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A Martial Art of restraining

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2022 1:41 pm
by Choupichamp
Hey there !

I never thought about finding an art that mix my passion and my kink, but life is always surprising...

As a martial arts teacher, I often go to events around it. This time it was a kind of stage with many different disciplines.
Nothing special before I saw a guy showing a defence technique by holding a rope. My attention immediatly focused on these (I wonder why).
It appeared that the guy was restraining his opponent and at the same time defending himself in a punch attack.
I was in real fascination and a little scared too (especially because I never share or talk about my attraction for bondage with anyone).

But I found the courage to talk to him. He explained me he practice Hojojutsu, an ancien martial art based on rope, and used especially by Japanese police before handcuffs.
One of the aspect is that the restriction has to be done without visible knots (because of the honor of the captive).
He then told me that there are 2 ways in practice :
- The Quick rope, must be done within 10 seconds, but less effective. Developped to restrain a reluctant one. In my opinion, the most interesting way, because it must be quick, accurate, and let you time to flee or perform other things (keep in mind it still a martial art)
- The Effective rope, slower, mostly based on aestheticism. And of course effectiveness, because the ties must have a certain durability.

I found it very interesting, so I made some searches, and it appears that this art became rare. We have a big master in France as I saw, but the number of photos or videos are a little poor, especially for the first way.

VoilĂ  ! What do you think about it ? Did you know it ? Or something like that ?

Thanks for reading my huge text :D

Re: A Martial Art of restraining

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2022 3:02 pm
by tiedinbluetights
Wow! Thanks for sharing this find! I'm personally not into martial arts, but I'm always keen to learn about new things. I'm glad you found something that combines your passion for martial arts and your kink for restraining. It is precious indeed to find such a combo.

Re: A Martial Art of restraining

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2022 9:18 pm
by captured_prize
That was a nice read as I'm a practicing martial artist myself. I have heard of Hojojutsu, but never seen it demonstrated it before.

Re: A Martial Art of restraining

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2022 5:46 am
by wataru14
I've seen several videos on Youtube over the years, but it is a more rare discipline. A lot of the ones I have are pretty old.