Getting to Know you: (m/m)

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Getting to Know you: (m/m)

Post by GrumpyBear »

I have gotten a fair amount of feedback from my initial story. Between a few PMs and replies there appears to be some desire to know the backstory. So, I'll go ahead and share that next here. I will warn it's not as exciting in the bondage department as my first story. But, it will clear up how all this started.

My entire life I grew up in South Florida. I don't want to give out the exact city. It was towards the lower part of the state. A good friend of mine in high school was scouted for a college football team by where I ended up going to college. We had been best friends since I was 8 years old. So, I ended up sending my own application up to the university he got picked for. My grades were all right. I was an A and B student in high school. Surprisingly, I heard back from the college that they offered me a third of the tuition an academic scholarship.

My parents are not rich, but we were towards the upper end of the middle class. My father asked me if I really wanted to go to a school that far away and a few months later my mother was dropping me off. Although my high school friend ended up going, he got married a month before college and rented an apartment with his new wife. We still saw each other on and off. But, as an unmarried freshman, I ended up in one of the dorms. That's where I met Max.

I have briefly introduced our physical and somewhat different personalities in my first story. So, I won't repeat those here. It makes you wonder how we ended up together. Well, when I was filling out the enrollment papers, there was a questionnaire about roommates. It does turn out despite the differences in our backgrounds Max and I did have some similar interests. We had similar sleep schedules, both liked video games, Both of us were minoring in English Lit. So, there were a few qualities we shared despite our outward appearances. The college questionnaire did quite well in matching us as we shared several other interests not even on it.

This story serves as an introduction to how everything started. It was on the Wednesday of the second full week of September that year. Max entered our room through the front door. Well, the only door leading in or out of our room. Our dorm had 12 floors on it and we lived on the 5th if I remember right. Max and I roomed together throughout our whole college experience. But, we changed dorms 3 times. It was roughly 6:00 in the evening when he returned from dinner. The food services were open all day. But dinner was served between 4:30 and 7:30 at night. I tended to go early to avoid the rush. Max ate at a little later time.

"Hey, Ryan." He stated coming through the door setting down his backpack on the floor. He looked up at me. "Isn't it a little early for bed?" Max asked in a sarcastic tone. I was laying down in the top bunk of our beds tucked under my covers. I was in some boxer shorts and a short sleeve t-shirt. Max was in a long sleeve shirt and Jeans at this point.

I sat up in bed. "I'm not tired, I am just trying to get warm. It's freezing up here. Stupid college cannot install proper heat in this dinosaur of a building."

Max laughed and crossed the room. He checked on the wall heater we had over by the window. I suppose I should take a little time to describe our dorm room. It was about 15 feet long and 10 feet wide not counting the closets or desks. On the right wall when you walked in there were two closets built into the middle with double sliding doors. Between the wall by the door and the first closet, there was about a 4-foot dest set into the wall with shelves set above it. There was an identical desk set up at the far end of the room between the outside wall and the closets as well. At the far wall where we had our window, there was a wall-mounted heating unit.

The college also provided us with a basic wooden chair for each of the desks. We also had two 6 foot beds that were bunked and up against the left wall over by the door. At the end of the beds, there was a small. At the foot of the bed was a short 5-foot couch. It would probably be better described as a loveseat. Max had bought it at a local thrift shop and provided it for the room. Against the wall right next to it was a small 6-foot mind fridge. Against the back wall, we had a television cart set up with a 32-inch flat-screen television and an Xbox 360 game system.

The closets themselves were each about 3 feet deep and 5 feet long give or take. Inside the university had provided each of us with a small 3 drawer dresser and a rack to hang clothes. They both had overhead shelving as well. We had a small microwave set up on top of the fridge. So, rather efficient use of space overall. The walls of the room were simple white painted cinderblocks. Likewise, the floor was covered by this puke brown colored carpeting that looked like it had been there since Nixon was president. Max had a secondhand desktop computer setup on the desk closest to the external wall. I had a laptop, but it wasn't particularly good either.

Max looked down at the ancient heater and then up at me. "It's already set high. But, I don't think it's going to do much good. If you're cold why don't you change into some pajamas?" He asked looking up at me.

"I don't have any pajamas. I haven't worn those since I was like in first grade. Sheesh," I replied. Normally, at home, I was used to a pretty warm climate. In January we normally hand highs in the upper 60's or even low 70's. Here, two weeks into September it was already in the mid-'50s and the nights were dropping into the 40s. Normally, I would just sleep in my boxers and sometimes a light shirt if it was cooler.

"Well, then put on some warmer clothes genius!" Max exclaimed "This stupid thing isn't going to do its job. I think if it gets up hear up to 65 well be lucky." He explained turning the heater up to as high as it would go.

"I really don't have much that's warmer. I brought T-shirts and shorts for the first month or two. My mother is coming up to visit in about 2 weeks and bringing the rest of my clothes then. We didn't have room for everything in the van all at once." I explained.

Max crossed his arms then headed over to his closet and opened the door. He paused to give me the you're an idiot look before making the trip. After looking for a few minutes he turned and tossed something up into the bed where I was sitting. It was a big orange garment and I held it up starting to unfold it.

"There try that." He offered. I unfolded the garment. It was made of orange fleece for the most part. It was a once piece jumpsuit and as I looked it over I realized what it was meant to be. Basically like some sort of a fox costume or what some of you might call a Kigurumi. It was primarily orange except it had a white tummy patch and some brown trim. The wrist and ankles were wrapped with a ribbed cuff and it had a hood with a face on it.

"This thing looks ridiculous," I commented holding it up. "You actually wear this?" I said looking at him almost in disbelief.

"Yeah, I do to bed when it gets colder. I'm not going to take a girl on a date in it. But, it's warm, you're cold and it's probably one of the few things I have that would probably fit you." He explained grabbing some pajama pants and a towel from his closet.

"Look try it on and see if it will fit. It will keep you warm. Or you can sit up there and freeze. I am just trying to help. Either way, I am going to grab a shower. Back in a few." Max said as he exited the room closing the door behind him.

With Max gone I climbed down from the upper bunk and held up the sleepsuit. I was alone now and I stared at it for a moment or two. It was cold and it wasn't like anybody was around to see this. So, I went ahead and opened up the front zipper on it. I stepped my legs into the bottom half of it and then drew the top up around my arms. Then I did up the zipper in the front and looked down at myself. It wasn't a terrible fit. The cuffs on the legs were about 2 inches above my ankles. The sleeves did make it all the way down to my wrists. I tried pulling the hood on it up and then crossed the room to our door. There was a small mirror mounted on the back of our door.

I took one look at myself in the mirror and decided I looked as stupid as I thought I did. However, Max was right about one thing. Being in this silly thing for about 3 minutes I was already feeling much more comfortable when it came to the temperature. I tossed the hood back so that I wouldn't feel so stupid and headed over to my computer. I tossed on some headphones and fired up firefox.

Normally, it took Max quite a while to take a shower. He would be in there for a good 10 to 15 minutes then go through some night time routines. I figured I had a good half hour to kill. But, I must have lost track of time when he came up behind me and tapped me on the shoulder. I was started by his touch and quickly went for my computer mouse trying to close the browser window. But, I was pretty sure it was too late. He had already seen what I was looking at. I looked up at him trying to read his reaction. It wasn't what I was expecting.

"Hey, man not judging you. If you're into that it's all good. Everyone needs their release. But, I would prefer it if you did it while you weren't wearing my pajamas." He commented.

My left hand was buried in my crotch while I had used my right to close the computer window. I finally released myself after hearing something from Max. The window in question was a naked young chick in a snug hogtie with a guy having his way with her. I'll exclude anything more explicit from the story in that regard. I think most of you get the idea.

"Sorry, I was finally warming up and I figured you would be gone a little longer. So, I had some time alone and."

"I guess I'm doing laundry tomorrow," Max commented.

"I'll pay for the machine," I replied with a quiet smirk. At least the tension was breaking. Max had transitioned into some pajama pants and was wearing a bathrobe over the top half of his body along with some slide sandals.

"It looks like those fit you reasonably well," Max commented, looking at me from a short distance.

"Yeah their not too bad. At least they're warm. Thanks for letting me borrow them, even if I do look pretty stupid in them." I replied back.

"I don't think you look stupid, their just pajamas." Max retorted looking at me. "I didn't know you were into that sort of stuff."

"It's not the main thing for me. Just something that helps when I need a quick fix." I responded. "How about you? I wouldn't figure you were into this."

"I had a few experiences with bondage growing up," Max commented. "I was in the boy scouts for a few years and had a few friends that were into tying each other up. How about you?"

"Not really, I replied. I mean I tried tying myself up a few times. But, once my Dad found out about it he put an end to it." I explained. Max undid the belt on his bathrobe and pulled it free of the loops that held it in place. Next, he slipped it off his shoulders and threw it onto his bed. He was wearing a short-sleeved t-shirt underneath it. However, he held onto his belt. Then he started walking over towards me.

"Here let me have your wrists," Max commented looking down where I was seated. At first, I didn't respond. But after a minute of contemplation. I went ahead and turned my back to him and brought my arms up. Max took hold of my wrists and guided them into the middle of my back. He used the belt from his robe and started wrapping them in a figure 8 pattern. After 5 passes or so, he used the last foot or so of the belt to cinch off the center. Last he tied a knot on top with the ends of the belt.

I twisted my wrist behind my back and the belt held firm. Max reached over and put the hood on the fox outfit up. He lifted it gently onto my head and dropped it into place. Then he circled around my chair to be in front of me.

"Now you look pretty stupid wearing that he commented."

I stood up and lunged at Max bearing some annoyance from the comment. But, with my hands tied I had no way to grab him. I tried to angle myself so I could get ahold of him with my bound wrists. But, he easily sidestepped me and grabbed ahold of the pajamas in the front. Max used my momentum against me and I ended up flopping stomach down on his bed. I rolled over to face him sitting on the edge of his bed. I twisted my hands again against the belt. But, I couldn't pull them loose. I spent the next 3 or 4 minutes twisting them in several directions. But the belt held firm and I couldn't get free.

"Hey, let me out of this!" I complained glaring at him.

"No, I don't think so. I think I'll wait until you calm down a bit. You're almost 2 of me. But with your hands behind you, I can probably take you." He replied.

I struggled against the belt again for a minute. I thought about rushing my roommate again. But, our first demonstration had proved him right. I relaxed my breathing and calmed down. The bindings on my wrists were secure and I needed help if I was going to get loose. My options were either to get Max to release me or go out into the hallway as a tied up orange fox. The choice was easy to make once I regained the ability to think rationally. I got up from the bed and walked over to our small sofa. Then I sat down and laid back against the rear of it.

Max went over to his closet again and rummaged around. After a quick break-in time he came over towards me carrying two additional things. One was an orange luggage strap and the other was a bag of microwave popcorn. He opened the microwave and popped the bag in after taking it out of the celefane wrapper. Then he set the timer to 3 minutes and hit start.

"Well good to see you've calmed down. But we should make sure you don't do something stupid again and get hurt." Max knelt down and started wrapping the strap around my ankles. My first instinct was to kick him, but I fought it and let him proceed. He wrapped my legs a few times then clicked the buckle into place. I shifted my legs back side to side once the strap was in place. It wasn't perfect and I probably could kick out of it with some effort. But, I left it alone and just sat there. A moment later the microwave beeped.

Max pulled out his bag of popcorn and snatched up the television remote. After that he pulled his wooden chair from his desk leaving me the couch to myself. Next, he switches on the television and flipped channels until he found a movie. It wasn't my favorite, but being trussed up I figured I didn't have a whole lot of say in the matter. I sat there like that for about 45 minutes while the movie played testing my bonds occasionally. About 10 minutes into the experience, I began to relax and actually kind of forgot that I was tied up. My attention drifted to the screen and I just got comfortable.

About 20 minutes after that, Max got up and dropped the second bag of popcorn into the microwave as he had finished his first. I just sat there and listened to the microwave hum next to me while the television ran commercials. About 2 minutes later the microwave went beep again and Max pulled the bag out of it. He popped it open and took out a handful of popcorn. Then he set the remainder of the bag down on the sofa next to me. Next, he reached behind me and I felt a few tugs on the belt that had been binding my hands behind my back.

Max withdrew his hand and returned to his perch on the chair eating his handful of popcorn. A few twists of my wrists and I realized the knot that had been binding me had been released. I tugged a little bit and was able to dislodge my arms from their bindings. After that, I reached down to steal a handful of popcorn for myself.

"You can have the rest of the bag. Sorry to eat it all in front of you earlier." Max offered with a quiet smile. "Are you ok?" He asked.

I rubbed my wrists for a minute and nodded. I didn't reply verbally as I had a mouth full of popcorn at the moment. We finished the movie and then had a discussion about my little bondage session. It had been an unexpected experience and I did enjoy it. It wasn't until I tried to stand up that I realized my ankles were still strapped together and I almost fell over. Although getting loose from that was relatively trivial.

I ended up wearing the fox sleepsuit to bed that night. It was comfortable and I was able to better adapt to the climate with it. I emailed my mother in the morning about needing some warmer additions to my wardrobe. She did some checking on UPS and then just sent me a money order for $200 and told me to go buy some new stuff. As it would take 3 or 4 days to get there and run $75 to ship it. I didn't have a car on campus. But Max did and he told me he would help me make a run out to our local Target on that Friday after class.

Well, I know that story was a lot tamer than my first one for the most part in terms of the actual bondage situation. But, I hope it better shows how all this stuff got put into motion. There were a handful of other experiences between this one and my first story. I'll share them if there is interest. But, for now, I think this is long enough. Again, thanks for all the feedback and I appreciate you all reading it.

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Post by Ebascoray »

Well, Mr. GrumpyBear, that does explain it quite well. Thanks for posting the "back story." And, I'll be looking for more of the stories from you. Best Regards.

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Post by Canuck100 »

Very interesting and fun. I wish I had a roommate like him! Looking forward to your other stories
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Post by GrumpyBear »

This isn't a bondage part of the story. But, I thought I would include some of my initial shopping histories as a follow up to this. The next story should take place in a week or so. Thanks for reading everyone. I just wanted to finish the backstory.

It was the following day after classes were over when Max and I pulled into the target parking lot. Given the long distance between my and my parents. My mother dropped me off at the beginning of the semester. She was going to come to see me once in October. Other than that I wouldn't see her in person until Christmas break began. So, she had simply sent me a couple of hundred dollars instead of driving my warmer clothes up. The directive I had been giving was to go get something more climate-appropriate.

"Best of luck with your shopping trip," Max advised. "I have an errand to run and I pick you up in a little over an hour."

I nodded and waved at him as his car pulled away from the curb. I turned and started heading into our local Target store. My budget wasn't huge and my list was rather succinct. I needed a few warmer options than what I already had. But, this wasn't a winter shopping trip either. I headed over to the Men's section and started looking around. There was a reasonably wide selection. I already knew my sizes and didn't need to try things on. I grabbed 2 pairs of jeans; some sweat pants; a pair of track pants; a windbreaker; a hooded sweatshirt; 3 long sleeve t-shirts and one or two other things. Just a collection of clothing that offered a better group of options for the current season.

I kept a running tally on my funds as I went. Surprisingly, I had about $50 left give or take at that point despite a cart full of clothes. I rounded another display. Max had suggested I buy something warmer to sleep in as well. My plan was probably either some additional sweat pants or some pajama bottoms. I figured I would take a look at what the store had available. Several of the guys on our floor wore them pretty casually around. So, it wasn't all that big of a deal or anything.

I figured if I found something that I liked I would get it. Then I would pair it with a t-shirt and call it a day. Alternatively, I could just get an extra pair of sweat pants or two. Either would work fine for staying warm while lounging or sleeping. My initial search yielded little success. All the sleep pants were either cartoons I didn't like or stripped like what you might call Grandpa Joe pajamas. While cartoon ones would be socially acceptable, I didn't want to associate myself with the wrong image. There was a Simpson set, but they were two-piece pajamas. I wasn't sure I wanted a top and bottoms. Likewise, they were more expensive than stand-alone sleep pants.

I also contemplated the idea of getting a bathrobe as well. Not something I particularly wanted. But, that would give us two belts. After some looking, I went ahead and grabbed the Simpsons set. I also went and got a two-piece navy blue sweatsuit as well for an alternative. I was starting towards the registers when I walked by a clearance rack. That's where I spotted the Grumpy Bear sleeper from my first story. I stopped and looked at it for a minute just hanging there among the swimsuits and a few other leftovers from the summer season.

I took hold of it and looked it over. It was an XL which was my size. I had liked care bears when I was a real little kid. We're talking in the 4 to 6 year old range. I still sometimes watched the original episodes on youtube in private. It was soft and quite similar to Max's Fox outfit although it didn't have the low crotch. I thought of myself being in it and laughed dismissing the thought pretty quickly. If anybody saw me in it that would not be a particularly good thing for my reputation. Then again, Max had his fox outfit and I hadn't known about it despite sharing a room with him for several weeks.

I took a second and looked down trying to see how much they wanted for the silly thing. I figured I would see a cost higher than what I had left and dismissed the idea on a cost basis. It was marked down to $6.95 from $40. I slipped the hanger out of the hood and dropped it into the cart. I was careful to somewhat bury it under some of the other clothing I had purchased. Afterward, I made my way up front to the lines. I settled in a longer one as the woman tending the till was old enough to be my mother. I waited for a few transactions until it was my turn. I unloaded my cart onto the belt and walked ahead. The cashier greeted me kindly and started ringing up my order.

"Hi, there doing some clothes shopping?" She asked.

"Just stocking up for the season. I at the college and I needed some warmer outfits." I commented trying to keep the conversation moving.

"This looks pretty warm and cozy." The lady announced holding up the carebear outfit. "Nice pick, it can get pretty chilly up around these parts." She finished.

I was a little red-faced at the comment. But the woman scanned the tag then folded it up neatly before depositing it in the bag. I watched as the total rang up and each item found it's way into the mix. Overall, it took her about 5 minutes to ring me up. I ran about 3 bucks over my mother's stipend. But, I could afford that. I paid for her and took the three bags of clothing before heading for the door. Upon exiting the establishment I saw Max's beater parked a couple of spaces down one of the rows. He waved as I approached and popped the trunk for me. I pushed it open with one finger while holding onto the bags with the same hand.

Upon depositing the bags in the trunk I noticed another shopping bag. It was marked from a hardware store a couple of blocks up from us. There was a coil of white rope hanging out the end the top. I wasn't sure what to make of it. But, I would actually find out about it sooner rather than later. I slammed the trunk shut then I headed over and climbed in the front of the car.

"Get everything you need?" Max inquired.

"Yeah and then some I suppose. How about you?" I responded.

"I got some gas and a few of the other basics. Let's head back." Max finished the conversation before putting the car into drive. About 10 minutes later we pulled into the parking lot near our dorm. It was across a street towards the rear of the campus. Freshmen were allowed to have cars. But, they had to park all the way out in the boonies. Max found an open hole and shut the engine off before popping the trunk a second time.

Upon reaching it, I took hold of my bags and started lifting them free. Max offered to take one off my hands. I passed him one being careful which one. He also took hold of his bag containing the purchases from the hardware store.
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Post by mikeybound »

Gee, I wonder what he got?
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Post by Canuck100 »

I enjoy stories with lots of details like this one. Please, keep going!
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Post by Axlot »

Nice story I hope one day you tell us more about your experiences you had tied up.
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Post by Paris_bondage »

Gret stories. I'm always tuned up by situations where one wears someone else's clothes. Particularly if it is one captor's clothes, and even more when wool sweaters are involved.
Thank you!
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