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Looking for a certain website

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2019 1:26 am
by mikeybound
Perhaps this is the wrong section, but I’m looking for an old story website that I lost track of. My only memories of it is some vague descriptions of stories. One where a participant’s deaf mom was sleeping nearby, another where a babysitter tied his charge’s arms to his legs in front, gagged him and used hot metal to torture his nipples, another involving a trail hike in shackles, and another where someone hogchained himself to the passenger seat of a truck, gagged hooded and blindfolded himself, and waited for his “kidnapper”. Also some naval gazing about the site owner’s early exposure to dominance and male bondage through cops and stuff. I also think it was related to boundandgagged magazine and bob wingate, but those aren’t turning anything up.

Re: Looking for a certain website

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2019 10:50 am
by Xtc
The tale bout the truck sonds like it could be one of "Snowbound's" later tales on the old site.