County Fair (M/M)

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County Fair (M/M)

Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Hi All: I posted this story on another forum, but I would like to start posting my stories here, because I would like to get feedback on them. My Noms du Plume are Sergeant Durango of the Yukon and SomersetDude. I hope you enjoy this County Fair

Bubba Hatfield was proud of a few things about himself! He played football as a tight end in high school and college, and he pushed himself to his physical limits on the grid iron and in training, always working out five days a week (often two x’s a day), building and toning his muscles. He also made sure to eat a healthy diet, eschewing processed sugars and alcohol. Bubba’s body was indeed a temple, and he only gave clean offerings to it. He continued training hard even after graduating and returning to the family farm. Bubba was also a good farmer, raising a fine herd of pigs, one of which always won First Prize at the Chickasaw County Fair each Fourth of July.
Bubba was modest about his fine and fit physique, but when it came to his prized pigs, though, Bubba was darn boastful. Too darned boastful for some of his neighbors, especially Roy McCoy. Roy was a pig farmer like Bubba. He and Bubba had grown up together in Chickasaw County. They always were competing with each other. Heck! You could even say that Roy McCoy was feuding with Bubba Hatfield! Bubba always seemed to win! First, he was All County Tight End, then All State Tight End…Roy was always coming in second! And those darned pigs of Bubba’s! Roy thought his pigs were just as good, but each Fourth of July at the Chickasaw County Fair Bubba’s pig would win. And Roy would have to be content with second place. Not this year, though. Roy had enough. He was going to make sure that Bubba and his pig, Daisy Mae, would be out of the way, so that his pig, Miz Weezie, would get First Prize!
The morning of the Fair, Bubba was all excited. It was going to be a hot day, so he decided not to wear a fitted tee and nice pair of Wranglers. And as always, Bubba wore a jockstrap. Ever since he played ball, bubba loved the feel of a jockstrap. It kept Johnson and Cojones close, and an athletic supporter nicely highlighted the former Tight End’s tight end. He tied a patriotic stars and stripes kerchief around his neck and donned his lucky cap. Bubba had just loaded Daisy Mae into the back of his pickup, when he got a call from Roy asking him to drop by his place before heading to the Fair Grounds. Roy said that he needed Bubba’s help with an urgent matter. Being right neighborly, of course Bubba said he’d be over in a jiffy. The McCoy farm was a bit off the beaten road, and when Bubba drove into the front yard no one seemed to be around.
“Hello, Roy!” Bubba called out.
Roy appeared on his front porch and invited Bubba inside. Bubba entered the front parlor of the home.
“I called to ask your help with loading Miz Weezie on my pickup, Bubba, but first I want to raise a toast to us. Here’s some of the recipe.” And Roy handed Bubba a glass of his Daddy’s special, non-alcoholic Sarsaparilla, which unbeknownst to Bubba, Roy had laced with a not so mild sedative.
“Roy, y’all know I stay away from sugary drinks!” Bubba said trying to decline the glass.
“Nah, good buddy! One drink won’t kill ya! It’s 5 o’clock somewhere! Here’s to us…Old Times! Here’s to Daisy Mae and Miz Weezie…May the Best Pig Win!”
Bubba accepted the proffered glass, raised it to Roy, and clinked Roy’s glass in return.
“Take it all down at once, Bubba,” Roy advised, “you know how the recipe burns a little less if you drink it down in a big gulp!”
Bubba followed Roy’s advice, afterwards giving the glass back to Roy. The recipe burned a little as it went down his gullet. Bubba was just not used to Roy’s Daddy’s special, non-alcoholic Sarsaparilla. Funny though…Bubba started to feel slightly dizzy. Probably the sugar in the recipe or nerves about the Fair, he thought.
Roy returned the glasses to a sideboard. When he turned to face Bubba, he could tell the sedative was already working. Bubba had lifted a hand to his head, and he appeared ever so slightly wobbly.
“Bubba, we’ve known each other for a long time. We’ve competed with each other since we were knee high to grasshoppers.”
“Yeth, Roy, we have! But it has alwayths been fun.” Bubba retorted, beginning to slur his words. Why was I doing that, Bubba thought.
“ You always win, Bubba! It’s beginning to get to me!”
“Buth Roy…” But he did not finish his sentence. Bubba slid to the floor out like a light.
When Bubba came to, he tried to reach up to massage his scalp from the headache he felt. He couldn’t quite get his hands up. And what was that in his mouth? It tasted like the lye soap he used on his clothes. As he opened his eyes… no wonder he couldn’t move his hands! They were tied behind his back. And Bubba’s Stars and Stripe kerchief was knotted between his teeth! Why am I tied and gagged like this, Bubba wondered, as he began to squirm in the chair he was sitting on!!!
“Hmmmmph! Nmmmmm!” Bubba grunted, looking about him! Just then he could hear Daisy Mae squealing from somewhere outside. Bubba started to get up from the chair, when Roy walked back into the parlor and pushed him back down.
“Not so fast, good buddy!” Roy grabbed some rope from nearby and started lashing Bubba’s ankles and knees together. Soon several coils of rope were looped around Bubba’s legs at his ankles and knees.
Bubba struggled, but the sedative had made him too weak to put up much resistance to Roy. All he could manage were muffled protests and questions.
“Whmmmphhy, Roythnmmmpph?”
“ Did you just ask why, Bubba? Couldn’t understand you! You have a gag in your mouth! Ha! Ha! Ha! Sorry! Couldn’t resist. But Bubba I want Miz Weezie to win First Prize at the Fair and to make sure of that, you and Daisy Mae need to be out of the way. So, you’re going to be my ‘guests’ for the duration of the Fair. I’ll let you and Daisy Mae go once I’ve won and the Fair’s over. Of course, everyone will miss you. Heck! I’ll express concern myself! But let me tell you, Bubba, you won’t tell anyone about this! Who’ll believe that I kept you bound and gagged? It’ll just sound like you are a sore loser…that’s all!”
The dirty rat-fink, Bubba thought! Bubba started to grunt and moan through his patriotic gag!
“Hmmmmppphhhh! Grrrrrurrrrrrgghhhhh!”
Roy just patted him Bubba on the head. “Take it easy, Bubba! There’s one blue ribbon that I have that you don’t. I was the Chickasaw County Calf Roping Champion when we were young-uns. Probably because you never entered that contest! Still, you won’t easily get out of my knots. Just set a spell! Now, I’ve got to load Miz Weezie onto my truck. I’ll be back to say goodbye!”
After Roy left, Bubba began to squirm and struggle against the ropes as the last effects of the sedative began to wear off. Yeah, Roy was right, Bubba never entered the roping contests when they were younger. But he would have beaten Roy at them too! Bubba loved roping! Not only calves. He liked roping himself too! Maybe even more! Boy, did Bubba love to play with ropes, lassos, and lariats…ever since he was a young-un. He loved that old TV Show, “The Wild, Wild West.” Especially when Jim West in those incredibly tight britches was bound and gagged and at the mercy of dastardly dudes and dames! Just around the time Bubba went off to Agricultural College, he took to wearing tight Wranglers, gagging himself with his neckerchiefs and bandana and then tying his legs together and doing his best to lash his wrists together behind his back. ‘Course, he did it when he knew no one was around to catch him. Bubba would steal away to the hayloft, bind and gag himself tight, then roll around pretending that he was at the mercy of Dr. Loveless, Count Manzeppi, or Emma Valentine. Just like James West! With all that struggling and friction, Bubba would get excited in his own tight britches! ‘Course that led to something else…
Bubba Hatfield was doing the same struggling and grunting now, held captive not by a Dr. Loveless intent on world domination, but by Roy McCoy intent on making Miz Weezie the Prized Pig and dominating the Chickasaw County Fair!!! And, omigod! Bubba was getting excited once more…as he was really tied up and gagged. And his jockstrap really felt tight under his Wranglers. “And why didn’t I just wear briefs on this day of…all days!!!” He pondered.
“MMMMMPPPPPHHHHHH! MmmmmpppphhhhmmmmpppppMppphhh!” Bubba tried to call for help, but he hadn’t seen anyone when he drove up to Roy’s place. He had to get free. Bubba managed to raise himself from the chair, and he started to hop around the parlor looking for something…anything….to cut himself free from his binds. All that commotion in the heat soon had Bubba sweating, and his muscles were glistening. And he couldn’t get…try as he might…his excitement to subside.
“Where do you think you’re going, Bubba?”
Roy had returned!
“I’m going to have to rope you down even more, Bubba!” He proceeded to lash Bubba around his torso and his trunk. “What have you got there, buddy? Are you enjoyin’ this, old pal?” Roy wickedly smirked.
“Mmmmmpppphhhh! Nommmmmpppphhh! Bubba tried to stop him, but Roy grabbed a hold of Bubba and gave him a squeeze!
“Bubba! I knew you were a big boy, but I never imagined! I might concede a Blue Ribbon to you for your pickle, hey Big Buddy?”
Bubba turned beet red, as Roy squeezed him once more.
“Why, Bubba! I have to confess that even though you made me burn with envy of you from the time we were young-uns, every time you scored another touchdown, aced another exam, and won every award and Blue Ribbon in the county and the state! Still you were so easy on my eyes in those scrimmage pants running down the field…or hunched over a desk…or grinning from ear to ear while holding trophies and Blue Ribbons aloft…why…you still git to me, Bubba!”
“Mmmmppphhhh! Grrrrrrrrr!” Bubba couldn’t believe this! Roy was stroking his cheeks now. And confessing a crush on him. “Lawdy,” Bubba thought, “Why is my jock so tight now of all times!?!”
Roy reached over for more rope, and Bubba was soon hogtied like a prized steer!! “That’ll hold you. You shouldn’t wander off now. We’ll have some more fun, Bubba, when I return later from the Fair. I’ll show you the Blue Ribbon that I will surely win for Miz Weezie. And maybe I might unveil your prize, too!” Roy gave Bubba a mischievous wink
“Grrrrrrr! Nmmpppphhh!!!! Mmmmmpppphhhhh!!”
Giving him a final squeeze, Roy left Bubba grunting and groaning…and strangely enough…awaiting Roy’s return for his prize!
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Post by Charmides »

So glad that you're sharing this here, [mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention]/SomersetDude! I have to say, I actually have a real soft spot for the whole country-boy thing; I don't know, something about the innocent masculinity of it is super appealing. And apropos of nothing, I've actually had to do a lot of work around a farm this summer (long story), but sadly, no cute guys at all. If you took over management and made a few changes, though... well, let's just say I would have brought more tape to work. Anyway, lovely stuff; Bubba's a catch, and thanks again for posting!
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Thank you, Charmides. I'm writing Part II.
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Post by bondagefreak »

What a bloody fantastic duo these two country hunks are!
Well done [mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention]. Totally enjoying the start of this.

I really appreciate the time you took to include seemingly benign details, ex: Bubba's "patriotic gag" and the audible slurring of his speech following the consumption of the sedative. The inclusion of these small details really makes everything come alive. At least, for me they do.

Loved the way Roy had his prisoner all lashed up and trussed.
Also thrilled to see that Bubba was partially enjoying this. Even though he'd probably never openly admit it to Roy or anyone else, the stirring of his groin speaks for itself.

Hope the two of them get to have some fun upon Roy's return 8-)
Let's just hope Roy's prized steer doesn't miraculously escape, otherwise he may be the one finding himself wrestled down to the floor and bound up for some well-deserved payback.

Wouldn't that be fun? :twisted:
Great work, my friend!

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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Thank you, [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] :)

I have another chapter in mind...

Roy McCoy's pig Miz Weezie wins first prize, but there are a few people at the Chickasaw County Fair who are wondering what happened to Bubba and his pig Daisy Mae. One of them is the Deputy Sheriff, Billy "Red" Angus, who went to high school and college with Bubba Hatfield. "Red" goes looking for Bubba, but Roy may have already returned to the Hatfield farm to plan a greeting for Deputy "Red" Angus! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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