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What got you into bondage?

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2018 6:19 pm
by David Han
What event sparked your bondage interest? Mine was my 9th birthday when my cousins tied and tickled me.

Re: What got you into bondage?

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2018 6:22 pm
by TickleTorture
Around that time for me, I was at m aunt's house for the summer and I knew I liked tickling, but then I started self tying when she wasn't around and enjoyed it. Tried to annoy her into tying me up and tickling but obviously didn't work :lol: :lol:

Re: What got you into bondage?

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2018 6:47 pm
by Canuck100
I always “had it in me”, for as far back as I remember. I must have been 8 or 9 when I asked my father to tie my hands together, just to see how it felt. At the same age, I remember secretly wishing to be tied up by my classmates, girls or boys (or to tie them up)

Re: What got you into bondage?

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2018 7:16 pm
by kevweasley
Probably seeing some guys bound and gagged on TV :).

Re: What got you into bondage?

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2018 10:44 pm
by Deleted User 2201
This I don't really know. It was from shows and movies I'm sure, I used to watch clips on old timey YouTube which is how I learnt about all this stuff. I don't know how it came to that point, it seems like some kind of natural evolution. There where a lot of classic clips I'd watch that are long gone.

The whole idea of me in a bondage fantasy didn't come till muuuuch later, I just happened to think of it after seeing so much.

Re: What got you into bondage?

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2018 11:32 pm
by Vixen
As corny as It seems I have to say "This site!" This site did this to me! *cries*

No but for real tough it's quite true frankly I was a young and innocent girl looking around the internet for some fresh memes and dank content when I found this place randomly and well... reading and puberty... yeah... and now ? I'm A mod of this place. In a way that's why I Hold it so dear it's because It was the first place where I could really have my own twisted fantasies out trough RP and Reading and gosh that helped me in my stupid life.
[mention]LordNelson[/mention] was and still is my best friend to this day as he really helped me with my fetish for bondage and other unspeakable lewd things but I don't forget my friends like: @Boundjana or Others I love so much ♡ ~ Nicol Best girl

But yeah this place... is what got me to the lewd world of bdsm and it's for life I think so thanks...thanks guys and gals!

Re: What got you into bondage?

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2018 11:44 pm
by Silkenvixen
I wasn't even in school yet, I was maybe 5 or 6 I think. I wandered into the family room where my sister was watching a movie on TV, black and white, on the screen were three men, the well-dressed gangster types, a noise in the background. Then the camera showed what they were looking down at and where the sound was coming from, a woman was laying on a bed, her hands tied to the headboard, a piece of white adhesive tape over her mouth, she was wide-eyed and "MMMFFPH"ing, pleading with her captors. I was glued to the spot and the seed was planted.

Re: What got you into bondage?

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 3:59 am
by drawscore
When Iwas young, my best friend was in to it both ways. He liked to tie me up, but also liked it when I tied him. We started small, just tying each other's hands in front, and not even bothering with the ankles. It took about six weeks for us to get into tying each other's hands behind the back, and adding gags (handkerchiefs, bandanas, and our cub scout neckerchiefs.

Then, one weekend, I was spending the nights with Mike, and his parents had to go out. They called an older boy, Seymour, but everybody called him "Buzzy." As soon as he got there, Mike's parents left, He came up to Mike's room, where Mike had my hands tied behind me, my feet tied together, and he was just about to gag me with a bandana.

As soon as Mike had gagged me, Buzzy grabbed him, and, being four years older, and a whole lot stronger, pinned and tied Mike's hands behind him, then slipped a loop over his feet, and wrapped it several times around his ankled, then tied it off. Buzzy got two more pieces of rope, and tied our arms. I remembered thinking that this was the first time either one of us had our arms tied,

Buzzy sat Mike next to me, and I was hit with a wave of excitement. "This is so neat, bein' tied up with my best friend like this!" I thought, as I watched Buzzy laugh at us, and listened to Mike "mmmppfff through his gag.

I got out fairly easily, since I had been tied by Mike, and he wasn't very good. I had to help Mike get loose, as Buzzy had tied him, and was considerably better at tying up captives.

Buzzy let us tie him up, and it was a joke. It took him less than five minutes each time, then we let Buzzy tie us up again, and neither of us could get loose. He let us sit for 15 or so minutes before untying us. We loved every minute of it, as our eight year old imaginations ran wild with thoughts of being kidnapped, captured by Indians and outlaws, and even being held prisoner by the kids from Den 6.

Mike was saying what I was thinking - that it was really cool. being tied up together. After that, we hung out with Buzzy a lot. Mike and I still tied each other up, but we both thought it was so much more fun when we got tied up together.


Re: What got you into bondage?

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 5:29 am
by shyguy92
Nothing specific comes to mind, although I've posted about my earliest experience. Think I was about 5 or 6.
Fascination's always been there, but it took forever to put an actual name to it.

Re: What got you into bondage?

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 2:10 pm
by Nexus
shyguy92 wrote: 5 years ago Fascination's always been there, but it took forever to put an actual name to it.
Sums it up for me pretty well too. As young as I can remember I took special interest in bondage scenes in movies and TV. When I was 12 or 13 I thought to look it up on the internet (which was actually quite new at the time, haha). I immediately found many sites to satisfy my bondage curiosity, including a veeeeery early version of this site.

Re: What got you into bondage?

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 8:19 am
by Straitjacketed
I don't know, it was always just there for as long as I can remember. In kindergarten, there was a girl with whom I used to play a game called The Princess and the Robber, where I was surprised in the act of burgling her castle and got tied up then shouted for help so I had to be gagged.

All just pretend, no actual tying/gagging. That came later, in playground games of Batman & Robin. All the boys wanted to be Batman except me: I'd volunteer to be Robin, who could be relied upon to fall into the villain's dastardly traps.

From those early starts, a host of references in comics (Tintin and Asterix as well as the more usual superhero stuff), kids' stories then thriller and western novels for adults (Alistair Maclean was a formative writer), films and television, etc. I remember discovering 9 to 5 in the '80s and thinking it'd be just perfect if instead of Dolly Parton and Jane Fonda, Dabney Coleman had been trussed up by big, burly men... so the liking for bondage was there before my sexuality crystallised.

Re: What got you into bondage?

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 12:57 pm
by Tieup1
As far as I can remember, I was at my cousin's house. I found one of her books in a spare room. It was just a girl's annual. There was a story in it where a girl was kidnapped, and luckily, there was a picture too, of a girl bound hand and foot, and gagged. I think that's what started it. ;)

Re: What got you into bondage?

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 3:37 pm
by TieUpUncle
Penny from Inspector Gadget kicked it off for me.

Re: What got you into bondage?

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 5:21 am
by Yveltal
My oldest memories of it was when l was like 5. Saw some girls tied up in a cartoon and boom. Next thing you know, I'm trying to tie myself up.

Re: What got you into bondage?

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 6:25 pm
by SweetDamsel
I think for me it was just seeing a damsel tied to the tracks by a villain on a commercial or cartoon. That scene showed up a few times when I was a kid and at some point I realized I wanted to be the poor helpless damsel in distress. I didn’t have anyone to play tie-up games with, except once with my sisters when we played Indians and each of us took a turn as the poor damsel tied to a post to be burned at the stake. But I did tie myself up when no one else was home and pretended a moustache-twirling villain had tied me to the tracks.

Re: What got you into bondage?

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 10:34 pm
by Abird
I can't remember the exact moment but I was quite young when I figured out I liked guys tied up (it would be far later when I figured out I also liked guys in general). A bit of searching and I found the earlier version of this forum. Though there was a lot of lurking before I actually started to contribute.

Re: What got you into bondage?

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 11:31 pm
by Marrin
For me, it was getting arrested (minor stuff lol). I got handcuffed behind my back, and it kind of jolted me into this sort of thing. Kind of a unique way, but hardly the worst, I'd say, lol. I actually posted something about the experience maybe a month or so ago.

I discovered the old site maybe 6 months before it went down and lurked there a lot. There was someone there with a similar experience to mine and that's how I found it in the first place. I was so happy to see this new site come up, and here I am.

Re: What got you into bondage?

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 3:18 pm
by wrathofcon
An old episode of the Muppet show, gues starring Rachel Welch. One number had her fighting a giant spider, who grabbed her and webbed her up briefly during the number. I have been fascinated with bondage ever since

Re: What got you into bondage?

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 7:46 am
by illest
I can't pinpoint one thing, but there's quite a few hints in my childhood. As far back as I can remember, my cousin used to try to tie me up/hogtie me with jump rope while I was sleep and I used to feign taking a nap for that purpose. I used to watch Inspector Gadget partially to see Penny get tied. I used to have reoccurring dreams of being tied up or wrapped up in some way, usually after being knocked out(used to have a fantasy for being put to sleep prior to being old enough to learn about brain damage). A lot of them had me suspended as well, so the idea of free floating while bound was also extremely appealing to me. I've dabbed in self-suspension, not so much after learning the risks however.

Re: What got you into bondage?

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 12:54 pm
by Handsome Scoundrel
At some point I recall seeing Leslie Nielsen getting bound and gagged in a hilarious scene that I laugh at to this day (found here: I think it was shortly after the film (Naked Gun 2 1/2) came out on video, so I was roughly 4 or 5. Around the same time I had a cute teenage girl for a babysitter who I believe to be my "tie up and gag me muse" (I can't remember for sure if she was just indulging me by letting me tie her up all the time or if she indeed introduced the "interesting character trait" to me.) I knew from as long as I can remember that I liked men and women in ropes, and that the gag was my favorite part.

I do recall April O'neil, Daphne Blake and Penny gadget being important, but the naked gun scene, for it's comedic sense and excellent gagtalk really did it for me.

Edit: Let's not forget about disney, it's really hard to parse whether Alladin or the naked gun might have done it. Shoot it could have been the babysitter.

Re: What got you into bondage?

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 6:24 pm
by Barefoot99
the feeling of being tied up

Re: What got you into bondage?

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 8:42 pm
by Plueschbabycd
Hello, Now not so sure but it I think it was mixture out of children TV series and shows from escape artist. By way learn,to the search the english titles who written by Enid Blyton like "The Famous Five" and other was also from her. I only know only how was called in Germany.

Re: What got you into bondage?

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 3:02 am
by Gagfan
Like most likely seeing bondage on television. One of the earliest scenes I can remember seeing and enjoying was April practically rope mummified to a chair in one of the first ninja turtle cartoon episodes.

Re: What got you into bondage?

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 3:35 am
by Deleted User 2217
I think I was always fascinated by it, like I would tie up my sister's barbies just for fun. A few babysitters ended up being very loosely "tied up" by my siblings and I.
But I think what really convinced me was around 4th or 5th grade when I was watching Gilligan's Island reruns. It was the episode with the headhunter, and Ginger and Mary Ann get kidnapped, tied to poles, and gagged. Quality work.

Re: What got you into bondage?

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 9:33 am
by TUGS1930
Canuck100 wrote: 5 years ago I always “had it in me”, for as far back as I remember. I must have been 8 or 9 when I asked my father to tie my hands together, just to see how it felt. At the same age, I remember secretly wishing to be tied up by my classmates, girls or boys (or to tie them up)
Same with me, I've always been into getting tied up, tying others, watching scenes. I've just always had a thing for it, my whole life!