Our Three Wishes (M/MMM/MMM)

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Our Three Wishes (M/MMM/MMM)

Post by Volobond »

Part 1: The Bargain


When we went out on that hike, I don't think we ever really figured out what we were in for.

It was Destan's idea, because of course it was. He was always the most adventurous of the three of us. We were always the Three Musketeers back in high school, and it was Destan's ideas that always got us in trouble. To be fair, they were also the most fun, whether it was kidnapping and playing with our rival school's mascot - who had been hiding an adorable face and a cute body under that bulldog costume; believe it or not, he became my boyfriend until we split up before college - to hiding out on school grounds overnight to see if we could avoid being caught.

He was the only one of us who didn't go to college after high school, although he had kept in contact with both of us through text, email, and occasional visits. And after college, he even let Barry and I move in with him, much to the annoyance of his current roommate, a real douche of a jock bro named Kevin. Anyway, Destan had even grown a little beard to complement his fabulous muscles.


Barry, Destan, and I had something in common, beyond the fact that we were all reasonably attractive men in their mid-to-late twenties. We were all very much into bondage and domination, although none of us had found anyone long term to tie up. So, in light of Kevin being way too much of a jerk to let us have the apartment for a weekend, we had gone for a hike in order to find a nice place and a solid tree to set up tents and play some bondage games for a while.

We had hiked for about an hour into the woods, ignoring the strange chill wind.

But it seemed like someone had beaten us to the punch.

The Mysterious Man

At the perfect place for some bondage play, there was a man already there, dressed in a black rubber singlet, his neck encircled with a thick band of black leather and chained to the tree nearest him, his arms locked behind him in a pair of connected wrist cuffs. His undercut blond hair shimmered in the light, and he stared at us with piercing grey eyes.

"Hello there." he said cheerfully, appearing to be unperturbed by his bondage.

"Hey, man. Do you need help?" Barry asked, looking concerned. Behind me, I was certain Destan was turned on, as I was, but I was able to think outside my pants for the moment.

"Yeah, are you okay? Who did this to you?" Although, I reasoned, if this had been done against his will, they probably would have gagged him. Oh, why did I have to think of this man with a gag?

"No one of consequence. I have been here for quite a long time, though. The last person to come this way simply had his way with me. Before that, it was a woman. The time before that, a couple who were quite angry with each other." the strange man said matter-of-factly. "I don't mind. You may do what you will with me, gentleman. It's what I'm here for."

"Cool." Destan grinned, marching forward, but Barry stepped in front of him. Barry was a really nice guy, sweet and always helpful. If I didn't know him, I'd have assumed there wasn't a kinky or sadistic bone in his body. He had broad shoulders, and looked basically like a lifeguard - a hot guy who would save your life without hesitation.


"Come on, man. We're obviously gonna let him go." Barry said sternly.

"Uh, duh. That's what I was gonna do!" Destan protested lamely, readjusting his bulge, trying to stifle his erection. "Back me up, Tan."

"Whatever, man." I shook my head.

The strange man looked at us oddly. "Truly? You're going to free me?"

"Of course." Barry said. "It's the right thing to do."

"Also, you're really hot and might wanna join our bondage games instead." Destan chuckled.

"What about you? Why would you free me?" the strange man looked at me, tilting his head.

"Well... I wouldn't want to be stuck out here for God knows how long..." I said, wondering why he was asking.

The strange man laughed a bit. "You three are interesting. I'll have to reward you for your kindness..."

We shared a look with each other, my friends and I, and shrugged, moving forward to work on the bonds. But the man simply began to hum, and suddenly I was somewhere different.

The Stranger

My three supposed saviors sat before me in my domain, a featureless silver expanse that slowly filled in as a sitting room, a comfortable one, with plenty of space for the three men to lie, hogtied and gagged at my feet as I reclined, free, in a leather armchair. They were bound with glowing silver ropes, their mouths occupied by glowing tape of the same color, wrapped securely around their heads around ten times. Destan struggled mightily, but the other two stared at me warily.

It hadn't been the first time humans had come across my imprisonment, although my jail had changed. My form had changed many times too. I remembered when I had been merely a thousand years old and my form was in chains inside an oil lamp. But that was a long time ago.

The black rubber creaked as I moved, standing and examining my three captives.

"Sorry for the theatrics." I said. "It's been a while since I've been the captor in this relationship."

I looked down at the third human, the one who was not the horny one, nor the virtuous one. He interested me, with his soft blue eyes and golden skin, the light stubble across his face somewhere between brown and blonde. "I just want to negotiate the deals of our arrangement.


But back to the matter at hand.

"In exchange for my freedom, I am going to reward the three of you. One each, and you will know what it is. I am certain you shall enjoy it... judging from your... interests."

I gestured to them, and a wind seemed to blow through the place, turning them all over and displaying their prominent erections.

"My gifts come with strings, however. Treat them well, or you may find yourself in a position very similar to mine. And if that happens, I shall not hesitate to come claim you."

I saw the confusion, so I waved my hand again. The walls shifted, turning silver and melting away, to reveal my collection. A vast hall full of those who had squandered the gifts I had given, or simply were not worthy, or because I had desired them. Men of every possible variety, one still dressed in the armor he had worn on his quest that I had waylaid him from, one in the suit he was wearing when he found me back in 1920. Most were naked, although I enjoyed dressing them up from time to time.

I grinned at the realization of the three men that they were way in over their heads. I liked the golden one. Perhaps I would get to keep him.

"I am generous, despite what you may think, so I shall give you the chance to back out. Accept my gifts, and live out your life with wonder and what you have most desired... or return to a mundane life of safety. Your choice."

I slowly watched as one by one, they accepted my offer. First Destan, the bearded one. Then Barry, the virtuous one. And finally, my golden one. Tanner.

I hummed with pleasure. "Very good. I look forward to seeing what happens."

And with a burst of power, I granted their wishes.

You can find my M/M stories here: https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38809#p38809
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Post by YourCaptor75 »

Interesting premise...I can't exactly explain why, but I am DEFINITELY interested to see Barry's wish.

Looking forward to continuations!
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Post by dahanband »

That was interesting. thank you
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

This is one of the most unique stories I've ever seen in a while and I love seeing more (especially urban) fantasy stories in general so I'll try and give good feedback.

First of all, I love the pacing. We get to know the characters and see some action. That's good. All three main characters have defined personalities that helped them stand out. Destan is a horndog with a roommate that's a perfect target for some tie-up goodness, Barry is a helpful sweetheart and Tanner seems to be an object of interest for the Stranger. How astonishingly gorgeous they are is a big bonus.

The idea of a genie granting wishes being trapped as a bondage slave was both hilarious and weirdly fitting. He seems to have his own agenda but out three heroes still can decide their own fates with their wishes, which I'm very curious to find about.

Anyway, I hope you won't keep us waiting for too long for the next chapter because I can hardly wait but please take your time. You're doing an amazing job at all of your writing lately. Kudos.

Also, all pictures for the Three Musketeers are great but the one for the Stranger doesn't work for me.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by cj2125 »

Interesting premise! Like the characters so far and their personalities, the story has a lot of potential! Really hoping to read more!
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Post by Volobond »

Thank you so much for your comments, especially to DeeperThanRed! I hope nobody minds that the other chapters won't be so picture heavy... here's a good long chapter for y'all!

Part 2: The Gift of Mastery


The dream I had was so weird. I was on a soft bed that wasn't mine, my hands bound in front of me with what appeared to be a length of silvery silk, wrapped intricately around my wrists and hands themselves, turning them into clubs. I could feel a single band of cloth around my throat, but it didn't stretch at all, making me wonder how it had gotten onto me, and how, more importantly, I could remove it. Thankfully, my mouth was ungagged.

"Where the hell am I?" I asked aloud.

"You're in his domain." a voice announced, and I jumped.

Sitting next to me on the bed was a handsome dark-haired man. I recognized him as one of the men I had seen in the Stranger's... collection, I suppose? He had been wearing armor, like some kind of Medieval Times knockoff. He had his hands bound the same as mine, and a silver band of silk, same as mine, wrapped around his neck.

"Apologies. I am Michael."

"What's happening?"

"He wants you. That much is certain. Though, you need not be afraid."

"Wants me? What... what even is he?"

The knight scooted towards me and bumped our arms together companionably. "We have theories here. Some say he is a spirit, others a wizard. Myself... I believe he was once a man like you or me."

"Okay, so I'm tied up in the house of some magic thingy who can grant wishes, and I shouldn't be afraid?"

"He means no harm. We can all agree on that." Michael reached out and lifted his arms, trapping me in them in a hug that felt surprisingly comfortable. "He saved my life, you know. I was lost in the forest when I came across him. He was bound by the neck to a tree, and I cut him free with my sword. He kissed me then, and made me his. It has been a good life.

"He has cared for me, shown me the world, allowed me to live thousands of lives... and all he asks in return is submission. I was taught never to surrender. He showed me the pleasure of it."

I barely heard him, still processing the possibility that this was a real medieval knight. "Wh- who is he? What's his name?"

"Very well. Our master's name is Ek'awan. the Caretaker."

The name was so quiet I couldn't hear. But tge damage was done. Silver silk spread ovee Michael's body, starting at his neck. The material pinned Michael in place, spreading down and then up, sealing his lips.

Michael mmmphed and wriggled, but it looked far more like he was enjoying himself than trying to escape.

"Yeh can't trust 'im. 'E's some sort of witch or somethin'. Be careful." I turned to see a handsome man, with blond, gingerish hair and an angular face. He was well built, burly even, and had silver ropes in an intricate pattern around his torso, even pinning his arms to his sides. He spoke with some kind of English accent I didn't quite recognize.

"What do you mean?" I asked desperately, noticing Michael wriggle and shout harder, trying to stop him.

The newcomer's ropes started writhing and shifting. "We don't have much time, mate. 'E can alter mem'ries, thoughts, anythin'. You won't know wha's wha'. The wish comes wi' strings, and it's all designed to bring you into 'is clutches. Don't trust anythin', and be careful not to use the power too much. 'E wants you, and he'll be tryin' to slip you up."

He spoke fast, as the ropes wrapped around his legs, bringing him to his knees. As he was finishing his sentence, a knotted ball of rope jammed itself into his mouth, tying around his head and harshly gagging him.

I didn't know what to believe. All I knew was suddenly I was wrapped in silk, unable to move my arms or legs away from my body. I shouted, but silk balled up in my mouth and muffled me. I couldn't see, but I felt hands touching me. I moaned as they caressed my body, one even covering my mouth through the material, and lips grazed my silk-sheathed neck.

"Come to me, my darling..." a deep voice whispered, stirring something in me. A desire to obey. To surrender and give in and be cared for.

And I awoke in my bed, wrapped only in blankets.


I awoke in a motel and knew that it wasn't a dream. I could tell it was a motel because it was my usual one. For the past year or so, I had been messaging with a guy I met online on a forum for video games.

Liam. He was a cutie, but I had fallen for him long before he sent a pic or even told me his name. He was smart, funny, and sweet. Eventually we grew into a relationship over the computer, phone, and video games. And when we met up, it was heaven. We'd always book a room at the Moonlight Inn and meet there. Only recently, about a week ago, did we start talking about kinks, although given his hesitance to share them, I had opened up about my love of bondage. And... silence from him. Then he said he wanted to think a bit.

And I had been in hell wondering if my kinks drove away the best guy I had ever loved. But I woke up to see Liam not in his usual spot - in my arms, snuggling with me - but tied up cross-legged on a chair. He was blindfolded with leather and gagged with tape and dressed in a shirt of a Spider-Man costume that made me want to tear it off and ravage him with my tongue.

"Freeze." a voice announced before I could get up, and I was stuck in place, feeling the strange sensation of being taped down to the bed but with nothing blocking my sight. The stranger was there, smiling. "Apologies, Barry. I thought you deserved an explanation."

Liam, Barry's wish

He waved his hands, and I felt the invisible bonds squeeze me. At the same time, memory struck.

Memory of Liam calling me late last night, desperate. "B-barry? I need to talk to you."

"Okay, babe. Hey, what is it? Are you okay?"

"I'm a little - ugh, look. I'm into bondage too, okay? But... really into bondage. I'm afraid to drive you away with this, but... Okay. Barry, I want you to take me. Like, for good. I... I want to be, like, a pet. A sub. Your sub. Full-time."

And of course, I had ordered him to meet me at the motel, where we had the most glorious conversation. About limits and boundaries and trust, and Liam truly wanted to give himself to me. So I decided we'd do a week. Just in case he wanted out. He could change his mind.

And I had tied him like this for the last four hours, kissing him senseless, tickling the crap out of him, and teasing him and his trapped yet erect cock, before falling asleep to his frustrated but pleased whimpers.

The stranger let me go. "I feel that you will not abuse the power I have given you. But I shall warn you just the same. You have been given the gift of mastery. Your selected ward shall obey you and consider themselves yours. Should you abuse this power, I shall forfeit you mind, body, and soul, and you shall become mine for eternity."

I sighed. "Does he want this? Without your gift, does he want this? I... I want Liam, not some puppet."

The stranger gave me an odd look. "If he had not been willing, I would have provided you with a willing thrall. As it was, I only made him reveal his deepest desire instead of him asking simply to be tied." He began to chuckle. "You're a better man than I have encountered before. Barry, I consider our business concluded. Your thrall shall awaken in a few moments fully himself, horrified that he revealed himself but fully pleased with the results."

I grinned, but a thought struck me. "Destan and Tanner? We... we were in that forest... I can barely remember. What about them?"

"Why don't you wait out your trial week here? Enjoy yourself. The bill has been taken care of. And at the end of a week... We shall see about the others." The stranger said, a feral grin splitting his face. He vanished into thin air.

I would have tried to follow, but I heard a moan and creaking ropes. My boyfriend was back. And, judging from the rocking of his hips and his blush, so was his excitement.

Time to enjoy...

You can find my M/M stories here: https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38809#p38809
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Man, you're spoiling us. This story continues to be a delight.

I'm really liking the mystery going behşnd the scenes. It's hard to tell what every character wants and it makes a quite thrilling experience to read through different perspectives. I really liked the figures in Tanner's dreamscape and magic bondage that activates whenever they say something they shouldn't have. Barry's relationship with Liam is so wholesome and it's great that even the story acknowledges it, haha. I'm looking forward to seeing what Destan wished for (and what will happen to him when he probably abuses his power).
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by YourCaptor75 »

Nice. Had a feeling I would enjoy Barry's pov
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Post by MountainMan_91 »


Magic and bondage, I like it.

I am interested to see if Barry can keep himself from abusing the power or will the 'Caretaker' add another hunk to his collection?

Great thread
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Post by Volobond »

Part 3: The Gift of Conquest


"Hey there, babe." I smiled. "Miss me?"

Liam nodded his head. "Mmmmmm!"

"I'm so happy you wanted this, babe. I... I love you so much." I whispered, leaning forward to brush his ear with my lips. I felt him shudder as he desperately mumbled into his gag. "You love me too?" He nodded, blushing hard. "Good boy."

"Mmmmmm..." Liam whimpered a little in arousal at the affectation. Such a cute thing.

"I should keep you tied up like this all the time, shouldn't I. Make you my pet? You'd wake up tied down to my bed, my arms around you and my lips on you. Keep you tied and gagged and constantly in pleasure as I touch you. You'd never need anything again, I'd give you everything."

"Mmmhmmm." he nodded, a little dazed already from horniness. I used my hands to tear his costume a little. A shame, but I knew I'd get him a new one. Too hot an opportunity to pass up. When my tongue grazed his nipple, he nearly burst right there.

"Beautiful. Now... Let me give you a little reward, and then... well, I think we can see where it goes."

I shrugged and kept tearing the costume, revealing his slender form and pale flesh, leaving kisses and gentle bites as I went, each one making him shudder and whimper and yelp. I loved it. I loved him.

And I would never abuse the power I had over him, whether it was genie or wizard given or what. I had a responsibility to him to care for him while he was mine.

"Are you mine, Li? You my sweet bondage pet?"

"Mmhmm!" Liam nodded vigorously.

"You want to cum? Want me to make you cum while you're all helpless for me. When I can do anything I want?" And as I tore his flimsy shorts and laid my hands on his thighs, Liam came with a shout, spurting all over my face. He moaned, but I took off his blindfold and kissed him. "It's okay, babe. Your first time like this was bound to be a little intense. Heh, no pun intended. Should I untie you now?"

Liam shook his head. "Mmm mmmmmm! MMmmmm!"

"Ah." I nodded, as if I had any idea what he was saying. "You got another one in you for me, pet?" His eyes fluttered and darkened with lust as I called him that. "Maybe I oughta get you a collar. Mark you as mine. But for now, just watch me."

And I began to suck him off, making him squirm and cry out at first from overstimulation. Then it became moans as he got hard again, and finally more cries as my hands roved over his bound body and he came again, slumping down after.

"I'm gonna cum on you, babe. That okay?" I asked. He nodded, and immediately I began pumping my own rock-hard cock, releasing onto him. Even as spent as he was, his dick twitched watching me jack off. I untied him and we played around in the shower for a while as we cleaned up, before I carried him to the bed to kiss and cuddle with him.


"Yeah, babe?"

"That was amazing. Is it gonna be like that all the time?"

I chuckled. "It might just be. Long as you make sure to tell me when something isn't working, so I can take good care of you. You're gonna be mine, and I'm going to make sure you're safe and happy."

"Sounds... wonderful. But there's just one thing?"

"What's that?"

He winked at me and snuggled close. "I'm not tied up right now. Can you do something about that?"

I laughed and buried my face in his neck, tickling him and making him giggle. "I think I can arrange something."


It was so weird to wake up somewhere I didn't remember falling asleep in. Even if it was my own house.

I looked around for the sexy weirdo who had captured us in the forest. Us?

Uh-oh. Where the hell were Barry and Tanner?

I gasped as I heard something strange. A muffled noise. I followed the sounds to the room of the only housemate I didn't like. Kevin. The little shit was a cocky gym bunny if there ever was one, who liked to taunt and degrade me any chance he got, and I ached to put him in his place. But alas, the opportunity never arose. I grinned, however, at the sight that awaited me in his room.

Kevin, Destan's wish

The bastard was gagged and tied up to his gaming chair, his cap sideways on his head like usual, and growling at me. Oh, this was good.

"Hey, there, handsome."

I yelped, noticing that I was sitting on Kevin's bed. Not me, obviously. But someone who damn well could have been my twin. "You're that guy. The Stranger!"

"Got it in one. Not as stupid as you look. Maybe you don't need an explanation."

"What are you talking about?"

"I mean Kev here. What's going on."

"I assumed he just wanted to try out something kinky and got stuck." I grinned, reaching over to tweak his nipple. He shouted angrily into his gag at me.

"Not quite. You see, I have given you the gift of conquest. You have the power to bind and control Kevin any way you'd like. Should he escape, you can make it so he ends up tied and bound and in your possession once more."

"Sweet." I chuckled. "So... he's basically my bitch, now?"

The Stranger grinned at me with my own face. "I suppose you could say that." Kevin gave an irritated whine. "I warn you, however, not to abuse this power. Or you will forfeit to me your mind, body, and soul."

I nodded gravely. "So... what does abuse mean, exactly, in this case?"

"Fair question." The Stranger's face shifted until he looked different, a handsome Asian guy in a vest and slacks. "You cannot put him in serious danger or kill him, things like that."


Kevin glared at me, although I could tell he was nervous.

"I'll leave you to it." the Stranger chuckled, fading into thin air.

I grinned. "I wanna try this out." I quickly cut the duct tape binding his wrists and he tore off his gag.

"Stay away from me, creep!" he yelled, before taking off. He had barely taken a step when I waved my hand. Immediately his shorts slipped down to his ankles, tripping him, and his clothes swept out of his closet and drawers to swarm him and drag him to his bed. When they were finished, he was naked except for his hat, still on his head. He was tied spread eagle, and his mouth gagged with his underwear. One of his socks was jerking him off while the other was tying itself around his balls and the base of his dick.

"Oh, I'm gonna have fun with this." I smirked. "Let's play a little, Kev."

You can find my M/M stories here: https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38809#p38809
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Barry and Liam remain to be super cute together. I love how the latter is so enthusiastic about being tied up and has like zero self-control.

Though, admittedly Destan using his wish on a very unwilling subject was also really fun to read. Kevin is a very hot and cocky guy so seeing him bound, gagged, and pissed about his situation was a real treat. Not to mention how amazingly unique the scene where's he's restricted by his own clothes.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by Tiedinjordans »

I am loving this story.
Awesome writing!
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Post by Volobond »

Part 4: The Gift of Dominion


Kevin whimpered at me from the bed. It was so hot, watching him bound and gagged with his own clothes, watching him get jerked by his own sock, and him helpless to stop me from watching, from groping his pecs and yanking on his chest hair, making him yell.


"Oh, I'm sorry, Kev. Did that hurt?"

He growled at me.

"You want out?"


"Go ahead, then." I grinned, waving my hand. The clothes fell lifeless, no longer holding him. Kevin flung the things away from him and sprang to his feet, buck naked, and tried to get away.

The comforter of the bed came to life, wrapping him like a burrito and sending him crashing to the floor. I tickled his bare feet for a while before letting him go again.

He made it to the kitchen, where a chair slid under him and a series of metal pans melted in midair, reforging themselves into heavy chains that bound him tight, a rolling pin forcing itself between his teeth as a thick bit gag. Forks dragged themselves gently down his torso, flicking his nipples and making him shudder and scream.

I let him go again, and he ran for the living room, where he was tightly hogtied with the cords of gaming consoles and controllers and chargers, and his face buried in a stray shoe someone left in the entry hall. I laughed as he gagged on the smell.

"Kev. You can't escape me anymore. Why don't you just head on over to my room and we'll have some fun?"

I let him go and he fled once more, running out into the street. I let him, knowing he'd be tied again somehow. I shouted as he made it all the way into the street, traffic swerving around the crazy naked jock, and the trees themselves grew impossibly fast, snatching him up in sturdy branches and dropping him at my feet, bound hand and foot in ivy.

"Aww, you poor thing. You're mine now. I'm never letting you go."

I chuckled and dragged Kevin back inside, preparing to introduce him to my collection of toys...

The Stranger

I smiled, quickly erasing the memories of the drivers in the street. Allowing his slave into oncoming traffic? How irresponsible of dear Destan... I was not a merciful being. I did not believe in second chances. Time for his punishment.


I lurched awake, startled by my dream. But when I awoke in the clearing where we had found the Stranger, I knew that it wasn't. But... where were Barry and Destan?

I needed to find them.

I ran back to my car, hoping to maybe find them there, but instead I got a surprise. A man wearing nothing but shorts. A very handsome man wearing nothing but shorts. A very muscular, very handsome man wearing nothing but shorts, arms bound behind him by a piece of silvery leather that didn't look sturdy, but apparently did the trick. He held my favorite pen in his mouth almost like a bit gag, and gave me an exasperated look when I gaped in shock.

Xander, Tanner's wish

"Uh... who the hell are you?" I asked.

"Znnndrrrrr." He said. "Mmm, gggg, srrr rrr cnnnn nnnnn."

I grabbed the pen and pulled it out of his mouth.

"That's better. I'm Xander. Sorry to, ah, surprise you. But I guess you're not entirely shocked to see me?"


Xander rolled his eyes. "So, you're my master, huh?"


"The genie, or whatever he is. He gave you a wish. The gift of dominion. Basically, you get to control any guy you see. Whatever you say, they have to do. Even if it's changing their own memories or thoughts."

"Like... I could make you think you were a dog or something?"

"Please, don't. But yeah. Anything. You could make me think you've been my boyfriend for ten years, or that we were cousins, or that I'm in love with you. But I'll warn you now, it's a trap."

"A... trap?"

"Yeah. Silver wants to take you for his own. So he's trying to tempt you into going too far. Breaking the rules he sets gets you nothing but trouble. We call him Silver, for... obvious reasons."

I thought about all the silver bonds and gags. Guess he was right. "So... I shouldn't use the gifts?"

Xander grinned ruefully. "Ah, but then you're disrespecting him by not using your wish and he'll take you anyway. It's a real Catch-22, but I think I can help you out there."

"Why? What's in it for you?"

"I don't want anyone to go through what I did. I mean, don't mind so much being Silver's property."

"What did you go through? And why does everyone keep saying that they're okay with this?"

"Because it's a pretty slick deal." Xander admitted. "You spend a while tied up every so often, and then you get to live in what's basically a magic palace. It has everything, man. Seriously. I don't know how he's kept up-to-date, but it's awesome. Not to mention, as long as you're not on call, Silver lets you out for years at a time to check out the outside world. And once you reach about twenty-seven, it seems, you don't age at all. We get an eternity to live and learn and experience everything, and all he asks for is to play bondage games with us once in a while."

I shook my head. "You're brainwashed. That's... it's crazy."

Xander gave me an odd smile. "Think what you want. But as for your other question, I got taken by Silver about fifteen years ago. He... fell in love with me at first sight. So he didn't offer me a wish, nothing. When I freed him, he immediately gagged me. Tied me up and took me to his palace. I was in a really vulnerable place at the time. Just ran away from home. He made me an offer. Said he'd make me his prince and keep me happy forever. And... well, he hasn't failed yet."

"Wait a minute, so you're like... his husband?" I started to freak out, but Xander only chuckled.

"No, no. Silver is... different, okay? He's not like us. He may love me in his own way, but we're not... exclusive or anything."

I sighed, a little mollified. "Okay, so what? You want to help me?"

"Yeah. You can still break free. You just need to walk a line. Be gentle, but still use the gift. You can do pretty much anything as long as we're in private and not in any danger. He picked me to give to you because I'm one of his favorites and it's easier for him to get mad at you about me. So just take care of me, and he'll get bored and let you go. You might even get a full time bondage-toy out of it."

"Okay. So... I'll just take you home, then."

"And gag me. You gotta make it look good."

I shrugged, before putting the pen back into Xander's open mouth. This was strange and weird, and I decided to test it out. "Xander... you feel me tickling you everywhere you're most sensitive and horny."

Xander only had time to wink at me in approval before he burst out in laughter, giggling hard around the pen and yelping, thrashing in the seat.

Okay. Maybe I could get used to this.

You can find my M/M stories here: https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38809#p38809
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Post by RopingRingers »

Interesting turn. This genie is certainly manipulative. I can't offer many suggestions as this style is a bit out of my wheelhouse, but if Silver is trying to manipulate the three, maybe Xander is there to actually do the manipulating and GET his master to break the rules?
Hello there!


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Post by DeeperThanRed »

The plot thickens. Destan dug his own grave but I can't complain when the results are so hot. :D Kevin's magical bondage is as creative as it is fun.

And Xander's dynamic with Tanner is pretty intriguing. It's significantly more practical than the other two pairs and I'm curious about how they'll fare against Silver.

Thanks for the keeping up with this story, I get giddy whenever I saw an update notification.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

You can reach my list of written work here: https://www.tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38808#p38808
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Post by jackinpurple »

Fantastic story, creative, well-written, just enough detail to let my imagination do the rest. Looking forward to the next part :)
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Post by TiedupNick »


Very interesting premise, I'd love to see where it goes!
Tiedupnick - fka nicktie

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