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Reverse Babysitter Tickling F/f

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 3:24 am
by mattjensen
Marissa sighs, yanking her car's keys out of their socket. Another day, another stupid set of kids to look over. The seventeen year old slips out of a car with a sigh, and flips her curly, strawberry blonde hair over her shoulder. Might as well pretend to be enthusastic. Her bright blue eyes seem to sparkle for a second, and she throws her backpack on. She sets for the door at a trot, not wasting any time.

She waits patiently after ringing the doorbell, a manufactured smile plastered on her face, obscuring the contempt within. At least she's gonna get paid for this. Hardly worth it to sit around and pretend to be entertained by kids all night.

The door swings inward with a swoosh, revealing the lady of the house. She too has blonde hair, but it's straight rather than curly, and more dark. It's very long, and reaches to her lower back. Her eyes are green, and their sparkle puts Marissa's to shame.

She's ushered inside, and the lady doesn't break her smile. "Hello there! I'm Elizabeth, but you can call me Liz." She cheerily exclaims, taking Marissa's coat and bag somewhat forcefully.

Marissa smiles at the hospitality; she can't help it, even if her inner demons are raging. "And I'm Marissa, pleased to meet you." She offers her hand, and the woman takes it. "So... where's the kid?" She purses her lips to the side, inquisitively.

Liz chuckles, giving a knowing smile. She knows something Marissa doesn't. "Well, I'm not sure where he is, but I'll make sure he'll turn up before I head out. Why don't I show you around?" She wraps a hand around Marissa's back, and scrapes her fingers across her side a few times. She yelps and jumps towards Liz, a few giggles escaping.

"Ehp! I'm ticklish! Dondothatplease!" Marissa breaks from Liz's grasp and turns. "What was that for? Hm. Just... forget it. Show me around."

Liz nods, the ephemeral scowl that was plastered over her face when Marissa jumped away fading as she stands behind her and guides her forward. "Sorry about that, it was an accident!" She beams, as though she was proud of what she's done. "Anyway... this is the kitchen..."

Marissa is gently nudged forward, scowling back at Liz as she pushes. "You really don't need to push, y'know. I can follow."

Liz shakes her head, moving to the side. "Sorry, dear. Anyway, this is the fridge... it's loaded up and-" She trails on for a little bit, Marissa getting caught up in the thoughts and mental notes. He's allergic to this, don't touch this... and on and on and on, for 5 minutes with the fridge open. All that cold air, gone to waste. Liz playfully takes advantage of the distraction though, darting her hand to Marissa's side and giving a few lightning fast squeezes. She yelps, shutting her eyes and recoiling to the side.

"AAAH! Mrs. Liz! Cut that out!" She tries to scowl, but can't. She's been set on a ticklish edge, and her body is primed and ready to laugh. Liz chuckles, smiling innocently.

"Sorry, sorry! I didn't mean to, I promise! I was just reaching over, and thought your side was the fridge handle..." She doesn't miss this time, grabbing the proper handle and closing the thing. She smiles innocently, as if to say "See, there?"

That explaination doesn't really fly with Marissa. After she composes herself, she frowns. "Hmm... sure you did. I don't quite buy it, but whatever." She's kind of charmed, to be honest. She doesn't hate getting tickled, but she doesn't love it either. It's kinda cute that the mother of the household is trying to make her squirm like that.

Liz leads on, pushing her from behind again. Marissa protests the entire time. "Alright Liz, do you really have to do that?"

She smiles and shakes her head, coming to the pantry. She slyly spiders her fingers up Marissa's sides again, eliciting a brief recoil and a stint of giggles, as well as much scowling afterwards. "Yes. Yes I do. I'm the mother here."

The way she said it was almost possessive. "Alright... but you're not my mom." Marissa rolls her eyes. "Y'know, if you want to tickle me for whatever reason, I'd rather you just do it than make excuses. I'm not creeped out or anything."

Liz blushes very slightly, but hides it. She doesn't want to be found out, that's for sure. "Nono, why would I do that? That's weird. Anyway..."

She starts to rail on and on about the contents of the pantry. Food is here, spices there... and as she does so, one of her hands begins to lift up. She traces slowly up Marissa's back, not hard enough for her to notice but enough to make her squirm just a bit. When directed to pull out one of the outer shelves so the contents could be explained, Liz shoots her hand over to the exposed armpit, rapidly wiggling her fingers for a few seconds.

Marissa clamps her arm down, squeaking like a little girl. "AHAH! NO! STOP!"

She gives Liz the pouty lip. "I told you not to do that! At least tell me!"

Liz has a wide, satisfied smile plastered to her face. "It was an accident again, I swear! I was reaching up to get the drawer!" She does so then, making a big show out of coming near Marissa's armpit, then pulling. Again, "Look, see?"

Marissa is even more suspicious now, and starts to get a bit fidgety. That familiar knot is building in her stomach; when there's anticipation of it happening, but no indication of when or how. It distracts her for the rest of the kitchen lecture.

Once Liz finishes there, she shepards Marissa to the den. She's plopped down on the couch, and then joined. Liz has a TV guide, and it's spread across their laps, with their hands under. Marissa keeps her arms against her sides, suspicious of another attempt.

"And channel 53 is..." Liz has plans to try out other spots, too. As she's explaining the channels for a very antsy Marissa, her free hand, still underneath the guide, starts to pinch and squeeze her babysitter's thigh, right above the knee. She violently recoils, squealing with ticklish glee, flying off the couch. It leaves her feet exposed. Liz, pretending to be concerned if she's hurt, lazily runs her fingertips across the other party's arches, causing no small amout of squealing and kicking. Then, she grabs Marissa's ankles and pulls her back.

"Gah... f-fuck! Why are you doing this?" Marissa blushes a bit, her hair having fallen over her face. She puffs it away with her breath.

Liz just smiles, faking remorse again. "Nono, it was a mistake, I promise! I was trying to grab the remote!" She points, showing that it was between them. "And then I was just trying to help you back up!"

Marissa is HIGHLY suspicious at this point. She frowns, her face frumping up. "Well... Alright, Miss. Why don't we finsh up the tour, and you can get going?" She's eager to minimize the opportunities for more "Accidental" tickling before she has the night to herself.

Liz nods, everything finally coming together. "Sure thing. Follow me, I'll show you their room."

They start up the stairs, Marissa following instead of being pushed for once. She tries to give Liz a few pokes, and even manages to get a few giggles, although she gets zero acknowledgement that it's happening.

"Right this way!" Liz directs, pulling Marissa by her wrist into the child's room. It's decorated with everything you might expect, with baseball posters on the walls, a cutesy little lamp on a table, and even a blue racecar bed. Liz leads right to the center of the room.

"So, this is where the little one sleeps..." She shows around the closets, opening them and running over the clothes.

"But none of that is important. Also... isn't that bed cool?"

Marissa was standing over by it, looking it over. Hmm. Freshly made, like it hasn't been slept in in a while...

Before she can finish that thought, she feels fingers grasping and wiggling up her sides, perfectly filed half-moon nails sending shocks up and down her spine as she's pushed forward onto the bed and straddled by Liz. "And now, I'm gonna show you how to pusnish him for being naughty."

Marissa squeals and bats with her open hands, getting pinned anyway. "Oh no. You are NOT doing this. This is WEIRD. Don't make me your surrogate child."

Liz rolls her eyes. "Y'know what they say, empty nest syndrome and all that. My boy just went off to college, and I need somebody to..." She wiggles her fingers across Marissa's tummy, which is quickly blocked. She briefly melts into a squirmy puddle of giggles. "Tickle. There ya go."

The curly haired girl anxiously squirms around under the motherly figure. "No, no, no! I'll NOT be doing any of that, thank you! I'll be taking my stuff and leaving!" She grabs Liz, and attempts to throw her to the side.

But... she doesn't budge an inch, firmly continuing to straddle Marissa as she pushes up her shirt, revealing her bare belly. "No, I think you'll be staying here. I'll pay you double." She winks, using her feet to hold up Marissa's forearms, her heels in her pits. The motherly, perfect nails start to skitter all over the teenager's soft, flat tummy, prompting her to first snort, then melt into a stream of bubbly, happy giggles, her arms thrashing around. "But... you'll need to call me mommy, and do whatever I say."

Marissa squeaks, trying to talk through the giggles. "Ehehe! I-hih-I! I WILL! I proohohomise! Mohohommy!" She closes her eyes, shaking her head. Her body is saying no, but her mind is saying yes. That's $200 extra in her pocket. It's super weird, but hey, getting tickled and calling a stranger mommy isn't the WORST thing, right?

Liz pulls her hands up in the air, wiggling them above Marissa's body. "Good girl! Buuuuttt... Moooommy's gonna getCHU~~!" She takes a deep breath between phrases, and on the end, she blows a gigantic raspberry right on Marissa's belly. She squeals and jerks up into the air, snorting, then squealing repeatedly. "EEEEHE~! LIZ! MOOHHOMMY! EEEHEHE!" She's playing along, and having a bit of fun. The tickling will get to her before long, though, she knows. She has a love hate relationship, but that only goes for a few minutes. Longer than that, and...

"Uh oooohhh! IIIIIIIT'S TICKLETIME~!" Liz blows another raspberry, Marissa squealing again without any time to catch her breath, pushing and batting at her head. She also squeezes Marissa's thighs again, making her break into full on hysterics. "P-PLEHEEHEASE, MOHOHOMMY NOHOHO! QUIHIHT! AHAHAEEEEHE~!" She kicks and squeals some more, hitting the bed with her fists clenched.

"Aw, such a cutie~! Mommy looooooves to tickle cuties senseless!" She starts walking her fingers up Marissa's sides, leaning her face in, pushing Marissa's shirt up as she does so. She snorts and squirms around, trying to stop Liz's hands with her own. It's fruitless; Liz is much stronger, and her arms are still pinned up above her head. "Heeere comes the tickles...~"

Marissa arches up, her cheeks puffing out as she tries to scoot back. "Nononononono! No tihihickles! No! Mommy, no mohohore!"

Liz looks VERY happy, like she's enjoying something she hasn't done in a long time. She digs her fingers forcefully into Marissa's pits, sliding her feet up along her arms. At the same time, she pushes Marissa's shirt over her head, leaving her topless. "Coootchie kitchy kitchy coo~!" She giggles, exploring every inch of soft, bare, shaven flesh.

Marissa melts into much more happy, relaxed giggles. Not to say she isn't desperate for escape, still; it's just that this isn't quite torture. "Doohohon't bahahaby talk! NooHOOHO!" She kicks a bit more.

"Moooommy's gonna get the widdle cutie pie~!" Liz exclaims, raising her hands up in the air, slowly lowering them back to Marissa's tummy, melting her into a giggly pile once again. "A goochie kitchy coochie coochie coo~! Ticky ticky ticky~!"

That DESTROYS Marissa. "N-NOOOHOH! MOOHOHOMY STOOOOHOHOP~!" She thrashes violently, trying to wrench her arms and body free; to no avail. Liz does give a brief respite, although it's only to open a table-side drawer, a panting Marissa still wiggling underneath.

"Ah... ah... Lihiiz... I'm tihihcklish..." She sighs, giggling again. "This wahhans't in the contract!"

Liz comes back up, weilding a pair of astoundingly soft and fluffy feather dusters in her hands. "Oops. Maybe mommy wanted to surprise you, silly."

She groans at the sight of those things, as Liz flips over. Her feet are still restraining Marissa's arms, and now the feather dusters are lightly floating in the air above her feet. "Liz. Please. I'm ticklish, don't use those on me. I'll die."

There's only one appropriate response. "Heeeeeereee comes the tickle monster..."

Marissa is plunged into an entire new world of torture as the fluffy dusters start to swish across the tips of her toes. She shakes her feet around, giggling and squealing like a little nut as they swish ever downward, onto the dangerously sensitive undersides of her toes and arches.

"Mommy's gonna... GETCHU~!" Liz exclaims as she starts, her fingers deftly working the tools. This isn't the first time she's done this, that's for sure...

Soon after, Marissa can feel Liz's feet start to move. Then settle in her pits... and then the toes start to dig in, wiggling around in circles. She squeals again, throwing her head back and bouncing around on the matress, her freed arms clamping down immediately. "M-MOHOOHMMY~! EHEHAAAHA -SNORT- AHAHA~! QUIT~! QUIHIHIT IT! I'LL DO AHHAHANYTHING~!"

"ANYTHING?" Questions Liz, a knowing grin sliding across her face.

"AHAHAHANYTHING~!" Quickly responds Marissa, her face red with laughter.

A few seconds later, Liz lets her go, dropping the duster to the ground and rolling off of her. "Alright. You're gonna clean the house for me. Let me go get some more appropriate clothes for you..."

She strolls playfully to the closet, sliding it open. It's dark so Marissa can't really see inside, but she can definately make out a french maid outfit, complete with feather duster. Liz grabs it and turns, smiling. "Here we go! It'll fit perfectly!"

Marissa eyes it, blushing wearily. "Okay. You're NOT gonna make me wear that. I don't care how much you're paying me." The biggest gripe she has with it is the huge, pink bow on the back; she doesn't do pink.

Liz rolls her eyes to the side, smiling. "Weeeelll... You COULD wear it, or..." She sets the outfit on the bed, beside Marissa. "I could always just go back to tickling..."

The knot that forms in Marissa's stomach seals the deal, and she basically tears off her pants, throwing on the outfit. "No thank you on the tickles, please. I'll take this over that any day of the week."

She finishes dressing, and Liz puts on the finishing touches by slipping the slippers on her, placing the bonnet gingerly on her head, and passing her the feather duster.

"Good, then. Get to work, starting with this room. I'll watch." She smiles, beaming at her own work. Marissa is reluctant at first, but dejectedly starts to dust the table.

"I feel awful doing this, Mrs. Liz." Marissa grumbles, swishing her duster away at the table.

She feels the sharp shock of a pair of fingers digging into the dimples in her sides. "Missed a spot," She points to a place next to the lamp. "And also, call me mommy, still. Or I'll tickle." She winks and back off a bit.

Marissa sighs as she dusts the spot again. Great. Now she's a maidservant.

As she moves onto the next piece of furniture and is once again reprimanded by a brief wiggling of fingers against her sides, she realizes it's going to be a long night.

"That table isn't sparkling. Do it again please, dear."

"Yes, mommy..." Marissa hangs her head a bit, but can't wipe the smile off her face.

"Good girl." Liz sighs. She's already planning what she'll do the next time she has Marissa over to "Babysit".

Re: Reverse Babysitter Tickling F/f

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 7:03 pm
by Bondage93
LOVE this story and hope to see more! Maybe shes hired to be a maid during spring break ;) , I adore belly tickling!

Re: Reverse Babysitter Tickling F/f

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 11:47 pm
by humbled32
Excellent story so far. Perhaps restraining her ankles by hobbling her and her wrists making it difficult to dust giving Liz lots of opportunity to tickle,