hint of complaint. “Heel, Fido!” you then tell him and begin walking across the yard. ‘Fido’ hesitates for just a moment, but then begins crawling along on all fours after you as you begin to cross-cross the yard at a reasonably slow walk.

Nigel is unable to move very fast because of the handcuffs and hobbles, but there’s no way you and Martin are removing these restraints from him yet – or probably even for a long time to come. Much of the time Martin will be alone with his cousin when you are home, and might find it hard to maintain control of him otherwise. Until he can be trusted to behave without the both of you there to compel him to, Nigel is going to have to get used to being kept under restraint for the foreseeable future.

For the rest of the afternoon, Nigel is forced to perform various humiliating dog tricks, including fetch the stick (in his mouth), speak (going ‘Arf!’), roll over and play dead (arms and legs held in the air), and beg. By this time Nigel is quite hungry, and so a lot of time is spent playing this last trick as you make him beg like a dog for every scrap of food he gets. At first you consider making him eat dog food, and relent more because there is none handy than from any merciful impulses on your part. You settle for feeding him the least appetizing scraps of food you can find in Martin’s house instead. Luckily for Nigel this involves nothing nastier than making him eat some (cooked) liver that Derek had bought for himself and left behind. The liver is still perfectly good; if you like liver… luckily for you and Martin Nigel detests the stuff. Naturally then he is forced to eat it all before being allowed to eat anything else.

Probably even worse than having to eat liver is to endure being ‘petted’ like a dog. But Nigel endures it all with stoic silence when you remind him that he could still wind up in the doghouse (literally and figuratively) if he complains.

Nigel behaves himself reasonably well all Sunday afternoon, so that evening you allow him into the house and watch TV with the two of you. However, he has to endure being tethered to the nearby radiator and sit on the floor – but it certainly beats being locked up inside the doghouse out in the back yard.

Nigel gets to spend the night in his own bed – albeit tied spread-eagle to it, gagged and blindfolded.

Now that he seems to be properly house-broken, you want to see if he can be trained to be a decent slave. You decide that s on the agenda for the next day. School begins on Wednesday and you want him to be a proper slave by then.


The next morning, you and Martin awaken fairly early to begin Nigel’s rigorous slave training. The first thing you do is remove his gag and blindfold and feed him breakfast in bed. You do this kneel/sitting on his chest clad in just your pink Speedos (while Martin sits on Nigel’s belly clad in just his blue ones) while spoon-feeding him cereal (Cheerios, which seems appropriately British sounding, you feel). You know doing this irritates the hell out of him, which of course is the whole point.

Nigel is apparently aware you are looking for the slightest excuse to punish him, and he makes no complaint. Even when you deliberately slop milk and cereal over his face, neck, and upper chest, he lies there and takes it with patient silence. At least up to this point, he is canny enough to realize that his only hope is improving the treatment he gets from you and Martin is to take whatever you dish out as if he enjoys it.

After feeding Nigel his breakfast you release him from his bed, shackle his wrists behind him, hobble him, place the dog collar and leash on him, gag him, and lead him to the bathroom to wash up. As before, you do not let him wash or relieve himself but put him through the humiliation of doing it for him. This is of course a test of his patience. More importantly, it is also a lot of fun to humiliate him.

You make Nigel change into a clean set of yellow Speedos before placing his hobbles back on him. You and Martin then lead him out into the yard and then – to his dismay – out into the woods beyond. For this excursion you and Martin wear shorts, socks and sneakers, and a shirt while Nigel has only his bonds, Speedos, and a gag to cover him up. Nigel is worried he will be seen, but you and Martin are careful to avoid having this happen – more for your own sakes than for Nigel’s.

You and Martin lead your captive to the shore of a small, secluded pond where the two f you have gone swimming and played TUGs together. To Nigel’s alarm you both wade into the pond with Nigel in tow. He understandably begins to resist, but you tell him sternly that you have no intention of letting him come to harm - and that he’d better learn to trust and obey you both in all things if he doesn’t want more punishment. Nigel settles down, but the worried look remains in his wide eyes as you compel him to wade further out into the water.

When the water is chest deep to Nigel the three of you stop and then grab Nigel by the shoulders. Then you bid Nigel to take a deep breath and hold it. Nigel’s eyes grow wider than ever and he tries to struggle instead. But it is too late for him now. You pinch his nose shut and force his head beneath the water, hold it down for about five seconds, and then let him surface again. “Quit struggling!” you command Nigel. “Or we’ll duck your head under again!”

Nigel doesn’t listen, and you carry out your threat; keeping his ad under for five seconds as before. He struggles still, and you and Martin keep ducking him until he finally manages to get a grip on himself in hopes of getting some mercy. Once he quits trying to resist you, you reward his newfound self-control by ceasing to duck his head underwater. Instead you just walk him deeper into the water until his feet no longer touch ground. He is nervous about this but you and Martin keep his head firmly above water at all times – eventually enabling Nigel to regain his confidence that he is not about to be drowned.

You and Martin carry Nigel out to even deeper water, but Martin’s cousin has enough of his wits about him to know not to struggle now. The two of you tow him around in the water for a few minutes and then take him back to shore – letting him sink to his knees in relief the moment you are safely back on dry land. He doesn’t even react when you and Martin lay him flat on his back on the grass, sit on his belly and chest, and drip dry all over him. His handcuffed wrists must be sore from the resulting pressure on them, but Nigel is learning now that complaints only make his situation worse; he lays there on the ground without making a sound or even trying to get into a more comfortable position.

Now that Nigel seems a bit more submissive, you and Martin decide to take his training up to the next level…

You and Martin get up off of Nigel and make him get up off his back and kneel before you before removing his gag. “Okay, Nigel, we have a simple task for you,” you tell your bound and helpless captive. “Kiss our feet!”

As you had hoped he would do, Nigel rebels at this. So you and Martin drag him over to a nearby tree that you had pre-selected for the purpose. There is already a rope slung over a branch three feet overhead, with one end dangling loosely on the ground and the other end tied off to another tree nearby. After securely hog-tying your captive, you tie the other rope to his bonds and leave him struggling as you and Martin walk to the other end. Grabbing the rope where it is tied off to the tree, you heave on it to take up all the slack, and then pull some more until Nigel is pulled thrashing and screaming into his gag into the air. The pain would be terrific for Nigel (far more than you’d want him to endure) had you and Martin not placed thick leather bands on his ankles and wrists before cuffing him previously. Even as it is, dangling there must be a rather unpleasant experience for him, but at least the only pain would be the strain on his limbs and muscles.

But now you and Martin proceed to tickle Nigel mercilessly for twenty minutes on the soles of his bare feet and along his unprotected rib cage. By the end of this time he is a quivering, crying, emotional basket case; ready to do anything you say if only you stop tickling him!!!

Sternly warning Nigel that he faces even worse punishment if he disobeys you or Martin again, you let Nigel down to the ground and release him from his hogtie. When you bid him to kiss your feet this time, he obeys with alacrity.

But of course this is only the start of the humiliation that you have in store for him.

Re: The Adventures of Tommy TUGs Parts 1 - 3 of 4 (M/M)

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 12:42 pm
by Volobond
This has been a wild ride and amazingly written piece! It's so cool to see the second person used, and such detailed descriptions! I'm definitely looking forward to seeing the rest of what Nigel goes through.

Re: The Adventures of Tommy TUGs Parts 1 - 3 of 4 (M/M)

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 3:23 pm
by blackbound
I love your relentless sadism, and it gives me great pleasure to imagine "Nigel" is immense piece of shit Farage.

Re: The Adventures of Tommy TUGs Parts 1 - 3 of 4 (M/M)

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 3:41 pm
by Xtc
blackbound wrote: 4 years ago I love your relentless sadism, and it gives me great pleasure to imagine "Nigel" is immense piece of shit Farage.
Really, Sir, I see no need for strong language. Might I suggest, ". . . immense piece of shit, Far***"?

Re: The Adventures of Tommy TUGs Parts 1 - 3 of 4 (M/M)

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 5:54 pm
by Jason Toddman
blackbound wrote: 4 years ago I love your relentless sadism, and it gives me great pleasure to imagine "Nigel" is immense piece of shit Farage.
I had to Google that; I had never heard of the man. ;) I was thinking of someone with that name on some show on TV I had seen at the time; some western I think.
Volobond wrote: 4 years ago This has been a wild ride and amazingly written piece! It's so cool to see the second person used, and such detailed descriptions! I'm definitely looking forward to seeing the rest of what Nigel goes through.
Thanks. :D

Re: The Adventures of Tommy TUGs Parts 1 - 3 of 4 (M/M)

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 5:57 pm
by blackbound
Xtc wrote: 4 years ago Really, Sir, I see no need for strong language. Might I suggest, ". . . immense piece of shit, Far***"?
My apologies!

Re: The Adventures of Tommy TUGs Parts 1 - 3 of 4 (M/M)

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 5:08 am
by Bondwriter
Great story, glad to see it posted again!

Re: The Adventures of Tommy TUGs Parts 1 - 3 of 4 (M/M)

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 1:28 pm
by Jason Toddman
Bondwriter wrote: 4 years ago Great story, glad to see it posted again!
Thank you. And here is the rest of it.


You and Martin begin the next phase of your plan for Nigel’s training. You change back into normal street clothes (cargo shorts and tank-top shirts) that you removed when you walked Nigel into the pond, while Nigel is forced to continue wearing only his Speedos and (also temporarily removed but now put back on) his sneakers.

Still hobbled and with his hands cuffed behind his back, Nigel is gagged and a leash placed back on his dog collar. The two of you then take him for a slow careful walk through the woods trails, and come out upon the back of an athletic field adjacent to the local grade school. You can see a few younger kids playing basketball some distance away, but they are not close enough to you to see exactly what you are doing… and in fact have not yet seen you at all yet. Perfect!

You and Martin take Nigel to a set of monkey arms and proceed to tie him carefully but securely to it, facing outward. A sock stuffed inside his mouth and a t-shirt tied around his lower face serves as an effective gag. You then take a pillow case you carried in your backpack and fit it over Nigel’s head – tying it on him securely enough so that it will not easily come off but far too loosely to be a choking hazard to him. There are small holes in it that he can breathe and see through, but a tightly applied blindfold renders him blind.

Just as you finish, you see that the kids you observed earlier have noticed what you and Martin are doing to Nigel and – curious – are hesitantly approaching to get a better look. There are several boys ranging in age from 10 to 14. They are just large enough and numerous enough to feel confident that whatever you are doing to Nigel, you and Martin are no threat to them. So they come quite close with no apparent fear of you – which is what you were hoping for.

The oldest boy is about 14; he is slightly taller than you (about 6’) but more slender in build. He has long, wavy blond hair and blue eyes, and wears nothing more than a set of basketball shorts, long tube socks, and an old pair of Converse sneakers. He approaches slowly, carrying a basketball under one slender arm. He stops and stands about 30 feet ahead of the other kids, and about twice that distance away from you. “What are you guys doing?” he calls to you with a curious smile that shows no fear and a mischievous glint in his eye. This is just what you were hoping for!

“Our friend lost a bet and we’re going to torture him for a while,” you tell the boy quite plainly. “Would you and the others like to help?”

“Sure!” replies the boy as he sets the basketball down on the ground and boldly walks forward to join you. The other boys exchange glances and then step forward as well.

The boys are told they can do whatever they like to Nigel, as long as it does not seriously hurt him. The younger boys choose to tickle him, while the older boys punch, slap, and kick him (although not too hard). Nigel’s gagged protests are completely ignored.

While Martin supervises Nigel’s torture to make sure that it does not get out of hand (or end up with one of the boys releasing him), you go to a nearby clothing store and purchase something that you know will add to Nigel’s humiliation: a frilly pink dress with a garish floral pattern and a long, dark-haired wig. It causes you a small amount of embarrassment too just purchasing these items, and you nervously tell the sales clerk that it is a birthday present for your sister. You quickly pay for your purchase and all but run out of the store to return to where you left Martin and Nigel, where the other boys you met are still tormenting the British brat.

You remove the pillowcase and blindfold that has kept Nigel from seeing his tormentors and show him what you have planned for him next. He starts to shake his head in denial; he absolutely refuses to put on that dress. But you and Martin sternly warn him that he does not, you will let the other boys play with him much more roughly than they have been; the oldest one had been wanting to use Nigel for kick-boxing practice according to Martin, and had barely been persuaded not to use Nigel an Martin both as punching bags.

Nigel reluctantly gives in. You untie him, sine now there are enough boys present to surround him and compel him to carry out your wishes. Nigel puts on the dress; blushing a deeper shade of red by the moment. Just looking at the expression on his face is worth every penny of the price you had to pay for the dress; of course, you intend to make sure that Nigel gets plenty of use out of it. Once he puts on the wig as well, he looks just like a girl who hasn’t developed her bust yet.

Nigel is left completely untied to avoid attracting attention to him that would be more sympathetic to him than otherwise. You and the other boys all surround him and force him to walk along with you into – and through – the heart of town where everyone can see him. Nigel is certain that everyone who sees him must know he is really a boy, but it is all in his imagination. Everyone thinks he is a girl except you and the other boys who have accompanied the two of you into town. His fears are all in his mind. Soon however, he begins to realize that few other people are paying any attention to him and he begins to relax. By the time you, Nigel, and Martin bid the other boys goodbye and head home in the evening, Nigel is almost relaxed in his dress and wig.

This is the result you and Martin have wanted.

That evening at dinnertime, Nigel discovers to his horror that he must now attend school each and every day wearing the wig and dress, pass himself off as a girl, and be called “Wendy”. Each evening, he will still be a slave and do all the household chores in the evening and be tied into his bed every night after doing his homework. If he refuses to do all this, he’ll be hogtied and locked in a closet all day while you and Martin attend school, be tortured all evening and fed food he despises, and sleep chained up inside the doghouse all night. It’s go to school and play housemaid as Wendy, or continue to be your and Martin’s helpless prisoner day and night for the indefinite future.

To give him time to think about it, you and Martin strip Nigel naked, wrap him in duct tape from head to toe, tickle torture his feet for a while, and leave him clocked inside his closet in a sensory-deprived state all night.

By morning, Nigel is convinced that he’d like nothing better than to go to school as “Wendy’. On the first day of school, Martin duly has Nigel registered as Wendy Freeman, his female cousin from Britain. Nigel proves very popular with the other boys and girls and makes many friends among each. After school and weekends, Nigel is placed in hobbles and has to do all the household chores - cooking, cleaning, laundry, and so forth. At each night Martin plays with Nigel any way he pleases after tying him in bed for the night. Whenever you visit, you get to play with Nigel too, but afterward you are happiest when Martin ties you up as well and plays sensory deprivation games with you.

Unknown to you however, Nigel is planning his revenge!!!


Things go pretty well until Halloween. Then it all goes to Heck!

By now you are practically living full-time with Martin and Nigel; an arrangement which apparently suits everyone (including your own family) quite nicely. Even Nigel seems happy with this for some reason; perhaps because Martin can afford to be less strict with how he keeps Nigel tied when there are two of you to keep him in line.

On Halloween night, Nigel is dressed as a prisoner in an old-style black-and-white striped prisoner’s outfit (complete with a real iron ball on a chain) and detailed to give any visiting treat-or-treating kids candy at the door. The kids admire his costume and seem to think nothing unusual about his being chained up the way he is.

While Nigel is taking care of Halloween visitors, Martin is putting your own costume on you – duct-taping you from head to foot (leaving only your eyes, nose, and the soles of your feet uncovered) and then covering you in gauze bandages to make you look like a mummy. Of course, your limbs are taped together so that you can’t move a muscle by the time he has finished.

Martin (dressed in nothing at all because he’s Adam before he ate the apple) then tickles you relentlessly for an hour – giving you mercy breaks only when there are kids at the door being given candy. As the evening wears on and the visitors are fewer and farther between, the mercy breaks become fewer and father between as well. Finally Martin has mercy, straddles your chest, and offers you your own Halloween treat!

You are still sucking on your treat when several large boys dressed in various costumes abruptly barge in through the door, grab Martin, and turn him into another mummy! Being already wrapped up yourself, there is nothing you can do about it and they totally ignore you. Before long, Martin is as helpless as you are!

The mystery of now they got into the house is soon solved when Nigel walks into the room after them; now completely free of his bonds. It appears he has made more friends at school than you and Martin had realized and has recruited their help. While Martin was busy tying you up, some of Nigel’s friends had arrived and picked the locks on his chains to free him before rushing Martin.

“The tables have turned now,” Nigel tells you as some of his friends pick Martin up and take him out into the backyard. Nigel himself and a couple of other boys pick you up and carry you down into the cellar. “Let’s see how you like being at *my* mercy for a while, punk!” Nigel crows victoriously as they set you down on the damp cellar floor, walk back up the stairs, nosily shut the door, and lock it!

You are left alone in the dark, damp cellar – fearing for yourself and wondering what is going to happen to Martin – as you struggle to get free of your bonds. But unfortunately Martin tied you too thoroughly and you are unable to move at all.

It is not exactly a sensory deprivation experience, but it may as well be. The cellar is dark and quiet, and you are now truly isolated without even a concerned friend like Martin watching over you to make sure you are still okay. The cellar floor you lay upon is hard, cold, slimy-wet, and quite uncomfortable. You are lying upon what appear to be a goodly number of small, sharp stones digging into your back as well. The air smells oppressive, and the utter quiet is beginning to scare you. Occasional light, flittering sensations upon your face and feet soon convince you that spiders or other small vermin are crawling all over you with impunity, and this thought makes you frantic. Worst of all, as time passes you feel a growing emptiness in your belly as you get hungry (you and Martin were going to have supper once all the Trick or Treaters were gone) and an even more unpleasant fullness in your bladder.

You are gagged and unable to make a sound anyone outside the cellar could possibly hear, and you hear absolutely nothing from outside the cellar.

What has become of Nigel, Martin, and the others?

If you could only move!!! But all you can do is shiver in the chill.

Time passes, and your sense of oppression and discomfort in the unrelieved darkness and silence grows. The duct tape that encases you from head to toe at least helps to trap your body heat though; you no longer feel chilly. In fact, as time continues to pass with any relief from your situation you are getting unpleasantly hot and sweaty. This upset you at first, until you gradually notice that the duct tape is becoming slowly but steadily less tight upon you. Your earlier shivering and now your heavy sweating have combined to greatly reduce the stickiness of the tape. And you soon also discover that the sharp stones you have been cursing have been tearing holes into your duct tape as you shivered too. As you begin flexing your limbs, you feel the duct tape begin to rip and tear; allowing you more movement and in turn causing more tearing.

It takes a long while – perhaps hours – but eventually you manage to get one arm free of your cocoon. After that, progress in freeing yourself is noisy and rapid.

Once you are completely free, you cautiously climb up the cellar stairs. Fortunately the lock is of a type that can be opened from both sides and you cautiously open the door. You listen carefully but hear nothing. No one is guarding the cellar door or watching you.
Despite an urgent need to pee you proceed cautiously out into the kitchen and look around in the dim light of pre-dawn. Accordingly to the vaguely seen clock it is now just past 4:00 in the morning. You’ve been trapped down in the cellar just over seven hours – although you were sure it’d been far longer than *that*!

You pad noiselessly through the kitchen, listening for sounds that might indicate the presence of an enemy while you search for something to use as a weapon. You find a large butcher knife but reject that; his isn’t a situation calling for deadly force! You hope, anyway! Your hands then find a large rolling pin and reject that as well as being almost useless. Then your groping hands find a heavy frying pan and you decide on that as a reasonable compromise between deadliness and ridiculousness.

Now to find Martin and the others…


The first room you check after the kitchen is the downstairs bathroom. You do this for several reasons, the first of which is that you need to relieve yourself really bad and couldn’t care less if you were ambushed again as long as you can take care of Nature’s all first! Also, the downstairs bathroom is the room closest to the kitchen, is too small to hide too many hidden ambushers at once, and has more than one exit in case a quick retreat is called for. However, there is no one there and you are able to take care of urgent business unseen and unhindered; careful to make as little noise as possible. You do not flush for fear of alerting someone to your presence and continue to silently pad through the first floor like a burglar.

The downstairs rooms are all vacant, though in a disordered state. Several times you nearly stumble over or bump into unseen things in the dark that seem out of place - such as a turned-over chair. Apparently Nigel’s friends have been pretty rowdy while you were tucked safely away in the cellar; there is stuff strewn all around as if the place had been ransacked though you herd nothing while down in the cellar.

With some trepidation you slowly climb the stairs to the second floor; watchful and alert for the slightest sound in the dark that might indicate that others are awaiting you. But you hear and see nothing as you reach the second floor and check it thoroughly. There is no one and nothing there; you are entirely alone in the house!!

Concerned for Martin, you begin to explore outside the house. You check out the front door and see nothing unusual in the front yard. You then check the back yard cautiously.
By the dim but growing light of pre-dawn, you see a strange figure standing out in the vegetable garden beyond the back yard. When it does not seem to move at all, you pluck up the courage to check it more carefully. It turns out to be a scarecrow propped up on a cross-shaped pole; looking much like the one from The Wizard of Oz. It is facing a similar cross a few feet away, which is unoccupied.

You don’t remember seeing a scarecrow out here before (or the posts either), and you take a closer look at it. The scarecrow has a small canvas sack for a head, with two eye holes for eyes. Looking even more closely, you suddenly realize that there are eyes behind those eye holes looking straight at you! Martin’s eyes! At the same time, you also notice that the scarecrow has been making muffled noises at you that you could barely hear up to now in the wind. The noises sound quite frantic.

You are about to try to get Martin down from there when several other figures rise from among the cornstalks all around you. To your dismay, you realize that you are surrounded by Nigel and his friends, who are carrying lots of rope and a tattered set of clothing. It does not take a genius to figure out what they intend to do next, but there is little you can do about it. You try to flee but are blocked and knocked down. You try to fight then but are overwhelmed by sheer weight of numbers as Nigel and his friends wrestle you down to the ground, force the tattered clothes upon you, tie you up, gag you, and then tie you to the opposite post with ropes so thoroughly that you cannot move at all. You cannot even nod or shake your head, which explains why Martin was so motionless before despite being fully conscious the entire time you approached him.

“We were just bout to come get you when we saw you coming,” Nigel tells you with a sardonic, contemptuous laugh. “Thanks for saving us the bother! Enjoy your new residence out here in the garden!”

Nigel and his cronies throw various rotten vegetables that have been lying around in the garden at you at Martin for a while, and then walk casually back to the house just as the sun rises. You and Martin are left alone, but now all the two of you can do is watch each other and make muffled, incomprehensible noises at each other. You cannot move at all, and you are beginning to remember just how hungry and thirsty you are.

Time passes…


As Halloween came on a Sunday this year, it is now Monday morning, and it is now about the time you would normally be getting ready for school. You are certain even before Nigel comes out of the house in his school clothes that you and Martin are not going to make it to school today yourselves.

Nigel is alone; his friends all having gone back home so that they could wash up and change into their own school clothes in time. It is obvious from the first that Nigel is confident enough about how well you and Martin are tied that he faces you both alone like this. “You two look happy enough out here just like that,” he says to you gloatingly when you try to plead for mercy through your gag. “Perhaps we can re-negotiate new terms when I return from school. Too bad there’s no time to now, but for once I don’t want to be late for school. I’ll let the principal and teachers know you two couldn’t make it. But don’t worry; I’ll give them a good excuse for you. I’ll tell them that you were both sick; sick of school that is!”

Nigel gives you a taunting wave goodbye as he leaves you both tied up like two unhappy scarecrows in the cornfield. Your muffled pleas for mercy fall on deaf ears.

You are glad that you had managed to take a bathroom break before you came out here. Unfortunately, you’ve had nothing to eat or drink since the previous afternoon; although the upside of this is that you are less likely to make a mess in your clothes before Nigel returns home from school. Martin, however, did not get the opportunity for a bathroom break that you have had. Judging from his look of dismay, his muffled cries of distress, the sudden stains in the front of his pants, and the sickly smell of urine, Martin soon proves to be unable to hold out as well. You feel bad for your friend, but wish even more that he was downwind of you instead of up.

The two of you remained tied in place for hour after hour. You thought time dragged on much too slowly while you were at school, but today proves to be far worse. You’d give almost anything to be having just another dull school day right now rather than be in this situation. Fortunately the day is warm for the first of November and you are not too cold for comfort, and the ropes that bind you are secure without being so tight that they cut off your circulation. All the same, you’d almost rather be trapped inside your school locker than be here. Maybe there’s no one here to laugh at your predicament, but there’s no one to feel sorry for you and alert a teacher (or other potential rescuer) either.

You and Martin try to communicate through your gags, but it is fruitless for the most part. You both probably have the same thoughts anyway: planning what horrible things you are going to do to Nigel when you manage to get free. However, as time passes, it becomes more and more obvious that neither of you are going to get yourselves free anytime soon. And Nigel is unlikely to let either of you down until he is reasonably certain that any revenge plans you may dream up will never come to pass.

Perhaps the most annoying point in the day comes when a crow lands on your hand and refuses to be shooed away. As you cannot move your head (it was duct taped to the pole behind you) nor make much in the way of noise, the crow doesn’t see you as anything it needs to be concerned about and remains perched there, cawing noisily. It drops a little present on your straw hat before it finally takes its leave to find a nicer perch.

The day wears on, and you and Martin get progressively more uncomfortable. By the time Nigel is due home, thoughts of revenge have long since left your head. Now the two of you are so desperate for relief that you are both read to agree to be Nigel’s slaves from no on just to be let down again and have some food and water!

More time passes, and still there is no sign of Nigel. He is late!


Nigel finally strolls leisurely out of the house two hours after he should have come home, and he has his friends with him. After checking you and Martin over to make sure that you are still alive, not TOO uncomfortable, and quite secure, the canvas bags over your heads are removed so that your faces may be clearly seen. Then everyone takes numerous pictures of you both in your scarecrow outfits.

Meanwhile Martin is making frantic sounds through his gag. You have little doubt that the source of his discomfort is his having to be forced to relieve himself during the day with no way to see away from the results afterward

“Stinky boy made a mess in his pants?” Nigel says to him mockingly. Does little icky Martin need a diaper? Awww. Poor Martin!” Nigel taunts him mercilessly. Everyone else laughs at this, but neither you nor Martin sees much humor in this situation.

To make things worse, Nigel and his friends have brought out snacks and drinks for themselves, but share none of either with you or Martin. By now you almost feel you could eat the cardboard containers the snacks came in! The looks you cast at the food and drinks everyone has do not escape Nigel’s notice either. It is soon obvious however that this cruel neglect of your physical needs is a deliberate act on his part.

“I’ll bet you guys are hungry and thirsty by now, huh?” Nigel asks sardonically. “What a shame that scarecrows don’t get to eat or drink anything. They never get to do anything but hang around the cornfield day or night. So, would you two like to continue to be mere scarecrows for another night, or would you like to make a deal?”

Nigel has your rapt attention and Martin’s too; he quits making incomprehensible noises through his gag to listen to what Nigel has to say.

“Right then,” continues Nigel. “I’m more than a bit sick and tired of being your slave and subject to your every whim. I think it’s time for a change. From now on you two will be the slaves and *I* will be the master! I won’t treat you any worse than you treated me; I’ll treat you better if anything. At school we’re equals and no one is better than anyone else; you carry your own books and I’ll carry mine. At home though, I’m the undisputed master. You do all your chores and mine too and I’ll chain you up only at night - just enough to keep you secure without being uncomfortable - or more tightly as punishment if you disobey me. I’ll take your word of honor if you agree, and these others will be witnesses and will help me if you try to renege on our deal. Be stubborn and you two can just remain as you are tonight. So, what will it be?”

Under the circumstances you consider the terms quite generous and nod your head in agreement at once; Nigel immediately has you let down from the post and untied. Martin is more hesitant, but seeing your quick agreement to Nigel’s terms and your subsequent release soon dissolves his stubbornness and he nods agreement as well.

Things are on a more equal basis after this. Nigel proves to be less demanding as a master than you and Martin were; perhaps figuring this will be less likely to lead to a new revolt that would topple him from mastery again. He is far less obnoxious from then on than he was when you first met him, and proves more companionable than he was as a slave. And sometimes when he is well pleased with you he ties you and Martin together and leaves you two alone for a good long while; a situation you and Martin are quite happy with.

At other times he ties you both up and tortures you playfully as well, or leaves you in a full sensory deprivation experience for a few hours at a time. All in all, you soon get used to having Nigel as a master rather than as a slave; it’s just more fun that way!


Re: The Adventures of Tommy TUGs Parts 1 - 3 of 4 (M/M)

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 4:54 pm
by Xtc
I'm glad yo have started posting here again.

Re: The Adventures of Tommy TUGs Parts 1 - 3 of 4 (M/M)

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 6:05 pm
by Jason Toddman
Xtc wrote: 4 years ago I'm glad yo have started posting here again.
I'll probably keep doing so for a while, though more feedback would encourage me to post more often and invest in writing all-new stories. ;)

Re: The Adventures of Tommy TUGs Parts 1 - 4 of 4 (M/M)

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 12:22 pm
by Bondwriter
The Curse of the Mummy and this one are great. Looking forward to seeing more.

Re: The Adventures of Tommy TUGs Parts 1 - 4 of 4 (M/M)

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 1:08 pm
by Jason Toddman
Bondwriter wrote: 4 years ago The Curse of the Mummy and this one are great. Looking forward to seeing more.
Thanks. I have lots to choose from. I just have to figure out which one.
Btw how would you feel about my posting "Lord of the Manor" here? ;)

Re: The Adventures of Tommy TUGs Parts 1 - 4 of 4 (M/M)

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 4:04 pm
by blackbound
I don't know any of the old stories, so IMO they're all welcome.