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If you could live your life again

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2022 8:34 am
by zelda 99
If you could live your life again how would you others bring to tie you up without showing your love of bondage.

Re: If you could live your life again

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2022 12:08 pm
by zelda 99
For example, when I was a child, I played police with my neighbor. if i could relive that time i would definitely have bought a pair of handcuffs

Re: If you could live your life again

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2022 1:39 pm
by AlexUSA3
If I could do it again,
(1) There are two or three people I really hurt along the way. Don't do that again.
(2) Push to leave my mothers house so that I could enjoy TUGs with college friends while we're still young and energetic and willing to do crazy things.

Re: If you could live your life again

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2022 5:09 pm
by Nexus
A few things I’d do differently in my bondage experiences:

- when I had a sexual fling with an attractive friend of mine, I would have brought bondage to the table. Once the fling was over and she found a boyfriend I THEN learned that she was already into bondage and would have played with me, but it was too late.

- I had an unfortunate TUG that ended badly due to massive irresponsibility on my part. I will always regret that and wish it never happened or that I could fix it.

- over the course of my marriage I should/would have communicated my passion for bondage better with my wife. The end result could have either been more bondage with the wife, or an earlier end to my marriage without all the pain and heartache that came from the way I actually handled things.

Yeah none of that is very happy, but that’s why I want to redo it, right?

Re: If you could live your life again

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2022 8:56 pm
by captured_prize
If I could do it again, I would love to find a way to do more crossdressing and bondage while I was in college. It wouldn't have been easy to do so, but I'm sure I could have found a way. With proper makeup and crossdressing techniques, 20 year old me probably could've passed for a biological woman. Also, having more self bondage sessions would have greatly helped with my stress levels in college.