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The Small Surrender Society (MFFFF)

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2020 8:56 pm
by ILoveHandsUp
Disclaimer: This story is a work in progress. I am posting it here, because I feel that it is of a more mature nature.

This is the story of how I became a part of a sexy surrender (and bondage) society.

So I was working in this place. It was really bad. The people were boring and not fun to be around, the work was boring, but I needed it while I was looking for something better to do. The only reason for me to get to this job was Jessica. She was the only person there I could talk to, and it seemed that I was the only person she could talk to as well, so we hung out together pretty much every day. We had lots of fun chatting, and we would spend more and more time together as the weeks went by and we got to know each other better. Pretty soon, I decided I couldn't take it anymore and decided to quit the job, but I really didn't want to quit Jessica. We still didn't hang out together outside work, but it felt like we were slowly getting there, and becoming real friends. So when I told her I was about to quit the job, she told me she would quit if I did. This let me know she really liked me.

Jessica is very beautiful and very sexy. She has beautiful long black hair and her eyes are grey. She has a nice body too, and the most wonderful feminine hands. Speaking of hands, we got really close when, on our last day of work, before we finally both quit, we were hanging out together during a break, and I complimented her beautiful long fingernails. "They are long and beautiful, but also sharp!" Jessica said with a smile. "Yes, you can use them as a weapon," I said. The next thing Jessica did made me really want her. She pointed her fingers at me like a gun and said "hands up!" Surely, she was just joking, so I pointed my fingers back at her, as if I also had a weapon, although what I actually wanted to do was to put my hands up and surrender to this amazing black-haired girl, what with my fetish for the surrender "hands up" pose. But she wasn't joking at all. I mean, yeah, she was being very playful, but playful in a way that she actually wanted me to do what she said. So she responded with a "yeah, very funny, now, put your hands up!" "Wait, you actually want me to put my hands up? You are not kidding?" I asked. "Do I look like I'm kidding? Now, come on, how many times to I have to tell you? Hands up!" I looked at the door, it was closed, and we were alone. Making sure we were in privacy, I put my hands up and said "alright, Jess, you got me, I surrender!" "Good boy!" Jessica said, "Now, keep those hands up where I can see them!" I stood with my hands up, waiting for Jessica's next actions.

"So, does it mean I have you as my hostage?" she asked. "I guess it does, Jessica. I am your hostage, and I will keep my hands up and surrender for as long as you want!" I was so turned on, especially because I also was wearing a plaid buttoned shirt, and not only that, Jessica was in a very sexy plaid buttoned shirt herself, and she looked absolutely hot! And she was holding me as her personal hostage! I had an erection, and I couldn't hide it. Jessica saw what I had in my pants. "It that... what I think it is, cutie?" she asked. I felt a little embarrassed, but before I could say something, Jessica gasped and said "and it's pointed at me!" Jessica then put her hands up in surrender, and said "you now got me too! I surrender myself to you!" I kept my hands up and Jessica, when she saw I wasn't going to put them down, she said "yes, keep your hands up with me, this is so sexy that we surrender together!" She got close to me and kissed me. I never thought my first kiss with Jessica will be with our hands up, or that we would have so many "hands up" kisses.

We decided to meet in the evening at her place, and talk about what had happened. We were wearing the same clothes, the plaid buttoned shirts. The first thing Jessica said when I came to her place was "hands up, dear!" I put my hands up and surrendered myself. "So, you like to surrender yourself?" Jessica asked carefully. "Yes, I do..." I replied also carefully. "Do you also like surrendering yourself?" Jessica nodded and raised her hands up to prove it. She then kissed me. "Listen, if we are both into hands up and surrender, how about we create our own little surrender society?" she asked. "A society?" I replied, "Isn't it a too fancy name for two people?" "Well, I actually want to expand it to more people, more girls, actually," Jessica said. This sounded too good to be true. "Do you know more girls who are into surrender?" I asked excitedly. "Not really into surrender, and not really more girls," Jessica replied. "There is this one girl I know, beautiful, very sexy, but she is into bondage. How do you feel about bondage?" "Well, if it is not to extreme, and if the girl puts her hands up before it, I am fine with it." "Good, then I will invite her, and will try and get a few other girls into our society. We will play a lot of surrender games, and also tie up those who want to be tied up. How about it?" "Sounds like a plan!" I said.

To be continued...