Repost: angelas plight (F already tied)

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Repost: angelas plight (F already tied)

Post by Fesselfan »

Hi all, before I start, some words about this story. It's one of my older stories, once posted on a board which is now going to close. It is partly fictional- but related to my other stories.
It is especially related to my story "good old study days"; in fact, it was a kind of writing experiment, based on the facts I knew about the situation when Jasmine and I left Angela tied up in the attic that day.
Personally, I don't consider it to be one of my good stories, but I am curious about your opinion.

Well, without further adue then, the story


Call me Angela.

(It’s a good idea to take inspiration from a great novel. Who can guess from which novel that one is? It's not too hard...)

If you have read the story "Good old study days" you will already know me a little. If not, here is a brief description of myself:
I am 21 years old at the time of this story, 5'11'' in size. I have long, blonde hair and brown eyes. My boyfriend claims I look pretty hot, and who am I to object.

To give you an idea of the timeframe, it's set during the other story. In fact, it starts at the time right before my favorite bad guy and Jasmine left me tied up in the attic at day 2 of that story, to drive to the city and fetch stuff we will need over the next days.

I am wearing a black short skirt then, hold-up nylons, a white top and my mint green jacket.
They tied my arms behind my back, and tied ropes around my upper body tightly, pinning my arms on my back. That traitor Jasmine gagged me by pushing a bandana into my mouth and secured it there with several straps of duct tape.
Then I had to sit with my back to one of the vertical wooden poles of the roof construction. They tied my upper body to that pole with even more ropes, as if I had any chance to escape before that...
They finished my restraints by tying my feet and my thighs together. I was barely able to move my legs, and my upper body was almost impossible to move at all.

As you now have an idea about my situation, I will drop right in the story.


"I have to go now. Till later, sweetheart!" as you may have guessed, that is not me (as I am already safely gagged), but my favorite bad guy.
"Mmmmpppf". There is only so much you can reply when you are gagged.

He takes a bandana and a pair of handcuffs from the toy bag, (looks like Jasmine will not enjoy complete freedom during their trip either), and exits the attic, leaving me alone there tied up and gagged, as I have asked earlier.

I listen to the sounds around me, hearing some conversation from Jasmine and my guy from the outside, but I am not able to get the exact words.

A thought crosses my mind...'If I want to stop it, this is the last chance. Once the car's engine is started, they would not be able to hear me anymore. So, am I really up to it? Think about that, girl, they will be away for quite some time, and perhaps you won't be able to free yourself.'

Yes, I want it. The car's engine just started anyway, so it was too late now. I hear the sound of the car fading away, realizing now it's just me, my restraints and my gag.

I decide not to struggle or try to escape right now. After all, I would have plenty of time for that. Instead, I concentrate on the feeling of my bondage, exploring it a bit.
My upper body and arms are secured pretty tightly, I can feel the pull of the ropes and can hardly move them an inch, if that. It is not uncomfortable though, giving me a feeling of helplessness, but of safety and protection too. I move my tied legs around a little, but the bounds don't leave that much room for that either.

The bandana in my mouth is starting to get wet by my saliva. I have been gagged before, and I know it will be wet through and through long before someone will come and remove it, if I don't manage to get it out of my mouth myself that is.
The duct tape over my mouth feels strange; this is the first time it is used on me. It holds the bandana in place safely, but it's adhesive feels a little odd on my skin. I guess I have to get along with that for the time being.

I take some time, feeling, pushing a little here or there (not too strong though) and enjoying myself.
Finally, I am tied up and gagged, and have been left here by my kidnapper, like I have dreamed about often. I wonder when they will come back, but I guess it will be at least 2 hours, if not more. It's some distance to the city and back, after all.

"Hmhmhmhpff" I wanted to say how I enjoy it, but the gag muffled these words.

I feel silly, I forgot that I have been gagged. Anyway, no one was here to hear me, right? And it didn't sound bad at all.
"hmhmii hmpfehlm hmhmood", I test the gag some more. It still fits well into my mouth, nothing getting loose. I decide to try it out again later.

I look around the attic, well at least the parts I can see from my position. I can see the wooden bars of the roof construction- I am sure many exciting bondage games can be played here! I hope my bad guy will do that with Jasmine and me!

The motorboat standing in the middle of the room, covered with a blanket. I remember the boat trips on the sea I made in it, together with my uncle.
In case you haven't read the other story, the house I am currently tied up in is my uncle's weekend house.

Overall it's very quiet and peaceful here, nothing moving at all. Well, nothing there could move anyway.. except me, everything is just an immobile object. And I am forced to be pretty immobile, too.

I try to worm away from the pole I am tied to, but as I expect, the ropes hold me firmly to it. It's still a good feeling to feel the ropes even more, as I struggle against them.

What would it be like, I wonder, If my guy and Jasmine come back, and find out I have escaped their bondage? They looked pretty self-assured as they left, they would surely be surprised. Perhaps I could even "assault" Jasmine, and tie her up tightly as revenge for her behavior as she gagged me (well in fact I liked the way she just forced it onto me, but I will never admit that to another person). I would let myself get caught again then by my bad guy, of course. After all, I *DO* enjoy being tied up very much.

That sounds really good, but there is one problem; it requires getting out of these bounds. I will give it a try.
I start by moving my hands a little, as much as these restraints allow me. I feel the soft cotton ropes rubbing against my wrists skin; this won't be a problem though. The bondage is tight, but not cutting into circulation. My kidnapper knows how to tie a girl very well, I realize with a smile under my gag.

I imagine some future possible situations with him now, but sadly I can't tell you of them, as that would violate this boards tone.

After some time of dreaming, I command myself back to the task at hand; after all, I want to get out of this and surprise them.
"GHmmmep ipf hmhmoin" I say to myself. It's still unusual to me to hear my own gagged voice, with no one around.

I start by trying to pull my arms out of their bounds by force. Honestly, I don't expect much out of it, but I think I should at least try. Beside a little pain in the wrists, there is no effect though, so I start to think of different approaches.
Perhaps I could get my legs free? That wouldn't get me freedom, but it would be more comfortable for me. So I start to struggle with them.
The bounds at my feet are not as tight as the ones around my thighs, I notice. Perhaps it's because Jasmine tied my feet, and my handsome kidnapper my thighs...looks like he is better at bondage than Jas'.

So I start to try to at least get my feet free. This is going on for about 5 minutes, as I suddenly heard a loud rumble coming from below.
Instantly I fall completely silent...what happened? I don't hear anything more though. Perhaps something has just fallen over?

But what if not, if someone has entered the house? I am completely helpless here. At best, it would be very embarrassing, and I would have a lot of explaining to do. And if it’s worse...
'Don't even think about that' I remind myself. 'Listen more, and be completely quiet, that's all you can do now'.

This doesn't work, of course. What if it's a burglar, who has come to rob the house, and finds me up here, tied like a small package? As fantasy, or with a consenting counterpart, this could be real nice. But in reality?
I start to shiver.
What have I done, by insisting of being tied up here alone?
I begin to feel afraid, and a tear is running down my face. If only my guy or Jasmine would come back ahead of time, and check out if everything is allright!
But I know they won't be back anytime soon.
Really afraid now, I start to pull at the ropes holding my hands and arms, not caring if that hurts a little. But they continue to hold me tightly.

Damn, why must that guy tie so well?

'Calm down' I command myself, 'there is absolutely no point in panic now. Take a break and a deep breath- you are already starting to sweat. There is no use in exhausting yourself quickly. If it had been a burglar, you would have heard something more already.'
The voice of reason sounds good. Still I am afraid, and another tear runs down my face.

I sit still for a while, breathing heavily through my nose, but not making a sound except that. Still nothing to hear beside my breath, so it must have been something, which has just fallen over, I decide.
"Hmhmpf!" I sigh in relief.
I realize now I have been in stress for the past half hour or so, since that sound happened, as my heart is pumping. But I am calming down now again...

Back to my task then, I remind myself. Pulling my arms was not successful, and my feet are still tied, despite my struggling. Perhaps I can find a weak spot at my wrist bondage? If I could undo that, I would have a much easier task removing the rest of the bondage.

I start to feel around with my fingers. No weak spot yet...what if I stretch out a little more so I can reach a little more upwards?
I try that, and push my body at the ropes holding it by the way.

There was nothing, I better give that up...wait, what's that? There is something, almost out of reach of my fingers. I bend a little more, and now can touch it. A knot. I can't believe it, I can touch a knot. If I can untie it, I will be finally able to get my hands free!

'Don't jubilate yet, girl', I remind myself, 'there is time for celebration once I am free'.

Ignoring the pain induced by pushing against the ropes, I start my attempt to undo the knot.

It takes a felt eternity of time, and I was about to give up several times, but finally it gets loose!
'Now that was good work, girl' I tell myself. I must really have said that, as I hear my own muffled voice saying something like "Hmhmow pffap hmhmaaff gmmoop mwwormp hmirm".
I wouldn't mind loosing that gag, the bandana is soaked through and through now by my salvia, and that's not a very joyful feeling. Alas, I can't do anything about it now, so I ignore it.

I can feel the two rope ends now, which were formerly knotted together. After some failed attempts, I manage to throw one upwards over my wrists; that will be the first loop of ropes around them that I get loose.

Or should have goes upward, but doesn't come down again.

Damn, it must have get stuck somewhere up there. Anyway, I have one more end, so I try that out.
The same happened, and my wrist bounds don't loose any pull at all.

Thinking about the situation I realize my bad guy must have knotted the ends together somewhere else again, way out of my reach. So my little victory means nothing in the way of getting free!

"Hmhmhmppfff!!" I cry out in frustration.

Time to take a break from struggling after that arduous but ultimately fruitless exercise, I decide.
Looking around I see the details of the part of the attic in my field of view. By now, I am already pretty familiar with them, unsurprisingly there was nothing new.
I notice that, despite my fear and anger, I like it pretty well so far. Sure, it was terrifying at some points, but it feels amazing! Perhaps it was not such a bad idea to get myself tied up alone, after all.

A time of alternatively struggle and being calm follows, but I don't get anywhere further with escaping.
I will stay tied up and gagged that way, until someone, preferably Jas' or my guy, comes and unties me, I acknowledge.

Amazingly, that didn't feel that bad, in fact I could now just relax and wait until they come. I still struggle a little now and then, but not with the hope of getting free, but just to feel the ropes around me a little more.
Sure, I can't move away, but I am stored here safely until my kidnappers return.
And "assaulting" Jasmine, that will have to wait for another time.

I have really lost track of time, so I can't tell how much of it has passed as I hear a noise coming from outside the house. It is a car's engine!
The sound dies, and I hear nothing more...what if they just turn around, and leave me here longer? Or, what if that aren't Jasmine and my guy?

The bondage was quite enjoyable, but I have enough of it now!

Well, if it is not them, that's bad luck then, but I decide not to be silent this time anymore.
Gladly, I hear the main door opening now.

"HMHMHMHPPPFF!!", I cry out, to make myself known.

"It's us, my sweetie. Is everything all right? Use the safeword if it isn't..."

The voice of my favorite bad guy! Finally, they have come back. I will be free soon, I realize in delight, looking forward to it... but being a little bit sad about it at the same time, too. As I am basically all right, I decide not to use the safeword, saving it for real emergencies only.

"Hmhmffiippff hmhmooohmhaay", 'It's OK' I shout back, speaking overly cautious, so it's somewhat understandable, despite the gag.

I hear him talk in a slow voice, to Jasmine I suspect, and then finally I hear his steps coming up the ladder.

For those of you not familiar with us: He is 23 years old, 6'3'', blonde, solidly built. He wears jeans and a shirt, but looks really handsome in it! To me at least, and that's all that counts, after all.

'Finally' I think in relief, and can't hold myself from saying it, too. "Hmhmhffiihmhmaammy!!"

Of course I don't know how I look, there is no mirror here, but I guess it must be more messed up than when they have left me here, as his face showed a little worry as he looks at me. But the worried look is gone quickly, as he realizes I am just a little exhausted, but otherwise OK.

He bows down and kisses me on my gag, which makes shivers run down my spine, which I really don't expect...

"Looks like you really had an interesting time my darling," he says, "Good to see you were unable to escape from my bondage, even after such a long time. That shows you won't get out of it, while I will go downstairs again and take care of our sweet little princess".

"HMHMHPPPF!" He doesn't want to untie me as soon as possible? That was not what I expected.

"I have to take care of her first and secure her properly." he replies to my complaints. "After all, I can't take the chance of any of you two escaping. I will come back to you as soon as I am finished with her."

Despite more hmhmpfed protests by me, he goes down to the basement again, leaving me once more tied up in the attic!

He doesn't leave the house again though, I still can hear his voice from downstairs, although I can't make out the exact words. I sigh in relief...I don't know if I would have beard being left tied up alone in this house again!

Obviously he is talking to Jasmine; I can hear her voice sometimes too, but it sounds somewhat quieter and muffled. Well, looks she is at least gagged, and most likely tied up, too!

After some minutes, I hear a louder "MMMMPPFFF!!!" coming from below. Whatever he has just done to Jas' was either a bit painful, or surprising, or both.
I giggle to myself...she deserves that. Besides, as I know now, she's very much into bondage, and perhaps a bit masochistic too, so whatever just happens was surely not completely against her will.

I hear their voices for a short time again, and then footsteps on the ladder to the attic.
It's my guy of course (Jasmine is most likely somewhere down there, already tied up), and I greet him with a soft "hmhmpf".

"Ok now its time for you... your little girlfriend is well secured down there now." he says, full in his kidnapper role. "So I can take care of you now."

I look at him, bowing my head a little, so I look like an anxious victim. Besides, with the memory of the fear I had not long ago, not all of it was just acting.
He unties my legs, and removes the ropes holding me tight to the pole.
I sigh in relief, and start to move my legs around a bit, to get them used to their newfound freedom.

"Listen up" he says, "I want you to take a shower, and to change your dress. The one your wearing is messed up pretty bad. For this, I need to untie you. But if you do anything stupid, I will make you really regret that. Understood?"

I nod in agreement. I would do anything for him now, partly just to get finally untied, and partly...well just because he was just such a good villain.

He removed the duct tape covering my mouth, and pulled out the soaked bandana.

"Your a great kidnapper" I whisper to him, glad to be able to speak again, "Keep going on my sweetheart.. keep going on"
He smiles at me and kisses me. Of course, it is not very victim-like, but I just let it happen and reply his kiss!

Well that's the story about the time I spent alone tied up in the attic. Everything else that happened these days you can read in the story "Good old study days".

The end!

Feedback welcome
Rope is the sexiest lingerie. And there is only one thing better than rope- even more rope.
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Post by TightsBound »

Great story! The descriptive writing really made feel like I was the one tied to that post. :D Thanks for posting!
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
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Post by Cleavegagger »

Great story to read, loved it
a girl, neatly tied up and gagged is a beautifull sight. a girl, enjoying being tied up and gagged is the most beautifull thing i've ever seen. If you want my kik just ask.
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