Fun things delivered Friday!!! FF/M

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Fun things delivered Friday!!! FF/M

Post by RopedByWife »

Packages arrived Friday afternoon just in time for Friday evening play! I’ve always been fascinated by the idea of handcuffs, of being locked into something steel and inescapable, but the one time I tried them, I didn’t like them. They were well made stainless-steel police model handcuffs, but they were uncomfortable. Even though they were not applied tightly to my wrists, any struggles or rolling over on them made the narrow steel sections with sharp edges dig in painfully. I (being more used to having my wrists tightly tied together) also hated how loose they felt (how far my hands were apart when wearing them).

Imagine my excitement at coming across "Irish-8" style handcuffs online (from I had never heard of them! They are much wider in profile, with smooth rounded edges, and looked a lot more comfortable. The best part is that they locked the wrists (or ankles) tightly together, having only a narrow steel middle section instead of several chain links, and the locking mechanism to the side instead of between the wrists. They were expensive but looked beautiful! If you want to see the one’s we ordered, google “Chicago Model 1550 Irish 8 Handcuffs.” My wife used a sewing tape measure to carefully measure my wrists and ankles, so we ordered the right sizes, since they are not adjustable.

I’ve also been fascinated by ball gags but had a past bad experience with them. We had ordered an inexpensive 2” diameter one a couple of years ago. It was made of some kind of plastic that tasted terrible. The straps painfully dug into the corners of my mouth. It was also a too large for me. My lips ended up tightly stretched around it, making breathing through my mouth impossible. I found myself panicking while being teased or tickled that I was not getting enough air through my nose alone. They also made my jaw sore. We got rid of it and switched to only using scarves or bandanas as cleave gags. Again, looking around online, I came across a nice-looking smaller size silicone ball gag. The one we got was from, called the “Hush Comfort Silicone Ball Gag” It was 1.65” in diameter, which meant I should be able to easily breathe around it if needed. It looked much more comfortable. Finally, from the same on-line retailer, I found a short leather riding crop with a rhinestone handle that received good reviews. I thought it might be fun for everyone involved if both women were able to tease me with them at the same time, should they desire.

Earlier in the week I had been really embarrassed to show my wife everything I was considering ordering. I thought she might find it all too excessive or be worried about having to hide a lot of professional-looking gear when we had guests over. We had only recently (after several years of play with cotton ropes, silk neckties, and scarves alone) made the jump to locking leather wrist and ankle restraints for longer-term tie up games. Otherwise, the only official “bondage” equipment we owned was the riding crop and a padded leather blindfold. When I told her, my wife had the opposite reaction! She read all the descriptions and looked at all the pictures several times (showing both the products and models wearing them) “I want it all! Promise me you’ll order everything!” Surprised, I said “I promise.” “I’m serious!” my wife said “I want you to order everything right now. Be sure to get two-day shipping so we can try everything on you Friday night!”

Part of me thought shipping would be delayed, or that something was going to be back ordered, but by 2pm Friday afternoon both boxes were on our front porch. “I’ll take those!”, my wife said, grabbing them from my hands. “Go ahead and get back to your spreadsheets. You need to be a good boy and wait until tonight to play with your new toys.” Boxes in hand, she walked upstairs to her office (we both worked at home most of the time). I tried to focus on the project I was working on, but it was almost impossible. I imagined my wife in her office, unpacking the ball gag and riding crop, and figuring out how the locks work on the handcuffs. I shifted uncomfortably in my desk chair, my erection pushing hard against my underwear and jeans. That was the longest afternoon!

We hadn’t told Claire I had ordered more gear for our playtime that evening. We wanted to surprise her. Fortunately, she had offered to do some grocery shopping for the three of us, being finished early with applying for jobs online. She was downtown at the local supermarket when the boxes arrived. I heard her come back around 3:30. She placed several bags of groceries on the kitchen table. Leaning around the corner (my desk was in the corner of the living room) she said. “Hi Eric!” “Hi Claire!” I answered back. “Are you ready for tonight?” she teased. “That depends on what you two have planned for me.” I replied. “Well…” Claire said, “I think your wife has something fun in mind. Look at this!” She showed me her iPhone. My wife had sent her a Teams meeting request for 4pm. The location was “My Office Upstairs”. The title was “Mandatory team meeting to formulate lockdown strategy!” “That sounds serious!” she teased. “I think you’re in big trouble!” “You don’t know the half of it!” I thought to myself as she began quickly putting the groceries away. She had picked up pizza on her way back home, so we could start the evenings activities earlier than usual. With a quick giggle, she jogged past me and quickly ran upstairs for her team meeting with my wife.

At 4:20pm I could take it no longer. I sent my last email for the week, set notifications to “Out of Office”, and shut down my computer. I already had my shoes off, wearing socks. I had to know what the girls were planning! Being careful to step over the one step that creaked, I crept upstairs. My wife’s office door was closed. I pressed my ear carefully to it and heard laughter. Suddenly the door flew open. I was caught red handed! “Eavesdropping were you!” my wife said sternly, her hands on her hips “We’re going to have to punish you extra for that tonight!” She continued, her voice soft, smiling “We’re almost done here, why don’t you open a bottle of wine so it can breathe for a few minutes and put the pizza in the oven to warm up. We’ll be down in a few minutes.

We began dinner. I was careful to only eat two slices of pizza, so I wouldn’t feel too full for the evening’s activities. The two women nibbled their pizza, slowly sipped their wine, chatted easily about the tv series they had been watching, what groceries Claire had picked up, what they planned to wear for an upcoming dinner party. Finally, I could take it no more. “This is crazy! You’re both teasing me, and you know it!” I blurted out. The girls laughed. “You’re just like a kid” my wife teased. “Ok go ahead and get ready. We’ll get you all set up. Meet us back here in the living room, and you’d better not be wearing anything!”

I went to the upstairs hall bathroom and began my normal pre tie up game regimen. Washing up, brushing my teeth, shaving, applying cologne – in general making myself the best I could possibly be for my beautiful captors. I left my clothing upstairs and walked downstairs naked. I turned the corner into the living room blushing. Both women saw me naked regularly, but it still felt strange to me to be undressed in a main living area of the house, in front of others, outside the bedroom. It happened to me regularly, but I never got used to it. I liked that I never reached a comfort level with that. It added an edge to everything. Danger? Naughtiness? I was not sure, but it pushed me outside my comfort zone.

The drapes had all been pulled shut. The lights had been turned off and several candles gave everything a soft flickering light. Shadows danced on the walls. Bob Dylan’s “Blood on the Tracks” album was on the record player. The two women were still dressed the same, sitting together on the couch sipping wine. My office chair had been pulled to the center of the room.

“Have a seat!” my wife said, approaching me with both pairs of the thick metal handcuffs and key in her hands. I sat down and she had me lean forward so she could snap the cuffs around my wrists with my hands behind my back (they are hinged on one side and form an “8” shape when connected). Using the old-fashioned looking key, which seemed to work like a wind up key, she locked them. “How does that feel?” she asked. I answered “amazing!” The polished nickel was sooth and cool against my wrists. There was the slightest gap (maybe 1/8” all around) so they were not pressing tightly on my wrists, but they were tight enough that there was no way my hands were sliding through them. The best part was that my wrists were tightly locked together, the same as if ropes had been used. “Think you’ll be able to escape?” my wife asked me. “Not a chance!” I replied. It was true. At this point escape was impossible until my female captors decided to set me free. “Just the way I like it!” my wife said, leaning in to purr loudly into my right ear and playfully nibble on my earlobe.

“I really like these!” my wife said, playfully dangling the larger of the two cuffs that she would soon affix to my ankles. “I think you like them too!” she said, looking down. I blushed, aware that I was fully erect. “Here let me help you with those, so you can press your legs and feet together” she offered, gently cupping my balls, and raising them so they would rest on top of my thighs when they were tightly pressed together. When she forgot that sometimes they became squeezed uncomfortably between my thighs as I was being bound. It was only a problem when I was seated in a chair. “Thank you!” I said, pressing my legs and feet together. With a metallic snap, both ankles were secured and locked together.

“Now we just need to try this on for size” my wife said, getting the new bright red silicone ball gag from a nearby end table and waving it in front of my face. “After all,” she teased “we can’t have the neighbors hearing your cries for help! Now open!” I opened my mouth obediently. The ball gag was placed in my mouth and the straps were buckled behind my neck. “Is that better than the other one was?” my wife asked, a moment of concern in her voice. “Mmmm Hmmm!” I said, nodding. It had no taste, seemed less rigid than last one, and was really comfortable where it went across the corners of my mouth. It felt amazing! I could just breathe around the edges of it but felt like it did a much better job at muffling sounds than a cleave gag did. “Can you talk?” my wife asked. “Barely” was my muffled response. “Ok than show me the safe signal if you can’t talk. I reached my bound hands over and tapped three times on her thigh. To prove to her I also knew what to do when she wasn’t close by, I also formed a fist and knocked three times on the steel brace that held up the back of the chair. “Good boy!” she said. Do that if you need the gag off and can’t speak.

That settled, my wife returned to sit on the couch next to Claire. “If you want any attention from us tonight, you’ll sit there quietly while we finish our wine, understand?” my wife admonished. I made affirmative gagged noises and nodded. They resumed their earlier conversation as I sat perfectly still naked and ball gagged, my hands and feet shackled in thick steel restraints. I was in heaven being forced to wait, sitting still, and staying silent, while the two women slowly finished their drinks, and cleaned up the supper dishes in the kitchen.

Finally, both women returned to stand right in front of me. My wife had a rope in her hand. She must have quickly picked it up from the end table on her way back from the kitchen. Slowly walking behind me, while I craned my neck to follow her progress, she secured the rope to the handcuffs around my wrists. She wrapped it several times around the back support of the chair. Kneeling beside me, she passed it between my ankles. Wrapping it around the handcuffs securing my feet, she pulled them back under the chair until my tiptoes were resting on top of the chair base, and tied the final knot, hogtying me to the chair. “That should hold you while we get ready” my wife said. “Are you ok being gagged alone for a few minutes while Claire and I get changed?” I nodded happily and was soon left alone.

The two girls returned wearing beautiful matching black bra and panty lingerie sets. Each had a riding crop in hand. The flickering light from the candles gave their skin a beautiful soft amber glow. They moved behind me and started taking turns leaning close to whisper in my ears. I heard my wife’s voice in my right ear and (alternately) Claire’s in my left.

“We really like having you shackled, and ball gagged.”
“You’re not going anywhere.”
“You’re our plaything.”
“We can do anything we want.”
“Should we tickle you for hours, especially the soles of your feet?”
“Should we play with that big cock of yours?”
“Should we warm up your backside with our riding crops?”
“Oh dear! You’re looking a little hot and bothered, should we cool you down with ice cubes?”
“Should we remove the ball gag, and force you to orally pleasure us, since you can’t use your hands?
“Should we make you kiss our feet and suck our toes?”
“I know! we should do all of the above and a bunch of other things we haven’t even thought of yet!”
“Great idea!”
“There will be more than enough time, since we’re going to keep you our prisoner all weekend.”
“Don’t worry, we’ll remove the gag from time to time so you can have a snack or get a drink.”
“We promise to let you go first thing Monday morning so you can go back to work.”
“Wow that’s a lot of struggling and gag-talking! I’d save my strength if I were you!”

Loving every moment of this, I made a good show of struggling and gagged pleading as my wife left my side and came back with the leather blindfold and placed it over my eyes. Plunged into darkness, totally helpless, bound, gagged, and blindfolded, I waited for what was to come next. Nothing happened for several minutes. I was not even sure the two women were still in the room. I thought I heard footsteps...

Suddenly I felt the chair being pushed from behind. It rolled easily on rubber castors over the hardwood floor. With my feet secured on top of the chair base, I couldn’t even drag them to slow the chair’s progress. I heard my wife say, “Claire, be ready to open the sliding door so I can push him out on the back deck. This next part’s going to be so much fun!”

They had to be bluffing! I was nude, handcuffed and roped to a desk chair sporting a black leather blindfold and bright red ball gag! We had a short backyard privacy fence, but any neighbor in a surrounding house who happened to look out a second story window had a clear sightline to our back yard and deck. Every house around us had two stories! Besides, we were in Michigan! It was 35 degrees and, last time I looked, a mixture of snow and freezing rain. They had to be bluffing! Still the chair was not only being pushed along, but it also felt like it was slowly gaining speed. Even though I knew struggling was no use, I still found myself pressing my wrists helplessly against the unyielding steel encircling them.

Suddenly the chair stopped, and I heard a door being opened. I felt an icy blast of cold air that instantly raised goosebumps on my naked skin. “No! No! No! Please no!” I heard myself begging as loudly as the gag would allow. This time I wasn’t pretending! I felt my wife clamp her hand over my already ball gagged mouth, she tilted my head back and hissed in my left ear, as an icy breeze caressed by bound body, “Shut it, or we’ll leave you out there! The better you behave, the sooner this next part will be over…

What do you think happened next? Were my wife and Claire bluffing? What do you think they did to me? What would you have done to me? Comment with your thoughts and I’ll post a part 2.
Last edited by RopedByWife 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
I hope you enjoy reading about my adventures with my lovely wife. I've sure enjoyed experiencing them! If you have the time, I love comments. Happy tie-up games everyone!
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Post by JulieG »

That is so beautiful and so evil. I must remember to try it some time, assuming I get a partner who’s happy to let me tie him(or her) up naked.
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Post by dallen108 »

[mention]JulieG[/mention] Im half tempted to volunteer as tribute for you to try it out. LOL
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Post by tiedinbluetights »

Amazing story [mention]RopedByWife[/mention] ! As always, you write amazingly well, and yes, would be curious about part 2! Seems to me that they did leave you outside for a few minutes, and even if they didn't, sounds like quite the mind game!

And thanks for letting us know about the "Irish 8" handcuffs; never heard of them either. My own experiences with standard handcuffs have had my wife and I switch to locking leather cuffs instead. Time to save up for a nnew toy!
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Post by Boundguy800 »

Love the look of those handcuffs. I’ve never seen them before. They look impossible to get out by yourself even if you had the key. I’m guessing you were tickled and tried to keep quiet. Love your adventures as always.
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Post by RopedByWife »

Part 2
My wife unclamped her hand from my ball gagged mouth. The icy breeze swirled around my bare legs and torso. “Ok, I think you’re ready for some nice fresh air, here we go!” Panicked thoughts flooded my mind. If the elderly lady next door, who was something of a local busybody, happened to be working in her upstairs sewing room and looked out her window at the wrong time, the story of my ordeal would spread all over town. If the children of the family next door were looking out their upstairs bedroom window, I could get charged as a sex offender who exposed himself to minors! The chair rolled forward “Please! you’re making a mistake!” I muffled-screamed through my gag…

Suddenly the blindfold came off and I blinked in the bright light and saw that I was looking out the open side door of the house. Blindfolded, I had lost all sense of direction. Instead of wheeling me through the living room and dining room toward the back master bedroom, where the sliding door leading to the back deck was, they had wheeled me through the kitchen into the mud room/entry. The open door revealed only the garage wall, several feet away. Snow was blowing past sideways. The girls laughed as I moaned loudly, still breathing heavily, and slumped back in the chair in relief. “Close that door, Claire!” my wife said “Our heating bill is going to be high this month. We need to get him warmed up. I bet those steel handcuffs are getting really cold!”

I was quickly rolled back into the living room, this time able to watch where the girls were taking me. The rope was undone binding me to the chair. The girls pulled me to a standing position then carefully lowered me, so I was laying on a thick blanket they had placed in front of the fireplace. Wrapping the blanket over and tucking it in tightly, they rolled me over a couple of times, so I ended up on my side tightly wrapped up like a burrito. My wrists and ankles were still handcuffed, and my erection grew at the feeling of being tightly wrapped and pressed urgently against the blanket. Claire extended her legs, so her pretty bare feet were facing the fire and rested my head on her soft thighs. She began unbuckling the ball gag while my wife briskly rubbed my body through the blankets. When the gag was removed, some drool escaped and landed on her thigh. “Sorry!” I apologized. “That’s ok!” Claire replied, carefully wiping my mouth with a loose corner of the blanket. Kneeling close by, my wife started to build a fire, while Claire cradled my head and slowly caressed my hair in an almost motherly way. “It’s ok, you’re safe now” she soothed. “Close your eyes and rest. You’re going to need it for what we have planned for you next!”

Soon, warmed by the fire and the closeness of the blanket, I was roughly unrolled. Laying on my side naked and shackled in the middle of the blanket, the girls placed four playing cards face down in front of me. If you’ve read my past stories, you’ll remember that my wife is fond of games where cards determine my fate (where, for instance, a King of Hearts would decree me to be hogtied). It was unusual for her to only use four cards.

“This is a simplified game” she explained, “with only four possible outcomes.” She continued “The cards will be mixed up and placed face down in a row. You will select one to draw. If you select the King of Hearts, you will be thoroughly tickled. If you select the Queen of Hearts, we’ll use our riding crops on you. If you select the Ace of Hearts, we’ll take turns touching and stroking your cock. If you select the Jack of Hearts, we’ll take turns teasing your cock with our mouths. The only rule is if you draw the same card twice, you get to re-draw. Ready?” Despite my earlier ordeal, I was rock hard and ready to for round two of our playtime. “Ready!” I said eagerly.

The cards were mixed up and arranged in a row. I had a 50/50 chance of picking one that would lead to my overexcited cock finally getting some attention! I chose the second one from the left which, unfortunately, was the King of Hearts. Immediately both women began tickle-torturing me with cries of delight. If I wiggled too much, they both straddled me to hold me still. If I, (no longer gagged) made too much noise, my wife would clamp her hand tightly over my mouth and tickle me with her free hand. They would stop when I was getting out of breath and start again before I had the chance to fully recover. When I was just starting to wonder if I could take any more, my wife said “ok, he’s had enough. Time for another draw.”

The cards were mixed up for the redraw. This time I drew the Queen of Hearts. Riding crops! I really wanted them but was apprehensive at the same time. I momentarily wondered if it had been a good idea getting Claire her own. “Assume the position!” my wife mock ordered. “Sorry, what position?” I asked. “The position, silly!” when I looked confused, she said, “Claire, help me get him into a kneeling position.” Soon the women, with me struggling to help, got me into a position where I was kneeling in the middle of the blanket.

The riding crops were taken to hand and soon I felt a volley of strikes all over my body. As my wife applied firmer swats to my bare bottom (alternating ass cheeks, giving them a nice red glow, making we struggle as I experienced a dizzying mixture of delight and discomfort) Claire applied much lighter strikes to other areas of my body (the soles of my feet, the backs of my thighs, my shoulders, my stomach). Sometimes Claire would trail the edge of the riding crop along the bottom of my shaft or rest the flat striking surface against the underside of my sensitive balls. I would always gasp and hold my breath when this happened, but she never struck them. I lost all track of time as I felt all my nerve endings come awake and tingle pleasantly. Finally, my wife said, “ok time for another draw.”

The cards were mixed up and re-aligned and, after selecting the Queen of Hearts again (to my astonishment) I had to re-draw. I head my breath as I said “Ok, the card furthest to the left.” I groaned loudly as the King of Hearts, the tickling card, was again turned up. I had been left in the kneeling position for the draw and quickly felt all my strength drain away. The girls quickly caught me as I fell sideways and slowly lowered me to a laying position. I couldn’t believe my bad luck and I didn't know if I had it in me to endure another extended tickling session. “I’m not sure I can take anymore!” I implored. “You can take more, a whole lot more!” my wife said. “We’re taking you to the edge and beyond and we’re not in the mood for any more pleading and whining!” She looked at Claire with a mischievous grin and said, “Ball gag him!” I didn’t know what to say or do, other then slump helplessly in my restraints and wait for the gag to be tightly fastened and the tickling to begin.

Suddenly both girls laughed and started softly rubbing me everywhere (my sore backside, my tired legs and over-tickled feet, my neck and shoulders). I felt one hand cup my balls and softly tickle them while another hand softly stroked my cock. “Never change, we love you!” my wife said. When I got a puzzled look, Claire said, “Didn’t you wonder at any point if there were repeat cards?” At that stage of my capture, I honestly couldn’t comprehend what she was saying. Laughing, she slowly turned over all four cards. There were two King of Hearts and two Queen of Hearts. “How?” I gasped. I feel silly writing this knowing the simple solution stumped me at the time, but the stroking of my cock had increased in tempo, and I was finding it difficult to concentrate. “We used two identical sets of playing cards, silly!” Claire smiled beautifully and said, “What do you think?” I replied “Diabolical, even for you two!” laughing.

“We want you to totally relax and enjoy this next part!” my wife said. “You’ve earned it.” Once again, Claire positioned herself so she could cradle my head in her lap as I lay on my side. My wife lay before me, slid her mouth over my cock and slowly started sucking it. I started to tense up to make it last. Usually, I resisted as long as I could, and my wife would edge me multiple times before granting me release. I heard Claire say, as she lovingly stroked my hair “This time, fully relax, let it happen. Close your eyes, think happy thoughts, and let it all go.” In a perfect relaxed state, I did feel my body fully letting go as my cock discharged again and again into my wife’s willing mouth.

Afterwards, my wife asked, “Is it ok if Claire and I have some time together?” My wife describes herself as a 70-30 switch. She generally prefers men, but occasionally craves women. Her and Claire, and their friend Cynthia, all had different boyfriends during their four years together as university roommates, but they would frequently set aside “girls only” evenings or the occasional weekend away where they would explore intimacy together, including tie-up games. They never shared their secret with anyone, other than with me. That’s where my wife got her start learning rope work. “Sure!” I replied.

“Do you want to stay cuffed, or should we release you?” my wife asked. The cuffs, even though they were a lot more comfortable than regular ones, were starting to get uncomfortable. They were great (flat and smooth) as long as you relaxed in them, but I had been struggling. I was pretty sure I had a couple of bruises where I had strained against the polished metal surface. I was tired, totally spent, but I didn’t want my adventure to end. “I don’t want the cuffs on, or my hands or feet tightly bound, but I don’t want to be set free either!” I said honestly.

“I have an idea” my wife said, getting the key from the mantle and quickly unlocking both sets of handcuffs. “If you don’t like it, we can undo it, but let’s give it a try. I’ll be right back.” My wife returned with some ropes and asked me to stand up in front of the couch. With Claire helping, they got the blanket from the floor and started tightly wrapping it around me. While I balanced on my bare feet, snuggly rolled in the blanket from my shoulders to my ankles with my hands comfortably at my sides, my wife began slowly applying ropes to hold it in place. As soon as the blanket was secured well enough so it wouldn’t unroll, Claire began helping with the ropes.

I had to hop slightly to keep my balance as each new rope was yanked tight and knotted. Within minutes, I was intricately roped, wrapped in my warm blanket cocoon. It was soft and fuzzy against my skin, and there was no longer any pressure on my tired wrists and ankles, but I suspected it would be difficult to escape (even if I wanted to) with no way to pull my arms free from my sides to reach the ropes. They lowered me (a heavily roped and wrapped body-shaped bundle with my head sticking out one side and bare feet sticking out the other) so I was comfortably laying on my back on the couch. They placed a pillow under my head and turned all the lights off so the room was only lit by firelight. It felt amazing.

I watched the girls walk away for their well-earned time together holding hands, talking softly. Left alone, warm and cozy, I spent a few minutes struggling and rubbing my feet together, but very quickly fell into a deep sleep. I awoke sometime later as Claire, wearing a terrycloth robe, lifted my head and shoulders up and (for the third time that evening) sat down and placed my head in her lap. At the same time my wife lifted my legs up and, sitting on the other end of the couch, placed my exposed bare feet on her lap. “It’s still early” my wife said, “we can watch some TV if you want.” I looked at the clock on the wall. It was just past 8pm! With everything that happened, only a little over a couple of hours had passed!

The TV clicked on. I can’t remember the show. Claire languorously trailed paths through my hair with a single fingertip as my wife started to gently tug on my toes, one by one. “Do you want us to unwrap you, or are you ok staying that way for a while longer?” my wife asked. I assured her I was ok staying that way…
I hope you enjoy reading about my adventures with my lovely wife. I've sure enjoyed experiencing them! If you have the time, I love comments. Happy tie-up games everyone!
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Post by JulieG »

I love the cheat by only having the punishment cards, but making you think you might get some pleasure.
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Post by psuking1 »

JulieG wrote: 1 year ago I love the cheat by only having the punishment cards, but making you think you might get some pleasure.
Ahhhh. To be so lucky to be tortured like that. To Dom is awesome but when beautiful women decide to make me worship and serve them is heaven.
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Post by TicklishSwitch »

Really fun story x
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