The longest hour - a crime story (no sex involved) MM/m

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The longest hour - a crime story (no sex involved) MM/m

Post by Bastian »


Year: 1992
Location: a poor, ugly and shabby neighboorhood in the outskirts of a medium sized town in Southern Europe, populated by blue collars and some not-so-respectable person like Nat (name of fantasy), a small drug dealer
Places: the bar where Nat had his headquarters, the creepy park in the neighboorhood, Nat's home, the trunk of his car
- me, 12 years old
- Nat, 22
- Don (name of fantasy), 23, an accomplice
- Theo, another young accomplice
- two rival drug dealers

Warning: violent situations and Nat's drug use

To be continued
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I was tired to be bullied by the other kids. I was a strange boy, considered too much strange, maybe a bit crazy. I was almost 12 and I needed badly to appear to the eyes of the other kids as a tough guy. Although I was very young, I was already hiding dark secrets of my past that influenced my behaviour. I needed to be friend of the right person.
Living in my neighboorhood wasn't easy. My family was not poor but not even rich. We were a bit more lucky than other ones but not so much. Other kids had the father or the big brother in jail or addict. At least, I had not this problem.
In my neighboorhood there was a bar where I went to drink a Coke and to play with Street Fighter videogame. But the bar was also the headquarters of a small crook who was involved in drug trafficking. His name was Nat and usually he was busy with his business. He didn't sell his shit in the neighboorhood but downtown to some rich client. I don't know exactly who there was behind him, the only thing I know about him is he had a Sicilian mother.
When I was in the bar I studied secretly what he was doing, the way he talked and acted and so on. I admired that person, although often was clearly wired. I didn't know he was a heavy user of the famous white powder and that he took many decisions under the influence of that shit. I should have known it soon.
Next time I will tell how a day I befriended him.

To be continued
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Post by wataru14 »

Interesting start!

I know from your post in the other thread that this story is personal, though. So don't share any more than you're comfortable with and take all the time you need.
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One day, we were near the end of June, I was in the bar sipping a Coca Cola with ice cubes and playing with the videogame. After fifteen minutes Nat entered with Don, a friend of him and accomplice of him. He was saying something that I didn't catch. They sitted down and ordered a Campari. In that moments, 3 PM, the few clients of the bar were all sitting oudoor drinking their beers or Cokes, so Nat said in a clear voice:
"I don't know how to bring that packet down in X street without being seen, me or one of you, by those sons of a bitch."
X street? I did know where X road was.
I soon interrupted the game, turning my face towards the two men and saying:
"I can do the job. My aunt lives a couple of blocks from that street."
The two crooks watched me with a clear astonishment on their face.
Don got up and said loudly:
"Boy, get lost!"
But Nat was interested. He said:
"Hey kid, do you know what I do, what's my job? It's not a game."
I nodded, then saying:
"I'm just a kid. No one will notice me."
I saw in Nat's eyes a glare. Probably he has seen a solution to his problem. But I was a small boy. He was still afraid.
"I thank you, but..."
I tried to appear as tough as it was possible and I said:
"Well, I wanted lend you a hand, I can do that job. If you don't agree, ehr... you're losing a good occasion."
Now Nat got up too.
"Kid", he said, "I like you."
Don watched him confused.
"You will bring that packet to a friend of mine in X street", Nat continued. "In a couple of hours."
"But...", Don said.
"Please, shut up, Don", Nat ordered. And turning again his head to me he said:
"You have to be very careful, get it right, because if you make some mistake your life it's in a big risk. By my enemies... or by miself."
I felt a chill in my back. I said:
"You don't have to worry. For me, it will be only a visit to my aunt."
"Well, we've made a deal. Come with me, I'll give you the packet."
I followed him. I knew what there was into that packet. I stayed quiet, obeying to order. I gave the packet to another young man named Theo. Then I telephoned by a phone box to the bar. Nat was satisfied. Now he had got his new small errand boy.

To be continued
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That was the only time I was used to traffick their shit. From that moment Nat began ordering me on a couple of occasions to be a spotter or more often to go to other, few trusted persons reporting orders. I obeyed happily. I was the typical reckless 12 years old, a boy who needed to feel bigger than I was.
Other kids began to treat me better. It was good. Now, as an adult I know I was doing the wrong thing. But in that moment I was proud to be Nat's special collaborator. Luckily, my parents didn't know nothing of what was happening.
Surely police had some suspect on Nat. But he was enough wise to not be caught under their light. Except when he inhaled the white shit. In these occasions he was unpredictable. Don did his best to avoid bad consequences. Don used the white powder too, but only on special occasions. He, I don't know how, successfully managed to not becoming dependent of the white shit. Only few occasions. He was wiser than his boss.

To be continued
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It was early September and the school was going to restart. I had still only few days of freedom. Temperature was milder, only around early afternoon there was still a small heat.
That evening I changed my t-shirt with another one with long sleeves. I said mum that at 8 PM I shoud have gone to eat a pizza with a couple of friends (now I had some friend) in a pizzeria not far from my home. She agreed and said I had to be back for 9:30 PM.
I was a twit and I offered the pizza to my friends. Now I had got extra money earned with my secret activity, but being a 12 years old in need of consideration by the others I wasn't prudent.
At 8:45 we had finished. My friends had to come back to their home for nine so I had another half hour of freedom. I said them goodbye and had a walk.
Now it was almost dark. Days were shortening. Streetlights were turning on.
I did cut through the park and in that moment I heard a strange sound. Someone was hitting something... then I heard a little scream. I got close the source of the sounds and behind a bush I saw two men beating with sticks Theo, the friend of Nat.
One of the two guy said to his bleeding victim:
"It's better you don't come back in our neighboorhood. You don't know what respect is!"
The other one said:
"Say to Nat that if he tries to sell again his dope under our nose we will break his bones too. Or worst for him, you and the other ones!"
And he showed a gun.
I made a heavy gulp and the two crooks heard me:
"What the hell?"
"There's someone watching us."
I was scared as hell but when I saw them coming towards the source of the sound they had heard (towards me) I got up and ran away. They had seen my face. Theo muttered "oh no, Bastian" and so they knew my name too. I was in danger now.

To be continued
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Little note: to be short and get to the point as soon as possible I'm summarizing the facts that in reality were a bit longer.

Then, of some situations, less I say, better it is.
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Post by Canuck100 »

The story’s style is different from the other ones, but still very interesting. Hopefully what happens next wasn’t too traumatic for you.

Although you being here is a sign that maybe it wasn’t that bad in the end.

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The next day I was afraid to meet Nat. I expected by him a reprimand for what I've done, putting myself in danger. But after lunchtime I wanted to go out and play soccer with some other kid. I had the surprise of my young life when I saw Nat waiting for me before the door of the building where I lived.
"Bastian", he said, "follow me. You're in danger."
How the hell he knew the right place where I lived? Surely somebody had informed him. He never moved from the bar.
I trusted him and I was a bit scared. I was in danger. I had been in the wrong place at the wrong time. Theo had said my name. I followed Nat in his car until his home. I had never been there. The walls of the living rooms were full of posters of movies like Scarface, The Godfather, the old French gangster films with Alain Delon and Jean Paul Belmondo etc.
I saw Don sitting on the couch. I realized that in that occasion he too had took the white shit. The other gang had declared them war, so it was a special occasion for him although it should have been better the two were sober.
Nat let me sit and then he said:
"Some bastard of the gang who beated Theo is looking for you. A friend alerted me. First source information."
"Do you have a spy?"
"Mmm, in a certain sense. Now it's better than you stay here. I think they will find out where you live."
"But why they are interested to me? Because I am a witness? I promise to not talk."
"My informant said they want to bring you with them and use you as a bait for me. They know you collaborate with me. It's obvious they have got in their turn an informant. Maybe some client of the bar."
"And... for how much time I have to stay hidden here?"
"I don't know. We'll have a talk with Y, the head of the gang, in a safe place for both the parts. If we reach a good result you, in three hours, can come back to your home. Instead, you have to stay here."
"In the second case you will say to your parents you are going to pass the night with a friend. You will stay here."
"But, damn, it's a mad idea. I must come back in my home!"
I had shouted and Nat, under the influence, watched me with a crazy sight. In that moment the phone rang.
Don answered amd talked for a minute. Then, after the end of the conversation, said:
"Bad news. Someone was already spying Bastian's building and this one saw you, Nat, waiting for him and he followed you until here."
"Shit!", shouted Nat. "You are in danger in my home too. If you are in their hands, the talk we have to do will be a failure!"
I was scared. The two young men were pumped.
"And now what we're going to do?", I asked.
"You will follow us", said Nat. "It's the only solution."
"But you're out of your mind", I shouted. "I'm in danger!"
"You will be hidden in my car."
"In the trunk."
I was astounded.
"What the fuck?", I said. "I don't want to stay in a fucking trunk!"
I felt in danger. Nat and Don weren't better than Y and his men. After a little more than two months I had realized it.
I thought I needed to escape. I saw the door. The key was on the little table in its left side.
Few meters. I had to try. I sprung up towards the door. I took the key and...
Nat grabbed me by the torso.
I cried "let me go!" but he put a hand over my mouth. I shouted again but I could do just a muffled sound. I was in shock. Nat said:
"You will follow us, by hook or by crook."

To be continued
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Nat and Don were high as shit. I thought they weren't capable of thinking of a better solution. For instance to call a trusted man to control the situation while I was in Nat's home. No. In that moment the only thing they were capable to think was that I had to follow them in the trunk of Nat's car. This automobile, a Volvo, was parked in a box in the subterrain floor of the building where Nat had his own apartement. So, it was easy to go out making it look like into the car there were just Nat and Don. That was their sick logic, as I saw it.
I didn't want and here begins the core of the story.

To be continued
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How to continue? Explaining I was interested in TUGs and had vivid fantasies since I was 6? Or from the strange rasping sound I sometimes heard that seemed coming from inside Nat's house? Or the fact that maybe I dissociated for a while? I don't know. But after a minute it was clear I was Nat's and Don's prisoner. And the rasping sound was clearly provoked by something in a room of the apartement. And...

I was forced by Don to sit down on the couch. He kept his hand pushed on my chest. I struggled and I repeated "let me go". Nat disappeared for a while. Then he came back. He had a thing I had only seen in American movies: a roll of black duct tape.
I quickly understood what was going to happen. A thing I had ever desired but now it was appearing as a scary prospect. For a few seconds I freezed.
Nat threw the roll to Don, saying:
"Tie him up, quickly!"
I was now more unbieleving than scared. And I was shocked when I realized that I felt excited at the idea of being tied up. I was in danger, it was not a game! Was that a way to cope? A way to accept what was happening around me? To this day, I still don't now.
Don put me on my stomach, grabbed my arms and bound my wrists behind my back. I forced myself to try to fight. He grabbed my left leg while I was trying to kick him. He tied tightly my ankles.
I shouted "help!" but in that moment Nat forced a handkerchief between my theet, tying the extremities above my nape. I was astounded because it was the first time I had been gagged. I don't remember well, probably it was a loose cleave gag, easy to push out with the tongue. In that moment I wasn't thinking to this possibility, of course. Meanwhile I had been put in a sitting position and Don was tying my knees and my upper arms to my chest, then ending his work with another turn of tape just a little above my abdomen, blocking my lower arms. I followed struggling but the excitation hasn't ended. I think after years that a part of my fight was just a mise en scene because I didn't like the idea they could only think I was liking, maybe just a bit but liking, that situation. Yes, I was scared and a lot, but I knew that at least they didn't want to harm me. I was more afraid of what should have happened later.
Another rasping sound. And a loud barking. There was a dog in the house! A dog I had never seen. This distraction ended soon.
I had said "please, untie me" (I was sincere? Or acting again?) and although I was gagged my words were still intelligible, although a bit muffled. Nat tore three long pieces of black tape and covered my mouth and my cheeks.
"Try to speak now", he said.
I grunted a muffled "untie me, you bastard", now difficult to understand. It was the first time I was hearing my voice as a gagged person. Meanwhile I almost killed him with my angry sight.
"Nat", Don said, "we can't go to the garage with Bastian in plain sight..."
"Yeah, we will shove him in that big sport bag in the closet. Go and take it."
"Nhhh!", I grunted. I began struggling again, now for real. It was useles. I was taken and put into a big blu bag. I felt a chill when I saw the zipper closing above me.
"Hlp, ltmg!"
"What?", laughed Nat. And he took the bag. I weighed about 33 kilos (a little over 72 lbs) at the time, so it was easy for the one who took the bag to transport me.
Just a second before we could go out from Nat's house I heard a door opening and some barking sound. I imagined a big doog with sharp theets.
"Be good, Jack, be good. We'll be back in an hour."
The dog has smelled me. I was terrorized until I heard the main door shutting.
"Now, little brat", Nat said, "don't make a sound or we'll do to you what our enemies for sure would like to do."
I obeyed, staying quiet. I was afraid of him, he was not joking.
With the elevator we went to the subterrain garage. The bag with me inside was put into the trunk of Nat's car. Then we left.

To be continued
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Post by Bastian »

I hope this afternoon to have the time to continue. Keep your eyes peeled.
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Post by JDT544 »

Really enjoying reading this story. Looking forward to more.
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Post by Bastian »

Changed slightly this entry.
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It was clear now what Nat and Don had planned: if someone had tried to enter in Nat's apartement, the dog should have assaulted him. Good thought - for him, not for me.
The ride lasted - I think - fifteen minutes, but for me was the longest trip I ever had. I was a bit uncomfortable into the bag. I breathed slowly, trying to keep my calmness. I was very scared. I didn't know what my two captors were thinking. For sure, they wanted to hide me somewhere. This was the only clear thing I had realized. I hoped they freed me once we were in that place. I made a plan in my head: depending on the place where they had the intention to hide me in, I could have escaped in some way. I should have waited for an hour, then...

When Nat and Don parked, switching off the engine, I trembled from the tension. Now I should have known what they had in their mind.
They opened the trunk, took the zipper of the bag and opened a little window.
Nat said:
"Good news, no one has followed us. At least we outran them."
"Crossing a street in the wrong direction", Don laughed.
"Now Bastian, we are in an isolated place." Nat continued. "I've parked under a big tree and there's a lot of shadow. You will suffer no heat."
I felt a chill in my back.They wanted to let me in the trunk for all the time they should have had the talk with Y.
I mumbled something, I think a "what the fuck". Nat ended:
"If you try to call out for help you will have a big delusion: it's almost impossible someone could hear you in this place. We'll be back in an hour."
"NHHH!" I shouted. They closed the trunk. I cried "let me go", but no one gave me an answer. Now I was alone.

To be continued
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I was let bound and gagged with black tape into a big sport bag in the dark of a trunk in an afternoon of early September. Temperature luckily was mild and, according to Nat, my captor, his car was parked under a big tree. I was dressed with a blue t-shirt and short blue jeans. My hand were tightly bound behind my back, so were the ankles and knees. Other turns of tapes blocked to my torso my upper and lower arms. I had been cleave gagged then my captors had put some piece of tape over my mouth. When I tried to struggle, I realized it was very difficult, if not impossible, managing to get free by myself. I was astounded and not only for the singular situation: also because my biggest bondage fantasy had turned into reality. I wasn't sure if I was happy. But, despite my fear, I was excited.

To be continued
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At the time, I was a young lad of average height, curly dark brown hair and brown eyes, very slim. I wasn't as good as many other boys in sports and I was more a solitary guy who needed to appear tough to hide his many frailties. Being a kind of "friend" of Nat helped me to improve the view other kids had of me. Now I was paying the price.

In my dark place, I thought that at least I was safe. Uncomfortable but safe. I had to wait, hoping the thing went in the good direction.
From the outside I was hearing only the chirping of the birds and no other sound. If someone had approached to the car, I should have noticed his presence quickly.
Since I had a lot of time to pass alone I began fantasizing of being the victim of a kidnap for ransom. It wasn't so far from reality, instead of the ransom there was my life as price.
I struggled inside the bag to my own fun and sometimes shouted some word to hear my muffled voice. Being gagged had some unexpected inconvenience: I was thirsty and I began to desire a glass of icy Coke.
I think a half hour passed before I began to worry. For me it had been a longer time because of my altered perception in the dark. I had heard some distant voice, or should I say, distant echoes. I was truly in an isolate place? Then I had heard a car but only for a few seconds. I began to have the idea I was not alone. Nat and Don weren't coming back and from being worried I started to be ansious. Too much ansious. Something had happened. I began to think they had been killed. And I was prisoner in the trunk of a car with anybody knowing it. Anxiety turned into terror. I clung to the idea they were alive and coming back soon. This went well for maybe five minutes. Then terror was more strong.
I restart to struggle to free myself. It was useless and I began to panic. But it was true I was alone, I thought again? There was only away to know the truth.
I began calling out for help at the top of my lungs. Being tightly gagged meant that my screams had only a quarter, to be optimist, of their original power, but they were the only way I had to get free. If only a good samaritan had heard them...

To be continued
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After about an hour in the trunk I was hot and sweating. I was not suffocating (as I've said outside the temperature was mild and my captors had said the car was under the shadow of a big tree) but I needed to breath some fresh air.

I followed calling out for help for about three minutes when I heard a click and then sound of the door of the trunk opening. I heard Nat's voice too:
"We've come back. All right here?"
I began cursing and shouting against him and Don behind my gag, thanks God my words were incomprehensible.
"Oh boy, be calm, in a quarter of an hour we are in my home."
"Fckff", I said. This time my muffled words had been clear despite the gag.
"Oh-oh", Don said, "Bastian is not happy!"
"Maybe he needs to stay there for some other time...", Nat replied.
"NHHHH!", I screamed.
"Be calm, then", Nat said, then he closed the trunk.
In a minute we were coming back to Nat's apartement.

To be continued
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I remember the relief when, once we were back in Nat's home, I was freed. I was still scared because of what had happened but I was afraid to speak out about this because I thought the two crooks could have tie me up again. I quietly said:
"Don't do this anymore."
"The problem we had has been resolved", Nat said. "Try to forget now".
Easy to say, difficult to do. I was drinking a big glass of orange juice. Now I could breath freely.
Don laughed:
"Little brat, you didn't have to worry! All is going well now. Do you think Y was going to kill us? It should have been a risk for him too. Better to find a compromise."
"And, you know", Nat added, "if only had happened something wrong for us, a trusted person had the order to retrieve the car because of the special content in the trunk."
"But you could call this guy before you kidnapped me!", I growled.
"To keep you in my home was a risk", replied Nat. "In the other room there's an Argentinian dogo very dangerous. Then, my men usually don't go where I live. They are all around the town. I don't know how contact them if I'm out of the bar. It wasn't the right thing to let you here. We met this guy going to the talk with Y, because the bar he often goes was on our path. He's our... let's say our spy."
I heard the rasping behind a door. I felt a chill in my back. I imagined the dogo taller than me.
Don laughed again:
"We had said that was impossible one could hear your calls for help in the place where we left the car. It's an abandoned lot behind Z street, almost in the countryside. Think, we began to hear you screaming (better said, your attempts) when we were just a few meters from the car. The few persons who pass in the road next to the lot are too distant to only perceive a full scream - and you were gagged, as well."
I stared at the table, without saying a word. I wasn't sure if I hated them, but I felt humiliated.
After twenty minutes they let me go. I never returned in that bar and since then I avoided Nat and Don.

The conclusion in the next message
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The aftermath

I stayed quiet for some month. In that span of time I didn't try to do self bondage either. I didn't want.
This lasted after about seven months. I was watching a German crime drama on tv and I saw a damsel in distress. I got aroused. No feeling of anxiety, any trigger. I restarted to interest in self and then, in the summer of 1993, in tie up games with two cousins younger than me who lived in a farm.
And that's all folks.

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Post by Canuck100 »

Your story reads like a novel. They could make a movie out of it! Very enjoyable read, and very glad that all ended up being ok. Thanks for posting this
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Hi Canuck,
two years ago I tried to make a novel out of it. Never ended (writing a full novel is quite difficult and only this year I've managed to do it). I'm happy you liked it.
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Post by wataru14 »

Well done! Glad you shared this with us.
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Post by Killua »

Wow, that's really a very private but also great story. You described it well and it felt like watching some old movie, just in my head. That must've been really scary to be locked in that trunk for such a long time. You were lucky that they were able to think clearly enough to park that car in the shadows and not in full sun. At that age I was a real wimp, I guess I would've wet myself when something like that would've happened to me.
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