tied in a football jersey (M/M)

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tied in a football jersey (M/M)

Post by wolfytie2 »

I’ve been reading posts on here for a while, so I figured it’s time to add my own.

My boyfriend and I, both in our thirties with somewhat athletic builds, were having a lazy Saturday, me watching TV and him playing games on the computer. We were both kind of recovering from a little bit of sickness, so we hadn’t done much of anything together in a while. I knew I was well on my way to full health, though, when I started feeling horny, in the mood to be tied up. I mean, honestly I’m always in the mood for that, but this time I couldn’t get it out of my mind.

We both showered and lay down together in bed. I wanted him to have his turn first. We did some sexy stuff, and he finished inside me, which is always hot. I wasn’t quite ready for the festivities to come to a close yet, so I said, “I think I want to be tied up.” He shrugged and said okay.

As he cleaned himself up, I got ready. I am not so much into the hardcore dungeon-y types of bondage—I’m much more into everyday clothing and fun, friendly bondage. My absolutely favorite thing is (American) football jerseys. I’ve always had these sorts of locker room fantasies, like getting hazed by teammates or being tied up and missing a game. I’ve never played football in my life, but the associations it raised for me were compelling. I put on white socks and blue jeans, and pulled a white undershirt over my torso. I then retrieved one of my favorite football jerseys from the closet and thus completed the look. I was ready to play the part of a bro getting teased by his friend.

Of the two of us, my boyfriend is way less into bondage than me, and I also wanted to be sensitive to the fact that he had already climaxed, so I took it upon myself to do most of the setup. I wanted to be in a comfortable position where I could stay for a while, and I wanted to be tied *to* something, not just lying on the bed, so that I couldn’t move. I opted for my computer chair.

I pulled a large collection of rope from my closet. It was cotton rope, 3/8 inches thick, and I had a whole 250 feet of it to work with. The more rope the better! I tied one end of the rope to a leg of our computer table and began carefully threading the rope around the apartment so that I could do most of the tying myself. I have done this many times before and was quite familiar with the process, so I knew just the right places to put it. I began pulling the rope taught from that table leg and made my way to the closet, where I looped the rope around the doorknob. From there, I kept tension on it as I snaked the rope into the kitchen, where I pulled out a drawer to serve as another anchor point. With the remaining rope, I brought it back around to the closet door, back to the drawer, and back to the closet again before I finally reached the end. Our small apartment now had rope crisscrossing nearly its whole length.

Now the fun began. With the end of the rope, I made some loops and stuck my hands through so that they would be tied behind me. From there, I started spinning around, wrapping it around myself from the shoulders down, backtracking my way across the apartment. I spun around to up to the closet doorknob, where I would slip it off and back up a few steps to pull the rope taught, and then I would begin spinning as I made my way to the kitchen drawer. By the time I made it to the that first loop around the doorknob, my torso was already completely covered in rope, binding my arms to my sides and my hands behind me. There was still a good amount of rope left, so I slipped it off the doorknob and continued spinning into it, wrapping my legs. By the time I finally got close to the table leg that I had initially tied the rope to, it was winding around my feet, making each twist of the rope more difficult and precarious. But at long last, I made it to the table and sat down in my computer chair. I took one last look at the clock on the oven and saw it was 4:25pm—I wanted to know how long I could last.

Then my boyfriend took over. At my suggestion, he untied the remaining end of the rope from the table leg and attached it to the chair. Then he took another smaller length of rope and began securing my chest to the chair. He started by tying a knot about shoulder level and then brought it around and around. My chest was of course already tied, but the feeling of adding even *more* rope to it was exhilarating. He passed the rope under the arms of the chair to secure my midsection to the seat and then finished it off by adding more rope to my already bound feet.

At last, the finishing touches. He took one of the two bandanas that I had laid out for him and blindfolded me with it, and with the final bandana, he passed the middle through my mouth and tied it behind my head to gag me. Just a bandana is honestly not a super effective gag, but it felt very much like how they do it in the movies or in the cartoons I watched as a kid, so I was totally into it.

As I mentioned, he’s less into bondage and had already orgasmed, so I wanted to make this as low-effort for him as possible. With that in mind, I had told him to do these last bits of tying and then just wheel me around on the computer chair wherever he wanted me and leave me there for as long as possible. In the darkness beneath my blindfold, I felt the chair move away from the computer table into the corner of the room by the front door. And from there, he left me and went back to gaming.

For the first few minutes in the chair, I was getting a little sweaty, having dressed in jeans as well as both an undershirt and a jersey, and the multiple layers of rope around me added even more insulation. After a bit, though, my heart rate settled down and I began to relax into my predicament, enjoying each moment. I squirmed a little bit to get a feel of how hopeless my situation was, and I was delighted to find I couldn’t move my arms at all, and I couldn’t pull away from the back of the chair I was tied to. And attempted to spread my legs, but the rope I had wrapped myself in held my knees and my feet quite well, and I couldn’t extend my feet either on account of my boyfriend’s work. I was stuck, and I was going to be there for a while.

I was gagged, blindfolded, and tied up head to toe, and I was in heaven.

Not being able to see, I had to rely on my hearing to get a sense of what was happening around me. The most constant stimulus was the clicking of the computer mouse as my boyfriend casually played his video game a few feet away from me. Maybe he looked back at me from time to time, or maybe he just pretended to forget about me, but I loved being completely immobilized in the same room as he was just going about his normal day. Once, maybe fifteen minutes into it, maybe an hour, he asked me, “You still having fun?” and I mumbled a muffled affirmative through my gag. My boyfriend is the only one I do any of this sort of longterm bondage with, and I love the feeling of being wrapped up like a present and set aside. I felt like a book put on a shelf—I’m fully there in the room, always accessible, but he paid no attention to me until he wanted to. And he mostly ignored me, leaving me to bask in my confinement for long stretches of time.

Occasionally, I would take a deep breath or adjust my position, and I would feel the ropes tighten around me as my chest expanded. I could feel them encircling my chest and holding everything down, and when I made certain moves, the ropes on the front of my chest would shift a little, swiping across the screen printed numbers on the jersey I was wearing, which was just so delicious. I couldn’t see myself at all, but every little swish of the rope on the jersey was a reminder that I was that bro who lost a bet with his friends or who was tied up by the rival football team. Just trying to live my normal life as a sports player or fan when I was unceremoniously kidnapped.

My breathing continued to slow, and I began to sink into something of a meditative state, each inhale filling my lungs only a little as I relaxed and embraced my situation. I leaned my head back on the chair and savored the moment. I never quite fell asleep entirely, but I could feel my head drooping over to one side or the other as I drifted in and out. It was honestly hard to fall asleep because each new breath brought with it a tightening of the ropes, reminding me of where I was and giving me fresh excitement each time. My mind wandered to and fro, but it always circled back to the sensations of the present: the taste of the bandana in my mouth, the feeling of my clothes pressed tightly to me, the bonds covering my body, at once constricting and comforting.

At one point, other sounds drifted into my ears. My boyfriend had positioned me by the front door, so I could hear what was happening on the other side. A fresh spike of adrenaline flowed through me as I heard some of our neighbors leaving from their apartment door and making their way down the stairs. I could hear them chatting about who knows what, and my heart beat faster at the thrill of being found out. What if they knocked on the door? What if they saw me somehow? As they moved through the apartment complex, they had no idea that I was tied up just a few feet from them. They moved nonchalantly down the hall, with just the thin cheap door keeping them from seeing my total entrapment.

The experience was bliss, but there was one negative. I seemed to have tied my wrists just a bit too tight at the beginning, so I repeatedly had to shake myself out of my meditative state to adjust my hands. I flipped them rightside up and upside down a few times, and shifted in my chair to give them a new angle and some fresh blood flow. A couple fingers went numb, and then I had shift again. However, each adjustment I made reminded me of my bondage, and each move brought with it the sensations I had been relishing. The constriction of rope around my chest, holding me to the chair. The swish of the rope moving across the numbers on my jersey. The movements in my knees and ankles that reminded me that I was tied the whole way down, completely wrapped in rope. Even the necessary adjustments for the sake of my hands directed my mind back to my thrilling capture.

My boyfriend had an appointment with some of his friends later that night, so I knew things couldn’t last forever. I remained tied, gagged, and blindfolded as he got up from the computer and went to cook some food to take to his friends. The sound of the vent over the stove entered my ears, and I could hear sizzling in a skillet. I heard his footsteps coming closer and then felt his hand on my crotch. “Still hard, eh?” he asked. I had no idea how long it had been, but yes, I was definitely still enjoying myself. I remembered that what must have been hours ago, we had sex, but I postponed my release so that I could enjoy my experience of capture. As my dick strained against the jeans and rope holding it down, my boyfriend casually went on to brush his teeth and then went back to the kitchen.

Eventually it was about time for him to go, but not before one more fun thing. “You want to cum?” he asked. I could barely answer as I was so in the headspace, totally relaxed in my bondage, but I managed to mumble another affirmative through the gag. He unzipped my pants, got some lotion, and began finishing me off. I felt a rush of heat flowing through my body, and I didn’t take long at all to reach completion. My boyfriend went to wash his hands, and I knew there was now a nice little mess on my jeans, on my jersey, and on my rope.

I was now sweaty and worked up again, but even then I didn’t want to get out. But I knew I had to, because my boyfriend was not going to leave me there while we hung out with his friends for hours—that would be far too unsafe. Usually when he ties me up and finishes me, he just leaves me to wriggle out of the ropes by myself, which I can usually do. Oftentimes it’s not hard to find a way to slip one hand out from behind my back, which then provides extra slack for the other hand to get out, and with free hands I can get out with no trouble. Also, normally when I tie myself up as I had done today, wrapping myself in rope strewn across the doorknobs and drawers of the apartment, it was never hard to get out. But this time, the addition of the extra rope that my boyfriend had used to secure me to the chair limited my range of motion. I strained hard and could feel the rope tugging at the skin on my hands, but I just could not get one of them free. I was totally trapped, and I would need some help to get out.

I decided to enjoy these last moments of being tied up in a multi-sensory way, so I managed to spit the gag out of my mouth and shake my head enough to dislodge the blindfold. Maybe then I could at least see what I was working with. I was delighted to find myself right in front of the mirror by our front door, so I had a perfect view of everything. My heart beat faster as I panned my eyes from top to bottom. I could see the blindfold and gag hanging loose at my neck, and from then on, so much rope! I took delight in seeing my chest fully bound, and I loved seeing a little bit of the jersey numbers folded up and poking through the rope, reminding me once again of my bro fantasy. I could see the ropes holding me to the chair—the reason I couldn’t free myself. I could see the rope wrapping around my jeans as it encircled my feet and stuck them to the chair. I could see my white socks and move my toes, which was about the only thing that was not fully encased in rope. I loved looking at myself tied up like that. I loved seeing myself in my jersey, in the excessive amount of rope. I loved being a captured bro, falling victim to the rival football team. I never wanted the moment to end.

“Are you even trying to get out?” my boyfriend asked. I told him yeah, but I needed some help, so he undid one knot in the rope holding me to the chair. I wriggled and twisted and was finally able to generate enough slack to lean forward a bit and give myself the space to slip one arm out. After that feat of strength, I leaned back and had to catch my breath, still admiring the sight in the mirror. One hand was loose, but there was still so much rope.

I wriggled some more and got the other hand out, and from there it was easy sailing. I slowly raised my arms, slipping the rope around my chest up and over my head. With my torso free, I freed my feet from the chair and stood up, slipping the rope off of my bottom half as if they were just pants I was taking off. At the end, there was a huge pile of rope on the ground next to my computer chair, and I stood there, collecting myself after the experience. I looked once more at myself in the mirror, thinking I looked hot in this sort of athletic wear, but I was also hot temperature-wise, so things really had to come to an end.I looked once more at the clock by the stove—it was 6:40pm. I had been tied up for over two hours. (And I wanted even more!) I took off my clothes and tossed them and the rope into the laundry basket and took a shower.

My boyfriend was now headed out to hang with his friends, but we chatted a bit first. “Did you like that?” he asked. “You were there for a long time.”

“Yeah,” I answered. “I like bondage for the experience itself, even beyond anything sexual. I just liked being there with you while tied up.”

He raised his eyebrows like he thought I was crazy, but I knew he had some fun too. He knows me and my weird kinks, and he’s fine with it, and he likes the chance to push me around a little or just leave me in the corner for hours.

From there, he went off to his friends, and I was left in the apartment with the memory of an amazing Saturday afternoon in rope.
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Post by Xtc »

Welcome aboard [mention]wolfytie2[/mention]. It's always good to have a new contributor posting here.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
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Post by TightropesEU »

The things we do for our kinks, great story
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Post by MaxRoper »

Great story. Your BF is a true pal for indulging your fantasies (and making sure you had a happy ending). I liked your method of semi-selfbondage, and the mirror at the end was a nice touch.

Welcome to the ranks of TUGs authors, and thanks for posting! I'll be looking for more from you.
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Nice story.

Thanks! :D

Hope you continue!!
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Post by CaptiveDan »

Hey wolfytie2!

Awesome story! Very hot and very relatable (my bf and I have a very similar dynamic, where he's not as in to bondage but will indulge me from time to time after I get myself tied down). I love that meditative state when bound and left alone for a while and you describe it very well
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