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It Happened One Live M/M

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2020 12:08 am
by thebadguy
My name is Matteo Santos, I run a fitness Instagram @beardedbodgodfitness during my off time as a personal trainer. It sounds cocky but it wasn’t hard to gain a bit of a following, I’m jacked, dark haired, tan, and a slick beard to boot.

Now a few weeks ago I was doing a fitness live from my place, and I was just finishing up for the 2k viewers. Now this night started like any other during quarantine. I was ready to wind down for the night. Postmates was coming to my apartment at any minute. I was just winding down after workout for the night. Quarantine has made it difficult, but not impossible to maintain my usual routine. It’s sort of like working out at a hotel with no gym. Finding ways to make furniture work in my favor. I just got done making a makeshift weight out of an old suitcase to do squats with. Duct taped some heavy books together to make hand weights, i was pretty proud of myself. And the viewers loved my DIY workout.

I signed off, and I needed to shower, BAD! My white tank top was clinging to me, and I was a sweaty mess from my head to my toes. I was wearing a pair of grey gym shorts with some white nike tube socks and a beat up pair of white size 14 Air Jordans.

I lived in a condo so it was a sort of a hassle to get delivery. I always prefer to just buzz them up rather than go to the lobby myself. I mean hey I said I was in shape, I didn’t say I wasn’t lazy. I’m never worried about this. I mean… Come on when they see a big strapping guy like me standing tall at 6’6 any bad ideas willl vanish.

The buzzer was blowing up and I jogged over to let the food guy up. I waited by my door for them to get to my floor. I can hear the elevator ding and soon a knock. I open up and see a guy in a black face mask and glasses, not shocking considering the state of the world. He was short holding the black cube zip up bag. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary here. It dawned on me I forgot to grab the cash tip. So I told them to hold tight while I go grab it from my bedroom.

As I opened my bedroom door, and suddenly I felt like I had a monkey on my back LITERALLY! I look down and there were two short legs wrapping my arms down to my sides, an arm holding my neck and the other pressing some strange wet cloth over my nose and mouth. It smelled sweet and I was feeling dizzy. I could feel my legs giving out…. I managed to stumble my way to the foot of the bed and face plant out on it.

When I woke up I could see my ceiling fan spinning from above me. I was laying face up on my bed. Was it all a crazy dream? I tried to get up and that’s when I noticed I couldn’t.

Attached to my right wrist was a piece of white nylon rope that was tied off on my bed post. Fuck it was tight! Same went for my left wrist and my ankles. This bastard had tied me spread eagle to the bed.

I jerked my left ankle and all I managed to accomplish was a dirt stain on the sheets from my sneaker.

I screamed for help and that’s when the masked bastard came back into my room.

“Look who’s awake.” He said in a almost theatrical fashion. As if he had been preparing for this role for some time.

I wasn’t impressed in the least by face mask DeNiro here and screamed “Hey get me the fuck out of this!” As I screamed he ran over to cover my mouth with his gloved hand.

“Be quiet, don’t want your neighbors to get the wrong idea. If you cooperate I will make this easy on you.”

“Mmmmmm?” I growled under his leather glove as I let him take off his hand.

“What do you want?” I asked.

“Just want to help myself to a few things. I noticed how much you post on your stories about the expensive PR some companies send you. So I figured.. WHY NOT?! I mean it’ll be way easy to case. I would watch and think WOW! This guy is dumb enough to even tag where he was in his photos.” He said before I cut him off.

“What are you some kind of stalker?!” I interrupted.

“Hardly, you wouldn't believe what information you can find online with just a few key details. It honestly was hardly any detective work at all.” He said smugly.

“You fucking creep! Let me loose!” I screamed at him. My voice echoed throughout the room.

“What did I tell you.” He said getting up. He started to unlace my shoelaces and popped off my sneakers.

“What the hell are you doin?!” I shouted. Pulling my socked foot away best I could. Which wasn’t much. This guy had me roped down tight.

He tore off one of my tube Nike socks the smell of musky old sneaker and hot sweat was emanating from it. He crumbled up the sock and before I could even scream he was shoving the sweaty mound of fabric past my teeth. The fabric filled up my mouth and I watched him take a roll of duct tape, the same roll I used to make my homemade weights was now being used to wrap my mouth. I couldn’t spit out this offensive tasting stuffing.

He didn’t stop there. I felt duct tape winding, as he wrapped the tape around my eyes in the same loop. I was vocally and visually cut off. The only sound that came out was an inaudible moan.

“‘Mmmmmmm!” Were the faint sounds emanating from my sweat sock stuffed encasement. My black beard making the tape extra clingy.

This next part I wouldn’t see until it ended up screen recorded and reuploaded to a seedy adult site. This bastard had set up my iPhone and was broadcasting this LIVE! The frame was a full view of the foot of my bed. You could see it all happen. I don’t know why I ever bought that iPhone tripod, I never dreamed it would be used to film this.

My barefoot wiggling in torment as he gagged me for all my followers to see. I had no idea how filthy the socks were until a caught a glimpse of my musky stained bottoms of my socked feet writhing in agony.

He didn’t stop there, my chat was blowing up and he was looking at all the things folks were saying. Many confused, but it was only a matter of time until the pervy types started to roll in. You know the ones I’m taking about. Emojis of feet flooded the chat. And when they did they went wild. Asking for close ups of my feet. Asking for him to tickle me, and he did. This bastard was taking requests at their behest.

He ran his fingers over my bare sole which sent me into hysterics. He showed them my armpits, he traveled up and down my body with my iPhone camera. One asked to see my nippled he moved my seat soaked tank top and showed them. If they asked him to pinch it he did, and HARD! And I was powerless to stop any of it. He was taking to this influencer thing like a duck to water, and with the camera facing him he said he would grant one more wish, and then someone wished for something truly cruel.

“Tape the ‘shoe emoji’ to his face!” It read in cold text.

And he granted it. I was unaware of the fate that await me, first he pinched my nose closed locking off my only air passage. I was growing short of breath and needed him to release it… But when he did I could feel him force my head up and before I could react he had my dingy Air Jordan pressed over my nose. He was holding it in place and taping it there. It smelled horrible. I thought my sock was bad, my last sense was being assaulted by my own musty feet. I smelled like I had walked through a swamp.

He made sure to set the camera back up and capture the whole thing for their viewing pleasure. I struggled and bucked at the smell. I had no idea my feet were so pungent.

The viewers were in for a show of my struggling in my bed spread eagle, and I had no clue! I was helpless as I squirmed in my gym clothes working up a sweat. The live cut off in an hours time and by then the man had stolen all my valuables. My insurance covered it but the embarrassment is forever. I was found by my my amused cleaning guy the next morning, and I have the feeling he cleaned the house before he even let me loose. At long last it was over. But I’ll never live this down.

I still get tagged in screen grabs to this day. I even get DMs from pervs looking for more juicy details. Some even offered to pay top dollar for me to recreate the show. During these hard times I’ve considered it.


Re: It Happened One Live M/M

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2020 12:51 am
by george_bound
Superb story, mate! Relevant to our current world situation... tight spread eagles on a bed are amazing (I've been confined to several myself :D)... sneaker torment based on viewer comments is a great touch! 👟👟👟

Re: It Happened One Live M/M

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2020 1:17 am
by MaxRoper
A spectacular first post! Timely, well written, and a new concept - live streaming a kidnapping. I think we have a great new addition to the storytellers here. Thanks for posting!

Re: It Happened One Live M/M

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2020 5:36 am
by Mummyboi
Excellent story... need another chapter

Re: It Happened One Live M/M

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2020 5:39 am
by Tiedinjordans
Awesome story! Thanks for posting it.

Re: It Happened One Live M/M

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2020 11:48 am
by DeeperThanRed
I loved the premise and its execution. Plus, it's always nice to see a muscular, scruffy guy getting tied up for others' amusement.

Welcome to the board and thanks for sharing this with us!