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A Story of Experimentation M/Self

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2021 4:39 am
by Jason07
A Story of Experimentation
By: Jason07

Hmmm. Well this is new and nerve wracking experience for me. Long have I watched and read countless stories, never thinking I'd bother writing one myself, let alone one steeped in truth. Nonetheless I am compelled by whatever force that now grips me to share in my experiences that I have undertaken recently. Can't say for how long or how many stories I will attempt to write, but perhaps we will see. Before I continue on, please understand that I am excluding, or obfuscating, certain details from this story for my own reasons, but the story itself is based in truth. Now then on to the juicy bits, such as they are.

My name is Jason. Now, I am something of an older gentleman, or at least I feel older. However, I am somewhat blessed by something of a baby face. I've often been told I look far younger then I am, from 15 to 25, despite the fact I am in my 30's. So picture a young(-ish) man of lower then average height, around 5'3in, weighing in at around 125lbs. My build is relatively skinny, with slightly broad shoulders, a little bit of muscle in the arms. A set of very slightly green hazel set of eyes with brown hair makes up the general facial region.

I have always been a fan of bondage and tie up games, and have participated in many a game in my childhood, and only grew into a kinkier obsession as I grew. Now I've had one or two playmates with which to share my fun, but having been focused on work and hobbies over the last couple years I have had little occasion to practice or have fun with ropes, gags, and general kinkiness. Yet every day I feel its call, like a siren. I long for it, I feel it gathering.

Now, I have amassed something of a small collection of bondage gear over the years, nothing extraordinary, not even a closet's worth, but enough to facilitate some fun. It was the acquisition of some new toys which leads to our story. A pair of Timing Locks. For those who are unaware, timing locks are a type of padlock that has no key. Once locked in, the press of a button keeps them locked for a certain time frame that is imputed beforehand. Set the time for an hour, and said lock will stay locked for one hour and will automatically unlock upon reaching that time frame. Twas this item that drove me to try something I'd rarely experimented in over the years: Self-bondage.

Deprived of a proper partner in crime with which to have ropy-funtimes with, I felt I was left with little choice with options with which to enjoy myself. So I hit upon an idea. Using the Time Locks I could experiment to to try enjoyable self-bondaging experiences for myself. I'm sure some of you could well imagine how this kind of thing could lead to some. . . . . . Embarrassing moments. Thankfully, no one saw me like this, but I can imagine how a few of you might get something of a kick out of this. On with the rest of the story!

So, I'd just gotten the package for my new locks, but patience was paramount, for there are others I have to avoid when undertaking such things. So I went through the motions of getting ready for bed, finishing my other responsibilities, you know, dishes, trash, the usual housekeeping's. Once they were done however, I stole into the depths of the house. Long ago, the basement of the house had been converted into an apartment, complete with kitchen, bathroom, insulation, and two bedrooms. One of the bedrooms was mine, but I used the guest bedroom for my bondage related enjoyments. Overall it was cleaner, the bed was in a better position, and I could enjoy myself more there. So then I grabbed my gear from my closet, and set to work preparing.

Now for those who may not know, self-bondage requires no small amount of planning and forethought for a number of reasons, the primary one being safety. LOTS of things can go wrong during self bondage unless one can adhere to certain safety practices. As such, I had to be careful.

For starters, I started getting undressed. Off went the shirt, but on stayed the pants and shoes. The reason for this was simple. I felt sexy in them. I'd recently had a birthday you see, and with them came the gift of a set of skinny jeans. Black ones with a stylish chain that hung from the belt loops. Somewhat punkish in style, they clung to my legs snugly enough that they felt good, and I could watch myself in the mirror in them forever. And then the shoes were purple Converse, also called Chuck Taylor's, or Chucks. I love these shoes. The canvas also always clung to my feet in a way that I adore.

So, with my outfit on (or half off) I grabbed my gear and started sorting. Four sets of six feet of rope, two sets of 25 feet of rope, two sets of chains, three varieties of wrist cuffs, two sets of ankle cuffs, all with connecting bits, one spandex hood, one collar, and some tiny padlocks with accompanying keys. For gags, I had two ball gags, one with interchangeable sizes, one lockable panel gag, a spider gag, some socks, and several kinds of bandannas. I also had a roll of duct tape and two rolls of bondage tape, the kind that sticks to itself.

I carefully considered my options as I looked over my small collection. I also considered what kind of position might best be employed for a hot session. I decided to try a classic, the spread eagle tie. so I picked up two of the six foot ropes and tied them to the bottom feet of the bed for my legs, then considered where my hands would be affixed. I had to use the chains to make this a true kind of bondage, because it's no fun if you can just get out whenever you want too. So I grabbed the chains and affixed them to the top set of bed feet, as this bed has no headboard, which would have honestly made all this easier, and then grabbed another length of rope to tie across the bed, which kept the chains from slipping over the edges under their own weight and kept them in place to affix my hands later.

Then I started to attach the needed pieces to make this work. I put on the set of ankle cuffs around my ankles over my sexy pants, then put on a set of the wrist cuffs. These cuffs were special because they could be locked on with the little padlocks, which was important for being able to keep me bound in a semi-permanent fashion. It was when I was attaching the padlocks that I began to feel the stirrings in my lower half. I'd be hard as a rock just thinking about it, and I wasn't even in position yet! With my libido working to make itself known I had to think of a way to tie down this monster within.

I grabbed a special sock that lay in a plastic baggy. I was hoping to gag myself with this sock on a special occasion one day, as I'd been using it to jack off into, and tonight was no exception. I unzipped my jeans and pulled my sock over my dick like a fuzzy condom. I could also smell it once I opened the bag. It wasn't that strong yet, but just the whiff of it made my head go places. I shook my head and got back to work. I grabbed a shoelace that was also somewhere in the pile of gear somewhere and I began to tie the monster down. I like the feel of a restrained dick, though I won't say I enjoy any major CBT because pain is a major turn off for me. So I tied up the base of my rapidly swelling monster and then wound it around my balls as well. I then grabbed the vibrator that sat at the bottom of my container of toys. It wasn't anything special, just two vibrating balls or ovals attached by wires to an adjuster with batteries. Looking at them I realized I could try something new that I'd never done before. One I could attack to my balls with a simple cock ring, but the other. . . . . . The other could go somewhere else.

I'd read plenty of stories and seen plenty of porn with anal stuff, but it didn't seem that exciting to me. If anything it'd looked painful having something stuffed up your butt. But these were a lot smaller then a lot of what I'd seen and who knows! Maybe I'd enjoy it. So While my pants were down I braced myself to try and stuff one up there. It went in slowly, but it went in with almost no problem. It was definitely a weird feeling though, having it inside. I glanced at the attached dile on the battery pack and turned it on experimentally. I practically jumped when the buzzing started inside! What a bizarre feeling! Not exactly unpleasant though. I quickly got the other vibrator into a cock ring and got it around my balls. I could feel the whole thing throbbing by now. It wanted to be free and I had trapped it. Instead of trying to squish the whole thing back into my pants I just left my fly open for it to stick out. It was a wonder to behold and look at. But now I had to get back to business.

So, had my cuffs on, had my package all trussed up, now I had to, uh, assume the position. I got my computer and headphones on the bed, made sure to put a bondage porno on it to listen to while I struggled, and then turned my attention to my gag.

Oh you guys. The gagging portion is my favorite part. I cannot describe why. But just watching the act of some poor guy being gagged is somehow hotter then any other scene to me. But for the sake of safety, my option are more limited. Being gagged while bound is more dangerous then you'd think, and that goes double when you are doing it by yourself and putting yourself in a position where you can't spit it out. Same problem with blindfolds. Gotta see what you're doing and such. So, the ball gags, spider gag, and panel gags were out. That left a simple stuffing gag. But not a thorough one. I love the ones where you wrap a sock or jockstrap, or piece of undies under several layers if tape, but for the sake of, again, safety, I opted for a few strips of tape over a single sock stuffed in there. This was also a clean sock too, which was a shame, because I'd love one that was stinkier. I carefully tucked in the sock and then placed the strips of tape over it, feeling the stickiness as I smoothed it out over my cheeks. So now came the hard part.

I grabbed my new timing locks and got up on the bed. First I tied up my ankles with the respective ropes, lacing them through the rings on the cuffs. Then I lay back and put my earbuds in and start the porno. I then get the locks and try to get them attached to both the chains and my wrist cuffs. One gets on ok, after a few minutes of struggling to get the lock lined up, then I press the button to start the countdown. Now there is something of a delay before the lock fully engages. It has a five second delay, during which you can press any button and the timer will reset.

I'd set the countdown for only 20 minutes, because I had work the next day and I didn't want to stay up that late. Now it was time for the other hand. Unlike before, when I had two hands free, this was obviously easier, but trying to lock this thing with one hand was far more challenging. Nevertheless I persevered. And finally, after a few minutes I got it locked in. Now to press the button and start the countdown. I did so. I watched the time tick down knowing that if in a few minutes there was no chance of getting free again for 20 minutes uninterupted minutes.

It was right then that I noticed something was. . . . . . . Off. As I watched the five second timer tick down I briefly looked at the timer on the display. . . . . . . There was one number more then there should have been. . . . . . . . . . Oh no.
The timer hit zero.

So my friends, there I was in the basement, tied to the bed by my ankles and wrists in a classic spread eagle position, with a vibrator attached to my balls, and another lodged firmly in my butt with no way to grab hold of them and give myself some release, gagged with a sock with duct tape over them, listening to a porno I could barely see, but not for a measly 20 minutes. Oh no, I had accidentally hit a button somewhere on one of the locks, and now the timer on the display read: 00.01.20. That's right. Even when the other lock released on time I would be stuck on that bed for an hour and twenty minutes, during which time I could not get out, because my cuffs were locked with padlocks that needed keys that were halfway across the room! And without both hands free I wouldn be unable to untie my feet. I was stuck to that bed, come hell or high water. I almost paniced at the idea of my poor dick and butt suffering for over an hour of vibrating and being unable to reach them. I was at least brought back to reality at the thought that at least ofter 20 minutes my other hand would at least be free. . . . . . . But I would still be stuck to that bed.

And so I tried to enjoy myself by playing with the vibrators a bit, and enjoying my movie. Once the hour and twenty were up I quickly got unlocked and unfastened and gave my poor dick some much needed release.

Overall it was an enjoyable, if not slightly panic stricken, hour and twenty minutes. And so I leave my story hear. Who knows, maybe I'll have another session soon and I can write to you all about that one. You know, provided you all like this one enough. I don't think I'll attempt another session again for a few days though. My poor privates are somewhat upset with me over the last treatment it suffered. . . . . . . . .

Re: A Story of Experimentation M/Self

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 8:18 am
by bondagefreak
Alright, so where do I start?
I should probably start off by pointing out that reading about self-bondage was never my thing.
With that being said, I had no problem giving this tale a full readthrough. Simply put, the narration and naturalistic flow of your writing made this a joy to read even though the subject matter was not my personal cup of tea.

It's a shame we're not closer, as your physical build puts you right in my preference range 8-)

In any case, I'll not bore you with the usual platitudes of why you should be careful and whatnot.
You're already well-versed about the risks involved and from reading what you've written here, you appear to have a solid head on your shoulders.

All in all, this was a fun read and a very solid first story from you.
This section of the forum doesn't get visited that often, but I'm hoping this comment will bump your experience back to the top spot of the forum's "active topics".

Very much looking forward to hearing more from you over the coming days and weeks, [mention]Jason07[/mention].
You write very well and I'm sure some of the forum's self-bondage enthusiasts will get a big kick out of reading how you were stuck like that for four times longer than you'd initially planned.

Thanks for sharing this with us!

Re: A Story of Experimentation M/Self

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2021 3:32 am
by MaxRoper
You have a delightful style. No self-respecting self-bondage story would be complete without some bit of unplanned panic-inducing fun.
I totally enjoyed this and look forward to whatever else you may wish to post. Thanks for taking the time to write and share.

Re: A Story of Experimentation M/Self

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2021 9:25 pm
by Jason07
Max, thank you so much for the kind words. I am glad someone can enjoy my panic inducing mistakes. XDD

I have had other self bondage sessions since then but honestly they haven’t been very fulfilling nor have I had any mistakes since then, because I’m normally very meticulous about the safety precautions I take. I’ve been thinking about possibly attempting a fictional story, which I enjoy writing, but I have a proven record of never finishing. XDDD

All the same, thank you for your kindness.

Re: A Story of Experimentation M/Self

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2021 2:05 am
by bondagefreak
Jason07 wrote: 2 years ago I’ve been thinking about possibly attempting a fictional story, which I enjoy writing, but I have a proven record of never finishing. XDDD
The fear of not being able to complete something shouldn't stop you from at least making the attempt, my friend.
You might be surprised by where it leads you ;)

I for one, very much do hope you try your hand at fictional storytelling.
If you do decide to bless us with one of the fictional works you have in mind, be sure to check this out: GETTING MORE READS AND REVIEWS 101
The subheading about introductions as well as the one pertaining to chapter length and frequency should prove helpful and informative.

Keep us posted!