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Bondage philosophy

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 9:16 pm
by honourthechapter1775
Sorry I haven't been on here in a while folks, been having a tough time of late in my personal life with everything going on around me isn't making it any easier.

Anyhow I wanted to go over your bondage philosophy and what really drives us all toward it and our ever evolving philosophy around it.

Bondage to most people or at least to me is quite a freeing feeling which seems hypocritical as it's the last thing you want to be... It's a place you can video be where you can just lock yourself away from the worries if the world around you and let yourself fall into a sense of relaxation and serenity feeling at peace and ease with life and how everything is. I may sound like a spiritualist but believe me I am far from that.

I consider myself to be somewhat of an amateur philosopher and like to not only express my thoughts and views on certain subjects but I also like to talk to others about them and see their opinion.

The beauty of the human race is that we are all our own person with thoughts and veiws in topics we can all freely express to one and other. Put five people in a room give them a topic of debate to talk about and there not all going to agree or like the same things.

Say for example with bondage some may like certain positions whilst others don't and have their personal preferences with others. Which is completely fine as we're all separate from each other.

Bondage is somewhat of a stress reliever for others where some go for massages we find it far more relaxing to be tied up instead. I think it's because that choice of freedom is cut off and put to bed, where we feel the weight of everything just instantly lifted and in a world of our own. I think it's because the choice is taken from us that forces is to relax and take out any pent up anger and frustration on the ties that bind us.

Yet we realise as much as we struggle, for as hard and as long as we sit there squirming, wriggling, tossing and turning that... There is no way out of it and whilst in some cases it can be a bad thing in others it doesn't have to be.

We can just sink into the comfort of the ties and just come to the acceptance that we're not getting out until we are released which is a comfort to some. My partner in fact has fallen asleep quite a few times whilst in bondage. Granted not for long but still.

I think it's the comfort of knowing we have someone there to look after and protect us from any harm that really drives the hammer home that whatever happens they'll be there for us no matter what.

Modern life isn't easy by any means, we're all so busy rushing around off our feet that we scarcely get chance to really sit back and think about things these days. Though sometimes over thinking things isn't great either which I have to admit I'm quite guilty of myself at times.

If you have anything you would like to add comment below as this isn't some random rumblings of a mad man.

Then again as the Cheshire cat once said

"We're all mad here"

Re: Bondage philosophy

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 11:04 pm
by Svpmissive
I think for some people, bondage is freeing because it is eliminating the thousands of choices provided by a moment in life. Instead of being able to do anything, it essentially comes down to a matter of escape or relax and let go.

Re: Bondage philosophy

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2021 5:38 am
by honourthechapter1775
honourthechapter1775 wrote: 2 years ago Sorry I haven't been on here in a while folks, been having a tough time of late in my personal life with everything going on around me isn't making it any easier.

Anyhow I wanted to go over your bondage philosophy and what really drives us all toward it and our ever evolving philosophy around it.

Bondage to most people or at least to me is quite a freeing feeling which seems hypocritical as it's the last thing you want to be... It's a place you can video be where you can just lock yourself away from the worries if the world around you and let yourself fall into a sense of relaxation and serenity feeling at peace and ease with life and how everything is. I may sound like a spiritualist but believe me I am far from that.

I consider myself to be somewhat of an amateur philosopher and like to not only express my thoughts and views on certain subjects but I also like to talk to others about them and see their opinion.

The beauty of the human race is that we are all our own person with thoughts and veiws in topics we can all freely express to one and other. Put five people in a room give them a topic of debate to talk about and there not all going to agree or like the same things.

Say for example with bondage some may like certain positions whilst others don't and have their personal preferences with others. Which is completely fine as we're all separate from each other.

Bondage is somewhat of a stress reliever for others where some go for massages we find it far more relaxing to be tied up instead. I think it's because that choice of freedom is cut off and put to bed, where we feel the weight of everything just instantly lifted and in a world of our own. I think it's because the choice is taken from us that forces is to relax and take out any pent up anger and frustration on the ties that bind us.

Yet we realise as much as we struggle, for as hard and as long as we sit there squirming, wriggling, tossing and turning that... There is no way out of it and whilst in some cases it can be a bad thing in others it doesn't have to be.

We can just sink into the comfort of the ties and just come to the acceptance that we're not getting out until we are released which is a comfort to some. My partner in fact has fallen asleep quite a few times whilst in bondage. Granted not for long but still.

I think it's the comfort of knowing we have someone there to look after and protect us from any harm that really drives the hammer home that whatever happens they'll be there for us no matter what.

Modern life isn't easy by any means, we're all so busy rushing around off our feet that we scarcely get chance to really sit back and think about things these days. Though sometimes over thinking things isn't great either which I have to admit I'm quite guilty of myself at times.

If you have anything you would like to add comment below as this isn't some random rumblings of a mad man.

Then again as the Cheshire cat once said

"We're all mad here"

Re: Bondage philosophy

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2021 11:03 pm
by jackroper
Bondage seems more related to psychology than philosophy, unless you're into Stoicism perhaps. Our natural state of being "appears" to be freedom, yet in reality we are heavily conditioned from birth and by middle age the burden becomes almost unbearable, if not at a younger age.
The world indeed sometimes seems mad, thus the need to escape from "what is."
Paradoxically, bondage can be liberating in that brief window of confinement, which can be enough to ameliorate the pressures of life, especially if it is followed by a sexual release.
There is also a great deal of psychodrama involved, even to the point of sadism, which is one's capacity for cruelty. To NOT cross that line is tricky, which is why, other than for fundamentalist religious reasons, bondage is frowned upon.
Yet, Christian iconography, let alone much of the violence in the Bible, seems to encourage masochistic tendencies (see Jesus on the Cross and flagellation).
There is indeed great paradox in bondage. many hatha yoga poses appear to be forms of bondage, or restraint, possible a much more refined form of liberation.
What do you feel?

Re: Bondage philosophy

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2021 7:23 am
by honourthechapter1775
Svpmissive wrote: 2 years ago I think for some people, bondage is freeing because it is eliminating the thousands of choices provided by a moment in life. Instead of being able to do anything, it essentially comes down to a matter of escape or relax and let go.
Oh I really couldn't agree more Svpmissivemisve on that when your in a situation like that you feel like you can just let everything go and really melt into your bonds and put any worries and thoughts aside that maybe worrying you. It becomes almost like a distant memory and you sink futher into the bondage as a whole as you don't have to worry about it as you focus on then and there instead of anything.

Re: Bondage philosophy

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2021 7:37 am
by honourthechapter1775
jackroper wrote: 2 years ago Bondage seems more related to psychology than philosophy, unless you're into Stoicism perhaps. Our natural state of being "appears" to be freedom, yet in reality we are heavily conditioned from birth and by middle age the burden becomes almost unbearable, if not at a younger age.
The world indeed sometimes seems mad, thus the need to escape from "what is."
Paradoxically, bondage can be liberating in that brief window of confinement, which can be enough to ameliorate the pressures of life, especially if it is followed by a sexual release.
There is also a great deal of psychodrama involved, even to the point of sadism, which is one's capacity for cruelty. To NOT cross that line is tricky, which is why, other than for fundamentalist religious reasons, bondage is frowned upon.
Yet, Christian iconography, let alone much of the violence in the Bible, seems to encourage masochistic tendencies (see Jesus on the Cross and flagellation).
There is indeed great paradox in bondage. many hatha yoga poses appear to be forms of bondage, or restraint, possible a much more refined form of liberation.
What do you feel?
Well Jackroper

I still think as a brit especially that bondage and especially sex is still a very niche and vulgar subject that is frowned upon. At least that's from my perspective of things at least as we are known as a nation of prudes and not everyone is very accepting of it.

Maybe because it's not the norm to them they frown upon it because they're ashamed of it or like to play the blame game. I'm not into all the BDSM crowd just the bondage but I know it's been blamed for its fair share of things in its time unfairly by others because they don't like it and because of that it has a tendency to have a bad wrap for a lot of things.

I think we all need a break at time in life (even if it's been several months for me) but that's another subject. Let's just say I haven't been able to practice it in sometime.

It does feel very soul reliving and a great distresser as for sexual release I haven't yet had the luxury of expressing that through bondage as it yet. It maybe a question I'll return to in future.

Religion not to speak ill of it doesn't seem to have helped in the situation either when it comes to bondage or anything really but I'll leave that at that as I don't want to offend anyone.

I hate to admit it but the fifty shades trilogy helped a great deal when they were released as they opened people up to a new world some had only guessed what it was like before taking the plunge and I hope not all have been disappointed when they have.

As for myself I do sense a feeling of liberation and release despite being tied it has a strange effect as there the exact polar opposite of each other. But it feels wonderful and I'm drawn to it naturally like a moth to a light. It feels right.

It's so fascinating talking about the physiology of bondage itself and seeing what makes us tick and why we are so drawn to it the way we are.

Re: Bondage philosophy

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 6:38 pm
by jackroper
Very true Honor,
Bondage is a great release even without the sexual component. It is also quite meditative, especially if its done so that you are confined but not in any deliberate pain. The subject of restraint comes up in many forms across the spectrum of human action.

Re: Bondage philosophy

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 12:04 pm
by drawscore
Since I was young, I always looked upon bondage as a contest; a game; a challenge; or a dare. A fun activity, like baseball, football, or even a board game.

We had our rules, but the three primary ones, were:

1. This is supposed to be fun for both the captor and the captive, especially the captive. When it stops being fun, it's time to quit.

2. If someone is tied, and wants to be untied, he is immediately untied, period. No questions asked.

3. Nobody is ever left tied up alone. Someone is ALWAYS tied with him, or he is being watched by a captor.

We had other "unofficial" rules, like, for the older kids, "Once every 10-12 times, pretend you can't escape when one of the 9-10 year olds ties you up," and "When you have three or four 'little kids' tied up, make sure one of them can get out fairly easy."


Re: Bondage philosophy

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 1:03 pm
by Lucky Lottie
I rarely consider the philosophical side of bondage but... *dons philosophers hat* ...I'll try to explain it as I see it.

Bondage encompasses every emotion I'd otherwise neglect.

I am a very non-sexual person (see: Asexual), as such I can't build close intimate relationships with people under normal circumstances. Bondage fills the gap. From the second the rope touches me the dance between rigger and bunny has begun. I engage by simply being one part of a whole. I have no other in my life nor do they in the moments we tie. There are levels of intimacy with every performance. A rigger and bunny may move as one, instinctual movements from the bunny as if lead along by the riggers will alone. All the way down to the stiffness of a first time rigger and bunny crashing into each other, which I can only equate to the intimacy of fucking a door knob. It's not necessarily sexual, but it's hard to doubt that any less of a dance was performed.

As an introvert engagement with people is often draining. So little time to express emotions before I'm drained to apathy. A bondage session can start with a buzz or grow from a lull. The bratty cheerfulness I express turns to excitement when the game begins. A sharp turn to feigned anger when the rope pinches. Naivete brings hope during the struggle. Then concern when the ropes no longer budge. A wave of calm as I accept my fate. A sleepy lull in the calm. Terror when seeing the approach to my feet. Energetic muffled laughter from the tickles. Newly founded distrust in the rest between tortures. The gentle slip into euphoria as subspace sets in. Abandonment in the dark. Fear when communication is totally cut off. Teary struggles with pain. A blissful welcome when they return. A wave of relief when the ropes are undone. Belonging when cuddled and cared for. Fulfilment when sleep comes.

Many, many emotions to be had, and I utter no words once the gags are set in.

I don't ponder the reasons behind bondage so much anymore. I've realised more with every tie that it's a feeling to be had not a thought to be processed. Maybe the philosophers hat is making my brain go fuzzy and my words to waffle but right now at almost exactly 11pm on a Tuesday night, an hour past my bed time, and a little over two hours since I was last tied up, this is my bondage philosophy. Very likely to change perceptions once the high of tonight's session wears thin and a good sleep sets in.

Re: Bondage philosophy

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 4:50 am
by honourthechapter1775
Thanks for the replies Drawscore and lucky lotte. I found both your accountancy interesting I only have one question what exactly is a role bunny? I have heard of the term before here and there but I'm not all too sure what it means as a whole. Two hours since you were last tied up hey? Your lucky last time I was tied was easily several months ago I'm sad to say.

It's fascinating looking into the physce, of bondage as a whole and what it means to people not only in its physical form but in their mental and emotional form as well as we all this. We all interpret things differently as we're all individuals and so it's interesting in this forum and on this site to see how one person's opinion and or experience may differ from another's depending on what they do and how they look on it afterwards.

I think it is emotional feeling in bondage be it an expression of love passed on through your connection in the ropes or another reason there is definitely a connection between the binder and the bunny as you call it.

A deep element of trust has to be implement to first allow this to happen as without it being a two way street there simply isn't a connection there to allow it to take place. Not only in the physical form of binding but in the mental realm of each person's mind as they have to trust the other person entirely when doing the binding process.

It's such a fascinating topic, thanks for commenting.

Re: Bondage philosophy

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 6:31 am
by Lucky Lottie
honourthechapter1775 wrote: 2 years ago Thanks for the replies Drawscore and lucky lotte. I found both your accountancy interesting I only have one question what exactly is a role bunny? I have heard of the term before here and there but I'm not all too sure what it means as a whole. Two hours since you were last tied up hey? Your lucky last time I was tied was easily several months ago I'm sad to say.

It's fascinating looking into the physce, of bondage as a whole and what it means to people not only in its physical form but in their mental and emotional form as well as we all this. We all interpret things differently as we're all individuals and so it's interesting in this forum and on this site to see how one person's opinion and or experience may differ from another's depending on what they do and how they look on it afterwards.

I think it is emotional feeling in bondage be it an expression of love passed on through your connection in the ropes or another reason there is definitely a connection between the binder and the bunny as you call it.

A deep element of trust has to be implement to first allow this to happen as without it being a two way street there simply isn't a connection there to allow it to take place. Not only in the physical form of binding but in the mental realm of each person's mind as they have to trust the other person entirely when doing the binding process.

It's such a fascinating topic, thanks for commenting.
Thanks for starting the thread. Sometimes it's fun to talk about the nuances of bondage.

A 'rope bunny' is a term used quite openly in some kink/ bondage groups. My local community uses it interchangeably with 'sub' or 'submissive' or 'rope bottom'. There are plenty of opinions on where it came from and what it really implies. I've heard some opinions as extreme as to say it's derogatory to the person being tied up, as to say they are as replaceable as any rabbit, which is kind of a *meh* take on the whole thing. I find it endearing.

Personally I use 'rope bunny' because 'submissive' is often used in more sexual context and 'rope bottom' is just way to formal. I think bunnies are bouncy and fun, and so is rope (at least when I'm involved :lol: ). Every group will use different terminology depending on where they learn from. My local group is predominantly focused on 'Shibari'. It's a Japanese rope style with a bunch of history but is widely used as an art form. Because of the derived nature of it's terms teachers and tutorials will often use more descriptive terms rather than suggestive. You'll have a 'rope top' who will be doing the tying and the 'rope bottom' who will be tied. Because partners are often well known to each other it'd be a little flat to simply refer to your partner as a 'rope bottom' which is why more endearing terms like 'bunny' are used. That's just my take... and I'm waffling again.

Re: Bondage philosophy

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2021 8:22 am
by honourthechapter1775
Thanks for clearing that up for me lucky lotte as I had heard the term before but I wasn't all.too sure where it came from it how it's used or implied with different people so that makes everything easier as a whole. It's surprising now many words and terminology goes into it when you really stand back and take a look at it all.

I wish I had a local community where I could comfortably converse and practice bondage freely amongst people of a like minded nature. The problem I find someone with fear old England is that we're all still though very prudish and because of that we don't like to talk about things like that as they're frowned upon.

Still I'm not sure there are even any around my area and if I would even be comfortable going to one of my girlfriend for that matter.