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Post by Xtc »

This story was started as a request for someone on the ‘old’ site before he changed his requirements and I thought I couldn't do them justice. I thought it was a shame to waste the start so I kept writing. This is now a one-shot.

It's not like my usual style so I'd be grateful for any remarks. (I think!)
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Post by Xtc »


Ever since I can remember I’ve had this fantasy about being kidnapped. Now it was actually happening to me, though, I wasn’t too sure.

It was a Friday night, well, Saturday morning really - you know. It had been a good night and “The Duke” had been bangin’. However, all good things . . . and I staggered unsteadily into the cold rain of the early morning. For a single queer boy in his twenties, that was the place to be. It all started as I made my way to a quieter road where there would be fewer homeward bound patrons looking for cabs. I should have known better, really, at my age. But . . . You know.

I just didn’t notice anyone there; I was still on a high. Would I meet up with Josh again? Was he really single too? Or was I just a one-night stand: good enough to be seen with but . . . No, I was sure we’d hit it off.

Like I just said, my mind was pre-occupied and I just didn't see anyone there. It's bloody difficult to fight back effectively when you can't see; and that black bag that he slipped over my head saw to that; he'd even managed to wrap several layers of adhesive tape of some sort round my neck to keep it in place before tripping me so that I fell to the ground with him on top of me.

That knocked the wind out of me so that, before I could recover, he had managed to attach some sort of cable tie to each of my wrists. I was soon making enough noise to attract attention if only I hadn't deliberately chosen to take that little used side road. Whoever he was, he must have outweighed me by a couple of stone making it quite easy for him to keep me flat to the ground and he abandoned trying to tie my wrists in favour of clamping a hand firmly over my mouth and locating my nose through the bag. Following some time of having my mouth covered and my nostrils pinched closed, I simply passed out.

I probably wasn't unconscious for long but it was obviously long enough to have a third cable tie looped between the other two drawing my wrists behind me and one more cutting viciously into my ankles.

Until now my assailant had maintained an ominous silence but he seemed to find the need to explain something to me. Even through the bag I could feel his lips against my ear. "Shut the fuck up, Darlin', I wouldn't want to have to damage my cute little blonde prize, now would I?" I stopped struggling and waited to hear what he had to say. Surely someone would come along soon. "That's better, Blondie, I know someone who wants to meet you and you've got a choice: I can deliver you conscious or unconscious. It doesn't matter to me but I'm told that the unconscious option is a bit risky. Up to you. Nod if you want to cooperate." I decided to cooperate.

"Now, I'm sorry about the cable ties, I know they hurt but I need to add one more for safety." I felt my wrists being bound again even more closely. "Don't forget: conscious or unconscious. An unconscious man can't make a lot of noise. Understand?" I nodded; it was getting difficult enough to breathe as it was without another deliberate attempt to smother me.

This guy must have been strong as he swept me up in his arms and carried me a short distance before dumping me somewhere that was less than comfortable. The subsequent slam followed by the sound of a motor being turned over confirmed that I seemed to be in the boot of a car. The vehicle took off and I thought I would try to keep track of the turns in the journey through the familiar streets. The voyage was too long and, by the time the vehicle had stopped, I must have been miles away from the town I knew so well.

By then I had been kicking the lid of the boot and yelling for quite some time and I kept doing so even when I heard the lid being popped. "Oh, Cutie, we can't have you injuring yourself, can we? That might spoil your charms completely. We've got a way to go yet, I'll just make you a bit safer." We must have been somewhere bereft of people as my abductor decided to ‘reason with me’ to ensure my cooperation. "Now, are you going to cooperate?" He grabbed my tackle through my baggy jeans. "Oh I can see why he wants to meet you." I squealed in a very girly fashion. "Cooperate?" he squeezed and twisted.

My eyes were doing a bit more than watering as I tried to reassure him, in between desperate gasps for breath, that I would cooperate. "Good, I'm sure that we both want to avoid any more bruising than necessary." With that, I found myself being swivelled round so that my lower legs were hanging out of the boot. "I think I need something you've got before we go much further." He wrenched my new trainers from my feet and I heard them land not far from my head. He then inserted his fingers between my left heel and the white no-show sock that I'd put on new before the night's clubbing. By now it would have lost its newness. The other sock followed and so did the belt holding my oversized jeans securely round my waist. I felt something being bound tightly round my head clamping the bag to my eyes. "Don't move now, I wouldn't want this knife to slip." I then felt the tape securing the hood round my neck being cut free.

Once the bag had been folded up against what I later found out was my belt, I realised why he had done that. As I lay gasping, I still couldn't see but he did manage to shove something into my gaping mouth. Well, I was right: my socks didn't reek of newness any more. As I tried to expel them, a large hand was once more clamped over my mouth; memories of the previous attempt to deprive me of breath flooded back but his other hand started popping the buttons on my jeans. In spite of my previous assurances of cooperation, I was certainly struggling to escape him now. My struggling remained futile as I felt his hand grab my manhood through my white briefs. "What happened to your promise of cooperation?" As he 'reasoned with me’ once more, he asked me if I wanted things the easy way or the other way, I managed to nod my acquiescence. "Good. All over soon then we can be on our way again."

As I lay there, he pulled me into an uncomfortable sitting posture by pulling on my leather flying coat, a prize possession that I found in a vintage store. I was forced to lean forwards with my body trapping my upper legs against the sill of the boot. I heard the tape being ripped from the roll prior to feeling it being stuck just below my left ear. He pulled it tightly against the socks in my mouth and continued wrapping it round my head for at least five rounds before ripping the tape and moulding it to the, now rather flattened, contours of my face. A quick check for tightness as I felt my nostrils being pinched confirmed that it was a job well done. The black hood was brought back down and that too was taped into place. "There," said my abductor, as he pushed me backwards again, "that should stop all that yelling. I always find it so distressing."

"Now, as long as you promise to be a good boy, I'm prepared to remove those cable ties. They must be really digging in by now." I have to admit that the offer was not a moment too soon because I was convinced that I could no longer feel my fingers or my toes. "Promise?" I nodded and felt the fleece-lined jacket being unfastened and slipped over my shoulders and down my arms. "Nice, but you've got some way to go before you can fill that tank top. He never likes them too muscular." and with that my abductor turned me sideways on and rolled me onto my belly with my feet in the air. My jeans started to work their way down from my waist. Perhaps the over-sized look had not been such a good idea after all.

I heard the tape being loosened from the roll again and my captor bound it several times round my right arm just above the elbow before pulling my arms towards one another and continuing to wind the tape round and round above my left elbow. A few more rounds were wound between my arms and those layers were then bound round with even more tape forcing my elbows even closer together. The tape was ripped once again. If anything, the strictness with which my arms had been bound took a lot of the pressure off my wrists but the relief as the cable ties were cut was completely dominated by the pain as my normal circulation resumed. "It's a good job I gagged you Boy, that yell might have disturbed the sleeping birdies." I felt my flying jacket roughly pulled from me and heard it dumped by my head. After I had been treated so wretchedly, it seemed weird that he was now massaging my wrists and even asking me if that was better. I had even decided against trying to kick him with my heels.

"OK, Darlin?" I wasn't sure about his form of address but, after about ten minutes of massage, I had to nod my head. There were more sounds of tape and shortly afterwards my wrists had been wrapped comprehensively leaving my hands palm to palm before they were also bound leaving me no chance to pick off the tape. "There, I'm sure that's much cosier, isn't it?" I didn't dignify that with an answer but I soon felt the blood return to my feet as he cut the tortuous tie that was holding them together. "Now, now, think of the birdies." After the initial involuntary yell I managed to calm down before he addressed me (or more likely addressed himself) again. " Sorry I had to borrow your belt. These things aren't much use to you now." Before I could react, my jeans were pulled the rest of the way off leaving me in just my tighty whities and the new white singlet upon the fit of which the kidnapper had already remarked.

I felt my shins being grabbed by one powerful arm as more tape was wrapped several times round my ankles. "Now, my little blond cargo, I think I need to complete your transformation into a parcel, we can't have you kicking the metalwork with your bare feet again, he might not be too happy with me if you become even more bruised than you are already." I still had no idea who either my kidnapper or the one he called "he" was as I felt my ankles and my wrists being drawn together to the accompaniment of the characteristic sound of a cable tie being tightened. Once I was about as tightly hogtied as I thought possible, yet another cable tie was added "just for your safety". I was then rolled onto my side.

By now I was very conflicted: was my ultimate fantasy coming true or was I about to disappear never to be seen again? That conflict was only too obvious to my kidnapper as my nice new underwear was stretched to its fullest extent. "Yup, from here, I sure can understand what he sees in you." He clapped a hand over my raging boner and gave it a surprisingly gentle squeeze. I moaned and I think it was more with pleasure than dread. "Take it easy. It's a way to go yet." I heard the boot slam shut.


The early morning chill had got to my barely clothed body by the time the car stopped again but at least I had managed to rest my head on what I assumed was my coat for a journey that could have been forty miles. The jolting during the last part of the journey indicated country roads that were in a far from well-maintained condition. I was grateful to have something padded on the floor. The engine stopped and the boot sprang open.

"We'll have to get you into the warm, gooseflesh doesn't suit you." I shivered even more as I was 'put on notice' by a large hand gently stroking my arm. At least this time I had my back to him, not that that would make much difference dressed as I was. My kidnapper lifted me by the cable ties and dropped me back in the boot so that I was face down and crushing what was once more trying to escape from my underwear. I felt a jerking as my captor cut the cable ties and my legs attempted to straighten leaving my feet hooked over the edge of the boot. "That's good, my little captive. I'm glad you'll be looking your best when you meet him." Then I felt myself being lifted from the boot and draped over the unknown assailant's shoulder.

The sound of boots on gravel gave way to more muffled sounds as I felt the temperature rise pleasantly. The footsteps stopped and I was decanted from the shoulder and steadied for quite some time until I could stand unaided although still somewhat precariously. Being hooded, I was starting to take in the unfamiliar sounds and smells of the house into which I had been taken. They say that, if you want to sell your house, you should make it smell of fresh-brewed coffee.

"OK, Darlin'?" It was surprising how solicitous my kidnapper was. "Now, you just stand there. Back soon." I heard footsteps departing. I hoped I wasn't going to be left for too long because I was sure that I wouldn't be able to avoid toppling over for much longer. Then I heard my captor's voice approaching again.

"OK. Keep them closed, it's just in here. OK, you can open them now."

"Ohhh my God," I recognised that voice. "You really did it!"

I felt someone come up close behind me. As their chin came over my shoulder, I recognised that cologne. I felt a hand reach around me, into my tank top and slowly up to my right nipple, which it tweaked hard just before another hand was clamped against my crown jewels. "Did you miss me, Alex?" I moaned and sagged against my new assailant.

"Happy Birthday, Josh." I heard those footsteps again as they departed. Then I heard the door close.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

I really liked this deviation from your "usual style", haha.

Excellent pacing and expert word of choice made an idea that looks simple on paper into a very gripping and engaging story. Josh is not really my type but I loved his inner commentary and the way he's tied up in his tightie-whities and singlet while gagged with his socks. The captor's teasing was also way too entertaining. Not to mention the flawlessly delivered twist ending...

Great job!
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

You can reach my list of written work here: https://www.tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38808#p38808
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Post by Xtc »

Thank you. That is very gratifying if a little blush-making. :oops: I really appreciate it. :)
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but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by MaxRoper »

Oh, so very excellent! I must admit to not being surprised by the captor but that took nothing away from the tale. So many little bits of delightful prose ("decanted from the shoulder" f'rinstance). Very much a change from your usual offering except in its excellence.

Well done, lad!
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Post by Xtc »

Thank you, Max, Such remarks are always encouraging.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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