Academic Dishonesty (M/MM) Part III Added 9/27/20

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Academic Dishonesty (M/MM) Part III Added 9/27/20

Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Part I

The end of the semester is always a very busy time at any college, and this proved true at Berwick University that fall for Professor John Percy, who taught history there. Percy had one final exam to give in early December before the start of Winter Break. He had finished his work for his other courses, and he looked forward after this final exam to the time away from teaching to catch up on his research. At 46, Percy still cut an athletic figure, thanks to regular workouts at the college gym, a good diet, and a daily regimen of exercise alternating running with swimming and cycling. He had a full head of greying, brown hair. Percy also sported a beard, which he kept, like the hair on his head, neatly trimmed. A stylish set of dark retro eyeglasses framed his blue eyes. John Percy was a very handsome man, who turned many a head on campus. Since the end of a long-term relationship a year before with Tom Arundel, a professor at another school, he remained single.

Even though it was a year ago, Percy’s breakup with Tom still troubled him. Tom was so easy-going and carefree, so unlike himself. That was what attracted Percy to Tom. Tom’s blithe spirit even more than his good looks stoked the coals of Percy’s ardor for the man. Tom’s agreeable manner made his physical attributes stand out more. He stood 6’2” tall and weighed about 210lbs. Tom’s father was German, and his mother was Irish. Their son had piercing blue eyes, red hair, sharp angular features, and the most beautiful of smiles. In short, Tom Arundel was (what earlier generations had called) a matinee idol. Now 40, Tom still had the beefy yet muscular build that he had, when he played baseball in college.

Percy met Tom Arundel through mutual friends a few years back. Tom was a writer, teaching literature and creative writing at a small university in a neighboring state, but within a 45 minute drive from Berwick. Tom’s easy-going nature complimented the more reticent and formal Percy. Friends and colleagues remarked that Tom made Percy want to be a better man. The couple seemed a perfect match. They were, until Percy let a trivial matter grow into a wedge between the lovers. Percy wished he hadn’t said hurtful comments to Tom, and he also wished that he had allowed Tom a glimpse into what truly frightened Percy. What truly frightened Percy was a life without Tom Arundel at his side. Percy’s damned convention had driven away the only man he had ever loved. And Percy’s insufferable pride could not bring him to reach out to Tom Arundel and beg his forgiveness. His worst fear had come true.

To move forward, John Percy threw himself more into his teaching load, his research, and his attention to detail. Always a stylish fellow, Percy preferred tweed sports coats and other such classic clothes in the chilly falls and cold winters at the New England school where he had taught for the last eighteen years. Percy firmly believed that his choice of clothes lent him an air of authority in the classroom and among his colleagues in the history department. But Percy was no slave to fashion! His nods to sartorial whimsy included his belt buckles (silver rodeo trophy buckles) and choice of shoes (cowboy boots)…both always shined to a high polish. During Finals Week, Percy relaxed his usual attire by wearing blue jeans. His choice in brands was classic: Levis or Wranglers – always snug-fitting to underscore his muscular hindquarters and full package. And Percy liked to add colorful silk pocket squares to his sports coats and suits to match his ties. He was, in short, a dashing, dapper dandy, if ever there was one! Although others noted it amongst themselves, deep down he knew Tom Arundel had helped to bring forth that quirkiness in Percy’s wardrobe.

This fall semester had included some unpleasant business in the history department. Some weeks before the end of the semester, Percy had discovered a younger, untenured colleague, Henry Howard, had plagiarized large sections of his research. Preferring to keep this matter quiet and between gentleman, Percy arranged a meeting at the start of final exam week with Howard to confront him with his serious academic and professional transgression. Howard at first denied everything, but when presented with the evidence he became very quiet. Percy would not take the matter any further, if Howard agreed to withdraw from the college and never to publish his work. Howard seethed with anger and resentment at Percy’s discovery and ultimatum. Desperate for tenure, however, he maintained his cool. He told Percy that he would mull the offer over and give him an answer at the end of final exam week. Over the next few days Howard devised a plan to make sure Percy never carried through his threat of unmasking him as a fraud. Howard needed to get John Percy out of the way…permanently. That Thursday, Howard telephoned Percy and told him he had made his decision. He asked Percy to come over to his home the following evening to discuss it.

Percy accepted. Suspecting nothing but Howard’s acquiescence to the settlement of his regrettable lapse in judgment, he went about his usual Friday routine. Before the final exam he was to give in the early afternoon, Percy worked out at his gym. After showering, he put on his preferred underwear of choice, red CK briefs – Tom had told him that he looked sexy in them. He then pulled on long, boot socks that came over his calves to just below his knees. After putting on a moderately starched, blue and white striped, oxford shirt, Percy dressed in tight, boot-cut Wranglers and a waistcoat to match his sports jacket. To complete his outfit, he sported a red silk, paisley-patterned bow tie and matching pocket square. Just before zipping and buttoning his Wranglers, Percy put on his Nocona pointy-toed, brown boots. He then donned his sports jacket, carefully fluffing the pocket square to full effect.

After grading the final exam and submitting his grades, Percy drove to Howard's home, which was located just outside of town at the end of long and winding road. Howard welcomed Percy at the door and took his visitor's topcoat. Drawing him into his living room, Howard directed Percy to an overstuffed club chair and offered him a drink. Wishing this unpleasant business done with, but not wanting to appear rude, Percy accepted and asked for a scotch. With Percy's back to him, Howard poured a generous amount of Macallan in a crystal tumbler. He also added a few drops of an amber-colored liquid from a small vial to the drink. Howard then poured himself a large amount of the single malt whiskey. Swirling the contents of Percy's drink with the movement of his hand to mix the amber-colored liquid with the fine whiskey, Howard gave Percy his drink and sat opposite him. They toasted. “Confusion to our enemies!” Howard toasted. Percy raised an eyebrow at Howard’s choice of phrase, wondering at its meaning, but quickly brushed away any misgivings, as he joined in Howard’s salute.

As they sipped their drinks, Percy closely observed his host. Although Percy was contemptuous of liars, plagiarists and frauds, he had to admit that Howard was a very attractive man. He must have been in his early thirties with a swarthy complexion and brown eyes. He wore his wavy, black hair long, and it came to just above his collar. Howard brushed his hair back from his face, and he had the habit of tucking it behind his ears as he talked. He also sported a goatee, which like the hair on his head was dark. The very picture of a devilishly handsome rake, Percy thought. Howard was a good two inches shorter to Percy’s own 5’11” frame, but Howard looked as if he was no stranger to exercise. As a matter of fact, Percy recalled that Howard had been a college wrestler, and it looked as if he still had the muscular and wiry build of a grappler under his clothes. And as for his clothes, well, Percy couldn’t help but notice that Howard tailored them to fit tightly to his body. Howard was wearing a white shirt that evening. He had pulled the cuffs slightly up to reveal his strong arms. The shirt was open at the collar, which spread out over Howard’s shoulders. Percy could see that Howard had a hairy chest, unlike so many young men who shave their body hair these days. How very unmanly of them, Percy judged. Howard was wearing dark, plain front trousers. As Howard led him into his study, Percy noticed the fitted trousers neatly showcased his younger colleague’s pert and muscular hindquarters. Now sitting opposite him, Percy could tell that Howard sported an ample package underneath his trousers. Percy wondered whether Howard wore underwear, as he could swear that he could see the outline of his John Thomas! As his eyes glanced over his dishonest colleague, Percy’s own John Thomas stirred. Percy forced himself to look down before he forgot the purpose of this visit. It was then that he spied Howard’s Gucci loafers. Strange, Percy thought, that an untenured professor at a small college could afford such flash!

Howard dominated the conversation, causing Percy to grow frustrated. As a result, he sipped more of his drink than he had intended. As Howard droned on, Percy began to lose focus, and he struggled to maintain his composure. As Percy's dizziness grew worse, Howard rose and told Percy that he had no intention of leaving the college. “Howth could you not? You arth no gentleman, thirrr!” Percy responded, but his answer was more than a little slurred. Howard retorted, "Yes, you’re right, John, I am no gentleman! I have every intention of remaining at Berwick. But you’re threatening to derail my plans, so I just need to find a way to dispose of you." Percy knew that he should have responded with outrage, gotten up, and left, but he felt so heavy! It was as if he were weighted down on a boat swaying in the rough surf! Growing weaker, Percy found it hard to keep hold of his drink. Before long, his tumbler fell from his hand. The last thing Percy heard, as his head slumped down onto his chest into unconsciousness was the thump of the glass on the carpet underneath...

In his drugged slumber, Percy sensed Howard’s hands grabbing him, heaving his body upward, slumping him over Howard’s shoulder, and carrying him down a long corridor to a dimly lighted room. Howard dumped Percy down onto a sturdy high backed chair there. Percy’s memory was fogged with strange images of vipers twisting and turning around his limbs, waist and torso! He felt as if a cotton ball had invaded his mouth. All around him was darkness. After what seemed like an eternity, John Percy slowly began to return to consciousness, and he slowly became aware of the cause of his bad dreams.

Percy’s head ached. “Oh! What happened…?” As he tried to lift his hand to his forehead, he found that he couldn’t. “What the…?” As Percy opened his eyes from the drugged slumber, he saw rope coiled round his ankles, shins, knees, and thighs. More rope wrapped around his torso and chest with his arms pinioned to his sides. His wrists had been crossed over behind his back with more rope lashing them together. As he tried to pull forward, Percy realized that he was secured to the chair. His jacket and boots had been taken off, and the rope encased Percy in a web-like cocoon. Snaking around his ankles and legs, the coils crisscrossed his crotch, appearing to make his package bulge. Percy could even sense that the rope had even been drawn through the crevice of his butt cheeks. By the feel of his John Thomas against the denim, Percy surmised that Howard had stripped him of his briefs and re-hitched his Wranglers before binding him.

The cottony taste in his mouth – Percy realized as he slowly emerged from the spaced-out state of his mind – must have been wad of cloth (a handkerchief perhaps?). A strip of duct-tape from one ear to his other plastered his mouth shut. Percy breathed hard through his nostrils, and he sought to control his breathing. “Panic could lead me to choke,” Percy cautioned himself. He began to test the bonds that fastened him to the chair and found them to be the work of a master craftsman. The knots were tight and beyond the reach of his fingers, and there was no slack in the ropes. Although he had to admit to some fear, Percy was more frustrated and indignant that he allowed himself to fall into this trap. “I should have anticipated some deceit on Howard’s part…how could I end up like this? Of course he would not go quietly. You fool, Percy,” Percy berated himself.

“Ah, Professor Percy! I see you have returned from the arms of Morpheus.”

Howard stood glaring down at his captive with a lascivious grin. Percy glared back at his captor, trying with all his might to break free of his restraints. It was futile. He snorted through his nostrils and demanded release from behind the gag.

“Ah, What’s that, you pompous popinjay? I imagine you are demanding that I free you.”

Howard took hold of one side of the tape gagging Percy and pealed it off. He reached into Percy’s mouth and dislodged the balled-up handkerchief.

Percy stretched his mouth and took deep breaths into his lungs before speaking.

“Howard, what has overcome you? Release me…Now!”
Howard laughed. “What has overcome me is that you, dear Professor Percy, have spoiled my plans. I like it here at Berwick. And I have every intention of staying. Unfortunately, you discovered some “discrepancies” in my research…Discrepancies that I would rather not be known.”

“’Discrepancies?’ Howard, you plagiarized your work. That is unacceptable, and you know it. Drugging me and tying me up only compounds the trouble you are in. Now, release me at once, before this goes any further.” Percy renewed his efforts to wriggle free.

“Oh! No, John. That won’t happen. It is you, who will be leaving Berwick. I just haven’t come up with a plan to dispose of you and to explain your departure. So, I must keep you as my guest, until I formulate a suitable course of action. Fortunately, my home is somewhat secluded. There is no one around to notice that you are my guest. The semester is over. Knowing how organized and professional you are, I am sure that you have already submitted your grades. The students and our colleagues have either departed or are shortly to depart for the Winter Break. And you’re a single man, since your break up with that hunky guy. How such a stud could fall for such a stuffed shirt as you…No one will notice your absence for a while. That should give me time to decide how to get rid of you”

John Percy simply stared at Howard in disbelief. How dare he bring up Tom! After a moment, he muttered, “You’re insane.”

“Oh, no John, not insane. Determined…Determined to establish myself here at Berwick. And determined that no one will thwart that determination.”

“You won’t get away with this!” Percy protested.

“Ah! What a cliché! Why is that every man who has found himself bound against his will utters those words? — Now I must attend to planning your disappearance, Professor Percy.” Howard turned and walked out of the room.

John began to struggle against the bonds holding him tight to the heavy chair. He was still groggy from the mickey Howard slipped him, and Howard knew his knots. He had made sure that the knots were beyond the reach of John’s fingers.

“Oh, you won’t liberate yourself, Percy. I was a boy scout, and I paid strict attention when our Scout Master taught us all about tying ropes into knots.”

Howard returned to the room with John’s topcoat and sports jacket. Fishing through the pockets, he found Percy’s wallet and keys.

“I will have to move your car into my garage. Thankfully, I have a two-car garage. Then I’m going to drive to your home, Percy. I’ll pack some of your things – make it look as if you went away for a few days.”

“You’re a mountebank, Howard.” Percy resumed struggling.

“And although you have a cute butt – you’re a boastful arse, Percy!” Howard laughed, as he checked the ropes to make sure Percy could not get himself loose. Howard was satisfied that he’d be back before Percy could get any slack in those bindings. “My house is remote, so no one will hear you call for help, if you tried. But since you’re such a puffed up, pompous pontificator, I am going to gag you again just to silence your prophecies!”

Howard bent down and picked up the red CK briefs he had earlier stripped from drugged professor. “Yes, this will serve you right.”

John saw his own unmentionables would be used to gag him!!

“You wouldn’t dare…”

“Oh, yes, I dare, Percy.” Howard twirled the briefs around his index finger before balling them up. “I must admit that you are a very handsome man, Percy, and you stay fit. I surmise that your choice of underwear and its color may indicate a wild streak in you. Confess to it, Percy – you’re a horny hound dog at heart.”

Howard lifted the balled-up briefs to Percy’s mouth with his right hand, but Percy kept his mouth firmly shut. Howard took his left hand and simply pinched and twisted Percy’s left nipple through his lightly starched shirt until the man cried out. Howard stuffed the briefs deep into John’s open mouth until his cheeks bulged out. He then fetched a roll of duct-tape and began plastering it on John’s mouth and around his head several times.

“There…that will keep you muffled.”

“UUUHHH SSSUUUNNNMM UFFF AAAGGGUUNNMMMM – MMMMPPPPHHHHMMMPPPHHHHHHHH!!!! (You Son of a Gun!!! Eeewww…What is that taste?). John recoiled from the humiliation and the taste in his mouth. And then it hit upon John. He tasted his own musk from the briefs he had worn all day since dressing after his morning workout.

Percy watched as Howard left the room. He heard him leave the house. A short time later, Percy listened as Howard drove his car into the garage, close the garage door, get into his own car – and then silence. Percy began to toil against the ropes in earnest, hoping to reach the knots, or get some slack in the bindings. He heaved and hoed himself against the sturdy chair – but the ropes held tight and the chair barely budged.

“”MMMHHWWPPPYYY!!! DHHHUUUDDDMMMPPHHHH UUHHHMMMM!!!” (“Why Did you?) How could he have gotten himself into this position? “You are a pompous arse, Old Man!” Percy thought.

Tied up, gagged with his own red CK briefs, tasting his own manliness, and struggling – suddenly Percy noticed a most peculiar development. His John Thomas had begun to grow rigid underneath its cocooned snare!

“NNNNMMUUUUHHHHTTTPPPPHH NNNNOOOOWWWWWHHHMMM!!” (“Not Now!”) Percy could not believe his arousal.

To Be Continued…
Last edited by KidnappedCowboy 3 years ago, edited 6 times in total.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

It's great to see you on this site, man! Hope you have a good time in here. (You may remember me from deviantart as osbyshow)

I'm already loving this story. Hunky guys as bondage victims are my weakness and I appreciate the descriptions you gave of the two dashing men and their clothes. And Percy having his daring briefs stuffed into his mouth and taped in there was the highlight of this chapter for me. Can't wait to read the rest.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

You can reach my list of written work here:
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Post by privateandrews »

Great start to the story.. love the characters and the big stifling underwear gag was very horny. look forward to further chapters.
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Post by Charmides »

It's amazing to see a lot of familiar stories appear on this board, KC! Thanks so much for posting. You really put in the effort to set up Percy as a legitimate human, and for me, that only makes his bondage even hotter. Very excited to see how things develop!
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Post by CowboyStud »

Keep going. I hope Percy get his cowboy boots back on so he can be tied up wearing them ;-D
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Thank you for the comments! Enjoy...

Academic Dishonesty: Part II

Tom Arundel had done a great deal of thinking, since he broke up with John Percy a year ago. It was a tough split. So many times, Tom went over and over the reason why he had to walk out on that man. They allowed trivial matters to build up between them. John retreated in silence whenever Tom wanted to discuss their difficulties. It got to a point where Tom had started to resent John, and he never wanted to do that. So, he decided to walk away.

“Communication,” Tom thought, “isn’t that what every couples’ therapist advises? And what did we not do? Not communicate. John Percy could be so frustrating in not being able to talk about his feelings – but I’m just as much to blame by keeping quiet and not telling him that it bothered me.”

That about sums up what Tom had been playing over and over for the past ten months or so, as his anger at their initial breakup gave way to sadness, and then regret. Yes – Tom regretted their breakup, as he realized that he loved John more than anyone in the world, and he could not imagine life without him. Tom still loved John – everything about him. John’s an intelligent, charming man, and righteous to a fault. His righteousness can get the best of him at times, Tom mused, and so can his pretentious pomposity.

Tom had come to a resolution. “If we had communicated more, we could have worked through our difficulties.” He wanted another go at their relationship. Once the semester was over, Tom planned to drive over to Berwick and talk everything over with John. He hadn’t called, texted, or emailed John since they parted ways, and he did not contact him to say that he wanted to talk. No Sir – Tom was too caught up in the prospect of working it out with his former lover that he told no one of his plans. After he finished grading the work for his courses that semester, edited a draft of a thesis from one of his grad students, and submitted his grades, Tom went home to his apartment to shower and change before setting out on the 45-minute drive. After showering, the 6’2” tall and 210lb. man walked over to his wardrobe. A former college baseball standout who still had a brawny and beefy frame, Tom shopped for clothes that fit athletic body types. After slipping on a maritime blue, Jockey lightweight travel microfiber brief, Tom pulled on some navy-blue cotton/nylon socks. He chose a solid white dress shirt with a spread collar – made with a “V” shape in mind for a man like Tom– stretch fabric with more room in the upper body and an extremely tailored waist. Tom then picked out navy trousers – again made and cut for his athletic butt and legs. The nylon/cotton/spandex blend of the material gave Tom more room in the seat, thighs, and quads for his beefy buns, meaty thighs, and toned quads. The trousers tapered down to his ankles. He chose a slim brown, leather belt to match the brown brogues he intended to wear. Once he buckled his belt and tied his shoe laces, Tom went over to the full length mirror on the inside of his closet door to see how he looked. He decided to roll his shirtsleeves up to below his elbow and then put on his 1950s Omega Seamaster that had belonged to his father. The white shirt highlighted the reddish-brown hair on his forearms with the rolled-up sleeves, and the same reddish-brown hair of his chest peeked out from beneath his open collared shirt. Remembering that John liked Tom’s choice of cologne, Tom walked over to his dresser to dab a bit of Acqua Di Parma right below his Adam’s Apple and at his wrists. After donning his navy peacoat, Tom grabbed his wallet, phone, and keys, locked the door of his apartment behind him, and headed down to the parking garage to retrieve his Jeep Cherokee.

Soon, he was on his way to his former lover’s home. And Tom admitted to himself that his stomach was filled with butterflies. Was John still angry? Would he even talk to him? Tom finally decided to call ahead to give John a head’s up. He voice-activated the audio control for his mobile, and he listened to it ring…and ring…and ring, until it went to John’s voicemail.

“Hello, Professor John Percy here. I regret that I am unable to speak with you at the moment. Please leave your name, a brief message, and a return number after the beep. I will return your call as soon as I am able to…Beep”

“Hi John – it’s me – Tom. This must be a surprise to you…It’s been too long – We should talk I’m on my way now to see you. Should be at your place in about 45 minutes.”

Tom ended the call and kept driving toward John’s home in Berwick. He was completely unaware that John would not retrieve that voice message, because his ex-lover no longer had possession of his phone. At the moment, it was in the hands of Henry Howard, who was then in John’s home. Howard intended to pack a few of John’s clothes in a bag and make it look like John had left town for a while. After listening to Tom’s message to John, Howard cursed that a wrench had been thrown into his plans, but as he thought it through, Henry Howard began to devise a devious design to get Tom Arundel out of his way. Henry would simply wait for Tom to drive up to John’s home. Henry had already packed up John’s bag and made it look as if the history professor had gone on a trip before Tom arrived. Henry figured all he had to do is watch for Tom as he drove up. As soon as he saw Tom park his car, Henry would leave John’s home with his bag in tow, lock the door behind him, get in his own car, and drive away – all witnessed by Tom before he got of his own car.

Of course, all this depended on timing and what Henry Howard counted on Tom Arundel to do and what he would think he witnessed. “So, Tom perhaps wants to rekindle the flame for John,” Henry thought as he watched behind the curtains of John’s living room for Tom to arrive. If he calculated correctly, Henry Howard presumed that Tom would think John was now involved with Henry, when he witnessed Henry leave John’s home with John’s luggage. Tom, he considered, would feel hurt, jealous, and disappointed that he drove over for naught. Tom could possibly turn around and go home, but Henry thought that he would more likely follow Henry to seek out his former lover. When Tom came snooping around for John, Henry would be ready to greet him. Almost on cue, Henry saw Tom Arundel pull up right up the street from Percy’s house.

“It’s showtime!” Henry announced to himself. He picked up the Percy’s bag, turned off the light switch in the living-room, walked out Percy’s front door, and locked it behind him.

“What the…” Tom had just turned the engine off and was about to open the car door, when he saw a man walk out the front door of John’s home carrying his large, leather portmanteau. He turned to lock the front door, then walked down the front steps, across the lawn, and popped the trunk . He threw the bag into the trunk and then got into the driver’s seat of the car.

“Who is that?” Tom wondered, “No – it couldn’t be. That young hotshot? What would he be doing in John’s house and taking his baggage away? John thought he was too cocky by half…” Tom could not believe that John was together with that man. “What was his name – Howarth – no – Howard – Henry Howard. I can’t believe John and he – it’s preposterous.”

“Something wasn’t right,” Tom concluded, as sat in his jeep deciding what to do next. Howard pulled out of John’s driveway and drove down the street. Tom started the car’s engine, put the Wrangler in gear, and began to follow Henry Howard, being careful to keep a discreet distance between them.

As he drove away from John Percy’s house in his Mazda MX-5 Miata [Author’s note: this seems to me like the type of car a bonehead like Henry Howard would drive], Henry Howard was careful to stay just a bit under the speed limit until he was sure Tom Arundel would take his bait. As he turned right at the corner, Howard looked in his rearview mirror and saw Tom pull out of his spot. When Tom made the right turn, Howard knew he had hooked him – all he had to do was reel him in. Howard began to devise a plan – from several different angles – to trap Tom. But Henry realized he might need some help to take a big man like Tom Arundel down. And he knew the perfect man who could help him – the man who always answered, “How High,” every time Henry said “Jump.” Using the preset voice code on his Blue Tooth, Henry made a call.


“Jasper, it’s Professor Howard.”

“Hi Henry,” Jasper Chandler answered.

“I need you to meet me at my house now. Wait by the front door out of sight. Park your car in the back – behind the garage.”

“Gotcha – On my way.”

Henry ended the call.

“Yes,” Henry thought, “Jasper Chandler is the perfect accomplice to my plans.” Jasper Chandler was a graduate student whose work Henry Howard supervised. Henry discovered early on in their relationship that Jasper was almost as completely unscrupulous as he was. He wasn’t above stealing the ideas of other graduate students in his reading group and claiming them as his own. “Bit of a chip off my own block,” Henry thought, when he detected Jasper’s modus operandi by the annoyed looks of the other students in class. Jasper also wanted to make sure his funding continued, so he would do whatever it was necessary to please his advisor. And please Henry he did. Jasper was a good-looking young man of 23 – 5’9” tall, 175lb., brown-eyed and brown-haired, a football player as an undergrad – a charming, athletic, but unscrupulous hunk. So ever since last spring, Henry had quite a thing going on with Jasper. But unbeknownst to Jasper, Henry had made sure that if it ever got out that Henry was sleeping with his grad student, it would look as if Jasper was blackmailing Henry. Henry intended to dump him once he tired of him or when a better grad student who needed his help came along. “Honor amongst thieves,” Henry mused, “Ha!” But for now, Jasper was Henry’s plaything, would do anything for him, and served his purpose. Henry had him on a string, and all he had to do was pull it

As he continued the drive back home, Howard recalled the few times he had met Tom Arundel, when he accompanied Percy to a few faculty functions and dinner parties at the department chair’s home, where faculty would discuss their research interests. Howard thought the red-headed, former jock was really sexy. Howard’s left hand slid down to his crotch to shift his own gear shaft, as he remembered one evening he found himself alone in the same room as Tom at one of those godawful, boring dinners he had to attend, playing the dutiful role of the untenured professor sucking up to that sphincter muscle who was chair of the department. Each had gone to the den to refill their drinks, while the rest of the guests listened to some colleague drone on about her latest research on some obscure feminist in the 1930s.

“Another meaningless research topic that benefits no one,” Henry said to Tom, as he waited while Tom poured a scotch.

“Actually, I find her research to be very interesting and contributes greatly to our understanding of the role of African-American women in the civil rights movement during the New Deal era,” Tom replied.

Henry stepped in closer to Tom and smiled slyly up at him. “I bet you’d make watching the grass grow interesting,” he whispered and brushed up against him while reaching for the ice bucket.

“Well, I don’t know about that.” Tom answered. He walked past Henry and returned to the living room to listen to the rest of the talk.

Now as he drove back to his own home where John Percy sat bound tightly in ropes to the sturdy chair and tape-gagged in his study – Oh! Henry almost forgot he crammed the men’s red CK briefs in his mouth before sealing his lips shut – Henry made sure that Tom Arundel followed him right back home to fall into the same trap as his highfalutin ex-honey. Henry thought about how he would set that honeytrap. And he came up with the most delicious plan.

Tom stayed a few cars behind Henry’s Miata to make sure Henry did not realize he was being tailed. As he followed the man, Tom too thought back to that dinner party where Henry Howard had disparaged the speaker’s topic. There was no mistake that Howard had come onto Tom. Tom never cared for anyone putting down the research of a colleague or any fellow academic. It was usually done to promote one’s own knowledge, and it always came off badly. The fact that Howard followed it up by attempting a crude pass at Tom only drove home the notion that Henry Howard was a jerk. Tom never told John about the incident. Tom respected John’s judgment too much, and he knew that John would realize that Henry Howard puffed himself up at the expense of others.
“So, why then would John be with him? He wouldn’t. It didn’t make sense. But why would Henry Howard walk out of John’s house with John’s portmanteau, and lock the door behind him, as if he belonged in that house? Something’s not right.” Tom searched for a reasonable explanation, but he couldn’t come up with one. He was now on the outskirts of the town. It was a wooded area. The houses were getting sparser, set back from the road, and further apart from each other. Tom saw Henry turner his right blinker on, and he pull up a long drive. Tom parked the Jeep on the side of the road and turned the engine off. He’d wait a while before he would walk up the drive.

When Henry ascended the steps of his front porch after parking his car in the garage, a young man in brown chukkas, skinny, cuffed jeans, red and black lumberjack shirt, ribbed dark beanie, and puffer ski jacket stepped out from the shadows at the side of the house. It was Jasper Chandler, and he looked every inch the wide receiver he was as an undergraduate at a NCAA Division 3 school.

“Good – you’re here. Come inside. We have a bit of a problem.” Henry opened the door, and Jasper followed him inside, taking his puffer jacket off and placing it on a hook in the vestibule of the home. He followed Henry Howard down the front hall to his study.

“A problem?” Jasper asked,

Before he opened the door to the study, Henry turned to face Jasper.

“Yes, Jasper…a problem.” Henry looked at the graduate student squarely in the eye. “Professor Percy came to see me today about you.”

“About me? What happened.”

Henry thought Jasper was such a beautiful young man – and he was a good lay – but he was so incredibly naïve. It would be a piece of cake to get Jasper to do his bidding.

“He discovered our little arrangement, Jasper. He threatened to expose us as lovers, and to have me removed from the faculty – and you expelled.” Henry lied with such ease. He could almost see Jasper’s heart begin to race.

“Omigod! What did you say? What’s going to happen? I can’t be expelled! What did you say to him? Did you convince him it was false?”

“Well, Jasper, it’s not false. But I did convince him that he wouldn’t be going anywhere with that information.” With that, Henry Howard opened the door, and he gestured for Jasper to enter the study before him.

Jasper could not believe what he saw…

“Professor Percy…” Jasper looked at Henry Howard in amazement.

John Percy was still bound tightly to the sturdy chair. It was evident from his disheveled appearance that he had worked hard to free himself. His own CK red briefs were still slightly visible from behind the duct-tape that Howard had wound around his head. His hair – always so neatly combed – was matted down along his forehead – evidence that Percy had worked up quite a sweat trying to free himself. His efforts must have been arduous and eventually tired him out, because at present Percy’s head hung down on his chest. Howard walked up to the bound man with Jasper next to him. Howard none too gently slapped Percy a few times on his left cheek.

“Wakey, Wakey, Percy.”

“MMMPPPHH…MMPPHH…MMPPHHH!” (“What…Where...Stop!”) Percy slowly came around, shaking his head from slumber. He suddenly realized it wasn’t a dream, as he stared into the eyes of that dastardly devil Howard. Then Percy saw that another man was in the room. “MMMHHWWHHTTT MMMTHHUUSSS?” (“What’s this) He recognized him as that brown-noser Jasper Chandler. “What’s he doing mixed up with Howard,” Percy thought. And then he began to thrash once more against his bonds and plead for them to untie him.


“Are you sure this is a smart move, Professor Howard?” Jasper asked, as he stared down at the bound and gagged Professor Percy in wide-eyed disbelief.

“Oh, can the “Professor Howard” act, Jasper, Percy knows that I’ve been screwing that tight butt of yours.” Howard told his graduate student.

“WWWHHHMMMMTTHYHH??” (“What??”) Percy mumbled, and he thought to himself, “Screwing a graduate student?? Great Caesar’s Ghost! Howard is a blackguard and a devilish fiend! And Chandler here! Does he realize how manipulative Howard can be? Perhaps I can appeal to Chandler’s better judgment.”

Percy shook his head back and forth, while looking at Jasper – “MMM MMM!1 IEEE HHHDDDD NNNMOOOO MNNMEEEDEDDEEEE! HHHHLLLPPPHHHH MMMEEEPPPHHHMM!!” (“MMM MMM! I had no idea! Help Me!”) He pleaded with the lad.

“He wants to expel me?” Jasper sked Henry.

“Yes.” Henry lied without skipping a beat.

While Percy gargled pleas of mercy, Jasper looked down at him. He drew his right arm up, and he began to trace his fingers from the Professor’s tape-gagged lips down his bound manly chest and firm stomach to his crotch. Percy was incredulous.


“What is he gagged with?” Chandler asked. Realizing that Percy chewed on a pair of CK red briefs, the younger man let out a chortle. “Professor Percy does have a chill bod – I always thought that he was P.H. D. – Pretty Hot Daddy – when I took his seminar on the Russian Revolution. He has a sort of sexy stuffiness going on! And at the end of the semester he invited the class to dinner at his home. His partner was sex on a stick! Couldn’t take my eyes off him the entire night, wondering what he got up to in bed with the professor here. But I got a B for the seminar – told me that my critical writing skills needed a great deal of improvement. Wonder if his junk rates an A?” With that, Jasper smacked Percy’s denim covered and tied up Johnson & Cojones.

“OOOOMMMMMPPPHHHH!” John Percy winced in pain from Jasper’s assault on his Pride & Joys. (“And you deserved nothing more than a B, you rapscallion!”) John thought. (“How you remain in the program, I’ll never know! – But I imagine since your professor – Howard is sleeping with you!!!”) John suddenly became very worried for himself, as he realized he was hostage to two very dangerous men. He had been struggling against these very tight ropes for several hours now. John was tired, but he needed to free himself, and get away from these perverse knaves! Howard was truly evil, and it seems he had Jasper wound round his fingers…

“Enough playing with him, Chandler…you’ll have plenty of time later – plus you’ll have another to toy with soon.” Howard grabbed his graduate student by the arm and led him away from John towards Howard’s desk on the other side of the room.

“MMMPPPWWHHH TTHHH??” (“What??”) John wondered, (“Are they planning to kidnap another man this evening?”) John strained to hear, but he could not make out what Howard was whispering to Jasper.

On the other side of the room, Howard began to tell Jasper about Tom Arundel, and what he had planned. “I want you to stay in here with Percy, while I attend to Arundel. When you hear us approach, I want you to remain hidden in the alcove out of sight. Can you handle one of these?” Howard opened a side drawer of his desk and removed a long wooden case. He opened it. Inside were two Glock 19s.

“Yes,” Jasper replied, “Some buddies from my football team and I took up target shooting a couple years ago. I’m familiar with the Glock.”

“Good.” Howard asserted. He checked to see if each gun was loaded, before handing one to Jasper and placing its pair in his trousers behind him in his dark, plain front trousers under his crisp white shirt. “Here’s what I plan…”

John saw Howard take two handguns from the case. He couldn’t believe what he saw…

To be continued…
Last edited by KidnappedCowboy 3 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

What an amazing update. Howard is truly a devious man. Tricking Jasper by exploiting Percy's inability to speak and making Tom follow him into a trap were brilliant moves as much as they're evil.

Reading Tom's POV was great, especially with the detailed description you gave of his outfit and looks. Makes me even more curious about what his ex-boyfriend's depraved kidnappers have in store for him.

Thanks for the terrific update!
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Post by Socksbound »

Wow really great update. The details in your story make it so easy to picture. Almost like you are in the story.

Howard is exceptionally devious the way he manipulates those around him. He is like the villain in a bond film, far to confident and hopefully at some stage John and Tom get to teach him a lesson.

Really looking forward to seeing how the plan to capture Tom plays out.
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Post by Paris_bondage »

A true cliffhanger. Congrats.
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Post by Boundcurious »

I LOVE your style and the attention to detail :D
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

[mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention], [mention]Socksbound[/mention], [mention]Paris_bondage[/mention], and [mention]Boundcurious[/mention]

Thank you all for you compliments! 🙇🏻‍♂️🙇🏻‍♂️🙇🏻‍♂️🙇🏻‍♂️
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Post by stimle »

Oh, I can't tell you how much I'm enjoying this story! I can't wait until the next part come out!
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

To [mention]stimle[/mention]...Here you go:

Academic Dishonesty: Part III

Tom sat in the Jeep Cherokee for close to 45 minutes contemplating whether to walk up Howard’s drive and ring the bell at the front door, or whether he should preserve his dignity, turn around, and head back home to accept that his relationship with John Percy had truly come to an end.

Good God, Man – what are you doing? Maybe John has moved on – maybe he has found something in this Howard fellow? No – it’s impossible – I just can’t believe that John and Henry Howard are now a couple. It defies all logic – I’ll admit that the heart often doesn’t follow logic, but John thought Howard was a deceitful careerist, who would say the right thing only to further his own ambitions – No, it doesn’t make sense,” Tom thought.

But what am I going to say – Hello! Yes – I followed you from my ex-lover’s home, and I want to talk to him. He’ll think you’re a crazed stalker, Arundel!” Tom couldn’t decide what to do.

And then Tom thought of what made him come to Berwick in the first place. He still loved John Percy despite all his faults. “We can make a go of it again. We’ll help each other through our problems. This time we’ll communicate – And if Howard has some hold on John – I’ll fight Howard for that handsome – and at times unbearable – bear of a man! My God, I love him! Even when we weren’t really communicating – there were little things John would do – like that time after I had received my second book deal.” Tom thought back to the romantic dinner John planned in celebration. Afterwards, they had returned to Percy’s home. John put on a Joan Armatrading album. “It Could Have Been Better” came on. John reached out to Tom, pulled him up from the sofa in the living room, and they began to dance to that music with those haunting lyrics –

It's only joy I wanna give to you
Sometimes I feel lost and desperate
Please forgive me

Maybe John was communicating through those lyrics? – Oh! Tom –You’ve been such a big oaf! And then John did that little sexy striptease for me. In his Oh! – So! – Awkward! way to shuck his Wranglers and revealed those tight red CK briefs – I told him he looked so hot in them – and he did! No – I’m marching into that house, and I’m not leaving without my man.

Tom got out of the Cherokee, locked it behind him, threw his cell, keys, and wallet in his navy peacoat, and began to trek up the drive leading to Howard’s home. The drive was very dark, and the house was set back – hidden from view behind tall trees and shrubbery. As Tim got closer, he could see most of the house was dark, except for a dimly lighted front room with a large picture widow – no doubt the living room. Tom ascended the steps to the front door. He hesitated for just a moment.

This is it, Tom – it’s now or never.” He rang the bell.


A minute or two later, the porch light turned on illuminating the tall, curly, red=haired man standing under it in his snug white dress shirt and close-fitting navy trousers. Wearing the trim navy peacoat, Tom almost looked like a sea captain returning to port to claim his man. He braced himself for what he feared might be a battle ahead – Ah! If only he an inkling of what lay before him – The door opened.

“Yes? May I help you?” Henry Howard inquired, before it appeared to Tom that he recognized him.

“I’m sorry to bother you…Perhaps you remember me. I’m Tom Arundel. I’m looking for John Percy –”

“Ah! Yes – Tom – What makes you think John Percy is here or where I know where he is? And how did you know where I live?”

Tom blushed and looked down – “Well, I live by the creed that honesty is the best policy.” He looked straight at Howard and continued, “I had pulled up to John’s house earlier this evening and saw you leave the house with his portmanteau. In truth, I followed you…”

“You followed me? That’s a tad creepy – wouldn’t you say?” Henry crossed his arms in front of his chest, leaned against the doorframe, and crossed one ankle over the other. He looked Tom up and down, then continued, “Are you stalking me?”

“Look – I’m sorry – I know this sounds like I’m a stalker – but I’d just like to talk to John – that is, if he’s here.”

“And what makes you think he’d want to talk to you?” Henry said – his words meant to bait Tom –


“Why don’t you come in?” Henry suggested enticingly, opening the door wider.

And Tom did.

“May I take your coat?” Henry asked.

Still unsure of the soundness of his judgment in following a man to his house, Tom hesitated to take off his jacket.

“This shouldn’t take long. I just want to talk to John.”

Henry sensed his apprehension.

“Come now, I’ve invited you into my home – I won’t bite.” Henry promised.


Tom removed his pea coat and handed it to Henry, who hung it in a closet in the foyer. Henry then walked Tom into the living room. A single lamp on an end table on one side of a sofa facing the large picture window was the only light illuminating the room.

Coming to a standstill in the middle of the room, Tom turned around and faced Henry.

“Is John here?”

“Can I offer you a drink?”

“I’m not here to play games.” Tom answered.

“Well, I only play for keeps,” Henry countered, “Look – I’m trying to be civil. I invited a man into my home who just confessed to following me here. I should be leery of you.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Well, I’m going to have a scotch. What would you like?”

“A club soda is fine.”

Henry went over to a side table with various bottles of liquor, soft drinks, glasses, and an ice bucket on it.

“Damn! No ice…” Henry declared.

“Look – that’s okay – I only want to talk to John.”

“Well, I like my Dewar’s on the rocks. I’ll be back in a moment…” Henry picked up the ice bucket and began to walk out of the living room to the darkened home beyond.

“Please – where is John? Is he here?” Tom pleaded before Henry left the room. Henry turned around.

“Look – Tom – John may not be in the position he wishes to be in – to talk to you.” He turned and left the room, before Tom had time to answer.

Tom looked about the room. He was struck by how nicely decorated it was. Odd, he thought…Henry Howard is untenured – at least he was still an assistant professor at the time Tom and John were together. Considering the average salary of an untenured professor – Tom thought – this place is rather nice – and in an excluded area – strange that a man in Howard’s position and the early stage of a career to afford a place like this. Then again – maybe Howard has family money. Tom went over to the picture window, looked out, and wondered why Howard was so evasive in answering his questions about whether or not John was there. The only light on in the house – as far as Tom could tell – was from the lamp on the end table here in this room. Tom looked at his wristwatch.

Strange – he said he was going for some ice – but that was more than a few minutes ago – what is going on?

Tom went to the entrance of the living- room to where it met the hallway. The rest of the house was in darkness – and eerily quiet.

“Howard? Are you there?” Tom called out.

There was no answer.

Tom walked out into the hall. Opposite the living-room was a dining-room, which Tom assumed would lead to the kitchen. Although the house was dark, Tom could see with the help of the light from the living-room into the dining-room and the swinging door on its opposite wall. Tom walked across the hall into the dining-room and towards the swinging door. Once again, he called out.

“Howard? Are you there?”

Tom gently pushed the door, so it was partially open. The kitchen lay in darkness.


Still no reply.

Tom turned back towards the hallway. To his left was the front door, opposite the living-room which remained empty. To Tom’s right was a staircase upstairs, which lay in darkness. Past the staircase, the darkened hallway led further into the house. There was a faint light at the end of the hall. Tom was sure that the hallway was in complete darkness, when he first looked down it from the living-room. As he stood at the edge of the dining-room, Tom listened before he moved towards that hazy light.


And then…

“mmmmppphhh!” – mmmppppnhh” – “mmmpphhh – ”

It was hardly audible. But Tom started to walk towards that muffled sound at the other end of the hall.

“mmmmppphhh!” – mmmppppnhh” – “mmmpphhh – ”

As he drew closer, Tom saw a barely ajar door at the end of the hall from where the dim light emanated beyond. The hushed sounds grew louder.

“MMmmppphhh!” – mmmPPppnhh” – “MMmppHHH – ”

Tom now stood in front of the door. He raised his right foot off the oak wood floor and gently nudged the door open.



Tom couldn’t believe what he saw. From a soft lighted lamp in some far corner illuminating the room, Tom looked upon the sight on the other side of the room of his ex-lover bound and tape-gagged to a chair and struggling unsuccessfully against the bonds that held him tight.


Tom rushed forward to John Percy.

The lights came on, illuminating the entire house.

“That’s far enough, Tom.”

Tom stopped dead in his tracks within a foot of his tied-up former lover. Henry Howard stood behind the chair that John lay bound to and pressed a revolver to the side of the trussed-up history professor’s forehead.

Tom stood absolutely still with his hands at his sides.

“I told you that John Percy was not in a position to talk to you, Tom.” Howard calmly declared. “Now – if you would please raise your hands.” Howard calmly requested.

“What the hell is going on, Howard. What have you done to John?” Tom stepped forward, as he said this.


John shook his head as best he could with a revolver at the side of his temple, imploring job not to argue with Howard.

Tom stopped, and he slowly raised his hands.


“What’s going on, Howard?” Tom asked – his eyes darting from his desperate, former lover –- bound inexorably to the chair, tape-gagged with some red cloth stuffed in his mouth, and looking at him (“Is he worried about me?” Tom wondered. “Frack! John – I’ll get you out of this!”) – pleading for him to do as this maniac said – then looking at Howard keeping that revolver pointed at John’s head.

“I’ll explain that soon to you – for now –Tom – Strip!”

“What?” Tom spat out.

“Strip – take your clothes off – Undress – is that clearer?”

Looking at Howard and then down at Howard, Tom hesitated –

“GGGHHHUUUSSSTTTT DDDUUUUUU UUUTTTT, PPHHTTTUUUMMM!” John grunted his plea for Tom to just do it.

Slowly lowering his hands, Tom began to unbutton the cuffs of his athletic-fit, solid white dress shirt and then unbutton the front. When he finished unbuttoning the shirt, he pulled the shirt-tails from his trousers. With both hands he pulled the shirt back off his shoulders and let it slip to the floor, exposing his brawny, reddish brown-hair-matted chest and his firm, taut stomach muscles divided by a trail of the reddish hair that began to fan out as it neared his nether regions. For a moment, Tom stood there –

“Very nice – You gave that up, Percy?” Howard taunted John with a few nudges of the revolver’s muzzle.


“Yes – sod off, Howard!” Tom thought -- correctly interpreting John’s expletive – God – I love him!”

“Don’t stop now – Please – Go on!” Howard ordered.

He had to remove his shoes next. Tom bent over and raised his left leg at the same time to untie the lace of the brown brogue on his foot. As he undid the lace of the shoe, Tom remembered the times when – as an All-Star college baseball catcher – from behind the plate he had to pick up the ball, stand erect, and throw it with perfect aim to the pitcher, shortstop, or baseman to get the hitter or runner out. So, as Tom grabbed the heel of the brogue in his , he looked for the right opportunity.

Tom peered over and saw Howard watching him intently. Howard had let his hand holding the gun droop down – the muzzle pointed to the floor.

Tom quickly slipped the brown brogue from his foot, drew his right arm back, brought his arm forward, and with perfect aim, threw the shoe. It hit Howard’s hand, knocking the pistol to the floor. Tom lunged forward and with a sweeping swing of his right arm grabbed hold of Howard, swung him around past John bound in the chair, and held him in a chokehold.

“This ends now, Howard.”

“No – It doesn’t.”

Tom felt a cold metal at the base of his skull. He froze.

“Let him go, Professor Arundel.” Tom heard the man behind him say.

Tom wasn’t sure it was a gun at his head, but he did not want to take a chance. He looked at John – bound and gagged in the chair – he could see whoever was behind Tom.

“JJJLLLEETTGT HHMMMIIIIMMM ZHGOOO, MMTTUUUMMMM!” John shook his head slowly from side to side.

It looked hopeless – John told Tom to let Howard go.

Tom released his hold and raised his hands. Howard spun around a threw a punch to Tom’s gut.

“Ugh!” The writer and literature professor doubled over in pain, bring his arms down and over his stomach. Tom had no desire to let this bastard Howard gloat over his agony. He held his pain back and slowly stood straight with his arms up once again. John gave a wink of support to him.

Howard bent down and retrieved his Glock, and he pointed it at Tom, who also still had a man with a gun aimed at him from behind.

“Now – where were we? Ah – Yes – Please continue – ”

Knowing full well that he could not try the same trick again, Tom bent over, raised his left and removed the navy-blue cotton/nylon sock from it. He did the same with the brown brogue on his right foot, followed by the navy-blue cotton/nylon sock’s mate. Before continuing, Tom – bare-chested, barefoot, and with his arms half raised at his sides – stared with deadly intent straight at Henry Howard.

“What the hell do you want, Howard?”

“Right now, I want to see you out of those trousers, Arundel.” Howard responded coldly.

Tom lowered his arms and unclasped the buckle on his slim brown, leather belt and undid the front and inner buttons of his nylon/cotton/spandex blend, athletic-fit, navy trousers, before slowly unzipping his fly. Tom placed his hand inside his trousers at waist-level in front of his crotch, slid them over to his hips. He then pushed his trousers down just past his knees, then let the trousers fall by themselves to his ankles. He stepped out of the trousers to stand slightly behind his discarded clothes. Tom’s maritime blue, Jockey lightweight travel microfiber brief was all that remained. Tom moved his hands to the waistband to pull his underwear off –

“Stop right there – “ Howard suddenly ordered Tom.

Tom stopped with his hands at the waistband of the Jockey brief.

Howard stepped toward Tom, keeping his Glock aimed squarely at him.

“Remember – there’s also a man at your back with the same make of gun pointed at you – Understand?”

“Yes.” Tom answered flatly.

Howard kicked Tom’s discarded brogues and clothes out of the way.

“I want you to kneel and cross your ankles one over the other.” Howard directed him.

Tom did so.

John remained completely silent. He never felt so helpless in his life.

“These damned rapscallions!! But why – Tom? How did you come to be here? What is Howard up? He had better not harm one red hair on Tom’s head – So Help me – if he does, I’ll break free of the bonds that hold me to this chair and throttle him!”

“Now, put your hands behind your head – interlace your fingers.”

Tom followed the instructions. He tried not to let fear overtake him, but he had no idea what Howard intended to do next.

“Jasper –” Howard bade his graduate student to come forward, as Howard moved back next to John Percy trussed up in the chair.

“Yes, Henry?”

“Get my bag of tricks. It’s in the closet behind you. Professor Arundel won’t try anything funny – not if I have the Glock on his former boyfriend.”

“Yes, Henry.” Jasper did as he was told and went to retrieve what Henry wanted from the closet.


Tom just stared at his captor, not daring to move from the awkward position he now found himself in.

Jasper brought the bag over to Howard. For the first time, Tom had a look at the man who had a gun at his back. Jasper blew him a kiss.

Tom merely stared at him. John, however, seeing the dishonest dissertation chaser blow a kiss at his ex-boyfriend did not remain silent.


Howard understood what John attempted to say. He turned to Jasper with a laugh.

“You’re in a lot of trouble with Professor Percy, Jasper.”

“I’d rather get into trouble with his ex-boyfriend – he’s a P-H-D!” Jasper answered, eyeballing Tom up and down hungrily.

“PhD – of course he has one!” Howard said, misunderstanding his graduate student’s meaning.

“No, Henry. Of course, Professor Arundel holds a PhD. He’s Also a P-H-D – as in Pretty Hot Daddy!” Jasper explained.

“Well, I do agree with you – he is a stud muffin,” Henry concurred, as he too peered down at Tom in his very vulnerable position.


Again, Howard guessed what John was trying to say. “Ah…it appears that Professor Percy might still hold a flame for you, Arundel,” he said to the hostage heart-throb before him.

Tom gazed over at his ex-boyfriend and gave him a wink.

“How touching,” Howard commented sarcastically. He turned to Jasper. “Keep your gun pointed at Professor Percy, while I prepare Professor Arundel to join him.”

“You’re the Boss, Henry.”

Henry picked up the bag and walked around to the back of Tom. Dropping the bag to the floor, Henry dropped down to his haunches and began rustling through it until he found what he wanted. He took out several bundles of blue, soft, cotton rope. Standing, Henry straddled Tom’s crossed legs at his thighs. Working quickly and deftly, Henry took quite a length of rope, found the bite, then grabbed Tom’s right arm none too gently, and brought it down to his lower back. Henry looped the rope around Tom’s right wrist, then dragged his left arm down, crossed the wrist over Tom’s right one, then looped the rope around his left wrist and bound his wrists in very firm knots out of the reach of Tom’s fingers. Lengths of rope remained which Henry took in hand and circling around Tom several times, he fashioned a chest harness on Tom with the rope. He did so with little – if any – thought to the writer’s comfort or concern for his welfare. When Henry was finished, Tom’s upper body was securely tied-up with the blue rope – lashing his large hands behind him, circumnavigating his manly chest and broad back, circling his toned biceps and sinewy triceps, and pinioning those beefy arms to his toned torso. Tom now steadied himself as best he could.

Henry stood before Tom with a satisfied look on his face. The corners of his mouth soon turned up into a cagey smile, as he admire his handiwork

“The knots and tautness of the harness may make it difficult for you, but the rope is soft so it shouldn’t be abrasive. And I chose that particular color – blue – to match the blue design of your Jockey briefs.”

“Please forgive me if I do not thank you for your concern for my comfort or compliment you on your sense of fashion.” Tom’s reply dripped with sarcasm.

“Later – You may wish you had.” Henry patted Tom’s cheek. He bent down and retrieved Tom’s socks from the floor. He balled them up.

“You’re crazy, Howard. You’re holding John and me against our will – at gunpoint. You have tied us up. And you are bending an impressionable young man…” Tom lifted his chin and nodded toward Jasper holding a gun to the bound and gagged John. “…to your will, Howard. I’d say you’re in a lot of troub...”

Tom didn’t his sentence. Henry Howard pushed the balled-up socks into Tom’s mouth, as he was speaking.

“You should be seen and not heard, Arundel.” Henry retrieved a roll of blue duct-tape from his bag of toys. He tore off a strip and plastered it over Tom’s mouth and across his face from ear to ear. Tom grunted as Howard slapped his face to smooth the adhesive. Howard then took up the roll again and began to cover the tape-gag and then twist it around and around Tom’s head – not caring if it stuck to his beautiful, curly, red hair, as it covered the nape of his neck.

“Where have I heard that before?” Howard asked bitingly, glancing over at John Percy.

“HHHZZZZ DDZZZRRRGGHHTTHH!” (“He’s Right!”), John groaned at him.

“What did he me by you “bending an impressionable young man to your will,” Henry?” Jasper asked with an anxious look on his face .

“Pay no heed to him, Jasper. As I told you – I’m ding this because Percy discovered our affair – and he threatened to have you expelled. I’m doing this for you. I care about you, Jasper.” Howard looked the graduate student straight in the eye as he said this – and Jasper believed him.

Tom and John looked at each other and rolled their eyes.

“Now – help me finish tying him up. You can put the Glock down on my desk. They won’t be any trouble now.”

Jasper put the Glock down on Howard’s desk.

“Take this,” Howard tossed Jasper a bundle of the blue rope. “Tie him up at his ankles – like I taught you. Keep his ankles crossed.”

Finding the bite in one of the lengths, Jasper quickly and effectively – if not expertly – crisscrossed the rope and bound Tom’s ankles together.

“Done!” Jasper exclaimed, when he was finished.

“Good. Now grab his ankles. And help me lay him flat on the carpet. I’ll take him by the shoulders.”

Together, Howard and his graduate student soon had Tom lying prone on the carpet.

“He really has a nice butt, Henry – are we going to have some fun with him?” Jasper salivated at the prospect.

“BBZZHHVVV DDHHUURRRSSHHHUUUFFF, DDZZUUNN MMMUUUNNN!” (“Behave Yourself, Young Man!”). John admonished him.

Howard laughed. “Always one for propriety, Percy!” He turned to Jasper. “Wait until you see what I have in store for you, Jasper.” Howard gave him a wink.

John looked down at Tom. Tom returned his gaze, and both men looked very concerned.

“Now – watch and learn, Jasper.” Howard got down on his knees beside Tom’s legs. “Hand me some of those lengths of rope.”

Jasper handed the ropes to him, and Howard laced a length around each of Howard’s legs below his knees and then around the legs before tightening the knot. He did the same with more length of rope to Tom’s thighs right below his bodaciously bountiful buttocks. Jasper looked on in wonder.

“May I?” he asked his academic advisor.

“Be my guest, Jasper.”

Jasper crouched down at Tom’s mid-section and gave a poke to his thigh.

“Oohh! That’s nice.” Jasper extolled Tom’s firm thigh. He then checked out his muscular hindquarters by giving them a punch.

“Shit! They’re hard.” Jasper looked over at Howard. “Told you he was a Pretty Hot Daddy.” Jasper proceeded to fondle Tom’s buns.

Tom ignored the man-handling.


“Don’t worry, Professor, I haven’t forgotten you!” Jasper said to John, and he rose, went over to the man bound in the chair. He grabbed John’s Johnson & Cojones through his jeans.

“HHHUUUWWWPPH ZZZHHHUURRR UUU!” (“How Dare You!”), John rumbled under his muzzled lips.

“You’ll be enjoying much time with them soon, Jasper – get me more of the blue rope from the bag. I want Professor Arundel hogtied.”

Jasper walked over to the bag, dug through it, found the rope, and handed it to Howard.

“Here you go, Henry.”

Howard looped it around the rope binding Tom’s ankles, then roughly pulled his ankles towards his amply muscled rump and looped the rope around his tied wrists.

“UUUUPPPHHH!” Tom growled at the rough treatment.

“You mean I’ll have some fun times with these two all tied up, Henry?” Jasper asked eagerly, if a tad naively.

“Oh, Jasper! You’ll have lots of fun – Yes – that’s right – all tied up!” Henry answered the younger man.

Tom and John looked at each other – suspecting what might lay for Jasper in Henry’s answer.


Henry eyed John aggressively, interpreting correctly what he was attempting to say. He finished hogtying Tom, gave a slap on his bum, and got up. He took the roll of duct-tape and walked over to John.

“What was Professor Percy trying to say, Henry?”

“Just a warning to me – as much good it will do him! But he can still make too much noise. Perhaps another few more strips of tape wrapped around his head will solve that.” Howard began to roughly circle the tape over Tom’s already well-gagged mouth and head, twisting the poor man’s face askew.

“MMMPPPHH! MMMMPPPHH!! MMMPPPHH!!” John’s grunts and groans were now completely incomprehensible.

Howard slapped John across his left cheek, throwing the mercilessly muffled man’s head rightward.

“DDHHZZUUU BBBUUUSSTTTRRDD!” (“You Bastard!”), Tom cursed in vain.

“We’re all set!” Howard said with glee. He turned to Jasper. “We need to toast to our good fortune of stopping Professor Percy from expelling you from the program, Jasper!”

“Okay, Henry.” The foolish young man readily agreed.

“You stay here – keep watch over them. I’ll go fetch some champagne.”

“Oh! Champagne!” Jasper exclaimed, “How fancy!”

“Well, it’s my good fortune to have you, Jasper. You have proved – and may still prove – to be of great use to me”

“Thank you, Henry. I would put myself on the line for you – Jeez, I guess I have already.” The overly eager, young man confessed.

“You have – and may still – put yourself on the line.” Henry reached out and pulled Jasper in close to him. He kissed him on the lips. “I’ll be right back with that champagne.”

Howard walked out of his den, leaving Jasper with the two bound and gagged men.

John began struggling mightily against hi bonds. He tried to shout something through the multi-layered gags silencing him.


And Tom struggled against the hog-tie – getting nowhere. He was trussed-up too tightly. And he tried to warn Jasper.


Jasper looked down at Tom, and Tom saw something in his face – he understood. Yes –Jasper understood what Tom what had said.

“Oh! Don’t worry, Professor Hot Stuff! I’ll watch out for Professor Percy. It’s kinda sweet that you’re worried for him more than about yourself . Still – ” Jasper dropped to his haunches and cupped Tom’s toned tush once more, then rose and walked over and stood in front of John bound in the chair. “I don’t understand why Professor Percy let you go.”


“Sorry Professor – I cannot understand you. But you’re kinda cute too. And I always wanted to do this, when I took your seminar last year.” Jasper bent down and kissed John on his gagged lips.

“MMMPPPHHH!” John gave him a pleading look.

“Here we are…Champagne in celebration!” Henry had returned with a tray in hand. On it was a bottle of Veuve Clicquot – uncorked – and two flutes with the sparkling wine already poured in them. He placed the tray on his desk, picked up the two glasses, and handed one to Jasper.

Jasper took the flute from Howard.

“MMMPPHHH MMMPPHHH!!” John struggled to be understood!

“ZZHHUUNNTTHH ZZZDDDRRREEENNNKKKHHH UUUTTTHHH!” (“Don’t Drink It!”), Tom warned ineffectually.

Howard raised his flute in a toast. Jasper followed his lead.

“To The Use You Have Proved To Be, Jasper!”

Howard tipped the brim of his glass to the brim of Jasper’s.


Howard took a sip from his glass, watching Jasper as he brought the flute to his lips and drank.

Jasper downed the contents of the flute in one gulp and held the glass in his hand close to him.

John and Tom both whimpered under the layers of tape gagging them. They bemoaned what would happen next…

“Easy there, Jasper. It will go straight to your head – although that’s what I hope happens!” Howard reached for Jasper’s glass. Jasper handed it to him, expecting Howard to refill it. Instead, Howard just took the flute put it and his still full one back on the tray next to the bottle of sparkling wine. He turned back and watched Jasper.

“Go straight to my head – why Henry – are you trying to seduce me? In front of them – all tied-up and gagged?” Jasper smiled innocently.

“No, Jasper. I’m not trying to seduce you – I’m trying to knock you out!” Howard asserted.

“Knock me out? What?” Jasper stepped towards Howard, but he suddenly stopped. Jasper wobbled. The room was beginning to spin around and suddenly Howard seemed very far away to him.

Then – Jasper’s legs gave out, and he crumpled to the carpet unconscious.

To Be Continued…
Last edited by KidnappedCowboy 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

The best part of this chapter was how defiant the two captives were, with John trying to warn his ex and Tom knocking off Howard's gun with his shoe. They might be in disadventage but that doesn't mean they are going without a fight! Also, Tom is incredibly hot when stripped to his blue briefs and tied up and gagged with more blue. Yay for hairy guys! :D

And while Howard's betrayal should have been obvious, it was still surprising. Can't help but feel sory for Jasper, he was just being used by a smarter man. I guess he'll bein the same predicament with the two men he admired so badly...
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by stimle »

The dastardly Henry Howard strikes again! That fiend! First John Percy, then Tom Arundel, and now, in a devious twist, the foolish and unsuspecting Jaspar Chandler! What's going to happen next?!?! I can't wait for the next brilliant chapter!
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Post by Socksbound »

The captive talking is such a great part of this story. That Howard is a crafty fellow. Jasper is certainly in for it now
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Post by Donbrown »

Great story! Can't wait to see what happens to poor Tommy. He seems to be in a "tight" :twisted: situation...
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Post by bondagefreak »

I didn't think it could get any better after John Percy was gagged with his own red Calvin Klein briefs, but you outdid yourself again with Tom's superb gagging scene 8-)
“Later – You may wish you had.” Henry patted Tom’s cheek. He bent down and retrieved Tom’s socks from the floor. He balled them up.

“You’re crazy, Howard. You’re holding John and me against our will – at gunpoint. You have tied us up. And you are bending an impressionable young man…” Tom lifted his chin and nodded toward Jasper holding a gun to the bound and gagged John. “…to your will, Howard. I’d say you’re in a lot of troub...”

Tom didn’t his sentence. Henry Howard pushed the balled-up socks into Tom’s mouth, as he was speaking.

Henry retrieved a roll of blue duct-tape from his bag of toys. He tore off a strip and plastered it over Tom’s mouth and across his face from ear to ear. Tom grunted as Howard slapped his face to smooth the adhesive. Howard then took up the roll again and began to cover the tape-gag and then twist it around and around Tom’s head – not caring if it stuck to his beautiful, curly, red hair, as it covered the nape of his neck.
Few things are better than a mouthy captive being silenced via his own discarded socks!

There's a special place in my heart for captives who are silenced midspeech (you may have noticed that's a recurring theme in my own works). It greatly adds to the humiliation factor and usually serves as fuel for the captive's mounting frustrations.

Being a forum populated mainly by tug-enthusiasts, there's a certain preponderance for the romanticisation of gags here.

On text and during play, gags are hot. But they take a whole other meaning when imposed on an unwilling victim who's desperately trying to make himself heard or communicate. Hence my appreciation for all scenes and stories that really focus on realism and the frustration that gags inevitably produce in non-consensual scenarios.

This one's definitely up my alley.
Hugely enjoyable! Well done, good sir.

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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

[mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention] [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] [mention]stimle[/mention] [mention]Donbrown[/mention] [mention]Socksbound[/mention]

I am working on the next chapter in which three tightly bound and effectively gagged men find themselves captive to an unhinged professor bent on preserving his career!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:
On text and during play, gags are hot. But they take a whole other meaning when imposed on an unwilling victim who's desperately trying to make himself heard or communicate. Hence my appreciation for all scenes and stories that really focus on realism and the frustration that gags inevitably produce in non-consensual scenarios.
That's what I love most about gagging a guy, [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] :twisted:
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