Personal Supermen (M+/M+)

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Personal Supermen (M+/M+)

Post by Volobond »


Jesse Wilkes looked in the mirror with more than a hint of self-consciousness. Under the denim jacket and work boots he wore, he was wearing a blue skintight unitard that left little to the imagination. The only thing under that was his jockstrap. Emblazoned on the blue unitard was the classic Superman "S" symbol, and he had bought a red Speedo to pull on over the suit. He nervously ran a hand through his short black hair yet again, the tenth time in half as many minutes. He could still barely believe what he was about to do.

There had only been two previous sessions of the CBA (called that for discretion; it stood for the Cosplay and Bondage Association), and there had been precious little bondage at the first one. Instead, that had been the one to discuss limits, likes, and dislikes. It had been mortifying at first, but the simple fact that there were five other men in the region who shared his enjoyment of bondage was... liberating. It had felt like he no longer had to carry some great phantom weight within him. But in point of fact, this would be the first session in which they would all be in full cosplay.

Somehow, it seemed like it would be easier, or at least, less embarrassing, to go through with a bondage session if they were all dressed up as fictional characters. Although, to go out in public like this... at least the sun was setting fast.

Jesse delayed as long as he could bear. He had agreed to wait for his fellow Association member on the sidewalk so they could carpool together, but he really didn't want anyone else in his apartment complex to see him like this. Finally he bit the bullet and walked out the door, taking his duffel bag of clothes and toiletries with him.

He didn't have to wait long. Almost as soon as he had reached the sidewalk did he see a battered pickup truck rattle its way down his street and stop before him. The driver had a short chuckle.

"Goin' fer the classic look, huh? Superman?"

Zeke Barrow generally looked like a cowboy straight out of an old Western. Shaggy blond hair, tanned skin, big broad muscles. Apart from his usual broad cowboy hat, he wore a white sleeveless shirt, ratty brown trousers, and cowboy boots. Over these he wore a big red blanket-type thing around his shoulders and had painted his entire arm grey. Zeke looked down at himself, embarrassed.

"I, uh, had ter find things lyin' around. Couldn't really spare any cash to buy nothin." he said in a soft voice.

"No! You look great, man. Really. Uh, who are you?"

"Y'ever played that game, Overwatch?"

"No, can't say I have."

"Oh. Well, I'm McCree."

"You - well, you look hot."

Zeke actually blushed. "Yer not so bad yerself. Now c'mon: I ain't gonna be late 'cause of you."

As they drove away from Jesse's neighborhood, he remembered the last session. He had had rope marks afterward, something that was both embarrassing and thrilling. He had been the one to tie up Zeke first, hogtying him tightly and then later, tickling him. On his turn, his arms had been bound behind his back in a boxtie, where his forearms were linked together, and then he had been put in a spreader bar. The unfamiliar position had made the experience all the more exciting as he was blindfolded, gagged, and stimulated to climax while he moaned with abandon. He wondered if something similar would happen this time. He hoped it would.

"There she is!" Zeke blurted, as they drove down a secluded forested road, and a house came into view. Well, more than a house, really. It was basically a castle, but was referred to by its owner, an Association member, as a mansion.

"Well, Jesse-boy, you ready fer this?"

Jesse glanced at Zeke. "I... yeah. I'm ready."

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Very promising start. Zeke and Jesse already looks like great bondage models. Looking forward to read the rest!
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by Volobond »


"I have a surprise for you!" Ant smiled as he whipped the door open for Zeke and Jesse. Antony was the owner of the mansion, and far and away the richest member of the Association. He was dressed as the Flash, in a red leathery bodysuit emblazoned with the superhero's lightning symbol. Jesse wouldn't have been surprised if it was custom made. As it was, it was tight, framing Ant's toned lean muscles quite well. It was probably pretty hot in the literal sense, as Ant's dark hair was slightly damp and hanging over his dark eyes.

They had just pulled up the massive drive of the mansion and parked in the small line of cars that had formed in front of the house. It seemed that they were the last ones there. When they neared the massive doors, only part of it had opened, a regular-door-sized panel.

Zeke chuckled at Ant's manic grin. "And wha's that?"

Ant grabbed Zeke by the hand and dragged him inside, leaving Jesse to sigh and follow.

Ant's mansion was certainly massive, with high vaulted ceilings and actual fancy-looking paintings on the walls. Apparently, Ant had sent all the servants home for the weekend. But all thoughts of decor were abandoned when Ant led them into a smaller sitting room, where the rest of the group was sitting. It was a little funny to see them all dressed up, but also quite sexy to know they were all willing to be here for the bondage.

David, it turned out, was also dressed as Superman. He was slimmer than Jesse, but wore his spandex well, although it appeared he was going for the more modern "no underwear on the outside" Superman. "Ha, nice to see another Supe here!" David didn't have much in the way of muscle, but he was fit and slim, with clean-cut black hair and dark eyes.

Jesse grinned. "Guess so."

Alek, standing close to the fireplace, was dressed as a prince, in a flowy white laced shirt and an actual doublet and breeches, with riding boots. He sort of looked like he was coming from a production of Hamlet. Even so, the tight pants and his already chiseled physique cut a sexy figure. He looked a lot like Thor, with long dirty blond hair tied back in a ponytail and piercing blue eyes. He hadn't shaved, so he still had some nice stubble along his jaw. He was actually a model, Jesse remembered, which made him slightly intimidating.

And finally, Holden, dressed as a cop. Holden was the oldest, and was a bit insecure despite being still quite muscular, so it made sense why he hadn't gone for a more snug costume. But still, he was showing his willingness because instead of a prop gun, he carried two sets of prop handcuffs. He still wore the costume's hat over his brown salt-and-pepper hair.

"So... we're all here now." Holden said nervously, jolting a little as Alek came up behind him and clapped a friendly hand on his shoulder.

Ant clapped his hands. "Well, now that we're all here, I just wanted to tell you that I found some new members for the Association! I hope you don't mind that I invited them today. They're willing to let us take the lead and just play along. Is... is that okay?"

Jesse was tempted to say no. It was already hard enough coming out here when he knew people, and now complete strangers would be put into the mix? But then, he remembered how lonely it had been with his interest in bondage, and he didn't want to exclude anyone who wanted to join.

Ant grinned at the acquiescence and knocked on a side door next to the door he had led Zeke and Jesse through. It opened, and three handsome men walked through, all dressed up.

"Okay, let me introduce everyone. This is David, Alek, Holden, Jesse, and Zeke. And these are Cade, Jaden, and Rocky." Ant said delightedly, rubbing his hands together. He was obviously quite excited to have so many handsome men in his home ready to be tied up.

Cade, a lanky brown-haired man, was dressed as Spider-Man, filling in the tight suit with some nice slim muscles. He didn't have the mask on, but instead wore a pair of thin glasses. He held up a nervous hand in greeting.

Jaden had a look on his face like he was laughing at the entire world. He was dressed up as Robin, wearing a short cape and tunic with only a green Speedo and slippers on his lower body. He had an average build, and his fluffy pale blond hair, blue eyes, and freckles gave him a boyish look.

And finally there was Rocky, dressed up like a baseball player. His skin was heavily tanned, and he had nice brown hair and eyes. He was muscled nearly as well as Alek, although he wore a rather goofy smile. He approached and kissed Ant on the cheek.

"Uh, Rocky's also my boyfriend. I only just found out he was into this stuff." Ant said sheepishly.

Rocky smiled - he and Ant seemed made for each other, with how smiley they both were. "Been into it for a long time. Got my older brothers to tie me up and gag me after reading the Hardy Boys, and that's how I wanted to spend every summer since." he said with a laugh.

"So," Ant said. "I thought that since it's Friday, we would have a little challenge before dinner. We'll draw straws. Everyone gets tied up by the next shortest straw. Longest straw automatically forfeits the challenge and has to be the referee. The people who escape first get to be the tiers for some overnight bondage! Everybody okay with that?"

David did a quick count. "There's nine of us. We're uneven."

Cade raised his hand. "So, first person to escape automatically gets the guy with the longest straw?"

Everybody nodded. Ant grinned. "I set up my computer so that it'll order pizza in about an hour. It'll take about another half an hour for it to arrive. Goal is to get loose before the pizza gets here."

Alek smirked. "Maybe we could kidnap the pizza boy and even out the numbers."

Jaden chuckled. "God, why couldn't I be the one delivering?"

Ant smiled. "So, uh, let me get some supplies for us. Rocky, can you get the straws? Uh, Jesse, Holden, could you move the chairs, just in case people want to chair tie?"

And once all the chores were over, Ant held out a fistful of nine straws for everyone to select.

"I declare this session of the CBA officially started.... now."

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

So many good looking guys in hot costumes... I approve. All of them are great, but I particularly liked Holden, Rocky and Alec.

Tone is light-hearted and fun, and that's great, too. You can see they are going to have a good time. Can't wait to see the rest.

(Also, I hope they'll bring the tagging feature back soon, this story deserves more attention and I can think up a few people who might be interested.)
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by harveygasson »

Wow super excited for the next part of this
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Post by Volobond »

Thank you [mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention] and [mention]harveygasson[/mention]! Hope you enjoy the next part!


Everyone hurriedly grabbed a straw, leaving Ant with a nice mid-sized cylinder. He grinned. "Not the biggest one!"

Rocky chuckled heartily at that, and Ant blushed. Everyone held up their straws to compare. Judging on sight, the order seemed to be Zeke, with the smallest straw, then Holden, Alek, Jesse, Ant, Cade, Rocky, David, and then Jaden with the largest.

Jaden swore, then chuckled wryly at the others. "Guess I'm the prize, huh?"

Ant patted his shoulder. "Don't worry, you're the ref. Which means that you can mess with us if you want while we're tied up."

There were some mock protests, but nobody seemed to mind giving Jaden something fun to do while he waited.

And with that, they began. Holden, with his trademark modesty, allowed Zeke to keep his full costume on, marching him to a chair and having him sit down in it. All the others watched as Holden grabbed a coil of red rope and brought it over.

"It's kinda like cops and robbers, isn't it?" Rocky quipped, earning a chuckle.

Holden considered for a moment before wrapping rope around around Zeke's wrist and then guiding it down and slightly back. "Grab the chair leg for me, would ya, cowboy?"

Zeke obliged, and Holden attached his wrist to the chair leg before doing the same with the other wrist. Zeke's legs were brought back and bent up almost to the same place, and Holden tied them suspended in midair, keeping Zeke from using his feet to struggle much. Finally he wrapped some rope around Zeke's belly, keeping him sealed to the back of the chair.

"Hey, don't forget a gag!" Ant chided with a grin. Holden smiled back, more confident now, and grabbed two red bandanas. The first he packed into Zeke's mouth, and the second he tied in a clean strip over the mouth. With his cowboy boots and hat and over-the-mouth gag, Zeke looked a lot like a pulp Western novel cover, although one more geared toward bondage than usual.

Zeke gave a few struggles for show. "Mmmmmm. Mmmmmm!"

Ant looked to the others. "Okay, whose turn is it to arrest the cop?"

David pointed to Alek. Holden's eyes widened as Alek, dressed in his prince's outfit, approached, and he blushed slightly. Alek smirked.

"Okay, Holden. I'm going to hogtie you, if that's okay?"

"Sure. That'll be fine." Holden said quickly. Alek put a hand on his chest, stopping him from kneeling, and quickly undid the buttons on his police officer's shirt and slid it off of him after quietly asking and receiving permission. Holden wore a white muscle shirt underneath, but his muscled arms were on display as he knelt and allowed Alek to guide him onto the floor. Alek removed Holden's shiny black shoes and his dark socks as well before he looped some rope around his ankles. Alek drew Holden's arms behind his back and looped his wrists together in rope cuffs. He then playfully unhooked one of the pairs of toy handcuffs on Holden's belt and clicked them onto his already bound wrists, earning a chuckle from his captive. Alek used a final bit of rope to bring Holden's ankles up in a loose hogtie. And once that was done, Alek used a scarf from the pile of gear to cleave gag Holden, patting his cheek softly before getting up.

"Nice work, Alek." Ant complimented.

Alek nodded graciously, before glancing at David. "I believe Jesse's next, yes?"

David nodded. "Yup. You're up, Other Superman."

Jesse grinned as Alek spread his arms. "How do you want me?"

He blushed and nearly blurted that he'd like to have him naked and tied up, just to look at, but instead he simply opted to sit him down in a chair, the traditional way. He crossed Alek's wrists behind the chair and tied them, lacing them to the chair back. He tied Alek's legs to the chair legs, adding a rope to keep his legs spread, and looped some more over his shoulders, pulling them back and forcing Alek to puff out his chest, bringing prominence to his muscles.

"No crotch rope?" Alek asked mischievously, to which Jesse shook his head shyly.

"Maybe later."

"If I don't escape first." Alek winked as Jesse placed a ball gag in his mouth, making sure to touch Alek's strong stubbly jaw a bit more than necessary.

"Who's next?" Cade wondered aloud, looking at David. David pointed to Ant. Jesse cursed. Ant was astonishingly thorough with his knots.

Ant quickly held up a ball gag to his mouth. Jesse rolled his eyes at Ant's eagerness to have him silenced, but opened his mouth, buckling it around the back of his neck for the shorter man. Ant grabbed a bunch of green rope, chuckling to himself, before asking Jesse to lie down faceup.

Jesse complied, and Ant set to work lacing rope all across his body, much of it seeming purely aesthetic, such as the ropes framing the chest muscles that were already emphasized from the tight spandex he wore, or the rope framing and pulling on his package, already making him squirm. Jesse could tell Ant meant to have him way too distracted by how good the ropes felt to bother escaping, and he was already well on his way. Sensing that he was taking a little too long, Ant increased his pace, roping Jesse's ankles to his calves and then his wrists to his biceps, making him into a kind of starfish, not able to do much more than flop.

"Frrrr mmmmm, Aaa." Jesse mumbled playfully through the gag. Ant gave him a wink before turning to his designated captor, Cade. Cade unzipped the Flash costume down to Ant's stomach, revealing that he had chosen not to wear a shirt underneath. Rocky gave a teasing wolf-whistle at his boyfriend.

"You got my permission, Cade. Tie him up good!" Rocky encouraged. Ant glared at him as Cade quickly roped him up. He had Ant sit on the floor, legs pulled up towards his chest. Rope looped around his thighs and stomach kept him from moving his torso too much, and rope cuffs kept his wrists bound together under his knees. His leather Flash costume creaked in the bondage, and Ant grinned as Cade finished.

"Oh, you think you can get out of this?"

Ant just smiled until Cade grabbed a white hankerchief and some duct tape. He stuffed the cloth into Ant's mouth and then flicked his wrist, making the Spider-Man motion for the web. And then he wrapped duct tape around Ant's head around five times before cutting the tape with his teeth.

Rocky took Cade's glasses and set them on a nearby table for safekeeping before helping him onto the floor. He then used some rope to bind his thighs and ankles together, then to cross his arms behind his back, hands grasping elbows. He bound his arms like that before bending Cade's legs up and attaching them in a strict hogtie. Rocky chuckled and ruffled Cade's hair before pulling the Spider-Man mask/hood over his head. A white bandana over the mouth completed the picture of a comic book hero in distress.

David seemed very excited to tie Rocky up, which was understandable. David first reached up to turn Rocky's baseball cap backwards, then looked shyly at the muscular man.

"Uh... could I get you to... take off your shoes?"

Rocky nodded and grinned. "Yeah, sure, man. You want the socks, too?"

"...yes, please."

Rocky quickly removed his shoes and long baseball socks, handing them to David with a smile. "Gee, I really hope you don't gag me with those!"

David seemed to be put a little more at ease, and held up a sock to put into Rocky's mouth. Rocky allowed David to press it in, and then to use the other sock to secure it. Then came the rope. David had Rocky sit down in a chair and tied his ankles together and to the chair legs, and roped his torso to the chair back, using rope around his middle. Finally, David tied Rocky's hands in front of him, and then used a length of rope to link his wrists and his ankles, ensuring his hands wouldn't move too much. Noticing David staring, Rocky flexed his chest experimentally, then hummed in approval at the bondage. David smiled.

And finally, Jaden. Jaden wanted to see them all start struggling, so he hurriedly tied David, looping rope over his arms and pinning them to his sides, tying his thighs and ankles, and then finishing it off with a bit gag.

"All right, everybody." Jaden said. "Pizza ordering in about ten minutes. Means you get about forty minutes to struggle. First one free gets me as their extra prize. So that means the first four to escape win the challenge! Go!"

And with that, the eight bound men began to struggle.

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

This is absolutely amazing stuff. I love how all guys were tied up, especially Jesse and Cade.

Character interactions were also top-notch, like how Alek flirted with Jesse or Rocky helped David to be less shy.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by harveygasson »

Fantastic work again
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Post by Volobond »

Hey everyone! A new installment of this story right below. If anyone has any ideas about how to even out the numbers, or even a costume/uniform you'd like to see, feel free to comment on it!


Jesse struggled mightily, but as he suspected, there was absolutely no give in Ant's ropework. Although, it had to be said that Jesse wasn't struggling particularly hard to get away, but rather to feel the extra crotch ropes Ant had provided him with. Already he felt trapped and vulnerable due to the position he was in, and contented himself with moaning into the ball gag and looking at the others.

Zeke's precarious-feeling position on the chair lessened his ability to struggle confidently, and he groaned into his gag with frustration. He had focused on trying to dislodge his torso, thrashing his head mostly, which had caused his cowboy hat to fall off of his head. However, he seemed to be making headway on the knots around his wrists.

Holden's struggling had mainly been limited to scooting across the floor, as Alek's hogtie had held up well. By chance, he had made his way over to where Alek sat tied, and was providing quite a show for the bound model as he flexed his arms to try and force his way out of the rope cuffs. Alek, meanwhile, was trying not to drool on himself from the ball gag, and had already started undoing the ropes around his crossed wrists.

Ant looked like he was concentrating hard as he worked on the rope cuffs. He had rolled backwards, legs now in the air, to do so.

Cade, with his glasses off and the Spider-Man mask on, could barely see. He huffed loudly as he struggled, but the boxtie was hard for him to work with, as he couldn't reach the knots, and his legs were pulled so tightly all he could do was wiggle, and that pressed his rapidly-hardening package into the floor.

Rocky alternated between deftly working at his bonds and chuckling into the socks in his mouth at the sight of David, who was flopping around like a fish with his arms pinned to his sides and legs together.

And Jaden was gleefully running around between them, pulling them away from each other, tickling them, pinching. Ant glared at him in between shouts as his nipples were pinched, seeing as his Flash costume was unzipped to the waist. When he got to Jesse, he tickled his thighs and then paused before glancing at Jesse's hips, which were thrusting upwards almost involuntarily.

"Huh. Excited? Maybe you want me to..."

"Mmm-hmm! Mmmm-hmmm!" Jesse nodded. One of the many good things about this group was not having to worry about getting horny in front of them.

Jaden grinned and patted Jesse's spandex-covered junk a few times, until the bound man gave a moan, and then left him be.

"Maybe that'll give you some incentive to struggle a bit." Jaden said happily.

"Faaaaa uuuuuu." Jesse growled, now frustrated at the excellent ropework. He struggled mightily, but by now things were starting to happen.

It had been about twenty minutes since Jaden announced that the pizza was ordered, and almost immediately after, both Alek and Rocky finished untying the ropes on their hands. Jaden eyed them both, as they worked to free their torsos, knowing that if he interfered, the other would almost certainly end up winning him as their prize. He knew Rocky, knew how devious he and his boyfriend were, and decided Alek would be the lesser of two evils. So he dug his fingers into Rocky's sides, making him howl with laughter, as Alek untied the final knots and freed himself from the chair. Taking the ball gag out of his mouth, he grinned and raised his arms.

"The winner!" Jaden said happily, stopping his assualt. He yelped and leaped out of the way when Rocky pinched his side before freeing himself.

Rocky chuckled and clapped Alek on the back.

The other six men struggled heavily in their bonds, trying to get free. Ant had freed one of his hands and cheered through the tape over his face, but at the same time, Cade had worked his arms apart and was sliding them out of the ropes. Zeke, too, had struggled enough to free a hand. Holden rumbled into his scarf and gave up with a cheerful shake of his head, while Jesse really was too focused on trying to use the crotch ropes to worry about escaping.

Ant moved quickly, clever fingers hurriedly undoing knots, but was stopped dead when it came to the gag. It was so well-plastered to his face that he couldn't find any purchase on the tape. He was forced to start scrabbling and digging at his skin while Cade and Zeke caught up, arms and torsos free.

And then Jaden darted in again and pinched Zeke's butt while he was focused on the legs, causing the cowboy to yelp into the bandanas still gagging him. The delay was enough to ensure Cade's victory, with Ant finally working the gag off right after.

"You low-down little mmmmmph." Zeke started, only to be handgagged by Jaden and start chuckling.

Holden and Jesse were teased about not being able to get loose, but the others eventually helped them get free, after much tickling and poking. The losers (and Jaden) were made to stand on one side of the room while the winners picked prizes. Since Alek won, he automatically got Jaden and would technically be picking last.

Rocky was first, and put a hand over his chin in thought, smirking. He then pointed to David. "You tied me up, buddy. Only fair I give you a taste."

David chuckled, and Cade admired the three remaining men. "Uh... the cowboy. Zeke."

Zeke, who had retrieved his cowboy hat, tipped it. "Much obliged."

Ant's turn, and his decision would also be picking for Alek. He glanced at Holden and Jesse, then at Rocky. "Well... I gotta have the set, right? Jesse, get on over here."

Jesse smirked. He should have known Ant would go for the one dressed the same as what his boyfriend picked.

And that left Alek with Holden as his second. The man grinned bashfully. "Hope I'm not too poor of a consolation prize."

Alek winked and squeezed Holden's butt. "Are you kidding? You're the one I was hoping for."

The doorbell rang then, and at Ant's direction, the group filed downstairs for pizza.

And after dinner, the real fun would begin.

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Post by NeedControl »

Such fun, light-hearted bondage fun!! 🤩🤩
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