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What kind of settings do you like in a story?

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2020 11:27 pm
by TomYi
When I'm writing my next story, one of the first things I ask is: Why are they tying each other up? And I like to have a new answer each time. My favourite stories are unique and original ones, but now I'm wondering if that's really what you guys want as well?

Some of my most successful stories have been centered around the more overdone clichés. Burglars, babysitters, and the like. By contrast, my least successful stories have been the ones based on unique scenarios. So, I created this poll to try and figure out what I'm doing wrong.

We all have certain fantasies. Do you only want to read TUG stories that remind you of your own fantasies, or do you like to explore other settings?

Re: What kind of settings do you like in a story?

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 1:01 am
by Red86
A very good question to ask. I am going to go with it's more about the tie-ups, characters and the writing for me. I will read roughly 90% of the stories posted here even if they are outside my general preferences. For example, I prefer M/F or F/M, though I will read all gender stories. Some stories will have parts I do not particularly care for, however if the story line is good, then those parts are not anything to ruin the story for me. Unique & original stories are good and I also have to say I can appreciate new ideas.

Since I have not read any of your other stories yet, I can not comment on them at this time however Alpha Domme definitely caught my attention and I am really enjoying the story!!

*Edit to my original comment, While I did vote for the tie-ups, characters and writing, I wouldn't say the setting doesn't matter. Tie-ups/bondage is what I like to read here but they can be spread throughout a story. I also understand for some writers English is not their main language so I do not judge a story harshly on that. It would be great if every story was in perfect English with proper grammar but I myself fail there sometimes.

Re: What kind of settings do you like in a story?

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2020 12:27 am
by Arkane
I think the setting, or the "plot," should not drown the interesting bits. So I'd like them juicy but short. A new idea is always welcome if within the aforementioned parameters. Original situations and problems (for the bound person) appreciated.

A physical description of the main characters I think is always necessary.

Re: What kind of settings do you like in a story?

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2020 1:13 am
by David Han
Can’t please everyone. Just be you.

Re: What kind of settings do you like in a story?

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2020 2:26 pm
by Beaumains
I completely I agree with Tom. On the one hand, I have written a one-shot babysitter story that has little innovating elements, and on the other hand short stories with new ideas. Sadly, the babysitter story is doing much better.

There are completely different reasons why people read stories here. Maybe, as a writer in this genre, you want to stick out and come up with original ideas, and reading what others do certainly helps. Others, who are not seeking ideas or inspiration search for (adult) entertainment and want a victim to suffer in a predictable way using the same hyperboles over and over. However, even in the cliches you mentioned, there is always room for novelties. For example, having roommates to tie each other up has been done dozens of times, but for many different reasons and their relationship can have many different forms.

Re: What kind of settings do you like in a story?

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2020 5:19 pm
by Gagfan
For me personally its more about the bondage in the story than the setting, however the gist of your problem isnt exclusive to you. There is a reason many of the most popular movies are franchises and why more original ideas fail. People find a certain comfort in the familiar, so a babysitter being snatched or a home invasion with a side of bondage are like the star wars or marvel of bondage concepts so they almost always draw in more attention. I run into the same thing when I write stories, at the end of the day just have fun writing and dont worry about it. If you are concerned about building reputation and popularity though do a mix, bring out the classic scenarios that are popular to bring in eyeballs then drop the occasional unique and fresh concept too. The unique concept probably wont ever do as well, but thats fine!