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Community Service (M+/M)

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2020 2:48 pm
by KidnappedCowboy
Community Service

Officer Joe Baker had volunteered to participate in the City’s Community Outreach Program, a task that required going door to door in his precinct. Officer Baker had a reputation of being very friendly and persistent, possessing the ability to talk his way into many homes. He had already visited several by the end of his shift and was about to begin a 72-hour leave. Radioing in, Officer Baker told his captain that he would ring one more doorbell and then embark on that much needed break from work. Little did he know how he would be spending that time off…

Ed, Mark, Stan and Jason had rented the old Victorian on Dead End Street, thinking that it would be the perfect base of operations for their planned heist of the safe deposit boxes at the Central Loan & Savings Bank downtown. They had planned this for months, acquiring employee schedules, account records, delivery times, CLSB guard uniforms, et al from their inside source at the bank, who was Ed’s girlfriend. They would hit the bank that night, when only a skeleton crew would be on duty. The men were sitting around the dining room table with charts and papers laid out before them, when the doorbell rang.

“See who it is, Stan, and get rid of him,” Ed barked, while he and the others made sure their Glocks were at the ready.

“Good Afternoon, sir, I’m Officer Joe Baker and am going around as part of the Police Force’s effort to get to know the people in our neighborhood,” Joe said as the door was opened by Stan.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t have much time right now, Officer…” Stan responded, but before he knew it Officer Baker had brushed past him into the entrance hall and proceeded into the living room.

“I’ll only take a minute of your time, sir.”

“Please excuse me, Officer, but I need to get ready for an appointment this evening,” Stan said, trailing Joe into the living room.

Ed and the others waited breathlessly behind the partially-open, oak, pocket doors that separated the living and dining rooms of the house. Unfortunately, Jason had left his .44 on the table in a spot where anyone could see it from the living room.

Being the intrepid Law Enforcement Officer who had won many commendations, Joe zeroed in on the weapon on the dining-room table. Walking into the room, he failed to notice Ed, Mark, and Jason.

“Sir, I trust you have a permit for that…” Joe asked, just as Ed slid behind his back, pointing his gun at the base of Joe’s neck. Mark and Jason also suddenly appeared at either side of Joe.

“Don’t worry about that, Officer, just raise your hands,” Ed ordered.

Eying each of the men and with a gun trained on him, Joe realized he was hopelessly outnumbered. He complied and slowly raised his hands. Jason removed Joe’s service revolver and his communication devices, and Mark and Jason frog-marched their captive back into the living room.

“Get some rope and tape,” Ed said to Mark, before turning to Joe, “Officer, please kneel in front of the sofa.”

Joe did so. Mark returned with rope and a roll of duct-tape. Mark took Joe’s arms, pulled them behind his back and began crisscrossing the ropes around Joe’s wrists.

“I don’t know what you’re up to here, but holding a police officer against his will is a very serious crime, gentlemen. You’d better stop this right now, before it gets worse for you,” Joe urged, staring in defiance at his captors.

“You don’t have to know what we’re up to, and I don’t think you’re in any position right now to make demands, Officer.” Ed replied.

“You’re not too smart…” Joe started to say, before Ed cut him off.

“Enough out of you for now! Gag him! And make sure his mouth’s sealed nice and tight,” Ed ordered. Mark tried to push a rolled-up bandana into the policemen’s mouth, but Joe resisted. Grabbing Joe’s crotch and giving a hard squeeze, the officer winced in pain and opened his mouth. It was enough for Mark to stuff the crumpled kerchief in. Mark then quickly wrapped tape several times around Joe’s head. Joe grunted as he was being gagged. When Mark was done, the only sounds Joe could emit were feeble MMMPPPHHHs. Mark with the help of Jason lifted Joe and unceremoniously dumped him on the sofa. Joe pulled at the ropes around wrists, but he was tied too tightly for even the slimmest chance of any slack.

“You’d better lash his feet together, and make sure to add a few coils around his knees. We don’t want our snooping cop wondering off,” Ed told the others. Joe thought to himself that Ed must be the ringleader of this group, but he had to find out what they were up to. When they were done, one of his captors, Joe couldn’t tell who because these men were careful not to mention any names in front of him, picked up Joe’s cap, and put it on his head askew. He began to taunt Joe.

“Ah, now look at the very brave Officer of the Law! All tied up with no place to go…Ha! Ha!”

“Knock it off,” Ed shouted, “We have work to attend to. Let him be.”

All the men returned to the dining room, leaving Joe to figure out what they were up to. Joe’s captors would glance over at him every once in a while, so he tried to use the opportunity to work some slack into the ropes that bound him. But his captors knew their knots. As much as he tried, Joe only succeeded in tightening the bonds that held him. As for what these men were planning, Joe could only make out bits and pieces, as they spoke in hushed tones. Some time had passed, when the phone rang. The ringleader, Joe thought, appeared to be pleased with what he was told by the caller. Snapping his cell shut, he walked over to Joe with the roll of duct-tape.

“Well, Officer Baker, it’s too bad for you that you decided to reach out to the community when you did. Unfortunately for us, you’re a glitch in our plans, but I think you might come in handy as our ‘guest,’ just in case we need a bargaining chip if our plans go awry. As for those plans, well, let me just say, that you need to be kept in the dark for the time being.”

Joe stared back at his captor, and he tried to tell him to untie him, but it only came out garbled, “MMLETHHMEPPMMGMMPPHH…” Ed ripped off another piece of duct-tape and blindfolded the helpless officer. Joe shook his head and pleaded, “MMNOPPHH!”

Fear may have overtaken the captive police officer, but Joe had steely nerves. His police training kicked in. After all, he had graduated at the top of his class at the Academy. Joe still could hear, and he listened carefully for anything that might provide a clue as to what these men planned as they rustled about the house. It sounded as if they were changing. But into what and what for, he could only guess. Joe was right, though. The men were changing…into Armored Car guards’ uniforms. They had planned to pose as security guards making a nightly deposit to get into the bank.

Joe racked his brain trying to figure out what these men were going to do. “It must be a robbery…but of what,” he thought. “Damn, if I hadn’t called the station telling the captain that I was going off shift to begin my three-day leave, a patrol car would have been sent out to find me,” Joe accused himself and cursed his luck. He went back to his musings…“What did that ringleader mean when he said I could prove useful as a bargaining chip? They must be planning something big. But what? Think, Joe, Think!

The tightly bound officer heard the men gathering their stuff together and leave the house. One remained behind to watch over Joe, and, Joe surmised, to monitor their operation. Which one remained behind, Joe couldn’t tell, but he kept listening for any opportunity to try to free himself of his bonds and get help.

It was Jason who was left guarding Joe. Every once in awhile, he would walk over to the tied, gagged, and blindfolded officer to check the bonds that held him. Satisfied that Joe was not going to free himself, Jason went into the kitchen to make a sandwich. Joe heard the kitchen door swing shut.

Ah! Now’s my chance, I’ve got to get free. If only I could crawl to the door…it’s to the right, I know it. Just maybe I can get out or create enough of a commotion by the front door, so that a passerby might hear. It might just work. I’ll need all my strength to lift myself off this sofa,” Joe thought.

Officer Joe Baker had played quarterback for the force in the Police/Fire Department League. He was in top shape during the season, but he had allowed himself to get a little puffy around the edges now that the season was over. Still, Joe knew he had the strength to put his escape into action. Waiting just long enough to make sure his guard was not coming back, Joe began to lift himself up and rolled over onto the floor.

As he did so, Joe couldn’t help but groan, but the skill of the guy who gagged him ensured that his MMMPPPHHHS were barely audible. “Thank the gods that goon knew his duct-tape. Any sound I make is muffled. With luck, my captor won’t hear me,” Joe thought as he strained, crawled, and twisted over the carpet towards what he thought was the front door.

But luck was not on Joe’s side…

“Where do you think you’re going, Officer? Do I need to hog-tie you or lash you to a chair? Tsk! Tsk! Just when the fun is about to begin…Ha! Ha! Ha!”

Joe heard that maniacal laugh, and futilely struggling to break free of the ropes that held him tight. He began to shout in rage into the tape that sealed his lips.


Re: Community Service (M+/M)

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2020 9:28 pm
by Socksbound
Awesome start. Officer Joe is in quite a lot of trouble here, these goons mean business.

Re: Community Service (M+/M)

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 4:46 pm
by tapegagged08
Awesome story! I hope there’s more coming soon :D

Re: Community Service (M+/M)

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 2:44 am
by privateandrews
Mr Kidnap you really do keep the storys i love coming. Another great start. I want to say more but others who comment say it all.

Re: Community Service (M+/M)

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 5:08 am
by stimle
Be still my heart! A man in uniform in trouble! I wonder how long poor Officer Joe will be allowed to keep that uniform... :lol:

Re: Community Service (M+/M)

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 7:55 pm
by zora963
A fun story so far! I love suspense and our captive’s inner monologue.

Re: Community Service (M+/M)

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2020 2:35 am
by YourCaptor75
You definitely understand how to use restraints and limitations for the pov character to your advantage. This was a solid scene whether or not it was a tug story.

Good writing and pacing ...glad I checked this one out.

Re: Community Service (M+/M)

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 11:03 am
by Fool
Now that's how you gag a cop! Very nice details. I'd love to see where this goes!

Re: Community Service (M+/M)

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 4:05 am
by bondagefreak
Damn! Normally I'd be rooting for the innocent victim, but Officer Baker's case is a bit different.
Yes, he is innocent, and yes the treatment he's getting is unfair. But man, when someone opens the door, don't just step in and impose yourself uninvited like that! Especially if the resident claims not to have the time to be a gracious host.

As much as I want him to escape, this fate serves him right for being so nosy and brash!

Also really glad to see he got a good stuffing underneath that duct tape gag.
Wouldn't want him calling out to the neighbours, now would we? 8-)

I know it's been a while since this was published, but I'm definitely interested in a continuation.
Great work, [mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention]!
Loved every minute of it!